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and district news
Phone t,mcan.
• .- •••••.•••
Parade sees
car blazing
Withmemories of the disas-
trous fire of August 8, 1959, Lus
canites returning home, from
church Sunday morning were
startled to see black smoke
rising from the property of the
Lucan Motor Sales.
Some 75 members of the LOL
who had attended the service at
Holy Trinity Church were par-
ading south on Main St. when the
fire engine dashed out of the
fire hall.
It is not known whether a
spark from Saturday's bon -fire '
or a cigarette, set fire to a car'
standing beside. the Lucan Motor
Sales Building. Fortunately the
fire was extinguished before
spreading to near -by cars or to
any of the buildings.
WI hears
The June meeting of the Lucan
WI was held in 'the Community
Centre last Thursday evening
with the president Mrs. Wes,
Hodgins, in the chair and Mrs.
Al Brornwick as secretary pro
Seventees members answered
roll call by signifing what serv-
ice they would promise to do
for the WI during the coming
The motto of the meeting was
"Life is a garden and bears the
fruit we sow."
An invitation In attend the
July meeting of the Birr WI on
July 8 at the Anglican Parish
hall was read and many voiced
their intention of accepting the
Now that Mrs. Benny Saulnier
is working, she finds she can
no longer take charge of the
Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott
.... •••••.••••••••.„ •
• • •
... Keith Young .
Third of Family
receives award
Keith Young, who has been
awarded a, $2,000 scholarship to
Nova Scotia Technical College,
Halifax, is the third member of
the family of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Young, Lucan, to win an aca-
demic award.
Keith recently graduated from
Acadia University, N.S., and will
continue his studies in civil
His two sisters, Elizabeth and
Marguerite, now Mrs. Charles
Corbett and Mrs. Ross McRob-
erts, received $250 bursaries
each while attending Lucan high
Another sister, Elva, recently
graduated from Victoria Hospital
School of Nursing.
Granton players
making of cancer dressings.
Mrs. Irving Gibson will take
dominate bingo
over in the fa1. Mrs.Murray
Hodgins volunteered to store the
supplies till needed. No bandages
will be made during the sum-
The London Fair prize lists
were presented to the members.
'The branch did so well last year
that they decided to compete
again. Many of those present
named what they would make.
The highlight of the meeting
was the reports on the 56th Dis-
trict Annual given by Mrs. Wil-
liam Brownlee and Mrs, Mur-
ray Hodgins for Mrs. C. C. Brad-
ford, who has moved from Lu -
Janet Kehl, accompanied by
Mrs. Bert Jackson, sang two
Lunch convener was Mrs. Al-
ine Culbert. She was assisted by
Mrs. Jack Steacy, Mrs. Benny
Saulnier and Mrs. Frank Hardy.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wind-
sor spent Sunday in Thedford,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett
attended decoration service at
Birr Anglican church last Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Rev-
ington and Gary were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Campbell (nee Elaine Reving-
ton) now of Oakridge Acres.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson
and family were Sunday guests
of Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Jones
and family. During the afternoon
all had a picnic lunch at Ben -
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence hardy
and family attended decoration
service at Grand Bend last Sun-
day and spent the evening with
Mrs. Hardy's sister, Mrs, Ross
Love, of Shipka.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Godbolt
and Maxine, Mitchell, were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ranting
spent Father's Day with their
daughter, Mrs. Harold Cobleigh
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Maines,
of Dorchester, were Sunday
guests of Mrs. William Dickins.
Mrs. Alvin McLean has re-
turned home after spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs.
Herbert Charlton of Denfield,
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Stanley,
of Toronto, spent a few days
last week with the former's sis-
ter, Mrs, T. C. McFarlane and
Other Lucan relatives,
Mrs. Gertrude Hardy, of Can-
ton, Ohio, is making an extend-
ed visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
„ Miss Kay Hodgins, daughter
of Mrs, Archie Hodgins of Mai-
den, formerly of Lucan, under-
went surgery in Victoria Hos-
pital last Thursday and is mak-
ing satisfactory recovery.
Miss Kate 130wyer returned
Nine last Tuesday after spend-
ing two weeks in Glendale, Ari-
zona, a eleck in Vancouver and
two weekS in Detroit.
Mr, Roy Lewis, of Chicago,
It spending a few days with hie
sister, Mrs. Erle Youhg And
family here.
Guests with Rev. and Mrs.
