HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-05-13, Page 4it r 11 ., 10 .rr -_. - _W-. tees" 11 a Y L A W t 11 t 1 1 I III III I I• I PROSPSL'T X Ao loon. 'ef a LmOn,W 11sethoeseN M O i F A T'I IOrTHIS ANGldii•AildrAICAN SAGA - I" It.a viscuse Ut Ike E PILLS, ZJNL Ik.aidingN tw eke ,y"` ik. V E e E T A B L E, l I F ria file rirwt of JYIy meat, w1N be pobleb• .d ,he ,rot nawbr of a A*alhh Pell.- fss"O N e w""Wy to borrow pH NIX BITTERS otleas, rude* ,ne stiff, of ••71114 ANO W. the er@ctit-s r t the 000 -9 awea40 aer t;on li.,Idr 1 ,tTc ,i,h '; _,-4 4 es .2,:V, =,. ; AMERICAN 1toeb n MMS 11 ZIN B.'ontain ltti e• • royal bn{e G•e eke Wws) u/ Pen ik, ou raggued b) w.....bsa leer rsie1eww"",,,w.r. er e o oc1es0. wsth den►M eofomat, •ad surneroae Q.e IS h Britt - vd tb. Act 1 1 Vic. Ch. 7M, rr„' .. ,* . ..r t.l► „r, .set u.. pd' , ,. ..r .r.... .re bee*. t 1.. r.W d 1•tY.lratluee. Price 16d, per annum. Asti a he n na ►Ise a vwu,.t of ratable pw. e I .0 ,, er ,..w, And on In"'..d t 1.1 advana►, and seat by mail :° any na►iaet ti". As r to the -A Cws, y er Pork" , appesra w •••A•' - r t p rhe veseswest nterw/or she year 1651, n 1 s m'=' f7I s British North America or the United N N t4744" V 11. AW whereas the '✓Nr1111,. Acura air &A. rIt a.'&c•rArull States. .,9•.CT*.%S✓.ta wu/Nlaaw air\anis It a proposed to pre►lis► its each isms one ad •711 i ell, will rrgwrw to M rRieod ouLi3us reins -a Jives (;isirua., - wwewa'ly fw hbe p.ymoot of Interest, mind yrr..Va.•,t..a .,re,ew+ry'I ,-A.r"- ow or wove BRATf at papers on whj. Sts eon- tb I-M&be ,wesar es•,ei.brs.es de din wai DuTu■ Aof regi souscarei(f as svdernP/ p.fticip*I o1 paid i.uan, • s..,le...■.►..s,..., ,wyr..►,a n.. ae•e*Mill to-1bn terms of payment berets- a .h.-•• K suss ell) tell,► polutesm reh{tow ar11e1eB alter ptw,J*d. Amid Whereas • s tI/I rate e'r.a.c.. uu,r.u. a.d tr,., a•''rer He Gi three i htaOf i y Ie , WA+eIIL,&-e.COLO:ra Vanoo.,I.' of•Mbootlwari'M.tn(seteeliket eadinglB,Itio l peas In the usA on c"n-1J0•"`'w u*d a" r' ,iuJicda will bees dd, ail: such as , u, ,,rf ■cruse. pit"t"I r• d. pe P tepee y all ra'eahle Real esJ pris.nal firope,ly is s,,,,.eedbisu .r+.IIs e leferrou to t the County of per! !t, areasdia to the a D7'..'ka-% her he welfare •dJ iutorrou tMoutwect reluroe for the your 1861, will be e.rrrlu.w 10, rs at.,r aar.aratd., euro u( Chess Cnlo&iu. n q•,nad fw the paymeml u/ Interest, and aa" r• tR r.u....w•s,r« A rareh.l direst of fie Current Fveal# sf r►►ata •w'a AYI ,.i. war,„,.,,, tie MerlJ, Nunti e Uiarersrisa, Ceaawsr. eke foresail of a ticking fund, fur the ro W. M,,,z-,:!..+.+•d,,•o. it , dernptwa of ta:d debt, or Ir.an. no* -*i,. ,r-e..r^+•s"'o"'"` « ` cies! .liter, +tluaicul Intelligence. sod to lot. Be It therefore eeacled, by the Pro- ""o.;Z.,..-..,,—­­­ - v 'natters of general,nteres,, derived from the rs:r 11119]1. K IL,rj"0. A1d az' erLm. most reveal IafOf wa110C. vivinnal Wunie,pal C.wsal, of the County r„lrt Noes J,ruarisxfux of Perth, 'tial the Provisional Warden o1 taXWNJ1AL 91INSL"rT. It ,s also intended to publish a series of Ilia Nd County, k, and he Ia hereby &u 1 ,eswr. i'rnottats. uAAsya suba•.u.,!'wr I R;orrr Airs of Emiarat .Stem of Greet thonaed on behalf of ti a said prot..I.Ral I ••'d• lsirdau rxr►r. It1,,,,,aruer anao+a til re•r, irrcas rays• uus+aue LION ,/arra `Britain and Le1usd, from Alfred the Great Coudei}, to contract a litre. for ,he sun of nig I to the present War. This department will 03,000, bear p interest at the fate tis LlVna Oo=rLAIXISs bellluilretedwfib Porltailsfromthe best Pat Bret. r anon LL, J,I^Y, Lw* 9%8.4^ pe ,pe ts%ah:cblut•n,ta4•Itbe Xv.jai NIA9. 111vasioult na.tera. law. e nA / O fn r As it u proposed make da..i P k Ibis blit t'o bbl s _ ( ...t*u+r.+..rs.lr Poe P„ a t a WJ a ball yearly, at he , f8c@ of the Pru .w, c..r ctotonal Treasurer of theCuuniv of Perth; I wrA. "wao.,.­i,-- r.'.r.0+r+..i +•I. a notional and not a local work, a will us- .'pnrr .u'1:*r/. ssgnwd struma. NEI I" sed 1850 of which prtscipal auto shall be i ,•over uv+ ✓ &a e,. -a Uruau/1 u'►'g,.t t1,. ., t}nrh,ngly advocate all gooutocns affceting payable on the fir►t day of Feb. 1251, and rA1 rl,Arr,..c,,f,a, r•dxr rAINTlf fy (sins'• Ili* C&ANIA-s iwleresfe of ear Colonies as us f t(s00 as the first dry of PLbruary 185f, I PILES. 'r,, a .i 1w ' `4We w r, Ategral portion aj Ad British Empire. .a. •,.. d ri..A A )" .,_' ..,, 'ii /Are experience est /&refal ecfe la BY awd L1120 on the fire% d.y of February Y,,,,,,,,,.,., ) supply. 18641. and f1030on Ilio first day of Feb• PAINS n.n.lrrla•t+b,ea.w'-"Vo•sad• no' oft the resd,0g public of Canada with the entry 1860, •aid 11000 on " 6.et day of N ad a: u X .% T t a M. Iso dew•i orb 'I•' serial rmbhcat,one of the United Stales, can. inti aoije w ..t lo, son 1. soW M do tAa ),N.1.. . February 1661, 6, V'418 of taLuasl► I—" 1111AD, "LAI v. winces the pre jretor of ibis periodical, that b•I. And be it furtb, i enacted, That caLTcn►Cv. •urauNl; U ey i.re entirely. inadequate to the wants of for allurdleg evidence of the said Loan, and e,'n-01411 A..r KING 'S fSV IL. '* Ute majority, sod little calculated to form fir *eennn the a our thereof with inter- I ..sur L.. t Lc. ag3.. "I"I dn•^r^e or ,m rove the. literals R pay W o n XI S. .lir I,.