HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-06-25, Page 141,4111" 14 Th. ThrospAdvocati, Juno IL 140 ART WINNERS AT CENTRA1,1X—These five paintings were chosen by a London judge as the best done by membersof the art class at RCAF Centralia, which has Completed its first year of instruction, From left are Mrs. Lily LaFrance, who paint- ed the best still life; Mrs. Jean Leach, president of the club, with her portrait which tied for first place; Mrs. Edith Ashton, the instructress, who displays the best land- scape painted by Mrs. Helen Harvey; Mrs. Alice Devooght, who tied with Mrs. Leach for portrait; Mrs. Marg Fallis, who showed the :most progress during the month. The club, which hopes to continue its activities another year, plans to enter a group competition at Western Fair this fail, its membership includes 12 ladies, one. flight . cadet and one young boy, Donald Remple, who recently captured two first prizes at • the London hobby show. —RCAF Photo. ... ..... ,,,, OES fetes 100 guests On Friday evening a mother and daughter banquet was held in Trivitt Memorial parish hall by members of the Exeter Chap- ter No. 222, OES and their daughters. Covers were laid for almost 100 guests. During •the dinner a singsong was led by Mrs. Jack Dickins accompanied by Mrs. Ronald $quires on the piano. Mrs. Elgin McKinley, Worthy Matron of the Chapter welcomed the guests. A toast was proposed to the mothers by Mrs, Howard Truem- tier and responded to by Mrs. Medley May. Mrs. Lloyd Lovell proposed a toast to the daughters to which Miss Kay Hay respond - Mrs. S. Davidson, 13rucefield, was guest speaker and addressed tier remarks to the mothers and then to the daughters. She was Introduced by Mrs. Emerson Kyle. Other numbers on the pro - ram included two solos by Marian May accompanied by Mrs. Squires, musical numbers by Mrs. Clare McBride and Mrs. Elroy Desjardine and a reading by Mrs. Wellington Hern. Shows use of hypnosis The Exeter unit of the Feder- ated Women Teachers Associa- tion of Ontario held the annual banquet in Crediton Community Hall last Wednesday with Mrs. A. Morlock and Mrs. R. Molitor in charge. Mrs. Ralph Batten was elected president for 1959-60; Mrs. Don Mousseau is vice-president and Mrs. Lorne Haugh, secretary - treasurer. Dr. H. C. Peake of Parkhill was the guest speaker telling of the effect of hypnosis in dentis- try and in the medical profession In general. "Hypnosis is no black magic but a case of mind over matter" he said. He gave sev- eral] illustrations using his wife as the victim. Mrs. Lorne Hicks thanked the speaker. Mrs. John Goman favored with Solos acompanied by Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver. Mr. Clifford Jory, re- tiring president presided for the meeting. 1 3 1 Exeter Frozen Foods. PHONYO MAIN STREET Bir• thday parties popular at.home Ladies of the district met in the auditorium of Huron County Home on Monday afternoon for the June meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the County Home. Ladies from Blyth were pres- ent to make arrangements for the monthly birthday party be- ing held Wednesday afternoon which they volunteered to spon- sor. Each resident having a birth- day in this month receives a gift, and all will have entertain- ment and lunch. Those having birthdays in the future are look- ing forward to their day. A penny sale at the conclusion of the meeting added to the treasury and a social half hour followed. Main St. ladies meet near lake Ladies of the WMS and WA of Main St. United Church held the June meeting at the sumnier home of Mrs. R. E. Russell at Blake on Thursday with a large attendance. Mrs. Harold Skinner led in the devotional period and was as- sisted by Mrs. B. W. Tuckey, Mrs. R. L. Beavers and Mrs. George Layton. First vice-president, Mrs. Rus- sell conducted the business. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers read a letter from Dr. J. Whiting, Hazelton, B.C. acknowledging the receipt of a bale sent recently by the ladies. Contests and picnic lunch were features of the afternoon. Balsam fir trees grow rapidly. Modern Beauty Salon 429 MAIN ST. PHONE 349 Monday to Friday 9-6 Tues. & Thurs. Evenings Only Closed Saturday SHIRLEY COE PEARL HENDERSON, Prep. . If . 11111111101111111t111111111 .... 1111 ... ... . . Why Quick Freeze? All foods are composed of microscopic cells containing moisture. When foods freeze this Moisture crystalizes, form- ing ice. When foods are slow -frozen theta ice crystals form slowly, becoming large and rupturing the cell walls. ThiS change in the original cell strUeture has a detrimental effect On the food, leaving it Inferior to its original euality. During the quick-freezing process freezing takes place se rapidly that there' t no formation of large ice Crystal's. Thit leaves the cell walls unruptured and linbroken. Thus, foods that are quick-frozen retain all of their original texture and flaVor. T capture all of the wonderful goodness that nature bestowed on the foods you freete, be sure that they are quick-froten. When freezing quantities of produce or Meat, take it to your Frozen • Food Locker Plant which is equipped with heavy duty refrigeration