Huron Signal, 1852-05-13, Page 3r J It it de, ed ed to len ha• rat HURON SIGNAL. (r -i" The Autism fee teem B&W Co••• Lea cowed of. Tesuctsy last. having been en eseum "ince the 3th iest. Among the Ceti' user, ass f.r over-llowieg 'see, Cams ea Company as Brewster, wail Om most porteet, veslict fur Piiestsf /500. TI. criminal ealenear wee immusily busty fur II #ff.#0. Tee maet iamportast cam on that docket MIN tbe Qom. re. Stanley, et al. f"t *rem,- The Crowe Couto/eh Col PrInee, found more then his rival in Jiiiiirre Deteelle. Efq . Course' for prisonere. 111 fee:, we Isis witnessed the eenduct- teg,f any eats in Couri, in which we e leder thy examination cross -ermine tom of the witnesses, so slily snJ adroitly mersged as by the Counsel for prisoners.- Preeiners were acqiiitted. Were ..• eve, to be tried for any capitol ffir•ce or other• wise, we say g se us les. Dueeile, for tier Counsel. I:7" We intone to give the minutes of the M eic•pel C .unctl in our next issue. 111 at lltli t11 o 111 GALT, May 10tb, 1852. vo ram Snares of 11111 =tug 111o•al. Sir :--I hare beets reading its your paper of lat. a good deal about the conduct of Mr. John (Mit (who I vhry much re-yect), and II,13 not astonished at the attack made upon him by diiie,eot individuals, respecting his tiro round against Nit. Cameron. Put your old f.sioned correspondent Kierty Frirerth, mites a charge against him to your last week% imue of a graver neture, sod one I am inclined to think ie not *0 very ba 1 as he would wislr people to thiok it is, an I I would just suggest that tribes. there is such charges brought against any rem, thet the document iteelt sleauldhe pub- lished, that people might judge for theme eeltree ; and if either you or Kirety can di that, 1 win forever -hold my race, if eot, then I would ask you both to do the same. I arn Sir, yours truly, J. A. WON *al "1115414.118 ers "I wen lb". Climatiss 117::::haii:uti:1111.41.6:111P.7161toriet 1.1411ael 14..4 7.6.411";ve all'Isreeej is: • A WilialAlit 1111.11114" re1"1"141.11 givaguded. tame at Wally ia! Yew memory go we yea h Bet .eby dies deleroue outcry egoist 00110•11004111 writers no w-a-dayet at merely became they have nude yet,. or rathtr your 0840 the subject of their (fru- ;tonst a is surely sot that they ue pelts (as you maw drink Owe) 44 yesterdays growth. for I can recollect Biome seriouy- moas articles ea extertiouate Hayes and FEES even in Auto nasals saute twenty years ago ! aad, if 1 am not remelt mistaken in year itieetitv 6ir, you were souseickat coo- nected witis them! do you then think that suds a letter as you base just published would have been conyidered satisfactory by the complainents in these cases of griev- ance 1 or, that it would bare sto?pril the enquiry then, as you evidently desire that it should do in the prevent ease 1 You kw -a that it would out. Neither 'sill it do n -*i • You say also that if I would have" visit- ed you in your Den" you would " cheer- fully hate exhibited Books, Papers and Documeuts" to enlighten Inc. greatly doubt, however, from the specimen of your letter writing ability 11344, before me, that the actual enlightenment to be gained by a private audience w"uld bare been small in comparison to the amount -of eoplestical ar- gument and reasoning by which it would have been accompanied. And besides as you would hare so ... cheerfully" waded through books and papers to satisfy me, I doubt not but that you will yet place the whole metier 041 paper by a plain and short statement. in such a manner as to bring the facts within the ran -e of the most ordwary comprehension. And instead of %hewing is the tree iu which your accounts are sent through the Mil" of the 51e,gistracy, in a paragraph of eighteen lines; that you will stew us the amount of ORDERS ON THE COOiTY TREASURER, granted by ilw Magistrats • in you • favor quarterly, for your services during the years 1,50 and 1851. 