HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-06-25, Page 16Pope 16 The Times,Ativogete., June 25, 1959
' • ' •
Riley reunion
Under ideal weather condition
.the 12th annual Riley reunion
Was held at the farm home of
jr. and Mrs. Bert Riley of Cro-
;party on Saturday, June 20 with
tighty five members of the elan
.ittencling. A program of sports
-Was run off under the direction
.0f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harburn,
and Mr. ancFMrs. Norman liar-
Winners were: races under 5,
Cheryl Riley; 3 to 6, Betty Ann
Harburn; 6 to 9, Marjorie Speck -
ley; 9 to 12, David Smale; 12 to
36, Lloyd Brodhagen; married
men, Ross Riley; mended ladies,
Mrs. Bill Kellington; shoe scram-
ble, Miss °Margaret Boa; three
legged race, Miss Eleanor Boa,
Ross Riley.
Oldest lady present was, Mrs.
John Riley, 83, Kippen; young-
est. baby, Hughie, Harburn, Live
months, Thorndale; mystery per-
son, Joseph Flynn, dlintort, won
by Norman, Harburn. Peanut
scramble for the children, with
each child receiving a balloon.
Officers elected for 1960 were
president. Joseph Flynn, Clinton;
vice-president, Gear g e Mann,
Clinton; secretary, Mrs, Bill Kel-
lington, Brussels, treasurer, Mrs.
Bert Riley, Cromarty; sports.
Mrs. Kellington and Miss Phyl-
lis Riley. Brussels, 1960 reunion
will be held at Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Riley's on third Saturday in
Troyer reunion
The 38th annual. Troyer reunion
was held Sunday at Harbour
Park, Goderich, with members
present from Wayne and Belle-
ville, Mich., Londesboro, Sea -
forth, Kippen, Hensall, Bruce -
field and Varna.
Sports were directed by Mr,
ond Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mrs.
Harold Hugill,
Results are: pre school, Mary
Lou Johnson, Beth Troyer; girls'
race, 5-7, Faye Troyer, Mary
Lou Johnson; boys, Bobby Cole-
man; girls, 8-10, Betty Hoggart,
boys, Russell Talbot, Harvey
Hoggart; girls, 10-12, Sandra Hu -
gill, Glenda, Johnson; boys, Rus-
sell Talbot, Neil Gemmell.
Girls kick the ...slipper, Bar-
bara Bowes; boys, Douglas Hu -
gill; couple shoe scramble, Ken-
neth Gemmel], „Karen Talbot;
girl with most buttons, Betty
Hoggart; boy with most color in
socks, Kenneth Gemmel!. tooth!
pick and life saver relay, San-
dra Hugill's team.
Lowe -Johnston
The Lowe -Johnston reunion at-
tended by members front Brus-
sels, Blyth, Walton, Paris and
liensall, was held at Seaforth
Lions Park under ideal weather
conditions Saturday, June 20.
Prize for the eldest person
went to Mrs. N. Cardiff of Brus-
sels, 96 years young.
Following a picnic supper
sports were run off.
Mrs. Douglas Hemingway of
Brussels was appointed 1960 pre-
sident and Mrs. D. C. Matheson,
Walton, secretary -treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wells, of Pa-
ris, extended an'invitation to hold
the 1960 reunion at their home.
Schwalm reuuion
The Schwalm reunion was held
at Riverview Park, Exeter on
Saturday, June 20, with 32 pre-
sent for dinner and 52 for sup-
In the election of officers for
1960 president was Mrs. Harvey
Pfaff, St. Marys; secretary treas-
urer, Miss Arlene Hansen, Strat-
ford; table committee, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McKenzie and Mr.
and Mrs, Gordon Schwalm, lien -
salt; sports cammittee, Mr. and.
Mrs, Harold Hansen, Stratford,
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Harris,
Races, games and contests
were enjoyed in the afternoon.
