HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-05-20, Page 3• Demean. wee .ferny esbae*adr ..4 thea s sty, that tbe Pommes as a May tb.ged occurred to them, es a breath $o tie Test ales N., ... • . - wlreh they saw was iafyitaWs. HURON SIGNAL. ; it will be ors by advertisement that Mr. A. Lioyl, Professor of Presumable, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1552. Ira just closed one clam with good Metes., uteads opeawg another et dm house of Mr. Robert Ellis, oa Monday the 24th web " A GOOD TIME COMING." Thou wishing to betone prolleitat is write MANY of our readers are perhaps sol ill would do well to avail thermal's, of the swore that tie County Council, at tbeir present opportunity. For terms see adyee- tut session grouted x:5,000 for building a tisetneut. Suspension Bridge aceroas the Maitland w- ---- --- River, - -River, at the place where the old \Voodes ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC. Bridge stood, below the Gaol a the Tows. ' Nxw 1 oaK, Maj 17. The contract to be gives out on !Monday, t The Nlanac arrived tut sight. the 2Stb of June next. And, also, that the Liverpool cotton marked sacbuged.- GraveI Road coutracta Crum the Wilmot Saks of 3 days, 22,000 bake. Line, on tbe lluron Itoad, and London 1 Wright, Gaadys & Co.'s circular, dated Lice, cn the London Road, to the T'owo of 4th inst., says: The grain market baa been Godcricb, are to be given out forthwith - well attended, with very fere importa.- Our enterprising Treasures, Geo. Brown, Dealers look for a decline, but holden Lsq., teares for England oa'fbursday meat, showed much firmness, and the decline had for the purpose of obtaining the necessary not esceeeded Ida 2,1 os wheat, and ad a funds for rzrrying on the .Love improve- 6d per bbl on flour. India(' corn in fair tncnt. No part of the I'ru:mce is more inquiry, 29s 6d for best white; 30s 61 for largely blest(: by nature, or has a more best yellow per quarter. Lard more ae- iatelligcnt and energetic ;i^nutation than tire, and 150 bbl. sold 58s per cask. , the Iluron. New enterprises are daily i ENGLAND. planned. Aad now that the Honorable ; Io the ios'ish Parliament, the almisaiee llaic,')u tamernu Las walked the course, l of Jews had taken • more favourable turn and is once mere our Member, we may for the Hebrew race, and Lord Derby had tepee' to see a new impetus given to our offered no oppositioo. enterprise. Three different applications FRANCE. will be made to Parliament at its next i the refusals to take the oath to tlse Se.sion, for charters to make or extend 1Presi,lentbave proved unexpectedly newer - Railroads through to Goderieb-one from Buffalo and Brantford line of railroad to Tbe French army has not withdraws l:oJuicb, another from some point o0 ! from Rome, nor will its eumben be tlimia- Lake Ontario to (ioderieb, and tlx: third ;imbed. from the Toronto and Guelph lite Lo GERMANY. Godericb. Go.:erieb has the ccly harbour ' A famine is prevailing in Germany, in cf any u to on the Canada shit .of consequence of the failure of the potato crop Lake Huron. and being the market of all of this year. tier products of the rich and fertile country to the Nott') and rear of her, must of ne- NEW YORK MARKETS -MAT 17. erssity become the most important point - \Vest of Hamilton. &Jr commerce has Asi*s.-Good demand for rob at 5.06; doubled sit1in the la.t for rears. And Pearls 6.31 a 6.37. from the last cer-•'n it will he found that FLot:R.-=Tbe buoyancy in low grades no part of the Province has increased -so of State and Western, noticed on Saturday, rapidly in potulatics as the Ituron within has been checked by the unfavorable ad- , the last three yeah. Ia fact, we hare ; vices by the Atlantic. Sales domeatie, every facility which nature can bestow for }Rochester, 3,300 bbll. 4.61; good State, becoming, the Buffalo of Canada West.- .4.12;. Rye flour and corn meal quiet. And all we bare to do is to put forth our ! GRAD. -Nothing has bees done in united energies. and the whistle cf the iron wheat. Supply increasing, and demand horse win be heard on the ':.. ks of Lake quiet. Rye quiet at 73 a 74. Oats dull ] Iurou, ar.d the good time coming, u ear. i 4et a 43 foe State. Coes buoyant and de- - -- - -- -- . leased active. "'Since writing the above, lr'e lean frorn Mae Huron Loyalist, that the chief same FLETHER NEWS 'BOM THE of the withdrawal of Mr. Brown, is is eco- ; CANADA. sequence of a protest having 'been entered 1 -_ against the return -of Malcolm Cameron,. at the tate electios, and which of eo•lr,e ENGLAND. would fall through if the protesting parr 1 Ifakfas eel Quebec Railway was put forth another ean,Ldate.