HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-08-07, Page 11Form board
over dispute
Bali the melon and the rem
poly have appointed represeata-
tives tia •thee -man coneiliatiOn gihty5ecnnr Thr
board todeal with the Hensall
-Coach dispute but no agreement.
has been reached: on a hairman
'et. it wee :revealed this week.
The three-man board was or-
dered set Up, by Norman C.
Seedy, conciliation •officer of
the Oatario Dep't -of Labor.
whose •attempts ta bring about
an agreement were unseiccess,
tinder the regulations, both
Parties -,appbint one man to the
hoard and they must agree on
the naming of a chairman. If
they fail- to select a chairman.
the department may appoint
One official said it may 1 ake
a month 'before the board is
formally constituted.
Conciliator Soady recommend
ed formation of the board after
hearing the arguments of hoth
sides on Thursday, July 23,
Youths suffer
burns, bites
John Ole, 16 -year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Oke, RR 3
Exeter, returned home Thursday
from South Huron 11 ospit al
where he was treated for severe
burns to the face. chest and arm
causedby boiling water in a
tractor radiator.
The youth was removing the
cap when steam pressure blew
it .out of his hand and sprayed
him with boiling water. The ac-
cident happened Tuesday, :July
28, when he was working on the
farm of J. W. Kints, Usborne,
Dr. M. Gans attended. John
will be confined to his home for
several weeks.
SOFT PRINK SALES HIT ALL-TIME .HIGH -The hot summer has given Tuckey Beve-
rages Ltd., Exeter, its "biggest season to date," according tb manager Ross Tuckey.
The 11 -year-old firm, which supplies eight different drinks to the Lakeshore arca,
Huron county and the city of London, has increased its staff to 30 to handle the de-
mand. It now has 11 trucks on the road. Above, production manager Don Penhale
tests Kist orange being bottled in quarts with Art Gaiser, syrup maker. Inspecting
bottles is Barbara Moore, • -T-A Photo
Doe slashes scalp
lisoerentwValkc,eedeksuvrtheobrotrztioon,Approves site for chure
A Urge St. Bernard dog has
Dr, R. F. Roelofson following
C. S. MacNaughton. sells three
building lots
its Attack Monda3- on John Mac -
Naughton, son of Mr. and :Mrs.
The dog, owned by a Detroit
family bit the youth on the head,
causing severe gashes in the
scalp which required some 30
stitches to close,
The incident happened in
Poplar Heights, near Grand
Bend, wherethe MacNaughtons
Johnare piay-
ig with other youths at the
time. He was treated at South
Huron Hospital.
Start next week
on Hensall wank
Bank of Montreal received
this week its permit to erect a
new' building' adjacent to the
sideivalk on the former bowling
green property in Herman..
The ;h igh ways•department
okayed the location •After a. con-
ference with bank officials and
C. S. MacNaughthn MLA. Pre-
viously the department had ruled
the building must be 'back 3.7
feet from the sidewalk.
Manager Ken Christian said
eonstraction was expected to
start next week.
A new church - the town's
eighth - will be built in Exeter
'soon, it was revealed at council
'meeting Monday night.
• Tentative approvai was given
to the local congregation of Je-
!hovah's Witnesses to erect a hall
in the north-west section near
No. 83 highway. Proposed size
is 40x60, which will house an
auditorium and several offices.
Lloyd Hoffman. presiding min-
ister, said the congregation was
negotiating to purchase land in
that area if council had no ob-
jection to the site, which it
, didn't,
Mr. Hoffman indicated cost of
the land would be met by the lo-
cal congregation and that funds
could be secured from the orga-
nization to ensure ;that the build-
ing could be completed at once,
rather than resorting Lo partial,
construction now and comple-
tion at a later date.
Growth of the Witness move-
ment in this area has been ra-
pid during the past year, during
which missionaries have been
sent here from Australia and M-
berta. Mr. Hoffman recently
moved to Exeter from British re -roofing two houses; M. A.
Sall lots for $1,000 each
i west, addition to house; W. E.
Sale of three town lots
$1.000 each will help to offs
:the 53,000 expenditure on the i
rigation system for disposal
drainage at the canning plant, L.