-.. s a.'..:1 ro-4'd M D )taste of a people es ppss .6- "" r 1 t i ret, Webrslares on basalt u( the a d pro- .« w..&r.... r...uo...d..•d'••'i••••"r• s, n ally , Iffere n n their. fmslirp add pnn- vido,.al mail f•1 Cuumet,,-obe,, be issued M, t'•'••• •" ••'est"' L tt4r.A,..r... triplet from those for whom these Perieth for it* oumr, to sum/ of wait less thee 719 WE PILLS !1D r11l""',Blr'E13 ca:* are prepared; mind behewteg that the tneety fivepsslu.ip, wblch Ddbentvra.nan t en,erpnae will meet with encouragement PURIFY T9E 9l lD, be wralo-0. with it,* seal of the sad Pro from those for whose pleasure and tofurma- AnJ ,Lws rcmuve all dueaie t'•m the+plea titin Il is designed, he tioste Weill l G anti c signed y floe Prthe Prsl a d. -,a i t sw 1... u. l;Ft PILI S awJ I C ,that the a:pe Weill r, esJ cou•tere,gsrd by the Pro ntneut will realise his expectations. PMisNIX 81TTt9S►at.e111r._ -f,...ra- wirtodsl Celk •oJ Provisional Trcaeurar ,...w,aI".., ,,.,,,,•,;,,,,Iw., .. The alsgeg ne may rt made see of the reaprctively, and .hall beat data nsth" J.y T►. .s,ba-forw.a44i....d*owrateytoukoItest.lfrdiswsJoni Ade#rtieiwateal offer to the Haney a adessreJ t, the Provisiuesl w.• w .d I.Lew. ".11•1 ...a a r-16-1 ,•'.tad the Colonial pubic; and the terms soil! be Trtawver, and bd made "yabe with ;nice. ` " ^'• a.....dan," "'- ,16i, .--&-, requLted to such s Mannar a tiaiedoee all .Cwt ,. a dr.ei.g.,f p...d.•r rrw. U.ti .r«r .. -1 est according to the terms esJ toadviam ;.seely..res.r..f•n•r.,,.sw.0'1r••••rsr+ •t Plastics to &wall theranelves of its page.. of ahe @aid Loan as►erembefore rat atioeed. w ., 7 . e..n+r „'* s'......1 -r! Kt'w" THOMAS M ACLS AR. I•*..fw .4ea eY r+''•e'es ora....►da yr.,r• n,r Sed. And be it further oe.etetl that s ►.,,,,,,y,►.u..t.-t•••I•. I•_W'l,w a„ ■.r 45, Yonne -eraser, 7'oro■to, April. 1832. eocctal rate of throe e.gh•e ofa psant•y peel bar nuot ata p,&. or".; ►&,d t•. a.. k oaoo& ' nJ r ammum, soar sad abor, sed ma""",,a a....,ft.■.•'"',_I,d_ It AM I L T O IN Ira Addition to all olbcr Hies Shuttle.r_r r -,..,i -me "NO ev r, dik .: aan als raised IevieJ In each e VR. WILLIAM D. worrAl. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. sous stva..r. ,-,., .f Ar1»., ,use.. . for tied payment of Ike interest and pried- Tor Bate t, - - pal of lboutJ Job-, to be etealed by the Is- BENJ. PARSON+, yrI1F. Sobscriber begs to inform the is- eald Loss until the same shoU be fully paid. So!e Agent. ha"itants of GodarfeA, and the Bor- upos all the rateable Kest and Personal GoLst14,Jsfi.28: keit. I rcundmif Country, that be has jest property within the sold County, aeJ six- - 1 nproed New Boot and Shoe Store, nest Fairer Wed ibtvw twelfit.s of a penny per - - ,6,or tu r. 1,l000ugb's Store, %Vast Street, postal pot anmers. toeing the ►atlu of the /f 1 © S} 1n M''O•Aj ; j( H 1671 ts"Jefie h. Where he se;:[ constantly keep •r.aual is the real value) obcn the annual 1Lf 1lJ lU iiJ 1] .0 a r] si on ban.l a larre and well assorted stock of vL.a of sou the rateable re.l auJ personal yIt11F: subscriber begs to isferm taw se -M Lsd,ev sod Geetleamn's Bnofe and Shore proper, y, in any Town air VdIage w bich morons friends and ewtomers. and thefts Wbxh he will fell at low prices, for task shall be iocorpurateJ within utJ County •pabhe ¢eferallyi that his LARGE BRICK dortng the eodlieuaoce LI f raid rate.. BUILDING is now edmoietcl. and tbatt L,?"Le ere Reopeetfully requested to Noncf .-Tho •baa mi tuts eopr+kt w tram the gems% •ii.er@ase thus added to kms ek{t atsJ .semina for themselves, before pun proposed By Law to be taken into cuastdoe- ` fonair promisee, lie is sew enb!ed fo offor charat,eNewhere. often ten b the Prov:siocal Lrusieipalilyef t►oi arcommodvtion to the.trave,img public at N,. &.coni price. Cuun•y of PertF, one of the United Conn. 1 Inst equal to that aQ rdedlraay odes ALSO-I,&&u ad pegs for salt. ties of ilLrun Perth, mind Brun, It the I House is Town. And wrbi+ut beroti ane- JAMES THOMPSON. Union Hotel, Stra,forJ, on Monday th@,1A 1 ious to mnnopolide the emigre tueu limi•I. Goder:ch, March 18, 1832• vb-n8-8m day of June next, at iho hour of 11 o clock, neve p( Gcdorich, he at .east hopro (est w, __ -_-_-_ fo soon, at which time and plaewlher mem• connnusnee'hf the patronrge which he bas O'I'ICE. bit re of the said Alunuipabty, are hereby to- hitherto enjoyed, sod will Coveys eeilouor f w purpose afuresatd ed secure the msti.:aetion tf.his, guests ands - wse.l to •ilei J or th purp q STEWART CAMPBELL, eustomerr,'by atfcaJ:agtotheirco©furta.I A1.1, _"nein are requested totakenotiee Fro. CLuLty Clerk.. hie accustaindativa. "' I I .at Mr. William Chester Tippet, of I)lnlferd, 17th Feb., 1859. y.