HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-06-25, Page 12Page t2 The Times.Advecitt , Mane 25 1959 .,^'"x."""'^^'^'«^^`^^^'•.... -. fir.... lt• .. _. 4 STEPHEN SENIOR CHAMPIONS --This Dashwood ball club won the senior Champion-, ship at the Stephen school area field meet Tuesday afternoon, The team defeated Crediton 9.2. Girls, from left, are Iris Becker, Valerie Gibson, Linda Tiernan, Boys, from left, are Eric Wolfe, Jack Schenk, Larry Wein, Rena Boogemans, Carl Tyler, Bob Hoffman, Ken Genttner Eugene Guenther, Principal D, A. McCaw, background, was in charge of the team. ,—T -A Photo WIN STEPHEN JUNIOR TiTLE—A second Dashwood team won the junior champion- ship defeating Blackbush 27-16, in the Stephen field. meet Tuesday. Above, Dash, wood's Richard Denomme clouts a ball. Catcher is Patsy Adams, Blackbush, and the umpire is Wilmer Wein, secretary -treasurer for the school area board. —T -A Photo Hensall and district news Psrrsonel items Mrs. Hugh McDougall of Un- derwood, was a recent visitor j with her brother and. sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Walker.' Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest will celebrate their golden wed -i ding anniversary at their home'•. on Tuesday, June 30, Mrs. Keith Buchanan is in Vic - feria 'Hospital, London, where she is receiving treatment, Mrs. Pauline Scrabuik 'is va-i Cationing with relatives in Sas-1 katchewan. Union services will be held in Carmel P resbyteriaiu c h u r ch during the month of July when Hensall United will worship with them. Mr. G. Vais will occupy his own pulpit during July until the first Sunday in August. Mrs. Stan Tudor was admitted to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shep- herd, Toronto, visited over the weekend with Mrs. C. Manns.' Mr. John Passmore has re- turned home after spending three NOW A CARLOAD PRICES S OUARANTEED McCORMICK TWINE BUY AT THIS SIGN 0.,444.11 smrc*AAVONAt NARVLSTtie PREF ACCOUNT BOOK When you order your supply ot` McCormick 'Dwinr, Written Guarantee in every BALE Full length Full strength Full value the dealere below bought iMcCormick mode /a.'Cnntadb `Nine itt chr• toad quantity, at carload price—area! are petaiitg the efn titvtNo9 er( /o ydtt. You, jet the tyorld'a beat twine at the beat price-aed a fine Fora Account BookI: it1;Ei if you order 'tows /reef: V. L. Becker Sons PHONE ON' DASH'WOOD r weeks visiting with his daughter and son-in-law, Mi. and Mrs, W. J. McLean, of Hamilton. Mr. John Passmore attended the Cann Reunion held at River - , view Park, Exeter, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. MeEwan, attended the Lowe Johnston ' re- union at Seaforth Lions Park on C .anipionls ashwoQd pops two titles at Stephen area fielc... meet Dashwood has always been a Smith. Marian Parley, Richard rJh.au :}layter, Dashwood; Jlrl1 threat in district ball circles and .Coulter, Wayne Glanville, John. 'Hoffman and D o lig Bender, results of the Stephen townshlll. Brown. Dashwood. Blackbush. Juniors._,. June Mar- .enz, Larry Mason, Ronald Ma- son, Co .Zondag, Patsy Adams, :Don Baker, Billy Morenz, Yvonne Devine, Dorothy Grebb. GOYS RESULTS Recies. Age 6— Rodger Ra tz,, Khiva; Burton IUoon, Croditon; David Charles, Dashwood. Age 7>—.Glenn Cooper, Crediton; John Becker, Dashwood; Russell Pfaff, Credilon. Age 8 --Bob Webb, Dashwood; Ronald Mason, Blackbush; Jinn Hayter, Dashwood. Age 9 --.Kevin Lamport, Centra- lia; (Clarence Ayotte, .Khiva; Ed- ward