The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-09, Page 51:amille! enjoy ,contests
at popular area picnics
Hunter reunion
The Hunter -reunion was held
at Riverview Park, Exeter, on
Saturday with about ninety of the
Hunter relatives sitting down to
supper. Alt standing in
a moments silence in memory
of those whom had paSsed co
during the year followed by all
.sing the grace.
The ,pre,41ent. St %,:art Griff of
London, acted as master of •cere-
monies, and just before the sup-
per was over took charge of the
husiness. The slate of commit-
tees for the picnic at the same
place next year on July 2, 1960
are: President, Stewart Griff,
London; past president. Bill
Brock, London, vice presidents,
Roy Hunter, Exeter, Jack Del -
bridge, Exeter, Frank Diekins,
Ailsa Craig, Albert Dickens,
Lambeth; secretary, Harold Hun-
ter, Exeter, assistant, Ray Lam -
Mie, Centralia. Sports committee,
Harold Hunter, Exeter, Reg,
McDonald, Mrs. Bev. Skinner,
Mrs, Douglas Brintnell all of
Exeter; table committee: Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Snell, Exeter;
Alr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates,
Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Thos,
Brock, Granton; Mr. and Mrs.
William Dixon, Clandeboye.
Mrs. Frank Coates received the
prize for the oldest lady present,
and She was on the welcoming
committee,- Mrs. Jack Hunter re-
ceived the prize for coming the
greatest distance. Mr. and Mrs.
Goldie Glenn won the prize for
having the largest family pre-
sent at the reunion. Mrs. Eve-
rett Skinner won for having the
most buttons on her dress and
boy or man with the most colours
in his socks was Larry Brintnell,
One contest that created much
fun was the novelty contest in
which the ladies and men in com-
petition made the longest line
with their clothing, shirts, ties,
belts, shoes, stockings and even
Topics from
Bell family picnic
The Bell family reunion was
held on Sunday at the Lions Club
Park in Seaforth with 70 present,
A ball game was enjoyed by the
men and the sports were in
charge of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Hendrick and Mr, and Mrs. Alex
The. results of the races were:
children, five and under, Danny
Watson, Larry Johns; seven and
under, Brenda Skinner. Margaret
Hunkin; girls, 10 and under,
Gwenneth Hendrick, Jeannie
Bell; boys, Larry Skinner, Mer-
vin Bell; girls 12 and under,
Sherry Bell, Jeannie Bell; boys,
Douglas McBeath, Edward
Johns; young ladies, Sherry Bell,
Vesta Watson; young men, Reg
McCurdy, Noel Bell; married
ladies, Mrs. Helen Bell, Mrs.
Jean. johns; ladies kick -the -slip-
per, Mrs. Marion Skinner, Miss
Vesta Watson; men, Paul Mc-
Naughton, Noel Bell; tossing
rolling pin, Mrs. Bernice Jaques;
Shoe bl , Mrs. H. Bell
and Mr. Noel Bell; filling pop
bottles, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Johns; hula hoop race, Mrs.
Helen s side; niatch box
race, Mrs. Helen Bell's side;
egg throwing, Mrs. Helen Bell
and Mr. Earl Watson; pie plate
tossing, Mrs. Albert Watson;
most buttons, Mrs. Vera Stephen;
nail hammering, women, Mrs.
Marion Skinner; men, Mr. Har-
old Bell; pinning clothespin race,
Mrs. Marion Skinner; removing
clothespins from line, Mrs. Clara
Youngest person present was
Elizabeth Ann Watson. seven
weeks old, daughter of Mr, and
• Mrs. Albert Watson; oldest per-
son present, Mrs. Thomas Bell.
The 1960 picnic for the Bell
family will be held at Lions Club
Park in Seaforth on Sunday,
July 3.
New officers will be: president,
Mr. Earl Watson; secretary -
treasurer, Mrs, Clara Watson;
sports committee, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Nor -
/ran Jaques; table committee,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen
and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell.
Two minutes silence was given
In memory of the members who
passed away during the last
year: Mrs. Ella Murch, Mr.
