HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-07-16, Page 1a SINGING'S .FUN, TOO -Mrs. Ken Keller leads a group of senior and junior classes at the Dashwood Bible School. Crafts and studies are also provided in the two-week school, now in its third and most successful year. -T-A Photo BEGINNERS COLOR BIBLE BOOKS This beginners' class, one of four at Dashwood Zion Lutheran's Bible School, enjoys coloring under the direction of their teacher, Marlene Keller, and Sup't Rev. K. Zorn, Each wears a hat with stars to indicate number of days attendance. Around the table from left are Marilyn Ann Moffitt, Dean Oestricher, Donnie Anderson, Beverly Becker, Randy Keller, Roy Becker, Joanne Hayter, Jimmy Guenther. -T-.A. Photo Dashwood Bible school enjoys biggest year yet Dashwood Zion Lutheran Va-, cation Bible School will com- plete its third and most success- ful year Friday night by pre- senting a ,program for parents and adults. • Attendance has exceeded 100 this year, with children coming!!!, from Exeter, Grand Bend, Zur- ich and. Crediton, as well as Dashwood. To keep the childreniusy, • creation have been provided b5 a staff of 17 teachers under the direction of Rev. Kenneth Zorn, pastor of the church. In craft periods, children bevel made telephone pads, wall pta- ques, novelty belts and other useful gadgets, all with a Bibli- cal. theme. They tie in with the Bible lessons given daily'by the teachers. Worship service starts each , day's activities and a film strip gory completes the program. Certificates are awarded the teachers at the end of the two- week school for their voluntary. assistance. "It's an enjoyable experience because the children seem to ap- preciate it," says Mrs. Cliff Salmon, one of the senior teach- ers, For some of the housewives, however, it means no small sa- crifice since they must find other time to do their housework and help their husbands. Some con- fided they work until the wee hours of the morning in order to be able to assist at the school. Two of the teachers, Pauline Becker and Arthur Rader. are home on summer holidays from their studies at the church's Con- cordia. College, Edmonton. Other teachers include: sen- iors, Mrs. Leonard Schenk; Jun- iors, Marion Rader. Mrs. Lorne Becker; primary, Heide Schroe- der, Carol Becker; beginners, Marlene Keller, Ruth Reste- mayer, .Martha Becker, Grace Keller; music, Mrs. Ken Keller, Barbara Koehler; recreation, Ron Merner; assistants, Ken- neth Rader, Wayne Gibson, Friday night's program will include numbers prepared by teachers and children •as well as display of crafts made during the school. :crafts, studies, singing and b re- Baseball hits glasses, injures Dashwood man Jack Geiser received a painful eye injury while playing first base in the Dashwood -Mitchell ball game. He was struck in the face with a thrown ball. His glasses were knocked off and the impact caused hemorrhaging of the eye. Dr. Gulens, who was at the scene, ordered him to Victoria Hospital, London. His condition on ,Tuesday was reported improved but he will Ladies' Aid entertains The Ladies' Aid of Zion .Luth- eran. Church entertained the La - j dies' Aid of Dashwood Evangel- ' leaf United. Brethren Churchand the Ladies' Aid of Zurich Luth- eran. Church at a picnic supper followed by sports on Friday. Approximately 100 attended. Following supper swing bowl- ing was enjoyed. Winners were: I High, Rev. J. W. Gillings; ]ow, Mrs. Violet Adkins; making a buttonhole, Mrs. Violet Decker; be there for a few days under breaking a balloon, Mrs. Gordon observation. I -Please turn to page 13 LOW -ANGLE PLATFORM AND ON -THE -GO SPEED CHANGE! l Work Without Worry Over RUPTURE ExpertFitting For Trusses and Surgical Supports Private Fitting Room COMPLETE RANGE OF ELASTIC STOCKINGS IJNTIEY. DRUG SCORE ""1-11L-1174 EXEMER., Phohh,SO; NEW McCormick, • No.163 Self -Propelled in 12, 14 and 16 -foot cutting widths * Makes fast, even -curing, crisscross windrows, * Opens fields anywhere without loss of grain. * Gives your on -the -go speed changes phis one lever Hydraulic Control of platform and reel, * The last word in completely controlled maneuverability. * Gives you the utmost tin operator Comfort. * is the right size•for your farm -=your combine,_ Corrie in or can today /or a free, prove-to-yourseIi demonstration, PHONE 153-W F. W Huxtable EXETER (IFIteferZinte$-Abootafe Second: S4ction .!EXETER, ONTARIO, JULY Ks19.59 Page Nino ill provides larger farm loans at interest rate of five per cent Love answers OFU's Hill, , , I4 urges biggerp Reply to criticism of Ontario speak out against defciency pay - hog producers' stand on the de- ments, TH1S 