HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-09, Page 10Page 9 The Times•Atav+ ate, July.:9, '1959 Cubs host J.. McCurdyt • school to parents A very successful parentis ' '.night for First Exeter `A' Cub announces prornotuon Pack washeld Wednesday eve - nine, June Lf at the Scout hall. At the open. program. New Chums,. Randy Jones and Danny Laing, were invested into the movement. Invested with his first star was. David Frayne.. The rest of.the program was held outdoors, and games were played :by the Cubs and parents, • ,c - n relay Fac s n pot nil r ea and n cud i g Y city games. Following the fun and games there was a camp- fire progr•am in which the par- ents pertierpated along with the Cubs, in skits, yells and. songs. At the Campfire Reil Six were presented with Cub Crests, for being the best six and ending up the year with the most points. Some of the requirements were attendance, attitude, appearance, tests passed etc. After the camp• fire there was a weiner roast with many wieners and rolls consumed, along with hot coffee for the parents and chocolate milk for the Cubs. This wound up the year for A Pack until fall, and a good time was had by all. Cubmaster Harold Sissons and his assistants Jean Taylor and Maxine Reeder extended sin• eere thanks to parents who turn- ed out, ng GRAPE. tog Teacher.—John B. McCarroll Carol Allen, Gayle Brown, Claire Chabot, Brian Dolan, Lona Kay Glenn, Anthony Humphreys, Sharon Kelly, Katherine- Keon,. Dorothy LeBotttillier, Stanley I.e Ken- nethLesnick, Dianne McLeod, en neth Miles, Stirling Palmer,. Judith Rawson, .Shirley Roper, Merle Stevens, Dennis Swanson, GRADE1to8 Teacher—Ronald G, Heinrich John .Ailey, Mareelle Allaert, Wayne Ananny, Kenneth Ander- son, Raymond Ashbttry, Ann Ben- ning, William Bradley, William Bray, Elaine Destobel, Barbara Galbraith, Lylene Halladay, Nel- Son Harnden, 1'alrie Herbert, Arthur Horrell, Rae Hunt, Patri- cia Keller, Andrew Kenyon, Garry King, Shirley Lightfoot, Marjorie 114aePhee, Katherine McNeil, Cheryl Miskey, Lynn Atiskey, Arthur Palmer, Earl Palmer, Gayie Redman, John Richards, Marilyn Taylor, Karen Walker, Trevor Whiteford, GRADE6to7. Teacher—Wesley Heywood Barbara. Amos, Thelma Amos, Richard Benning, Barbara Bide - well, Brian well, Larraine Bradley, Brown, Sylvia Cooke, Julie De- vooght, Brian Dunbar, Frederick Elwgren, Terrence Fisher, Rich- ard Fletcher, Maureen Gardner, Douglas Heiman; Dorothy Jen- ning, Bryan Lapeer, Glenn La- tour, George LeBoutillier, Peter McLeod, Frank Mitchell, Donna Roger Penner,Barry Murphy, I4 1 Poitras,l Ethel Tasker, Gordon Turnbull, Richard Trainer, Ivan Willert. Teacher—John Butler Robert Benning, William Bird, Lynnda Clark, Peggy Cocker, Douglas Dempster, Christine Dur- kin, Penny Fallis, Brian Haber, Dexter Harker, Valera Lowry, Callum McPhee, Marilyn Piroth, Wayne Poitras, Donald Remple, Lorraine Robertson, Robert Stone, William Tasker, Paul Van- Goozen, GRADE 5 to 6 Teacher—John Butler Richard. Ashton, Linda Bundy, Lynn Hunt, Lynn Lesnick, Ron- ald Maxwell, Richard. McIntyre, Sandra. Rideout, Valerie Stevens, Murray Swanson, Stuart Syme, William Taylor, Charles Tomlin- son. Teacher—Emma I. MacDonald William Allen, Heather Ananny, April Ashbury, Thomas Austin, Richard. Banks, Ronald Car- michael, Sharon Carpenter, Rich- ard Chabot, Bruce Clark, Ronald Corbin, .Diana Doucette, Susanne Dugre, Barbara Easton, Robert }1alliwell, Jimmy Holman, Ken- t rreth Horrell, Douglas Russell, Elizabeth Jones, David Kelly, Lynda Lapeer, Victoria Le Gros, Gail. Lennox, Inez Lightfoot, Don- na MacLeod, Adele Muirhead, James Nichols, Ann Overton, Wayne Page, Claudia Palmer, Linda Perry; Paul Taylor. Teacher—Miss Terry Daneff Susan Ellis, Neil. Hall, Donald ' MacKellar, Alison