Eldon Weidman, Mr. Fred Smea-
thers and Mr, William Bell.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ford of
Eden visited on Sundsy with
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Avery of
St. Thomas visited on Monday
with Mr, and Mrs. William
Mr, and Mrs. Howard Pym,
Joan and Brian Attended the
Pym picnic held at Riverview
Perk in Exeter on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, William Routly
visited en Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Alex Crago of Kirkton.
Mrs. M. Routly of Kirkinn is
spending a few days With Mr.
and MrS. William Routi.)T.
Mrs, T. liedgett, IVIr. and
Mrs. Neil Hodgert And family,
Of Seaforth visited on Sunday"!
with Mr. and Airs. Brute Cooper',
Miss Janet Skinner spent e
fent days with Miss Shirley Will
of Zion.
Miss Carol Ann Bell Sped a
few days with Miss Shirley
kiatities of Zion.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Of kings.
Ville visited on Monday with the
latter' aunt, Mrs. *rhea. BelL
Mr, end Mts. Lloyd tell and
family of Torte visited oil Sun-
daY evening with Mrs. Thet.
B1tand attended the Bell
Ity tetraion At Seafertil.
Mr. arid Mrs. t Vereit Skinner
and cattily Attended the Htiftiter
• Spin1 itt iVerViaW Park t)h
aturday evening,
ladies slips were added whieh:
gave the ladies the advantage. ' Tenth Orr picnic
Letters of regret were received; ,
from members who were unable'. the tenth •Orr reunion
to attend from Vancouver, B.C..; "Iplearis, xeter.
Sunday at Riverview
A pitiic junch
North Tonawanda, N.Y.. Roches-.
was for dinner and sup
ter, N.Y., Corona Del Mar, Cal.,; ,s enjoyed
Saskatoon, Sask.. Calgary. Alta., Pei '10•F 38 ,Illenthers,
The committee in charge for
Toronto, Ont. St. Catharines,'
, this year was Airs. Jelin Currie
Ont.•and Mrs. Willialn Lanni; Wing'
Members were present from Ot-
tawa, St, Catharines, Lambeth, 44.`111'
London, Granton, Ailsa Craig,. Snorts winners were:
Woodham, Hensel!, Clandeboye Children. 5 and under. Olive
and Centralia. . Lapp, Duaine Currie; girls. Vi -
15, 13etty Ann Lapp, Mary Joan
A public address system added
much to the evening as each per- Lapp; Young ladies' race, Betty
son was able to hear all the bt.t-' Ann Lapp, Marilyn Ritchie; mar-
siness as well as the sports. 1 ried women's race, Mrs, Wil.
Iliam Albright, Mrs. Claude Dore;
ladies kick the slipper, Betty
HIcks reunion Ann Lapp, Marilyn, Ritchie; men,
Douglas Lapp, Oswald Rucli;
About 75 members of the tying the neektie, Claude Dore
Hicks family held their annual and Betty Ann :Lapp, consolation,
reunion at, Mitchell Recreational Douglas Lapp and Aiarilyn Rit-
Park Saturday afternoon: dile; life saver relay, James E.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair Orr's team; consolation, Wil -
were in charge of the event. 'tam Lapp's team.
Sports were conducted hy Air. Eldest lady present was Airs.
and Mrs. Jack Paris and Mr. Abeline Orr, Langside; eldest
and Mrs. Ross Hodgert.
gent, R. A, Orr, Hensall; family
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nell were travelling the farthest, Mr, and
elected president for the 1960 Mrs. Albright, Detroit.
reunion, Mr. and Mrs. Russell 'Members were present from
King, %ice -president.
Contest winners were;wood, Wingham, Langside, Pip -
Races. 6 and under, Bob Paris, ley aha Hoosaii,
Gwen Fisher; 9 and under, girls, The committee for 1960 is as
Wendy Neil, Bonnie Blair; boys. follows: Mrs. Claude Dore, Rip,
Doug Fletcher, Barry Southcott; ley; Mrs. David Henderson, Rip -
12 and under, girls, Wendy Neil.; ley; Mrs, Elson Arnold, Kincar-
Sharon Fletcher; boys, lim Neil, ;dine,
Wayne King; unmarried ladies,
Diane Peter. Kathryn Hicks; 'un-
married men, Richard Stokes,' Stephenson clan
Walter Shyne; married ladies,
Mrs. Bari Neil, Mrs. Don South- The 30th annual Stephenson re-
cott; married men, Bob Paris, union was held at Seaforth Lions
/Park on July 1 with a record at -
Murray Selves.