`. -L6 71 ` ROBERT ELL18. the V-1:'&.714 of Bayfielld, in the County of N. D. -Tho Stabling at, the Cu!borne' Heron Merchant, has made an Assignment ----"- - Ins is extensive end of}he first quality. of his property debts and effects to me lire (i0(1e19Ci1, 2nd April, 1852. Godanab; June 11, 1851. W4017 ut.dtrrgned f,,r the benefit of his creditors: and that ell debts due to the said WI,Item FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS. VALUABLE FARM LOTS I!iTHET'Ol)!f-4Chester 'Tippet must be paid to Messrs. SHIP OF GODERICH FOR BALE, VIZ. I Strachan and Brother, Attorntes, Goderich, T1V0 Lots of Land, in the tnd and Std r OT 97, let concessino, frostia(the f-rthw•th, and all persons who %eye claims Corcessinns of Use t wpship of Sus l Lake, containing 89 Aerar, about 419' sgan+t the said William Chester Tippet ley, one mile tom this tiliage of Brucefie.d. I of which ere cleared and Forced. Red LOT mast prove and ,forward the @zine to the unit eighteen miles (torn Gvderlc:.' 26, :Ind coucesetun,cunta:e,n.m 80 &Lies of sold Mears. Strachan and Brother, witMn On the lot in the 2r,d Cunce.e:an there is I wild :amd. {.roe mouth from this date, in order to their a Iluuse, B-rn,•S"d riser acres cleared. . These Lots am sitnate.l about air?way f getting the benefit "of the said Assignment, on the lot ,n the 3rd Concession there is! betwen the Town of God*rich arJ Vi!lagol Atberwise they will be pr*elndad from any d ilouse and thirty arses cleared. of Bayfie:d. For partici, ars of -.IV to j GeDefi' of t.i said Assignment. The Farin a well watered by a never JOIN ( %ARn, JOHN bTRACiiAN. failing stream, and the quality of the lana i Crnun Land ApLt, Godench, 1 Assi6aee. xof the Best description. 4th Jane, 1861 • Goder.:S, 181gt, h. March, 18 &b-98 The Into, would be disposed of separate• I -_ _ ir, if required. HORACE-HORTON T5 n11 M. R SEYMOUR, k CO. i ASAS-1.E: II. SIARLTOPf, . our rt, Gsrwa,J 1 sf-Siwat GE T for the Ptodltelal Mutual and RWARDER and Commission Mer. NOTICE. General Issunme@ Odic*, Toronto,- chant. (Statehouse Keeper, general Agent, for the sate of Wl'W Land Cleared IS hereby given that the Copartnership Also Agent for the 8t. IAwroeev Cosely I I'"it, Ilon@ebold rusitwn and Produce exifting between ifalley Dean and Or- Mutual, Ogdeu*►orif, New York. Lensis (every description. tin FI. Doan, Tannery, in Ilia Township of U.b,uo. Ln, don [toad, in this day Dissoly. Agent for Samuel Moulaod's uld ReebtJter Normsry, . July 1850. 22 Officer next door, North of the Kitecar. Old by mutual con.out. Iledly Duan 'a to pal tie and .°:[act all ni.tms :of, accounts of HoLata0. fifteen Bl,illings. I hot@ setaed and t.kan I dine A►rmB.Gdstfeb, March 2416 1832. wb-m9 Wanted to ) Borrow Mi the maid firm IIADLEY i)OANT. ]FOR which security.`,.rtwice the amovatI 1 TOTICE._Tbis a to forbid any persom ORRIN 8. DOAN, f0 Real Eauu, will be glues. T!eI1T purebaemg the SAW MiLL on Lot U.bdre, Lnsdoe Ronal, t propetty to Signaled within less than twenty ties of Goderich town, on the Icalieg No. 7, 4th Concretion. Eastern Dimino I March 27th, 1852. S c3alOt3 tool of the District, and io one of the best Agri- of AvbWid, without eowult og ewe, u I to! atm hold l e.mm against it. ' • ll O T I C I: .') cultural settlements ofHur.o., N.U.-F`or paruculary apply to the Editor I WILLIAM M'CARRON. I Goderieb, . - oUthe Heron Signal. April 1, 1852. w6a10 ' IIP, feeoudu of George Mellor bio Co. in T Got!er;ch 10th Sept. ' p ' 18319` 80 I JOHN RALPH, Mr. Lttwii hander and all debts due tr. 411* GODERICII FUUA DRY are now -' (-,rR-&TFORD ifto. FOL•NDRT.1 I1 Ill AND COPPER SMITH. next final j transferred to Wm. J. Keays,, Esq., carbo , ►S -Th subscriber flowing purchased ,he Inter. to the Victor:& [Intel, West Street Godrri)b, sou constantly on hand, a ebom will coPecf, grant receipts find pay all debts den by sad Foundr v est ,f Mr. C. J. Wil,on 111 Ibis abuse Ell-! , tebltshroent, a about to continue the Dust-, stock of Tieware, Cooku.g slid Box Stover kc., which be W,U loll u go am ro YALCOL CAMERON. : nee on his own responsibdttr. Iv rattle i dueeJ pr vete. rmbrua►y 91h, 1851. tSb3 j thanks to Mo public for the Very liberal as. The higbeet pains paid in trade for olc " -- _____- I eouragement received by ORR k %•,I", i he be d toln'imare that hew 11 constantly gen cnypar, bray, pewter, nheepskina. Ulf erre beef It ATTACH tEv'1'• es.fetthers and rogue. All kinds keep hand an sonortmtnt of 6,iptrwri Sercbutabl• produe@ taken to exchon a RI LASTnoe, ell°s,etin,m of C 0 O K IX G,1 a.h gi,ces. g (`pe„ICeNE/rreoy oweADAs r BFaVtwrt ril of. u ; Parlour, and Wx StOv"; ,killer- Godench, Feb. 19, 1832. wb-s< ican, Scotch & Canadian i'IrIng11N: - the us"., e" Cef. ,re if Heron. Perth ead Auaebmest seed out of Ibe --- -- of the mast Improved Mool,ls,_„if.4J.rl . WANTED. B^1Or' Cursory Cuurt, I u•r lh. United ' ROLLERS, TYroi.r I.,akes, t1'wul'r A SCHt)nL Teacher fur School Seetiol Ruflers. ¢,•. THRA-4111NiG 1IACiIINF:tf " To suer : CoeMiee of Iiures, Perth wad B bee, and to I Estate, Real as well Nn 2, B,udulph. he must produce of a si1p, r,, r descrip,,on t., s:,v h,tl,v;tan S coad CIRPS Certificate. imlroduced,an l better aJaptrd to ill,. ere dlreand against the els Personal of son. SUALL, an absconding I cows. IIoP,RL 11, an, P&, Uy from thr,f lightness of draught, %rd Joel+ TrsoatteS. nr