Restem eyer, Dashwood, Age 10- oin Russell, Shipka; sehool area field meet there indicate it will be for :a.long, time to come. .Dashwood teams won both the senior and junior championship in the playoff games which ell - mixed the competitions among seven schools. Over 300 ehildren took part in the ball games, races .and other contests during the afternoon, Prizes for the winners and treats for all the participants were provided by the se"hool area board. Defeat Crediton, Blackbush Although Crediton's senior ball club came through the regular schedule undefeated, it couldn't hold the Dashwood team Tues- day. Coached by Principal D. A. McCaw, the Dashwood nine posted a 9-2 victory, Mrs, Ruby- Molitor was in eharge of the Crediton team. In the junior final, .Dashwood thumped the smaller Blackbush team 27 to 16 in a free -scoring contest, The Blackbush team, under Stanley Hoist, featured an .ai!- girt battery which did a credit- able job in spite of the male competition. Mrs, Letta Taylor coached the Dashwood team, Members of the clubs were: Dashwood Seniors — iris Bec- ker, Valerie Gibson, Linda Tie - man, Erie Wolfe, Jack Schenk, Larry Wein, Rena Boogemans, Carl Tyle, Bob Hoffman, Ken Genttner, Eugene Guenther, Dashwood Juniors — Keith Maier, Judy Webb, Ivan Miller, Sheila Maier, BiIIy Hoffman, Edward CoDyer, Julien Booge- nian, Richard Denomme, Jack Guenther, Credlton Seniors — Jim Pfaff, Douglas Lightfoot, Kenneth Moon, Dennis Lamport, Joan Saturday. " Mr. and Mrs, Alvah Gower of St. Catharines and Miss Ethel Gower and Mr, Roy Hobden of Paris visited at the .home of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Shirray. Members of the Boy Scouts se- eom;panied by scoutmasters Jahn Baker and Eric Mansfield en- joyed a weekend camping at the Pinery. Miss Elvera Churchill, Toronto, was a weekend guest with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, E. Shaddick and )3i11. Pamela, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor, is a pa- tient tin Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, Mrs. J. E. McEwen, Mrs, Ken McKay, Xippen, attended the Eastern Star mother and daugh- ter banquet at the Anglican. Par- ish. Hall, Exeter, Friday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. T.. R. Shaddick attended the ex -wardens, ban- quet at Little Inn, Bayfield, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth and Jimmy, of Detroit, visited over the weekend with Mrs. L. Simp- son, Gary Lawrence, who underwent an appendectomy operation at Clinton Hospital, has returned home. Jim Sangster, who underwent and appendectomy operation at Clinton Hospital, is improving nicely. Lavis Construction Co„ Clin- ton, are now laying the hot niix pavement on Richmond street north. tt l inial l 1,hillHinu1111111,1n,l o lel l lonl 11 nnl,l+ e t n, l,lint 11111111,11111,,1„ 11Hi11nntllllull„l Hllll,l l l u 111111111„ Baler & Binder Twine Buy the best for less at your local Co-op. You'll be glad you did! SEASONAL ITEMS Be prepared for harvest Order now! Steel Granary Bins 1300 'and 2550 Bu5h(11 Capacity GRANARY 1'IN 32 x 29 Shuts 304 EACH Plan now for next win- ter by installing a • Nelson Automatic Frost 1 lrlleftnlYnrallttYtrttl%irtrtlTrrrrntnrrnrrtilntllunfb7liYr 32 -foot Extension Ladder $28.50 1 aro m eaailnl"nal1011unnillet unlfmmtwu'ant,igeatiMerattatemmatettYeMate nheamn 1 I Exeter District 1 Phone 267 Collect Water Bowl $39.50 ROUND HOG SELF.FESDER 11 -Bus, Size $39.50 