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IF age 8 The Times•Adxocate, July 23 1959
Elimviile institue
entertains at park
The Elimville Women's in-
stitute held a picnic at River-
view Park in Exeter last, Wed-
nesday afternoon when they
entertained the ladies of Staffa
and Crediton Institutes.
To mix up the crowd, throe
Barnes of name bingo were
played. Three relay races caus-
ed .a lot of fun; a wallpaper re-
lay, a peanut relay and a hula
hoop relay.
Other races: Spinning
a pie
plate through a hoop, Mrs.
vey Hodgins; clothes pin :pick-
up, Mrs. Walter McBride; most
buttons on dress, Airs, C. Mc-
Donald; birthday nearest picnic
day, Mrs, Joyce Miller; came
farthest to picnic, Mrs. Glan-
ville; number of articles on tray,
Airs. Swartz; elimination con•
test, Mrs. H. Hodgins,
SS. and community picnic
The Elimville Sunday School
:and community' picnic was held
on Friday, July 17 at Riverview
Park in Exeter. Dinner was
served. at 1 p.m., when about 65
sat down.
Races in the afterneen were
Conducted by the Young People's
Class, Results were;
Children, 5 and. under, Janice
,johns, Joan Lymi; boys and
girls, 6.8, Michael Elford, Ava
Elford and Elaine Johns (tied);
girls, 9-U, Marilyn Johns, Janet
Skinner; boys, Larry Lynn,
Steven Johns; girls, 11-14, Sand-
ra Walters, Shirley and Marilyn
Johns (tied); boys, Martin De-
m.ontmorency, Brian Demontmor-
ency; young ladies, Ruth. Horne,
Janet: Skinner; young men, Ger-
ald Faye, Brian Demontmor-
ency; married ladies, Mrs. V.
Demontmorency, Mrs. Allen
Johns; married men; Lorne FJ -
ford, :Philip johns;
Kick the slipper, girls, Sandra'
Walters, Margaret Johns; boys,
Launie Otis, Bob Faye; ladies,
Mrs. Philip Johns, Carol Johns;
men, Howard .johns, Lorne El-
ford; shoe scramble, Mr, and
Mrs. V. Demontmor'ency; H2O
In milk jug, Howard Pym's side;
wallpaper- contest, Lorne El -
ford's side; bean on straw, Carol
'Johns' side; lucky spot, Brian
Demontmorency; guessing beans
in jar, Mrs. Lorne Elford.
Showers for bride -elect
A miscellaneous shower was
ibeld on Friday evening in the
church basement for Miss Grace
Johns, bride -elect of this Satur-
Miss Mary Skinner was chair -
Lady for the program. Miss San.'
tlra Walters sang, Dianne Johns
gave a humorous reading and;
Miss Frances Johns favoured
With an accordion instrumental. •
Mary Sknnner read the address
And Misses Sandra Skinner and
.roan Lynn carried in the kit
ehen articles in a turquoise
clothes basket. Misses Janet.
Skinner and Marilyn. Johns also
assisted in Presenting her with'
gifts. Miss Sylvia 'Johns and'
Mary Skinner made a ribbon
bonnet from the bows and pre-;
rented it to the bride.
Mrs, Delmer Skinner conducted
several contest dividing there in-
groups M eight.
Mi -s. 1'iobert Bell and Miss Ma-
rion Bell arranged a shower for
Miss Grace Johns on Thursday
evening, July 16 at the bride's
home in Elimville when 25 rola-1
fives and friends attended. Court
whist was played and winnersi
were Mrs. A. Ryckman, Mrs.
James Hyde for high and Mrs.
Gerald Skinner, Mrs. L. McNaug-
ton for low.
Miss Marion Bell read the ad-
dress and Miss Linda Bell and
Larry Johns drew in a decorated
wagon with the gifts,
Miss Grace Routly entertained
twelve girls on Saturday evening
at her home when they presented
Miss Grace Johns, bride -elect
with a shower. Bingo was en-
joyed and during the evening,
they presented Grace with two
Step end tables.
4-H Garden Club
The Willing Workers 4-H Gar-
den Club held its meeting at the
home of the leader, Mrs. Nor-
man Jaques on Tuesday,• July 14
'With seven present.
The roll call was answered 'by
each member naming one im-
provement sh,e had made in the
beautification of the home sur-
Notes were taken on preparing
rind serving vegetables.
Each member arranged flow-
ers which were criticized later
10 the meeting.
toini01.1111.11Ml,I,I,U!,Il111 W 1,,,,1,11„Ii,11111111110
I Serve future meals with
_- a minimum of cost, Buy
at quantity prices and
__ store in your own lock-
" er or home freezer, It's
the practical way to
Is Our
Firoxen Foods
Phone Ni Main Sf,
teiriltinlirlM einim enllttl iii Minnie tlieeq',I110!i'
The next meeting is to he held
on July 23 at 7:00p.m. at the
home of Miss Ruth Skinner.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Bieber at-
tended the Forbes -Egan wedding
in Leamington oh Saturday and
spent Sunday with relatives in
Muirkirk, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Mutton,
Dennis and Dianna visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Airs. Franklin Skinner spent a
few clays last week with Mrs.