cooettaW dt►tor, &t the salt of MAaav@: for the tum of eighlmsn pontine 'j ,ARnT.o19, elnnglh "f cooetruc n"n. A roll fnuu a-' FaaPfr/ ,ALFIAPnea, tes,ling purchasers is rtgge.ted berdr* HoLata0. fifteen Bl,illings. I hot@ setaed and t.kan I per l dJYlph, April lar, 1839. yb all 1-6w cha#mgela•w'hore. 1'he sbnVe wiBbesold, 1__- the $,tote lteal mi as Personal of I __ __ at w ltAtes for C„sh or Ttady, orat car- All the Marl lout SMALL, @red the t, golden the I responding rates on approved credit, I RICHARD YUORE, Baia Jobs Small, return w,tian 196* Juriodie. A. B. OR R. [E AVIN,; durug the pest two yetis set• Strafford, 2001 June, tura of IM Bud Cw-4t. a put in ball to 1850, 2,-c40 rd Ill the c,oscily of GENEI<Al. acting, or canoe ,he sn,to be des %he ne ekarred within three edonis, mnntLe ; ell, --- -_ - _ ________ ACEN'r fit the c"Ileetlon of debt&, do*” A DISTILLERY TU BELL OR LET. 111 t" be ceuerailr understooc that he sell the X-osto R«I age Pdreunnl of th. it'd Jews BIN. Of els much 1 weer as may k r + - I accept the Agency fur the collection B lll::3nheenber beg, to inform the P.bl,4cw ,n any part of this Upper Provide*, bv Lb. seeewrv, }tel be ball locale for iho pay- lie Ihat he *,L sell or let his n..lulhI11 ess 1'uboIrg ,n the East add lake Hefei .We,, bene t w stlsefse,fow oI the tarA rt, ►ttuateJ on Con, let, Lm 43, of Ib. u.. AI'tot. In making ibis annoosee. Claim oc el.iwe of Oreo ols•rr Plaintiff or Township of N,rih F.asth, p., .6,nl one eft, he would big to expreed his tMdki P. t •.ball or ninny take ocwdoc • P." • ore. M R ggaM, the prepwty and elf ell of tby.fd mile from the fiouruh,eC Tnwa of },,.t m 1.1, friend* for put (•.outs, sod cow re• ford. For pmt,eulare apply at the pval I PPeetfully Solicit* a continuance of till J.wt SaraaL within Nr muathe of this office of the owner on the p,•mt,dv. amt. of th* eaove well. AIA.XANDER SCIt1AlA(;ER. i All enmwnsheattnnt no knsiee&&, @"ran Z JOAN lifeWMAL0. North FA*t►cx, Noe. let%. 1831. 94d41 ,I (tier, I+etA) to Ayr P. O.. North Dmw ttkenor, H. P. AL lir 1 ----__ bw.. C, 10 , will be promp" attended to wa'v-e Orn eta, G*wwas- I ►•11n'e4-11.1 rARM AND SAW MILL FOR RALF. THAT April 1, 1851. wash .__ y,i_ .f lob, r'obrwary.!Crit. t„7- _ _ - - - eaeelkarLet.fLand. La, C.. 7, 4th Cwe.Pel.w, i:ae,rro Ih.uu. Tew@tk:p of - Ff)S „ R ALF -` ---- . f _ NO'I ICI•- Asbfi,W,wdlMNOW wht.p ter CW. is.uastrd in w* of the moo, Tbw M rr•'rMre a vCr. IF'TY {` Aer'@e or Lui be, I'm Ne: b Ro.11h WII.I.IAi II ALL oA the Tews&bfv M hereby forbid soy pmu@g Mf- l meets .. d:, 1larea Treet, Rod bee the be., w., y@r prial@gt ,n IW {wteLtl, A Be. Mdl Toe. P m. Lake Shore, Aeh- W.' Tnere ,* thirty servo el ervid, and ii I GadVtch ,use far chasiltg our eaeNVNg @ !Mss" 98,b Nov. lost, .(,At bestrA w pn a is is INI npr,au*. we ,beM,,, Gad Meatal M Ik& lgat at at. nahua yg sof Molestation, and as ettebart fruit Item.is 0 '117 10's boosting del* Ike mad. by we ,O avwlawis R—I e.I ante propos our I amwnl N o,ari a t,lrvs / y, for . I TW Let c• tsma ever 100 set** N,A r 'I'll 91r`and never ( url&@ o B or w{i a Log Ilse•. 20 be true do* 47 tiny* mi(lM d•,* 04 Mud I be cls, ►*.cher forbid I "fill of lead, ob*at fire nr .•r see, d .1iM 30, and a Ran 90 h, 52. Tamo- . f,25 I. or f 150, b pate hew Sad 'I.Mme (be Bildt OJeanrs, w ti.a#ed, .ad sur bore. u d meed vot.toad.t eweMlog. ioL list( down. and Ihe balaoee is thew aaaeal,a.'dmwnt . pataltt ,sol ti* o,) doesert as I WIN pay w debts r•.. (artuer psrl,eal•rs apply to Ike F ani the ffer.n A.gai, )S. ti With,inse>re.st, Partlwr, B*feAala@a ,wt@d 9i Vi WiLLI Air MALL, K ,n Ism ,ever, J NecatrM. M 'I. pramlet. i'p' tat ttf>..btrlti s•d bon, Job" Morrie, Colborne. or Cbdt `ri , RSR. IW -19608• ale11 y0nrla. W- fi` 01. j.4&4g i sty. n& the plana&#. As►BNd, March, Terms of Adrerfitgglis8 --bia lines and ARTHUR ACLAND, J. C. C. Gsderfak, 29ad Dee. 1@31. v4o" 25'b, 1834. v&_e64h •' , iI , ufte i:.r Beed. 84 rat ford. -Pay event 'bf the Note bow bean stopped. A, 4WD TVNrrY Fir iWill w#4 mi. I"t. OHN YeDONALD. sanest.. ---••w-- - eta , ufte AYS. y,&. ISM stiff, "end • 44"1 Beed. 84 rat ford. -Pay event 'bf the Note bow bean stopped. A, 4WD TVNrrY Fir iWill w#4 mi. I"t. OHN YeDONALD. S -- : YOUNG MEN. ___.-_ —4--- rl rpl/ contra. ____ NBRY CHIPPAWA FDUTHIi SOMTBi1D, ITHE HURON SICIYmmL saws Die(ine Come W As United 60 some. h.TU a%a are«, wall he And Steam F-11100 Natlufactory. DoolR.ar r to• STATIOMtR. 