-St. Caths- the subject of conversation. Mr. Gobden vines Constitutional. asked the Colonial Secretary (Paekington) " Y ben a man is knocked down, it is, j , perhaps, not eza•tly in accordaaee with !if be would lay the correspondence relating the preitriptions of charity, to forbid Lim to that Railway before the ]louse I Sir J. the liberty of making a noise in any way Yaekington dtm rred, and Mr. Cobden lee pleases; and, thcrtfnre, she would be t would,place a motion tor it on the' notice i•.:lined to allow our Tory (rice's in Gude- p book. Secretary Pacliogton slated, in rich, to corer their disappuistment ender • the most plausible pretexts whish their im- reply, that nothing had taken place between aauations could Suggest. 13a(,in onterto`the late Government andttbe ,parties wbe do the thing han•b-tt/y, they should sot were anxious for the construction of the line eompMmise the beat ears of their own par- that could be construed into a qualitied [uo, tv. They should. in b000r and juslize, re- nalified asxnt. Bete Geer gty e Bros, Jun., Esq., from the j q rhe language of Earl Grey went so fur - awkward position in which their extreme 1 zeal for their' good cause; has placed him. , t:,cr than to say that the Government would \%e bare a great deal of true friendship for be no party to any such guarantee as that Mr. Brown. and the rather hard res that sought for, unless they were satisfied with he is getting, from some journals on 1„itb the line. TLe subject, however, was now sides ot the House, is not altogether pka- sant. And ea his poli -al friends do not ogler the notice of Government. seem disposed to place h..•e right before the The London papers contain a sickening public, we shall make an attempt to do so, narrative of the sufferings and death by Iy stating. that Mr. llrut.-n nrrrr .sed by sea: ration of a missionary party m the himself as a at'erlirlate ,for Huron, and curer iMMUG S CPI addrrsc, nor authorsaed any perc.ui to issue an address in his nose. It is tree he didreluctantly consent to be put forward on certain condttioas, which were not cnm;+ac,1 with. and which be neither wished nor espeeted would be com- plied with, hence, he for rer mn;i iercd hire-• .wif pledgrel,eeen in the slightest degree, - and miser rntninned, for one ,'mount, Government declines to take possession this intent" of rrlwrsrnting Huron in of the newly discovered Guano Island of Le;isitttlr,'Assr.fury. 'These leets, Lobos. we trust, will relieve 11r. Brown from any The refusal excites a l igood deal of irri- further newspaper notoriety on the present oecasina: , tattoo among the Shippers and Agricultar- We quote the above from the Canadian .lists bere. • of Friday last, as concisely conveying our British ship -of -war herald is fitting out own opinions and scatitneate on the "unto- for an exploring expedition to the Seutl, ward event" to Which it refers, for, so far Seas. as one not in the serrr',raw possibly judge There is some talk of cooking Plymouth in such matters, we bclierm it to be Cre'isc- instead of Southampton, the Port for lbs ly correct as far a Mr. Brown is roe- West Indies Mail Steamers. cared; and, that the mist: was made by Lan tis Fo bas taken the :natter of oily a very t•I nt{rd number of us friends. P°k the confiscation of the Orleans property We hate heard it limited M two! We cannot, how; mer, allow our Tory frost the Judicial Tribualal and referred it frieeefs w Mureo nor elsewhere to make se to the Couaril of State,-tbse removing " it from the reach of the cosstit.ted legal authorities. Tbe mediterrsneso beet sailed from Toulon o0 the 2'111s ultimo. Their destine- HURON aIGNAL Theexpedition velem the 116n0ere gess Holcsulu..---A..suet of • letter es apses. A battle of three hews deratiea bed seen fwaght betr..s sweaty -lee base ped Brttreb troop. sad • body of melts snootateee y i. lira aortas of Posbwei. Meeatelesere defm.tad. Ne (other datuM. Tb• Import Marbet et Bombay wee Mu. Cetusactive sod prises rising. Messy Mee sbselsat. Preb•sge .f Leads% 10. 90 - CAPE OT 000u HOPE. ' Three days tate ads:c.s free Cape of Good Mope to the tlib el 3fareb. Iadeciu'm skirmish'. wore u.ii•ttally- eccurrtag bete..') the troops sad the Cat moa. Primitivist Roberts' ieaegunl addrew, ea dated Belize. April 11, 181322, gives the fol- lowing sews from Bones..