11 may be done in eight lines, thus for inetance. Amt. of orders pulsed in favor of Clerk of the Pelee for services is quarter 'entline 1Sth Nov. 1S50, .£182 5s and en on. You are no doubt aware, Sir, that your friend M. Galt, has stated that "F.ings 70 DANIEL LIZARS, ESQ•, Clerk of the Peace for H. P. & B. we. e made for the people and not the people Sin :-I have carefully penned your let- tor k&181:. So. sm. 1 believe were CLERIts ter of the 3rd inst., to the Editor of the Huron Signal. in reply to mine of the first. And, as I had nerer doubted but that I would meet with a gentleman in • per annum: for you:services; you know ths Or THE PLACE. And, an you said of Au- ditor*, if the office dee, sot suit you, bur- dened u will henceferth undoubtedly be. with !At ob1igratino to let your employer know the exact amount which you receive year important cffice, you iney aitt.naitres. Galt ohy, taunts, them ties My there aghif, 1 eller me. ti r, Wei easausg atone, Lewd LI surtdo.4 the 510114•Y ••••let. slug Ma tie to woos et ea - times. booget • cow from • weilase det .le"triorlooarkelioeha Yonearcerichil 11,1eregfoueded the av- „kat ,, ,. _ oripoo.i i:killf..jsed ,,,. he; bet shoe I. was a'aeni lei isa. 4e - mown I wilt at b. martivisabk oleo to 1:imo". °I:, . ..1.1 c.,°•• 1.hhilil 21 oven Inver y, tilt eow wee claimed by • common wienrsuineird thatto potpubria(71:,:se(":44111equiliteprahatvitse 150i -f Insieeellti.nsgthesiiiha, bitthar"1 lel'onn'oolstes "ni•eis.:71: b.: elf.h13,1:1:::: fr.7:Lteel'r.:1 me- see w he sirooteel that be bed hough, ber lot timerbiargiot,lia. tar",notd,:tfiet:Rewrioeb,:allia Iiipuiltrpnle:asmoariesPisisyrstaistgoiftelj7:yr- eit,le,D.'el.1:s.bUaltith,1,,,,,brectiho:1:t,9hheo.tn, oast s15 t..', rrti....loodyvt.:0.1.1-c...c.,..r....,-,p.t1e11.17,..: The rialto'. Ile oi .0.. so ''''' b. f 1857. •Eice T•ie incideot coeh,ron • #tatoistrel sosia slims with bow Th. '1101 *eye. "A eleseme elemenetesse• sesame/ 24 es Leseebill shark...a ire Tevireday leer. A r imagine my rurprize 54 1119 perusal. lied that you therein address me personally, I I:1st, therefore, you will excuse my follow- ing the same coarse. as I think. it prefera- tle to addreSsiog the Editor. Were I, Sur, to follow your Dog -as -ti- cal Otal;'s sot in Johnston !)style, 1 might 7erhaibs be tempted,to say that you had be• Izaa wide what you calt• contiim- el with • Yet -it -MI and ended with a I.Vutsit!!! I have sot, however, accts.- self to such a course in aliy of my you eay pie it up. In ember cue, 900 Ake tee Auditors, have "otter employment"' in yo4r 1/1ViSION COURT CLERK OITCE: which rather sing:ular fact ! slipt •-sur me- ,morf af the twee you s•enlighteneci" us se fully on the emoluments of the Clerk of the Peace of Yoik, Ontario and Peel; albeit its an office of no smell emolument, and onc that many would cheerfully aece;it singly: and undertake to tile their Bonds in the co. fice of the ( Ierk of the Peace " aeconlin_ to the form of *be Statute in such case mad, and provided." You state that your fees of efface as tossed my correspondence lhitherto, but, se my writing ICz1;;,,k1 l of :she. 2Pdesadt cenfOr.° theyear 1S51 were. be give the amount Master taught' me that e Evil communica- I.of your fees un.der the Jury Act for 1e50! tions corrupt good mannere," there's no say -las ..