HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-06-11, Page 5Warns of danger
_ modern rn Hlorl.
The EYF of Emmanuel EUB
shureh islet last Tuesday with
]hiss Emma Finlay in charge of
the pro;3ram..Ray McAdams read
the scripture and Rev, A. M:
Amacher Jed in prayer.
The topic seas presented by
]hiss Elizabeth Finlay. It was
entitled, "In one world together."
"Science", site said "has trans-
formed life today. Ger world is
getting smaller and smaller.
The beginning of the atomic age
was when the first atomic bomb
was released. Has it brought
harm or benefit to the world?
It can either be destruction or
great benefit."
"We are in a time of crisis"
she continued. "We must not be
blind to dangers in our modern
world. Christians must present
the Gospel to all people of the
world. We must win the' world
for Christ,"
Nurse graduates
Miss Gloria Gingerich .gradu•
ated from Kitchener -Waterloo
School of Nursing last Saturday
afternoon, She won the award
for best operating room practise.
The' daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
J, Gingerich, she is a graduate
of Rockway Mennonite High
School, Kitchener.
The graduation ceremony was
held at the Kitchener -Waterloo
Collegiate Institute. Her parents
attended the graduation.
Miss Pearl Buchanan
Miss Pearl Buchanan, a na-
tive of Zurich, died in. Toronto
May 26, the result of a stroke.
She was the daughter of the
late Dr, and Mrs, George Buchan-
an of Zurich.
One sister, Miss Clara Buchan-
an, Toronto, survives.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Ward Fritz
motored to their summer cot-
tage in the .Parry Sound. dis-
trict where they will be for the
Miss Inez Yungblut has re-
turned after spending two weeks
with friends at. Auburn.
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Pearson
.spent several days at Windsor
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Saint, of
London, were weekend guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe.
Miss Gloria Deitz and friend,
of Landon, spent the weekend
with the former's parents, Mr.
and. Mrs. Milton Deitz,
Mr, and Mrs. Milfred Schilbe
were recent visitors in Windsor
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Gerber
and family of Baden were week-
end visitors with the former's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. Gerber
and other relatives,
Quite a number of Lions mem-
bers attended a convention at
Windsor recently.
Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Walper
of Detroit are staying in town
with Mr. and. Mrs.James Park.
[ins for several days. A
Message from
..«v. w :4.J.. SSSSS a v. x S SSSssw.,,:'.`tr. S ;SvY,
Mr. and Mrs. Menno Steckle
spent Sunday at Gowanstown
visiting with their daughter and
Mr. Hugh McBride of London,
spent the weekend with his par-
M , and Mrs. Roy Mc-
Bride. -
Mrs. Bert; Faber and Dianne,
of Kippen, visited with Mrs,
Rudy Oesch on Sunday.
Miss Karen Cleusius, of Zur-
ich, spent the weekend with her
friend, Miss Agnes Oesch.
Mr. Archie Mustard, of Sarnia,
spent the weekend with his wife
and family.'
Miss Theresa' Corriveau and
Miss . Evelyn Ducharme spent
the weekend in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer, of New
York, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Widrick and Mr. and
Mrs. Edmund Schwartzentrpber..
Mr, William Beachler and girls
visited. with Mr. Harold Finlay
and family on Friday evening.
L.a es
of �.
m sio
. S
. The WSWS and Ladies' Aid of
•Emmanuel BUB church held the
Woodrow Macke birthday meet-
ing on Thursday, June 4 with
Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, in the chair.
Mrs. Peter Ginger.iclt .led in
prayer ,and Mrs. Leonard Erb
react the sariptur
Mrs. A. M. Amacher gave a
devotional message on "Wiry Mis-
•sions. Jesus said "Go ye and
teach all nations." The first
disciples obeyed because the
love of Christ constrained them..
AR missionaries now have the
same answer. "We want to go
back to the mission field" said
Mrs, Amacher "These Missiona-
ries are quite satisfied with what
they are doing. Let us keep the
flame of Christianity alive chal-
lenged Mrs. Amacher,
The study book was presented
in the form of "A visit to the
Dominican Republic." This was
given by Mrs. Harold Rader,
Mrs. Gideon Koehler, Miss Cath-
arine Rader, Mrs. Milton Oesch
and Rev. A. M. Amacher.