1S NOT THE ficiency payment proposal was TRUTH. A motion for deficiency made this week by Ross Love, payments was putt before the RR 2, 1-lensall, president of the meeting. This motion was voted ,Huron County group, in a letter down after long discussion. Could. to The Times -Advocate. ' anything be more democratic ile challenges some of the than this? statements made recently by' 1 would like to ask Mr. Hill. it Gordon Bill, 01,11president, at a he got the authority to defend de - meeting in Stanley Township. ficiency payments from the ma - Mr. Hill's remarks appeared in jority of hog producers of On - last week's T -A. tal'io. Mr, Love also makes a number Mr. Hill, says many farmers do of his own suggestions for int- not realize the threat of vertical. provement of the hog situation.; integration, May I say to him His letter follows: they have realized it and that r * ; realization has brought about its In reply to Mr, Hill's report on downfall. Ile needn't worry about the Ontario Farm Union pro- it much longe►•• gram, 1 would like to saw at the In looking back over what has outset that 1 admire his courage happened in the past 25 or 30 in standing up and defending years, it seems to me what we what he thinks is right, whether need most is a reasonable floor I be right or wrong. price on our products, just high I wonder if Mr. Hill knows who enough so we won't lose our makes up the Ontario hog pro- shirts in an emergency. From. ducers' organization? Every then on, let -us organize and work county in the province is repre-.out: our own salvation, seated according to the number instead of crying to the federal. of hogs they produce. These men government for deficiency pay - are appointed mostly at Federa- ments, there are three things tion of Agriculture meetings. The which I think are more import - reason for this was because when 'ant. First is our export market; the Ontario hog producers were second, an increase in our per - first organized, the Farmers' Un- tentage of Grade A hogs and ion was not active in Ontario. third, spend some money in ad - However, at recent annual meet- vertising our product. ings :in Huron, the Farmers' Un- Our domestic consumption of ion has' appointed their own rep- pork has increased 38 per cent resentatives in democratic elec- since one year ago and around liens. 10 per cent of our total produc- If the producers of each town- tion is exported to the U.S. This, ship are not satisfied with their along with the decrease in mar - representatives they have the ketings, should change the pie - privilege of attending the annualture inside of a year or so. meetings and appointing some- I think if we were asking the one else. These men are invited government for any help we to the annual and semi-annual should ask them to change the meetings wherever they are held. premiumswhich they are al - (There have been as high as 500 ready paying. Instead of the producers at some of these meet- $2.00 premium on Grade A hogs ings.). and $1.00 on Bi's, would it not he Mr. Hill says that at a recent better to take the $1.00 off the meeting .in. Toronto the ,delegates B1's and put it onto the A hogs were told to go hack home and and perhaps add another $1.00 COULD BE "MINERAL HUNGER" YOU KNOW If your Dairy Herd has received supplementary minerals, SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals, al]winter, they will not now be suffering from "MINERAL HUNGER". It's always good business to make minerals available, free choice. Make them available, and fnake them • Shur -gain Essential Minerals More working capital for Ca- .per cant, As for purchase .loans, .nadian farmers will he provided by legislation approved Monday night by the house of Commons. Bigger long - term mortgage loans - at a standard five-per- remimcent interest rate -are set out t enOne stipulation. is that. thein the hilt to establish the Cana-' mortgages will be. .available up to $27,500 or 75 per cent of the appraised value of a farm for purchasers between the ages of 21 and 45 years and who have at least five years' fanning esperi- making it a $4.00 'premium on A's? Then I think you would see the percentage of Grade A's climb. They have slipped badly the last few years. in regard to advertising our pork products, I think a few cents "levy on each hog to be used for advertising purposes would be well spent. All other big com- panies spend thousands on adver- tising and selling andit pays off for them. Why shouldn't we? I agree with Mr, ]-lilt fully in his last paragraph where :he says that, farm organizations ' should work together for the benefit of the :farmer. I have always