£17S Se. 441.,. seenewhat simpler nude is; what style I may adopt before we have of strewing the amount of your incense for dose. You will then, at any rate, be bet- 13117 one rites year! 141 true, 700 507 that a sum ar ensure 10. lalter sum, -ter able' to judge of my "innocence" or:. o , may be assumed to be due to you for Jury !" mood/edam" than at present.. You hate, Act labour 1851. but Why did you not ...te doubt, beard, Sir. although you seem to name that sum? I hare beard it stated as Imre forgotten it, tint" brevity is the soul 1.£221, and have some cause to believe it, cf wt." I shall, therefore, confine myself !bat then that is £43 more than what you ask us to auume it to ire ! . Well, Mr. Cocker, if the Ontario Comi- ties witb a populatio• of 113,607 souls pay their Clerk a the Peace the sum of £32u lot certain services; what should the Huron Counties witb a popalatioa of 27,62:, souls, pay their Clerk of [be Peece for similar err- e;ces, at the same rate of pay? Why ! says Cocker. any fool may tell you that; its just Seves-rv-sins rucsus, rive ▪ JIVE TILSCS • ND 711E FOURTH Or • FARTHING; sod, if you doubt my word. here it is, asd 705 917 ask the find school- boy you meet whether I am correct or sot? If 113,W/7,321E:27,625 27223 es plain language as I possibly can, and Agatn, why nsake the distinction between • c-Arem to the point of the matter under dis- the Jury Act -fees and your other feel a kir0b11:: binidla,..auree. 10. le'le0.7.s,1.1., text with a blesses. which was melon( enesion by the shorteet possible way in ' oce is it a separate appointment /- 're.,‘"(%; 1B I ppositioo. y one ieeord, it hes been leylight hideous with his unearthly praying J•mtny stood a moment eat, ishment, 11130 652 1956 2282 659 11360719003750t£71 5s, 3J. 795469 1053200 105 2453 307107 20 615940(5 6511035 47905 It 674060(5 564055 4 6,55 Now then, Mr. lesarte-res hoe that r'ocker is imealist surly "O'd Follow ;" ell, I behove, ttor problem to correctly •• •wered-and. as you elate that tlan Clerk of Dm Peace tor tie Ontario Couottes' 41111P. •inder •ti Jr*Y ACT "erre calculated norde Ike USW ratio •• retro by direction or tie .../a .f Parliament.' line d» you accotse 7 be ir tote decrepance of £141 11.1.. d• iween rum 61 5211 which 1 Aare co to be carreet. and at your credit in tb.- Pressure?. Book., for these seratene dur- ing the year 14351,and the sum of £9 50. 5.1. arcch amount• to o. according to Coeltr.r.- •nd so calculated on tbsi suns ratio it., to 'ees of the Toronto Clerk of the l'esee. vita idiom vnii say! so "•harneletisly enm sred Feta" 1 fear much sir, that shoe 'less coorporistoa! May nut " mount too a-eumed" to bass been over •haleed in the £178 Fe. 4,1. ea, d yen lee Mier day fur that work to 1850? or, bow do on expiate it? • W• ale, got pretty Weil he ugh with 1hm hesidiese aed swirling morons of roue lathier. which I referred a„ i he beginn.ng 04 shies and. it wu my *11- 19111.1*, (0 rPTieW your premiere ID the 'lore! Beck! aryl Sch. orier!•rg.iments res. •ased in Ora 'chiming portion, but want of -epee p -• see et preoent. lo the mea•tent, 1 Dee to wore you. sir, thst your explanation of dm .poists shove mooted, sod of one or two others which 1 think may sees out of them. la 11111- 1infietory: 1.0.11 most readily admit it as Deeply and publicly as 1 have brought (Of. oar.; thews ebeiges %gum' yeti. 1 base Om honor to be. Sir. yott: shoal eery% JOHN GALBRAITH. &hese May *1 ib, 185t. so Made 111 the ro#4.0.44,#•inaat of 114,# 44•••nt 44•••into„ that J (;yrffill.11 " 11:10.11.•1 a( ;••••th144 to I ID the WA in ..yiplibillUlt".--artn.Up•11) INC them. of etttroir, the r accuse...It tu power - Jour N.,1. lloson.