Winners of the races were: kid-
dies' race, Bobbie Harris, Lon-
don; boys under 8 years, Charles
Schwalm, girls, Barbara
Schwalm, Hensall; boys 10 years
and under, Larry Pfaff, St. Ma-
rys; wheelbarrow race, Larry
Pfaff, St, Marys: Shoe scramble,
Miss Marjorie Pfaff, St. Marys;
broad jump, Harvey Pfaff, St.
Throwing ball and throwing
rolling pin, Mrs, Art O'Hara,
Belleville.- young men's race, Ge-
rald Hansen, Stratford; married
linen's race, Murray May, Byron;
married ladies race, Mrs. Har-
vey Pfaff, St. Marys; grand-
mothers race, Mrs. Harold Han-
sen, Stratford.
Oldest person present was Mrs.
Violet Schwalm, Hensall, young-
est person, Diane Hodgcrt, Wood-
ham; person attending from long-
est distance, Mrs. Art O'Hara,
Belleville; couple married long-
est, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pfaff,
Exeter; couple. married shorteU
time, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mc.
Kenzie, Hensall; couple with lar-
gest family attending, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Hensall;
newest grandmother, Mrs. Hed-
ley May, Exeter.
Mr. Milton Pfaff, retired post-
master of Exeter attended the
picnic in his wheel -chair and en-
joyed meeting his relatives, who
were present from Belleville,
Byron, St. Thomas, London. St.
Marys, Toronto, Stratford, Thed-
ford, Exeter and Hensall
During the supper hour the
election of officers for 1960 was
held. President is Mr. Ernie Tal-
bot; vice-president, Mr. Gordon
J o h n s o n; sec -treasurer, Mrs.
Emerson Coleman; sports, Mrs.
Joyce Faber, Mrs. Bill Sims,
Mrs. Gordon Johnson; lunch, Mr.
Emerson Coleman, Mrs. Russell
Coleman, Mrs. Ernie Talbot.
Pepper reunion
The annual Pepper family re-
tiiion was held at the Seaforth
Lions Park on Saturday with ap-
proximately 75 persons attend-
ing. An interesting line-up of
sports was conducted by the
committee in charge and results
of the races are:
Children, 5-8 years, Bill Mc-
Gregor, Joyce Falconer; girls,
618, Joyce Falconer, Glenda Ma-
theson; boys, Bill McGregor;
girls, 9-12, Florence Pepper,
Ruth Anne Pepper; boys, Grant
Pepper, Larry Barker; young
ladies, Gloria Ann Pepper, Bon-
nie Barker; young men, Albert
Walter, Roy Walter;
Married ladies, Mrs. Lawrence
Barker, Mrs. Glenn Pepper, mar-
ried men, Roy Pepper, Wes Pep-
per; grandmother's spot race,
Mrs. John, Pepper; grandfathers
time race, Howard Crich, Roy
Pepper; girls kicking slipper, Ju-
lene Elliott; Elliott; boys, Bruce Mal-
colm; calling the men to dinner,
Mrs. Frank McGregor, Mrs.
Glenn Pepper; calling the cows,
Clifford Pepper, Roy Pepper;
bean race for couples, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Pepper; Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Pepper; tennis relay
race, Bonnie Barker's team.
Person coming the farthest dis-
tance, Mr. Luther Pepper of Van-
couver, B.C., 84 years young;
youngest person present, Wendy
Barker; lucky no. signing the
register, Mr. Fred PePper; the
children enjoyed a peanut scram-
Due to the absence of the pre-
sident, Mrs, Carl McClinchey,
the secretary, Mrs. Clifford Pep-
per, took charge of a short busi-
ness meeting.
President is Mr. Dalton Mal-
colm; sec-treas., Mrs. Lawrence
Barker; sports comnlittee, Mr,
and Mrs. John McGregor, Mr,
a n d Mrs, Frank McGregor;
lunch committee, Mr. and Mr.
and Mrs. Les Pepper, Mr. and
Mrs, Ross Gordon, Mr, and
Mrs. Cecil Pepper.
