The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-09, Page 4Page 14 .441y 9, 199• "." • Lucan and district .news ' Phone 13A 7.4255 Lucan Storm :blasts village area RaM, which bad been predic- ted for days, finally bit Lateen with a vengeance Wednesday af- ternoon. The electrical storm was accompanied with almost cyclo- nic gales and hail stones as large as small marbles. The former blew down dozens of trees, ripped off branches, blew in windows, disrupted hydro and telephone service. Liman seemed to receive the full brunt of the storm. Outside the Village there was little dam, age done. Hydro was off for several hours. A tree across William St. and a'nother across Market St. neces- sitated the re-routing of holiday traffic, until the trees could be removed A transformer near the organ factory was hit by lightning and knocked to the ground, burning out nearby fuse boxes. A piece of roofing from one of the stores landed on a car beneath. Though the village received much damage yet no one was injured though several had nar- row escapes. While Mr. J. S. 'Thompson ran out to rescue his garbage can, bricks from his chimney fell on his steps where he had been standing, Miss Muriel Carling attempted to put her car in the garage and just missed being hit by a falling tree which broke down part of their back verandah. A large trot on the Anglican Church lawn was uprooted but luckily did no damage to the parish hall. The London Free Press sent out photographers, who tooks pic- tures for Thursday's paper and also for TV. One of the, pictures for the latter was the big tree that fell on the front porch of Mr. Austin Chisholm's home on Water St. Farewell party Corp. and Mrs. A. .T. Hodgins (Sandy) were guests of honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Revington last Saturday, when 24 „members of the Revington and Hodgins families (including Mrs. Lily O'Neil of Detroit and Dr. Eric Miller of Montreal) met to extend best wishes, prior to their leaving for France, July 17 where the corporal has been posted for the next two years. Gaines were enjoyed out of doors, followed by refreshments inside, after which Dr. Harvey Revington on behalf of those pre- sent, presented Corp. and Mrs. Hodgins with a travelling clock. Howard Rosecroft a winner Correspondent: Miss Line Abbott Mrs, W. Hodgins Rites mark Granton resident The C. Haskett and Son fune- graduation ral directors had charge of the funeral arrangements of Mrs. William G. Hodgins, 86, who died at her late Granton residence Sunday, June 28, where she lay at rest, till Wednesday, July 1 when she was taken to St. Tho- mas Anglican Church, Granton, for funeral service at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Peter Dymond, Kirkton, and Bev. Richard Anion, Ailsa Craig, officiated. Interment was in St. James Cemetery, Clande- boye. Pallbearers were, Ch es ter Hayes, Erwin Beatson, Jack l3ry- an, Norman Hodgins, Cliff Ship- ley and Glen Foster. Mrs, Hodgins is survived by one daughter Ethel (Mrs. Fred Crouch) of .Ailsa Craig, one sis- ter, Mrs, M. Legate of Alberta, three brothers, Gordon of Alber- ta, John of Scorsdale, N.Y„ and George of Toronto. Mrs. liodgins, the former Ella Jane Belson, was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Albert Beatson and has been a 'Granton resident for the past 54 years. Her husband predeceased her in 1945. Sells ticket, • wins prize A draw, sponsored by the, Lu - can Canadian Legion drew a big crowd to the, Legion Hall last Wednesday night. Mr. Donald Smith of the Lucan Fina Station must have brought his .rabbit foot and had a stand- in with Dame Fortune for he was not only the lucky winner of the $1,000 but4also received $200 for having sold the winning ticket to himself. Just how lucky can a person be! Mr. Jack McIntosh won $50 for having his ticket drawn first. From then on every 100th ticket was a winner and were won by Messrs. Bob Kehl and Roscoe Hodgins of Lucan, Mr. Norman Blake of Ailsa Craig, Mr. Ron Caverhill of RR 7 Ilderton and Mr. C. Hourighan of Stratford. "Howard Rosecroft" was a re- cent winner of the Sunset Gold Series Pace at Batavia Downs, N,Y., winning in the fastest time posted at Batavia this year. Lucanite receives promotion Mr. Bob Watson, son of Dr. find Mrs. T. A. Watson has re- ceived another promotion. He is now manager of the meat depart- ment in a Winnipeg A & P store. He has b'een boarding with former Lucanites, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Horne but Mr. Horne has been transferred to a Calgary A & P branch. He and Mrs. Horne are making a trip back to Lucan before mov- ing to Calgary. Denting picnic On Sunday