►;"'Tha weather has bees ussually bot Bed dry, all-sig's of vegetation ars dried up, a.d our walks sad gardens look like • burnt prairie. Yester- day, however, the sky became deeded, aged at crane( we were visited with • severe hd eters, the first aqd oily one stet known bare, which lasted several minutes, and for the tame furnished us with home made ice. Daring the Night it raved, and this morn- ing the an ie cool and delightful. A ves- sel bas been wrecked on our coast, making eleven this year. These are all large ves- sels which carne here to load on the coast Om third re-election to the Presidency of with maLogooy, and, •s they lay on the Liberia, baa reached England. It roommate a gorse s, teres, the Colony as fiouruMeg open sea, opposite the rivers wuere they are to Load, and u the bottom is made of quick but the late attack oa Bat.. Curs bis raw sed • bfiaiescy of £2,000 in tb0 reeeooa. sand, they are often drives on shore by a lsswrr Bel --M. RMumer .tales that for a period of twenty years be codes Tared, without 'weeps, to discover the ma uritis employed by wasps in forming the blue, gray, papery eebctar•ce. so mncb used in the .tructure of their nests. One day. however, be sew a female Tamp slight os the sash of • window, and It struck Niro, while watching her cowrie( away the wood with her mambler, that it was from .ocb materials as these she formed the ahlrtaoce which w loog puzzled him. He saw her detach from the wood a boodle of fibres, about one tenth of so inch in length, and Isar this a hair ; sed se she dtd not swallow them, but gathered them into a mase with her feet, be tied no doobt bol a Per Beehel of 48 the .... 0 2 0 that bis omelets woe correct. In a Ann pias--peu pe, be.hel of 601M.... 0 ! time he raw her *tuft to another part of the Oen-Per buebel 34 lbs.... ....... 0 1 3 window, and carry with her the fibre. lames Come -Per Rests 56 lbs.... 0 9 6 which she had collepted, and enettsusd to Rye-Pet yePORPtr eMe h of 5G lbs..... ..... 0 o 3 add. He teen .aught her and began to etc flans -Per Ib dried 0 0 5 0 0 4 sudden change of the wind. With ooty one exception the crews were all saved. The mahogany cutters are busy getting oat their wood. Tbeir cattle are failing no all aides -many hazing died --and fears are now entertained that instead of the year's product being larger than the last, it will fall far short.-Coluaut. GOUERICII ht4REE f9. Ooessaca, May, 90, 1852. F1oea-SeperGse per 200 Ib. .... £u 16 3 rem per borne!, 0 (:0 rt Wsaae-raft per bas 0 2 9 Spring -..d. 0 0 0 amtoe the bundle, and found that it was nei- ther yet moreteeed nor rolled tote a ball, as it 'eatery. sad before used by the weep in bet buit.hng- He also noticed that before detaching the fibres, she bruted them into a kind of lint w ith her trembles. All this be Inmated with his penknife, braising and paring the same wood till it resembled the fibres colleted by the weep : and en die covered bow weeps mtoufeetured their pa- per ; for tame fibres ere kneaded together tato a kind of paste, and when the formed a roved ball of them, .be spread it into • leaf, nearly as this .e. 'alums -paper ; and this the accomplished by moving backyards, tad levelling it with her maniblu, her tongue, and her teeth. -And so the wasp forme paper, plscisg layer upon layer; 15 or 20 abeetsdeep and thus preventing the earth free falling down into her nett-- Sci..le cricaa. Island of Piano, off Cape Moro. The mission was under the direction of Capt. Gardner, a geotleman of some fortune. The electric Telegraph is almost coats pletcd between Gdway and Dublin, to connect with the Submarine line to Eng- land. • \t -ROCK OP PETTY SEALING VESSELS t THE ICC -GREAT LOSS OP LIFE. -- The Steamer Osprey, from St. John, N.F., April 23rd. has arrived at Halifax, with accounts of the wreck of between fifty and Bitty reswls in the ice in the gale of April 20th. 'll:e Newfoundland papers state that the loss of life has been considerable, bow great is not known. A list of eighteen vessels lost, with full cargoes of skins, is given, one of which had live of her trees Hem. salted SaosuLoaas-Dr,ed pN Ib .. 0 11 41 Greta per Ib 0 0 4 Porrza--Batter per 1b 0 (1 71 Liao -Lard per Ib 0 0 5 Pgrarote- Petetoe. -sew.... 0 2 6 Wax -Wool per Ib 0 1 1 HAMILTON IIARKF.TS. Msau-ves, May, 16. 1854.. F,.oea-Eats Smoer. per 200 IM. £0 18 9 Wwe►v-White F.II per 60 IM0 3 6 0 -Oatmeal per bbl 196 lbs 0 18 9 lama• Coe. -Per 56 lbs... ...... 