The guest speaker was Mrs,
William Macke, of. Mildmay. Mr.
Macke showed pictures that they
had taken when they visited their
son, Woodrow, in Africa.
The members of the WMS and
the Arnold Mission Circle of the
kiensall Presbyterian Church
were guests for the evening,
Two, musical numbers were giv-
en by them, one a piano duet by
Mrs, Edger Munn and Mrs,
Malcolm Dougall and a piano
solo by Miss Carol Brown.
The committee in charge of
the meeting was composed of
Mrs, A. M. Amacher, Mrs. L.
W. Hoffman, Mrs. William Sie-
bert, Mrs. Orville Witmer, Mrs.
John Gascho and Mrs. Harold
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Louis Thiel and
family spent several days over
the •weekend with their relatives
at Wingham.
Dr, and Mrs. Klahsen and chil-
dren spent Sunday in London.
News from North
eCU, Y.•n`erv.}.J4. ..:.w.'tta all:w r a'+:M at�vrk::.:.
(Intended for last week)
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. John Melville
visited relatives at Kingston
over the weekend.
Mr. Mike Connolly has sold
his house and. lot at the over-
head bridge to Mr. .T, McRae
of the egg -grading :station. Mr.
Cgnno]Iy intends building a new
house on the east side of Thed-
Mr. and. Ml's. Leon Hazelson,
of Pontiac, :Mich, visited Mr,
and Mrs, Peter Burley and fam-
ily over the weekend.
Mrs. Mac Melville is a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Peter. Mennen has built a new
barn for garden crop. Gooding
Construction of Parkhill had the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smitts,
of London, visited Oscar Craw-
ford and John on Sunday. •
Mrs. Frank Neil is employed
in the Sergeant's office at the
Army Camp.
Reserve militia units are get-
ting training each week at the
1:49 1..41-7111111
"i said, I'll bet you'rthappy
to be taking them home."
NEWT.. .
Sets en whiskers
ith a Pipe, rich
Se•stits year whiskers ;
for a cies tl, coot, closes'
Handy stick glides
en smoothly te give
sts not .b9 4rtJl•day protection
_ NEW!'
shave- ofi
I t
'remit bendy halt
arid Rwet that "Soused -
/et kook. ChM, frost,
1.25 AMfaneta.. a;lldi,i;
Andrew Johnston,
Disease claims
. y�..rQl
Taken ill last Monday night,
Nancy Geralyn, three-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claire
Bedard,. Zurich, died in London
hospital on the following Sun-
Surviving besides her parents
are two brothers, Mark and
Gerald; two sisters, Charlene and
Shirley Ann and two graed•
mothers, Mrs. Aimee Bedard,
Zurich, and Mrs. Beatrice Over-
holt, Stanley Township.
Mass of the Holy Angels was
sung in St. Boniface church nn
Monday at 10 a..m. Westlake
funeral directors made the fu-
neral arrangements.
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Clausius
accompanied by Mr, and Mrs,
B]ll. Stanlake of Exeter spent the
weekend in the Parry. Sound dis-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bs.intnell
and son, Andrew, who have
moved to Burlington, are spend-
ing a week holidaying in town
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. b'erd liaherer
and Miss Freda .Haberer are
visiting with relatives at Alder-
Mr. •and Mrs. Archie McKin-
non, of. Galt, visited recently
with Mrs, Rose Russell and Mrs.
M. McKinnon.
• Mr. Gordon. Block fractured a
bone in Ms wrist while at work
at General Coach Works at Here,
sall which will incapacitate him
for some time,
Z.:..u�rch PS dot�inates
Hay tcwnship meet
Zurich Public ,School won the Juvenile boys: dash, Ken Clark,
slay Township Area field ineet Leo Ducharme, Bradley Mous-
in Zurich when eight,individual seau; broad jump, Danny Black,
championships were won by Zur Brian Overholt,. Danny Titus;
ieh school pupils. sack race, Danny Black, Leo
Leading the list td chaninioos laucltarme, Ronald Corriveau;
was Cheryl Stade, who walked three legged rare, Brian Over -
off with three firsts and a tie licit and Aubrey Bedard, Ken
far fourth in the `union iris' di- Clark and Gerrard Masse, Rich-
] g
d Fischer a
sc er
and Gary eo
re .
a y G .