Mayor Pooley pointed out.
Watts, Huron St., sun porch;
Price Por Copy le coil*
iain eases plant,
e boost in turnips
Big market, for turnip growers !Exeter Turnip Sales, said A P
Driver fined $25 annooncement that the Great At-
was assured this week with the !hopastiotnaktoonbauyfV-Mrthnler with
This is the firm's first Voll.
• Untie and. Pacific Tea to. LW., tore
has leased the Centralia plant Of 'field, It OWns many market gere
in the turnip Processing
over fatal accident Exeter Turnip Sales. aria Lemming operation*
William Simpson, 60, Science
Hill, pleaded guilty to a charge
of careless driving when he ap-
peared before Magistrate Dudley
Holmes In magistrate's court
Wednesday morning and was
fined $25 and costs.
Mr. Simpson was the, driver of
the fateful car which caused the.
dee th • of Sharon Marie MeElrea, I
8, while riding a bicycle near
Plugtown school, May 2e,
Four young men from the
RCAF Station Centralia were ,
each fined 510 and costs after!
pleading guilty to the theft of a
huh cap from a car in Exeter,
They were Jean Claude Gagne,
Paul Caston Verreault, Marcel
Pierie Turgeon and Edger Her-:
charged with obstructing a police
bort asenas.
Jack Triebner, 20, Exeter, was I
fined $25 and costs after being
officer. I
George Wilson, RR London,
was fined 550 and eosts after
pleading guilty to a •charge of ,
impaired driving. Jack Murray,
also paid 550 and costs for a
similar offense. I
Bev Taylor, 18, was fined $25
1 Larry Taylor, Thames Road and eostrAfm failing to remain 1
at the s•Jene of an accident.;
Taylor was in collision with an.:
et •h inR: • r• r Heights; '
. th • car • Zurich
ton Keller, a home in Riverview Marienne Keitee, aged' t 2n0e, of.
or ,for Lloyd Hoffman.
The firm which operates the with which it euPPlies its store&
costs for failure to remain at giant 'Mal" chain, will suPPIY I Mr, Winer said A & P hie
the scene of an accident. The ac- as marry as possible of its stores been one of the largest huyete
• cident occurred in front of the in the U.S. and Canada from the ;of turnips from this area,
',Dutch Reformed Church on July local plant, I Processing is expected te
19 causing about $200 damege.
and streck a telephone pole, was Luean, Exeter, Centralia and i table division inspector, Cana.d*
i Bl:We can.'fruit and vee..
1 after his car left the highway 1 of the turnip growing areas of I
don, accused of Careless driving is equal to the entire production I plejo
te:ording w Mr. Wieer, the ' start in September, ' Mr Wine?
t:T. Johnson, .
fined 520 and costs for failing;
fined 510 and costs,
Stanley Riley, Zurich, was they
want," he said 'The "They'll I the tremendous marketing facie
t beginto putdup what dpeeNfelltopnmf enAtgriocpueltnusreihesadicidorthel
to stop at a stop sign north of i take alt they can Pureilase;•!titles of this company in Candi
Zurich ' and his car collided with! Production target for the firm and the US. right at Centralia."
, is 500,000 bushels, which is.near '
charged, with careless driving, I Mr. Winer, part owner of ' in a
another car.
lees Steeper, of Ailsa Craig, Lim
' growing district.
total Produced by the entire! ,e,
; sum that the move would result
wider distribution of turnips
He said it appeared quite poS
was assessed $15 and costs. On !than the industry has ever !had,
July 4 he attempted to pass an -1 Although a bright future has
other car north of the bridge I been predicted for turnips for
Stephen lets i a"le
in Exeter and his car eollided years, the market ha*
with a telephone pole. •been expanding rather slowly.
! Alfonse Wilfred Goneau, Lo• n- move onens up a •market which I will remain in charge of the
$15 and costs for failing to re -1 'Roy Bullock, .10, Parkhill, paid, bridge ,..,fork "This may give it; quite a little
boost," said Mr. Johnson.
ed his driving and his conduce Two bridge contracts were let and Elgin exported 486.000 bush.
port an aceident. Police reporleI Last year, :Huron, Middlesex
was not good.
