HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-16, Page 7Victim of traffic crash 'zurich to refolp ••• promotion ass n urges permiit insurance a Contmued frolai page 1 t and SD have the other children; ary 20., 1958. While the mother I don't think I could have coma had paid for insurance for a pe. 1,00e 1 a11 this wit1w riod tending beyond the (late or the accident. the insurance company ha declined to pay on the grounds 'that the insurance dies when the person for whom it is issued dies. Mr. Finlay's lawyers hay P sued: the company and the etre has been heard. But the judge has reserved judg,ement. There s no indication when it will be handed down. lt's a. precedentesettang ca' and ,ene which may seriously ai- feet car drivers. If the judge finds the law favors the com- pany, it will mean that if .a dri• ver Is killed in an accident, his insurance firm won't. be respell- sible for any of the damages in - ;erred by that driver. If the. company is held not re. aponsible, the case may then go fiend, which will occasion fur- Bidduiph to the unsatisEed judgemeat , ther long „delays, as well as at least a two -third reduction m the By MRS. M. H. ELSTON benefit. • Mr. Finlay has had other in- surance problems. He had an Hear choir in Stratford auto insurance policy which pro- Mr. and Mrs, J. McAllister. vided benefits for total clisabi- • Neil and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. lite", From April 20. the day -of Sam Skinner and family a.ccom• the accident. until August 5, he panied by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil could .not work and the company Skinner of Exeter and Mr. and paid hini for this pertod. How- Mrs, Ronald Denham and larn. ever, on August 5 the farmers ily. Klrkton. were. in Stratford doctor unsuspectingly suggested last Wednesday evening when he try some: "light tractor work" the Princeton Theological Se- to .deterrnine if it was possible minary Choir of New Jersee. et all. Someone saw him get on U.S.A. were, singing in Knox the. tractor 'that day when he Presbyterian Church. Rev. .las. trie.d two or three times to plow Seunarine, BA. BD, of Trinidad before. giving up. Although the . was a member of the choir. test proved he could not work at Jim, who has visited the family that point, the fact that he did on several occasions has re- dosome — and someone saw it ceived his Thad. from the Semi - the insurance company was ! nary and on his return home will' legally entitled to stop payment , he principal of Naparima Train.; and it did so. I ing College. San Fernando, Tri - i These are some of the major aided, B.W.I. l legal problems. I Cub's first picnic There have The "Nitwits Helpers ", a been many smaller ones. For example, because it was his car group of eight neighborhood girls which came to rest against a , held a picnic an the lawn of Mr. hydro pole, Mr. Finlay has been and Mrs. M. H. Elston. on Friday presented with the bill for mi- ! afternoon to which they invited nor repairs to the pole. The bill ! their mothers and other ladies of isn't minor, of course. I the community. About 30 were in And there have been count- . attendance. l The officers of the group, Judy es trips to hospital for treat- ! Male, Sheila Elston and Gerald. tnent ' many expensive drugs. me Blair, conducted the games pains and • numbness. arthritis , and sports and a buffet luncheon and even gangrene for this far- was served. Money received by the girls is He's doing farm work now.: donated to the Red Cross. but only a limited amount be- persona( items cause of internal injuries. He has John. 17; Mary, m; 14; .1 2. and Margaret. 9. In addition to this belp, the Hay farmer is gratefut to ree support he's received front his neighbors. fellow.