afternoon 40 des- cendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Banting, formerly of McGillivray Township, met at Springbank for their annual get- to-gether. Games and contests were enjoyedduring the after- noon. Legion bingo Lucanites were back in "the driver's seat" again at last Thursday night's Legion Aux- iliary, Bingo. No one captured the $100 jack- pot but Mrs. Grant Brooke of Lucan won the $5 consolation prize, as well as sharing in an- other bingo. Mrs. Pat Crudge and Mrs. Harold Butler Jr. both of Lucan shared "Share the Wealth," the latter winning two other bingos. The consecutive bingo went to Gary Campbell of Exeter ($1), Mrs. George Chambers of Lu - can ($2), and Mrs. 0. Frederick of Whalen ($3), Gary also won another bingo. Other winners included Mr. C. Taylor of Exeter, Mrs. Omar Cunningham (2) of Clandeboye and Mrs. Ira Carling, Miss Mu- riel Carling, Mrs. R. Westworth, Mr. Norman Coursey, Mrs, Wil- liani Mathers, Mrs, James Ave- ry, and Miss Lina Abbott all of Lucan. Personal items Graham. Thompson, son of Mr. Cid Mrs, J. S. Thompson, is working in St. Catharines for the vacation. Ia Mr. and Mrs, Morrison Murdy, of Kitchener, spent last week- end with the former's mother, Mrs, C. Murcly and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Murdy and family, Mrs. Joe,Orme, of Toronto, is ViSiting, with Mrs, T. D. Grind, Mr. Harold Hodgins and son, Cpl, A. S.. Hodgins,attended a ball gaine ift Detroit last Wed- neadayi. staying overnight with Lily O'Neil, who returned With them /or a Visit here. Mrs. Vges Atkinson attended the birthday party of her one, 'ear -old granddaughter, Ellen Anne Smola, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Smout who have moved frein Ann Artier t� London, lir Pred Arrnitage Alice St. had a successful sale household effects last Sattirday. Church Activities Anglican Church The Board of Management has decided to continue, the 11 a,m. service all year, with'no 9:30 a.m. services as of former years. The Sunday -School .and junior choir are on vacation but junior congregation will continue as usual. Organist Mr, Ken Clarke is playing at St. John the Evange- list Church, London for the month of July. Holy Trinity's former organist, Mrs. C. W. Rawkshaw, presided at the morn- ing service. Pentecost Holiness Church The regular Wednesday eve- ning service had to be cancelled as so m'any of the 'members were cleaning up the debris following the afternoon wind storm. The ladies' Thursday afternoon prayer -meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Mein Eizenga with Mrs. J. A. Graham in charge of the Bible study. The new pastor, the Rev. Ron- ald Hall, formerly of George- town, took both church services. Mr. Jack Eizenga assisted with the music at the morning service and Mrs. Hall assisted at the evening service. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. A. Dougall of Exeter, Mrs. Katharine Ford and son, Fred Ford of Toronto were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. :Redden. Mr. and Mrs. William Ayle- stock of William St. who will ce- lebrate their golden wedding here July 15 had a pre -celebra- tion with their family in Toronto last, weekend. A reception and turkey dinner was held at the home of their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Braithwaite, with 30 guests Pre- sent. Mr. and Mrs. Aylestock were the recipients of a hostess chair, electric kettle and other gifts. Mrs, Wes Hodgins and Mr. Don Hoclgins of Lucan and Mrs, Isabel Copeman of London have returned from a two weeks' ino- tor trip to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia where they were the guests Ot Petty Officer and Mrs.' moved into his home on Main Mrs. Sheridan Revington, pre- sident of the United Church WMS presided at the Baby Band, Mission Band and Explorers gra- duation exercises in the United Church school -room, last Mon- day evening. Mrs. Dorothy Revington as su- perintendent and Mrs. Marion the Queen and the Duke arrived Barr, as assistant, had charge of riding in the royal car which was Joan Nagle, Sandra Marshall, the Baby Band graduation, the a Lincoln. They were driven once Jean and Joan Cunningham, Nan - latter reading the story and the around the track and then intro- cY Watson, Peter Butler, Ward former presenting graduation duced to some of the important, and Wayne Hodgins, Nancy Has - cards to Dennis Maguire, Eliza- people of London. Two orphans kett, Tom Hardy, Anne Culbert, beth Revington, Billie Cochrane, from Font Bonne Hall presented Susan. Crozier, Nancy Young, her Majesty with a basket of Personal items Sheila Armitage, Wayne Zavitz, flowers. Sharon Westworth, Betty