,total export from Ontario,
by Stephen c o u n c i 1 Mond R y els to the U.S., one-third of the
Earl' Neeh, of Hensel!, was nitsbe
pfirnoepder$1usea and cloicsetstiseforpiathices.im eir. IL Bat:train, Parkhill, will ing"TphreoduPcPtsiosnibilleitifiesuront anaxdPMiandt
... build the span on concession 20, dlesex are good because of the
H. felichacl ' 'P.hilliPs, RCAF i between lots 35 and 16, for soil and the excellent marketing
Centralia, wee fined $5 and costs:54,084, facilities," he said.
for failure to renew his driver's! The bridge on concession 14-
i 15, opposite lot 0, will be erect -
Craig, was assessed 520 and , tralia, at his bid of $2,090,
Donald Lewis, 21, of Ailsa ed by Clarence McDowell, Cen- prize Pekingese
• •
at:Simmons, demolition of the old
"It's not easy to produce a
rabbit but this time we did," his fs
worship said in jest.
The lots - located on John
street between William and Car-
ling - were sold to Charles Die-
trich, Stephen township, who had
, previously purchased the re-
mainder of the undeveloped por-
tion of the block,
Mr. Dietrich has agreed to al -
Aim the town's stockpile of gra-
' vel to remain on the land until
'it; is used up.
•Roadbudget hits peak,
seek additional grant
Faced with road expendittures tial development, The town has
Which v,41.4 likely exceed last been growing at the rate of more year's record total of 519,300. homes a year, creating tneee
town coma Menday night ap- traffic on streets which had not
proved a ;supplementary bylaw been used extensively in the past.
boosting this year's budget to "These people have requested -
$20,500. and rightly, too - that their
Approval will be sought from streets get 'the s same treatment
the Ontario Department of High- as others."
ways 'to secure grants on the in- The backward spring delayed
crease, winch is an Increase of
55,500 oyer theteigtr' ial allotment
the oiling program for several
weeks and a number of streets
• had to be gravelled and treated
of 05 000.
A NseO0 increase in the ming with calcium before the oil was
program, a $00 expenditure applied.
calcium and a sew the in are. Council actually anticipated a
Vel costs are the main factors en cut in this year's spending be
the piralSnoteplou gh in g
was cause, unlike last year, it plan-
also up. ned :no paving work, Hardtopping
Roads chairman Glenn Fisher of a number of blocks in, '58
indicate!" oie big jump oiling contributed. to the record ex-
penditure but it was decided to
costs had net been expected* He discontinue the program this
also reporite.d the town had a year when council entered into
large eta-eke:tile of gravel - near- discussion,s with the OWRC over
ler 1,000 y,aiids - and. a reserve hps forthe installation of a sewerage
of oil and. ciex•epairs.
Clerk C, V. Pickard, who out- "stern'
lined the increases, said the rate In co,ntrast to last year, when
council s road expenditure was
of elation of oil had been divided Into $5,000 for construe- s
heavier ;thin that of last year tion (paving) arid $14,000 for
which bad proven to be too filth.
He •said he had consulted de- maintenance, this year's budget
was set at 52,000 for construction
pertinent cieleials about the in-
creaspointing out thatand $13,000 for maintenance. The t
e, , whil
---- 515,000 ceiling was set by the de -
the inileage of towti streets had pertinent, but it Was expected e
not inereaSed,..mbre of them had then that supplemental expcndi-
treatment heexese of resider).
been widenea and given' better tore would he required, although I a
MayorPooley reportedthe
committee appointed to investi-
gate the sale had discussed Mr.
Dietrich's proposal thoroughly
before recommending that the
property be made available:
It was not indicated what Mr.
Dietrich plans to do with the
Debate permit problem
Council decided to take no ac-
tion - after debating for some
time - on a query concerning
construction of a small addition
to a home for which no building
permit had been applied.
The decision was made after
Deputy -Reeve Mawhinney sug-
gested some matters had to be;
Councillor Bill Musser brought
up the subject by asking if •
permit had been granted for the
erection of a verandah by
George Shaw, Thames Road
west. The question, he said, had
been put to him by a ratepayer
who requested that he bring it
to council's attention.