- churchmen. and Zurich district people, who have contributed in many ways —financial and material (inn - tions, assistance with crops, ere, dit from storekeepers. to men• tion some. "We'll get Ihroeeh I'm eitre • but sometimes it seems like a mighty long haul." "I hope people realize that that At the request of the -Chamber of ( ommerce. Zuxich trustees agreed this week to re. join the Mid -Western ,Ontario Development: Association. It requested the Chamber to appoint two• officials to loin with one .council nominee as an in- dustrial promotion committee to work in conjunction with the INIWODA. The pollee iUage dropped its membership in the association several years ego - !Couple visits frien 5 on 7—,000 -mi -le Mr. and Mrs. Roly.Williams, • The alto visited the Aberdeen • Sunday from a fivce•wecli ;trip ta Centralia airman. Leonard, •Smith, the west coast during which they. Portage La Prairie. and Rey. visited a eumber of former dis- Walter E. Donnelly, one•teme trite residents. minister of James St. Church. .of the trip. according who instructed Mr.. and Mrs. Wil - to Mr. Williams, was the Calgary , Lams 'to tell folks at home "there Stampede, where the -spirit of always an mete' bed at our the people assures everebody house for anyone from Exeter.'" - • ., . good time. He was also en • pressed with 'the fainting opera- "" '• s• tions in the Rocky Mountains. • Message from The.' couple described the The rouple drove the all.CanaJ dian way out, returning through! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock the U.S. Their trip covered 7,000 I ofLondon.flarueb;epsio-logek• miles. For all but one day, the • t hat sti dw Mr. • weather was 'cool , • . „ .• • • Among the people they visited ton'alro.f and Mrs, ,GNeoyeetearAppnvii:: tri. RR 3, Exeter, returned home e Angus farm. of a former RCAF MaYgrOUnd a through the Rockies as one of the most scenic in North Ameri- „ reenway Patter slogan means what it says — an accident is just a word until By DOROTHY KERSLA.K.E von. have one,” Happenings in mer, ! Mr. and Mrie R. Heckman and Even if financial compensa- family attended the 12th Becker tion is made. it would be far ' reunion held on Sunday at the from replacing the most heart- home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry rending loss of all — a wife and : Becker Sr. of Dashwood. mother,. I Visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. M. But Mr, Finlay has been fortte ' H. Elston during the week were nate in. haying an. 18 -year-old Rev. N. D. and Mrs. Knox and daughter.. Elizabeth, who has Ruth .of Lambeth also the for - [Harold Pollock. were Ales. Edna. Fox, an aunt of • _ . 'ting with Air. and Mrs. Dean Mr. Williams, in Victoria; Dr. W. E. Weekes and Mrs. Weekes, Brown and anMdr.faanniid. lyMrs. Russell formerly of Exeter. in Vancouv— er; Jobe and Dan Kinsman, Mc- Mrs. Stewards= spent elorie• Mrs. Myrtle Lefler and several days with her sister, • Mrs. Florence „Giblet, former Mrs. Minnie Oliphant of Burl- ; Aerie sisters, in the 'tango:4h ington, who is seriously ill. • area; the Thompson famiry, for- Mrs. Chas. Masan celebrated • • - in the Caren- her 91st birthday at Green • doff district; and Mr. an .. a es Nursing Home last jelue Christie, former Exeter Thursday and Mrs. W. T. 'Wens The first week of playground finished with the crowning of a. king and queen at each of the 'three parks. At Kin Park. they were Joaane -•. ..een. andic tee.. emAine. Cathy McDonald and Bob Mc- Donald ruled at r'ictoria Park The royalty at Queens Park was Marlene Harness and Donnie Crif• ford. All those of school age who reg, istered at the playground took part in a scaveneer hunt on Fra day afternoon. This was a suc- cess. This week will consiel• of vari- ous special days. Monday was Splash Day; Tuesday was Back- wards Day; Wednesday was Old Fashioned Day; Thursday is "On Wheels" Day and a bus trip, if it can he arranged. is planned for Friday when once again a king and nucen will be chosen at each playground. Swimming instructions started on Thursday, July- 9, and the various classes will continue throughout