E dgar Roulttott included Mr, andMrt. Celle Wed of St. Thoma t Oft
Saturday and Mr, and Mrs. Harry
• Rouiston, Peter and Philip,
Mr. d Mrs. J. H. Thompson
afid month, old Soh Samoa
Edgar. of Kitchener, Mr. and
Mts. Charing, 'Young of Lambeth
Arad aid Mrs, 011es. Youngr.
Sr. Of Denfieid, for Yatlieet bay,
Duttg the afttrisort the baby
*IA baptized by Isis grandfather.
• •
Granton really stole the show
at the Auxiliary bingo last Thurs-
day night though there were sev-
eral out-of-town winners, How-
ever, Mrs. Pat Grudge, still up-
held the honor of the village.
The $5 consolation jack -pot
went to Mrs. Basil Nagle of Lu -
can; "Share the Wealth," to
Mrs. Russell Schroeder of Cen-
tralia, the consecutive bingo to
Miss Muriel Carling and Mrs. H.
Rawson, two, (Granton) and Mrs.
Pat Crudge. Other winnersiri-
cluded Mrs. Jim Avery, Mrs. G.
McRoberts (Granton) Mrs. N.
Johnston (Toronto) Mrs. A. Hari -
ton (Granton) Mrs. Omar Cun-
ningham, two, (Clandeboye) Mrs.
John O'Connor (Granton) Mrs.
Pat Crudge and Mrs. Joe Harri-
A number of players took ad-
vantage of last week's Times -Ad-
vocate ad to receive free extra 1
Personal items
Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs.
John Park, Mrs. Jack Lankin
and Mrs. Jack Steacy attended .
a lawn tea, sponsored by St.
Paul's Anglican Church, London,
and held on the lawn of Mrs.
A, Beecher of St, George St.,
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seifried,
of Harriston, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Stocks.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis and
family were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanley of
St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins
and family, of Exeter, spent
Father's Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Hodgins Sr,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hazelwood
and Mary Lynn, of London, spent
last Sunday at Grand Bend, drop-
ping off Mrs. Florence Cunning.
ham to spend the day with her
sister, Mrs. W. J. .McFalls of
Alice St.
Jack Steacy
heads Lions
At a supper meeting in the
Anglican basement, last Monday
evening, the Lunn Lions elected
officers .(or 1960.
President is Jack Steacy; vice-
presidents, Clare Stanley, Jack
Radcliffe; secretary, Al Brom-
wich; treasurer, Alex Young;
one year directors, Bill Haskett
and Ed. Morris; two year direc-
tors, Don Ranting and Roscoe
Hodgins; Lion tamer, E. A. Mos-
urinjohn; tail twister, Lionel
The installing officers were
Clarence Haskett and Les Wood-
Les Woodward presented Jim
Young with his past president's
The members of the Public
School Safety Patrol were guests.
To receive
new colors
Lt. Richard L. Read of the
48th Regiment of Toronto, whose
father was the late Mr, Charles
Read, formerly of Lucan, will
play at the Royal Review of the
trooping of the colors at the To-
ronto Exhibition P'aTk on Tues-
day, June 30 and will be one of
the officers to go to Ottawa to
receive the new colors from the
The Toronto Telegram writes:
"While the NCO's are marching
to the front to the proud lilt of
the Gordon's March and the
RSM turns over to the parade
adjutant, Lt. R. L. Read, the
officers will be noted prominading
and conversing in groups off to
one side."
Renovations continue
Renovations continue at the
Radcliffe Drug Store. New Fluor-
escent lightning has recently
been installed.
To make room for the ever in-
creasing stock the prescription
department has been moved to
a store -room at the back, A fifth
display island has been added.
Birthday party
Mrs. Ron Crozier and daugh-
ter Julia entertained a number
of guests June 20 in honor of Su-
san's fifth birthday. Mrs. Don
Maguire assisted at the tea
Attending were a number of
parents and Frances Eisen He-
len Sigsworth, Julie Hardy, Eli-
zabeth Revington, Carol Haskett,
Leroy Maguire, Dennis Maguire
and David Revington. With the
return of warm weather the
party was held on thelawn.
Personal items
Miss Helen Hardy of South
Huron Hospital is spending a
few days at her home here.
Messrs. Nelson, Milton and
WiUiarn Hodgins, of Denfield,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Wilson Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ewen and
family of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Hodgins and family of
Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lusk and family of Woodstock,
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Campbell of
Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Davis and family of London at-
tended Decoration Service at
Birr Anglican Church last Sun-
day and returned for a picnic
supper en the Ewen lawn in Lu -
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Smoot
and family, of Ann Arbor, were
Sunday guests of Mrs. Wes At-
kinson, leaving baby Ellen be-
hind with her grandmother when
they returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Williain Ayle-
stock are spending this week in
North Buxton, the guest. of their
daughter, Rev. A. Aylestock and
attending the Methodist confer-
ence there.