Mitchell, Kath- ryn Riddell, Geoffrey Southall. GRADE 4 to 5 Teacher—Frances Walker Katherine Bidewell, Patricia Bane, Ellen :Doucette, David Durkin, Michael Elwgren, Ron- ald Fletcher, Wayne' Gagne, Michael Gray, Michael llickey, Richard Illingworth, Curtis Johns- ton, Robert Lowry, Fred Mor- ris, Penelope Muirhead, Berna- dette Owens, Leigh P'almer, Dan- ny Snell. James Storie, Barbara Taylor, Bruce VanGoozen, Shar- on Wheeler. Teacher—Miss Terry Daneff Thomas Allen, Faye Ananny, David Ayres, Tyson :Birkett,. Richard Cooke, Shirley Destobel, Richard Dolan, Lynne Dunning, Ronald. Ellis, David Fallis, Stephen Forster, Robert Grayer, Robert Herbert, Ian' Howard,' Michael Hull, Judith Legros, Judith Lesnick, Marie Marshall, Mary -Lou Southall, Ronald Tay- lor, Janice 'Turner, GRADE 3 to 4 Teacher—Margaret J, Grieve Jack Banks, Robert Carpenter', Gloria Corbin, Arthur. Crossman Debra Deane, Gary Dragomir, Lynn Ferguson, Allan Flint, Peg- gy Gagne. Gary Hamilton, Derek Harker, Brenda Holman, Neil Hunt, Donald Husson, William Jennings, Kevin Keon, Edward Knoblauc.h, Laclena Latour, Shir- ley LeBoutillier, Deborah Lowry, Douglas McPhee, James Mc- • rienamon, Wendy Muirhead, Don- ald Nichols, Sarah Owens, Rob- ert Perry, Raymond Riddell, El- len Robbins, David. Simpson, Christine Smith, Allen Taylor, Wendy 'Trainor, Sandra Walker, Barbara Wheeler, Teacher—font Smith . Harry ;Bennett, Maureen Brad- ley, Bonnie Dempster, Ann Duffy, :Joanne Fretwell, Mary Ann Gil- bert, Charles Gbbeil, Anna Marie Horrell, Norman Kelly, Marjorie Leach, Karen Mnelntyre, Shirley MacKay, Paul Marsden, Came - ron McLeod, Richard Morris, Nedene Overton, Allan Stevens,. GRADE 2 to. 3 Teacher—lone ';Senate Maul Dolan, Cynthia Fallis, Richard ;flint, Judy Horrell, Philip Howard, Jill Hunt, Eliza - h Leach, Susan Lennox, Shir- ley lr •beth L. h, ley MacKay, Margaret Ann Mc- Carroll, Wendy Robertson, Mar- lene Thompson, Allan Wriggles - worth. Teacher—Jeanette Pecile Gwendda Barlow, Marlon Bea- mish, James Bird, Donna Bray, Robert Carmichael, Linda Cross- man, Linda Croteau, Joanne Gardner, Patricia Halladay, David Herbert, Arthur Jennings, Mary Ann Jones, Janice Kinch, Heather McLeod, Leonard Mc- Neely, harry Mitchell, Stephen Mountford, Glen Murphy, Philip Owens, Paul Redman, Patricia Snell, James `Tasker, Ardith Tay- lor, Terrence Thompson, Tracy Tomlinson, Kenneth Young , Teacher—I. D. Stewart Guy Birkett, Lorna Carter, Rosalie Cooke, 'Florence Cotton, Peter .Dolan, Lynn Gillespie, Pat- rick Hickey,. Celia. Howard, Judy Hunt, Carl, P.alme.r, Robert Pa- quet, Danne Ratte, Stephen Roffe, P'au'l Smith, Debra Tou- chette. GRADE 1 to 2 Teacher— I. D, Stewart Jean Baillargeon, Randal Ben- net, Donna Caldwell, Robert Cor- bin, Diana Faust, Mark Leach, Patricia Lesnick, Jean McPhee, Phillip Marsden, Catherine a Mc- Carron, Carroll, Warren McCormick, Gaetan Bette, Christopher Rid- dell, Teacher—Lanne O'Neill Deborah Ayres, Linda Black- burn, Richard Brunton, Stephen Bundy, Ray Coleman, Joe Cos- grove, Bobby Fallis, Susan Far- rugia, Larry Found, Pamela Fret- well, Gwen Gardner, David Hall, JoAnn Henley, Holly Keller, Nancy Knoblauch, Garry Mac - Kellar, Linda Montgomery, Dar- ryl Rideout, David Roffe, Trevor Roper, Lesley Routledge, Deb- orah. Sintus, Donnie,Storie, Neil Swanson, Dougie Wheeler, Tacker• -•-Frances Mclean Catherine Adams, 13ruc e Bird,. George Briggs, Paul Caitlin, Deborah Carmichael, Lloyd Cha- bot, Derek Colernan, Lawrence Dunbar, Patricia Gagne, Carol. 