HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-06-25, Page 5�► ► prs.ents the anYor of ChthaR . and lxis wUe. Fie mayor preo nt�o P o ram DefaiIswits. Waren. elf .dent C u e� t 1 for en.k, oy•ai Aleinber of Parliament f � Continued from page 1 11:00 a.m.—Royal train leaves' at point abuitiit( Sterling Park.: for West Kent ,a c their wives. fa W, if n and l.. bleinber of Legislative. Assembly toe Festival. Theatre. Route: Loitclon, 1 slow ,drive) Shakespeare Street,' cont Street, Ontario Street, . • aterloo Street, River Drive' and ' "attain Street. 8.30 p.m.—The Queen .and the Puke of L'dinburgh arrive at " �istival Theatre .and are re- s rived by the president at the oundation and his wife.. 8.35 p.m.—The Queen and the ' uke of Edinburgh are conduct 11 to their seats. When Her lajesty and his Royad Highness '•ave reached their seats, one • arse. of "God Save The Queen" '; played and the' performance •inamences, 'There. are two inter v •its in the perforhiance, during• 'hich members of the Board of ; c'overnors ,and their wives are i.resented in two groups in tile. -•^c.eption loom. The Queen and ''ie Duke of. Edinburgh are i'c- r uested to sign the Festival �_uest book. 11.10 p.m.—The performance (-includes with the playing of "God Save The Queen". (It is requested that the Queen and tete Duke of Edinburgh go back- stage to meet leading members of the company, following 'which it is requested they appear on eutside balcony of the theatre.) 11.25 p.m.—The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh leave the liieatre. As the motorcade moves off, a fireworks display is set off along River Drive to Water- loo St. bridge. 11.30 :prin The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh arrive at CNR Station. 11,35 p.m.—Royal train leaves Stratford, THE DUKE OF EDINBURGHrr><i.< LONDON, ONT, Thursday, July 2 12,30 p.m.—The Duke of Edin- burgh leaves Hamilton by car for Mount Hope Airfield. 12.45 p,m.—Arrive Mount Hope Airfield.„ "s 1.20 p.m.—The Duke of Edin- burgh arrives London City Air- port and is received by area commander who presents the mayor of London and the colonel and officers of the Royal Canadian Regiment. 1,25—Inspection of guard of honour, 1.40 p,m.T.be Duke of Edin- burgh leaves airliort by car for Wolseley Barracks. 1.50 p.m.—A r r i v e Wolseley Barracks and proceed- direct, to memorial. 2.10 p.m.—Luncheon at Officers Mess. 3.10 p.m.—His Royal Highness, accompanied by colonel of the regiment, arrives at parade ground and ascends reviewing stand. Ceremony of Presenta- tion of The Colours, 3.10 p.m.—His Royal Highness, leaves parade ground for Ser- geants Mess. 4.30 p.m.—L e a v e Sergeants Mess for Officers Mess. 5.15 p.m. The Duke of Edin- burgh leaves by car for .Strat- ford. ' 6,30 prm.—}loyal train arrives at Stratford (Samsonite Siding). LONDON, ONT. Friday, July 3 10.00 a.m.—Royal train arrives CNR Station. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh alight from rear platform of train, accom- panied by the minister of na- tional health and welfare. The minister presents his worship, the mayor of London, and his wife. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are conducted through station concourse to re- ception platform. 10.05 a.m.—The mayor pre- sents civic officials and other to accept a HerMajesty fromsthe is a citizens of London. 10.10 a.m.—The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh leave for City Hall. Route: York, Welling- ton and Dundas Streets. 1'0.15 a.m. — The motorcade pauses briefly in front of City Hall. where city clerk asks the Queen to sign the city guest book. Drive continues. Route: Dundas, Waterloo and Victoria Streets to University Drive. 10,35 a.m.—The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh arrive at J. W, Little Membriat Stadium where children are assembled. The Mayor presents a number of officials arid their wives. 10.45 a.m.—The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh leave stad- ium for return drive to . CNR Station. Route: University Drive, Richmond Street, Clarence Street, Dufferin Avenue, Rich- mond Street, York Street.. 10.55 a.m.—Arrive CNR Sta- tion, Message from CHATHAM, ONT. Friday, July 3 The. Queen and the Duke ofa'I'he ;Queen is asked to. sign .the Edinburgh cleseend. accompanied' .city guest book. by the minister of national; 12.30 p.ni.—Royal.:train . leaves 12.20 p.m.