itendanee of around 140 relatives
Hopping, Wend). Neil, Cheryl attending from Toledo, Ohio, De -
Peter; 3 -legged race, Wayne troit and Marlette, Mich., Lions
King, Jim Neil; ladies minute Head and 'Veingham. Greetings
walk, Vera Greenwood: kick the also were received from Mr. and
slipper, Mrs. Garnet Hicks, Rus- Mrs, Howard Wylie of Wrote -
sell King; stepping on paper ter, from Liverpool, England
P • , and Mrs. Murray where ,they are spending a six
Selves; passing life savers on week's holiday.
tooth picks, Robert Southcott's1 A short business meeting pre -
team; throwing rolling pin sided over by Allan Armstrong
through tire, Garnet Hicks, Mrs. was held after the dinner.
Robert Southcott; biting kisses! Officers and committees were
off clothes line, Jimmy and Doug- elected for a two year term.
las Fletcher; peanut guessing,;' P'resident is Allan Armstrong,
Ron Fletcher, Varna; vice - president, Ralph
Oldest present was Mrs. Eva Stephenson; secretary, George
Peters; youngest, Diane Hod-. Stephenson; table committee,
gert, six -week-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephen -
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert; . son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner;
longest married couple, Mr, and ; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Melvin King; coming long- Garnet Mousseau, Mr. and Mrs.
est distance, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-. Harvey Keys. It was also decided
ert Paris, Toronto. 1 to hold next year's reunion on
the same date and at the same
Willert reunion rjace.
The results of the sports were:
The Willert reunion was held; Children, 6 and under, Debar -
in Riverview Park, Exeter, withah Stephenson, Bonnie Arm -
175 in attendance. • strong; girls, 6-9, Nancy Con-
sitt, Cheryl Mousseau; boys,
President elected for 1960 was
iPaul Stephenson, Freddie Arm -
Otto Willert, Dashwood; vice-, strong; 9-12, Grace Met -
president, William Willert; Dash-; gaisi
calfe,Marjorie Turner; boys,
wood; secretary -treasurer, Mrs.'
Paul Stephenson, Leonard Met -
Ernest Willard, Exeter; sortsentre; young ladies, Shirley Met-
calfe, Grace Metcalfe.; young
wood; table convener, Mrs. men, Charles Stephenson, Jim
Ervin Willert, Hensall.
Detroit, London, Parkhill, Elm-
Results of races were: Married ladies, Lois Armstrong,
Throwing ball, five and under,' Mona Stephenson; 'married men,
Sandra Weiberg, Susan Teller William Consitt, William Taylor;
and Darlene Rader; girls and ladies kick the slipper,Merle
boys, five to seven years, Mor- Armstrong, Dorothy Mousseau;
ley Eagleson, Gary Eagleson men, Don Campbell, William Con -
and Bobby Thompson, seven to sitt; three-legged race, William
nine, Jimmy Hayter, Morley
Eagleson and Helen Eagleson;
10 to 12, Carolyn Eagleson, Lar-
ry Jones and Kenneth Eagleson;
girls over 13 years, Gloria Hay -
Taylor and William Consitt;
Keith Anderson and -Jim Consitt;
walking on paper plates, Mona
Stephenson's team.
Oldest lady present, Mrs.
ter, Grace Keller and Eulene David Stephenson; oldest gentle -
Baker; married couples, Earl man, Armstrong; youngest
Teller, Ron Thompson and Ro- boy, Gerald Armstrong, son of
bert Carlisle; • Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Armstrong;
Three-legged race, ,Joanne Ran- youngest girl, Judy Stephenson,
kin and Maurice Lake, Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken -
William Baker and rs. Robert neth Stephenson, Hensel!.
Carlisle, Grace Keller and Shei-
la Keller; wheelbarrow race,
Glen Ratz and Glen Eagleson, Morenz reunion
Morley Eagleson and Carolyn The Morenz family reunion was
Eagleson, Jimmy Hayter and held July 5 in Mitchell Recrea-
Douglas Vandahl; throwing ball tional Park with approximately
through hoop, 12 and under, 130 attending. Games, races and
David ss r , Bruce Weiberg,
John Hayter and Mary Ann
Driving nails, Mrs. Alice Lur-
ges and Mrs. Oren Grace; paper
bag, Mrs. Alice Urges, Mrs.