Emer- The Queen wore ick and Gloria Arenthola. • dress and a white In the absence of Mrs. George much prettier than Thomson, Miss Rose Revington Pictures. assisted by Marilyn Hearn and We were disappointed because Nancy Park had charge of the her Majesty did not talk to us. . MisShe wasdriven around the sion Band graduation. The girls presented a short skit, after track once more to the sound of great applause and then drove which Rose presented graduation cards to four Mission Band mem- back to the CNR Station. bers being promoted to Explo- On behalf of the students and rers; Nancy Park, Barbara Can_ adults that went to London, 1 per, Marilyn Hearn, and Susan would like to express sincere Kennedy. thanks to the Home and School Counsellor Kae Haskett had Association for arranging the seating at the Stadium and to charge of the graduation of ten Explorer girls to CGIT: Marga- ret Cobleigh, Judy Scott, Bar- bara Park, Barbara Ready, Car- ole Davis, Nancy Kestle, Betty Ann Lewis, Elaine Emerick, Helen Sigsworth and Susan Brid- ger. These graduates were wel- comed into the CGIT by the lead- ers, Mr, Charles Sovereign and Mrs. G. E. Nicholson. First view of royalty By WARD HODGINS On July 3, 1959 at 8:30 a.m. we were off with visions in our minds of the sights we would see in the stadium of Western Uni- versity. We were transported there in two buses, arranged for us by the Legion. On the way nume- rous songs were sting. When we arrived, the Police Boys' Band, directed by Martin Boundy was playing to entertain the crowd, and what a crowd! There were thousands of chil- dren and Boy Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides and Brownies with many adults too. At about 9;30 the Scouts of the 72nd Troup of London, performed a musical ride; during which they wore red coats like the Mounties and rode cardboard horses. 11 they bad been real hor- ses it would have been authentic. After waiting another 114 hours Local music students present church recital A vocal, instrumental and Bob Hardy, Jean Marie Lankin, .Nowi.ibud.golt itom. Baseline„ By MRS. ARCHIE ppyAR I dance recital was staged in theJudy Scott. I3arbara Ready. Paul coopoes WMS Anglican Parish hall by the pu- Steady a n d Marilyn Baton; Inns of Miss Bette Leake, Mrs. duets bY JoYce Butler and Gor- b Clarence Hardy. and Miss Judy I don Hardy', Elizabeth. Hill and wpse, ;ilge nrinetein, g cyf Cooper's choir. went to the Anglican junior 1 Freeman; Barbara Cooper, Nan- lth5e hn?ellrirnet ef>rfsMrasn.d117fiaEvselsthQvellilsdiwtoitrahst HaSkett, the proceeds of which' Tom Hardy and dances by Janis The recital opened with two dra Marshall and Darlene Seeli. service was taken bY Mrs. D. The worship service I cY Hardy, Susan Kennedy, San- present. ducted by the new leader Mrs.! Lankin on behalf of the music pl,F, Spence and Mrs. T. Coward. Theme of the study , Period, numbers by the junior choir, con. I Barbara Ready and Jean Marie which Mrs. Arnold presented; a gift. M.rs. Olive Baker. "Time to Work”, Was given by Jack Arnold, at the close of pits presented Mrs. Hardy with gifts to Mr. Ken Clarke, the two! Miss Bette Leake who accom- A skit on WA work was pre - choir mothers, Mrs. Kay Egan; panied the vocalists, was pre- sented• by Mrs. 0. Baker and was g HardY, on behalf of the choir and by Elizabeth Esson. and Mrs. Cavin Haskett. The! sented with a bouquet of roses Mrs, D. Spence. A piano solo former leader, Mrs. Clarence bY Ann George. iven two members, Lynn Arnold and Tom Hardy, presented gifts to both leaders. Vocal numbers were given by An interesting talk was given by Mrs. Butson Harris Munro, Brinsley fall president of the Perth. Presby- terial WA. Personal items Ann George, Louise Cochrane, Rosemary Hall, Janet Kehl and hurts cyclist Julia Clathworthy; instrumentals by Gordon Hardy, Joyce Butler, a dark pink hat and was many of her Mrs. Murray Hodgins, who presided at the piano showed the film "Rudi Comes to Canada." Members of the Evening Aux- iliary provided refreshments. . Lucan boy injured Johnny Armitage, grandson of Mr. Percy Armitage of Market St. fell off his bicycle last Sun- day breaking his left shoulder and a hone in his left wrist. Hardy picnic Sunday's rain cleared up in time for 42 descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy to enjoy a two meal picnic on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hardy. Old and young all joined heart- ily in races, contests and base- ball, during the afternoon, with everyone winning at least one prize. Mr. L. McArthur, father of Mrs. Norman Hardy won the prize for the oldest person pre- sent. Mrs. Mert Culbert and Mrs. Leroy Revington were in charge of the sports program. Red Cross blood clinic • Mr. John Anderson of the Lon- don Red Cross, assisted by the Lucan Lions Club was in charge of a Red Cross Blood Clinic, held in the Anglican Church basement last Tuesday evening. Of the 29 who offered blood, 26 were accepted. Lucanites assisting' at the cli- nic were Mrs. .Tim Young, .R.N., Mrs. Jack Steacy, Mrs. Clarence Haskett, Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins and Mrs. Glen Prout. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Victor Thatcher and family and Elaine Emerick spent last Sunday in Ingersoll, the guest of Mrs. Sangford But- ler, Betty Lou remaining over for some holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Banting, of Brantford, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting and attended the Banting picnic at Springbank on Sunday. Mrs. E. J. Hedden, Kimberly and David, visited last Wednes- day with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden, Mrs. John Park, Mrs. Sheri- dan Revington, Mrs. Jack Lan - kin of Lucan and Mrs. Art Mc- Lean of London, have returned home from a week's vacation at Grand Bend. Mrs. William Dickins has re- turned from a holiday at the cot- tage of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Maines. Her sister, Miss Alice Maines, who was also at the cottage. stopped off for a few days visit, in Lucan before re- turning home, Mr. and Mrs. Bob .Coleman spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickins of London, who brought them home Saturday and stayed over her till Sunday evening. While in London they got a splendid view of the Queen and Prince Philip. Messrs, Harold Corbett and Alex Young spent last weekend on a motor trip to Northern On- tario, going as for north as Com - mantle near North Bay. Mr, Russell Bow m an lths William llodgins of lIalifgx. Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Collins, of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collins and son David of To- ronto have returned home after spending a few days with Mrs. George 13 a wden. Mrs, Warner McIteberts at- tended the Iluctwith - Campbell wedding at Dresden last Satur- day. The bride was a 'member of the Dresden High School staff With Mrs. McRoberts. Mr. And Mrs. Donald Gardiner and family are spending 5 two- week motor trip to New Bruns- wick, Mr, lltiliert lmiltoti, at tit- ean, had the great honor of be- ing one of the fifty chosen for choir to sing for the Prince At Wolseley Barracks hitt Thurs. dair St. purchased .from Mr, Wes Revington smile time ago. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kennedy and family have been living in the house until they moved into the apattment vacated byr Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ritmo and family. Miss Ilelen Hardy and her friend Miss Mari] y n Smith, nurses•in-t raining at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, were Sunday wet -night guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hardy. Two former Lucanites, Mrs. Gordon Swahn (nee Ante Wray) and Mrs. Roy George (nee Clara Perley) spent lag Weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Corbett and called on 5 number of schnol- day Mends, Miss Hattie Hodgins of the Green Gables Nursing Homo. the Liman Legion for getting the buses. am sure all ,who went will never forget this momentous occasion. Plan school this month For weeks the fate of Lucan's Vacation.School has been hang- ing in the balance, owing to the inability to secure sufficient teachers. However due to the untiring efforts of the committee there was a meeting in the Anglican Parish Hall Monday evening and it was decided to hold the 1959 Vacation School, July 20-24 with a pet show on Wednesday eve- ning and achievement night Fri- day evening. The nursery department will he held in the United Church and the other classes in the. Angi- can basement and parish hall with some of the craft classes in the Lucan Motor Sales' show- room. Personal items Mr, Robert Hamilton enter: tained 39 members of the Luthe- ran choir, London, at his par- ents' home, last Tuesday eve- ning with a barbecue. His moth- er provided coffee and straw- berry short cake. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Edwards, the former Marion Coursey, spent last Sunday with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Irene Cour- sey. Mrs. Laverne Allison of Ailsa Craig spent Wednesday with her Lather, Fred Armitage pre- paring for his sale on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Rev- ington visited their new grand- son in St. Joseph's Hospital on Sunday. Happenings in Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER *asa~NsvninAng.wqmom,,w Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family attended the Hazel- wood reunion at Stratford last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker attended the Garrett -Nairn wed- ding at Zion East United Church on Saturday. Mrs. Leonard Thacker and Orrie attended the shower at the home of Miss Grace Doupe on Thursday evening held in honor of Miss Elizabeth Nairn. Joan Hodgins, Granton, is spending a few days with Linda, Cathy and Joy Thacker. Miss Elizabeth' Thacker is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins of Gran, ton. , The 4-H Club "Perky Petti- coats" held their meeting at the home of Miss Orrie Thacker on Friday afternoon. Mrs. E. Trewartha, of Holmes - vine, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford. Mr. Trewartha spent Monday With them, Douglas Langford, of Dor- chester, spent last week with Walter, Donnie and Carl Lang- ford, Me. and Mrs. Kenneth 'Parkin- son and family, Mr, and Mrs. George Dann, of London, spent Sunday visiting with relatives at Tillsonburg and Long Point. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey spent. Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Messey of Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson and Marie vent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Petch of mi., and mrs. Lloyd tingaie Strathroy and Mr. and Mrs. A, and baby Of liespelea aped the Mrs. Mel Culbert and family and Mrs. Culbert's mother, Mrs. a motor trip to Little Current, Manitoulin Island, where they were the guests of Mrs. Patrick's daughter, Mrs, David Glover and family. Terry Culbert took thein up ,June 28 and went for them last Sunday. Many Lucanites (o idl and young) went. to Stratford or Lon- don to see Queen Elizabeth and Prince P'hilip, Those who went to Stratford 'got ,a splendid view of the Queen at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival. Mrs. Calvin Haskett and fam- ily and Ilene, Donaldson left by motor on Monday for a month's vacation at Rosseau Road, Mus- koka. After a three. and a half week visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy and family Mrs. Gert- rude Hardy left on Monday for her home at Canton, Ohio. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Tollef- son (nee Doris Graham) and son David of Toronto were weekend guests of Mrs. J. A. Graham. Mrs. John McLean of the Alma College staff, St. Thomas is spending her vacation at her home here. . Guests with Mr. and Mrs. James Sigsworth and family last week included Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elson.and Liddy of Park- hill on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Legg of Aylmer on Tues., day. Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Jones and family, of Kippen, were Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson. Col, Duncan G. Ross, of Lon- don, called on a number of his Lucan friends last Saturday. The Middlesex County Library Cooperative left a good collec- tion of new books at the Lucan library last Friday. Steve and Carole Davis, chil- dren of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Davis of George St. have gone far afield for their holidays. Steve is visiting his aunt and uncle at Quyon, Quebec, and Carole her grandparents, Mr. land Mrs. Leighton Davis of Nap, anee. Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Prest and ;family of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs, S. V, Prest and family of Wil- lowdale and Mrs. V. N. Prest' of London enjoyed a picnic at Sprilakbank last Saturday and went to see Storybook Gardens. Mrs. Murray Hodgins attended a camp meeting at Metropolitan Church, London, last Sunday. Mrs. J. S. Thompson is holi- daying in R.egina, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas King and family, a Harriston, are holidaying with Mrs. Annie Fair- ies, Mrs. King's mother, Mrs. Eldon Hodgson has re- turned home from Stratford where her sister, Mrs. Lela Beadle entertained a number of friends to a card party to cele- brate 'her birthday. Dr. T. A. Watson, Messrs. Gor- don Banting, Roy Pitt and Harry Bond, have returned from a fish- ing trip to Key Harbor. In spite of rough water, they brought home a good supply of fish. Billy Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Park, of Petrolia, is holidaying with the children of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park and other Lucan pals. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Draper and grandson, Johnny Stevenson of Cookstown, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Wilkinson and family. Comments about Crediton East C • By MRS, W. MOTZ :!