HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-06-11, Page 14Third trade and hobby fair attracts keen competition With the weather man provid- , Ing three ideal nights, Lecan's third .annual Hobby and Trade) Bair was a big success. This{ year the programs were held; downstairs and the displays in the auditorium upstairs. Remple; erayon, Don Remple; shells • and rocks, Wayne Hodg- ins; Grade 7, fashion book, Joan Whitehead; scrap. book, Joan Whitehead; leather, Kirk Mont- gomery- plastic flowers Helen WRITINi'r 'Hodgins; eolyper tooling, Barbara Winners in grade 1 writing; Ready, Barbara Park. were: Jane Corbett, Lucan; ;Gracie 8. rocks and shells, Jerry Damen, SS 4, Biddulph; Ward Hodgins; woodwork, Brian Mary van Geel, SS 4, Biddulph; Dolan; leather. Ward Hodgins, Linda Birtch, Lucan; Gordon Young; oil painting, Gor- Grade 2: Janyce Grose. SS 1, don Young; .copper tooling, Ward Biddulph; Joyce Butler, Lucan; ; klodbins; doll collection, Shirley Margaret Holland, Lucan; Jane RaxKn; clog collection, Ward H dgi; tcollection, W d n: Crozier. Lucao ns stamp Ward 1}Todgins, Carol Allen- sport scrap Grade 3: Harold Herbert, Lu- book, Ward Hodgins. tan; Suzanne Kennedy, Lucan;'! Centralia School and SS No. 4, Norma Davis, Luoan; Marlene Biddulph tied in points but the O'Neil, SS 1, Biddulph; !former had more firsts and was Grade 4: Andrew van Geel, given the shield. BC SS 4, Biddulph; John Damen, + In the we cake contest, Mr. RC SS Biddulph; David Elston, SS Ribson won Mrs. N. Was- San�' Biddulph; Harry Prest, LU- nidge's prize cake Wednesday Can; , night, Mrs. Maurice Cobleigh Grade 5: Brian Haskett, Lu - won can; Leon Dotson, SS 26. Lon on Mrs. H. B. Langford's cake don; Gary Traverolson,sSS Lucan; .Thursday night and Mrs. Jim Kathleen, O'Shea, SS 3, St. Marys Young won Mrs. Thomas Lee's School; cake, Friday night, Grade 6: Lois O' Veil, SS 1, Mrs. William Haskett won the 850 Lions Club draw, Carol Biddulph; Sharon van Russel. RC Thomson, daughter of Mr.. and SS 6, Biddulph; Nancy Watson, Airs. George T h n m s c n, the Lucan; Margaret Smibert, SS 1, )Biddulph; Hockey Club $100 bill, Miss. Mary '� l Revington Meat Market Grade 7: Tony Los•ens, SS 6, Nei the eving on .ea t box ofgroceries. Biddulph; Ruth Morgan, RC SS 4, Biddulph; Anne Damen, RC' Bob Hardy, small son of, won Mr. SS 4, Biddulph; Tony Damen, SS and C. Re Clarence Hardy, w 6, Biddulph; the Haskett and. Son TV lamp; Grade 8; Jean Egan, RC SS 4, John R. Grant, Clinton, the George Young blanket;John G o k g g , iddulph; Antonette van Liesh- Morrow, the Home and School out, SS 6, Biddulph; Jacqueline de Block, SS 6, Biddulph; Leny van Russel, SS 6, Biddulph. ESSAY RESULTS Barbara Ready, Lucan; Sharon Kelly, ,T. A. D. McCurdy School; Carole Davis, Lucan; Patsy Sovereign, Luean. Church Activities Anglican HOBBIES Flowers in the chancel ever Grade 1, coin collection, Mike in memory of the late Mrs. Jo Culbert; seph Beatson, Grade 3, medal collection, Billy The junior choir sang at th Haskett; shell collection, Billy McCormick Horne, London, Sun Haskett; day afternoon which was muc Grade 5, crayon and sketching, appreciated by the patients. Linda Currie, Bonnie Douglas; United Church copper tooling, Brian Haskett, Rev. W. F. Blinn of Arva ova Linda Currie; plastic kit, Terry the guest speaker at the anniver Nickson; oil painting, Lorne Mor sary services at 11 a.m. an ley'7,30 p.m. Fine weather brough Grade Hodgins; anima 1 display, out two splendid attendances WayneO'Neil.LyndaYoung;rap books,dl Rev.Edgar Roulston preache Lois Oeil• model aircraft, Don Remple; plastic in Arva at 11 but took the sery at 7.30. kit, Dexter Harvey; leather, ice Ribson sanghohosang an choir Wayne Hodgins; key collection, Marsha The junior csolo, Wayne Hodgins; copper tooling, a Nancy Watson Wayne Hodgins • After the evening service th '$10 doll; Mx'. Cecil Armitage, the set of dishes and ;Mrs. Jim Young wan the Lions Club puppy. AMATEUR SHOW Dr. Derrick Lonsdale, Mr. J. 13. McCarroll and Mrs. Harold Ribson were judges for Thursday night's amateur show. Winners were, junior, Linda Lowrie, Cam- laehie, Viola and Bonnie Twid- dle, Ailsa Craig. Judy. Scott and Nancy Kestle, Ctandehoye; Senior, Louis Grnndin, Aylmer, Claude Beauvis, Aylmer, Gra- ham Thompson, paean. BICYCLE RELAY Lucan (Rodger Black, Dale Hussey, Don Coughlin and Gary Hayter), Centralia school, Mas- onville school; No one was able to climb the greasy pole legitimately: Two special attractions Friday evening were several numbers by the Medway School choir and acts staged by :a magician and ventriloquist. Dozens of door prizes were giv- en out during the programs each night which ended with dancing. �,' .