HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-08-07, Page 9JOYCE HAHN STARS AT GRAND BEND—.Diminutive CBC -TV star Joyce Hahn, featured performer at Grand Bend Lionsannual Holiday Ball, July 23. was seen by thousands who lined streets of the popular resort village for the afternoon parade, one of the best in the .community's history. At night, she sang for the bail in Lake- view Casino. Hon Bryan Catheari, travel and publicity mintster, was guest. speaker. 5 HDHS forum Students want second gym, teen town, honors system (This forum appeared in the recent issue of Ink Spot", SH - DHS year book. "What one improvement would you like to see in our school and why?" This; question was asked a number of students and a major- ity of them experienced the • same first reaction. They con- strued their faces into expres- sions of deepest thought and then slowly allowed their coun- tenances to put- on a beautiful, bland expression. The sequel to this was a very laconic, very boring statement: "I don't know, the school suits me just the way it is." This, of course. is a great credit to our facilities and our faculty, but no- thing, not even SHDHS. is per- fect. Some students, realizing this, made the following re- sponses to the above question. Keith Hodgins (12A) approach- ed the subject from the athletes' toint of view. He felt that an - able thinking of her brother when ,she stated: 'It would be nice if, in some way, the cafe- teria meals could be more varied without raising the expense." Wayne Bowen (12) wants to "get rid of that blankety blank barberry bush out in front. 1 al- most killed myself getting a book out of there the other day when Fink threw it out the win- dow." Wayne is supported in this view by another naturalist, Bill Cocker. Sandra Reid MB.) states: "1, think we should have a new ac- tivity program or else have the students dismissed at 3:15. • Enough time is not allowed in our present program for it to derive the fullest benefit for the majority of students." • Bill Systme (10A) also gave an "athletic answer" to the question. He said: "It's a pretty good school as it is, but never-. theless the track should be im- proved. When you run around the track you don't know whether you're on the track or on the lawn. Now, mind you, that big mass of green on the track looks very nice but it's in the wrong place. Roy Smith (10D) wants the. whole academic course revamp- ed. He desires "a course of shop, library, gym and English." (s' funny he didn't replace Eng- lish with Health.) other gymnasium was needed, because, in the winter particu- larly, there is nothing for the students to do at noon hour ex - cc -pt wander about the halls. He; also felt that. because of lack of facilities, our intramural and! physical training programs have reached a point where they no longer derive the greatest bene - bit for the student. Eleanor Hodgins (13) was prob-1 Whistle :marks end: of pea pack, Blaring of the plant ',single -Saturday marked the end of the pea pack at Canadian Canners Ltd. here. Manager Don .Graham reports the yield per acre .of the crop was the 'biggest in 10 years Preparations are now being made for the installation of the corn canning equipment Tins pack is •expected to start on August 24. Mr. Graham described the crop as "above averaSe 111 Loss not heavy in two break•ins Thieves broke into two dietrict places recently but their loot was slim A email quantity of cigarettes and confectionery was taken from the snack bar at Zurich arena on Civic Holiday. About $50.00 in fifty vent . pieces, some tools and beverage were removed from the home of • Roy Kerr, Is'o. 4 highway eppo-1 site Kippen Gun Club, on Mon- day, July 27. Looking in with Liz Housewives star on CBC ay ELIZABETH TOUCHETTE ... , . ... ........ „ Joon Fairfax and Ruth Waller who both have shows of their own this snmmer have one other thing in common. Both girls were going along •as ordinary house- wives when they were bitten by the desire to get in to show. busioess. Eoth studied hard, sang at the drop of an offer and now both have reached the Canadian top. Joan of course has been on Canadian TV for quite awhile but this is her first starring role. Ruth Welker has only been singing for three years hut be- tween night, club dates with top American performers (who have expressed great opinions for her talent) and guest. shots on TV shows like 'Here's Duffy' she managed to bit the top ranks early in her career. Rumour has it that her show might ;quite possibly be a carry - Over into the swelter schedule since the O'Connor show which was in, that time slot last year , has definitely been dropped. Gerrli• Tapp has :signed a clic contract but as yet doesn't know if it will include appearances :on PM Party. The fate of that after. noon show is still undecided. Bit! Welker is getting a chance to display some intelligence en 'Live a Borrowed Life' and it must be a relief for him after the .simpering commercials and intros hehas to do on Music - makers. Bill is •a,one time ner of the Dominion Drama Fs• tival award ae best actor but is rarely seen in acting roles on ,TV. Speaking of that panel show lawyer Royce 'Frith surprises me with his TV poise. Frith might have got, on TV for either of two reasons; .first he is a shoselsusiness lawyer (George Murray is one of his clients), or second he is, or was, president of the Ontario Young Liberals Association and TV is 'becoming the politicians' favourite med- ium. Still with the panel, moderator Chuck Templeton, ex -cartoonist ex -evangelist, admitted on a TV interview some months ago that two political parties were .th- terested in him. I guess he has now chosen sides. He is current- ly page seven editor of the To- ronto Star. He spends his off time with bride Sylvia Murphy and her two youngsters at their northern Ontario cottage. Sylvia is having a good vaca- • tion and only has to go in to Toronto once a week. to record her part on the Billy O'Connor radio • show. Later in the month she goes nut west, for some personal ap- pearances with Billy. Joyce Hehn's record is re. leased in the States this week. Although the Johnny Cowell tune has been getting a big play locally Joyce .tells me that in Montreal the flip side. an oldie, "Hold Me", is doing better. 10,400 sign CLERK PURCHASES AGENCY . William J. Amos, clerk of Mc.' petrhon, Gillivray township, has purchas. ed the Aleta Pennington insur-1 CTA petit Huron county petition f repeal of the CTA nee 10,400 names and may 11.000 before canvassing fi this week..end, officials n commit* said this week. Next Thursday, the p will he placed in Huron county registry office for public inspec- tion for 'a period of 10 clays. Fol- lowing that it will go to Ottawa. to the office. of the secretary of f .state. nr the ance agency in Parkhill, it was • has announced last week. The agency • have will handle car financing and nishes • investments as well as general! 1 the, insurance. Shirley Reid (11B) thinks we Chairman Jetta Huckins. Gorie. should have a teen -town every rich, said he andElston. Cardiff, Friday night as they do in other . Huron MPP, wipresent the schools. She feels that this would petition to the government. bring the s t u d e n t s together All municipalities in the cotuity socially in a more mutually are represented in the signa- beneficial way than does our . tures, according to Mr Huckins. present system of social events. She believes that students, as feel more like participating. and. members of a teen -town would Crowds be more responsible than at •flock dances sponsored by a remote I to lake shore Ross C h r i s t i a m (13) says: society. "There is a eryhig need, for 1 Tourist business on the. Lake stronger windows and water - pipes: They seem rather fragile ;Huron shore, aided by the popte in this school." larity .of the new provincial park in!the Pinery and good weather. Bob Miekle (9B) says: '1 is having one of the best sum - don't think we should have so; niers in its history many tests and I also think that One Grand Bend garage owner one set of exams in May would ' be plenty. However, with only' estimates traffic has tripled on the Bluewater. one set in May, that would; Pin - make a June set really neces- Camping facilities at the Pin- , • „ I ery park was filled to capacity. sar. Judy Keller's (12A) first mac -c- I All regular camp sites were I filled and overflow areas were tion was "I love the school the jammed as well. way it is!" Then after some thought she had this to say: A About 50 tents and trailers minority of students seem "t—o had to be ordered off the beach feel that. they are compelled to at ipperwash because of .muni- attend- high school. They do not c 1 p al regulations preventing camping there. feel that is a place where one goes to learn because one likes Pinery Sup't Garland Myers to learn. This attitude originates said 720 camping permits were with the student, but the present issued over the. Civic Holiday system of bringing notes, getting weekend' largest number since late slips, etc. does nothing to the parkopened in June. SO residen courage it, des ston.ie studepts park bothSunday 314d3 Mondp, take great eligh breaking Mr. le yers sai campi correct the attitude. It may en- Over 2,000 cars visited the n ot former - dies with wife in LOndon London police are continuing' Mr. Bowden. 22, was the son :investigation of the deaths of the of Mr. and Mrs. Harry 0. low- den, also of London, and a for - son of a former Exeter resident ' mer resident of Exeter. The fa- • and his wife, who died as they ther was connected with harness slept in their basement apart- racing here before he moved to rnent in the city. London where he has been em- ployed by a transport firm for , Authorities said Wednesday some years. The mother is the they were at a loss to attribute former Vera McDonald, daugh- the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. mar- ter of Mrs. McDonald and. the! vin Bowdere Dufferin Ave., late Joe McDonald, Exeter. whose bodies were discovered. It was the elder Mrs. Bowden who became alarmed when she just before 1 pen. Tuesday when did not hear from the young Mr. Bowden's two brothers en- couple. Another son, Terrance, tcred the apartment after not 24. passed the home Tuesday hearing from the couple since morning and decided to investi- Sa turday. gate when h- saw his brother's ' car in the. driveway. Another1 The couple's 18 -month-old ,e,on brother, Robert, assisted in gain.' survived. Lack of fluid feedings ing access to the apartment. ! apparently was the onl,y trouble Mr. BoWden was a. printer at! with the child who was treated the. Chant Paper Box Limited. I for dehydration at 'Victoria Hos- His wife. 19. was the former pital, Audrey Bernice B,ussell, Lon - Asphyxiation was. at first be- don. lievid responsible for the deaths Besides his parents and eon, b u t subsequent investigation Mr. BoWden is survived be seemingly ruled out this theory seven sisters, Mrs. Thornes There was not evidence of (Wanda) Young, Missee Sharon, _fumes in the tiny three-roorn Valerie. Dianne and Brenda apartment when the bodies' were Bowden, all of London; Mrs. discovered and an inspection of William (Pat) Wheeler Camp the .premises by gas company Borden; Miss Marilyn Bowden. showed no trace of a gas Clinton: and four brothers, Ter- eak in the house. :ranee, Donald, Robert and Gary, r MERRY MENAGERIE By Walt DisitRY OCeresitt 155 Ot•lird/(1. P45 t,26 Walt Dismv Pre.ducomit . , otid (t!"