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June 2S, 1959
and district news
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Let contract
for B of M
The Toten Construction Co.,
London, has been awarded the
contract for the new Bank of
Construction is due to start
any day,
Mr. 'Ken Christian, branch
Manager, said he hopes to move
into the new building by Christ-
mas. It will be ultra -modern in
all details.
Contract price is believed to
be around $50,000.
The bank will be erected on
the property formerly owned by
the bowling club and used as a
green for some 50 years. The
property was turned over to the
town two years ago when in-
terest in lawn bowling died out.
It was purchased by the bank
last year,
Church welcomes
eighteen Sunday
A communicant class prepared
by the minister, Rev, Chas Da-
niel, united with the church Fri-
day evening at the preparatory
service, and took their first com-
munion Sunday morning at the
United Church.
William Thomas Shaddiek,
Jack Albert Chipchase, Elaine
Marjorie Keys, Sharron Lee Skid-
more, Herbert Bruce Horton,
Dennis Ronald Mock, David Ste-
phen George Kyle, Harold Fred
Jaques, Marlene Olive Jaques.
Bill Samuel Wesley Jaques, Mar-
lene Grace Dignan, Ruth Ann
Traquair. Donna Louise Jones,
Howard Doug Rannie, Raymond
Kenneth McLean joined on pro-
fession of faith and Miss Ruth
Soldan, Mrs. Ian McAllister and
Mrs. Roy Brock by letter,
Legion bingo winners on Sat-
urday were: Mrs, C. Wilkinson;
Miss Pearl Tideswell, Clinton;
Mrs. Fleischauer, Robert Smale,
Miss Carol Brown, Mr. L. John-
ston, Mrs. W. Caldwell, Mrs. H.
Caldwell, Bill Parker, Mrs. W.
Caldwell, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs.
Fleischauer, Frank Harburn.
Share the Wealth, Mrs. T. C.
Coates, Door prize, $5.00, Roy
Kenney, Crediton,
Jackpot Saturday will be worth
$100 in 57 calls.
Mrs. R. J. Cameron and Mrs.
R. Y. McLaren were joint host-
esses at Mrs. Cameron's home
Thursday evening to entertain
the choir of Carmel Church, their
husbands and wives.
Mrs. McLaren conducted a
period of contests for which there
were several winners, after
which a bwi`et luncheon was
Recreational activities for chil-
dren of different ages will start
Monday, June 29 including swim
J. ming, basketball, crafts, volley-
' ball and softball, Recreational
activities will be from 9 to 12.
i . Recreational .director ;1, R.
"Scottie" Hunte will be assisted
by leaders, Miss Jean Noakes
1, and Miss Pat Rowe, who are
j taking an instructor's course in
• t playground activities at Gode-
rich June 22 to 27.
man, formerly of the Dresden
News, has established a printing.
office in Hensall and takes over
publication of The Hensall Ob-
server next week. Associated
with him will be Mrs. Ernest
Davis, Hensall, news editor, and
Dargan Burns, of the Dresden
area, in charge of the plant.
WMS hear
The Womans Missionary So-
ciety of Carmel Presbyterian Miss Wendy Moir was in charge
Church at its 69th anniversary of the guest book.
party held in the church school- House decorations were in
room Monday evening had as schemes of pink and white and
guest speaker, Rev. James E. the tea table centered with roses,
Duncan of London, Canadian re- orange blossoms a n d viola,
presentative of Dr. Graham's flanked with pink and white ta-
home at Kalimpong, West Ben- pers.
gal, India, Miss Nancy Kyle and Miss He -
This is an interdenominational len Hendrick served lunch and
missionary project in caring for Mrs, Dave Kyle poured tea.
over 500 deprived Anglo Indian In charge of the bride's trous-
children from all ages who are sear were Mrs. E. Chipchase;
given a home until ready to go Miss Joyce McEwan, London;
out into the world. Mr, Duncan' Miss Gladys Moir.
showed colored movies on his Personal items
work around these homes, The Mrs. James Morris and Jamie
parents were missionaries speaker was born in India and of Goderich, spent Wednesday
there for 56 years. He was intro- 1 with Mr. and Airs. Ernie Chip-
duced by Mrs. Percy Campbell' chase and family.