1., uninlfllllnYiYIIIIIPunnmU1111,11hn11111nH111fYn111 Order your Coati •Now • Beside. CNA- Station r' 1'nftn0011100f1110 l'Yrtf11110011110(011111110 11'i•f1YY11Yrin(fdT(IME11Pnn71T 1 orchis tutu E 1 IIIYnYrflfl'1litfn)1 . I.1..610n1.Y.....Y..u.....m ms& 13111y }loffman, Dashwood; Don- ald Dietrich, Khiva, Age 11—Jim Dietrich, Shipka; Bill Finkbeiner, Shipka; Julian. Boogemans, Dashwood, Age 12—Robert Miller, Dash- wood; Len ms Deno inme, IOWA; Lawrence Becker, Sharon, Age 13—Doug Lightfoot, Credi- ton; (Jary 5agleson, Sharon; . Bob Hoffman, Dashwood, Age 14 and up —;;Stan Lovie, Greenway; Rene Boogemans, Dashwood;, Wayne Brunzlow, Cre- diton. (trade 4, kick the slipper--}3ob Brown, Crediton; Larry Mason, Blackbush; Richard Glanville, Crediton. Grade 5, softball throw --Rich-' and Denomme, Dashwood; Ed- ward CoDyre, Dashwood; Fred Brock, Crediton, Grade 6, three-legged race -s Billy Schade and Tom Wolfe, Dashwood; Robert Miller and Health unit — Continued from page 1.0 six and seven years, respective- ly. The present staff of the unit consists of the director, eight public health nurses, three san- itary inspectors, the public health veterinarian and two clerks. Representing the •unit in Ex- eter are public health nurses Sally Goertzen and Mrs, Fred Dobbs, Jr., and sanitary in- j specter James Pinder. The chairman of the 1959 I board is Roy Adair, Wingham, and members include John Mor- rissey, governn ent representa- tive, and from .county council, phone 102 P. Parrott, A. Mousseau, .l. Kerr. Secretary -treasurer is J. O. Berry, county clerk. 111 1-S R E.SlXfS Races Age 6—Gail Fleet, Dashwood; Dianne Taylor, :Greenway; Linda Dietrich, Shipka, Age 7—Dianne Becker, Dash- wood; Ann Becker, l)ashwopd;. .Bonnie Regier, Khiva. Age 8—Bonnie Sims, Crediton; Gwen Finkbeiner, Crecliton; San- dra Sweitzer, Shipka. Age r9 — Judy Regier, Ifilliva; 1Rut)ietrh leh, Bodge,ShipkaCrediton;. Marlene Age 10 — Eilleen Ayotte,Sha- ron; Marlene Denonnle, Ithiva; Roberta Sharpe, Crediton, Age 11— Judy Raiz, Shipka; Karen 1.tinkheiner and Judy Bou• liar ne (tide .for second). Age 12 lacqueline Sharpe, Crecliton; Linda Clarke, Khiva; Marion Valley, Crediton. Age 13—Joan Marlene, Sharon; Betty Lou West, Centralia; Bar- bara Miller, Shipka, Age 14 and up—Gladys Mac- Donald, Centralia; Linda Tie- tnan, Dashwood; Carol Taylor,: Greenway. Oracle 1 & 2, passing the ball —Teddy Skinner, Bill Deitrich, Burton Moon, Glen Hodgins, Kathleen CoDyre, Eleanor Wolfe, Larry Fleet, Janet Miller and Don Fuller, Grade_ 4, kick the slipper—Bar- bara Lawson, Crecliton; I3rencla Sims, Crediton; Arlene Ayotte, Sharon. Grade 5, ball throw -- Patsy Clarke, Crediton; Helen Brown, Greenway; Gayle Lampert, Cen- tralia, Grade 6, three-legged race — Judy Ratz and Lorraine Miller, Shipka; Nancy Willert and Zion- nie McCrae, Dashwood; Marga- ret Fahner and Marina Cought- trey, Crediton. OPEN EVENTS Grade 3, carrying race—Mar- lene Dietrich, Sharon. Robinson, both of- Centralia, Charmaine Schenk, Gwen Finkbeiner, both of. Crediton. Judy Smith, Naomi. 13oeock, Grade 7 & 8, relay race -13a -- den Shouldice, Betty Lou. West, Joan Essery and. Dick Coulter, Wayne Brunzlow, ,Toan Smith, Jean. Essery and Douglas-Light- oot. Bob Hoffman, Rene Boge- vans, Ruth Ann Salmon and ris Becker, t, NatunittunentirlllmiliH11U111111iannunnulunHlta nttemtintit mitt inti ltltiMmtomommuittataLeer. RoDer Skates WOODEN AND PLASTIC WHEEL S . L,ised $ka?}r Eariains Mna'>! Slightly Used Skates, pleattc whael.s,. Mt new,. .