HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-06-25, Page 2Pa 2 The Times•Advoeate, June 25, 1959 j TOP PATROL AT CAMPOREE—This Centralia "chipmunks" patrol, shown with Camp Chief Ben Cooke, right, and Scoutmaster Bill Humphrey, rear, chalked up the highest marks at the Huron District Scout Camporee at the Pinery over the weekend. From left_are Arthur Horrell, Earl Palmer, Bill Allen, Paul Van Goozen, Clare Skinner and Patrol Leader Ken Miles, Over 100 Scouts from 10 centres at- tended the three-day outing in the new provincial park. —T -A Photo Partially blame driver — Continued from page 1 home. Sharon had been riding a bicycle. for at least a year, the teacher said, and always got off it when she (Mrs Keith) drove past her on her way to school in the mornings. Constable Harry Reid told the jury he found two continuous skid marks 60 -feet long at the scene, indicating speed would be 25 to 30 mph. There was no obstruction at the corner, only a tree which would block vision for a split second, Both fenders of the bicycle • • were damaged, he revealed, aF well as the left handle bar and ;left fork. This indicated the • bi-; FURTHERS STUD I ES—William Donald Webster, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Webster, Exeter, graduated recently in general arts from UWO, London. An employee of the Bell Telephone Go. Ltd., he plans to continue his studies. Will argue case ma Decision as to the manner in which a 14 -year-old boy will be tried over the sex -slaying of 12 - year -old Lynne Harper, Clinton RCAF station, has been post- poned until June 30. Juvenile Court Judge Dudley Holmes agreed Thursday to hear arguments for and against trans- ferring the case to a higher court. Goderich lawyer, Frank Don- relly,QC, acting for the parents, requested the case continue in juvenile court but Crown Attor- ney Glen Hays, QC, pointed out the judge can take it into mag- istrate's court if the boy is, or appears to be, 14 years or older. Top students — Continued from page 1 ert Mickle, Ausina Gulens, Ruth Miller. BOARD AWARDS (These are presented for pro- ficiency in designated subjects,) Grade 12 English an d history—David Ducharme. Mathematics and agriculture science—William Marshall. French a n d Latin—Marion Turkheim. Commercial—Mona Desjardine, Shop—Glen Greb. Home economics—Janet Gascho Special Commercial Accounting—Judy Mason. Stenography—P'auline Desjar- dine. Grade 11 English a n d history—Sharon Smillie. Mathematics and? agriculture science—Peggy McLaughlin. French a n d Latin—Cornelia Verkerk. Commercial—Jean Bullock. Shop—Jim Tomlinson. Home economics—Brenda Beck- er. Grade 10 English and social studies—Bill Sytsma. Mathematics and agriculture science—David O'Reilly. French and Latin—Sadie Van- derlaan. Horne economics—June Rader. Shop—Donald Mantey. Commercial—Evelyn Denomme Grade nine English a n d French—Ruth Miller. Social studies—Ross Desjar- dine. Mathematics and agriculture science—Ausma Gulens. Home economics—Bonnie Ho garth and Diane Willert. Shop—Jerry Drysdale. Wesley Hackney underwent an • operation in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, Wednesday, for in- juries he sustained to his shoul- der. On Monday on the farm of Charles Fisher, Usborne, Wes, with the assistance of Mr. Fi- sher, was endeavoring to subdue a fractiois steer when the rope ihe held in his hands broke and he fel to the ground. Phone 70 Main St. cycle was struck but not run over. It was pointed out that the highway traffic act provides that where there is no stop sign when two vehicles enter the same in- tersection at the same time the driver on