—Royal train arrives 1 health and welfare. The minister 1 Chatham. Routee, (s1Qw SARNIA,..ANT. reads an .address of welcome North, Canatar;t Drive to :Canal Memorial Park., friday, JUI. presents thelaaa>inan of tara Park. Canatara Drive.aaal Carts 3.30"Britannia":' the Sarnia committee and his L5a p.in. — Arrive Canatara tins Street. p:iaa.--H.111. ' #'.ark.`TheQueen,andthe#juke10.15 p.m.-�-Arriv.e 7.M°1:0:t1.4 arrives at Imperial 0i1 iAtd.•clock.3.35 .m.,-T'be Queen and the la# Edinburg'la proceed to datsedBerry lennorial Park.'h M m be • cit eouncii ,and!eade circlespark,Hieni e Queen :and {lte fluke of l)ulce of Edinburgh Ieay.e for _ _e. l is ,of Y r :tu • t I i 1 Edinburgh disembark, accom-1 Canatara Park. Route: Via Iin- their wives are presented. Ito- a tn . a miner a Oil .dock, ponied. by cabinet minister. -The' .erial ,Oil ,Company plant gates 10.05 p.m.' -The Queen and :th.e° 10.25 p.m.—Arrive dock. minister presents the to Confederation Street, ,Christina Make .o# Edinburgh leave C.an-, 10.30 p.m. --'The Queen. and that. pr c ts, inaya)r .of Sarnia and his wife.. The mayor i Street South, Christina Street .stars Park for Norman Perry' Duke of Edinburgh embark. Greenway Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brent 6f Toronto spent the weekend 'with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mur- ray and family and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey spent the weekend with Mr. And Mrs. Fred Rinker in Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs. Ddan Brown visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman 'Turnbull at Grand Bend'. ' Mr. and Mrs. Willis Steeper and family visited on Sunday with relatives at St. Thomas. Mrs. ,Yoe Horner entertained on Saturday at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Betty Alin, a bride -elect of this week, Miss Cynthia Doan of London spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, LAW - fence Cults. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cotearian and !wily' ta.f Hallsgreen visited on Sunday with Mr, And ,Mrs. Emerson Woodhain and Beth. Mrs. Omer Berney is a patient St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs, 4161in Shank of F'arkhill spent a sew days with Mr, and Misr Cecil Siiiithert and family !1'he Baby Band meeting for Grand Bend and G r e e n w a y United elturche,t will be held in C•reenway church Vriday a>- t>r,��Mr. H.M.Y. BRITANNIA on which Queen Elizabeth II and the Prince Philip will visit the Seaway area and Ontario Lake porta welcomes Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness the Prince Philip for the opening of the LAWRENCE SEAWAY Route of 1959 Royal " Visit to Ontario— air.. Commencing ntario--o...,Commencing June 27th N `•+ eft 4_.-• • Pert Anbor Eeft Zi • i• Sault SI Nadi • � r Strada.' KI Nerndlen I� Aril ee,ad Ionia tandem lo wtFs.TaM w^lea 6 USA CMtege Ottawa"` AA"lel, 0 mss, .y 1 I•��/ .i n /1)14i. 0114r......44,440:0 •� T ��� fell N'Nmeq Part tier. ♦I Gurlp nnturlo ,� orork. 141"e 'nasi SI tr hewn The Government and the people of Ontario welcome Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and His Royal Highness the Prince Philip, to our great Province. With the official opening of The St. Lawrence Seaway by Her Gracious Majesty, the worthy dream of years becomes a reality. Now open to deep -water shipping of the world, our Lake Ports will provide access to the heartland of the Continent—and from them, as ocean ports, will go forward, into world trade channels, Canada's and Ontario's raw materials and manufactured goods. Out of this Development has also come the great Provincial power project—in which Ontario has made a vast financial investment --pro' viding additional power resources which can be used to increase our industrial, agricultural and economic strength. Proud to be a partner in the British Commonwealth of Nations, our Canadian Nation rejoices in and looks forward to the Royal visit. It will be marked by many memorable events. They will be of great historic significance, providing opportunity as well to show to the Queen of Canada the unfailing loyalty, devotion and affection of her Canadian people. May the visit to Ontario of our Gracious Sovereign be a pleasant one, as we pay her due homages Published by the Division of Publicity 444. .ter Leslie Ma Frosty Prime Minister E GOVERNMENT' OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO