HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-06-18, Page 7LAGOON TO HANDLE WASTE—This large lagoon, covering about two acres and Some 10 feet deep, has been constructed by town council to take care of waste from the canning factory, 'particularly during its pea pack. The company's equipment at .he extreme far left corner will separate Soli�s from the liquid before it is dumped into the lagoon, The combined operation will prevent pollution of the Ausable river. A sewage disposal system similar to this may be recommended by the Ontario Water Resources System for ,the town, —T -A Photo Topics from Whalen By MRS, FRANK SQUIRE Personal items • Mrs, Russell Brock, Chisel- hurst, and Mrs. Broeze and Jo- anne of Varna visted Tuesday with Mrs,illia a Morley W n ySr. Mrs, Norman :Hodgins and Avis attended the Squire re- union at Exeter on Saturday. Mrs. Olive Frederick of Ro- chester, New York, arrived on Friday for her usual summer visit with Mr; and Mrs. William French and family. Mrs. Marion Moeller, Mrs. Clifford Huebner, Marc and Bruce Garretson .of Detroit Were Monday guests with Mr., and Mrs. William Morley .Sr., Mon- day being Mrs.; Morley's birth- day. • Mrs, Norman Hodgins and Mrs. Percy Hodgins attended the blossom tea of Saintsbury Anglican church on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald, Thorn - dale. Mrs. Squire was guest; solo- ist at the anniversary service of Bethesda church, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield and Gayle attended Zion anni- versary on Sunday and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. War- ren Brock. Mr, and Mrs. Marshall Squire, Marshall Jr. and Billie of .De- troit visited Sunday with Mr. and. Mrsa Norman Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. William Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mills at- tended a reception and dance at the Legion Hall at Exeter in honor of Mr. and Mrs. •John Pym, newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning and Muriel attended Zion anni- versary and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. it Bill Morley Jr. and family also attended the service and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hern. Attend graduation Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien attended the graduation exer- rises for the graduating class of Hotel Dieu' which • was held in the Capitol., Theatre, Windsor, where their daughter, Angela, was one of a" clans of sixty two graduates. The reception was held, at the home of her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert New- man where over a hundred friends gathered to offer con- gratulations. Angela received many beautiful gifts. Her sis- ters, 'Margaret a n d Phyllis •w'v,xr:E m,gir,KIM`s..Y}`;.:x?tY't Topics from Elimville By MRS. ROSS 'SKINNER M:.s. wnaVh OM. IEMww::M5.i2'1 u .'.`tvwU n:' Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Skin- ner, Janet and Sandra attended Zion anniversary on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hern and family. Miss Mary Skinner spent the weekend with Miss Linda Shoe - bottom of London at their sum- mer cottage at Long Point on Lake Erie, Mr, and Mrs. Delmer Skinner. and .fatnily visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ward Hern and family anda attended the ZIon Sunday School anniversary serv- ice. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Carol visited on Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Norman Jaques and attended the Zion Sunday School anniversary. Mr. and Mrs., George Jaques, of Exeter, visited on Sunday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs: Charles Stephen. Mr. and Mrs, Philip Johns and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Everard Miller. of Zion and attended their an- niversary. Mrs, Nelson Coultas is a pa- tient. in St. Joseph's Hospital, London: • Kathy and Kenneth Sinclair, of London, spent the weekend with Me, and Mr's. William Routly arid M.r, and Mrs. Jackson Woods. Mrs. James Sinclair', of. Lon - dee, spent Monday with Mie and Mrs. William Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Stephen visited on Sunday withMr. and Mrs Earl Watson of Anderson,. til Money Iii pocket Canadaa's electrical nianufaetu• ring industry 116Wpays ,berg than $321,0o6,6d annually in lt�lll�ty5. To enlarge Scout house Ar the Exeter Lions Club sup- per meeting at Armstrong's Restaurant Thursday evening of last week, Lion Jake Sweitzer was given the nod to proceed with additions to the Boy Scout house to the extent of the money already raisers for that purpose, The amount is around $800 and will permit the erection of an ad- dition for storage purposes. E. R. Hopper acted as Lion. tamer; Russ Snell as tail twister with Wallace Seldon calling the roll. Lion President Ed Brady gave an enthusiastic report of the District 'A' convention held at Windsor. Parkhill club won . a prize for its float :in the proces- sion. John Gornan reported that the P'arkhill club won the golf tournament at- Grand Bend on June 10 with Exeter. well up. Plans were made for the circus that is coming to Exeter ,July 8, sponsored by the Lions club. O'Brien, were among the guests also. • WMS end WA honor Mrs. Clarke Sixteen members were ' pre- sent at the June meeting of the WMS and WA at Mrs. J. T. Clarke's hone in Centralia, Thursday evening, 1:i"s. Wm. Morley Jr was in charge of the WMS, The •theme of the meeting was "Fellow- ship!' Mrs. Ray ,Parkinson, Mrs, Ron Squire, Mrs. Bert Duf- field and. Mrs. Morley led in the devotional part of the meeting. Mrs.. Mac Mills gave a reading. Mrs. Cleve Pullman was leader for the WA. The theme •o.f meeting was "Forgiveness." Mrs, Arthur Abbott, Mrs. Milne Pullen ind Mrs. Pullman Jed in the worship period. Touch' and take articles were brought in and sold. For the July meeting each member is asked to bring a don- ation of a penny for each letter of their name. • Mrs. Ray Parkinson pre- sented Mrs, Clarke with a gift on behalf of the WMS and WA ladies. Topics from Woodham, By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE Attend dancing tea Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Cope- land attended the Scottish Coun- try • dancing tea sponsored for the Retarded Children's Ass Associa- tion tion at the Shute Institute in London Saturday afternoon. A film was shown consisting of dancing which took place in Scotland and also a .film involy, ing training with retarded chil- dren was shown and. a demon- stration on dancing by teams from Hamilton, London and Guelph. Mass dancing took place in the blue room and on the green, Donna, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Copeland, is a member of the London Scottish dancing Club. Personal items M.r, and Mrs. Harry Webber spent the weekend in Rochester, Mich. with the former's brother, Ale. Chas. Webber and Mrs. Webber. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sperling and Steve, of Willowdale, were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Levy. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Mills, Granton, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Simplon, Sunday 'evening guests. Mrs. W. Payne and Jim, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gunning and Larry, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jiro Miller over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Squires and boys, of Detroit, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Rundle and Shirley. Miss Thelma Small returned home on. Sunday to St, Thomas after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Norris Webb and Mr. Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Ronnie and Barbara, of Dash- wood, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. Mrs, Smith, of Exeter, is visiting with This week Wi...ichelsea Rlr .MRS, W1114IAM WA1.T,ERS• Personal :items. Mrs. Fred Waiters, Sandra and Judy and Mrs. E. \.falters of London spent the weekend at their cottage al Chesley ;Lake. Mr. and Mrs Wilbert Glan- ville of Staffa visited on .Satur- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. 41'illiam Walters. Mr. and llfrs. Harvey ,Snaith of Crediton and Mr, .and, Mrs. Wile llam Gilfillan and family of Exe- ter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Giifillan• Mr. and Mrs. Ronald .Gunning and Paul of London visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Newton Clarke and Mr. and Mrs, Harold. Clarke, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Clarke and Bobby visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, William Wright in Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Sutcliffe of Clinton, Mr. .and Mrs. Jack Bailey of Stratford visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ford. A surgeon, on anarchitect and a politician . were. arguing as to whose profession was the oldest. "Eve was made from Adam's rib," said the surgeon, "and that was a surgical operation." "Yes," agreed the architect, bill prior to khat, order was created out of chaos, 'and that was an architectural. job." "But," spoke up the politician proudly, "who do you think created the chaos?" "May lime you alone, sir?" her son, Jack Smith and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Roy Kirk and Lorna are visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs, Bryce Skinner and Bryce. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Copeland, Mrs. Copeland and Jean motored to Canfield on Saturday and I visited relatives. Mrs. Copeland is visiting her sister who is cele- brating her 50th wedding anni- versary, for, a few days The others returned home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnard, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Overholt and baby son Carman, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Berry; also Mr, and Mrs. Ir•a. Marshall spent Saturday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hogg and David, of London, were Sun- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Norman HazJ.ewood. ' Phone 102 for HARVEY'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE THESE GI TS ARE FAVOOEO FOR Choose from Smart cloth ng gifts .in our new men's department CLEARANCE CHILDREN'S COATS ...... .,.... 