� w champions with dancing. Personal items TRADE FAiR OFFICIALS- Among the many Lucan and district people who helped make the trade and hobby fair a success were these two ladies who were in charge of the hobby display, They are Mrs, Glen Haskett and Mrs, Glen Prout. Mr. and Airs. M. O. Smith have returned home from aat �rlantan field meet week's stay at their Penetang cottage and had as their Satur- day guests Mr. and Mrs, Frank Sawyer and Diane of T'etrolia, Mrs. Sheridan Revington at- tended an executive meeting of the Unite ChurchP e •t v United r sb em J at First St. Andrew's Church, London, last Wednesday. Cub leaders, Bud Cooper and Keith Frost took 15 cubs out fishing last Saturday. Mrs. Fred Simpson, of Clan- deboye, has moved into an apart- ment on William Street. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. e M. Redden last Monday were _ Mr. and Mrs. Fiiank Taylor and. Mr, and Mrs. Andy Dougall and e Mrs. Katherine Ford of Exeter . and Mr.. and Mrs, A. G. Ford of h London on Saturday. Mr. Ernest Pepper of Sarnia has bought the home of Mr. Ivan Kiefer on Frances street. sI -Mrs. A. G. Moore, who has d been staying with her mother, t Mrs. U. F. Stanley, who is re- cuperating from an operation, for d the past two weeks, returned home to Rockwood with her two children last ,Tuesday. d . Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDon- 'aid and family spent last week - e end in Orillia and visited Mrs. o Fred Dickins at Coldwater. number painting, Nancy Watson, choirs made a presentation t Lynda Young; oil painting, Don Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kew, wh are moving -to Waterloo. Mr Kew was given a leather-bound hymn book, by the senior choir Mrs, Henry Munn and a pen and pencil set by the junior choir in appreciation of nine years of service as organist and choir leader. Mrs. Kew was presented with Thedford native Mrs. Henry Hunn, 86, of Lu - can, died in the Delaware all?urs-1 costume jewelry. ing Home, on Sunday, May 31. Pentecostal Holiness Church She lay at rest in the Haskett and Son funeral home until 21 Last Monday night a district p.m.. Wednesday, June 3, when, rally was held in the Lucan the Rev. Edgar Roulston, of filet church with the Rev. B. .1. Ray - United Church, assisted by ° 11rs.' burn of Christ of God Church, Harold Butler Sr., conducted fu- I London, as guest speaker. Mem- neral services. Interment was in `bers of the Chatham and London St. James Cemetery, Clande- churches were present. boye. The ladies' Thursday afternoon • Pall. bearers were Donald meeting was held at the home Ranting, Harold Butler Sr., Ed of Mrs. Howard Currie with Mrs. Butler, Gordon Moore, Mickey J. A. Graham in charge of the Moore and Mr. Moore's son -in- Bible study. law. j The Young Peoples' Friday Mrs. Hunn, the former Caro- i missionary meeting was presid- lline Dellah, was born in Thed- ed over by the Rev. Fred Thom - ford, but spent most of her life son. Donna Thomson sang a In Lucan. Her husband prede- solo. ceased her 37 years ago. A trio by Mrs. Jack Eizenga, Her only survivors, are a step- Misses Velma Birtch and Mar- son, Reg Moore, of Sarnia, and garet Graham was enjoyed at several grandchildren. the Sunday service. Baseball Lucan Pee Wees are sponsored by J. B. Ready with Les Ken- nedy and Steve Story as coaches. They will play four home games at the arena diamond June 22, July 10, 14 and 18. Lucan Bantams still need a sponsor but have Jim Freeman. Jack Elson, Wes Hickson and Bill Littlejohn as coaches. They have five home games June 16, 24, 27, 29 and July 4. Personal' item Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins on Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgins and family of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Sana Earle and family of. Wood- stock and. Mrs. Isabel lopenran of London and Mr. Milton Robin - Fon of London, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. ;John Park af- tended the Heath -McDonald wed- ding at Wallaceburg last Satur- day. Mrs, Gertie Saxby, of Birch- wood, Wisconsin, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hamilton. Mrs. Jiro Tubb, nee Beth Hod- gins, underwent r undo ent an operation in Stratford Hospital. Her two chil- dren are staying with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Wes Hodgins. Donnie Kew, nine-year-old . son of Mr. and Mrs, Howard Kew, The June meeting of Holy Tri -1 while playing on the swings at nity Woman's Auxiliary was Exeter Park, on Sunday, broke held at the home of Mrs, Wes his left wrist and was taken to Atkinson, with Mrs. Bob Cole - S p g . Doth Huron Hospital. man and Mrs. James Hodgins as, Mrs. Dave Park of Lucan and assistant hostesses, her parents, 'itr. and Mrs. S. Owing to the moving of Mrs. ,Teffery of Virginia Town, Ont.., F. W. Hovey to :London the flew to Edmonton on. Thursday branch is without a secretary. to attend the wedding of Mrs. Mrs. Irwin Scott acted as secre-1 Park's brother, Mr, Bob Jeff- Lary for the meeting, Mrs. Bert cry, on Saturday, Jackson read the Scripture Les -1 Mrs. Dorothy Wildorn, of St, son and Mrs. William Beownlee Catharines, was a weekend gaest led in the Litany, of her aunt, Mrs. T. D. Orme, A tentative date of September; i Mrs, F; W. Hovey entertained 21 was set for the showing of the tier Lucan Bridge Club last Fri- study book pictures, day in her new London home. The Dorcas Secretary Mrs. T. ''The ),ions Club Celebrated A. lfodgins reported the bales ladiesnight at, a dinner party had been peeked and we're ort At Arirlstiong's lestaurant, Exe- their way. ter, last p"riday night, Arrangements were made to Mr, and Mrs. S. B. Ashby and meet in the parish hall Moeday sons were Sunday capers at the night to assist Rev. ,t, P. Fresf. . tl'eetery, in addressing envelopes With in, Luca)) began the grew dial vitations to the bride and groom hones on Sunday ay but tnatiy service, June 28, found when they phoned "Mrs. The meeting was turned over Smith" 'they got "Mrs. Jones" to -Mrs, Harold Hodgins, who eti- $e •coftsiderable Adjusting will larged 011 the .chapter erftitled MVO'to be made. YeSiek'r, Mrs, Ifodgins gave„ ln` Mrs, Wafter Mcf(Oberts Of the 'cation, and special work done iii 'l resdctt Rid St'1ioo!, stall was a number o ihissioitai`'y hps'pl> Rollie for the weekend, telt. Attend Presbyterial at fleury Mrs. Sheridan Revington (pres- ident),Mrs. George Pa. ul' Mrs. William Aylestock, Mrs. A. E. Reilly and Miss Reta Chown took the afternoon worship serv- ice at Lieury. The Presbyterial will be held in the Luton Church next year, United Church WA The June meeting of the Unit- ed Church WA was held in the church school room last Wed- nesday afternoon with the presi- dent, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, in the' chair and Mrs, Edgar Mc - Falls' group in charge of pro- gram and refreshments. Mrs. McFalls was assisted in the wor- ship service by Mrs. Edgar Roul- ston, Mrs. Thomas Lee sang a solo. The parsonage tea was post- poned until September. A bus trip to Five Oaks was planner] for early in September. The date of the annual straw- berry supper was set for June Letter from Brinsley By MRS, CECIL ELLWOOD Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton were guests at a dinner at Arm- strong's Restaurant, Exeter, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting of Lucan who were cele- brating their fiftieth wedding an- niversary of their marriage. Both Mr. and Mrs. Banting were na- tives of this community. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton Iof Lucan spent Thursday in Port Huron, j Mrs. George Prest and Cindy I called on Mrs. Eddie Dixon and her mother, Mrs. Carl Pickering on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fenton and children attended open house on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and. Mrs, Harold Cobleigh of Lucan in honor of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting. Guests with Mr.and Mrs, George Mercer over the week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barr and Mr. and Mrs. Ben- nette and son of Toronto and on Sunday Mr. McKenzie of Strath - TOY Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon spent d Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hughes of St. Marys. Miss Jean Darling, medical nurse and missionary of Bar- f The Biddulph and North Lon don Teachers' Association 'het its Field Day at Granton last Friday with the .following re- sults. (Possible points 30.) Senior girls, Jean Egan SS 4, Biddulph 18 points; aarKelly, y SS 4, Biddulpn, Al Biddulph 17pts. Intermediate g i r 1 s, Nancy Kestle, Clandeboye, 17 .pts; Nor- ma Stewart SS 3 and 10, London and Frances Harrett, Granton 15 pts. •Junior girls, Betty Kelly, SS 4, d Biddulph, 20 pts.; Jeanette Rob. erts, Birr, 13 pts. News budget from Clandeboye By MRS. J H. PATON „ Church news .At the United Church, Clande- boye, with the Rev. Edgar Rouls- ton in charge, the early morning service at 9:45 a.m. starts this Sunday, June 14. A;t St. James Church services at 9:45 a.m. are held in the church although restoration has been in progress. The Keats Organ Company of Luean is working this week on installa- tions for the electric pipe organ. Service for dedication pf it and the new silver communion set will be announced later. The WMS of Clandeboye Unit- ed Church held a successful sale of home baking on Saturday in the show room of the Nu Way Motors. ' Personal items Mrs; Fred Simpson has taken up residence in an apartment in the Oddfellows block on William street in. Lucan. Miss Elaine Grainger, having finished the course at London Teachers' College, visited with Mrs. Ralph Lynn prior to her leaving for a vacation with rela- tives in Portland, Oregon. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Almer Hendrie over the week- end were Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Downing, Karen and .Joan and Miss Ann McKenzie, R.N., of Chatham, and her friend, Miss Winnifred Mervin, of Windsor. Mrs. Omar Cunningham was a guest with Mrs. M. Poole on Sunday in Lucan. On Friday, Mrs. Omar Cun- ningham, Mrs, Volk of Parkhill and Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham visited Mrs. Gordon Cunning- ham, w)io is a patient in Vic- toria Hospital. Mr. Mac McNaughton is im- proving at the home of his son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William. Walkom, in Lon - on. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lam- bourn and Mr. Ernie Rosser. of Bryanston visited with the Paton amity on Sunday afternoon, num, India arrived home for a year's furlough and will he spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Darling, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan and children, of London spent Sun- day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schenk. Miss Grace Trevethick, of Lon- don, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Trevethick. Mr. Clinton Hodgins visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rae Hodgins and family and his mother, Mrs, Sid Hodgins, who is a patient in 'St. Mary's Memorial Hospit- al, London. Mrs. Omar Cunningham, Mrs. Almer Hendrie, Mrs. Ernie Lew- is, Mrs, family Tomes and Mrs. Lloyd Lynn attend.ed' the blos- som tea at Birr Anglicen Church, Wednesday, 17 at 5:30 :p.m. Adults $1.00, chili BUY THE ONLY dren 60c and pre-school Children free. The guest Speaker was Mrs. y Ceti1 .Robb who spoke on her trip; to California. Anglican WA Low -Priced Washer WITH Automatic Wringer It's The borninion Styfe•Matic, an display in our showroom � WITH TkADE 149.,9 5TRADE SEE OUR OTHER P.AMOUS "DOMINION" APPLIANCES Twin-A•Maffic Laundry * Refrigerators * F':reozers Cedric Ranges * Gef :Style aind Economy COMPLETE STOCK OF BATTERIES FOR PORTABLES EXETER ELECTRIC TV, Appliances/ OHI Sumer Sales end Service PN'GNF T/3 463 MAIN ST, SOUTH Midget girls, Marlene Kerc- heart, SS 6, London, 10 pts.; Catherine Harrigan, SS 6,Bid- dulph dulph 14 pts, Senior boys, Jerry Harrigan, SS 6, Biddulph 22 pts.; Mervin Cannon, SS 