HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-06-25, Page 4Pales 4 The Timss•Adve;ata, 4.1uhs S{ 1959 Editorials This newspaper believes tts right to express an opinion 1.n. public contributes to the pro- grttsa of the nation and..thot it must be ***reined freely to pre- serve and .improve .democratic. government. Welcome newcomers The Times -Advocate this week bids welcome to a new publishing .enterprise in South Huron. Mr. Donald Spearman, recently of the Dresden News, becomes editor and publisher .of The Hensall Observer, a weekly newspaper started late last year by the Chamber of Commerce.. Mr, Spearman has established a printing plant in 'the former Hensall PUC building. The Times -Advocate„ which has assisted the Chamber of Commerce in the establishment of this paper., is happy to have played a part in providing another community service for Hensall. We extend the new publisher and his staff best wishes for success. Commend winner Two Huron newspapers who commented on the June 11 election results expressed warm praise for the winner, Charles MacNaughton. They also paid tributes to the sincere efforts of Liberal candidate Harry Strang. Said The Goderich Signal -Star: "We are confident Charles MacNaughton will do a good job for Huron at Queen's Park, as he has done in the past during the limited time he has been this riding's representative. Mr. Strang need not feel downhearted. He turned in a most creditable effort in view of his opposing a candidate whose party has promised much for this area and which it will, in due course, fulfil, "By giving MacNaughtcen a majority of 821, the town of Goderich gave the Progressive Conserva- tive candidate just about half of the entire majority be received in the riding. This can be credited to MacNaughton's personal popularity and also to the promises made by his party of giving this area a government hospital and a new bridge over the Maitland River," The Liberal -minded Huron Expositor was mag- nanimous in its tribute to Mr, MacNaughton: "The election quite properly must be a source of satisfaction to Mr. MacNaughton. Elected first in a by-election a little over a year ago, his return at the polls Thursday is a reflection of the enthusiasm and ability he has brought to his work during the year he has represented Huron in the Legislature. His return as a member of the Frost government provides him with' the opportunity not only of con- tinuing his service to the riding, but also of pressing the government to carry out the promises which, through two elections, have been made to Huron. voters. "He is to be congratulated on his victory, and the good wishes of all in the county will go with him as he fulfills his duties during his term of office. "The campaign in Huron was quiet. While Mr. Strang, in his first bid for office, made substan- tial gains in the rural polls, these were more than. offset by the returns from Exeter and Clinton, aided by the votes which the promised Huron hospital pro- duced in Goderich." Brief comment Establishment of Exeter's town planning board, a long-awaited development, is being delayed because of the lack of one appointment. With the brisk demand for residential construction forcing expansion into new areas in all parts of the town and district, steps should be taken to get the board into operation as soon as possible. It has a big task ahead. * * * - * Town council was wise to rule that all build- ing permits must be referred to the PUC before ap- proval can be given. Cost of providing services must be considered to ensure that expansion is done as economically as possible to the community as a whole. * * * * A close study of the academic award winners at SHDHS, announced this week, reveal there is no limitation, because of location or racial background, to the educational opportunity provided by this area school, Quite a number came fromthe rural area and notafew of the names are those of new Cana-, diens. " * * * * A quick analysis of the voting in the June 11 provincial election reveals rural ridings do not suf- fer when it comes to representation. Votes cast in some urban ridings exceeded. 40,000 while the total in. Huron was less than 14,000. When one considers the percentage of voters in the larger areas was much less than the 77 percent recorded in Huron, the difference becomes much greater. It be Exeter TintetADbucate Times Established 1873 Advocate Established 1881 Amalgamated 1924 eeso.4, Published Each Thursday Morning at Stratford Ont, Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dip% Ottawa AWARDS -. Frank Howe Beattie Shield, best front Ms (Wide), 1957; A. V, Nolan Trophy, general excellence for newspapers published in Ontario towns between 1,500 and 4,500 population, 1958, 1957, 1956; J. George Johnston Trophy, typographical excellence (Ontario), 1951; E. T, Stephenson Trophy, best front page (Ontario), 1956, 1955; AIIrCaneda Insurance Federation rnational safety award, 1953. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada $4.00 Per Year; USA $5,M P*id•inAd'vant a Circulirfion, March 31, 1959 W-. 3,260 ALLPAPER £� 19� 5. bm[ Fitura Sl>td,nle. r!d rish4 tper+Md, "frs4 "...., now, for " !'hildren's room .. Sugar AND Spice Dispensed By BILL SMILEY I've always been a loyal citi- zen of the Crown, hut if 1 could afford it' I'd take the next few weeks off and head for Hudson Bay, or any other place inac- cessible to newspapers and tele- vision. , * * The other day, the Toronto Globe and Mail announced with pride that no less than 62 re- porters, photographers and cor- respondents would make up its "Royal Tour team". Isn't that sickening? Md to that mob a proportionate number from the other big dailies, a vast gaggle of radio and television people, andanother couple of hundred from .the smaller dailies and the U.S. press, and you can see what we're in for. Who would want to he the Queen, and he pursued across a continent by a horde of harassed, hot and hungry reporters, a rab- ble of rude and rambunctious photographers? Only a Queen, in a democratic age, could be sub- jected to such an appalling ordeal. * * * On the other hand, who wants to read all that gush and gar- bage the scrambling press will produce? Are you interested, Mac, in perusing breathless columns about the warm, human way the Queen scratched her nose at a state dinner? Are you fascinated, Elmer, by a 1,200 - word description of the Royal Yacht? Do you thrill, Buster, at the 84th fuzzy photo of Her Majesty inspecting a guard of honour? * *. Not me. And not Joe Dope, down the street. I'll tell you who is responsible for all this balder- dash, It's the women. Don't ask me why, but from the time their Queen sets foot on Canad- ian soil, the women of Canada will be in an irrepressible state of titillation, curiosity and near - hysteria. * * * They' will read miles of senti- mentalslosh written by sob sis- ters of both sexes. They will exclaim with delight at hundreds of photos of Her Majesty, good, bad and undifferent. They will allow hundreds of thousands of dinners to spoil, as they sit in the living -room gawping at the lighted box in the corner. • * * Forty-four thousand times they will ask their husbands if they don't think the Duke is cute, and be oblivious to the answer- ing grunt. On eighty thousand occasions they will note with sympathy and not a little satis- faction that the Queen, poor dear, looks tired. • * * There was a tell-tale survey the other night, in one of the Toronto papers. The completely misleading headline stated: "Most Want To See The Queen". Beneath it were the photos of 10 people, five men, five women. And beneath these were capsule comments from their statements buried in the story, Here's how they read. The women: 1. "I'd be thrilled!" 2. "Queen means something". 3. "She should meet the people". 4. "Should see the country". 5. "Very nice to see them". And the men: 1. "1'm not interested". 2. "Should stay over there". 3, "Too much publicity". ....r... :. 4. "In favor of visit", 5, "Just a waste of money", * * * Digest that ane, kids, All five women think it's simply,. grand, Four out of five men couldn't care less. And the other was probably scared of his wife, So that is why we have four or five hundred news, radio and tele- vision people falling all over each other for the next fortnight. * * News editors are accessories before the fact. They know perfectly well that the only things women read in their papers are the crime stories, the classifieds, and the clothing ads. But every time there's a Royal Tour, they think it's a chance to get the women reading all through the paper, and they cater to them. During the Tour, their circulation leaps, and the editors' ulcers ease. * •* But the minute it's over, the women drop the newspapers like a soiled diaper, and go back to reading cake mix recipes and magazine quizzes on "Is Your Husband the Right Alan?", lis- tening to soap . operas, and watching third - rate TV pro- grams. * • . Never mind, girls. Far be it from me to spoil your. fun. I don't understand it, but I won't interfere. I just want you to know that after the Queen' waves that last goodbye, and you've wiped your eyes, you'll be wel- come back, and we'll be here, maybe not as dashing as the Duke, but. four-square, faithful, and ready for a decent dinner after all those weeks of eating snacks in a welter of news- papers. ,,,,,n,1,11111111111111111 U1 p11111,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,!10 News Of Your LIBRARY By MRS. JMS Many of our readers have en- joyed and laughed with Eddie Cantor and you will also enjoy reading his autobiography en- titled: — Take My Life From the earliest clays Eddie longed for crowds to entertain. In this book he retraces his steps from a dingy one -room apart- ment on New York's lower East Side to the footlights and the ap- plause that has so long been his due. Take My Life is filled with an- ecdotes and stories aboc!