Clerk Pickard revealed Mr.
Shaw had not applied for a per-
mit. Be pointed out, however,
that no permit was required for
construction not exceeding $100.
Reeve Mckenzie suggested the
building inspector be requested
to investigate. He was supported
by the mayor and Councillor
However, Councillor Rether
and Deputy -Reeve McKenzie in-
dthated this action might make
it appear thet couneit was at-
tempting to take spite out on
Shaw, who was involved recent-
ly in a dispute with council over
peed limns on the highway and
who wrote a letter to The Times
Advocate castigating eounci
ver that and several other mat
Rether said many bomeown
re had made similar improve
mento without securing a permit
lid if would be "silly" to pick
his particular ease for action.
lie felt many persons weren't
ware o thebuilding bytatv ee-
gulations and suggested a .notice
be published outlining them.
This was supported by the
Reeve McKenzie contended
the town was spending too much
money on notices now. Building
ermits for minor work cost
nly ;50 tents and it would be inf.,
tactical, he stated, to spend $10
or a notice which would not re-
tiirn enough revenue to pay for
In other husiness, eouncik
Learned that the department
transportaf plaheed to make its
study of town parking late in
Deluded to complain to Sar-
nia that He guaranteed
weed -killing program for ` the
pond had not proved satisfac.
Approved redecoration of the
police offied and purchase of a
file and desk for police from a
London firm;
(ranted building permits fo
Hobert Oeehiak, for installation
of a septic tank for a mobile
borne at ;the tear of the Tot
owned by Ewart Pyirr, Simeoe
SI... Jory, William St_ re
roofing W. 14erti, Sanders St,
it itetuee; Pettliale, Jelitt St,
increase tax:
for Hibbert
An atross-thesboard increase
in taxes was appreved by Hib-
bett council Monday night. Coun-
ty, reads and general Tates are
up but this is atleast partly off -
ea by reductions in school le-
not as much es $5,500,
Th addition to requesting ap-
prove) of the $5,500 increase a
council hopes the department
will approve switching the 53,000
for construction to maintenanee,
thus putting the total budget of
$20,500 under maietehance.
The departmeht has indicated
at feels that at least a portion of
the budget should be used forl P
construction work hut council
hopes the officials will appre-
mate the problem presented by
the proposed' sewerage construe.
Heavy snowplowing costs; ear- hon, during which roads would
ih the year contributed to- have to be ripped up for ihstel-
w.erd aii thereeee font mills Cation of melee.
•th the toad :tate whit)) will he
Strathroy, leas fined $10 and
SERGEANT WINS SPORTS CAR - Writing rhymes has
has proven more lucrative for Sgt. Doug Grayer, Centralia,
than for most amateur poets. He's won himself a new
MG sports car in a limerick . contest sponsored by the
Harold F. Ritchie Co, Ltd. Above he gets the keys from
Gavin Coyle, general sales manager of the company, and
congratulations from Cy Wilding, London district repre-
Tall man wins little car
A double case of irony de- And adds that certain glamor
to your hair."
veloped from the good fortune
of Sgt. Doug Grayer, RCAF Cen- Rhymes aren't new to the
trail*, who Won a brand new sergeant, Several of his poems
have appeared in the Centralia
car in a limerick contest spare
sored by A hairdressing firnt Shnrret, the station Firstly, the the man arid the car
are at odds, Grayer, popular in
the district for his softball and
square dancing activities, is six-
foot -plus, His handsome prize is
one of those low.slung MG sports
, Secondly, the sergeant just
doesril have the essential Meal-
ification tie do justice to a hair-
dressing promotion-. To put it
ge.ntly, his scalp MS overgrown
his hairline.