25% DISCOUNT CHILDREN'S DRESSES ONLY $L95 Sizes 2 to 6x, Values to. $6.95 MISSES' & TEENS' DRESSES $3,95 Sizes 8 to 14, Values to $12,95 WOMEN'S & 'MISSES' DRESSES .... $3.95, $7.95, $10.95 2 racks, Valties to $1995 SLEEVELESS BLOUSES .,,I $1.00 Values to 43.95 SHORT & LONG SLEEVE BLOUSES $1,95 Values to $4.95 Jackets Sport Shirts flies Fiats Sacks Slacks Dress Shirts Pyjamas Gould di-. Jory PHONE r6 MMN Mar, EXE1"ER 7,7 Society ,at Centratia marks anniversary The Rev. Bran De Vries, rec- tor, Ta Memorial. gl Cbu.rch,riviExeter, was theAnwesicant speaker at the WMS anniversary service in the United Church on Sunday morning. . lie cailenged his listeners to share that others may know God. He said that the comforts that we enjoy in our modern Irving were made possible through the sacrifices made by the pioneers of this country. "As a nation builds up defense against the enemy we must hu!ld in defense of Christianity," he said. He suggested that " ove, Loyalty, Copharityoris• defense . and Faith be the walls The offertory ,music was a saxophdne and trumpet duet by Keith and Catherine Hodgins with Eleanor Hodgins playing the piano accompaniment, Miss Carole Davis of Lucan sang two solos and the choir sang two anthems. Margaret Bowden was the pianist for the service. Rev. J. T. Clarke assisted Rev, De Vries in conducting the ser - vie. e WMS meets The .June meeting of the WMS was held in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday evening with Mrs, Frank Hicks, Mise A. Anderson and Mrs, P. Noels in charge of the program, The topic for study was "Look- ing at problems and considering how they can he tackled by the church and community". A piano solo was played by Marlene Noels. Mrs. A. Smith rCiteadizenshipan .article on Christian A letter of appreciation for the $50 gift to Dr. Strangway had been received :fromthe doctor's brother in Toronto and was read by Mrs, George Hicks. An address was read by Mrs. A.I. Elliott and Mrs. G, Hepburn presented Mrs.. J. T. Clarke with a gift previous to her depart- ure. The hostesses were Mrs. Frank Osborne, Mrs, Elmer Powe and Miss Davey. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Cooper McCurdy were Sunday guests with their daughter and son-in-law, Dr, and Mrs, N. Lyon, in Leamington, and attended the service during which the rites of :baptism were administered to their grand- children, Kathryn Ann and Sus- anne Lyon. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cunnington on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. William Bender and :Ken- neth, Mrs. Allan Becker and Brenda of Crediton and on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bender of Sarnia. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Shoebottom andfamily and Miss Jean Lam- mie attended the Shoebottom picnic at Springbank .on Sunday. Baby Lois May Elliott return- ed home on Monday from the Children's War. Memorial Hos- pital in London where she had been receiving treatment from the previous Wednesday. Mr, and. Mrs. R, Baker Sr. of Hensall were. Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Haddock. Mr. and Mrs. R. Paynter and David of .Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Allison, Ailsa Craig, and Miss Carole Davis of Luean were Suriiley visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden and Margaret Rose, Two small - townsmen were leaving a political meeting. Said one, "The senator made a pretty' good" speech," clr. "Yeah,replied the other, "it teas an all right speech but a half-inch rain woulda done more good." I,111.1.,,1,111111,1I1..,.1OI I.,I.,I,II,.,IIII00„Itto op000 , ppm o o111,111111l11101111II,II IIOII IIIOt0011„ 11,111/,11,11,/,, Warm Air Heating And Air Conditioning New Installations and Alterations LENNOX & ANTHES' IMPERIAL FUhNACFS OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Lindenfields Ltd. Associate Member, National Wenn Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association PHONE 181 EXETER 1/1111,11111111111111111111,1111111tttt111111111111111111111111101111R11111t11111f 1111,1,11011111111111111111111\111111/IIIIIIIIIII If IIIc' The. TJ. s -Advocate, :June 1$, 19$9 HERE NEW 30-1 NCH Frigidaire Range with time -saving back -saving PULL. 'N CLEAN OVEN Model RAA•38G-59 See it At Snelgrovc's "City Prices Next Door Service° PHONE 18 EXETER „,”00101110„,,..„...„1000 „,,,,„0001„0,0,1011,0,,111110,,, , .,,,,,1,1g11 ,",,,,nu,4W„,„„hitt,„„, Choose from the quality luggage made by two famous firms --Samsonite and Langmuir . Smart, Lightweight LUGGAGE For Your Vacation 1 I New luggage lets you travel in style but doesn't weight you ' down ... it's light, strong, keeps its 1 good looks for years! Sets and individual pieces for both inen and women. Hopper -Hockey PHONE 99 FURNITURE EXETER Otto 1111111111111111/11111111011101111111110OIIO,IOull0liollhittlull!!.1111101,1,I poso0 outioloolo 1111,u1u11 ABOUT CHEVY LASTS LONGER .. w including your pride I It's a fact! Chevrolet's built to take time as well as distance in its stride. In style—in quality and in engineering excellence, Chevrolet gives you an extra margin of value that will stay new longer, hold its worth and your pride, high over the years! ttttttttttt • 1. 4) / arteaett STYLING Chevrolet puts you years -ahead, with fresh, eager Slimline style. SAFETY MASTER. BRAKES 0,e up k 66A' more durab/el The safest in Chevy's field and they've proved it in NASCAR* competitive tests. *National Association for Stock Car L Advancement and Research. xee You'll find Chevrolet brings you big -car advantages like dcep-cushioned comfort , . , all-round, airy visibility and unstinted roominess. But Chev= rolet is close to the small cars In economy, And when you remember that Chevy is built to out -last others inits field you'll know why Chevrolet is your vety best buy. Look into the details at your Chevrolet dealer's today. C -3059C PHONt 100 kett `moi, 'air-, ete 1fr Unsurpassed Stability Thaf stable Safety -Girder frame gives Chevy an unshakable grip of the road. because it's built to least 1� Igoe .our Authorized Chevrolet realer Sn�II Bro s Limit Chevrii lilt .014iiieb00.1„ Chev Truck d EXETER