1 -Taber, Arthur Iteatley, Bruce Holman, Shirley Hare, Shelley to Caren johnston, Illingworth, , Michael .t,gmoine, Debbra Mc- Leod, Michael McNeely, David 111uirhead, Ross Palmer, Susan Slater, Boyd Smith, Norman Whiteford, Murray Young. TO GRAPE 1 Teacher—Mary Anne Misner Linda Amos, Joy Ananny, Kathleen Anderson, Kevin: Aus- ten, Peter Banks, Stanley Bar- low, Robert Butler, Gillette llon- nier, Karen Crooks, Dennis Drag- omir, Ann Dunning, Janet El- wgren, Glenda. Glenn, Donald Hamden, Catherine Henderson, • .Sandra hunt, Philip Jennings, Gilbert Keon, Richard King, Jen- nifer L.emoine, David •Lonsdale, Hugh Martell, Linda McGowan, Beverley McNair, :Robert Os- good, Susan Page, Stephen Par- rish, Marie Power, Michael. Put - toner', Carolle Ratte, Nancy Rawson, Jeffrey Riley, James Seigle, Alan Slater, Frazer Smith, George Stevens, Cheryl Swan- son, Margo Taylor,. Laurel Wat- son, r Scott Watson, Craig floods. Teacher—Donalda Adams of 'the p Christopher Adams, Douglas Allen, Colleen Ashbury, Daniel Bonner, Susan Cantin, Judith Corbin, Linda Destobel, Stephen Duff, Christine Duffy, ,lames En- gel, Susanne Gagne, Donna Gil- lespie, les re, Edward Ha ada Y, Robert h t Harvey, Julie Anne 1 -Hickey, Ter- ence ]lore, Kathryn Jessup, Pa- tricia Jessup, Carol Keller, John Kinch, Nancy Lennox, Michael : Maxwell, David. McMenamon, Su- san McNeil, Gordon Miller, .Phi-+ I lip Moore, Jocelyn Nowell, De-' bosh Olah, Lorraine Oullette, Dianna Pearson, Richard Perry, + Stephen Riddell, Nigel Simpson, t Carol Smith, Jane Smith, Bever- } ley Anne Smithers, Michael Snell, jWiliiam Taylor, Garry Thomp- son, Earl Trainor, Debora Troy, William Warburton, Stephen Wit- hams. Dashwood EUB school • • • f enjoys picnic at Jowett s By MRS. ERVIN RADER Hospital, London, Monday, July The annual. Sunday School. plc-' 1 1959, nic for Zion Lutheran church Formerly of Dashwood he is was held at Jowett's Grove with survived by three sisters Mrs. approximately 175 attending. bistra Beaver, Saginaw, Mich.; Sports were arranged by Mrs. Mrs. Melvina Schneider of Pi - James I7ayter, Marie Salmon peon, Mich.; Mrs. Edna Willick, and Marian Rader. Results were: Throwing a ball, pre -Sunday School children, Ricky Ilayter; . Services were held Tuesday running races, pre -Sunday School, evening at the Hoffman funeral Darlene Rader; girls 5, 6 and 7, home, Rev. J. W. Gillings of - Diane Becker; boys, John Bec-1 ficdating. ker; girls, 8 and 9, Janet Miller; boys, Jim Halter; girls, 10 and 11, Mary Anne Hayter, boys, interment at Pigeon, Mich. Teddy La Butte; girls, 12 and. 13, Bridal shower Joanne Martene; boys, Robert Miller; ladies race, Elaine Mil- Mrs. Clifford Penhale, the for - ler; married ladies, Mrs. Leon. mer Doris Willert, was pleasant- ard Schenk; men's race, Arthur iy surprised on Monday when Rader.' Mrs. Mervyn Tieman was hostess '.Three-legged. race, Gail Fleet for. the neighbours at a miscella- and Diane LaBute, Sharon Mar- neous shower. lene and Lynn. it:indiey, Iris Bec- ker and Valerie Gibson; wheel- barrow race, John and Randy Becker, 'Teddy La Bute and Paul Rader, Robert and Richard Mil- ler; shoe scramble, Glen Reste- mayer; grandmother's spot race, Mrs. Mary Becker; grandfathers minute race. Mr. Gordon Pear- son; elimination race, Edward R.estemayer, paper plate throw, assistants are in charge, Mrs. Howard. Datars; hula. hoop contest for nren,'Keith Keller. Personal items Oldest woman and man pre- Michael '.Tiernan is vacationing with his cousin, Jule my Weigand on concession 14 Hay. Rochester, Mich.; two brothers, Daniel of Jackson, Mich. and Ervin of. Dashwood, Services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at Pigeon, Mich, with Contests were enjoyed. Billie and Jimmie Hoffman presented the gifts. The hostess served. a barbecue lunch, Vacation Bible class Vacation Bible School opened at Zion Lutheran Church, Mon- day, July 6 with 91 enrolled. Pas- tor K. L. Zorn and a number of sent Mrs. Jacob Schroeder and Louis Restemaycr; youngest per- son, Debra Zorn; birthday near- est picnic; Richard Rader; gues- sing contest, Albert Rader, New pastor arrives Rev and Ales. J. W. Gillings and family are settled in the parsonage of the EW3 church. Personal items Mr, and Mrs, Earl Vandahl and family of Nova Scotia are vacationing with the latter's mo- ther, Mrs, Bertha 1-Iaytcr and other relatis.es. MTs, Robert Newton and chit. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer of Windsor spent the weekefid with Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver and friends. Messrs, Ervin Rader and Leo. nerd Sarar rs' of Zurich spent a few days at. Batavia, New York, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Piefcr of Chatham spent the weekend with Airs, Matilda Pieter. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Weide, and family, of Detroit, were week. end visitors with Mrs. Fred dren of London vacationed with Schlundt and other relatives. Mrs. Amelia Willert. Miss Marian Rader of London Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keet. man is vacationing with her parents, and son of Detroit: were holiday Mr. and Mrs. Edvin Rader, visitors with Mrs. Cora Geiser. Mrs, Philip Fassold has re• Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maine turned home after spending some and girls of Kitchener spent the time with her daughter and weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Rein- family, Mr, and Mrs. Melton j • hold Miller. Waiper and girls of Ingersoll. oppipmemememamisimemime Ale, and Mrs, Mfartin 1\'IcGre' J11„rillll,IIIl111,f1Y1111111,11111„I111111,i11, 11I 11 Y111i11,,,,11,11111111111111711,1111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111II/I ner•s and •family of London were weekend visitors with Mli', Otto Ttestemayer, Mr. and Mrs, Colin Ilindley and family of London spent the weekend with Me. and Mrs, Rein- hold Miller. Former resident dies Noi rnanEckstein, 72, of Pigeon, Michigan died at St, Joseph's Hold shower at Saintsbur y By MRS. HEBER DAVIS On Saturday evening, Mrs. George McFalls and Mrs, Hugh Davis were hostesses at St, Pa- trick's Parish Hall, Saintsbury, to the Ford and Hicks families for a shower in honor of Miss Peggy Miller, of Flint, Mich., and Mr. Jim Sargent, whose wed- ding will take place in August. The bride -elect has asked Hea• Cher Davis to be her flower girl, The hall was decorated with a rose -covered arch and pink and white streamers. There were 65 present. A program consisted of a dance by Shirley Hern and Janet Skinner, Elimville; a reading by Mrs. Hugh Davis, songs by Don and. Elaine Squires, Centralia; Heather. Davis; and Mrs. Ross McFalls and a reading by Lois Hero. The bride and groom -elect were escorted to decorated chairs by .Joyce MlcFalls and Phyllis Hicks, of Flint.. They received many beautiful and useful gifts for which they both expressed appreciation. Lunch was served by the cou- sins, Personal items Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Peggy and Dick, Mr. Jim Sar- gent and Miss Maxine Hicks. Flint, Mich., were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and relatives and attended a :picnic at Grand Bend on Sun- day evening for the family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Atkin- son, Rit 1 Lucan, attended e family picnic at Grand Bend on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis vis- ited Mr, and Mrs. E. B. Smyth of Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Lucan. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Tindall vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark, Shipka, Sunday. d, e itcin '‘Ate comes new EUB minisFer By MRS. M. FAIST 1 A weleom.e re.e.eotion wasil given Rev. A. M. :and Mr. B.chlenker and family by the: members of the :Evangelical UB Church in the Sunday School rooms on Friday eventng. A program was enjoyed with Mr. Gordon Ratz as chairman,;. which consisted of a sing song• with Mrs. E. M. Fahrner at the: piano; short welcome addresses Denton i n b Dent Geiser and Judy Frnk• i y beiner; piano duet by Karen' Finkbeiner and Margaret Heist; piann solos by Carol Hendrick and Larry .Raiz; poem by .Joan! Smith; trumpet duet by Ronnie Weber and Dennis Lamport; vocal duet by Sandra and Karen. Finkbeiner; violin solo by S.' Dundas with Mrs. Dundas as ac- companist. Greetings were extended to' Rev. and Mrs. Schlenker and family on behalf of the con- gregation and Sunday :School. by Mr. Gordon Ratz, Mr. Roy Ratz, Mr. Ed Hendrick and Mr. Ray Morlock, to which Rev. and Mrs, Schlenker made fitting replies. A social hour of fellowship followed. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Kipling and daughter Verlea of Weeks,' Sask., spentt a few days recent- ly with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kip ling and Mrs. M. Gunn. Mr, Allen. Lockhart and son Roy of Woodbridge are spend- ing some time with Mr. and Mrs, Alf Smith and family. Mrs, T. H. Turner of Oakwood and Miss Ruth White of Lindsay spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. William Oestricher, Mr, •J, R. Wolfe of Detroit spent the weekend with his mother,Mrs Albert W P lfe Visitrs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver over the weekend were i41r.. and' 14.Irs. Vernon Beaver of Pittsburg, ' Miss Gertrude Beaver and friend of. Detroit and Mr. Howard Beaver of Hamilton. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey are spending a couple of weeks at ' Midland in a cabin, Mrs. Ezra Feist is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, i andunderwent surgery last Thursday. She expects to he 'home soon. Miss Harriett Bowen is also in Victoria Hospitaland is not showing much improve. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade and Mr. Terrence Wade and friend of London spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wade. Miss Nola Feist, who has been i staying at London with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hilhorn while her mo-. thee was in hospital, returned , `hom.e Sunday evening. Janet Morlock was taken to St, ,Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday where she under -1 went an appendix operation. I Ricky Geiser, Dashwood, spent. est week with his grandparents,,' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wein spent Sunday at Watford. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Mor - lock and Borden Gaiser left for their summer home Sunday for a few weeks .at Dorset. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chambers and Gll.oria and Miss Mary Cham- bers returned :home after visit- inig with Mr. and Mrs. PatFlan- nigan bla - n an at Pt. Austin and. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Anderson at Marine City. Mr, and Mrs. Melvin. Lamport artd daughter, Nola, and a friend, Mrs. A. Albernethy, of Alberni, B.C., are guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamport and the for - .1 -tier's brothers and sisters and also visited the former's mother, Mrs. Ezra Lamport, who is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Exeter. They attended service in United Church on Sunday morning and Melvin gave an in- teresting talk to members of the Sunday School. Mrs. Albernethy brought greetings from their church in British Columbia. Mrs. Evelyn Stevens and boy: of Langton spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brock and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chambers, Miss Mary Chambers and Gloria saw the royal yacht as it sailed down the St. Clair River Friday while they