-As hes est maned 'er elect.on oi a Nitro...nisi i.• (*1 le couniry, the seat ul We. Maleoli Came oon ha. viz be ,nte varlet by hie trcei.t•cce ul oloire, the tone* Will now have •nother ooportuntiy of to.alt.o.r siveiiipt to 11*' -OM old Coon': the chuiru" hos a leas more hundreds to •paro in °want the eh.nrch :.harriphin, (11•41fable chance pow prerrent• itself for suer' an sm. penitture.-Eiery weep in mei. doilbalmaa, be brought into nine against 111r. Carseron, but it 511 prove eettrely ineffectual. et L.:•oent ;lhot.gh 0 run sssss r speak• 5. reported, t • Ca- ails Company have steer issued 200 deedersieeootuese., e,, der to e. Cameron tram be az Mos to,l, lite chatot• ot aorsees.10 two month, hence, irould ant b. • . good: Tele Wilt dodge of the old party. wee, we, Isms, de. tatted by the -ever 'teats and sinew Slaeo kens e, ami Irk. all hour Solve, re.1..un.1 hi their own shames. find defoar, ant 'Mould, if well authettricaed, reuse the d'a ir• and trivis,:eineet of to. Canada Cori, "41 to uod,t.20 an effeettili 0•11/thloblag "eTLtu:iill'eln41-uht.e.a'e ale+ Gilmore% ie now insoagri the loco Huron. hsvinz pawed eettward on Ftiny night. and we eri -0 Lion ow most romp:ete success In Orereolla• in g ail the sclioutcs and mact4eato.os of ha eneniwia-the enemies o' h.sg and honourable. I he at temp% by m000po- hem idol have long mewled serious lepery t hi. country. io undermine detest the Reformers of Huron wt I be duly mas- ted by them, Ifon. M. Cameros will re. el,, ruche nrearety of the Trues of the vlectorr. Gt. tbst tine co•intir, ..:1 color Its insidirioa eppenent trite earthly...a a ad -Sistuay•-liesel Herald. soles to p -y for her. TO.' dispute tarries re re.rea to *no polity. eoe•lable noel Porte,' • voii•y properly ItIrwied the Siiichen wen to take himself °Pan! h's t,.., 11.e•• Ira would ber under tho 11•C••• ly 01 tabor, ten. 1910 maelodly •• • v•graol • blot with *Met. the Mardi. beggar immediately comeltr.d." (Mr eorr..epoodesis odd,. von taloa st I. 11,110 Ill put • *lop to people begging with 440 or .E100 ro tutor Hoek Th. Ca.* t., y add. .'-the. to 10/# grirtirl.r..11.1 V. /10•1 •geamt the andiscrloitsa.e ..1 iy. An Engaehinan. Mr. ('inc. 13mynge, .ecentiv fr on the East Indies, hatia C -ale to 'Oe United Siete. at tho metarce of the American Mummy in Loader., for ibis pur- e/we cf bringing before ue the ausj-ci 01 7rdrialtteIng rodeo le•nty of the moot vela.. sh'e oprtc.,Itural siap.m of tho East, smart which no the lea, coffee and iroliee plant., .nto the United States. 11. give" its ma - mile for ng that ma and Indtgo wield heconte artier,* of ego 'el from Ole cough, 10 50 amount greai•r than the whole armor preens exports • Ile says that tea, for ottlCh Iwo now Day Ileum txtr-6•• to 000 hundred cents rer 11.•, mey be produced for from too to Grm cent*. :ree from the noxious adulterations "1 40. tea we. iMpOrt. He has priNiushed a small vo!it ne !indef. tbe title or • Th-. Future Weal'h of American." to which hie opinion" are fully explemed and illustrated, In the tevecteen years that tee Comma', Scheel system has been to •peration 10 Penney Sams the people of that state ha10. emended overfipewe million" of 4 eters in forport of tim Dees afros, exclusive of the large some aennally paid to sustain the surnernue Tartrate scaesiows. eendriariee. Oic), On the 121h lost , Chivies E :wee/, in. fins see of lea, L..*. E.g., *god so* month. TAKE NOTICE. RTRAYED or Minton. freen the Palmieri hem a Doh Brows Horse. 4 years arias Star is Us forehead. 13 tunes Ateh• with Hie initiate of the °wars A G. on (be left •houlder. Hs MR es the 4:h leis. Any per•or. Om NM Home 0 glair, colorin•tom that mite lead to hie rectiteo will to hansom. ly rower W. ANDREW GARVEY. G.iderich. May tee Mtn. 1861. 