-eri'ed "Hey, stupid! Yoti're SLanding on my taii1" ng rules, even though they are hurt- permits have been issued since ing themselves, not others. Now the park opened and the number I am not suggesting that the note of car permits now exceeds system be abandoned; some me- 15,000. At an average of four thod of checking up is neces- persons per car, this means sary. However, I do feel that 60.000 have visited the park not some system, based more on taking into account repeat visi- honour, should be adopted where- tors or those who have purchased by students would feel less de- permits elsewhere. linquent for minor offences, I Some businessmen at Grand think that this would soon instill Bend report sales at an all-time in students a feeling of pride in high. Weekend crowds at the re - punctuality and regular attend- sort have been tremendous. ance." An indication of how good Dosethy Parker (SD) very weather can affect some indus- briefly summed up the students' tries comes from Tuckey Beve- sentiments towards the school. rages Ltd., Exeter. who report She said: "It's O.K." the biggest volume ever, SLIM, TRIM and 1ERRIFIG seesee.. mew 0//l/MINCIel eii The wife- was trying to get her husband to purchase a new : automobile, but he didn't seem ' to like the idea. "What?" he roared,. "Me buy a new car? Do you think auto- mobiles ,grow on trees?" "Of course not, silly." replied 1 his wife calmly. PEveryone • knows they come from plants." * "You and your lack of tact!" the wife scolded, as soon as she and her husband were out of the Smith home. "How can you be so stupid!" "'Now, what did I do?" "You asked Mre. Smith how her husband was standing the beat. Didn't you know he's been , dead for three months?" 71, • rt.rto.W.r... Volt. man, "1 believe your case is without precedent in my experience .0. your shoes are too large." Christmas In August'? Sure, it's smart to buy now Pick your gifts and start paying us small, regular de- posits. By December your; gift problems and budget! worries will be over. Jack Smith CREDIT JEWELLER Plums 510 Exeter McGillivray tax rate up An increase of one mill in sMcGillivray township tax rate was approved ..by the council at a recent meeting. For the majority of sections, the rate will be 43 mills this year. Increase came in the township rate, where general expenses have risen, The Tigne3-Advecate, August i I959 Pagc 3 *FPOFD. ACCURACY We cwt give quick service in supplying custom made rubber stamps...at budget prices. Drop in and tell us what you want we'll have it ready for RCM With* in a couple of days. The Times -Advocate • They'll miss the Smiths at Trout Lake this summer Everyone on Trout Lake knew and liked the Smiths. You'd see them up at their cottage every weekend, -you'd hear the children's carefree laughter echoing across the lake. And Mr. Smith never failed to give you a friendly wave as he cruised by in his boat. But Trout Lake won't see the. happy Smith family any:more . , all because Mr. Smith was in a hurry to get up to the cottage for the weekend. He left at night and drove too fast . . and there was an accident! The Smith's cottage is for sale now. And it needn't have happened! is it worth your life and your family's jut to get to the cottage a few minutes earlier? Remember, you have a whole summer for fun and relaxation— don't, try to squeeze in a few extra minutes by driving carelessly! Your Ontario Department of Transport urges you to observe the speed limits. And when driving at night, always lower your headlights when ap. proaching or following another motor vehicle. STORAGE 15 MID -TOWN AGENTS ARE IN THE FOLLOWING COMMUNITIES FOR YOUR CONVENtENCE; • HENSALL—Hen5all In VA) .Stnre • ZURICV-IThiel', Superier .Sters • HILLSGREEN—Hilisgreen General More • VARNA—W. T. McAsh Lucky Dollar Fend Market • BRUCE:FIELD—I, A. Dutton Appliances • KIPPEN—Deichere General :Store • CROMARTY—Sorsclahl's General Store • CREDITON—R.adford's General Stere • BRINSLEY—Treyethick's Genera! Store • AILSA CRAIG—Meadow's Grocery • DENFIELD—Doul Corniell • LUCAN—Lucan Dry Cees • WOODHAM—Jaquee General Store, • ELIMVILLE—Fultonis Genera! Store • KIRKTON—Morrison's Lunch • • RUSSELDALE—Cokwhoun'A. Lunch • CENTRALIA—Osherne's Genera! Stere Robinsonix Lusky Dollar rood Market !N EXETER (Dov,,mtown)—Lloyel Ford's Men's Wear 5! LITTLE BIT BETTER ALL WAYS MID -TOWN CLEANERS. PHONE 33 Free Pickup and Delivery Service EXET ER e....eeeneseeseaeL>....- se - 1 No other pori gives you these advanced features., giant transparent supply 7ele-Gauget't Cartridge and new CoioreSseilact writing fluid. Carrie in end See it teddy! TheTimes5Adifocate fXETER 1 P14.0NE 770 OPEN .DOOR TO HIGH -:FASHION LUXURY EN THE BY STUDEBAKER Try 10 minutes behind the wheel and you'll know ife "your kind of car GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS MAIN STREET, EXETER