It was decided to hold next
years' pichic at the Seaforth
Lions Park on the third Sunday
in June.
Gunning reunion
Over 80 members of the Gun-
---ning family attended a reunion
in Stratford Park last Wednes-
Winners in races for 5 years
and under were: Debra Miller;
girls, six to 10, Shelia, ,Keller,
Ann Parkinson; boys, Douglas
McNaughton, Donald Squire,
girls, 11 to 15, Lana Keller, Ruth
Miller; boys, Gerald Morley;
young ladies, Ruth Miller; young
men, Ray Jaques; married la-
dies, Mrs. Roy Jaques, Mrs. Or-
land Squires; married men's
walking race, Edgar Squire; sack
race, Lana Keller, Ruth Miller;
kick the slipper, ladies, Barbara
Morley; married ladies. Mrs.
Frayne Parsons; shoe scramble,
Lana Keller; hula hoop, Mrs.
Thomson -Wells
T h e Therinsoil -Well8 reunion
e'aa held hiQueen's Park, Sttat.
ford lett Saturday, About 50 set
dOWn to dinner and supper.
Those present were from Lon-
tlesboto, Blyth, Exeter, Granton,
Weedbani, Toronto, Manitoba,
Whalen and Themes Read.
Sport a were held with Mr. and
lifts. Wilbert Rohde in eharge.
Wirths for Children 6 and
tinder were; Keith Thentson,
O1ttnROIlde; 7 to 10, Bob Mc.
Roberts, Douala -a Retitle 10 to
it, Gerald Mhtley; young' larlieS,
Barbara Motley; married then,
!IMAM- Thorriten; kick the slip.
lie, Children, Grant Thefilsori;
lidiet, Mrs. Chas McP,ObertS;
*len,WthI&ni Theinaini; ladle&
Minnie Walk, Mrs. William Thoin.
Coutit jelly Beans jar„ Mrs.
ThOlisitrifl; .droppirig elith
pint in 'bottle, 'Glenn leffetY;
tAkingt1oths Pint off ll' Wil.
Ilam rfiditianti'S teeth,
Youngest child present, Dennis
Keller; oldest man, Thomas Gun-
ning, 89 years of age; oldest
woman, Mrs. A. Brock, 84; per-
son from farthest distance, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Sly, England.
Marshmallow race, Mrs. Fred
Parkinson; most articles in purse
Mrs. Will Tookey; balloon race,
Mrs. L. Passmore and Nelson
Squire; paper bag race, Mrs.
Mardlin's team: tie the bonnet
race, Mrs, Herman Foster's
team; contest of mystery parcel,
Mrs. A. Jaques.
William Tookey was named
president for 1960; Fred Parkin-
son, secretary; Nelson Squire,
treasurer; table committee, Mrs.
A. Parsons, Mrs. A. Passmore,
Mrs, A. Russell and Mrs. E. Kel-
ler; sports committee, Mr, and
Mrs. Ray Knight, Mr, and Mrs.
Russell Morley, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Jaques; registratioe. Mrs.
A. Jaques, Mrs. A. Gunning.
Fairfield SS
Fairfield School Section held
their annual picnic Friday after-
noon, June 19. The sports pro -
grain was opened with a candy
scramble kr pre-school children.
Winners in races were: 6.8
years, boys and girls, Bobby
Denis, Ruth -Anne Xing; 8-10
Mixed, Jenny Verkerk, Wayne
King; 10-13 mixed, Geraldine
Verkerk, .Tudy Lamport; young
men, Ronnie Wilson; young
ladies, Evelyn Wilson, Judy
Lamport; married Men, Elmer
P.owt, Rusael Xing.
Walking rac , married women,
Mrs. Gerdon MacDonald; Mar-
ried men, Herman Powe (meat
bow-legged); sack race, 11,0y Wil.