16 ate LIST OF LETTERS RF.MAINING thee Stratford P. 0. to May Gib, HMO. Andover., Peter Li!, Thoohild Arkell Airflow Kiiidea•Isys. Joe 2 Reanett Jen Lehman Christi Bata irk Writ Nesters Jim Ceti, Jets t More • .n Jam Castile. '4 Moore Executors . Create Ms Mary late Id Cleary Win Muir Jae Clerk Rotit Messy Ily CM11110111itmlid Meer* Mrs Dr C.lisIderhoesso Thew McTavish A ;,,it Crime Peter fif %Adel, Jierrii-!th Duns rm. 2 MePeesne Rey Tho. Dunbar Joeireh Meleenve Donald D'301 Jam 111i Kees.. Merdock D Iloo Den' MeG•1' David Dobson Jae 111cCanry Jite Ellineriatese• Ebel.. ht. -Ovary MI hard Niched's, August Flagg Wm 2 Pinder Was 1:roy Ws - Powle• Geo R. H. Bit trrr, IIRMERIAL IIIIIRCHANT-Wil01.04ALY- 111Meer-MIL, Ibir•abo. 1.4ifuer Cowed... I IMPORTER el libel( lad II'" Ilettd•rsr.. AN low, Sorel. Choate. $u&^ tisp....sio, I importer et Teo'. bow.. Illoisea. Froth/ Dy. wool*. Ode. Neese. Ohms, Esselerowsw---,. abet, Or igiwol fuebusea Apc.1 . - CIRCULAR ADVERTISEMENT. rrHELle des' gw•ol A.m... to •••141•40111011C1M4 • oeseowleri• wed ibe (*mows 116•011teete so %%totem seeds mei be is deity ripen.* lit ti.s1 rooeir 10 1.111011,..4 sod Imodee. • lere• work or Merehoweiltise. Foch 1•111 for meld low p. R. H. IllinKTT. C ash berm et se iaeJ dorlimirestredtte. 95..013. - - -------- 161 Ka., neforr., TOM" •, April 2144h. 1152 I Ifs eELD OIL PAINTS. HEAVY GOODS dn... ate. 1. 108 h•t•arotlo •sol osafter-eaalts Boiled Ifed•re 4... seleseganse• q•er.r.rirli• r•sr. llama Pies le barfele. 1-1.4 wt. Lto•-•.11).1. II leas 5% hoi•oose. caste, 110 ergetw,i Dry WI.o• 1.-.J. Pio heel " itco 1••• Ch.A. 10 esitk• ros'n"'Iog 1. -go O,ound Paiat..-401 1. I Cl• • m Tsitay. et -0 .4444.. SD eta,* F.0.wro A#14, ro. (0 coots M(sa. Toroes1;er, R P .eh, 0-oi .)1echi-eor, 010o. 0.1-i• hart•Ie; Vinci., is harrei..; C... r -A Le0-. 0.1 ease aed oes. R. II. BR1:TT, 161 IiIag / Tatman,. April 511.h, 1°52 •5.n15. HARDWARE eke. 0a SALE BY THE - IsNDEftefiGNED, 44 casks ItJante's Or•## tter.n.o. 4 do 4.1 Cradling Scythe*. 1 do 11-olie, aeo doze..s A oteli.ealt Scythes, fermi linkers. 2 do 8.cli:es. 70 kelp Colt Chain. ell Lae. 140 do florae Neils. 160 do Wrought Nado, BOO do Gunp•alta samaituere). 7 tees Ssee. eetes Steele end 0 ott."• Guns, , *14.10 coot Iwo* Saida& and HI ialle4, 111 do costaintn. Cotter,. 1:4,1s-tool.,,t4aes. Files. dr, (Shelfi-id Goods), 70 de ffeetwole1 Lock• L11,NP•. &att.,. 1 raps, •,.d • votn•4•141.trit et 13.-nwo414•M Ac. vIVernialliv- frIfs (1,0411, 40 bre. IC,t 1•• (9...'..h) louse( Pet d Camp Oreos. R. H. BRETT (;.I, 011 gory .1,nathan lit KolgIhreet. Ras Patrick Redford Jae GROCERIES eke 1N THE ORIGINAL 11, ughridge Jeri Jr PACKAGES. ,Ree -s George Gorily An Ir Ries 1.• Teraina% Apre teib, 1852 e5yola (sort man Freak G. eller An.boor (Weimer Jess Ileasmip Was fiam.ltba Hugh 11111.14mnd Rev Mr Jaeob MI l•ff be Prodk J ifroy Wm K elterhom Res Mt Kirby Isha 4 !Cody Morris Kelly Park K amm..? MI Karoo* Jam A. May Ilth, 1952. • Raley It flacknder Jon Pearlb Henry fluseplier H'y &bring Jon itStoithoff Timed Roamer &haste Terry Wm Thuttlo Joel Thivasher Wm • Wilmot Wm F. MICKLE. P. 31. and echo .1s wh -eh are also emery their_art.• GODERICII. PORT SARNIA, HURON ANI) DETROIT. valuable aid to the cause of comma' e.1;icia. ti in. '14*. number of schools in the Siete The new and eligaot Lowpreosurn Stefano boa Inc -reseed darter that ame from 000 . B -at RUBY. wet run during vim eosin.. to 11.500. The pupils sow number he-ta *Ile ..."* " f11111**151-1•'°..