•;•`a"Ima'If:•:77 • y.; Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- stetter and family of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs, William Homey of 'Exeter and Mrs. Mae Gamble and family of Glammis visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wit. liarn Motz, Mr. Isaac Sims of London spent the weekend with his sis- ter And brothers, Mr. and Mrs. William Heath- erley and Mr. and Mrs. William English, all of London, visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs, WU- Pain Motz. Muxlow and Mrs, Sisson', of Wat- vt,e6k6nd with her father, Mr, tOrd. Ken Kuhn, and Mr. and Mrs. anMdr.famanictrMrs. tilen Dawson y FrAniska 1?liaarncviialleSmith of London and Mrs. Gerald Bryan and family of Prospect Hill were LitethelebeetkileantideetviCtr hr gstairinendt- Sunday evening guests of Mr. mother, Mrs. S. Baynhani. and Mrs. William Jones, Mr. Charles Anderson is visit - Carl and 'Edwin Jones hr4 ing teatnitigton with Mr. arid Spending few days With their Mi, JaCk Anderson and fanilly, grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Bryan of Prospect Hill, Mr. And Mrs. Art Rhin and The minister walked up rho 'family, of Thamesford, spent faulty microphone at the Mr. Letey Revington IS Weil.- Parkhill, Spent last Tuesday with Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd and intoned ProfeStiOnallyt 'rest- ing with Mr. Neil MeRartti iti her sister, Mr,, Alvin McLean Thomson, Cheryl remaining for in. Testing, Matthew Mark Toronto tti train: horses,' And family, two weeks' holidays, 't Dike .Ttottitig, By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD Mr. .Ray Lewis lost control of his motorcycle on the Brinsley road when it struck a hole in the road. He suffered a had head wound and was attended by Dr. Scrim- geour of Parkhill. Afterward he was able to go to his home. Birthday party A picnic party In celebrate Marion Glen's birthday was held on Sunday on the .farm of Mr. Clarence Cunningham on the flats near the river. A wiener roast was held and then sports wr enjoyed by all. Those present were: Marion Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Goldy Glen, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Cunning- ham, Mrs, Lawrence Bell and Ronald of Hamilton, Mrs. Eva Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. By- ron Jackson, Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock, Exeter, Gordon Morley, Roy Glenn, Mr. Arnold Cunningham and Eddie and Georgie Lee. Personal items Mrs. Andy Keogh, who has been a patient inSt. Joseph's Hospital, London, for the past two weeks, is able to be home again, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton of Lucan on Tuesday evening. ivrr. and Mrs. John Morgan of Guelph are spending the sum- mer at their farm. Mr. .Garnet Trevethick, of St. Thomas, spent the weekend with his brothers. Mrs. James De Finney and Debbie of Ottawa arrived on Saturday to spend the month of July' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy 1<eogh. Mr. and Mrs. Raehurn Steeper spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Dixon o. Grecnway. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd, Carolyn and friend of London. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Prest and sons left on Sunday for a two-week trip to the west. Mr. Earl Hamilton is erecting a new barn. Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon were! Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simpson and family of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. William Cook of Granton. Anguished voice: There's a burglar in Miss Spinster's room at 211 Main Street. Please send a policeman in a hurry. Police sergeant: Is this Miss Spinster? Voice: No, this is the burglar. * Cannibal chief: What do you do for a living? Victim: I'm an assistant edi- tor. Cannibal chief: Well, after to- night, you'll be an editor-in- chief." . Mr. and. Mrs. E. O'Reilly and Edward of North Bay spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson. Mrs. Cacciotti, who has been visiting with Mrs. Parkinson for a few weeks, re- turned with them to Caprenl. Mr. and Mrs. James Mclsaac. Windsor, d Mr. and Mrs. John Steele, St. Catharines, spent a few days lastwith M • and Mrs. .Archie Dewar. Ronald and Maryanne Mar- riott, St. Marys, spent a few holidays with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Dewar. Mr. and Mrs, Carmen, Gail and John, St. Marys, were guests with Mr. John Rinn and family on Sunday. Mr. John Puddy, Toronto. spent the weekend at Mr. John Rinn's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elston and family visited