Sort, Bonnie Wilton; thred-legge.d
race, Ronnie. Wilson and .Dennis
MaeDonalci, *hie arid Geral-
dine Verkerk;
Ttig-e-war for the selidei chi],
dren, Jimmie Nell's side; hoola
hemp, George: Iltriburn'S side;
tossing paper plate, Geerge Rep
burn; ball relay, Herman. rowe's
side; Way spot, Mrs. Itithard;
first,aid dressing, Jean Neil kid
TOilY Mania.
garnet tillers Is feattteet
of the SPOrts progratt,
Comments about
Marian Ritchie Auxiliary
a'he June meeting of the Ma-
rian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary
was held in the basement of the
church with Mrs. John Chessell
presiding. The scripture lesson
was read by Mrs. Norman Har-
Airs. Gerald Carey bad charge
of the study hook and was as-
sisted by Mrs. Wes. Russell,
Urs. Lorne Elliott and Mrs. Mer-
vin Dow. Fifteen members ans-
wered the roll call by naming a
Presbyterian Mission Field.
it was decided to quilt two
single bed quilts. An invitation
= to the 75th anniversary of Strat-
ford Presbvyterial was read.
Mrs. John Templeman gave a
paper on "The Master's Hands."
Death of Rev. Fred Harburn
Rev. Fred Harburn, a native
of Cromarty, died suddenly at
his home in Sanborn, N.Y. Satur-
day evening in his 79th year, His
wife, the former Nora Murray of
Port Burwell, died March of this
Surviving are one son, Murray
and one daughter (Frances)
Mrs. Earl Trippencee, both of
Sanborn, N.Y.; one sister, Mrs.
Sadie Hill, Seaforth. Mrs. Ed
Dick is a niece of the deceased.
Funeral services were held
from Sanborn on Tuesday.
Bearers were Ed Dick, Fred.
Norman, Bill, Ernie and Alonzo
Harburn of the Staffa and Cro-
marty district.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott
and Susan of Windsor are vaca-
tioning t the f tbcir
parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Wal-
lace and Mr, and Mrs. Norvall
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and
family of Lindsay spent the
weekend with Mr, and Mrs. T.
L. Scott and family. David Scott
returned with them to visit with
his cousins,
' Mrs. C. McKaig, Mrs, M. La -
mond, Mrs, W. Russell, Mrs. W.
Harper, Mrs. Grace Scott, Mrs.
W, 'Miller, Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mrs.
L. Sarsdahl, Mrs, T. L. Scott,
Mrs. J. Wallace, Mrs. L. Elliott,
Mrs. F. Hamilton and Mrs. K.
McKellar attended the 75th an-
niversary of Stratford Presbyte-
rial which was held in Knox
Church, Stratford on Thursday.
Mrs. E. Moore returned home
from Lindsay on Saturday where
she had visited for two weeks
with her son.
A family gathering was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Norris on father's day.
Looking in. with.Liz
to visiting GB
Joyce .Hahn tells me that she has become a household word
is looking forward to her visit to both here and in the States And
Grand ERN "very, very much." when the smoke dies away it
"1 have been doily' quite a few
personal appearances this year
, and it's really thrilling to feel a
warm :audience respond to my
performance," she said. "1 love
working on TV but it's so differ-
ent from a live show,"
The petite songstress adds, "1
think every variety performer
should get out and 'meet -the -
people' once in awhile. It certain-
' ly gives one a terrific boost."
T ' npv,qt record ,
would seem very likely that the.
blonde -interviewer (who by the
way is the most :exquisite beauty
that 1 have ever seen) will go on
to bigger and better things.
Someone once said 'I don't
care what they say about mejust
so long as they :spell my name
Each person who complained
about .joyee Davidson's remarks
unintentionally boosted her value
by adding to .the publicity, Serves
leased this week. "One Day Not them right. 1 for one hope she
was written by
. .