Garnet Johns in St. Thomas.
A family picnic was held on
Sunday at the home of Air. and
Mrs, William Routly and family.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs, Frank Routly of Kirkton,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crago and
Bill of Kirkton, Mrs, Kenneth
Hogg and Robert of Thorndale,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Somers, Ri-
chard, Jim, Paul and David of
St, Marys, Mr, and Mrs, Norman
Routly of Aylmer, Mrs. Ruby
Routly, Miss Grace Routly of
London and Mr. Gerry Rennie of
Mrs, Thos, Bell was an over-
night' guest of her .niece, Mrs,
Andrew Houston, of Seaforth on
Monday night.
Mrs. Delmer Skinner, and Fran-
ces attended the Mary Hastings
picnic in Riverview Park,
on Thursday afternoon.
Mrs, Ross Armstrong and in-
fant daughter spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs, Hubert Hey-
wood. Miss Ann Armstrong was
staying with her grandparents
for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Cloutheir
of London, Miss Anita Clouthier,
iMliss L,arlene Dupuis and Miss
Sharon Murch of Peta rawa vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Skinner. vliss Sharon
Murch is staying for a month's
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor of
Massapequa, New York are vis-
iting with Mrs, Thos. Bell for
two weeks, Mrs. Bells also enter-
tained Mr. and Mrs. Milan Nash
and family of Toronto on Sunday,
Other Sunday visitors were Mr.
and Mrs, Jack Robinson and!
children of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs,
Laurie Stephen and children of•
London, Mr. ' and Mrs, Donald
Stephen, :14r, and Mrs. Tom Mil-
ler and son. Danny of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schenk
and son Jack, Mr, and Mrs. Sam
Miller and Delmer of Dashwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and
Carol Ann.
Mr,. and Mrs, Sandy Midi of
Exeter, Mrs, Jennie Moore and
Mrs. William Snow attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. • Joe
Nickels of Wyoming on Monday.
Douglas and Calvin Rohde are
holidaying with Mrs; Henry
Rohde of Exeter and Glenn is
with lir. and Mrs. William
Thomson of Exeter.
The woman asked to be ex-
cused from jury duty as she
didn't believe in capital. punish-
ment. "But this is a ease where
a wife gave her husband a thou-
sand dollars for a fur coat, and
he lost it in a poker game," the
judge explained.
"In that case," the woman
said, "I could he wrong about
capital punishment."
This week in
Thanes Road
Ay MRS. X111 -1 -IAM ROHDE
Permit items.
Mr. • and Mrs. Edwin Miller,
Brian and Barry spent a feW
•slays last week in .the Bruce Pen-
Miss Barbara Miller spent ia.st
week with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Warren Brock .of Zion.
Mrs, Gilbert Duncan returned
home last Sunday evening from .a
trip to the West.
Miss Margaret Jean Gibson of
Bryanston is visiting with her
cousin Miss Marilyn Gardiner,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym and
Mr. and Mrs, ;John Pym were
guests on Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Tony Shulman. of Embro,
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Geiser of
Crediton visited on Sunday with
Mr. Cephas Pym.
Mr. and Mrs. George Deighton,
Faye, Elgin, Ruth and Ann of
Langley, British Columbia were
Friday evening guests with Mr.
and. Mr's. William. Ferguson. Mr,
and Mrs. Roy Ferguson and fam•
ily, Mr. and Airs. Norman Fer-
guson and family of Exeter, Mr.
and Mrs. Jaques and
family, Mr. and Oliver„Mrs, Wilmer.
Ferguson and family of klensall.
All attended a family gathering
at; the. home of Mr. and Mrs.
SuClaytonnday, Watson of Anderson on
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin,
Margaret and Kenneth, Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Mayer and :fancily,
Mr, and Mrs. Lee Webber and
family. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Pass-
more and family Air. and Mrs,
Lloyd Ballantyne and family, Mr.
and Mrs. John Selves attended
the 'Runkle reunion at Riverview
Park Exeter on Sunday.
' Mr. and Mrs, 11'lorrison. Cas-
well of Brantford are spending
this week with Mr. and. Mrs, At -
vin Passmore,
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Passmore,
Sharon. Paul, Beth and. Keith at-
tended the Knox reunion in
Queen's Park Stratford on Sun-
da y.
Misses Ida Hall, Mildred and
Mabel Thomas of London spent
Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs.