13 ,gp.all, B.itleiu'. Hotel.) c.r..r will Is 1'rtartrd t PLLDliallttt daay blow as dsolee ed pl+eee following s nen — do Caudae and Tolbwt•stswLet Loudon, C N. - SSbsol au&hs, Centwe sad Clam.ul SYe►- I BY GEO. & J(JH:i (A)X. ata• Tim rt hoes., pad riA,ia y Trb of in. cud Tlwr.ra) 1N JeJy DaeM1 THE Undersigned iS sow propend to all kinds el tort is the besot wanwer, ttiadlag ear Aeuse s( otrw) derortpu.a lister- tpJ els tk. Preraues. es, Market 117vlat,r, Gotlertk4. Liam, Ea! . Clark. avenue sevowe . J.k. Hak.,a To+ere, Nita►ol, left, r,t. and at short notice. The Pattarmsof Stow Eat( inao M Oret of the nwea Lf Uslie s fur Access t Deere. [saw the Trade I .r cavalry slsrshaau, paas,uIll atua4*4 tea: Book and Job caeca ed with neatness and dispatch. nod 27Lh Nay. Fr•&ciaColrmem, Clrtk Taus wvlsaus. is~* sad maw. maim. at* all new sla apprn•edklad. Aloe, cornpl*1de*laaf~- aad a liberal cl,. sus, aihwer- London. Memo, mi 404 I '%►arttf the 11krom Sis"j. -'pt W dw`sTavero, ts6a&6,.d193,► re . s telt shafting. Ike. for Gruff naJ hear Yds n, -- - --_ -_-__ ,_. I SHILLING" per SMOM d paid Nnetly in end Sts, his,. Rabe Wflli.as, Clark. -to w. ich the aecguem YI the publoc is -to i advance, or Twelve and Dist Peace wrf► BtwL"1vTU **wear e aft►'* Taveoc, (.Bede• Read, ft► rsbraae) and Slat Mey. O.erp particularly Jlreeted. , Haring dew eJ euosilere►.e lime and illOIEIG the eaptreuw of the year. No paper Jncoounued soul arrears Caner, Ce,k• ra►yw am ...us, ( axpenaa les genlgg up the rut do*erlpU i (advantage are paid up, unless tM pubkrlwr thinks at tryae►nsl x. H—, Chows., 3rd Fekrenr) ud 29*d I of Engine, with all the otbdr oeeessary Ls- MAY. Jeass'(iardw E114J. Clark. lures for Yulev. Saw Mills, to sow ready to i 1efe to do so. I MITY strews. Ioorir them with great ...Adella to Iboue r 1 L HE subscriber huge to inform the intra• ; An) iodifidaal in (Le ccontry, bRnmmg ua Bobeoek'sTsvero, Bata, Mary's, 19th rebreery 1@ wast of such te►ch.dery. These Engines. i luta of Oederieh and ,is •Iaioily, that mPould V for subscrllen, shall re_ and 2fr► may. Jaa►ee C..lentaa, E.q. Clnk, kc contain all the recent rreprowements, be boo received a Large Supply of the La- I .five a seventh copy gratis. M. Vin wof lkv i and are v*iv complate. Seven of them aro a Tavern. Vflep of Bay Geld. 8th rib. lost Iwprovod Patterse of it All letters addressed to the F'dit4r sj 24' esJ 23.h N*y, David Herd Ritchie. Esq. Cl -k. 1 now finished, •od the demand to such that can be fitted COOKING BOX 11pest be post-paid, or trey will not be takes The 8,Itiago of Ike rr.nl CwnP will sow- Darlfee desirous of purchasing s w i out of the post office. tau paouiva,ly of II .'elect• A. N. up is • few weckr, with swat) thing seems AND PARLOUR STOVES, I Terms of Adrerfitgglis8 --bia lines and ARTHUR ACLAND, J. C. C. Gsderfak, 29ad Dee. 1@31. v4o" ear y. A Bollor Yard is also attached to the En which he offers for Bale at very reduced I u under, first inxruon, igp Y ti I tablishmat, where boilers of the best qua • OODERICH, f2od January, 1834. I a isms be made to order, on Prices far Cash. The subscriber also ke* on hand as usual, at his Old stand, • lar e I Each aubacgnt•nt insertion, 0 0 7 Ten lines and under, first Laser., 0 3 , ity will at all NOTICE. reasonable terms, &tad of the but materiae sod very superior aassttmeet a( TIN- I Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 10 I and workmanship. WARE of every description. The sub- Over ten Imes, first in. per Jibe, 0 0 4 PAR-r1Es whose Accounts of 1830, remain Improved stationary Firo Faffinee too- Scribes takes this opporttieity of retufntag' Fach subsequent ib,er[ion, 0 0 1 uOrpaid well, hereby notified, that unless those stantly on hand, ready for delivery. his sincere thesis to the Public for the very I A GFerel diseoot made to those sura Bit "be" be i amadlalely settled, the under. ' Iron Placing, Turoieg, Screw Cutting, liberal patronage he has received Piece be, advertise by the year. Ngmed will, without any distinction place Brass Casting and Fmishiag, kc. dome in ba bees in business in dodsrich, k hopes sbem, to the hands a. their Solicitors fur every varielr. by strict attention to bmatnesy, and moiler- __ _ _ _ - Collection. In connection with the above, there is ate priest, to cautious to receive a share Grain of all suite, of a marketable quality now is course of erection the largest Slave q y of public patronage. p . will be taken is movement. Foundry in the Province the Moulding N. B. -Graining, Painting, Glazing. Pa. 1 - _ 50-4i W. B. SEYMOUR k ('o. Floor of which will cover upwards of 10,% --- per sod Bell Hangeor,carried on a herdt@- I f)n. WILLIAM I _-- __ -~- • DR. P. A. MCDOUGALL. 000 egnare feet. GODERICH, 92nd Jan. 1869. , There will be constao+ly on hand a Stock STORY. I Gt Isgricb, Sib Sept. 1849. t2ns1 a A N Fo ruasul,rd, at all boors, Rt C THE Subscribers' Stone Warehouse, site• of the most approved ppneros of English Sled on the Harbour -Quay, having been add American Cooking Range■. Stove., c I NATIONAL HOTEL y, LiTarri s Ilo*rdln8 Hoene, (formerly fie British llobl.) competed, the Public are respectfully in, 9&c. fitted with Tin anJ G•pper Ware corn- BRCCEFiELD• Godench, Aprd Y9tb, 18b9. r3 formed, that the same is ■ow opoo fur the Plate, also, the hapdsomeat and newest - i i Storing of Produce, Marchand zeke. kc. , styles of hall and Parlour Stover, a variety rrHE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to ie- JL _ IRA I,F.AV1 ,. on the most reasonable terms of Plain and Ornamental Patterns of Cast 60-61 M. B. SEYMOUR k Co. Iran F..,e and Gate#, all of which will be form his friends and the public gene. I rally, that be ba now gut the National 1RRISTF.R. 1,111 IIA. ke. Neat. B' _ sold at lower rices things have ever before P Novel So far completed, a to warrent b:m I sire.', lindanes. Juns 1839. svo9b AXE FACTORY, , ' been offered to the public, and which, from ¢ in saying that be is prepared to furnish ac- t the petition e( Chippewa. at regards water THE 8n(y@enber bt;i to intimate to the be forwarded to eommodatioo for mass and Aerser, equal at i DANIEL IIONE LIZARS, communication, can any farmers Red other inhabitants of the , part of the Province. at a eery light et- last, to anything that can be found be- tween Loadoo andGoderich. The Xalio• ATTORNEY AT LAW. and Convey••_ ke. United Counties, that be baojust completed ! pen#e. OLIVER T. MAKLFM. bis arrangements, and is now to ' Chippewa, June Spect.