the left shall yield the right of way.. to the one on the right, Members of the jury were Fred Walter, foreman; William Rundle, William Coward, Carl Hume and Harold Rowe. Coroner Dr. J. C. Goddard, Hensall, presided and Crown At- torney .H. Glenn Hays, QC, ex- amined the witnesses. Receives award at Albert college On Convocation Day at Albert College, Belleville, Miss Eliza- beth Jane (Betty) Whiting, daughter of Dr. J. E. and Mrs. Whiting of Hazelton, B.C., and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Pearce, Exeter, was presented w it h the Howaul award as the finest representa- tive lady student, Betty also received the Char - lies Kingsley award to the choir member voted most valuable by fellow c h o i r member•s, the "Junior Girls" medal in table tennis and the "College Colours (Athletic "A")" for conspicuous contribution to College activities other than athletics in line with the expressed purpose of the College. • During the ceremonies the school choir gave two musical presentations with Betty accom- panying at the piano. Locker & Home Freezer PROVISIONERS EXETER FROZEN FOODS "?[ j boy is apparently over ffffff ffffff I fffffffffff f llllllll 1 l i lll I lllllllll I llllllllllllll 111.1.1011.1 lllll 11111,011,111111111111111111111111,111,1111, the age of 14 to me," Judge Holmes stated after asking him tet stand up in court. "This is a very serious mat- ter and it cannot be dealt with summarily," he stated. Tentative date for a prelimi- nary hearing in magistrate's court was set for July 2, if the case is transferred. ' However, the judge agreed to withhold his decision on the transfer until June 30. Cornish, Mitchell & Co. CERTIF!ED PUBLIC' ACCOUNTANTS H. .1. Cornish L. F. Cornish D. Mitchell K. W. Slade W. E. Suchard 291 DUNDAS' ST. Dial GE 2-2651 LONDON, ONT. 1fIRROR11111 lllll IRO llllll loORfoolooRo lll ORR lll ll Oulu lllllllllll RIR lllllll RR lll IHR1011 lll lll RIR1R lllll ORRIRInfOORIR lllll RiooloIRIR llllll IRIORIoupoo lllll miff lllll lllll I lllllllll lllllIflht ALF ANDRUS — (Di I Burners — Heating, Plumbng, Sheet Metal Work 403 ANDREW ST., EXETER PHONE 719 ll lll 'Bigger Buys For Little Guys, Big Coal Buys To Trim Fuel Costs! Puy now . whien coal pri;ces are at rock bottom! Trim next winter'sfuel bill! SAVE ON STOVE; NUT PEA & BUCKWHEAT Per Toni SELDON FUELS Phone 90V or 1 Exeter 5 We specialize in FARM TRACTOR TIRES 85% or 100% Calcium Pilloel PROMPT TIRE SERVICE HOPPER Supertest Station Corner 21 & 83 1 Mile North of drand Bend Classifieds' pull lures 'Mitzi' back Fit. 1.t, J. M. Gibson, Wel, linoton $t,, says T -A. classifieds roach beyond the human pl?pp- tango of the area, Last week he advertised his pet cat "Mitzi" was lost. "I, was just reading the ad in the paper when 1 hear a "meow" et this door, It was "Obviously she, too, reads The Times -Advocate," he con- cluded. Couples win Kin awards Two couples in Exeter Kins- men organizations have main- tained perfect attendance since the groups were chartered, it was. revealed during the ladies night program Thursday. Past presidents of the Kins- men club, Ralph Genttncr and Irvine Armstrong, received their ninth year attendance pins. Their wives, both past presidents of the Kinette club, received sev- enth year pins. All four are charter members of their re- spective clubs. A total of 27 members receiv- ed awards from Presidents Gor- don Baynham and Mrs, Ray Frayne at the social night at Armstrong's Restaurant. Kinsmen honored were: Les Parker, eight years; Gordon Baynham, George Rether and Lloyd Stanlake, five years; Har- old Preszcator and Lloyd Ford, four years; Art