Visited Church
The Evening AuxiliarY closed
their season's ac•tivities with a
supper meeting last Tuesday
with Mrs. Art Black's group in
charge. She was assisted in the
worship service by Mrs. Erie
Young and Mrs. J. 0. Andersen.
Mrs, Benne Saulnier reported on
the bale recently sent away.
Strawberry supper
A fine night and a .good supper
brought out a good crowd to the
ham and strawberry supper last
Wednesday night. The- supper,
which was convened by Mrs. C.
H. George and Mrs. A. E. Reilly,
was scheduled to be held on the
church lawn, but owing to the
sudden change in temperature
had to be held in the church
school room,
Father's Day
The United Church celebrated
Father's Day with a father's
choir. Mr. Alex Young and son
Jack assisted Mr, Roulston with
the reading of the scripture and
the announcing of hymns.
Messrs. Nelles Cooper (Bud)
and son Larry and Art Black
and son Roger did the ushering,
Rev, Edgar Roulston spoke on
"A King's Household."
WMS meeting
The WMS of the Lucan UC
held its June. meeting at the
cottage of Mrs. George Paul at
"The Highlands", north of Grand
Bend. Including three drivers
there were 26 present,
A pot luck luncheon preceded
the meeting which was opened
by the president, Mrs. Sheridan
Revington, After a short busi-
ness meeting Mrs. William Ayle-
stock's group took over.
Mrs, Edgar Roulston reported
on the Sectional Presbyterial, re-
cently held at Lieury,
Over 75 members of LOL 387
and 493 of Lucan and St. Marys'
Juveniles, accompanied by • the
Fife and Drum band of London
attended the 11 a.m. service in
Holy Trinity church. Mr. Leon-
ard Lamburn, LOL Chaplain, as-
sisted in the service by reading
the second lesson,
A Red Cross blood clinic will
be held in the church basement
June 30 from 5-9 p.m. The Lucan
Lions Club is assisting in the
organization of this project, as
blood is urgently needed, now
that hospitals are no longer mak-
ing a charge. It is not necessary
to have a card.
Guild meeting
The June meeting of Holy Trin-
ity Guild last Monday night took
the form of a work meeting, set-
ting up tables and ivaking prep-
arations for the strawberry sup-
per on Wednesday.
Pentecostal Holiness Church
Rev. F. P. Thomson and the
church delegate, Mr. Ed. Butler,
represented the Lucan church at
the annual conference held in
Toronto last Wednesday and
Among the several changes of
pastorates across Ontario was
the appointment of Mr, Thomson
to t h e Pentecostal Holiness
Church in London. He is to be
replaced by the Rev. Ronald
Hall of Georgetown. Mr. Thom-
son was also elected to the On-
tario General Board of Adminis-
tration and to the position of
president of the Sunday School
Association of Ontario,
Mr. Thomson came to Lucan
from Ottawa three years ago
and has seen the church grow
considerably in that time.
Personal items
Sunday guests with Mr/ and
Mrs. T. A. Hodgins included Mr.
and Mrs. Colin Nugent and fam-
ily and Misses Holly and Belle
Martin, all of London.
Mrs. J. C. Davey, of Wood-
stock, was a Thursday overnight
guest with her sister, Mrs.
Mitchell Haskett and Mr. Has-
Mr. and Mrs, James Avery
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Simms and family of New-
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lapp, of
St. Thomas, were Sunday eve-
ning guests of Rev, and Mrs.
Edgar Roulston.
Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Haskett
and Judy attended the Delmage-
Harris wedding in Wingham last
Selling -Out
Every Item In Store
Reduced To Clear
Grand. Bend, wins. trophy
at 1o.int• athletic meet here'
It was perfect weather for last
Friday's Field Day when 'pupils
front the Lucan Public .Sehool
competed with Grand Bend pu-
pils, the latter winning the tro-
phy with a score of 227 points
over Lucan's 206 points.
Mr. Jule Dcsjardine's father,.