and thanked by Mrs. R. Y. Mc -I Mr. James Sangster who un -
Laren. derwent an appendix operation in
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, who' Clinton Hospital last week re -
presided, extended a welcome to turned home on Sunday.
the members and special guests, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Horton,
the Womans Missionary Society Jane and Bruce spent the week -
front Bay fie 1 d Presbyterian end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Church, Hensall United, WA of Vickers and family of Newmar-
St. Paul's Anglican, Arnold Cir- ket, Bruce remained there for
cle and Home Helpers of Car-. two weeks.
mel Church. Mrs. Grace Harpole is leaving
Theme of the devotional was this week by plane for Ottawa
• "Missions, the unfinished task" where she will visit with her son -
taken by Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Harvey Hyde and Mrs. A. Hog- Mrs Doug Peacockandfamily.
Rev. Currie Winlaw, BA, BD,
of Wawa (Jamestown) Ontario,
who will succeed Rev. Chas. D.
!Daniel as minister of the United
Church, will be inducted on Fri-
• day, July 3, Rev. Hugh Wilson of
:Thames Road, and Rev. A. E.
I Holley, Grand. Bend, will be the
!inducting officers, •
!� Display trousseau
of Saturday bride
Mrs. W. C. Soldan entertained
on Saturday, June 20 for her
daughter Ruth, bride -elect of
June whose marriage to John
place at Hensall United Church
Saturday June 27.
The fifty guests were received
Hendrick, of Exeter, will take
by Mrs. Soldan and Ruth, and
Rebekah lodge
plans activities
Airs. Inez McEwen, 1 :G., pre-
sided for the regular meeting of
Amber Rebekah Lodge No. :349
on Wednesday evening, Mrs.
Laird Jacobi, treasurer, gave
the financial report. The report
from the P.D.P., Mrs. Wi.11iaxu
Chambers, of the Rebekah As-
sembly of Ontario, on her year's.
work was also read. it was a
detailed report.
Arrangements were made for
the tOOF and Rebekah picnic .to.
be held at the Hensall Park,
July 9. Mrs, E. Chipchase, Mrs,
E. Shaddiek and Mrs. Ross Ri-
chardson were appointed on the
sports committee for the picnic,
Arrangements were also made
for the inaugural meeting to be
held in the Hensall Lodge on
June 24 at 8 p,m. Nominations
Lr the officers for the fall term
were as follows: Noble Grand,
, Mrs. Glenn Bell; Vice Grand,
Mrs. E. Chipchase; recording
secretary, Miss Mabelle White-
man; financial secretary, Mrs,
Clarence Voll a n d; treasurer,
Mrs. Laird Jacobi.
' A social hour was spent fol-
lowing the meeting,
The name of Gerry Drysdale.
was inadvertently omitted from
last week's list of sucessful can-
didates in the .St. John's Ambu-
lance first aid class in Hensall,
The 1st Hensall Brownie Pack
attended the Brownie. Revel at
Exeter Scout Hall on Saturday.
There were Brownies from
Zurich a n d Exeter present.
Games and songs were part of
the program.
All packs joined together for
Mr. and Mrs. Art Thomspson
held a family picnic on their spa-
cious lawns on Sunday to honor
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cameron of
Moose Jaw, Sask. Mrs, Cameron,
the former Audrey Sheppard, is
the daughter of Mr, 'Ben Shep-
pard and sister of Mrs. Arthur
Personal items
Mr. Geo. Follick, who recently
underwent an operation in Clin-
ton Public Hospital is much im-
proved in health.
Miss Greta Laramie is attend-
ing the reunion of the Alumni As-
sociation of the Ontario School
for the Blind at Brantford.
Mrs, Ruth Carter, Clinton,
spent Wednesday with Mrs, Ca-
therine Hedden and family.
Mrs. James Westlake a n d
daughters Gloria and Brenda of
Trenton spent the past two
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Westlake, while her husband,
James Westlake of the RCAF
Trenton was writing exams on
the C.F. 100 at North Bay. James
passed second highest in his
Mrs. Lorne Kay and daughters
Nancy and Bonnie of. London
were recent visitors with Mrs.