***. G"d*"chs (weather permitiine, sundae morning milhons, sad tba annual cell( of the eystece Z1.509,000 Ts. Orraerrio• -The...vents of 'be Te" l'inaoten in eroectle a (..4.1 not • bemired rodeo from the plow", came in oOn t eery Mr.:Mete. land, ir not a separate appoiattaeut. why I asked for information, „„.... , not stejour income for labour done is Sir, ill lailer-b-11S51 at rinee to be £502 114s. 2d..instead of certai aly not uneourteous, 00 * '`wlect . beating about the bush and mystifring it as which, as a tax -payer, I conceived, sod you have done. You have given usno eras tale %Ville" by the amittiratice and which a dozen lines from you might .h--ich to calculate what yon call' ihnat"it ha:etaresIty heard that. if Lord J.ihn . A I..sa-ves Avswatinn.-')I Kinghtsy still consider, myself entitled to receive, tenon by youror ts".feeso. of, office ail Clerk of the Pekace" reessell agent "weeded to 'Ace, Cobden 11.*fN. 11. was remarkable for d,y hitmwr. hare answered satisfactorily. I must. Ilftor a simplbe sht it my niaglin au uyeient 1:1";;I:titanise .. it f wnhiinch WOlt„hglihtimto-dli :In irrlt t 111 el w..t ;1 t:gba.s tPah7 ed. a': :71:w1 e.Ird'o fotlhes 71717; leg; elri. however, confess myself bankrupt for alof your amounts passed setsrtetee/Y by the ^I P°4ceehl,p_-^ple and " Irmo& .40. eon. 'eying 104 p164•11•10.. SATs the Sevier word by which to define your two -column M 'strafes (fur?? • these tiro ears•- mithu°2•" The journal in q sestina does ' -"Wait make to. carry Tour 'mad inner - yielded to she late Premier, who is now, a terve oiiiiietions"-the Whigs, th• Peel- "1"0"lre.1 with tha snood se fvmself. *10 and (Se Winchester mon. s ',maw rem! mantle* the bead a the but turning to Pat, who lammed as mach marked, 'qt.. • fine 'list. ear that bird has von - Tb. Moraine Herald le trying to frig% got far %Pat, but sure he's got a d I J 'Tidy. Before I read your letter, Sir, a passing doubt had only crossed my mind; but now, I feel perfectly certain that there is something which you wish to conceal front the pobtie that per you ; or you would not have laboured so bard to say rtg:i niz ; nor, to mystify what you hare acid. by roiling up the incotne of one year with that of another, and not stating dis- tinrtly the fall amount of either, but giving tbe public an unfair criterion by which to celeolete it. Yon bare, however, been peculiarly explicit art to the duties OM' emeMments of your Brother Officers. and Lave volunteered informaticn which may torn the subject of enquiry at some other time. 1 perceive, also, that you read the Editor of the Signal a lecture for opening lis columns to what you are pleased to call the "twaddle sad balderdash of every annony- mous or paltry sc:tbbler," and under these beads you, no doubt, include myself aid others that hare endeavoured to get infor- tuition from you OU subjects in which every settler is them Coombe% is interested, and desirous to obtain; which yon are is dusty -sad ia bmior bound to give ; and i•bieb. yrre may rest assured tbe Public will, ere long, have 1S10010 way or other. You say that you "have lately been as - IOW in your pebble capacity by the most 611IMushing falsehoods," aod blame the V.Ilitor for not hay* skew* them 10 be such, where's, in my humble opinios he rather deserves your dumb ; for, if he ad ribald n t have demo so sore clearly than you ba does yoursilf, I disk be was Zu' io bilis ailemt os the snhject. lt, will yogi pfease to nom ons of these " falsehoods" yoa complain so grievously of "4 Psi the proteatios of a pitying %lin. tr‘t, SCILIISC for my part, I am yet to %Ws dist ally fadogienod boa bets pobliai- w 1011101141144 gccausplaissie diem apposes to lis Ian