6, London 20 pts. Intermediate boys, Joey Peeko, Granton, 19 pts.; Carl Van Geel, SS 4 Biddulph, 10 pts. Junior boys, Wayne Wallis, Granton, 15 pts.; Tommy Ross, Granton, 10 pts. Midget boys, Jinmie Nagle, SS 6, Biddulph 20 pts.; David Hill, Clandeboye, Kenny Lotta, SS 2, Biddulph and Eddie Mur- ray, SS 3 and 10, London 12 pts. Highest points, 3-3 pts. per pupil, SS 4, Biddulph; 2-18 pts. per pupil, SS 6, London.' Relay race, SS 6, London. .Page 14 JUflS 111 1959 uca-n and district news Phone 10$ Lucan Fete director on departure During the final, program of the Trade and Hobby Fair last Friday night Mr. Erwin Scott read an address of appreciation for Mr. Harold Ribson's faith.- ful service to the arena and arena board during the past three years, Mr. and Mrs. Rib - son were presented with an elec- tri.e percolator. Mr. Clarence Haskett, presi- dent of the LUCAN, presented M.r. Ribson with a pen and pencil set, The Ribson family leave for their new home at Onaping, June 8 and will be greatly missed in the community as well as around. the arena, Birthday party Mrs. Ira Carling entertained eight little Lufan girls and one London girl last Saturday in hon. or of her granddaughter, Leslie Carling's eighth birthday. During the afternoon the chil- dren were taken te'Rueen s Park, London, Mary Margaret Wilson returning to spend the Weekend in Lucan with Leslie. After a dinner party, the children en- joyed out -door games. Last rites for Mrs. Jos. Beatson A large number of friends and relatives attended the funeral service of Mrs. Joseph Beatson, the former Ida Atkinson at the C, Haskett and Son funeral home Thursday, Tune 4. The Rev. J, P..Prest officiated. The pallbearers were Howard Hodgins, Jim Bilyea, Keith Nib - lock, Earl Kemp, Don Maguire and Harvey Latta. Sixteen nieces and two nephews acted as flower - bearers. Bantings celebrate golden wedding Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ranting of Main St„ Lucan, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last Saturday evening with open house, at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Harold Cobleigh, Concession 15, London Township, where over 100 friends and .neig'h- bors called to extend congratula- tions and best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Banting have four children, two sons and two daughters, Carl of Brampton, Elmer of Bowmenville, Muriel (Mrs. Harold Cobleigh) of Lon- don Township and Verna (Mrs. William Killarn) of Richmond Hill. All the family (and their children) enjoyed a 5 o'clock dinner at the Armstrong Res- taurant, Exeter, and also the wedding party of 50 years ago, the bridesmaid, Mrs. Earl Paton, nee Pearl Short and. Mr. Paton, the best man, Mr. Fred Fenton and Mrs. Fenton, the flower girl, Mrs. Melvin Allison, nee Eva Morgan and the organist, Mrs. Sharsel Skinner, nee Lila Mi.11- son. January sales of chain stores in Canada rose 12.6 per cent to a healthy $238.400,000. ♦w4,IM.,.•,,.. .eovNn, ed-- "It'a kind of an outlet tot her. She works in the public 11• brary!" The grandchildren staged a program after the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Banting were married at the home of the bride's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Short, of White Oak, by the late Rev, Walter Milison. After a honeymoon trip to De- troit, the couple settled on a farm on Concession 4 McGilliv- ray. Three years later, they moved to Hazel Cliff, Sask. where they Jived for 37 years, before coming to Lucan in 1948. Mr. and Mrs. Banting are members of the Lucan United Church, Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Art Haskett, of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Cook and family of Byron were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskett. Mr. R. K. Montgomery, who was a patient in Westminster Hospital, is able to be back to work again. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hovey have moved to their new London home and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinson, who bought their Lu - can house, have moved in. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll, of Saintsbury, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins, of London, were Satur- day guests. , Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins and Joey were Sunday guests of Mr. and. Mrs. A. L. Fisher, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Currie, Donna Thompson and. Diane Hickson: visited the Ziska Ken- nels at Dorchester last Sunday, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. I3, B. Langford included Mr. Morris .Brooke, of Spring- field, I11., Mr, and Mrs. R. H, Hamilton, Lohdon, and Mr. and Mrs: Clinton Haskett, of Birr. „ij9 Higher interest now! DEBENTURES 5/ o Now at Huron & trie--Canada Trust your investment in Deben' tures earns a higher return, Authorized by law as trustee investmen ts, Debentures are avail able in amounts of ,$100 or more and may be cashed at par in the event Of the death of the holder, PTan every step with • i• t 4s ti Huron siErie*Canadairust Head ciflet • Lohden, thtaele .64010. heOeesentatIvelf Lreyd g. Hoddieer Ceetwarls; i''. '(3, teethe/fn. Hel,1art Nehearitl, txeterl J, W, elebr!rer, xowteh; lot, F'fan614t Itttetd tefslt tk Lauahtont keetar I. 'tnriiillli iPiiilwiiitl'iitiiifiHrrftu i',ri fill /uu1%HuIYynflf ldeJrthth it nHlPlPut� aroti'fl1H�i'i'rr(ei mffllletief ir,1 Correspondent: Miss Lino Abbetf Mrs, Roy Stanley. captures jackpot The Legion Auxiliary jackpot of $80 was finally won last Thurs- day evening by the Auxiliary's president, Mrs, Roy Stanley who recently moved to St. Thomas. Not ;only did Mrs, Stanley win the jackpot but also another bingo. . "Share . the Wealth" went to Mrs. Grant Brooke and the con- secutive bingo to Shirley Tay- lor (Exeter), Mrs, Harry Bond and Mr. Clarence Taylor (Exe- ter), Other winners w e .r e Mr, Dwight; Ball (2), Mrs. Art Hod- gins, Clandeboye, Mrs, Richard Davis (2), Mrs. Brooke Sr., (2), Mrs, Cecil. Hddgins, . Mrs. Pat Crudge, Mr, C. Campbell, Exe- ter, Mrs. A. E, Reilly, Mrs. Art Beal and Mrs, Omar Cunning ham. Next week's jackpot has been raised to $100 in 52 calls. acnQo may. be dropped M the second meeting of the: vacation school• committee held in the parish hall last Monday evening it was disclosed that un- less more teachers can be se- cured within two weeks, t he school will have to be dropped this year. Purse stolen Mrs. Irene Coursey of the Lu - can Dry Goods had herpurse stolen from the store Saturday, May 30. 11 contained a consider- able amount of money, several keys, a cheque and ,anumber of personal papers. Mrs. Coursey was in the store alone at the time, she thinks the pulse was taken, Personal items Mrs, Ira Carling had as Sat- urday guests Miss Terry Wal- pole and Mr. Ted Hunter of Kincardine, Daddy's' voice . ; . It's the first "of many warm and wonderful moments in store for'Su_ie: moments that will cone to her, by telephone, her whole life through. The lives of all of us are constantly enriched by hearing the voices of our children, our parents, our friends - loved ones who may be.out of sight or far away but are never out of reach by telephone. The telephone keeps us in touch with them all - giving us so much -for so little. THF WELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA uw„4,Om,bnmuu,iiHiinniiii, . Dobbs For .Dodge '57 DODGE SUBURBAN TUDOR.. Automatic tran'smissibn . • 42,195 '57 DODGE MAYFAIR ,SEDAN ' Automatic transmission. - $2,100 '57 DODGE REGENT SEDAN Automtaic .'transmission. $1,995 '56 MERCURY TUDOR 'HARDTOP , Automatic tra14sniissibn ' ` $2;150 '56 FORD "500" TUDOR 1 Automatic transmission $1,795 '56 DODGE "REGENT" SEDAN Automatic transmission, '' $1,150 '54 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL SEDAN Automatic transmission- ,,.: ,,,,,.,,,,,,„,,,,,,,, $1,150 '54 BUICK TUDOR HARDTOP Automatic transmission, power brakes, power steering, engine completely over. hauled.......... .............,,..,,,,,,,.,,..,,.,... ...,.,,$1,395 '58 BUIC1 SEDAN Automatic transtission, power 'brakes ,,,, $1,095 '51 DODGE SEDAN (2) -your choice for ,......, $ 495 '40 DODGE REGENT SEDAN ........................:: 150. $ '40 DODGE. REGENT SEDAN' ....,............. .... 295 !nom q�-.•1./rf. w• y • 'x ExetetMotor SaIes PHONE ONE 200 NIGH' S32. z � � eta �r'I,� �► � 0 • Peed 1,01,,4, Prep, 1