-22 at Hotel is situated in the beautiful sed 1 car, Solicitor in Chancery, hes kis office as formerly in .1'Ifttfcird, prepared 21, Idyl, feratsh Axes, warranted, of a superior qua, I thriving village of B►eeefielJ, IB mils, Stratford. 2nJ Jae. 12.50. 21m49 1 __ - _ _- --------- htv,and on tonmausited to this circomstan• from Goderich and 42 miles from Locdon, a 1 ew of the .ounce and lb alit of the I FRUIT TREES! article. y' quality subscriber in returning thank. to the g busty of the situation, and I and Irom the ell , Strict atlentionto the comfort of his guests' DANIrf. GORnON, CABINETMAKER, Threedeare Easte TIIF. Ile also invites all farmers to call aeJ sus - 1 inhabitants of the Count' of Ibiro" and customers, he hopes for a share of pub" i Ike Canada Compaey'e cffiee, Wsst- •mise his imorAved sp.eimen of the generally for the very liberal encourages lie Patronage. JOIN street, G°dsnrh. !vaso CANADIAN SCOTCII PLOUGH, I trent be has met with in the Sale of Fruit which he f . *3_ 46 ilrueefield, lot Jan, 1831. v3 -n48 Aoguar 27, th. 1839 Atteru himself will ba found ' Trees, begs to announce to the Farmers of )1 )I1 1 1 F LIN1 (l\, Superior fn Macy reopeets to any other I these United Counties that he to prepared Plough son R If"le LLN In this seetlon of the I to introduce this Fall, a large •od well we- TRAVELLER'S HOME. STK.%shluRG, WATnaLou t NOTARY PUBI.IC,Comn+/ssiuwr Q.B., Previte*. i lected stock, cuuprisin,; every variety of . S 28th February, 184,) and Conveyancer, SinUord. HARVEY BRACE. ,Nursery rreet, upon his usual Iiheralterms. Gokriob, Aug. 91, 1631. It be ►nIIE Subscriber hereby,utimates to bin 1 1 ILLI:A3f REED. Re. v4n97 ; would eeperfipouv to enlarge upon the superior merits of this Niursery. and F. & C. H. BUHL, , the qualities of Frmt brought from It -but friagds and the Travelling Publt: gets*- rally, that ho has romo►ed from Now Aber -i deen to the Village of Stresburgh, and will t4OUSE AND :IGN PAINTER, r Lighthouse -.beet. Godehch, I Octube:.S, Itl39. ,vase j, ZANJUF.XtTURER8 of fiats, Cape and the large quaot,ty, of Trees that have been now be found ie that well-known house for-) - STOK::B. - Faocy Furs, Wholesale and Retail distributed over nearly all of Upper Canada, Dealt is Furs, Buffalo (tube Deer S for the last 19 ears has gained liar thus e, kms, ! L merly occupied by Mr. J,ineo,-where be will be roady and able to conduce to the, I H6MIST ANO DRUGGIST, West - C Glover, Miueet, beer ke. Nurssry a euperiontr over most otLerr. Icomfort of those who may honor btw with t nlreel, boler.cb. Cask Paid for .furs. The subscriber would beg to introduce to their patronage. Add while he reforms ;#171860. 20-3 The highest price paid, at all tines in , the on•lee of 8:1 thus who wish to getgood Cash, for all descriptions of Shipping Filed : Winter Fruit. the celebrated Nortbgrs spy thanks for past favors, be hopes, by strict attention'to the wants and west,./ of his ` HURON IIOTEL, i by F. k C. If. BUHL. 1.Apple, its qualities arewi :nn► to all others q P De'roit, customers, still to merit a conticuance sof JAV$tl GENTLES, "erieh.- AtteetWe Ilnstlers alwa s as head. Michigan. Aug. 183). 1,3028 of its kind, Leepreg until July,and presser- — teff all its freebeeseand flavor, which is a their patronage. JOHN ABEL. y G4aeriebi Sept. 19. 11"5. - is-ese STRAYED from the vubscribor, Lot 23 : Creat il"ideralum datil that period. The Ila Late Rnad, Two Steen five n. PObscriber would els intimate that his Hay, N. B, -Good STABLES and attentive (/rooms. 09-n4tf STRACHANAND BROTiIER. y Dwarf Pear Ir is greudemenJ as a Carden old one Dark Red, the other between - _- - _ Bn►r(ett/ sued Attoraiei at Low, •s,. Gr C. W. Fr^it, besting in two years anter planting. Yellow and Red, Bull Headed. Any one F,.ry variety cf Fruit free,, Ornamental findi0g CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE 1s Y neatca ]OeN19THACHAN B+riinterandAtter- them and giving information where they they they may be obtained, will besuitabl . and Evergreen Trees god Shrubs, Hardy J C V .11 .9 Y , V at w Westar Public and Comity - neo Law, • l 7- Herbaceo0+ Flowering Planter Dahlias, rewarded for (heir trouble. j Balboa* Ftnweris Roots, tan. Cstala ust R L THE Soberiber having bgno appointed area►• • LEXANDSR W0O1y STRACHAN s EWAN CAMERON. tan be had of an local oetravel:in agent, Dec. $ 1861• •la49 - y R L full de.eriptton. Term#, Arent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," t A,toest at Lar y r Solicitor is CMm• , eery, Conveyancer. tete. giving a whom 60 ____ j , , Tress are taken, g -S ser hundred, or 1s SP1 ass fur Asses- r prepared to receive proposals y I Gakneh, I71b Newembvr, isbl. current each, order 50 Trees. 