the summer months. Anyone still wanting to join the playground or swimming classes may clo so at any of the parks through the supervisors. Cost for the playground is 25 cents and 30 cents for the swim- ming. if nice weather prevails over the weekend, the wading pool at Victoria Park will be open from 2-4 Saturday and Sunday after- noon, Closed for years, school haunted BeE on a closed schoolhouse ame • Neither children nor parents were prepared to attend — the pealing came about rnidnig,ht. • Police aren't convinced it was !the work of spooks. on the second concession of Stephen. west of Exeter, c out of retirement this week. merle ofExeter, d NI G bl residents, Calgary, celebrated her 87th birthday last Saturday ., ' .. . ..... • Mrs.. Fred 'Rinkel. of Sarnia. I Letter from visited last week with. her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bro. Brinsley I Mrs, Carman Woodburn enter- ] phey. I .- • tained at a trousseau I ea last • Personal items Ms. and Mrs. Elmer Shepherd of Lieury spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs, George Presl, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Mor- gan af Detroit spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. john Morgan. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knapton Don and friend &pent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Wii- ilam Fenton. Miss Hazel Lewis called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton Wed. nesday .afternoon, ! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenton and 'family attended the Becker reunion at Riverview Park, Exe• • ter, on Sunday. Mr. Johnnie Morgan of Detroit uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schenk ! of London spent Friday evening with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Schenk. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton, Bob and Gerald of Lucan spent • Sunday evening with Mr, 'and Mrs. Earl Dixon. I Mr. and Mrs. La w r e n c Swartz and Mr. and Mrs. Carl i Morley and baby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schenk. a. Saturday in honor of her daugh- " I ter, 'Marion, a bride -elect of this week. Mr: and Mrs. Fred Steeper of Sarnia spent the weekend with relatives. aasetae Misses Marilyn Young'and Maxine Mellin are attending CGIT Camp near Goderich this week. Mr. Mrs, CecilSto ' of ' Parkhill visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Willis Steeper and family. • , Wife: la you don't listen to xne. I'm going back to mother. Husband: Promises, promises all I ever get is promises. ....1leettetee•teleeeeee, " eeteflie. .... .............. I)ASEOALL. STA ND ING S . .... „ e \WEE (Group 1) La W , k' Scores The Times -Advocates July 16, 1939 Paas 3 DANTAA1 "C" I -art Week's Scores: Godernh P. g Hamburg A. Clinton New Hamburg 11, Hensall Seaforth 10. 1.41can Standings es .t. .r P ..„„_:,,,, 1,1,„,thtir.;,, 12. Exerne 5 47ipilt3.1-totH1 aniburg :mole:, 2., Non Hamburg 16 u 5litchell 5, soar:I:nil 4 1-raanf s°a1 1 th A 0 n 1 5 2 0 1 4 3 n Standings Lucan ....• 4 ;1 .Ext -,ter 1 4 1 AGA int tilt ccelliirillii , . 1 1 n 1. 5 ti 1 .i A es. 1. •r r 81, mh u eg .;11 ; n n 5 4 A A , 1 7 names Thos Week: 15—Seaforth at 0 looton 11—SKatorth at Exoler 21—New Hamburg at 'Mitchell 23—C`inton at FiNoter PEE wee (Group t.ast. Week's, Scores: Gorloro-b 21, 1 autan riodotich 2n. Henzall 15 Loran 11. Sehringville 7 Standings' (loderich L.tir an Zurich Sebvings-91e Games This Week; 1 ul% Games This Week: 1 uly h--Exet or at Mitt hell IC,.'ClInlnn at Lucan 17—Seaforth at Exeter Gocierich at "Kansan Clinton al Mitchell 1A—New Hamburg at raoderich 20—liarhell at New Hamburg Last 1Neek's Scores; Sebrmgcllie 12. Goderich, 7 'Mitchell 6. Zurich 5 Zurich S. Goderich 1 Zurich. 15. Mensal' 1 ("Unto:1 14. Goderich 3 Sehringi ills A. Mitchell I Febring3ille at. Clinton ppd, Standings 0 W 1.4 'PP A Zurich . 8- 2 1 13 Clinton6 . . 