Murray Holtzman and Mrs. Ro- St Mays; coming the furthest
bert Labute; feather hunt, Gar- distance, Ken Kaufman,Breslau;
net Weiberg, Otto Willert and largest family, Mr. and'Mrs. Wil -
Ron Thompson; kicking slipper, Barn Jeffrey, Stratford.
Mrs, Lloyd Rader, Mrs. Earl The reunion in 1960 will be held
Telfer and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg; on the first Sunday in July at Ri-
putting on clothes, Mr. and Mrs. verview Park, Exeter.
Ron Thompson, Mr. Otto Willert Mr. William Stephen was ap-
and Mrs. Frederick Heist; trea- pointed president; secretary,
sure hunt, Sharon Hinan; guess- Mrs. Jack Corbett; treasurer,
ing buttons in jar, Mrs, William
Willert. Arthur Morenz; lunch committee
Mrs. John Heckman, Mrs. Hugh
Youngest baby present, Calvin Morenz, Mrs. Roy Morena and
Willard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leslie Adams; sports( Phil
Eugene Willard; youngest mar- Lacroix, Lorne Wolfe, Ross and
ried couple, Mr, and Mrs. Ito- Connie Corbett.
bert Carlisle; oldest married
couple with most grandchildren
present, Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Caldwell picnic
Keller; coming the farthest dis- The Caldwell reunion was held
tance, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van- at Springbank Park on Sunday
debt and family, Dartmouth, with 40 members present. The
N.S. oldest in attendance was Edgar
Mr, Oren Grace convened the Rundle and the youngest, his
sports and Mrs. Lloyd Jones granddaughter, Debra Rundle,
four months of age,
The evening was spent dancing Sports results were:
at Legion Hall, Exeter, with Clothes pin race, Faye and
music by Kool. Quins orcheette, Wooley; dress the mtimmie, 01-
jIJ,III�IIIlfl, ot , ittltilloilltImitemotttuttmtilltestotittit%
contests were conducted by Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Clark, Mitchell.
Oldest person present was
Mrs. Louise Morenz, Mitchell;
youngest, Valerie Lacroix, daugh.,
ter of Mr. and -Mrs. Phil Lacroix
looked after the tables,
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Woodham topics
Persenel items
Guests at the home- of Mr. and
Mrs. William- Dickey on Salim -
day evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs.
Leland Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs.
Willie in Armstrong anti Joyce,
Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Ford and Jennie, Kitchener. Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Brock and Ter-
ry, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin
Baker, Mr, Harry Ford, Wel-
burn, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Skinner
and Betty of Crediton and on
Sunday Mr. and • Mrs. Clayton
Merner and family, Air, and
Mrs. Ed Penhale, Dashwood, vis-
ited the Dickey family.
Mt. and Mrs. William AleKe.)-
This week in
: . • •
Personal items
Miss Marion and Mr. Glen
Lampert are attending the Cal-
gary Stampede this week.
Mrs. Percy Passmore of Exe-
ter spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Passmore,
Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Willard,
of Mount Hope, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mr. apd Mrs. Ken Brazier,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Caswell
of Brantford spent the weekend
with Mi., and Mrs, Alvin Pass-
more, .Nancy and Beverley. They
all attended the McAllister clan
reunion at Bayfiled. on Sunday,
Mrs, Donald Deas, Neil, Laurel
and Margaret left, Mallon airport
on Friday morning for Sault
Ste Marie having spent nearly
a monthinonth with Rev, Hugh an
Mrs. Wilson.
Mr, (John Wilson left on Sun-
day for Great Whale Lake after
visiting with his parents, Rev,
Hugh and Mrs. Wilson,
Mrs. John Wilson left last
week to visit with her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Parsons of
Thames Road
„ .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hern and
Linda of Jarvis spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner
and Marilyn were guests on Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence,
Mills and Mr, and Mrs. Russell
Mills and girls of Oakridge Acres,
Mr. and Mrs. George Andrew,
Bruce and Billy, of Longwood,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Pym.