1s 61 a PLANS AND .SPECIFICATIONS. i y y' I two years creJ:'. notes payable with ,ntor- ranee, and will be happy to afford to any t person the necessary information, sv to the ; _ I 111• . aS S. NICHOLL5, eat. Orders wil; be received, and am to. THE Subscriber beg S leave to inform the r forma!ios given by Ila Horace Horton, Pnuefpeo of the Institution. JAMES WATSON- (Fiww 1lrlrrnt 319., /wsiiwe, Js'ag.) ' iubnet a bo of the Dos, that a has, esJ the e@i laboring Districts, That he has Market Sgnart, Guderich, and Mr. Pour Goderieb, 3tbJtwF. 1819. yin 9l; MILLINER AND. 1llAE3 + .AIAKEJT, Boehm-Eisr ST., Ooogovir" Woods, Union Hotel, Stratford, local Establisted himself in Stratford, , agents for th a Vurserv. District Crown Landlg 0.9ce. I (Mr. HaeMatow BriA fl-ise.) and is prepard to give Plans and Specified- 1 SAMUEL MOULSON, i BMSRTO, CAr,', DRswn. CLoan. blaetra.as, tions of Public or Private Buildings, Bind OI1 Rochester Nursery, Ni. Y. NOTICE, i9 HEREBY GIVE`T I de •mode in ib lesem Nye N hell e. ms, Mill Items, ke. Ise. ke., and will take I God,,ieb, 15th July, 1231. , 22 ►j IIAT ,he remaining CROWN LANDS A.bete. Anwtmtot of lieey Goods oa bad, 156b, 1b52 19 the superintendence of such Ergctiose, on _ 1 in A3101ELD and W.AWAN0911, are pill ____ _______ the most reasonable terms. - now opea FOR SALE. All neerevary ief in - ILS thorough knowledge ofbls profe*vie■ SAW MILL S PARK LOT ,les respeetimg thew Laude may 4e obtained by appl)iag w III THOMAS t ICHOLLS and his practice n Builder, qualifies him for any undertaking in the line. Address post ' FOR SALE. JOHN CLARK, i BROKER, House, Lar.I in+erariee, Ship- pafJ, PETER FERGUSON, - Builder, ke. ke. Stratford, C. W. THF, above Mill ani Lot are situate, on District Crown Land Ageat. 23rd November, 1b30. 3vo41tf plug and General A<;EYT. Pro,luco and Commun:ou Morcbuct, Ac. - Stratford, !larch deb, 1849. 9v-s7t Ibe N"rt% SiJe of Klneardine Street, to the fast improv:ng Village of Peaetaogor o '- — N O T ICE . I tousteet, ice. I Prndure bought and told on Commiso'on _ ' For particulars apply to YiOTICE,. good. carefully stored, and forwarded. Rooke WNI. RASTALL. for Peoetailgore, 23thNnv. 1351. 41 Lf HE Subscriber having RF•NTED the THE and WHARF belno I lanced, Pariverthip Settlement adjusted. G*Jeneh Feb. 96, 186! vS-ob THERE is on excellent opening • -_ TINSYiTfI fm the Town of S:nUord, ' R isg to the Yesars. Devenport, of this _____ -- — - County of Perth, one who understands the I has established kiwself an • A. NA`SMVTI1. business would find as good an opening in . NOTICE. where Stratford for country business u boy bee r fiF. ►oawARoaa allo corwteOIOP wtaceaPT. A0 orders or commission from the Nee- I 1 ASIFiONABLE TAILOR, one door West of W. & Grace a Store, West Ra■i*ew heretofore r.,•rieJ an in 9no• chants of Godench w111 receive prompt ; in Canada West. 1- ly, ander the mid of Hunt and Briggs oft 'JOHN Street Goderieb. Feb. 19, 1552. Stratford, 22nd Jae. 1832. vbnl th. New Bayfield Tannery ba0 this day base aUenh.o0. SfcEWAN.p I Yio00. Marsh i 1849. v5 -e4 --- dirsolved br mutual ron■eet. ROWLAND WILLIAMS, D. 11. Rucuie, $JACORFfl,NT, I - + , .!y-7ol - I .----- - {ANTED. Averrosasa, b prepare) toatteoJ Sales in Witneve. t EDWARD BRIGGS. lr, BOOTS AND SHOES. r rAVO good BOOT aN SHO1S Ygld9s, _ any part of the United Counties, on the w;Fibbe carriedter 00iusd the LtIo ol•Ila:', sed most liberal term.. Apply at the First rj IIE subscriber hereby intimate* to lbs v y 1 lnbabitants who sults find eaNunt employment and ke.,od warrs, by applying ,+• •'.o Shop Lutct. Divulse Court o6ewr or at his bouwn, Esse I Otani". Bib Dec., 1851. N •43 3t of Godench and the sur- rounding country, that be has commence) i of the aheuber, W rt ,irr»t. (:ndwv,eb. Street, Goderieh. P* Iva J --- - - N. B. -Goods and other o rt will be , but easy o the above her, id the Store ixmerlr occupied by Yr. Wbftn, is ibsl bL b I'ARD GRES.V . Sept. 9th, 1931. received to sell either by private or public A TEACHER WANTED. "Is. rj OR No 8 Scho-1 Section, Townebio of Ellice, Iii lower part of West -street, and wrii have coc.taorly an hand a full supply of BOOTS _ - --- ---'-- - --- -- ' © ■ second or u January 9. 18b2. v4n47. tied re Rod SiIOE8 of every size an,! desenptinn,' 9 Certificate from the Pu►:le Board, of IN. Rnd of a B"penor quality, which he will tell NEST STR EET, GODERICH, NOTICE. struelion. `JOIIN iN1NALY, at mnderate prices for Cash. I (rear the Mar►a, Sqo.,*,) 9rrw*loes, S PATRICK BANINAN' N. B -Hide+ and Wheat taken to ex ' ST MESPRfI. J01111 A ROBT. DONOOH. THE Subscriber begs to request all ind*bt• ( MIC'I %EL O'BRYAN. .hedge at the highest market prion. , OODAccemrm" lase for Travellers. sod Gar ntrsnve H«ilei at all imu, ,s oke nd to him by Note or Book account, to make immediate payment, s/ all accounts Ellice, Jan. Roth, IBS9. vb N ._,,,,..,.,._•,...