0 2 9 n 3 6 0 2 0 2 0 o (1 25 0 17 6 22 6 0 ` 5i 0 5 6 5 6 4i O 5 O 9 22 6 t 6 Pais -Pyr bash., of 60 11, BAsuy-Per bush. ot 48 lbs Oars -Per bosh., of 34 lbs...... Rva-Per bushel. of 56 lb....... Asea, -Pow. per cwt.......... Baty -Men, per bbl., 200 Me Pose -Mess, do.... . Haw -Suer cored, per Ib.... . Dry Salted, per Ib........ Suoor.oaas-iapr cured per. Ib.... Dry Salted, per Ib Llan -Per Ib Burris -Per Its,..... Batch-t'er 112 lbs... .. WouL-Per Ib. ........ fUB')N BUILDING AOCISTT THE .eat Meetliyam A tie Il areheWreof;UM flatly. whit w held an Me BRII'ISII EZC,l bMi2E HOTEL. Saturday re..isg, Me 1050. Israel, (.s the w• e.pt of sab.r,pti.se, sad sake .1 woe se wow sera.. WM. SENNETT RICH. T. Sy. H. A. V7. Oed.rieb, May 90. 1854. 6.-.17 TORONTO MAEEETS. Toaosss, May. ,16. 1852. Front -Per bbl 196 lb. "IE0141 9 WI/ear-Fall Per both 60 1b.... 0 3 6 Spring Wbe.t....do 0 0 0 0 -Per bbl 196 lbs 0 16 0 Peie-Per bushel .... 0 3 6 BARLry-Barleyp-r bnsbel0 2 6 drowned and another two. In maoycaxs, lett,. Cott-Prrbuehet .. 0 2 5 a; the vessels drifted to the ice, the crews Hass -Hams dried. per Ib ,..,... n 0 5 Home, salted do... . 0 0 S deseserted them and es d to the shore. Bc 11e lit -Butter, trysts, per Ib 0 0 9 In some cases the abandoned vessels hare Salted Butter do 0 0 6 been takes tato pert. hundreds of the Lato-Per Ib ........ 0 0 5 crews of the wrecked vessels are said to _ be on Richard Island, Bcnarista Bay, in a state of destitution and starvation The TAKE NOtICE. STRAYED or Stubs. trou, the Submit Luis, a Dark Brown florae, 4 yr.r• with a Star to hu forehead, 15 Moots t•'eh• with the initiale nl the owner A G. on this lett .ho.,lder. 11e left on the bits feet A.y per.ns rather the .aid 11 .rs. or g,virp tnl.w,u.l,on 111-1 mar lead l•. Ids focuser r. will be Winsomely rewarded' ANDREW GARVEY. Guderich, May the loth. 106J. e0 nl6 touch merit out of the oar -dodge "Protest as They seem ed to do. For, it era• rely after they had exhausted themselves in a rain search for *Castigate of the t lice u wt stated. "right kidney;"" after they had Warden, There si ellweakrsble activity,is \\' the Wvden Mr.. dosed Mete tie Retdotioe K 1/N7 bBt a ik(ted Mr. nt•oo' ' deTertmesta of trade, sad moo Yan 1;gtnoad, "uW Four F.)t' sad °Big Bell" (we trust our toetem/'rare over the way will not think err rheas either " Big .Toe" -tr the "ilses Dram"') to accept the Brows-re reted br'i'o(; Wheel Marls hail Tyke.. of a eerta s "Grareed Gentlemee" who some years ago led Md as itching for the honor of senate the Fleetors of Heron in Partianeot; rail An fame hod ere thawy'ht of a cretin teat 0' ems of • e•rtaie ('brush Ucgnitafl.I lobo it is mid is to tae apoelaliy !cared b1 his Paps, to do the need& 04 hetes it P..1b uoeat Sas sehted, ".tams taw • i a say. it was otij who roof fere PENMANSHIP. GOD[Rir11. PORT NARNI A, HURON AND DETKOIT. The new sad aktgaet i.owpreeswre Stem B •at KU11Y, will too doting ,he entity. 'ng aessun am (ePuwe:-le•wre G,xlsrieh, (wes,hrr permitting every Sonde! meg ,1 9 o'clock, aril Sarni., Monday at a o'eloek. Leave Detrnit, for Gnderich. every Satnr- lay, at 9 o'clock, a. rata and Sarnia, at 4 v c.nck p. m. For freight or pse•sgtb apple t'. Mr. g, 11. Merit.., timer, er, next dour, north of the KtncarJioe Amis. ELT WAi(1). to!. Detroit, Feb. 30th 1852. t5 -n5 NOTICE 9 berehr given thst the pa-tn•rrhin Sub. a motto! between Alex. McIntyre, end Jame. Dona1dsee, torn of (! ,tenets, as. di,au'ved by mutual consent go the 42nd LT of lanuarv, 1'151. And all persons in defiled either by Noe or B•,ok account are hereby reynested to make twmetia'e P.y- meet, and save cos.. ALEX. Mc1NTYRE.• •JA.31E`t DONALDSON. Goderieb, April."!S b 1832. ,rbn14. R. H. BRRTT, • GENERAL MERCHANT--Wr1OI.E5ALE, 16 Ki., -SR., Tolman. Upper Canada. IMPORTER of Shod .e 1 Hear. Riser ire. Bar Iron, Steel, Chain, Nails. Moppet/trier. -ALSO-- Importer A LSU- ImporterofTes.. Supra, Spice.. Fruits. Dye Woods. 01., Paiute, Glu., I:ar!heiiware-m their Original Packages. t5 -o15. April 2dtb, 1850., ie-- _ - , Lin OF LLPTrERIII 9nd b.., ...... ,a•...e....d.• 1 3,d b.et.4•..4 44••• • REMAINING in the Stratford P. O. to Beat E.,. two• ' • 90 B May 6th, 11154. 9nd be -t 0 7 eat- Asdenon Peter Ldt Theohald 3rd 1..t 0 • • Arketl Arthur Ksnde.•layer Jr 9 • lest Pat Wet',ers or t:..,u 116 Seeselt Jen l..Muss ('hrn.1 2n' be.'o 0 '7 6 Berwiek Wm Masters leo 5.•1 brut 0 I'7 • Carly Joe t Mo.r'n n J•a Beat R ar Ca.hine M Moors i'aeealer. 211d best 0 10 0 Cowry Mrs Mary late D .. 