were visiting Mr. s and Mrs. . Antill Anderson, Marine City, Mich. They also called on Mr. Pat Flannigan, Port Austin., and cousins in Sandusky, 'aur' ing a three-day visit to Michi- gan, ment Enjoy a tasty .refresher in air-conditioned, com- fort. j.1111111111111111111111111111111(11111111111,111111,111„II,IIIII,,,,,,r ,I,III,,,,, ,,, ui,11111,11,,,111111111, 1,11111111111, 111111Y1i NOTICE TO EVERYONE Te my friends and friendly customers of Nay, Stephen and McGillivray: 70TH MIDSUMMER ANNIVERSARY SALE FOR JULY AND AUGUST At this time, Rawlcighs, the best: known and most popular distributor and manufacturer of products M. their line, are now enjoying their 70th Mid -Summer Anniversary Sale. There are. dozens of specials at this time, most of Which are needed :now. We have specials for every season, Even 'without specials, our regular priees often compare favourably with specials of other similar products, Our prices are always popular and merchandise is of highest quality, If I do net Call on yotr soon, drop the a line. I aria __ home evenings and Saturdays to receive personal or phone calls. "lots will always receive pt•ornpt, courteous and ohii ?- ins service. 36HNSTON RAWLEIPH REP. Si MAIM S0'04. Oxefer i lti nI 183 i1niiiiTriiYfnrnlnunTilwrnnlnurniluliTOrGYfrfilI 7Mifflrnrirrrllrinifioq r utY117,ufIrillur�YY� n1171Ylllili iii•. . Notice To Destroy NOXIOUS Weeds Notice is hereby given to property owners in urban and sub -divided areas to destroy all noxious ' Weeds as often as necessary in eachseason, to pre- vent their going to seed. Also, that after July 22, 1059, proceedings will be taken to destroy noxious weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act, W. I DOtTGAJL Huron County Weed Inspector ���111i11fr1Yi111i'tri'rl'n'fYYY►rf(TnYn1i1f171YYn1111Y1r4Yfli"(liinlr11n51111nirYYrirYhf YIIlVr111111YIi11Y1'1111011YYIrYiIiYIYY1`t`ei'r{�' 1Iur:t Sales! $AVE ON ,MADE»TOME:ASiJRR . CLOTHES R # . fi Rex Tailoring July Sale 2-P4 CE �U IT $ JO, REO. Q 9 Regular 69.50 Rogtrlar 75,50 FOR 57.50 FOR 64.50 Varsity Tropicals P 2,0To Discount Famous Jantzen Swim Suits WALPER'S Phone 81 MEN'S WEAR Exeter Koolvent — Nash Aluminum Products ALUMIWALL aluminum LAP SIDING and VERTICAL PANELS with new TWIN OTE baked enamel finish. The BEAUTY of wood with the LIFE ALUMINUM.•ALUMIWALL'S durable automobile -like finish. protects of. up to 15 years longer. ALUMIWALL SIDING reflects heat. Keeps homes warmer in winter and cooler in summer. In eight glamorous landscape solours. Enquire about this greatest siding advancement in a decade. See our all ALUMINUM WINDOWS before you build or re -model. Phone us for free estimates. AWNINGS & VERANDAH CANOPIES • COMBINATION DOORS & WINDOWS DOUBLE -DOUBLE HUNG, DOUBLE GLIDERS & JALOUSIES ALUMiNUH PORCH & STEP RAILING. S Thomas H. Walker PHONE 553 Authorized Dealer EXETER /i/i/f ro//vo,:e>0/ // A / A /A "1 \lave. c1vbe Pb Icksior soros years and a model Buick 1s the b �,.. est VI iar." tin,owner, \-Vieves, mist sad my 1959 /► /fir o� Vv'innl4e'�' Mat'' `d yr.. • torti "There is la ,t1 of pol4'or Y wife and n �'�';r qualities the ho many e c.h,sdrE looking are hood Y i ousandse f forward d motoring of mien of fo 8 witlwour new suck,,. Hamilton, Ontario , "It pives me great pleasure to advise you how happy I am to be the owner of my lnvicta two -door hard top."' Mount Royal Que. "Buick '59 is an asset to our business. For rugged dependability and performance under all weather and road conditions we have chosen the car for 1959," k: Dartmouth, N.S. • ,..Kyw--e.,x.-+ °"" '".tY�9t ^• ."Jp' "!"'.3; _...� .-aaa '..•.r' `yk" K - nw T ,yoi w. -N"4 aA, , <'��'� •�� :eta Make the chop... make Me MAGNIFICENT change now to BUICK 59 Zurich Pc ar$on MMotors Lirnited Exeter