%Eddie, his wonderful wife, Ida, and his five daughters as well as his friends, now famous names in show business: Al Jolson, Irving Berlin, Sophie Tucker, Will Ro- gers, Ethel Merman, Jack Ben- ny and others. The book has all the warmth and vitality that have delighted his audiences for over forty years. The Big Top The Big Top is the story of 40 years with the circus as told by Fred Bradna, who has been a circus star since 1903, to Hart- zell Spencer. It describes the world of can- vas as Bradna saw it from the inside. He takes the reader into the cars in which circus folk travel, the dressing romps they live in onthe lot, the cooktent, —Please turn to page 15 Jottings By .J,M.e Credits teaching staff with success of class On June 4 we listed the names of the University` graduates of 1929. Since then we have received a letter from C. E. Hodgson, of Toronto, one of the graduates Cecil. writes;. "])car Mel: "i tltoroughly enjoyed your column "Local graduates of '29 set impressive record," which appeared in your June 4 issue, As ane of those, it has long Fiz- zled me to account for the large group who went on from Exeter High School to attend various universities. 1 do not have ac - a largercurate percentagesttisticsbut of 't1hebelieve class oaf '25 at Exeter went on to uni- versity than any class before or since then, "F'art of the reason could have been the introduction of compul- sory school attendance until 16, which was introduced about 1919- •1920. The prosperous condition of the district no doubt had something to do with it. "However, I really think our, teachers had the most influence— people like E. J. Wethey, Miss Dorrance (now Mrs, Bowers), Henry Bowers, MiSs Ross etc. It is a real tribute to them that they, through their inspiration, made so large a contribution to society, "It .is a great feeling to know we have a university president among .o u r number; Walter Johns" Cecil, as was mentioned in the June 4 issue, graduated in 1929 in commerce and finance. For the past 27 years he has been associated with the Hydro -Elec- tric Power Commission of On- tario and was recently appoint- ed internal auditor, head office staff, Toronto. Beginning in the municipal ac- counting department he was transferred to London as ac- countant for western region. Prior to his hydro connection he served short periods with the '1'. Eaton Co. Lid., the Massey - Harris company and Canada Packers .Ltd. Haddie, as he is nicknamed, is Interested in astronomy as a hobby and a few years ago built his own telescope, He is a mctn- ber of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. He also be- longs to the' National Office Management Association of,which. Laird B. Joynt, of Hensall, is president. Haddie ]s, a past presi- dent of the London Chapter. For the past two fall terms, Haddie has lectured in business administration' in the U of T extension department. He is an elder of Kingsway-Lambton Unit- ed Church. The Hodgsons have two girls, 15 and 13 and their home is 100 Queen. Anne Road, Toronto. R. Laird B, Joynt Laird B. Joynt, of Hensall, Who was a 1929 graduate, is president of the Toronto Chapter. of National Office Management Association. A recent bulletin is- sued by that organization has this to say: "President, R, Laird B. Joynt joined NOMA in 1943. Since that time he has been a member of six different committees, chair- man of three, corresponding sec- retary, lectured on "Office Pro- duction", three times a director, vice president and now president of Toronto Chapter. "Treasurer or Canadian Kodak Company Limited, Laird joined the company in 1941 as a mem- ber of the accounting depart- ment. He was rapidly appointed assistant to the comptroller and in 1946 he also. became office manager, and six years later comptroller. His election as treasurer was in 1955. "A graduate in business ad- ministration from the University —Please turn to page 15 4..<�. .. .. ..... ... 0.Y.Y,.m,: >M..,i. .. , `.. '. .'.L.� .... .. Av. Vmnr. ..%i: .,nw ,. ..v m•hmn..:,3.:..i As the "TIMES" Go 8y 50 YEARS AGO The manager of the bowling alleys is offering three ufnbrellas for the best averages made in ten games during the month of July. The silver medal donated ,by Mr. T. E. Handford for the 100 - yard amateur championship of Western Ontario is on exhibition in Mr. S. Fitton's window. Misses Winnie and Alice. How- ard and Miss Edna. rollick are camping at Grand Bend. - The liquor license of the Man- sion House expired last night. There are only three licenses in Exeter now. The most interesting game of baseball played on the local grounds was pulled off last Fri- day when Birney's Burnt Blisters tried to defeat Bissett's Busy Batters. The Parkhill Tennis Club will be in Exeter Friday to play the first match of the season with the local players. 