said the Federation of .Agriculture and L h e Ontario Farmers Union should amalgamate to form one strong organization. Only then will the governments know what sort of help we really need. Ross Love, RR 2, Hensel' You need' not pay a lot of money for a good mineral mix- ture. SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for. Cattle is a regis- tered and guaranteed mineral, mixture, containing ALL and only those minerals presently known to be required by cattle. SHUR-GAIN Minerals are the BEST" money can boy any- where -and it takes a lot' LESS money to buy SHUR-GAIN than. most other n1inerals. So satisfy mineral needs the ECONOMICAL way with SFIUR-GAIL Cattle MineraIs, available at our mill in 25 and, 100 pound paper bags. ESSENTIAL MINERALS FOR CATTLE loo's 4,9O 25's $1.25 ESSENTIAL MINERALS FOR HOGS 100's $3.70 25's ,.._,. $1,00 GRAIN • FEED •SEED_..___ EXETER r1,-.) 71,5 WHALfN CORNERS KIRKTON',5Pi' HENSALL SALE PRICES Markets were stronger at Hen - sail Sales, Thursday, July 9. Butcher steers ..., $25.00 to $26,00 Medium steers ,, 24.50 25.00 Butcher heifers .•24.50 25.00 Fat cows 15.00 17.00 19,00 Good cows Light cows Babies Veal calves Small calves Good bull calves ,12,00 Holstein. heifer calves 25.00 37.Q0 „Durham calves 45.00 64.00 Weanling pigs 8.50 9.50 Chunks 10.00 13.50 Feeders ]4.00 21.00 Sows 65.00 79.00 There were 450 pigs and. 262 cattle sold. ].8.00 22.00 24,50 25.00 12.00 25.70 28.00 15.00 15.00• Used Farm Machinery Buys! ALLIS-CHALMERS ROTOR BALER -in excellent condi- tion! 8' JOHN DEERE POWER BINDER - on rubber, she's good! 12' I.H.C. SWATHER with P.T.O.-You'll like this one! 5' I.H.C. COMBINE with P.T.O: drive -a good one! 6' I.H.C. COMBINE with engine drive. V. L. Becker & Sons Phone 60-W Dashwood darn must he economic and an- dian Farm Credit Corporation. other is that farm credit carpo- replacing the Canadian %earm ration experts will supervise ope- Loan Board. The bill now goes rations where the mortgage loan to the senate. exceeds 65 per cent of the farm'i Supported generally by all value. .parties, the legislation is envis- aged as one means of getting more young farmers on their • L own farms by now being able to Judge lIve hogs, finance the purchase of family or other holdings, view carcasses The commons sat an extra half hour to push through the Huron and Perth 4-11 Swine. measure, Cltih members are learning in 5 P.C. interest rate identify Grade A ]togs through ar The farm mortgage loan legis- practical test arranged jointly br lotion steps up maximum loans leaders in the two counties. The two Huron clubs - Sea - forth and North Huron - visited 10 $20,000 from $15,000. Agricul- ture Minister klarkness' an- nouncement that the interest the Clinton assembly yards Tues - rate would be a flat :five per cent brought house cheers. day to estimate the carcase Previously, it had been planned grade on 10 market hogs. Their to set a rate covering govern- evaluations and reasons were re - meat cost but 11.1r. Harkness said corded. he had been persuaded to "equa- Thursday the Huron members lize" the interest charge at a along with others in. Perth, wi1i figure that would achieve the visit the Whyte packing plant in same result over a number of Stratford, to see these same hogs years, hung up on the rail with a gov- Morigages will he available on ernment grade on them. They'll up to 75 per cents of. a farm's check their gradings with the of - value rather than the present 65 ficial ones. In every way; it pays to • feed CO-OPMILK REPLACER -Milk Quota 'rime" is an ideal time to start raising your calves ,Replacer, Co-op Milk,Replacer, a top quality whole milk substitute. Simply mix with water, according to directions, and start feed- ing this to your calves at 2 to 3 days. By feeding Co-op Milk Replacer you can sell all your milk and get even faster -starting and healthier calves titan you were getting before. Twenty-five his. of Co-op Milk Replacer replaces 250 lbs. of. whole milk . . 11 you bad. 10 calves you could market an extra ton of milk. See about 'this new Co-op product at your local co-op. Yop will soon see bow it will psy,you in dollars and cents to use Co-op Milk Replacer 25 -LB. $4.45 50 -LB. $7.75 Exeter District Co-op 1 tor CO-OP FEEDS Farm Safety Week Be Careful - "Safety Makes Sense" We're In The Marke.t W. G. THOMPSON • HENSALL and Sons Limited • Phone 32 WE ARE NOW TAKING IN For All Kinds Of Wheat Bariey and Oats Registered Genesee and Cornell Seed Wheat RIGHT FROM THE COMBINE HIGHEST PRICES PMD FOR ALL TYPES OF GRAIN Por Prompt Service Give Us A tall We Have Five Unloading Pita W. G. Thompson & Sons PHONE 32 Limited `HFNSALIL