(tis 10, specie! ,s edea, Boys' pair, *l;a S'/a, wooden wheals, Cheap, SEVERAL. PAIRS SLIGHTLY USED MEN'S WORK BOOTS, sizes 71 to. 9, At real ,bargain .t MEN'S FOAM. RUBBER. WORK SHOES, special $4,85 .€ BAYS' WORK SHOES, Neglite solos, special $3:75 I SEVERAL PAIRS UNCLAIMED REPAIRED SHOES ; MEN'S' GOLF 'SHOES—See these before ybu buy ' FAMOUS DACK,s SHOES—only $14,95 and up Shop where we save you .money Wuerth's Exeter The Store With the Gold Bond Stamps"• 1001mil tHsH111111rllllltu !Wm fon n11nnRtifilim hest/ numtI lImmittfOrMilltulllll1111nu IM ltlHtllnlei ,d1IIIm1 tluml11 111un/nH1111111tliMIN tumin.f itu/luiluutultlluntlHllnillintlmlulrt1/un/ulmurllrtr1i/11(IIIII "I was told to come and see the Income .Tax Inspector. -Is he in?" "No, sorry, he's out." "Oh! Well, when do you expect he'll be out again?" 24-HOUR SERVICE for HARVEY'S TAXI 1111,111111/1/11,1 H111,1111,1„11 n11 n,H Ii1111111!„in 11111ti11111,11111111111,1„It 1,,11111111„I nlmlll l t1111111111r1n111,11r/, Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED” There are certain people who because of Religious Convic- tions do not wish to become members of an Organization like the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. We do ap- preciate these convictions and for this reason have especially prepared a non-member's agreement as follows. COPY OF AGREEMENT FOR NON-MEMBERS NON-MEMBER AGREEMENT made this day of 19 between • the WATERLOO CATTLE ` BREEDING ASSOCIATION, hereinafter called the "Association of the first part, and , of Livestock Breeder, hereinafter called the "Breeder” of the second part. 'WITNESS 1•Trhf that in eon aid ere. t ion of the agreen'l an I5 and undertakings herein contained the Parities hereto agree each wits, the other as follows: I. rhe 'Breeder” he.rett•itlt makes application to the "As- sociation” for approval of thin non-member a{reementand if accepted agrees to pay 'hive Dollars 05,(10) 10 the "As- soeialion" and further agrees to live up to all rules end regulations now' in force or hereafter adnlrted, by the "As- sociation". 'rhe ".Breeder" further represents that he is unable 10 sign the i egnlar member agreement because of Ills religious eonviel ions. 2.'.rhe payment of this rive Dollars ($5.0f) does not make • the 'Breeder" an active voting member of the "'.aaocia- -Hort' nor shall sorb payment make . the "Breeder". re- - sponafbte for any legal actions which might he taken by the lsaoetation", 3, The "Asaoda.tlon" will makeavailable to the "'Breeder" the services of healthy bulb; of recognized merit and breed- ing. 4, The "Aaaoeta-Lon" will make ave Bahl» to the "Breeder" the q@,•vices of a terlanIelan or technicians who will give artificial • hoofn;nattort at female +snip ..ia, 5. The, Otorero of the "Assocla.tion" agree 10 keep and make available to the "Breeder"' when requested proper records of insemination, pedlgreea of the alley health re- c'r7rda of the etres, female (4ent.irleation,• end such other records as may' from time to time he deemed necessary by. the Potted Or Directors of the "Aaenctation". 6. It is mutually agreed and understood that the Board of Directors or the taeociit.itort" shall eslahliah the fee to he 'barged by Ilio lsaot'iaf ion" for inaenrinatt,g female animals, 'rhe "Breeder" agrees lo pay Ihe fee apertfied. In sueh manner as may be determined by the Board at Direct - 77. 