Clarke, Ward Kraft, Don Robertson, Lee Sher- man and Harold Lachine, one year. Kinettes who received pins in- cluded: 'Mts. Les Parket, six, Mrs. Sheldon Wein, four; Mrs, Cal Wein, Mrs. Lloyd Ford, three; Mrs. Harold Preszcator, Mrs. Don Robertson and Mrs. Ray Frayne, two; Mrs. John Burke, Mrs. Ward Kraft, Mrs, Lee Sherman, Mrs. G o r don Baynham and Mrs. Art Clark, one. Entertainment was provided by Bill Dennis and his orches- tra, London. Couples enjoyed a smorgasbord at midnight. Guests included Legion Presi- dent Lloyd Reynolds and Mrs. Reynolds; Lions President Ed Brady and Mrs. Brady; Hensall Kinsmen Pr esid ent Harold Knight and Mrs. Knight. The sermon had lasted an hour. and a half already — an hour and a quarter to the major prophets, and the preacher had not got a third of the way through the minor ones yet.,At. last, he paused impressively and exclaimed: "And Habakkuk, where shall he be put?" A man rose in the back row. "He can have my seat, Rev- erend," he .offered. Now Is The Time To Have Those Hardwood Floors LAID OR RE -SURFACED For Further Information Phone Murray Neil 739 Exeter, Ont. OFFICER PROMOTED . Flt. 14. ,John A, Cann RCAF promotes officer from area The promotion of Flying Of- ficer John A, Cann, 29, of Exe- ter, to the rank of Flight Lieu- tenant has been announced by the RCAP. Since 1956 he has been serving with the directorate of public relations at Air Force Headquarters, Ottawa, F/L Cann joined the RCAF as a telecommunications technician early in 1950 and served at Clin- ton and Centralia for two years before remustering to the air- crew branch of the service, Trained as a pilot, he flew with 408 photographic squadron at Rockcliffe for three .years, and after graduating from the U.S. Army public information school at Fort Slocum, N.Y., was as- signed to his present duties. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cann of Exeter. Mrs, Cann is the former Betty Mair, Music students petform at GB Last Wednesday evening Mrs. A. E. Holley presented a num- ber of her piano students in a recital. Taking part were Anne Stur- devant, Linda Miller, Deborah Thomas, Bud Desjardine, Jean and Mary Lynne Kennedy, Mar- lene Thompson, Judy Ratz, He- len and Carolynrie Eagleson, Dianne Mason, Carol and Helen Brown, Laurence Brown, Sharon and Dianne Jennison, Joanne Desjardine, L a u r a Sawatzky, Nancy Gratton, Carol Taylor, Linda Page, Carol Page, Patsy Adams, Joan Ratz, Dianne Gai- ser, Eleanor Webb, Eric Brown and Susan Gill. A trio and several piano duets added variety to the evening. Joanne Desjardine on behalf of the parents presented Mrs.' Holley with an attractive gar- den chair. A cup of tea and a social. hour! concluded the eve- RoolooRIOIRIRRI R l I lllll I llll llllll CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend $ SAVE $ $ SAVE $ $ SAVE $ THE SURPLUS STORE NEXT TO RAVELLE'S GIFT STORE, GRAND BEND Watch this ad weekly for outstanding buys in quality mer- chandise—It is our aim to become known as the district store "WHERE THE BEST CAN BE BOUGHT FOR LESS". Best Quality, 28" & 30" Wide, Fine Mesh, Steel Screening New Westinghouse, 60 Cycle, 110 Volts, Standard Speed, $78.00 Value FT. 15 1/2h.p. Motors 540 Many Other Items Of Daily Use At Bargain Prices! bea CLOVER CREAM MAde Fresh by hs Exeter By ilk CANADA PACKERS Pupils tour QAC, zoo Grades seven and eight of Exeter Public. :School visited the Detroit Zoo and OAC Guelph in imp separate term -end trips this week. Tuesday, the grade seven class of Mjs. Cliff dory, accompanied by .teacher earl Mills, spent four hours visiting the many attrac- tions at the motor city