; so Long .Ago" makes a million out of the fias-
The sensitive beauty's ability
to keep her head high and to
avoid backing down now should
be commended.
One of the performer's who
son, has been making headlines was quo
' ted as criticizing Joyce.
cross-country for stating her Davidson is singer Patti Lewis.
views about the current Royal Her quote seems highly unlikely
Visit on an American program. since one of the few things I've
, Far be it from me to avoid get. heard Patti say is "he talks, I
' ting on the bandwagon of the sing" while pointing th her agent,
:Toronto's Johnny Cowell the
" wrote the big -seller "Walk Hand
:In Hand") and it's hacked by
"Hold me." The record was re-
leased on the Sparton label.
Another Joyce, Joyce David-
{ "fors" and "againsts." But if the quote is a legitimate
I feel. that Joyce has every one then it is In poor taste and is
right to express her opinions no to be taken lightly as the opi-
matter what they may be. I think nion of someone who wants to
that the furore caused by hop- cash in on the flee publicity
heads and inane idiots who in that's being handed. out,
all probability never heard the ,.
telecast and have just „temp:muumuu llllllll
heard her
remarks quoted out of context
has given all of Canada a black
eye in the opinion of outsiders
;who regard freedom of speech as
a sacred rights
; Joyce Davidson no doubt made
{ her remarks unwittingly, She has
, garnered hundreds of thousands
:of dollars worth of publicity from
those editorial writers who con-
demn or praise her. Her name
Mr. and Mrs. T. Gillespie, Mar-
garet and Ann, Komoka, were
!Sunday evening visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. T. Laing,
{ Mr, and Mrs. Norman Har -
!burn, Mr. and ,Mrs. Erni,e Har-
burn, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Dick,
!Mr. and Mrs, Frecl Harburn and
Mrs,. W. Harburn of Staffa and
:Mrs. George Boa have gon'e to
Sanborn, Michigan to attend .the
funeral of their uncle, Rev. Fred
{ Mrs. Wilmer Howatt and Mrs.
1 Gordon Hewett cf Londesboro
visited Saturday with Mr. and
1 Mrs. Alex Gardiner and, Mrs.
David Gardiner,
Topip from
Personal items
Rev. J. Sla8e and Mrs. Slade of
Port Elgin visited on Tuesday
evening last with Rev. J. Ware-
ham and Mrs. Wareham and
fa in ily.
{ Mrs. John Rodd, Miss Jean
Copeland were among the Her-
licultural Society members to
take advantage of -the bus trip
on Saturday when they visited
the Western Ontario Agricultn-
' rai Society at Ridgelowe.
I Mrs. H. Chatten:visited. with
Mr. and Mrs, John Tomlinson on
Mr. and Mr,. Roy 13rock of De-
troit. were weekend visitors with
Mr. and 11 Lloyd Smith,
A number front this :commu-
nity attended the Kirkton United
Church anniversary on Sunday
Ron Chatten of Oakville spent
the weekend at his home in the
Mr. and Mrs, Reg' Harris,
Sheila and Brenda of Medina
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Copeland on Sunday,
Hands across the border
Thomas Edison installed Can-
ada's first .generator for Indus-
• lighting at a textile
in Cornwall, Ontario in 1883.
Harvey's Taxi of . Exeter will take over the
ambulance service for Exeter and commun-
ity starting July 1,
Ambulance Service
We are fully equipped to handle all ambul-
ance calls promptly and efficiently,
Len. Harvey, :.lanager
Phone 102
41111111111111111.111111111.11111111111.11111 lllllllll 111111111111 l lll l 11111111/1M ll ll 11.11/1 lllllll 11.11.11101111111111111111111111
The brIghtent Mere In the Gateinlit Us—Town vtotarit (froot) end Club VICtorla
Different? :Decidedly so! Distinguished? One glance at its
smart, straight-line. Thunderbird roof tells you the
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This exclusive Galaxie elegance is matched with tract'.