Kay's mother, Mrs. Mary Tay-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker,
at St. Petersburg, 'Florida, are
with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Walker. '
Mr. and Mrs. Don Robinson
and family, London, spent the
weekend with the latter's mother,
f it Mrs. W. B. Cross.
garth. A vocal duett by Mrs. Wil-
liam Brown and Mrs. Harold
Bell, with Miss Carol Brown at
the piano and Mrs. Robert
Madge was given.
Mrs. Sam Dougall, Mrs. J. W.
• Bonthron and Mrs. George Vais,
formed the reception committee.
Congregation fetes
departing minister
Presentation of a chesterfield
suite, twin desk set, and lazy
boy chair, were made to Rev.
Chas, D. Daniel and Mrs. Daniell
by the congregations of Hensall
United and Chiselhurst churches
at a farewell gathering at the
United Church Thursday eve-
An address to Mr, and Mrs.
Daniel was read by Jim Taylor
and presentations made by Joe
Ferguson, Mrs. Daniel was pre-
sented a corsage by Mrs. Dave
Kyle. Mr. Daniel in expressing
appreciation for the gifts stated
that he would carry with him
happy memories of his ministry
in Hensall and left a challenge
for the young people to carry on
the traditions of their fathers,
Mrs. Daniel who spoke briefly
invited members of the congre-
gation to visit them at their
home in Ingersoll.
11,V. Daniel who has been in
the ministry 44 years and who
has' served bothcongregations
for the past four years is retiring
to Ingersoll,
P. L. McNaughton, chairman.
of the board of Stewards was
chairman, and gave the chair -
mans address. Steve Kyle read
scripture passages and Rev. Da-
niel offered prayer.
A program was enjoyed con-
sisting of a vocal duett by Mrs.
Pearl Passinore and Mrs. Wil-
liam Fuss; vocal solos by Eric
Ross of Chiselhurst, and Mrs,
Carl Payne with accompanists,
Miss Greta Lammie and Mrs. A.
Ross and a reading by Miss M.
Ellis. Walter Spencer extended
courtesy remarks to the Evening
Auxiliary for the refreshments.
Recreation activities
Ely J. R. "SCOTTY" HUME a.m. The activities will be held
Recreation Director
Last week I wrote through the
medium of this paper something
I thought the town shouldknow
about its people, and its sup-
port, I meant no reflection on
anyone but since that time I
have hadseveral remarks made
to me, some in favor, and some
not so favorable. I am wonder-
ing if the truth slightly hurts.
I have been given to under-
stand that the town people like
to keep the business in town,
and keepsticking together ,in
all activities. I hope this same
feeling materializes this winter
in all the arena activities.
I feel like our Good Lordfelt
when they crucified him, and
spat at him, and rejected him.
That's the way it has been since
last week's letter. He could not
please everybody when he was
on earth, so I guess there is no
sense in trying rnyself.
Let's all pull together and not
against one another.
This week the recreation com-
mittee is sending two girls to
Goderich to camp from June 20
to 27, to help with the playground
activities which I am hoping to
start on June 30, which will be
registration day starting at 9
every day from 9 to 12 a,m. ex-
cept Saturday and Sunday,
Last Saturday our minor base-
ball team had a game with Clin-
ton which they won 11 to 1, Con-
gratulations boys. Also our pee
wee team, which played last.
Monday, won. Congratulations to
them also.
I noticed a better supporting
cast at the games, let's keep it
up folks. I know the spirit of
Hensall is here, evenif it has
lacked support in the past years.
Let's put Hensall back onthe
map with softball games and
baseball games and other acti-
The pee wee team has been
asked to enter the pee wee tour-
nament in St. Thomas on July 1.