3r1 hest . • u 7 6 Muir J •. Beet S -,w 0 11 e Cleary Win Ind hem ....... w Cork )(obi Munael(♦ •""""0 1.1 Cooly on Rirhd Moore Mr. Dr 3,d hr., O 10 • Childerho„•e Theo M,Ta,t.h Al.s .hall h,.. b.r1 a:to• .n Iw•h9, Cres Peter Maer!.n J.•••meh e^^ or ten,. 't gt to he shown Donn Thor, 2 Mr P'•n,ron flew ": .. 2114 e, -w. norther J.e.-/b Meh.na'r Donald GRAIN, SF,':DS AND DAIRY. Dison .II. 14. Kenzie Murdock Best 4 u etts-Ie A,,nng %Vhe.• • • • • 1 0 0 (,lion Ii.nl Met 1, Devitt •2.^.n'„..0 0 15 u Dobson la. McCaully 1,. 3'.I best 0 to „ F.LLnxhanaoa }Mer. McGwary ell Rest l hu.'ieln Owe, 0 14 0 bard Nteh at,' Appal 2nd hest n 10 " Flare tVtn 2 P,etk, Win 3rd bat 0 7 41 Grey \Vn P••wkv G•• Neel 2 bushels Otte 0 ! j It „ tinny MI CI opo Jonathan end beet 011 7 t Goer,' Andy 111,0•1 Jot 3r,, heal e.ortaer Freak Hitt Nortek Best 9 bushel. Pees 0 15 i, G, et ler Anthony Redford he 9nd best 0 10 t' iie,nmer Jen le •uyiiredge Jeo-.r St4 bra' 0 7 K Ilear.mp Wm Hu.. t 'fore Best bushel Timothy Seed.• 0 10 0 !m! heti • . • • 0 10 0 Ilan,'It'.n II'.gh H,.I.j It 7 tl lltlld.brand Ree MrNaekrider be 3'4 best 0 Jacob 141 Worth Henry Seel h'rebel (!ever Need i 0 U Lists. Frm•'k Steeple, M'y • Sr beat 0 15 w Jr Wray Win Sebring Jen , • 5.1 bps? 0 10 • !fest 00 1h. Salt Nutter 0 14 0 Kwlrerhnm Rev Mrtatwbng'Thrr'd 0 10 0 K rhy J 'hn 4 Snail'., th suis rut Oenst 0 0 00 KellyMorns Terry jo l 40 Ib, Che.me 0 16 0 Kelly Pa'k TNuttk how t • 10 .ii Ka.tn r alt Thera her Wm fled beat • Karme. lee Wilson Wert 3rd hes? ..s. 0 7 4. F. MICKLI, P. M. Reit 9011.. 111ap1« Sura 0 to 0 'May 811, 1852. to,t beet 0 7 . 3rd beat 0 5 U NOTICE. Thayt t he grain esnihii..J and taking the - orawitmn•, she'1 be field in matt,:)•'.1 of the The Cnpar,nerehip heretofore tyi.tirt' Society at u?ark•'t price no the Sheer day• between Wet. 8-,rkley and Gen. Acheron. ROOTS. • CIRCULAR ADVERTISEMENT. TILE UAdesigned deei- r.e in eegn.int hoCoe- reepondents and the Cnsatrr Merchants of Western Cased. that Leis (WIT eipeer.na by fin« Vrwl• io Liverpool and London. a large stock of Metchandiz•. whirh will he sold low to Cub buyers or on fixed defitntt tc r diBt.. 161 King Street, Toronto. Apnl2d•h, ilL;^_. 1 v5 -a15. LINSEED OIL. PAINTS, HEAVY GOODS hc.. &c. TflF. Usder..g,.nl - for Sal. leo hogsheads sed quarter-e.sks Boiled Linseed Oil. 70 hogsheads and•ge.rter.reske Raw. 4le.s Pulte in Mrrele• bet Englteh, 5 tea. Whitening. iseseb.. 2 too. CM:k, i. r..k., 120 legs beat Dry OVnite Lead. 2117 kegs " Red Leal, 10 task. enntaining kegs Ground PaisT-nB sol -•for•. 50 casts Epsom Salts. 1s flue day mninally dt•.t.lrrd. All d• My Best acro of TuroID• ane to the above are to be peel ,n Iieoroe and best .lrheenn, who wtli continuo to carry on the 3r.1 hest bnsine•e, and all 1ebt• rnouacied by the Been err. of Potatoes ••s n,t bra. are to_ be paid by hart Ind beet Dated at Gucrieh thy. Stn of May, 1.54. 3rd Mat N'11.1.11\I NUCKLFY• Pirtle* competing. for, the above Rotolo GEORGI: A HESON. will be teetered to pay es sat caeca fee of Goderich, Msy 8t1, 1152. - vb-w13. is f. +> WANTED'• INN MEDIATELY. Fur the beet a sere Carreto £o 100 50 - 2'wI beet .. 2ft0 CORD 4 of gond llemlock Bark. 3rd b.1 • ,••••4.0 0 ) inr which the hiLrhea market price M'ANUFACTURE•9. wilt_be paid by the Sub<cnher. For the beet 10 nide Domestic W. G. SMITH. made (I:o'h 0 IS 1 ' Gnilerielo Mev 5th 1853• v.5 -n15. 911 hest 0 10 t •. NOTICE le hereby given that 1 charie all ;srd hest 0 7 It -+ • persons againat receiving a note, drawn Fur the yet parr hnme.tic mann- {. (moored Binakete••. 0 14: .1. yp in honor of John S. Ann•trnnp, poen lir . 2nd beat " 0 3rd best 0 7 •• :5.1 For ism heat 10 words Domestic ' made Flannel ..•0 1S -11(' 2nd neer .. •' 10 3.d best • 0 1- a ante 01 band to the amiwgc of Fur th,•hes, Onmeetie Knit pair of . ,„,_:44 L£6. winch wad given to me by G`orga Stockings, (manufactured tVhitefo'd on twelve month.. I hereby fors by the tamilyef the erlubi. 44 tor. . S 111' is any pennn that mry find pro rant. ere- 0'01 d) do • Glory., 0. 8 Sag or collecting it, or 1 wiU prusrcnte ar- Rest do do Mitts. 0 3 Cording to law. • The above Manufartores to be from 1. tURDOC 11'PIiEE. fano of the competitor and of the growth tie present year. Rest bu.hel Onion. A0 7 Sod best 0 5 O 13. 