____._ .. .._.-..-,-_...__.._.____ . B. GREEN. Goderieh, 9th Sept. 1651. 30 ' aMrfia of Teems. Osderiek, D.e_8, 1850. 43-19( due on tbt slat December, 1851, if not to- ST'RATib (me do oMWwiM►da w M - -- - __- i 1 medially settled, will be put in the hands ►7 boot the Sib day of Way last, a Large GODERICH AUCTION ROOMS. WASHINGTON of Division Court Clerks for collection with- out reserve. Yoke of Steere-ane a [hark Red, with toyig wide borax, and a small lump an the - DAVID H. LIZAKS begs to inform Farmers' Mutual Insmmnee Co., IAMF.SGORDON. March. 1211!. w11-na right fore leg ; the other White, .,th hg►t in the sohs►Itanto of Goderich, and the S CAPITAL S1,W0,0W. Clistoo, 111111 nd Spots lb vvitgh the body, each four ears ! old. Also, three Heifers, 31 senOeNiog country, that his Awe. use Roams are now open, and that heC HOPKiNB, f)gmloe, Agent for Ellie TAKE NOTICE. oat dark no with white stripes through the body, thief 1 u at ail talent reedy to attend either is m I th@ Counties of Waterloo dud Heron. years u' w old -one Wbiits red spot. Z Tows or country, to d,spnee of bay de- .. Awgset 21, 1830. 3v 16 els , bar body, nee year o,-tbe other Bnedled, LL those indebted to the flw►os Sia- .: A Office, either by Note of bead or I with a whit* isle, see veer old. Amy psr. Z"Ilpuou of Gonda or Farm Stock on= c:, the taut seasonable forms. YR. JOHN ■ACARA. eel by Book account, at this date, will oblige eon giving such information as will sad to i; All kinds of case" produeereeeiv C RARRiBTER, Aolicltcr a Ckveeefy, L Cns•ryanror, the Su►ac►iber by aeknowladging tbetr theist recovery, wdl--c•el,eaIRowRrdof02. 5adsedBel no Con mission. elt►eibyQ Athrwy t-Law, eke. 1ta'idngS, lubmhttes, and obufw' a settlement of Ibe DU..k;AN UsKENiZIL with Mr. Horace sorts* of God*neh, ' Terne111p of Stanley, 4th Bon. 191 !t, <M1eeto of Asetiea S*Iv, loth* best.. =advantage. at IS* Goderieb Aurtios C Ian. Odic* r Owned,, KinR4t. oppeSirw ib* Gore li.ek. and the Hawk of Sam* at their earliest oes9"Velf"a" , loth Nov. 1861. UBed Cowwieman Room* (agent dome tet llfitfob North Associate. HAwraTnw. 4 iso THOMAS MCQU6EN. NOTE ; Yr. Honoe'a Bodlerv,YNket Sgdwr* ) N Cook Ya. T- N. YULFbWUk1H, Gederich.Jae, So. Is". 16MA I L08T. advanced on gook isteed@dl els Pr.aeeial LAW 1 -= I THiISeMerlber feet is the Tests of Wood• Ii1ock of wdigbbar►'-nd, IN Deeewbs, fast; tmwodrat* Sae. S All*4vert)stag free of sheriffs. ; (ViL ENGINEER Rnd `% Surveyeh GeMrnk• TIMELY WARNING. • small pocket book, at.,sag Sown to No No Safe, see charge. April s0, 1631. v4a11 IT would 1» well for all thee@ indebtod to that be note els Rade Note dated 1 j November IIIbI br Mr. Franca Ftohlmgb for f5 s 7 to the I~ GOdev'eb, reb. 12, 1859. 9603 I GODPJtICH AUCTION AooYB. DR. HYNDWAIi, S TAVFRN Lodou Red the Gode6Cb F11u m &"Boot. sou qts seed "far iw"Iol >Subecether .—fit hoover ban (ouad Iho Maw W411 pl/aw temw,foieete with Mr. Pet,, AYS. y,&. ISM stiff, "end • 44"1 Beed. 84 rat ford. -Pay event 'bf the Note bow bean stopped. A, 4WD TVNrrY Fir iWill w#4 mi. I"t. OHN YeDONALD. S -- : YOUNG MEN. Atli t. tt 38. Geierfeb r.. ■ AMea wtw twin Toronto and Guelph Railway Gtthpttn.0 r Daiesle rook Mill, 18119. 'i' NOTICE is t enby gives, 'hot application I j '-` r aa tty NDRY GORRICit 11'OtJ . wi11•N uredo to the fiext 8nuian of the f,egialatore, for as Inereaeo of the I ] LLL l,@ INW,aftM fiedweted try Was. s'"t, who Capital Stock of The •bone Cgnpany, aN fur teTtgee gwewdmmsts , • • J. Eeay., ee him owe mee In the Aet of In. wtil awpply every 4—rip4iea of coatings at s thea aha! w be %wtp "d. @erperatlaa, as .Ion for power to *stead the R*Ow*y " some P"040 els iwhe Heron. sed ► _ letsrd , im m T '• BURR I►," RTOV» mouar The eew be h ler O"I o rwtl wtl fis eke Sff Cliff r, friLM t% A Breach to Loo, do ors W eel. 6010 iv lsud 9jo,Nt ewe bwOefO a a eorrospaudug JOHN W. RWYNNIL . remuSNw wall ttrMfit snide "- Fob, 1911! bs Ate<rtit* Uti h9NbMjpo.►1ryhe r ofawobw ,.)- , v 1 - _ .1 ". ' 'r`i A "ora• to yaef:ri, A! _.,n.a _, UiCE' .. ___ A TRJICAER WANTED Way Is6{' FINDS. Na 1 school, Colborn, hel int a JAMES WOODS, CertiAcate from it* Patine BwrJ e( UCs( JONrF•Rv ie pMpwrad t@ disuse instruction, apply to Trusts" of amid "heel rfi►lie Aal*y la any pit of tl*o Utlllati els At before the loth r b"gory, Ceesfitt, as modonte term@. Colborne. 22nd las. 1851. Stratford, Mar IL80. v1-elill, Village LOtlt in Port Albert,-« llla WCHANA19, TAIWL Ashfield—for Sale. le Hk° THERE well situated Lots Nes Mt, to M /retM y tbi r 41, off the Get atk of Collsorc* e,reet, a2w« i tt . MN(M. 119 4 •41wN 9a Q 4l did 4!, ons the West b . .fN of said lbert. is he Impre hip f llmgOAub- • '& lui npg ak . •r Of Pert Albert, In the Tswee►fp s/ ABb- A`gse' w+'w wsM. Need etlOssswleR. M 11rrt00l ie- 1Ni i1 famotae apply In L (:ark, Eq, Crowe V*W =, lead f1Sr@w (Ift4gicle or the e AO or,. K 19 116U ROPIFJRT HOOK . ;,as...: a nit "'W" Weilesity, North of &air. CersslSe .ly i►ttttJplfel. 5%► Sdy,.11111. y e,ba• l;; fl A* W .•. t ; s: . I