If anyone is interested in taking
some of these boys to St. Tho-
mas on July 1 kindly get in
touch with me at the arena or at
247W. We need four cars,
I think it's an honour to have
been asked to participate in this
tournament, so let's get behind
the boys, and send thein,
When the hockey starts this
fall, we will have the dressing
room floors covered with can-
vas to protect the players'
district people completed the St. Johns Ambulance Corps
first Rid course 'Wednesday night. Front row, from left,
;ire Mrs, Elsa Fiford, Mrs, Jean Smith, Mrs, Minnie Noakes,
Mrs. Marjorie Beierling, Mrst Greta tavendelr, Mrs ,Ty
Pink' Miss Jeal; Taylor; entre row, 'Walliarlt Itooseboe nr
Baby Band members
erform at UC p,�rty
"llensalt United Church lovely
o. white
with aprofusion f aed .and l u
� 1
peonies and .orange blossoms was
the setting on Frida.' .afternoon,
for the annual Baby Band party,
when the Womans Missionary
Society entertained the mothers
a n d babies. President Mrs.
George Armstrong who presided.
extended a welcome.
Recitations were given by Bren-
da Noakes and Catherine Ann
Christie,. and a piano solo by
Jimmy Traquair.
Baby Band supeHntendent,
Mrs. W. Dining, told the story
of "Jesus and the Little Chil-
dren," and offered prayer.
In R. graduaticn ceremony fif-
teen members of the Baby Band
Ubag shirray, Jerry Drysdale, Boger ',Veneer, Bill Taylor,
John Baker, Pill Pink, Ernest Davis, Eric Mansfield, Roy
Pepper; back row,. Tennis Eere ids, 'Wiebe Eerends, Harry
Van Bergen, Al 'lloggarth, Rlaas Van 'Wielr'en, Clare Mag•
gee, Clinton, the Instructor,•
graduated into the Mission. Band,
rthe through gates en -
1 twined with ivy and colored pee -
Ames, ,with. Ann Mickle, .Suzanne
Ronnie and Nancy Kyle singing
the graduation song, as they
Passed through unto the plat-
form where Airs. Ron Mock wet -
cored thein into the Mission
Band, and. Mrs. Dining presented
them with diplomas.
The graduation class were Pau-
line Allan, John David Blackwell,
Wayne Corbett, Beverly Cornell,
Catherine Ann • Christie, Cathe-
rine Fuss, Julie Ann ileal, Keith
Harburn, Nancy Traquair, Don-
na Snaith. Mrs. .Grace Harpole
accompanied at.the piano for the
ceremony, Mrs. C. D. Daniel and
Mrs, Ken Bider were in charge
of the presentation of mite boxes,
which realized •-•$4173.
Rev. Chas Daniel spoke brief-
ly and pronounced the benedic-
tion, after which refreshments
were .served.
RA by 13 a n d •Superintendent,
Mrs. Dining was assisted by Mrs.
Grace Harpole, Mrs. Stanley
Mitchell and Mrs. Blighton Ferg.
Visiting leaders of the band, Mrs.
Edison Forrest, Mrs, Ross For-
rest, Mrs. Ken Elder, Mrs. E.
Chipchase, Mrs. Daniel and Mrs.
N. E. Cook,.forned the reception.
committee, Mrs. W. B. Cross, and
Miss M. Ellls .were in charge of
the registrations, Mrs. T. J. Sher-
ritt was the pianist,
Personal items
Miss Gwen Chapman, and Miss
Mary Ann Rannie have Accepted
positions with the accounting -de-
partme.nt at the Bell Telephone,
London, and commence their new
positions on July 6.
Donate $625
to arena project
At the meeting .of the i?ark
Board at the Memorial Arena
chaired by Don Joynt, reprc•
sentatives of the various
. � i.es
ntca}taonsof the 'town were pres
.to give their answers to ap'
peals for, .donations to improve.
facilities at the arena.
Kinsmen donated. $100 and hope.
to give .$100 in the fall; Kinettes,
$100; Legion Ladies' Auxiliary,
$100, and $x00 in the fail; Legion,
$100; Wo.men's institute, -$25.00,Personal items
John Anderson, Tied Cross
Water .Safety Committer repre-
sentative for this district, dis-
tributed pamphlets ,and literature
on water safety to the children
at the public seheol Thursday.
More Hensel) .News On Pegs 12
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