ojsmopose of lima of a raw* l'evillialbse, a lovely* the orimparioo of er-beissabor ll uniss of importast Acts of Parlialsalit as ye& part.hroresPlife efrtsia *gal 1.4 "t„,. . . with the require - saes% of Ifee mutate le matter opt. ISbh fteessary asterisk& Tat all time iw**, miss sty, trestai with ihrifiwil .1•Bre- Tbst 1.,v, 0.30. w w*/ of ght rid of tho assAy..,11. Just for once take Your friend Cerberus' not seem to know that trite eery sesame* ts I me arm your breatit. trieflJ 5.. from "the Portal!" and "make a clean "1"17 wl"" t10 115*5*) '*11T "f L'Ilaillia lPite ` 1911 1 10177 n.'" ...etS44 er"e"." breast of it." . most devoutly wiebed to aim" rershigml......al I..* pre; no•wered Kmgabery, "look at yos en ,nny wroth. sir, with our friend though even yet it may almost be tockomed . 'hal 11•14 of rail ! Tao fall" bars halt SCOSit for stating I down like MISR: bot tams? 7 heads stood g 'It Ilk* yew. trwe." the (00 ood 14•4•• 10 be tre*. owe the population One 1111ng le certain, however. that Schedule of Convictions by Her Majesty's Justices of the From the January Name qf 15. Pr000naer. st t0 o'clock, and Sarnia, llowlay at I o'clock. Leave Detroit, for Godeech,eveey Suers day. at 9 o'clock. a. m. and Suns, at 4 sic reek p. nee For freight oar passage imply to Mr. E. 11. fArwertier, meat door, ourtb of gincardtse Arms. ELI WARD, inti. Detroit, Feh. tOtte 1052. rrHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR .1. bALt. 70 be& Porie Rico Suge% S do Loaf do 51) tolls end el term. Croaked gegen 34) chests 'real, warms* grades, 70 bags Coff-e. 20 do Pepper. 20 do Piineem.. 215) bones Remits, 10 corks Currants, 40 tilde de 4 rows 13die, 2: twote• war ion, misliiies Tobacee. 11Mjars einuff, 4 Meets London falastaid, is 4101 joro, 4 case, Lmeorie... 44 caak• Amin Ityck, 100 bes•• rli•reh, 140 do l'ottbaco Pmes. R. H. BRETT. 161 Ka., ( • Toronto, April 20.11 1852 y •545 NOTICE. Th. r psrtsetubis hisiswerloas miSoisser bets n Pt in. Berkley. and blew. Aetie-'4. i• th s dity lawafrielly toyeesed. Art hos tee to abet. are to i mod to ()....•5w A. Are .n, wt... will enetteee 'neon e5 tee eosin.* , all .40.• tor tretrathl 0, ,64 • .1.1 are lo bo re.d rd et 43.r.lor,h, Ohio alte .1f !Iwo, 1' 3& !WILLI 1. %I KIR G ettRGE ALI, tellte. nodneeb, Ms.) 5h. 11431. Shot S A VI .ED MEDIA I ri.v. Wow 2",0 '1 11 • 1,.4 r.. ' r.wr 5110 It• #to.#11 erre be p. 1-.1 by Det 11,,ta.eriv r. Ase !see h Ist •••••144 teo• , • , „o. 11' 1 ' (4% oar • 03 .f A, „._,, F.,. 17.: ;1,„:.1. g• 5110, 4..4.. asa 41.1 L ter the same.. CA"r,' egisseardine.54.e 31'0.1 0:-T a net. of hood to a LEI. at: er-h are. ieven-•411 %V tulert.r1 re II a 4:ve .:4 ,ro. 0.4 sea •••1.(.1 41 411 34 ‚( 1,. aaf toattetarg 01,01 1 tan 4 p•W curJill to la*. COTTON YARN. COTTON BATTING, CANDLE WICK, Am. NOTICE Ihere's given that the partnerahip Soh - s,01 15 between Alex. McIntyre, and Jiime• D inaldcon, town of Goderich, "l do.soles4 by inutisl eon' -nt on the 22nd dor of Januar., 145.1. And .11 Demons in deited either by Note or Book account are "rehY i'41""ted to make inenednet Pay - "Wit' II" ea" e"A7EX.• Mei N TY R E . 3A M irt).54 N A 1..0Sn(1)7. Geirieb. April, 20 h *1452. VOR RALF.. r • 45 bales best American Cotte. Tars. 120 do Betts. 300 bars CancLe Wick. 70 de Toise. 12 Mies Weeldieg. -ALSO- 4.5 else* etalionory, roiliest% and Lettere Paper. •.••".0 qualstierr. bole, haft ton Mill 11-vrel. le WroopineP•oer. 7 emcee 1.0 -0.. Leedeo lak in Stowe Bottles R. 01. BRETT. lel King Stest. Termite. Apeil 1.1th. WIC ( v5 -al %TN.- Aurp...., Ay.: Lands tbr Sale In the l'ownsliip of rintr: ty of W.n. G weer, K arennn.5 w.f.se e'ift. 4. Wnwaritob, 1.4 27 r,, ci9,30.0....fec '4 " 31 !. 