vision. �y
Marilyn Casella looked .afters Junior boys: dash, Kces Van
the juvenile girls' title and Ruth mate'', John Ducharme, Donnie
Ann Flaxbard took the interme-i Geiger; broad jump, Donnie Gei-
diate girls' laurels. Alice I)u- i geir, Richard. Shantz, Larry El-
eharine was the senior girls' i der; high jump, Kees Van
winner. , Daalen, Donnie Geiger, Louis I
Debus• three legged race, Paul
In the 'hays' clivisian, juvenile' C, ,. ,'
,anise c
chem inn was Danny Black. au ant Richard Shang,
Kee r• v 1,1 tai David, Gingerich and.Bert Vis- i
s Van Daalen t as to g 1 sober, ,Jimmie Weigand and Don-
gun in. .the junior boys'(:lass alrl Claik,
while Peter Systma wrapped up Inter
ille intermediate title. Gary Syst- mediate boys: dash,
ina was senior champion, Bron Witmer, Peter Systma,
Don O'Brien of Zurich was Jn Richard Rader; broad jump,
charge of the meet, Teachers, : Cater Systma, Craig Chapman,
representing area schools Is memo Witmer; high jump,
helped out with the meet. Peter Systma, Richard Breakey,
Results for individual perfor- Steven Elder softball throw,
Jim Masse, Roy McAdams, Ca-
mantes were: moron Witmer.
duvenile girls: dash, Marilyn Senior boys: dash, Gary Syst-
Geseho, Judy Masse, Sharon ma, Don Masse, Ron Schroeder
Whittaker; broad jump, Marilyn, broad jump, Gary Systma, Ger
Gascho, Katie ICresh, Dianne Du- r; Chapman; softball throw, Don
charme; s a c k race, Norma Masse, Ron Schroeder, Gerry
Shantz, .Joanne. Miller; :Janice Chapman.
Armstrong. three-legged race, Relay races, girls: 1, Carol
Sandra, Richardson and Patsy Fischer, Sharon Engin, Barbara
Willer(, Joanne Miller and. Meals, Minshall, Cheryl Stade; 2,Phyl•
Wilds, Joanne Thiel and Elaine lis Schade Donna, Ducharme,
Wesil alto, Ruth Pepper, Carolyn Ducharme;
Junior girls: dasb, Cheryl. 3, Mary Lou Wasson, Carolyn
Stade, Kathryn,Regier, Judy De -Campbell, Mary Payne, Helen
nnmme; broad jump, Ciheryl Wasson,
Stade, Kathryn' Regier, Linda Boys relay race: 1, Don Masse,
Luther; three-legged rase, Che -
Larry Denomme, Bernie Bedard,
ryl Stade and Kathryn Regier, Barry Block; 2, Larry Horner,
Gerald Merner, Barry Block,
Gary Systma; 3, Steven Elder,
Barry Mousseau, John Elder,
Jerry Chapman,
Gail Richardson and , Marilyn
Schroeder, Kathy. Rowe and Jane
Intermediate girls: dash, Ruth
Ann Flaxbard, Donna Richard.
on, Shirley Flaxbard; broad
jump, Shirley Flaxbard, Sharon
Regier, Ruth Pepper; high jump,
Ruth Ann Flaxbard, Ruth Gei-
ger, Sharon Regier; softball
throw, Barbara Clausius, Ruth
Ann Flaxbard, Helen Smith.
Senior girls: dash, Alice Du-
charme, Sharon Hugill, Helen
Wasson; broad jump, Alice Du.
eharme, Helen. Wasson, Elaine
Miller; high. jump, Sharon Hu•
gill, Alice Ducharme, Carol
Fischer; softball throw, Elaine
Miller, Carol Fischer, Donna
Topics from
WI bus trip
The Elimville Women's In-
stitute enjoyed . a bus trip to
Brantford last Tuesday.
Leaving the Elimville Town-
ship Hall at 7:45 they arrived at
the Harding Carpet Manufactur-
ers at 10:30. After touring this
large building in groups they
drove on to the Alexander Gra-
ham Bell Park where they had
a picnic dinner.
After lunch the Bell Home-
stead was toured from where
the first telephone message was
sent. Next liop was the Mohawk
Chapel. Thi was the first Pres-
byterian Church in Ontario.