25 YEARS AGO Rev. Hugh Taylor of Thames Road gave the address on De- coration Day at the cenotaph in Exeter. During the month of July, Rev. W. A. Young of Hensall will conduct the Sunday morning service' in Coven Presbyterian Church while the Rev. Gordon is on vacation. The members of Lebanon Forest Lodge A.F. & A.M. at- tended divine worship at the United Church, Crediton, on Sunday. This is the first time in history of Crediton. a Masonic service was held there. Mr, F. L. Grieve has closed his drug store in Exeter, having moved the ,contents to Grand Bend. Mr. William Ward's rose gar- den is at its hest right now— he has many varieties. Miss Kathleen Wiseman, Thames Road, was successful in carrying off second class honors in languages at the University of Western Ontario. The Ballantyne family fared wellin the recent election. Ex- warden James Ballantyne was elected in Huron; W. Angus Dickson, a cousin, was elected in Perth and Hon. James Gar- diner, another cousin, was re- elected in Saskatchewan after being on the opposition side of the house for four years. 15 YEARS AGO Mr. J. C. Vidt, who recently disposed of the Exeter Frozen Food Lockers to Mr. C. E. Mc- Carter of Eddy's Mills, left last week for London. Exeter's new fire truck arriv- ed in town Monday and the new siren has been installed on top of the Town Hall. Every scrap of paper, card- board, books, old office files and records should be saved and held for, the next salvage drive, Each month. 11,000 tons are re- quired, in Ontario. • Mr.. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding and Marilyn moved to London on Monday. St. Patrick's Church, Saints - bury, celebrated the golden jubi- lee of the Women's Auxiliary on June 1t. The matter of acceptance of Catherine Gidley estate for use as a hospital was discussed at the council meeting but was laid over for final decision. Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Traquair, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bowey and Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Elliot re- turned home after attending the Lions• Club convention at Elgin House, Lake of Bays. ' 10 YEARS AGO Exeter Garage Operators inet last Thursday and decided they, would close their shops on Wed- nesday afternoons except for the one station that is open on the previous Sunday. Bishop Luxton of Diocese of London dedicated the newly - built Church of England at Grand Bend as "Saint John's by the Lake" Sunday evening. Dr. 11. M. Aldus and Miss Norah Cunningham, public health nurse of Huron County Health Unit, were in Exeter seeking location for one of the five nurses to, be established in the county. Dr. Margaret Strang Savag• e and daughter Margaret of Cold Lake, Alberta, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Strang, Mr. Herbert Mitchell of Cen- tralia is ]aid up with a fractured collar, -bone. Mr. E. D. Bell addressed the Hurondale Women's Institute on "Women's Rights in Law". Balsam is a fast-growing tree, gimber r•r.rr • ill WO, fact iliaiute! $.+hdlntt, lite,.Weri1! Wife'Yeumrr+ad. lz+ .;Why don's yeti just bury BNS like other dogs ? I" Fire! Call fire dep't. Grab extinguisher. Have you time to save valuables? Don't linger — suffocation may be greater risk than flames. Pr'epar'e now. Discard hazards. And INSURE! W. H. Hodgson "The insurance Man" PHONE 24 EXETER • far This young lad is really going places. He knows the value of a 'dollar - because he worked hard over the past year. '• to buy this pony. He saved every penny and nickel by doinf farm chores for his Dad. While the Minister of Agriculture's budget at Ottawa runs into millions of dollars, he has to justify his expenditures down to the last cent. His money comes through the Minister of Finance who gets it largely in taxes from Canadians suchas you, When he spends more than he takes in, he must borrow from you . or else crease new money. The creation of new money is one factor that leads to inflation — which meant your dollar buys loss and less, The government has been spending more than you have been paying in taxes, To narrow the gap between income. and expenditures, new taxes have been imposed, You can encourage the government to live within its income by asking only for those services you are willing to pay for with taxes, Tell your M.P. at Ottawa that since you are trying to save, you expect government to do the same. You also help when you save mord by nicans of life insurance, savings deposits, arid the purchase of government bonds. Your savings help to create a SOUND dollar; and this, in turn, helps to create jot security for you and more' jobs for other Canadians, A SOUND DOLLAR MEANS A BETTER LIFE FOR YOU CrtVE YOUR Acrtvt St.11PPOR'r '! b TRE, AGAINST INFLATION A PUHttb SERVICE MESSAGE fitOM THE LIFE iNSURANot COMPANIES ltd BANAOA ,1 FRP"