Mr. Ross Desjardine, presented
the trophy to Grand Bend. Cups
were presented to the cham-
pions in each section by the Lu -
can PSI
Juvenile girls, Ann Slaney, 24,.
runner-up, Cathy Mackenzie, 24,,
'bet .Ann bad four firsts to Cathy's'
three; boys, Donald Pedder, 14.
rtinner-up, Gordon•Hardy, 13;
Junior girls, Cheryl •Thomp-
.son, 23, rennerasp, Anne: Ed-
wards, 16; boys, David. Lippert,
14, runner-up, Ken Hardy 13;
Intermediate girls champion,
Sandia. Roberts; 1.., • runner-up,
'Vialkersioen 81:e'sjardine, 13; boys,
GUI, John G 18, runner-up, Bob
Senior girls, Carolyn Tiedeman,
16, runner-up, Diane Hood, 14;
boys, Allan Page, 12, runner-up,
The staff of the Lucan Public
School and their families enjoyed
a picnic at Port Blake, near
Grand Bend, last Monday night.
During the evening Mrs, W.
Allison, who is retiring from the
staff, was presented with a TV
table, Principal Wesley Clow
giving the address and Mrs,
Harold Cobleigh, making the
Orientation Day
Last Wednesday was Orienta-
tion .Day for the Lucan Grade
pupils, whn visited Medway
High School, During the forenoon
the. pupils were given tests in
grammar, arithmetic and Intel -
eThe afternoon was given over
to sports, which, no doubt, the
pupils much preferred.
Personal items
Mr. Ron Crozier, who has
made several trips to Eastern
Ontario lately, visited his mother,
Mrs. A. J. Crozier at Kingston
General Hospital last Sunday.
Mrs, Crozier underwent. a serious
eye operation.
News budget from
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle
visited with Mrs. Oliver Stacy
and Mowatt at Mitchell on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomp-
son and family visited with Mr.
John Rinn and family Saturday
Mr. Jinn Mcisaac of Windsor
visited with his aunt, Mrs. A.
Dewar, on Wednesday.
The Base Line school are hold-
ing open house at the school on
Wednesday evening at 8 pan.
Mr. and Mrs. George 'ilson
were guests of. Mr. and Mrs, C.
Switzer on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Howe of
Avonbank and Rev. A. E. Lloyd
of St. Thomas were Monday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and, Mrs. Ernie Lewis
Transacona, Alberta., Mrs. Alex
McNaughton, .Denfield, and Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon McNaughton,
Ailsa Craig were Monday eve-
ning guests with Mr. and Mrs,
Duncan McNaughton.
Tree farms create wealth,
red and white, custom radio,
many extras, one owner and
spotless $1,795
tone, black and white, auto-
matic transmission,, like new,
only $1,895
automatic transmission, tu-
tone, completely recondition.
ed $1,395
pletely reconditioned, new
finish $1,195
We have niany more good
clean car i to choose from.
With Sugar beet racks, re-
conditioned motor, good
tires and body $795
Motor Sales
Your Meteor s, Mercury
Reg Doherty, 8.
Running broad junip, glris,
Ann Slancy, Cathy Mackenzie,
Janis Freeman; boys, Donald
Pedder, Allan Gill, Geoffery
Standing brbad jump, girls,
Cathy Mackenzie, Joyce Butler,
Ann Slaney; boys, Rutty Engel,
Gordon Hardy, Jimmy Cough -
High ;lump, girls, Ann Slaney,
Cathy Mackenzie, Linda Howard;
boys, Gordon Hardy, Donald Ped-
der, Jimmy Hickson,
50 yard dash girls Ann Sia-
neY, Cathy Mackenzie, Janis
Freeman; boys, Gordon Hardy,
Dick Goemate, Wayne Maguire,
Three-legged race, girls, Anne
Slaney and Cathy Mackenzie,
Linda Howard and Anne Hence,
Linda Birtch and Maureen Smith,
boys, Geoffery Cooke and Donald
Pedder, Allan Gill and Grenier,
Mike Anderson and Jimmy
Bali throw, girls, Cathy Mac-
kenzie, Ann Slaney, Linda How-
ard; boys, Jimmy Hearn, Dick
Geomate, Donald Pedder,
Running broad jump, girls,
Cheryl Thompson, Jo Anne Ed-
wards, Sandra Stanlake; boys,
David Lippert, Ken Hardy, Pe-
ter Butler,
Standing broad jump, Cheryl
Thompson, Jo- Anne Edwards,
Sandra Stanlake; boys, Ken Har-
dy, David Lippert, 'John Hart-
High jump, girls, Jo -Anne Ed-
wards, Cheryl Thompson, San-
dra Stanlake; boys, Ken Hardy,
Tom Hardy, John Hartnett,
50 yard dash, girls, Cheryl
Thompson, Sandra Stanlake, Jo -
Dr. C. A. Lang
Dr. Charles A. Lang, 83,
Canadian -born New York City
pediatrician died in New York
after a brief illness.