machinery that will truly quick-freeze .it la frigid, sub -zero tem- pereturet. AlWays Ptienernbe That Any Feet! Werth Freezing la. Vieth 4iirele Ffeiimj Elimville WI hears nurse Guest speaker for the June meeting of Elimville Women's In- stitute arranged by the Health committee was Mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr. public health nurse at Exeter. A film on traffic was shown and posters used to give safety hints in the home. Mrs. Dobbs discussed, immunization clinics a n d distributed booklets o n health. Mrs. Jackson Woods, who pre- sided for the program, demon- strated foundation garments per- taining to health and had differ- ent kinds on display. Mrs. James Miller discussed the motto "A wise man groweth like a savings account." Miss Margaret Johns favored with two solos accompanied by her mo- ther, Mrs. Philip Johns. President Mrs, Philip Hern conducted the business and gave the report of the District .Annual held at Grand Bend. It was voted to have a display at Exeter Fair of articles for a birthday party. Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs. Gilbert Johns and Mrs. Ross Skinner were the committee in charge. Centralia church scene of wedding White gladioli and pink carna- tions .decorated Christ church, Centralia, for themarriage of Margaret Ann Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wilson,. RR 2, Centralia, and Floyd. .Ja- cob Rader, London, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rader, Zurich on. 'Saturday. June 20 at 1 o'clock, Rev. R. H. Anions performed the ceremony and. Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, Centralia, played the wedding. music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. S. C. Klatt, Exe- ter who sang "0 Perfect Love" .and 'Wedding Prayer." Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride wore a floor - length white gown with sequin, trimmed, sabrina neckline, lily point sleeves and .skirt of net over satin with four -point lace inserts. A matching headdress held her finger-tip veil and she carried a bouquet of :pink roses. and white stephanotis. Her attendant was her sister, Miss Audrey Wilson, Eseter, wearing a street -length dress .of pale pink nylon over dusty rose net and taffeta with rose bud and satin trim with matching headband and White accessories and bouquet of white chasta daisies. Lloyd Rader, twin brother .of the groom, was best man .and Ray Rader and Roy Wilson. ushered, A wedding reception was held at Armstrong's Restaurant, Exe- ter, where the bride's mother re- ceived guests wearing a blue flowered nylon dress, white Ac- cessories and yellow rose acces- sories. The groom's mother as- sisted in aqua flowered nylon, Friends honor Sandra McKnight Mrs. Len McKnight gave a trousseau tea to honor her daugh- ter, Miss Sandra McKnight on her approaching marriage on Saturday in James Street United Church. Guests were received in the afternoon and evening by Mrs. McKnight and Sandra: Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. Andrew Houston, Sea - forth, and Mrs. George, Wiese and in the evening, Mrs. Glen McKnight and Mrs, Lloyd Bal. - kin, Clinton, Assisting in serving were Mrs. Glen Fisher, Mrs. Don Gravett and Miss Janet Bat - kin, Clinton. Miss Nancy Cudmore, London, Miss Dorothy McCabe, Gode- rich, Mrs. Don Morphy, Wood- ham, showed the trousseau and wedding gifts. Mrs. C. W. Cole, London, was a guest with Mrs. McKnight and assisted her for the occasion. The bride -elect has been feted on several occasions. Miss Nancy Cudmore was hostess at her London apartment for a miscel- laneous shower and friends at London Life honored Sandra with a shower. On Thursday Mrs. George Vriese entertained friends and neighbors for a miscellaneous shower for the bride -elect. • It's Blue Grass tae gqiin by of GENERAL FOODS KITCHENS If your family likes Strawberry Jam they'll enjoy Strawberry Jelly too. Here's the successful way to make it. STRAwEERRY JELLY 3% cups juice (about 2A quarts ripe berries) 7i cups C34 lb -s.) sugar cup strained lemon juice 1 bottle Certo fruit pectin To prepare juice. Crush thorough- ly about 21/4 quarts fully ripe berries. Place in jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Measure 3% cups juice and 1/4 cup lemon juice into a very large saucepan. To make jelly. To the measured juice in saucepan, add 71/4 cups sugar and mix well. Place over high heat and bring to a boil, stir- ring constantly. At once kir in Certo. Then bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard 1 minute, stir- ring constantly. Remove from heat, skim of! foam with metal spoon and pour quickly into glasses. Cover at once with 1/8 inch hot paraffin. Makes about 11 medium glasses. Quite a few new homemaker have asked me about pectin, "What is it?" they say. Pectin is the jelling substance found in all fruits in varying amounts. Certa is pectin extracted from fruits rich in this natural substance, then rePted, concentrated and performance -controlled. Cerictin- Iv, nothing artificial or 'chemical' about it! When volt use Certo and follow the tested Certb recipes, your jam and jelly (dwells sets perfectly, Xi your church group or WOrrieri'S