0 O 10 0 u 7 0 1 0 0 0 15 0 • 0 10 0 h Assembly of Newfoundland has requested In bart'Is sulphur. the Government to appropriate £300 for jars. A. LLOYD. Professor of Penman- 10 aunt. Cream Tartar, tbeir relief, and four or five vessels would 1 l ehlp' begs Pale to 'therm the Lathes 10 cares Borax. -ALSO- and and Gentlemen of th1. plac'h that hating Tnr;wn:ie., Rosin. P"en, Uil fray Machinery. sail to them as soon as the wind would per- .:need one .!ass with 3nod eucens, he semi,' O: r. Ua-e Rosin. tcI). O is truMGc.Gow mit. A vessel had attired at St. John, ripen ane h t th h to f Mr Robert O:I ,a rasa sed Lu• which reported that upwards of one thou- sand shipwrecked sailors had reached Greenford, but the number is probably ex- aggerated. CRIME IN New YORE. -Grimes of vio- lence hare fearfully increased in New York Puticulars pleare see Handbills. during the past ten days. Murders and Godeneh, 10th Stay, -1852. deadly assaults are of almost daily occur- rence, and within the last three or four days nearly a..dozen persons hare been commit- ted for stabbing, or assaults with intent to kill. On the 10th instant,a bloody affray occurred in Centre street, between a party of Germans and Irish. Tbe difficulty com- menced in the basement of a liquor store, from which, after a long and desperate fight, they adjourned to the street. Here John Bremen, one of the combatants, arm- ed with a knife, stabbed Mr. Monk, a botcher, and Mr. Peters, the former of whom had nothing to do with any of the parties, and was in no way connected with the quarrel. George Murphy, another of the persons engaged tq the fight, was found lying in the street, with a hornbk wound is the throat, inflicted by some person whose name has not yet been ascertained. Brennan was arrested and committed, and Peterson, Monk and Murphy, placed under the care of physicians. From the testi- mony taken by the Coroner. it appears that Mrs. Bunce, the keeper of the grogshop bad instigated Brennan and another person to commit the assault ; upon which the jury returned a verdict that Henry Peters came to the wounding at the hands of the prison- er and another person to the jury unknown ; and furthermore, that, from the testimony then considered Mn. Dunce was accord- ingly arrested and committed to prison.- Colonirt. SINGULAR DISCOVERY tis EGYPT. - A moat interesting discovery has just beim made is Egypt. 1t was known that there ✓tuts at Mount hnhrah, situated near the shores of the Red Sea, a ursine of emerale, which the Pseha of Egypt eared to be worked in time past b a Frenchman, M. Gaillard, and which by been ab erdentd ever sire the reign of Mahommrd Ali. - An Fattish company solicited and obtained a short hme since, the and.orisatien to re- sume the working of this rine, which, it appears promises still great riches. Te the Trent wrestles M same important work is this place, tie engineer of the company Mr. R. Alke, bra dsseovered, at • great depth, the traces of a gallery wbieh derives from the highest antiquity. He has earned ewrtstdersble etteITsiiwes te he rade; bP bas found tool,. eseenst•eWsiia, rad a stone, oe which r eagnred a hieroglyphs. mserip - Soo posse the be* ere 'spiwins esti.►- faired by the Metra. (3si7end sad Raptor! , from ypein.e .. df a.etbey hied, dist the lase is gustiest bad bees worked in die Ii4b- eat astwpsity. It *ppearsvest etaseamg the ism crilpbea est this time, tbat the first works tl the tame el World, wadi' g heck u be as the reign e/ Reuowts, walk, 6•Mrd- isli to tba i epibimq.Tned abaR the t1M1 - ;Me Cbljet.-A a• another re -opened. The great fete ow lbs 10th Met., las givers belittles to basinele. iTALY. Letters from Rome .esti.. that lbs flatten g.emlton i, egret to become el toter mt. in eenwaq•o•ee o1 • eotwptleajree tt 411- f;..1te• that bare armee beta..s tows sad tM Pepe- p1.eedi.re err ere rime with ieetea•I emcee INDIA. Der frees Desbmy to the Ilii Aril, ltd pm herd m 1.041400. a e use o Elbe, on 1looday, the 14th rust„ where he R. -B. BRETT. will give twelve leeenee to Ladies, at 2 161 Sang ` ureb 1 . o'clock P. M., for 7s. 6d. Cy., fad Ihs same 7'nonni'. Aonf2'z'h, 3053. ( • •5.015 to geotlemso at 8 o'clock, P. M , for 10. • Currency, 11.1RDrYitcRB3t: - N. B. -For recommendation- and further SALE BY THF. UNDERSIGNED, L'1011 8 e.•ks Moore's Grass Fertile*, 4 do do Crad.ing Scythe.. 1 do Hook., 460 dozen Amerman Scythe., several Mabee. 2 do 8 dd.., ;u k: gs knit ('Lain. a:1 sizes, 340 de Dory Nails, 160 do Wrought Nai!e, 800 do Gunpowder (k -g, and eanoietet.), 7 too. Shot. 6 enre Miopi.' and D.,oh'e Gone, „ risks enntitainC Saddle •ad 22 do eostaims1Cutlery. F.d..•teol.,Sawe. Files, &c. (Sheffield Goods). 