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Cann and
Judith, Mr. and Mrs. Jteg Hod-
gert and Grant, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Hodgert and Diane visited
on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Jaines Hodgert of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 3. Willard,
Mrs. Jack Borland, Mrs. Almer
Passmore, David, Dennis Dar-
lene and Dale attended the Wit-
tert reunion at Riverview Park,
Exeter, on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtz-
man, of Detroit, spent the week-
end with Mr. and' Mrs. Almer
Passmore. They all attended a
family gathering at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Triebner of
Exeter on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman,
Marcia, Mark and Beverly, of
Embro, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wan-
ner of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs,
Ernest Pym and Mr. and Mrs.
John Pym attended the Pym re-
union on Sunday at Riverview
Mrs. Mac Hodgert and infant
daughter returned home on Tues-
day from South Huron Hospital.
Mrs. John Pym joined Thames
Road church by letter on Sun-
day from Trivitt Memorial
church, Exeter. •
Mrs. Hugh Wilson visited a
few days the first of the week
with her sister, Mrs. T. K. Howse
of Aylmer. -•
lie clIkEssery; wheelbar-
row race, Joan Essery and Carl
Rundle; throwing ball, Evelyn
and Lester Rundle; sack jump-
ing, Karen Essery, Dave Roger,
Ruth McLean, Ron Anderson;
tying man's tie, Olive Essery
and Velma Rundle; straw and ci-
garette p a p e r, Ed Rundle's
tea m.
A ball game ended the day's
The picnic will be held next
year the second Sunday in July
at, the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Jack Essery, Centralia.
and Stewart spent SatnrdaY eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Randle, Jim and Jack.
Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons,
1 George, Jim, .Jotin and Jill of
North .131.4110, Mich., were Sun-
" day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
William Rundle and Shirley.
Miss Dorothy Dickey is holi-
daying for two weeks with Mr,
• and Mrs. Clarence Ford of
Me. and Mrs. Arthur Bundle,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle.
Jim and Jack and Mrs. Jack
Smith attended the Stacey re-
union held in Stratford Bark on
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller,
Exeter, Mrs, Kate Unger, Stone
Wall, Mass., and Mr. Fred Mil-
ler, Winnipeg, were Sunday visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Jai Mil-
Mr. and Airs. William 'Gerrie,
William and Irene of Toronto
were weekend visitorS with the
Millers, Mr, and Mrs, Jiin Mil-
ler, Billy, remaining ovee for this
week to • . •
1• Si Ray.
Those who are attending Bim-
ini camp this week from Wood-
, ham are Robert Wareham, Doug-
las and Dennis Webb and Jim
Mr. and Mrs.W, D. St
of Windsor were weekend visi-
tors with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
The rain is certainly holding
up the haying, the hay's an ex-
ceptional good crop this year
and here's hoping for good wea-
Miss Lynn Levy of St. Marys
visited with Miss Margaret Rose
Levy on Saturday.
Mrs, Harold Levy has been as-
sisting in the store while Mrs,
Ray Mills has been holidaying. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomp-
son of Parkhill visited with Mis-
ses Blanche and Rhea Mills and
attended the Decoration Day
service at the Kirkton Union ce-
Mrs. Bryce Skinner, Munro,
visited her mother, Mrs. Roy
Kirk, on Sunday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blommaert
and family were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, Hiram }far-
ina, Kirkton.
Quite a number attended the
Decoration Service at Kirkton
Union Cemetery on Sunday af-
ternoon when Rev. .T. Wareham
assisted Rev. T. Elliott as
speaker for the afternoon.
The pupils of Woodham school
presented their teacher, Dennis
Wyatt of Stratford, with a trav-
elling bag. Dennis has taken a i
school. at. Kirkland Lake after;
teaching for two years at Wood -1
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Rundle,
,Tim and Jack attended a picnic;
at Rondeau Park on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Nimito,
Toronto, Mr. Albert Vodden,
Blyth, Mrs. Scott, Clinton, were
Caturday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ernie Voclden.
Mr. Frank Knight; of Tees,
Alta. is spending a few days with
his brother, Mr. Clarence Knight
and Mrs. Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Tufts
called on his aunt, Mrs. Roy
Kirk and Lorna on Tuesday eve-
ning prior to leaving for his
new home in Calgary, Alta.