club is interested in homemade jam and jelly, 1 have a Certo film I'd be happy to loan you, No charge. No obligation. it's called "Jelly end Jam Sessien" and runa about 12 Minutes. Ws 16 Mtn, has sound, And is in full color. If you'd like t� borrow it, please writh me Frances Barton, Gen,- eral Foods Kitchens, 44 Eglinton Ave. W. Toronto. Watch for nit/ COlunot! !'U be batik with more recipes, and meantime— 11 fouOe any join jetty preblente, please write nie, end Pit do fitg bee to help. oft, Elizabeth Arden's Blue Grass Specials BLUE GRASS FRAGRANCE SET S.00 Perfume Mist in sculptured plastic -covered bottle; Per- fume in Purse Flacon, (regularly 8.50 value) BLUE GRASS FLOWER MIST 4 oz. 2.00 (regularly 2,50) 8 ot, 3,26 (regularly 4.00) BLUE GRASS neSTENG PD*IIER 2.00 (regularly 2,50) UNTLEY DRUG STORE EXETER Phene50 Whalen school pupils tour local watershed fly MRS. FRANK SQUIRE On Friday the pupils of Grade 7 and 8 of Whalen .school along with other pupils. of the Seboot area went on a bus trip, ,goillg to the Morrison Darn, uSable River project, forestry area 131.4:tdierioo tedlnlffio*tir they had din- ner at Rock Glenn. in the after- noon they were at Ipperwash, Port Franks and the Provincial Park in .the Pinery near Grand Bend. Each bus was provided with a guide. Attend .meeting at -R1099119Wt) Mrs. Bert Duffield. and Mrs. Milne Pullen were in Rid.getown on Saturday along with other ladies from the Kirkton district attending the annual meeting of the Horticultural Societies. of District 10 and 11 when they ;met at the Agricultural &boot. A business :meeting was held in the morning and following the noon luncheon. on the grounds, directed tours of the xperimen- tat Farm and garden were held and methods of planting dis- cussed. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkinson and Mr. Melville Gunning at- tended the Gunning reunion at Stratford Park last Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs. Grafton Squire, Sue Ann and Paul, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Net - $0r1 Squire, Farquhar, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald. Squire were at Gibbons Park, London on Sunday attending a family picnic, white accessories and pink rose corsage. For travelling in northern On- tario the bride changed to a white nylon dress with blue flowers, blue satin cummerbund, blue feather hat and white ac- cessories. On their return the couple will reside in London. Y -Go -By - Beauty Bar Specializing in * COLD WAVES * CUTTING, * HAIR. STYLING * SHAMPOOING * HAIR TINTS,. BLEACHES Come in—let Jean be your hair stylist. OPEN ALL WEEK including Wednesday •after- noon, Friday evenings and Saturday. Closed Tuesday ex- cept by appointment. Phone 522. Mr. Kenneth Davies and Mr.. Orville Davies, London, were Sunday visitors with their sister, Mrs, Mac Mills and Mr. Mills. Mrs. Laverne Morley enter- tained several young friends of Carol Foster to a birthday .clin- oer an ;Thursday evening. Mrs. Russell Brock, Chisel - Must, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson, Carol and Mary were in St. Marys Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson. Thos. Simpson .jr. has accepted position at Victoria Hospital, London, orderly. Gary inson has also accepted ation with with Wilde and. Douche, St. Marys'. Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr. and family were 111 Exeter Sunday visiting Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Pyin. Zion and Whalen school pupils had an interesting hallgame on Thursday, the result being a •tie. Mr. and Mrs. J. Finkbeiner and family were present at a birthday dinner in honor of Mrs. Man' Campbell, Listowel, mother of Mrs. Finkbeiner at the home. of Mr.- and Mrs. Ivan Campbell, Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Keith }fern, Zion, •Retired to town, dies in Stratford Mrs. Herbert Blatechford, died in Stratford General Hospi- tal on Thursday, June 18. She was the former' Christina Pepper, Shq and her husband re- tired to Exeter front the West. Mr. Blatchford died in 1950. She is survived by one bro- ther, William Pepper, Stratford. The funeral was conducted at the liopper41ockey funeral hems by Mrs. E. Butler of the Pente- costal church on SaturclaY, June 20, Interment, was in Exeter ee- metery. Washing finished cleaning done lunch cooked for less than 5( electrically! Igt.iat400•011100e.."'°;' In fact, you can run a whole houseful of electric appliances for only pennies a day! And just think of how many things electricity helps yoti do better, faster, easier. Besides washing, cleaning and cooking, electricity does the dishes, air conditions your house, provides abundant hot water and supplies entertain- ment for your whole family. It's just like having a staff of servants to help you. live better...ELECTRICALLY the safe, clean, modern way! Exeter Public Utilities Phone 127 Main Street Oakwood Inn and Golf Club GRAND BEND Announcing European Plan Cafe NE— Restaurant NOW OPEN operated by Richard Hansen Graduate Royal Danish Hotel and Restaurant College Recently Maitre &HON,' Regency ToWer& Toronto A la carte and table d'h6te menus dinnerparties, receptions Grand Bend 4L: 0