70 do cod i.icine Lack. Luehe•, Scan. poet•, Tnp•, and a r -neral rtnrk of B.rmin;ham & W,tiverhamp- tnn C,ev1., 40 large P„sats K•t•les (Pen,eh) d toes til Pet and Cam,. Ovens. R. 11. IIaETT 161 King Street, Ternom, April tetth, 185`2. t3-mIS. GROCERIES hn,tt IN THE ORIGINAL I'ALK.1GES. fIE UNDERSIGNED OTTERS FOR T MALI. 10 bad. Porto Rico Sneer, 8 der I.waf do 50 bbl, sed 8 times.-Crnahed anger. 3'10 chest. Tem, various Indo., 701,42804-w, NF1 do Pepper. 911 do I'itn.ntn, 2011 hnxes Rii•i,n, 10 cask. Currants, 411 W. de 4 ewe India", 260 hour! .anon. qualities Tebeeee, 100j.rs M•e.h.e Mond: 4 tierces London Martini. to 41b. &lb 4 caw L4tunrir•. N ra.k• Ilvh Rnck, 100 hi.r.. P.a•N,, 110 do T.bbsen Pipe.. R. 11. BRETT. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS WILL be received by the Warden and Monie,pfl Conned of the United Coontie..-f Huron, Perth and Bruce, at the Council Room in Godcrich, Canada Weal, on Monday the 18th June next, at the hour of 12 o'clock, Done; when the tender. will he .1N -tined for the budding of A IViIRE SUSPENSION BRIDGI: over the Mait- land Rtver at this Town of G'ierich, (.pace about 500 feet). Plans and ,pec:ficitione mty be seen at the Office of John McDonald, l:•q.. Gader,ch, till ttc day of Letting. Two good and sufficient approv- ed Sonnet wtll he mimeo) to enter into Bonds with 'bo Cootractnr fur the d,,e ful- filment of the Contract- Payment will be made moethiy as the work progreaare•- The Bridge to be completed by the let Oetobor, 1853. Any termination respect- ing the *bore, mar be bad by mak.ng sp. Oration to the County F.nZineei it Soon lord, in the .sed Uuted Count,S. If by letter, pout M'd. s JOSEPH G. KIRK, County E-:gioser, Iibron, Perth and Bruen. County Engineer's Office, On 17 Stratford, 10th My, 1852, rt..VylaW s4 e , NOTICE. jIiFREBY forbid eny,annn or permons Own purchasing a Note of han& given by one to Jame+ Manes or baa►.r. 1^r the suss of ten minds some thilhnge, m be paid ,n cabinet work for .owe. doe the Ont of Jansary, 1862, as 1 have paid -the beet part of tha cud sot.. WiLLIAM DE\LY. flay, May 15th, 1851. v5-.17 N0Tit:E IS HEREBY GIVEN. that •pplieatin•'s will be mute at -the nett Seamen of the Legislators. for an Act tn co/tarots a RAILWAY from tJ'telph fro. tom. iont no Lake Ontario to some rest ea teat. Herrn•, wch power to snits with any other Railway Compaey or Ouw• pante,. ♦Sn17 May 19, 1669• 1 .31 me, dated Feb. 17,h 1852. payable in iS month* atter date, as 1 have nut recerted value for the same. JOHN CASTELLO.' Kincardine, May 5th, 1852. nob•-n1S. d Stephen, April 30th. 1851. s3 a15. Lands for Sale in the Township bf Wawanosh. THE following bola of Lead, the proper- -a• tj of Wm. Garrett. Esq., Kingston, aro wow for Sale, tamely,- COe. 4.Wawaeurb, Lot 26, 200 acres. Con. S, " '• 26, 200 " con. R '( " 28 (lases 31, 300 acro. Con. 7, " 31 k 32, 400 Acres. Con. 10: " •• s3r:200 acres. Total, 1,300. ' This abnvs lou are attested nn, or near the Ricer 6laitland. The lead is of the my beet quality sail well watered, one foar,6 of the prim is required down, and the remainder in ten enemal Instalments with interest. , For further partleolerm apply In the Snbaeribcr at'fbe- irrewn Leeds thrice, Huron 'Road. JOHN -CLARK.. Csoltrieh, April 8th, 1831. e0 s11 l0 T IIL: E. Y. Wife SARAH PRY Or maiden nue,.) hse loft my bed and hoard, without stir protraction'', a'A taken witbet of .nous.,, three nesse of bund from me, .N. n't Mmilwor tlhwpprt. i.1 17 0. as. 4.. in Morels Isst1 new on Ta•.mee Garter by hy mark. with 174Cesr' whims., N 17 O, do. west Febesary, sad the %doer ea David ('..sob". CS 5, 4.. rasa of Aprti ' Newt. Thu n to forbad bey pvee1' or pr - roes perehas,nt Sha Orin WOW, 01 tredlt• I tog by. oa sly eoeewni. RICHARD C•WTRA, Owderich. M•7 1711, 16110. et ha 161 Cine 8,••-' T April 4d•h {8.;1. wnnt Apre3-13 COTTON Y %R.ai. COTTON RATTING. CAYULE WICK. f 45' R %LC... r 45 Mssb•.' Amerime Cease Tae. P1411 do R...., ws 70 de Twine. . •:• 12 bate, Wieldy'''. -ALSO-- 43 eases B'stmear7, Pol.eep. Not Latin Paper., swowted eteakitwi. 34..!.. Miff ,.. 11111 It»rd. to A. Wr.pni"r Paper. 7timexs lek-taunt Lewd., ieb ie Stowe Ikal.e TO TRUSTEES OP COMMON SCHOOi.S. TTEACHER, who obtained * Art elm certificate to the hat h aam'netien, tele i tAMr. RaH.aberry s Hotel, G?derien, ni le 31.1 04 Motels and let of April, web.. for • aiiva'ion as teacher in a echoed in the eMghbourt nod of G'dereh. Adorn* to A. B. at the office of the Duren Yiawel, (post paid.) for to Me. Dark, Brinell R.ehante. April let, 1858. .Intl-I.w, 161 kiss hi'r'er• j.