Mrs. J. Jaques attended the
Old Boys' Reunion at Mount
Pleasant SS No. 5 on Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Webber
arid Winnifred were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Webber. •
Mrs. B. Hanson of Granton
and Mrs. Ira McCurdy, Wood-
ham, Mrs. Bernice Rathburn
visited Monday afternoon with
Mrs. Fred Doupe.
Mrs. Fred Doupe received
word on Monday that her aunt,
Miss Ella Mills, formerly of
Woodham had fallen and frac-
tured her hip.
Miss Janis Webb is 'holidaying
at the camp at Goderich this
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lawrence
of Detroit is visiting 'this week
with Ada and Herb Hopkins.
Mr. Herb Hopkins, Miss Ada
Hopkins and Mr, and Mrs.
Alvin Lawrence. of Detroit spent
Monday 'afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Hopkins at Science
Lillie: I like this summer re-
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Kelso B, Streets
popular athlete
A popular di%triet .athlete and
active Legion member, Kelso.
Bruce Streets, died at noon
day, June 90, At his home in•CUri-
,Ue became- known in this area
ALS a member of N!arious: Winton.
hockey teams in the 1930's and
1940's. As a member of the Clin-
ton Legion, he served in a num-
ber of. executive positions •and.
wss Presicteet. in the year tiie
branch erected its memorial
,coininereiel traveler for
auto supplies,. he was a Member
of St. AndreW'S Presbyterian
Church, ,Clinton, and sang -in lis
cl°ISt,l'ir;v1Ving Are his wife, 'the
'former Ruth Tiernan, Dash-
wood; his mother, Mrs, Vesta
Streets, Clinton; four slaters,
Misses Dorothy and Nornia, and
Atm ,Williatn. Balch, Jr., alt ,of
Clinton; Mrs. Ray Patterson,
Herman; and one brother, Bee-
cher, at home.
Clinton Legion nienibers took
part in the funeral service on
Sunday, lune 28.
• .M.$1490 from
Personal Items
Rev, D., M. Guest began his
pastorate in the United. Church.
Sunday morning. He chose a$ his
text Jesus said "1 am the way,
the truth and the life."
Airs, D, Insley of Exeter, the
Heron Presbyterial secretary
for Baby Bands will be the
guest speaker in the United
Church on Tuesday afternoon,
July 3.4 when the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society will entertain
the Baby Band, tate mothers .and
the Mission Band.
Mr, Steve Molnar, who is sta-
tioned with the Marine Radio
Coast guard in' Midland visited
for a couple of days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. Mol -
Fit., and Mrs. J. -Andrew and
family of Camp Borden are vis-
iting with Mrs. Andrew's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, George
Miss Bette Lou West is holi-
daying with her aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot in Grand
Mr, and Mrs. Ron Swartz and
Nancy accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer Preszcator, Exeter,
left on. Sunday on a trip to the
Western Provinces.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie,
Robert and Jean attended the
Hunter Picnic at Riverview
Park, Exeter, on Saturday eve-
ning. Miss Amy Lammie of Lon-
don And Misa Greta Lammie of
Hensell who also attended the
picnic accompanied them home
and visited over the weekend.
Miss Jean Lammie is visiting
with her aunt, Miss Greta Lam
mie in Mansell. Jean will. he
among the nit:sic pupils of Miss
Lammie to be heard over CKNX
Wingham, during the radio stu-
dio hour on Saturday morning.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cunning -
ton visited for a few days with
and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan in
Listowel. Their granddaughter
Sharon Vogan returned with
them and is remaining for a
few weeks -hOlidays.
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The TiMTE3A0VOcele, Ally 9, 1959 Page 13
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Montmorencies Blacks
• Pitted 22 Pound Pails Sugared
For Canning.or Freezing
reimog 01.16.4i..0.61,•••••MO*60,0b.ft
'Arriving in 1 to 2 Weeks
Exeter Frozen Foods
Fink's Meat Market
Phone 70 Exeter Phone 3 • Exeter
Dasliwood Locker' A & H Food Market
Attie 9111.W thishwood Phone 532 Exeter