5 1 1 11 5: Sebringville Seaforth . • 3 2 1 e 2 Goderich 1 .6 0 , Hensell 2 Mitchell AZ.aceter A 4 0 xlVithdrew' from league after tour: garne0 N$—Zxeter games not included 14 standings Games This Week; July 15—Clinton .a.t 'Hermit 11—Mitchell at Zurich. 4 1$114,1,41 ..... I . 11111111t$1111114IMIIMMIMMOIMi!,11,;,,, 17 —Honsall at Set:in:Irvine 1152't r.del at Sebriigv1le 25 -Coderich sI Zurich IP WE REPEAL 11 we in Huron County vote to repeal the C.T.A. we come at once under the Liquor Control Act.. Immediately G-overnment • Liquor Stores may be establish- ed, Brewers' Retail Stores will probably be set up neuter the Liquor License Board. Anyone over 21 can then purchase as much as a carton of beer. In addition wine shops will be ' legal. Wine, with an alcoholic content as high as 14%, can be obtained legally. More serious is the fact that . in time other legal liquor outlets ' will certainly be opened. Bever- I aee rooms, sale of beet ana wine in hotels, dining lounges— some of these or all will be • found in our county, This has been the story in Peel and Mani- toulin, both of which voted out • the C.T.A. • Do we in Huron want this? 1 . i (adv't), • stettette ........ et ..... 1.11111m1111.1.111111111111111,111fIlt1.111IMIIIIIIIII11121111 .... litIIIIII1111,21111111111111111111111111 i is spending the summer with hes Joe Morgan. , 1 KOOL ENT - NASH • Awnings and • Veranda!? Canopies • Combination Deere and Windows 9 Double•Double Hung, Double Gliders and Jalousies 9 Aluminum Porch and Step Railings ' KOOLVENT-NASH Windows 'pre•assembled and ready to in- 1 i stall actually cost less than wooden windows with necessary i hardware, storm and screen and painting cost. See our ! i" windows before you build or re -model. Call as for free esti- 1 I mates, I f; 1 1. T reju ice ts a great time -1 Misses Gail Cousins and Bach - 1106, H., WALKER saver. It lets us foropinions I ville, and Sharon Lightfoot of i ,, A ee without bothering to get the Centralia visited with. Mr. and .1 rn•"d"ri. uthorized Dealer facts. taken over . many of her trio. mets parents. Mr. and Mrs. I p ^ ther's duties. ''She's beenwon- i Knox of Toronto, Mrs. Clarence derful," he,says with 'pride, Fletcher, Woodham, Mrs, Melvin aasaramanearaereeeeeesesesesseeeee : Gardner and Marylin, Thomas Road. This week in ! Misses Sheila and Wendy El- ston 'spent Sunday with their ' n .Wichelse ____ _ _ a. ,clonttsin, Wendy Hudson, Eder-. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lang. By MR.. WILLIAA4. WALTER S . ford and John also Mrs. Edna •-•-•,,,es. eeeeeeereeeeas-e,easeesee,e.:eesses . Langford attended their family 'reunion which was held on Sun - Mr,. Fred Walters spent the !day in the Pinery. weekend at his cottage at Ches.' Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fischer t ley Lake. and boys, London, were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. 'William 'Walters guests of Mr, and Mrs. Chris and Danny visited on Sunday . Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fl - with Mrs. Nelson Clarke at ! scher were Saturday guests. Fareuhar. 1 Misses Judy and Bonnie 'Blair Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cowan . spent a couple of days with Mr. ef London and Mr. and Mrs. , I and Mrs. Ken Greb. Centralia. John Wicks and family of Strafe ' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair and ford visited with Mrs. Fred family also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walters and girls over the week- -Blair and family accompanied end, ' ! by Mr. and Mrs. Don Blair and Mr. and Mrs. Cohn Gilfillan. family of London attended the ,arbara. Grant and Danny Val- Robinson reunion which was ters visited on Sunday evening • held in Exeter Park on Sunday. , with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith, The families of Mr. and Mrs. of Crediton. ' Sam Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Jean Gilfillan of London ' J. McAllister attended the Skin- ' ;Debt the weekend with Mr. and ' ner reunion at Stratford Corn- . Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. • munity Park on Sunday, Mr. . and Mrs. Newton Clarke •• end Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke and Bobby attended the Dobbs t reunion at Springbank Park on Sunday. ci.air Mrs. 'William Wright'M ....t of Ex- git-A " tter ,spent - a fev. days last week Clarke. — Shop with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barber op Mr. and Mrs. Elson :Lynn and family aftended the. Skinner pie. ' offering to Exeter and con -i- nk at Stratford on Sunday. triunity he services of two ts,i-.',,,.,,...,1'.:,.:-,..,,.•:•,::.:'-..-•,•.,•:-.;A:,•,'..•.•,."''"-1"'.,.,...:4,licenced barbers. The story in Zion By M. JUD OYIKEMAN , Bill Brock. Vernon Hern. Patti Baker and 'Larry Hern are attending Bimini Camp this "week. Barbara Miller, 'Thantes is spending this week with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs, Warren Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Earl. Exe- ter. visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. tohriam Hem. , Mr. a h d Mrs. Wellington Brock Were Saturday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Row. elifie and family, London. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Here and Mr. and Mrs, Tom Brotk qui Saturday with Mrs. 'Lloyd Lynn, who is a patient in Victo- ria Hospital, London. Richard Westcott, Exetet, is spending a few days with his grandpakente. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriarn Heim. • Michael Cushman. 'Exeter. epent Sunday with Bruce Dyke - man. Mt. and Mrs. Warren Brack. Atitd Mt. and Mrs.tdwin end family of Thattiee B.d. at. tended the Stewart picnic at exefyieW Valk, EXetet," on Sun- day. A nuMber cif ladies from the trilitintlititSt Attended the Wt ilitI- .nin at RiVervieW Psitk 1 nS t Wednesday, tlimville vitt eittele Wilted the ladies freitt Stella id Crediton institute M. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques Air Conditioned Shop Full Line of 14Asn's Hairdressings 431 MAIN STREET S. Exeter pet our motor turie-up for hest performance and real fuel savings Yeur meter wilt be et its peek of efficiency after out' scientific urte-up. Larry Snider Motors etitd faritify Ingited d Saturday rifoNg 614 EXETER eight With Mr. entire. WeS Jai tee EXeter. II 1 Mrs. Earl Dixon 10T a fey!' daYs, lee ..... ee,...,.....,,e, .. et....etwetteli....1 ......... Iss,,..i.e..•....m.1..telli"st.i,,,,,,,,,,..,,, EXETER No wondemorepeoile are &wig. Cheritt& ia59 thizi a:)w Met, ear ONE OF THE T R/G RESTS CHEVROLET GIVES YOU OVER ANY CAR IN ITS FIELD Other cars daim gas economy , Chev- rolet delivers it, That was proved beyond all argument by this year's Mobilises Econ- omy Run. A pair of Chevrolet Sixes walked away n ith the of, two places and the winning mileage was a whopping 26.84 , the best of any lull -size car! And that's lust the start of Chevrolet's ex- tra. value. A'e romoetitire car near Chevy'e price gives you all these bests just ea what the experts say: BEST STYLE Chevrolet is the ear that's. unmistakably modern in eery flowing line! POPULAR SCIENCE magazine has this to say: "In its price class a hese high in daring styling", BEST BRAKES Chevrolet proved its SUperibrity in direct corn- peutive tests carried but by N'ASCARek. In repeated stops from -high speed, Chevrolet ouestopped the other leading Inat.gtriced cars tested by a wide, safe margin. Proof positive that you're far Wei. iti Che'vrellet: And Chev- rolers Safety -Master brakes save you money en replacements, ... last 66're longer. BEST ROOM Interior dimensions reported to A.M.A." make this abundantly clear. For instance Chevrolets front Mat hip-roont is as much as 5.7 inches wider than a major competitor, BEST ENGINE Envyen:witnctiot,o,r magazine has given Chevrolet's, Standard and Corvette Vg' 3 unstinted