William Elford,
Mr, and Mrs, Mark Strapp and
Laurie of near London, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Bray, Robert and
Janet were guests on Sunday
with. Mr. and 'Mrs. John. Bray,
On Tuesday while drawing in
bales 01 hay the team of Mr. Vic-
tor Jeffery ran away upsetting
the load and fractured Mr. .Jef-
Looking in with Liz
CBC releases
fall schedule
Pattl Lewis finally bits the
:lack Pear show on August 10,
Though she is currently just
slated to sing there's a good pos-
sibility that she will have a
chance to sit in with the ad-lib
TotnmY Common opens his new
store, which will cater to teen-,
agers, in October. Gordie Tapp
tells me he's seen the floor plans
and that it should be a good-
looking establishment,
Frosia Gregory, who appeared'
as a guest on Saturday's 'Swing
Easy' show, might be remem-
bered as .a star in her own show
in the early days of Canadian
Frosia retired from TV at the
time of her divorce a few years
ago but when her ex-husband
Bob Shuttleworth announced his
marriage to Gisele MacKenzie
two years ago 'Frosia decided to
make another try al sbowhusi-
ness. So far she has had a tot of
banquet and club dates but Sat-
urday was her first chance back
on TV.
She was given this opportunity
to 'Swing Easy' producer Bob
Jarvis, who in the early days.
when Frosia Gregory was a star,
was a stagehand oh her show.
The CBC has released its fall.
schedule ,much earlier than usual
and it looks like a fine season
The Henry Fonda western
which we mentioned a few weeks
ago, `The Deputy' will be picked
I up here and seen by Canadian
viewers before it is shown in the
In .fact there are six new se-
ries coming from Hollywood that
the CBC willhave first.
fery's shoulder blade,
Rev, Glenn Eagle of Sarnia
was a Sunday afternoon visitor
at the Thames Road manse.
Rev. Hugh. Wilson was at Bel -
grave on Monday evening attend-
ing the official, hoard meeting on
Presbytery business.
On. Sunday, July 26 H. Gordon
Manning, B.A., of Clinton will be
the guest speaker at the church
service and on August 2. Rev.
H. Workman of Seaforth will be
the guest speaker.
Warm Air Heating
Air Conditioning
New Installations and Alterations
Linde nfields Ltd.
Associate Membier, National Warm Air Heating and
Air Conditioning Association
e,een!fl,el„e!ltlenneenttelte!!!.. il!eeclone!i!e!teite!nneeeteltn!n!!enttee!'
...at your fingertips
The fireman's hat is a symbol of protection.
So is your fire insurance policy.
When Are" strikes, alert firemen are soon on their way:
accepting risks themselves to protect your life and property.
And when fire strikes, fire insurance steps in to
offset disastrous financial loss.
Every week, some 1,400 Ares break' out °Cross Canada.
Compcinies,writing Are insurance pay out more than
one hundred million donors annually in claims. And yet virtually
all the fires which take the lives of more than
500 Canadians each year are preventable.
Mee insurance, safeguards your property. '
But only you can guarantee against loss of life.
Satety poys dividi<nds. , , saves livres, helps
to lower your insurance costs. 8e Cei'efud.
nn !„halt of mora than 400 eempatin,t campanile wtltinl
Fite. Automohl a and Cranially lnsu,anx.
In addition to 'The Deputy' we
will see an hour long adven-
ture series 'Riverboat' starring
Darren MeGavin; a comedy se-
ries, `Dennis the Menace'; 'John
Staccato' a detective series; 'The'
Four .Just Men'; and a series'
about an insurance .investigator;
entitled 'The Man From Blade•'
hawk'• i
Dropped from the new schedule'
are 'Desilu Playhouse', 'Have;
Gun Will Travel', `fiat Master-;
son', and `Cannonball'.
The Billy O'Connor show has'
been cancelled and 'Oneof a I
Kind' is still under consideration,';
'Juliette', 'Talent Caravan',';
'Country Hoedown', 'Close Up',;
`Front Page Challenge', 'GM
presents' will all return.
'Hit Parade' and 'Musicmak-
ers' which both switch to hour 1
long formats will alternate with;
a new series 'Music '60'.
The RCMP series which is cur-
rently winding up filming in Of -1.
tawa will also be seen.
There wilt be a total of 35 live;
network shows and 16 filmed se-
ries this fall and winter. 1
Dr. A. ,Johns.
Dr. Alfred E. Johns, 74, a na-
tive of Usborne Township, former
,missionary to China and profes-
sor of McMaster -University,
Hamilton, diedat his summer
horse, Haliburton, on Monday,
July 20.
Mr. Johns was horn an a farm
near Elimville and received his
Jfigh School education at St.
Marys and obtained his MA at
Toronto University. He was or-
dained into the ministry in 191n.
He and his wife, the former
Myrtle Madge of Thames Road
were missionaries in China for
two terms (14 years). Then be
taught at McMaster University
until superannuated two years
ago. He became assistant pastor
of St. Giles Linit.ed Church, Ham-
ilton where the funeral service,
will take, place on Thursday at
2 p.m.
Surviving besides his wife are
four sons; Dr. Martin. Johns,
Hamilton, Dr. Harold Johns and
Paul Johns of Toronto and Dr.
Edward Johns of Kingston; one
daughter (RI th) Mrs. Art Vogt
of Burlington and one brother,
Wesley Johns, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Johns left
on Wednesday for Hamilton.
I 1efi my films at...
Huniley`s Drug Story
• It's A Triple Celebration At
Russ, Chuck And The Gang
Are Celebrating Their
Barn in May
Friday 13
Born in July
Friday 13
Get In On These Top Values And Services
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