7, 'rho "Breeder" does hereby for himself, his heirs, rep- i•esenlat(vea and assignees release the "Asaoclalion" of all ilzihitttMa of every kind and nature arising or which might Misr from any eel of commission or omission on the dart f or a.ny of the agents et the Assecfatiott':, itrduTIIng the technlelana, 6, '('he, Parties agree that there arc, no oral nr 111110r eon- ditiene. promises, rnvennnta, representations or Induc•entents in addition tet or at: variance with any of the terms hereof and fats Agreement represents the voluntary and clear under- standing of }Mill Parties fully and rnlnnlalei\'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the. Parties hereunto set their hands this • day of 19 ' in the presence 6f: Wifness Breeder This contract approved by the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association On 19 President Secretary For the regular member's agreement, the iten, No, is excluded as is the last "sentence of item NO. 1 And the word member is used in place of non•meinber. Otherwise the agreement it the same. The' se lifetime t` me a greemen}s are payable ably once end not annually, Cost of service per aow for e45tt4krs or people with tteh•niember esreements- $5.00, All repeat' services free. We will also inseminate COWS for people without agree. menta et $d.00 per taw. For 1►rflficlei InseMinetiett serviCe from' off breads et e601. ate mare ilife-r'Ftt( ilio,, xalt: tLINTON ZENITH 9.5650 Between: )`:30 and 10:00 a.mrt, on week days; 6;00 and. MOB P.M, On Saturday evenings. feitr Cows noticed ih heat on Sunday Herding` cf6 not dill tt'tifil Monday morning, Better Cattle For Better Livtna ?fii1111010iYnlirrttalthiitlrutifl nTFlidniffitffrattYYddifttleffailetnn'tlititYnilttidilinfInfittilleftit11'Ytdea' Huron Lumber offers A MONEY -SAVING' SPECIAL, ON Hemlock June 25. To July 2 One and Two Dimension In Rough 1Qc Foot (B M,) Board •Measure IN 1M LOTS OR MORE (COD Yard), ,• , - Place Your Order Today! Hur�n Lumbe r Co. LTD. PHONE 48 EXETER 1 t 1111111II IllHn1111/11 i immit lIn1H/111/1111,WHIIIH I1nutlt lmUlnlnneentultuult;m1mmumitHnl mufttA ! •1 Itlllllll)m111t!11!Iltltlllllllutul!tt!ltt1u11111117i1111111r1111JIM111111111m1111n11/11/1111tlltlltlllltllr1111Jtirlllltutllu,. e IOCAt TRMIEmAk , 1„ TO SEE THE HUMOROUS SIDE OF THETROUBLES OF LIFE IS OFTEN TO LOSE HALF OF THEM Let us Show You HOW TO FIGURE YOUR COST OF - CHOOSE THE TWINE • Bahr.. Twine • TO SUIT YOUR NEED CANADIAN, DUTCH, BELGIUM; MEXICAN Ranging from a cost of $12.00 to $14.50 to bale 1,000' bales of hay. Special on National Baler $5,95 Por Bale ORDER WITH YOUR NEIGHBOR AND ASK FOR OUR QUANTITY DISCOUNT Feed Purina To Hogs • PIG STARTENA SPECIAL $104,50 TON 15% HOG GROWER ,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,!,,11,,,,.,,,; 66,50 TON 13% HOG FINISHER ' 58.90 TON NURSING SOW RATION ....................., 64,60 TON f DRY SOW RATION 1,1,1,., ,,,.t 46.55 TON HOG' CHOW CO VC. 3NOEOAB ,, 106.40 TON Let us deliver your feed bulk and blow it .:into -:our.': feeder or bins. ' Special On Steel Pipe Gates - 12' x 48" $16.80 . - • - 14' x 481, .— $19,20 16' )ft ' 48"y-'- $21.60 BARB WIRE ' $6,40 to $9,30 Per Spool ' 16' x 42" PIPELESS GAT,, $6•,80' r Purina Calf Startena. IS BECTTER, THAN EVER ,$5.75 Cwt. Purina Fly 'Halt (bulk)'. ._ y ,' 3Q�l.i�._ rt;rrine• Livaefeck Mineral (,Sty's) ..,r,,,,,,,,l,l ln....• $4,0O '? - Purina Liquid Pig Warman, (32 0 ')1��RUyy� •r,rWttY1Y,,{e,ar. tw �J GRAIN-FEED-SEED EXETER l ... 73S••WHALfN CORNERSb'AA•vKIRKTUiV 35(115 CI