on Sunday with Mrs, Elston's sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Tomlinson, Lon- don. Miss Mary De Brabender is homy for her holidays after successfully passing her grade nine work at •the St. Joseph's Academy, London. •-•••••••• The story in Zion By MRS. JUD DYKEMAN Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hern, of Jarvis, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Herm Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart and family of London Township were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock and Ronnie spent the weekend in Vineland. Mr. George Earl is spending the month with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hero returned home Wednesday after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell, Grimsby. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, St. Marys, spent Sunday in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickinson, Denfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Al- guire and family of Walsing- ham were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johns and children visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Miners, Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dykeman and Ronnie, London, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dykeman and family, Crediton, Mr, Gerald Dearing of Exeter, Michael Cushman. Exe- ter, were '8unday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Judson Dykeman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hern, Shir- ley and Graham, spent last week at Ipperwash. You can cut car insurance rates! Reduce premiums by avoiding accidents. Teach youngsters not to "show off". Drive defensively, Respect; the law, Safety pays many ways, W. H. Hodgson "The Insurance Man" PHONE 24 EXETER wtoortisoffooliotwoomipm11.11.1 Mostios.fr.oni Blake Ry EIOZAIIITH KrIttr'77,'lltleAttIONNEIIINtettl Perionil ftems Miss Dianne 'Faber of Kippeif and Miss Zinnia Desch of 'Vim* are spending their .holiday* with their ,grandmother, Mrs. Rudy Desch. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence rester of Detroit, visited on 'Saturday evening with Mr. Harold Finlay and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Dinsmore and family, of Windsor, spent the. weekend with Mr. and, Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore and Mr. and Mrs. James Dinsmore. Douglas Manson, ;of Toronto, Is spending his vacation with his aunt :and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Newill Geiger and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Diechert and family, of Zurieh, spent Sun- day evening with Mr, and Mrs. Roy McBride. Mr. 'William. Clark, Mr. Harold Finlay and family attended the Farrell reunion held at Goderich on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Westbrook and family, of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr, Guston. Bohn. Mr. Hugh McBride, of Lon- don, spent .the weekend with :his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Me - Bride. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich spent Sunday in Kitchener, , May: Are you sure you're in 'love with that Texas oil man? ay. Sure? I'llsay! Every I lime J hear his voice I get chin- chillas up and down my spine. 'South End Service A-1 .Used Car Buys ALL GUARANTEED! NOT SALE SPECIALS! '59 METEOR 9 -PASS: STATION WAGON Radio, automatic, 6,000 miles, a dandy! '59 METEOR RIDEAU SEDAN Automatic, six cylinder, Now in Stock! '59 AUSTIN HEALEY AS P. RIeTwE, sports car special! See it today! '59 A-40 AUSTIN SEDAN This car is new from bumper to bumper! '55 CHEVROLET SEDAN Your choice of two, both in excellent condition! '53 DODGE SEDAN It's really sharp! 1'53 CHEV BEL AIRE Radio, automatic. '53 METEOR SEDAN Blue in color. Drive it today and see the difference! It's a real family car, '53 CHEV HARDTOP This ones really sharp! Completely reconditioned, radio, new whitewall tires, full chrome discs, red and white in color. BETTER THAN NEW! L.••••••••••••WM•••••••••••••••••••••••••••1•MM '53 AUSTIN A-40 SEDAN (After July 18 Delivery) ORDERS FOR 1959 A-55 Austin August 21 Delivery Only, Drop In And Save On These A.1 Used Cars at South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER J. J.T.:11. 7474 4n:74-WU 4 474 J. .1.^J: 474-4. In:Mr 1 .. ire.. '4 I. 4-4 WI. .1' 1:".: J .1 L. WW. J GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES THE PREMIER TRUST COMPANY OIStRICT OFFICE t4 ego Richmond Straele lionlen, Ontario 4-2714 Available Through C. V. Pickard — Broker Exeter — Telephone lbS 4. *44 W`47.1:41::::a. "4 .1:10:74noran. nt..4. +kr% J:41:4 n...n6:4741.1:4:14:4 ' 4:WU J. o1