•J+• BRETT. refute. A,'al M4141432. •6-wl . wormy i1r#♦f 1 4 eY * of elieis i►• 'p, It t4. IMPLCMENTO. For the heat Ln,nber Waggon mode within the ignite of the 8orietv'• Doane' 1 10 end best 1 6 For the best CaltIvator 1 0' Fur the best Plough, made in tot•• • United Conners of Hurom, - •• Peri o and Bruce, 1 0 Rod brat, 3rd beet, Any Waggon ehewn before shell twit NOM any prem'o rl. That a dreeretionsry Prem!-ims bo pisiN either Grain or Implamwnta emierdeg•E worthy by Judges, and I)Irectrirs not inclee: del in the lit. - FaU.Waur.-TheOhown(F.11Wb Ube place at Goderieh, Wedge.ttstt 4110 'ef Sep•.mbet. For the heel 20 bushels F *beat,.... remand Met, .. .... .....•.•.. third best...........................6 Competitors t, whom the Premien* Wheat may be awarded. will deliver over b Oeereury their temple, y b,m to b. et the close of the exhibition. a any s,einber •toenihnofthe society wishing to pushes. some et 5.. genteel, per bullet -it sot robe Israel to tbt Eabibitor. • RULES OTTIIF. EXHSRIT1dN. let. All 8.Iset ip•inss to be paid ..w 3 All Sebacrih-n haslet, paid their .,breti6- rinn,.nd only ,urh to be euti'led to er?r ?s.. 3. All Sinek eshibi,ed .hall have a too '.• • " hese fide" progeny of the eai,ihts b moetti before the Show, and all ether lintel« meal bows a$' bees prodoted ou the }'ern of the eah'bite►. • 4. All Competitor. few prize. w net gitrl Secretary no,t„• el the deeeri'uen .f mesh t produce they intend to show. en or betbre 4: o'clock P. M. the 21.1 nl September. S. Competitor...ill ant be eyuded to rnlN► lhas one premium for the stere flied d grab. from the same farm. ern the .hos► All Steck and Prodhee 5212. • emend by 9 o'clock of the day of 7. Any per....' 'hnwi«,-•tile torte. .i the some .how es lnmpe'Inr for 1 difT rent prizes shell b-depel.ed ofaae premium wtntr..r-ww, reale Fw the .eimat .hews, by .1.0.55 other he may be molted tn. R. 13. Cesisgwatse. Suer, ., G.Jerieb. 1.t 31a }; H11711'1OV. Of Farm Sleek. and Broder... Dom...tie 5taan- facture•. ate.. I,v the Connte Agricultural 8oriety nt Moron, Peril sod 11'.',' An F.thih.nnn of Cattle. Sed•, Dneteette Manu ,cremes, &e. he. wili be hell at GA. - nth. en W.Anewlsy. the 22nd of September. when the following premieres will be •warted: UiRSF.tt. l 'ee the beat Brood blare k Foal £i 10 00 •9'td beet 1 IS 0 3'A beef Blot t ,Cars old Fitly 0 10 0 ant beet I w A 6w 8400 a to .., • s Meer *Ivor )i ' itNNIE. Bee.b Tr. wets, ApN IOlb, ltlbd sp.,i$ It the let day of June next ant beat ' 0 1• 0 Best t rears old Gelding 1 0 • 0 15 0 MICR iyii ,I 3rd best u 11.11°:°, " - (mor tram t.eMlu" n' I1''-» e•.1 o•oes r CATTLE. Ni11W 0151) QM' P1 OU(111, Bel" 011.45 Craw (wM.h .hall hale for whvh he ha• nMaineA Later. Mtn I b 0 from the Gorsrmneret. W.ead rawprWaht 1 0 0 3n. nopce tsar anti panne Nr pnrsasa P 0 1:, O (einem, none Paid right will ••e, pree.eet' 0 1°5 0 re the ntrnoet rigSUY of the 1.•►. n 7 6 tV 1. J. tt$A Al -St 5 0 V , B, - i he Cve'1^islets F,nnlfr* us, O 11 0 nndcrrnnet all iee..earr termer; the 0 10 0 senate Satter. b.m.el. the he wall h. 0 '7 6 to g'remnihe esti.faction fe.N rhea. O IS 0• mar favour him wtth Moser motto*. f' 0 III 6 now et 15n4 to 1111111:11;10.17:770.11,t111; n la 0 pinn2h• mel ..4 ng O 13 0 inv.'s...with P•',•.h K•'tln,1,'wAl. • 1° 0 alert P.'Io.,r 0 nve•, Pn1 wh K•etl. 7 8 Thra•Mnp \1 enilin4s or v.n•..ri IM► lin 0 bit 0l whleh w I M bo d on tk••MS 4 term,. War J u lie" G ,l.'i•.A, h .'t 'oft, ►809. 2nd b.•t 3r4b''' Best Y.srlin3 Ilr4.' 114 heat 3rd Mut B est 2 tears ell llltfer 2.4 beet 3rd best Beet Roll, ids• bras Beet roar+ old Steers !ad Mee' And beet ... Beet 9 .nen old ttlwe•P• ......,u Intl heel 7 6 3.4 beet . 6 0 Sleet Fatted Om w 1 0 0 9n, nett ...,.... 0 15 0 37.14 h.rl 0 7 6 fleet Fatted Cove or Mate 1 0 0 t^dyre .t ......0 13 0 1r. b , 0 7 A Ike' Yn}. %Verbes Owen t, 6 0 l.vt haat •'a... 1 U 0 and h.•' 0 11 0 NHRY.Y AND IItNiM- Beet Res 1.. 1 0 0 Vol be.i •..!'*sive.... ..... 0 15emit e S 1 M l •..'.Jl " 0 10 0 was'( id n twilsnt film* a (.sent, 40 1 R07 0 10 e •n 7 6 HIM i..l 1...' . .,.•r... - Rest R.'.. 1.+e. •e. tit • /0 • NOTICE. A p►t.n'.a Ind loot w • MA4'IIMFRN, lets of the t' n ot. see be•dIy ant Av+E, their neem. awl ateoufe are pati • the 1•t/me of Mere. neve, media tele heededto shipCM/d, Dolmen.. O•mrt lee eeitlempor PerNnt{b resume Si the a who an t.4.btod utile r And torn • ..e• • warp Tar Ntm,(nr't, oho bus bee feet ir.e4utelyr" " (iedsr tcb. le