zoo. - The group, .numbering 38, tra- velled by way of London to • Windsor and noticed numerous. points of interest on the way, including Tecumseh's :monument, near .Chatham. A "travel bingo" game, or- ganized by four of the pupils, kept the students busy looking for numerous articles ,and ani- mals during the bus ride. Tour OAC buildings Monday, Principal A. H. grade eight class took • a' con- ducted tour through the agricul- tural college at Guelph. They were ShOWA the dairy, poultry and horse buildings, the green- houses, museum and new recre- ation building. Officials outlined numerous experiments being conducted at the college, as well as the courses provided. On the way .there, the students toured the :Burns meat packing plant at Kitchener, where they were given treats. They also in- spected the grounds of the re- formatory, On the trip home, they view- ed the Elora Gorge. and falls. Thirty-six children went on the tour accompanied by Prin- cipal Idle and simply teacher, Mrs. Andrew Hamilton. The children finance the .trips themselves. RELIABLE WATCH REPAIRING & JEWELLERY 39 Years' Experience on * Watches * Chime Clocks * Grandfather Clocks * Cuckoo Clocks * Electric Clocks Your timepiece will receive prompt, certified care Why entrust your timepiece to an inexperienced repairman? Albert G. Hess Certified Watchmaker & Jeweller ZURICH, ONTARIO Get our motor tune-up for best performance and real fuel savings Your motor will be at its peak of efficiency after our scientific tune-up. Larry Snider Motors PHONE 624 EXETER For Sale! Used 45" Hay Balers GET YOURS TODAY! V. L. Becker 6c. Sons PHONE 60-W DASHWOOD Have A Happy Holiday! DRIVE CAREFULLY twoRtooRtmooRmoRtitiRORRIRoottotootoRioRolotioRIR.RIRIRRIIIRRIRRitoimiOIRIOIROUVIRIRIURN arm Air Heating And Air Conditioning New Installations and Alterations LENNOX & ANTHES IMPERIAL FURNACES OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Lindenfields Ltd. Associate Member, National Worm Air Heating and • Air Conditioning Association • PHONE 181 • EXETER 01I111J1111111IIIRtoll11111111.111111111111111111111t1111111111111111111111011111111111111111101111111111111111RORAIIIIII1IIIIIORVI • Corn Thrives On Nitrogen Solution The corn grower who looks for big yields plan S earl'. Side dressing 'of corn andsugaJ, beets .with.. 41% Liquid Ammonium Nitrate 'increases your yield at low economical. cost.. • You do the haying now, but let us apply • your Nitrogen at no extra cost.• . Car Load 4Vo Liquid, Nitrate Now On Track . APPLICATOR SUPPLIED • Liquid Nitrate goes.to work quickly. It is long lasting and feeds the corn all season. Does your corn need help? Strong plants well 'fed produce profitable corn and sugar beets... GRAIN -FEED -SEED EXETER d9k- 735 •WHALEN CORNERS 4)05KtKIR.KTON 35R15 W. G. THOMPSON • HENSALL and Sons Limited • Phone 32 atiOtrago,BoZ),I.40.4' Weed Spray (Niagara Brand) . 2.4-D AMINE, 80 oz. M.C.P. AMINE 2,4-0 ESTER Weeda Zol • A sure kill for quack grass and hard -to -kill weeds, • CEMENT See Us Today For Your Requirements AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES W. G. Thompson & Sons Limited PHONE 32; NIGHTS 194 OR 42 • HENSALLT res2sums-2.522.2.5masesmrasmsommasamsamsacang.sissammks?..0.20=0.51,7_022.520issescci GUARANTEED • INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES • THE PREMIER TRUST COMPANY DISTRICT OFFICE 42$ Riehmettd Sfreet, London' °Mario GE, 4.2716 Available Through C, V, Pickard Broker.-;:' Extfor Tolophone 165 qt.tig525 az 0611 rt..10.6treittefek tra rtSn'ttls, 2.5Z 2.5m. te..1z.rt.75 s '0. it st es a t sos P. teat sea s Testratter.Sts atria' 4 1111