A native of Granton and well
know in the Lucan district he
received a medical doctor's de-
gree from the University of To-
ronto. After practising in Gran-
ton he studied pediatrics at the
Great Ormon Street Hospital in
London, England.
He Nyas a member of the Royal
College of Surgeons of England
and the Royal College of Physi-
cians of London.
His wife and one daughter
survive him.
Anne Edwards, boys,. David Lip-
pert, Peter Butler-, Julip Lewis.
Wheelbarrow race, ,girls, San -
4r$: Stanlake and .Cassie Ann.
Desjerdine,. Jo - Anne Edwards
and Jennifer- Jackson, joyee
Rummell And Susanne Kennedy;.
boys, Mike Lippert -and Brian
Currie, Jerry Freeman and Har-
old, Herbert, Andy Hardy and
eeksY;m1(1:eer11,. Jo -Anne Ed-
wBall throw, Cheryl T.hompson„
Hop, step and jump, Peter
Butler, Charles Doyle, Daidd
Standing broad jump, girls,
Valerie Desjardine, Sandra Ro-
berts., Diane Fraser; boys, John
Gill, Ward Hodgins, Paul Young.
Running broad jump, girls,
Sandra Roberts and Nancy Wet -
son (tied), Audrey Hayter, Vale-
rie Desjardine; boys, Joh a Gill,
Ward Hodgins, Bob Hickson.
High jump, girls, Sandra Rob-
erts, Coralyn Donaldson, Valerie
Desjardine; boys, John Gill,
Douglas Lewis, Carl Page.
Relay race, girls, Grand Bend,
Lucan; boys, Grand Bend, Lu -
Ball throw, Sandra Roberts,
Audrey Hayter, Valerie Desjar-
dine; hop, step, and jump, Bob
:Hickson, John Gill, Roger Black;
75 yard dash, Valerie Desjar-
dine, Ann George, Sandra Rob-
erts; 100 yard dash, Brian Has-
kett, Carl Page, Bob Hardy,
Standing broad jump, girls,
Bonnie Drennen, Betty Young,
Diane Hood; boys, Gary Reving-
ton, Allan Page, Gordon Young.
Running broad jump, girls,
Diane Hood, Carolyn Tiedeman,
Betty Young; boys, Allan Page,
Reg Doherty, Richard Upson.
High jump, girls, Diane Hood,
Carolyn Tiedeman, ;loan White-
head; boys, Gordon Young, Don
Coughlin, Gary Revington.
Relay, girls, Grand Bend, Lu -
can; boys, Grand Bend, Lucan;
ball throw, Sharon Wassan, Di-
ane Hood, Carolyn Tiedeman;
hop, step and jump, Richard Up-
son, Dale Hussey, Allan Page;
75 yard dash, Carolyn Tiedeman,
Joan Whitehead, Betty Young;
100 yard dash, Reg. Doherty, Al -
Ian Page, Gary Revington
The teachers were pleased
with the ntunber of parents who
turned out to encourage the chil-
dren by their presence.
2 •
.1,ottor from
Pstrson$1 item'
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton,
Gerald and Bob visited with Mr,
and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood on Tues-
day evening.
Mrs. Andy Keogh is a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
Weekend, guests with Mr, and
al)Intd•s.MWrsi,11 Jim D.Daarrhlitinggotwweraenal‘cler:
burg, Mrs. Jas. Nevin of Cumber-
land, wss„ Mr, Wellington Lewis
and daughter of Rugby, North
Dakota, and Miss Audrey Dar.
ling of Red Deer, Alberta who
ewdlith he
lber parents,apendirigher holidays
Mr, and Mrs. George Prest,
Mr. and Mrs. - Elmer Shepperd
spent. Sunday at Springbank.
Mrs, William Darling and her
sister, Mrs. Jas. Nevin of Cum-
berland, called on Mr, and Mrs.
Cecil Ellwood Tuesday evening.
Mr, and Mrs, Earl Hamilton
were involved in a car accident
Sunday but were not hurt,
Miss Jean Darling spent the
week in Toronto with her brother.
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dixon spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
liam Cook of Granton.
Several from the community
attended the Ryan Thompson
wedding at Mount Carmel on Sat-
Beautiful New Neighbor: "Lit-
tle 'boy, I need a loaf of bread
from the store. Do you think
you could go for nie?"
Little Boy: "No, but I heard
any old man.say that he could."
& Dance
(now of St. Thomas)
Friday, June 26
Ladies bring lunch,
Everybody welcome.
cvatle cloAktet rts, eom,
• ...,:.,..exammszez.vammax...........„,.„,
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