Nevertheless, everybody's bap-
py about the whole thing,
especiallyespeia1ly sp�rts.arfan Gr'er
lee even jingled his excite-
• ment:
"Contests are fun,
I'm glad 1 won,
Brylcreem you dream
My MG supreme!" •
11. Residential levy went up one ---.....---.
mill to a total of three; attn.,
Mercier increased to 5.3: the
Minty tath rose one-half mill to
Sehool takeare: P5 .Area
NO. 1, 15; Separate sehool Area,
16; eMitteitatieiti, 6; Seatorth RS?
e; Mitchell IN, 7.1; RS 2, 16; A-rniouncomenti: 13
SS 3, 11; SS 4, 15; SS 8, 10; SS Church Netices 17
I, 6; SS 7, 77; Dublin general, Corning Events le
4; Dlehlin street lighting • 4, Erlitetials 4
Livestock valuator E. Temple. Farm News . ............ - .. . 11
Mati tweed 25 chickens owned Feminine Filch . 14, 1$,
IV' d. 4tatiTes. were killed by dogs Heneall .. • . .......... St 7
end seAlliatien of $1,50 was ete Leeklett t With Li t . .
esteWed't Lucari II, II
Stet Esti bid Preeided otOr Soot 4
P! hi•etithets lore Oooseiif. Waltif Adi
_ MositsirstitiVolitkoi IS
Where fo
find it
The sergeant wee the last of
15 Mals given' bway by the
Brylcreem people in their Mete -
Heir eompetitien, And it WAS his
ilar-old seri, elehtste lust
got pini tinder the wire.
Bobby urged his dad to got his
entry in when the boy heard
there were only two date left,
Father .get off One In a hurry
and it 'proved a Witirl61'.
COntestahts had to odd twe
new lines to the first pair nt the
nattily Brylcreem topnereial:
rylereem, it little dab% do
Bredeteem, you look Se debene
fhetretle tett pletifig e. s
'")jl'eleteetn, it does Wenders
tot so
costs for speeding.
With solicitor E. I), Bell, QC, •
and trustees of Dashwood, Credi- wogs at Preston
ton and Centralia, council dis- Scoring two major wins at the
cussed at length the draftof
dog show at Preston on Saturday,
a building bylaw. An outline of
pthreesepnrtompdosal the
be thyal
Only two accidents were re- agAenioaaileiplliiVirianppfroory
hledram iust thwiso Cpoainnatdaiaanw achampionship from
authorized Clerk James elawhin- papers,
ported in this area ever the Ci- ney to prepare a supplementary
The ring. St. Aubreys 'Kuan of
vie Holiday weekend by the !peal bylaw providing - an additional Elsdon. won best of breed and
-detachment OPP.; ••$5,000 expenditure on bridges, best Caned' nb cI rto itt th
Holiday toll
not heavy
A boat ,and trailer, being
hauled by a sedan delivery dri-
ven by Theoderue Smits, 35, RR
1 -Hyde Park, was struck et the
Reeve Glenn Webb presided toy group at Preston.
and all members were present. He is a year and one-half
Greenway turn on Noe I/1 by a
London, Friday night. Damage •
car op.erated by Roger Moore, 39, Parents pay own tuition
totalled $320.
by John W. Gilbert, 21, Bronte, o send pupilstoilensali
missed the turn near the inter- .
section of Nos. 21 and 81 and Indications are that a number
suffered 5300 damage when it of children from SS No: 14 Hay
crashed into the ditch, will continue to go to Hensall
Earlier Pricity, a trader- school this fall despite a ruling by
traitor driven by'D'aniel McPhee the Hay Township School Area
31, Goderich, struck and killed Board that it will no longer pay
a cow owned by Melvin Stade tuition fees for the pupils.
about a mile south of Dashwood,
Mr. Stade was herding cattle At a special. meeting Friday
west on a township road when night, attendedb34 a delegation of
the truck came fram the north. parents from No. 14, the board
McPhee didn't see the herd for agreed to pay transportation
truck jaCknired into the ditch costs to Hensel' for children of Hollow, No. 15, at 5790 per year,
the section but stipulated'that The board granted in increase
51.00 per month per classroom
trees at the intersection. His
after the collision. parents must pay for the tuition 'ot
fees themselves. to the music teachers, Lewrence
Damage to the truck was $800; - Wein, Exeter, and Douglas Gill,
the cow was valued at $220. The board has been sending No' Grand Bend.