prai3e, As SPORTS CAR ILLUSTRATED puts 0: "indeed this device is surely the. most won- derfully responsive engine available, today al a BEST RIDE MOTOR TREND magazine calls Chevy „ "the smoothestmost quiet, softest riding car in its price class', You'll be able to tell this yourself instantly . . try a Chevrolet ride, at your Chevrolet dealer's today! BEST TRACI E.I N The expert who can prove this In you is your Chevrolet dealer. Check him today. You'll find that. Chevrolet's extra value, and quality mean a big, big return on your money at trade-in time. And your Chevrolet dealer can show you a long list of ther Chevy adven. tages, besides these 7 big ones be sure to visit him teday! " tee:teed Ae6CktiiNE Inc Sind Car Adtdnconent rind Researelr. ' ,4trtomottpr Manukaurers' eisrocidt$Ort, "*%wr'r,wwrle.vz.tialiverk....tirw4., Make Sure Yu Get The Mot FOr Your Morley— Visit Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealeri Snell Bros. Limited • erroPo Row* e Oehier040 Here's Ford's answer 10 your raking problems . the new Ford Mounted Side Delivery Bake. It means easier operation for you, because the rake is mounted on •the Ford Tractor, raised and lowered by Ford's Hydraulic system. It is powered by the Ford Tractor'3 power take.off, and there's a speed change provision to give you correct operation. - And :t means less leaf shattering more nutritious hay, because Ford's new reel design moves the hay a shorter distance from swath to windrow There are many other new features, too. such as the new rotary stripper that does a thorough, uniform ;lob. These and many more advanced design and performance features mean faster, easier, cleaner, more gentle hay handling on all your raking jobs, CE-Errivowf 0 ) Tractor Mounted kr faller, Faster Work PTO Driven, Chaim af 1 Operating Speeds I • a tf13tItIn111:111(11111111111111MIt111111/tIltItIllUt1111111111111111111111111 Larry Snider Means Fine Trades -1 158 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN She's loaded! A real steal at $2,895 • L '58 EDSEL "CORSAIR" FORDOR HARDTOP -F a Automatic, radio, a nice one . . $2,895_ 157 BUICK "CENTURY" FORDOR HARDTOP A lovely piece of merchandise! . $2,595y '57 MONARCH SEDAN Real sharp! Driven by a padre ... $2,595 '57 CHRYSLER TUDOR HARDTOP Really nice, just . $2,500. 58 FORD V8 "300" TUDOR—a lovely green $2,395 '56 PACKARD "SUPER CLIPPER" TUDOR HARDTOP—a beautiful thing! . . $1,795 '56 FORD SEDAN A gleaming$1,695"1. black, she's red hot! .. ,'57 FORD COACH $1,'795 '57 FORD SEDAN—You're robbing me at . . $1,650 '56 FORD SEDAN—radio $1,595 I; '55 CHEVROLET V8 RANCH WAGON Radio, a steal! $1,595 '35 FORD TUDOR HARDTOP Overdrive, a honey! . $$11:394955 '56 FORD SEDAN—tutone green, radia '54 MERCURY TUDOR HARDTOP—loaded! $1,350 '55 METEOR COACH—lovely, lovely! $1,350 '55 FORD SEDAN—a beautful green $1,350 153 METEOR COACH '54 'FORD SEDAN—real sharp! $1,095 Very low mileage, original paint, nice $ 895 '53 METEOR HARDTOP—all white . . $895 or less. '52 MONARCH SEDAN—only . $ 695" '51 METEOR, SEDAN—new paint job $ 495' '51 DODGE SEDAN—new motor $ 405' ti '51 AUSTIN SEDAN—for real econoiny, only $ 295' 1. '52 STUDEBAKER SEDAN—it's O.K. . ...... $ 250 " 1 '51 AUSTIN RANCH WAGON '50 AUSTIN SEDAN OTHER BEAUTIES TO CHOOSE FROM AT ' . $ 250 $ 125 $100 OR LESS TRUCKS '55 FORD TANDUM "800" ' you give me $4,000 and its yours '58 FORD PICKUP—lovely $1,995 '55 FARGO PANEL seems like a permanent resident! $ 750 '53 FORD PICKUP—flat rack $ 595 '52 RIO DUMP $ 595 ,'50 CHEVROLET 3/4 TON PICKUP $ 500 '51 FORD DUMP $ 459 '42 DODGE STAKE—good motor, good truck! $ 300, TRACTORS '53 MASSE? "2"—a steal at $ 595 148 ALLIS cRALMEAS "C" newly overhauled . . only $ 459 8.FT, COCKSHUtT TANDUM MSc HARROW $' 100 Ford Edsof Monarch Dear 1.1 x. 81 Larry Snider Motors: I • IsHONt 614 EXttilt ; Ford Peen EtiOlprritril m . Siiiiimimbleiimahlrehinwounorimmumigiomomiswitiliffilmfiumaiummiyomikaiiittlifol