tional Ford economy. You save nn initial price, and
standard features like Ford's aluminized muffler and Full
Plow oil filter save Ork operating costs. You can choose
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Different? Yon 11 say An you.rself when yOu've driven
this distinguished new l'erCi at your Ford Dealer's.
ora. ata o
Welles Itattkr** tituttrata Ono etre Siortilald on' torn, *Was, asti**0 eh* trgi eel °Amy
The Galaxie SunlIner
The betlaxie Town Sedan
91X or V -Et
(..Seerc,t,ett FOSt 044-/-.2at„.s
arry Snit der Motors
Ford Edo, Salo And Service
teeeneemoteentinit. enuntienetentoweememeeteneneeemeenesenowesnmenientiven
4 •
..Mate -.Orderly
Applications for the above position at the Huron
County Home, Clinton, will be received by the under-
signed until Friday, June 26, 1959, at 5 p.m. All
applications are to be forwarded in sealed envelopes
clearly marked as to contents, stating age, exper-
ience and other necessary information. Salary $125
per month living in or $155 per Month living out.
John G. Berry, Clerk Treasurer
County of Huron, Court House
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FOOS ntottded
Obte De4fredy Po
Hares Ford's answer to your raking problems
the new Ford Mounted Side Delivery Rake, It
means easier operation for you, because the rake is
mounted on the Ford Tractor, raised and lowered by
FOrd's Hydraulic system. It is powered by the
Ford Tractor's power take -off, and there's a speed
change provision to give you correct operation.. -
And it means less leaf shattering ... more nutritious
hay, because Ford's new reel design moves the
hay a shorter distance from swath tn v,Indrow.
There are many other new features, tem, such as the
new rotary stripper that does a thorough, uniform
job, These and many more advanced design and
performance features mean faster, easier, cleaner,
more gentle hay handling on all y6ur raking jobs.
CEE rrNotivi
Tractor Mounted.
for Easier, faster Work
PTO Driver', Choke of
1 Operating Speeds
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Larry Snider Motors For Trades
She!s loaded! $2,995
Automatic, radio, a nice one $2,995
She's loaded for bear! $2,750
A lovely piece of merchandise! ,..„ llll llll $2,595
Enjoy station wagon living $2,395
'58 FORD V8 "300" TUDOR—a lovely green $2,295
HARDTOP—a beautiful thing! $1,795
'57 FORD CQACH—choice of three $1,795
FORD SEDAN—You're robbing me at $1,650
Radio, a steal! $1,495
'55 PONTIAC SEDAN—a beautiful grey $1,495
° '54 MERCURY TUDOR HARDTOP—loaded! ,$1,350
'55 METEOR COACH—lovely, lovely! $1,350
'55 FORD SEDAN—a beautiful tutone green $1,350
'53 METEOR HARDTOP $895 or less!
'51 METEOR SEDAN—new paint job lllllll „... $ 495
'51 DODGE SEDAN ----new motor lllll . ... $ 495
AT $100 OR LESS;
'55 FORD TANDUM "800"
you give me , $4,000 and its yours
'58 FORD PICKUP—lovely .. $1,995
seems like a permanent resident! $ 750
53 FORD PICKUP—flat rack $ 595
'52 RIO DUMP . $ 595
'50 CHEVROLET 3/4 TON PICKUP ,.„,„„„„,„ $ 500
'51. FORD Dtimp
t . v. .. $ 450
'51 MERCURY PICKUP ..... $ 450
'52 :FORD STAKE $ 395
'42 DODGE STAXE—good motor, good 4uck; $ 300
'53 MASSEY "221'.—a steal . . $ 593
newly Overhauled only $ 450
Larry Studer Motors
reed 1. Ethel' Where,' De0!er
0140t1E 624 Ford Perm Equipment EXETER