Hits bridge, injured 14 pupils to Hensall school for .
A 33 -year-old Goderich man,
Bryant Ainslie, suffered fore-
head and facial lacerations and
a broken knee cap when his
ear -went out of control and
ended up teetering on the ledge
of a temporary bridge on No.
The car hit a warning sign on
where it tore down 60 feet of deadline le to allow the board Hay handles
the road, skidded to the shoulder children to Hensel'. This early
snow fence and struck the 'guard time to call for tenders for trans -
the car was $1,500.
railp 'on the bridge. Damage to portation.
Tuition fees set by the Hensel' drain work '
Tires which became coeted board are 58.00 pr month. which „
with mud in a barnyard caused parents will pay in addition to 'IV twnshiP council dealt
Saturday night; a car driven t
centre and it just wouldn't wort
out to send them to Zbrich every
Inspector John Goman And
Zurich principal, Mrs. Greta La-
vender attended the special meet,.
Only transportation tender let
by the board was to Elgin Hen'
drick, to take children from NO.
11, on the Bluewater, to Smoker
about •15 years but decided ear- Clatence Farrell is painting
one room at the Zurich school
Bete this year they •cdtild be ac- and Rader and Middleholtz, Zure
commodated at the Zurich school,
ich, are painting the basement of
whose enrolment will. be cut this the Munn school. •
fall by the' opehing of the sopa New ,desks have arrived for
rate school there.
Parents of No. 14 have nail No' 15,
August 10 to notify the Hay
board if they intend to send their
OrviUe Truemner, 34, Grand their regular school tax.
with a number of drainage prote
Bend. to lost control of his ear Edison. W. Forrestlern.s at itsmeeting Tuesday
, one of the „,„
on the Crediton ,road during the members of the delegation to the nese.'"
Authorization was given for
rainstorm of July 23. Total dam- special meeting, said he thqught
the construction of a catch basin
age, including a broken tele- most of the section wanted to at the open •end of the Tucker •
phone • pole, • was estimated atleontinue to send their children to ' • •
$425. municipal. drain et the request
liensall. "It's our comniunity of Bruce Tuceey, who outlined
the problem to, couneil.
•Engincer's report on ,the pros
posed Stewart municipal citain
was provisionally adopted aftet
it had been discussed with font
inter parties - Elgin Bow
cliff, Orville Taylor and two
representatives from the CNIte
Court of revision on two drains*
Zurich Village No. 2 and the
Decker drain, waselet for August
12 at 8 and 9,30 p.m. respectively,
Engineer Charles Corbett, Lu';
Can, presented a preliminary reit
port an the erosion prOblem on
the sideroad between the Gordon
and Norman Turnbull surveye.
The engineer was instructed
investigate further.
The toWil$1116 8olicitori were
instructed to register deeds •fot
two tote from the new Turnbull
subdivisioh in the name of the
teevilship. The land Was donated
to the township under provincial
regulations requiring five pr^
eent of all new developments tte
be tufted over to Municipal
authorities .fet recreation, Out*
Al. a special meeting Mendes'
july 2't council let contraete for
two new bridges to NapOteoft
Cortiveati, Zell&
A concrete Milvert oti contese
sion 14 wilt Cost $e,1308, Which ino
chides erection a a ternporat?
bigigetiit second enneeeSthilmeetlif
a new culvert i ta Ie talistruct,,,
ed :for t1,111, A terriporAtSt bridge
will also be required for tide
Tenders /rie the sUpply nr.t.
tem, or the beef bridges Waif
frf 1.6 Hoot-alldoiop
through the lurid littibilti
ee; ei
•••.' ' • • '
••• .•"
LEAN tJP HIGHWAY tYESORE-14iddolph. toogithity And Ltleale are, getting rid of
the dump ni the Ausabit valley beide No, 4 highway, just north M the Irish village,
The communities. have established 1/607 r6iiise ground which will be All tiervised
three day t week>, Above, fillifig it the old dump is Dait 1Viaguire oxi the buildo2eii,
Contract for the wotlt Wes givtri t� Morkih Eres, ilft 3 Lucaii,i-Tert Ctilbert heto