From here they went to the
Brantford Museum where they
saw many Indian relies, old
armour, Pauline Johnson's wed-
ding gown and many antique
items. From here they drove to
Paris where they had supper at
the White Nouse Restaurant.
The 'tour over, they -journeyed
back to Elimville,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Sam ]loris,
Helen and Mary, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Hinks and Helen, Mr, Ar-
thur Hinks of Monkton visited
on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Fulton.
Mrs. Jean Jackson and Mrs.
Adelaide 'Alexander of Toronto
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bell and attended
the funeral of the former's sis-
ter, the late Mrs. Ella Murch.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch of
Petawawa spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper.
Miss Sharon Murch of Petawa-
wa spent a. few days with Mr,
and Mrs. Ross Skinner.
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Lobb of
H'olmesville visited on Sunday
with. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym.
11111111111111 . n"u m"n. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Personal items
Mr. Chester Smith completed
his last big job at printing, Mr.
and Mrs, Smith have owned and
operated the printing shop for
40 years. Zurich Citizens News
are moving into the building as
soon as it is renovated.
Mr. and Mrs. Jantzi. and son
of Baden called on Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Gascho and many other
relatives and friends on Sunday.
Mr. George Deichert recently
spent several days in Windsor
and. Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Datars,
Miss Ann Datars visited with
Rev. and Mrs, A. J. Datars at
Tavistock on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs, Amos Gascho
and 'Laura Gascho visited in
Thedford on Friday Jest.
May be Warning
Backache is often caused by lazy
kidney action. When kidneys get out of
order, excess acids and wastes remain
in the system. Then backache, dip.'
turbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -
headed feeling may soon follow. That's
the time to take Dndd's Kidney Pills.
stimulate the
kidneys to normal
action, Then you feel better—sleep
better—work better, Get .Dodd'a
Kidney Pills now. 59
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Prices Are Reasonable
Call,Us Today!
Hiron Lumber- Co.
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��YYtnnrrYtmiurunn,YS0101M111 Olin
Now on sale
at the
Coin.minte .about
ror .art:.._
See ,tniss„ton .pictures
Mrs. Wiatiam Harper was host-
ess for the June meeting of the
Woman's Missionary •Society.
Mrs. J, M. Scott presided, and
Jed in devotions, assisted by
Mrs. E. Moore. The roll call w.as
answered with the name of ".a
worker among the Chinese in
Mrs, Grace Scott had charge
of the study book with Mrs. W.
Miller, Mrs.. T. Laing and Mrs.
Sadie :Scott assisting, Interesting
pictures which had been sent by
Miss Agnes Hyslop, a missionary
in India, were shown on the
screen with Mrs. M. Lamond.
at •the projector and comments
by Mrs. T. L. Scott. Each mem-
ber gave current events.
Assisting the hostess were
Mrs. Grace Scott and Mrs, J. 14.
Mrs, Lindsay McKellar
The death of Mrs. Lindsay Me -
Kellar occurred on Saturday
The Timers-Advocete, Junk 1
1,59 Pomo $'
afternoon at the Riverside Nurs- )311I. Raines, of G.orgetot
three year . Mitchell!.
11!followinga •Mrs t Jan'Ithe es a anseY Mr. 111
She was born in Ribbert Town.
ship,the former Gladys Ai, MIV some fortis 4r attoUter, k-
ler. daughter of the late Mr. and . hor costs account for about
Mrs. David. Miller. per cent of the pri.ee of any -4101.
Besides her husband she is sumer purehase in :Canada,
survived by five sons,, Mac, of
Stratford; Fergus, of Seaforth:
Douglas, Hensall; Robert and
Laurie, .of Cromarty; two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Bruce (Bernice) Arm-
strong, Staffa, and Mrs. Donald
(Jeanette) Wallaee, Seaforth;
one sister, Mrs. Lorne McKellar,
;Stratford; • one brother, Arthur
Miller,. Brantford, and 10 grand.
Funeral service was held at th.e
Whitney funeral home, Seaforth,
on Tuesday, with burial in Staffa.
Personal items !
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald. Carey and Mrs.
Taylor were Mrs. Frank Pearce
and daughter,. Carolyn, of Han,
riston; Mr. and Mrs, J. Cowie
and son and Mr. George Pater-
son, of Toronto.
Mrs. E. Moore is visiting with
her son at Lindsay.
Miss Marie Sorensen and Mr.
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