21 4 C411/7"rt. C4 " 1.300.. Tho mhos. :As 14r0 Pis; r the River Msitlitid. 1h. Lint to n, 1 a hbei„:tqesispi:rize is.enydlmit%4 -eliw 4 ,h 4 remainder in ten anno#, In#1:1,..fr.r• • 14 ini.,,orro9:10.044. 'Tr (It•lrter air( Colar• a' 1,, 'Oe S•ilseerther at 1.3e et3oowls:cseiftvARt;.e. COJot.ioN, Amisehsisza. It TO TRESTEE•I itr, coiritos ot:tioot.s. 11.TEACHER. who 014;44043 ft-oo m rort,firat• si tee tiler Everrreetten.te.e .1 Mr. ItetiSmeurry'e et, -se he 31.1 of Marrh sod bit el Aprf. wed- taa• stioetinn Be teacher in a II me thenureoed o G olar re A 1 'tee. • A. B. at this r ir,1 the Ilir.:n Sirlrdi, 'fro 1 - ;mut) or in Mr. Dark, Witteh E ee April 1st. 1853. s0.11.1.5. NOTICE,. 41544t4009 Ind •tito it -u- TIMM 411 MACQUFM. !oto -of the Heron Seto, mot, are betray Iludifiorl. 11.141 oclos• pe• notes and aceireeta ere rod -..e Or beft.r4 the tot clay of Msy is;st, tre-y sub he ti • medietely bended t. the Cobol tie 1.1 Malawi CrInti, f.r ectieeesion. Pewit.) residing in the Cenetv If Per • . who are inilehted to the 11u -on &roof, Ira and their mites with Dr. Jetts fliree. Stretford, • ho tise bees authorise to ess'y • Ises sussoodtatoly, ITOMACE HORTON. Godorieb, 13.0 Aptil.1832. *4 NOTICE TI1T: Sithser4ter hoeing ritchired - from . W.I ions !lotion. -Imo enclosure 117141 (for the ens:at-es es Heron sod Riotee)et rb, NEW HINDOr puma'', - for whicki heihas obtained Letter' Patent front the Geverntnevit. W.113 peepoptfulle r. asetwe that env Fusee or preemie ea. omen.; upoo ..id richt will e prosicated *tribe uttneet rigour Of the law. . Wu. J. RAYS. Gedneeh Imindrys onehiernies all neweesare repairs: the euh-- eerthee natters tweed teat be all he eye .0 reel/1411re Putlefaett011 10 all . hese. wh s meet tom with thew ~tem. 11. 0.. now on hand an excellent motortrue.1 Plottrhol toeloolleg Ilidtives• now poisea. WANTED IMMEDIATELYtogethe•Selth Potaeit Ketller., Coo!. irg, B,111 and Prettier S Ares, Petish • K-141es at..I . A RECOND or third drum Teacher CrThia-hino Sliirbinee glof oansmosioteit near L" oom No. R, Downi., apply ts Adam In 01 tablet will be,,eold Do tbo Octet !male( Olive, 0111,0 20. 1p -*'s 11. • tense. . JOHN %1FNINIFBee Is Tr " - ws J. REA Vt. 1 Downie, Ave 1010,1152 o5 -n12 5. G.,.: ,'i, 21 h Agri(, 165%; v5..,14. Peace within the United to tile April Sessions, 1852. Mbe Defasoloat. A'er-----'77r--Ot•otr• of die Charge c"'ne8" 1851 Ilugh Methuen, Joseph D. 'Campbell, John Munro, Letitia istim.y, Catherine &reed. Catherine Dime, Thomas Devi, Jolts H. 741414011, 10r1050 Taleet, Fdward Merest, Wm P. Smith, Wm . Jamas Whitmaa, Walter Dods worth, Frederick Wilmis, Ralph Nicholsos, W.11191 155?,' T WOW Thorpe, lames, Archibald and Asa. Itabesteon, and Angus sod Donald SteD mold, Gjrgo Hoboes, Jeseph Harr, asses Stacey, William Stewart, Thome. Dom Thomas Rahitly, III!Obaoa4 Calbortoe Rehtlly, moot Colelrely imp Hooter, Jamas Lege Ilene" Kowa, Henri Andrei, Irvine, ohs K.luis, •cwro Welt, leelrauela Wbatetioy, 3.43 MeEtirss, Veill McKie's", fames Whitof4rd. Wm. Ilitelsmich, Worsoll, Joseph Romeo, Job. Plemoldis, John Bosdisegart, Goorg• Vogt, r • Assault, Noo.pay swot of Wave, Arnett, Articles of Om Peace and drop &enemy, Assault with ieteet, Articles of the Paste, Asosult, Threats, Assault, Aerhatilt4 DrI•1111 Alt withOet Bolls, Assault and 'misdemeanor, • Mel Nos poirkinessess of Motet* Labeler, Assault, kosault avid Moorhen's/or. Id todinommor. %molt sad Battery, Aewassa 5,4 Bauer', raligir7 13, Irsbrari 7, Meech 11, Marsh 17, AO% January PI, Janney 31. March 16. March 19, %..p.( 1, Ozteher 14, evearber *9,- rsmeary 2. -*9111'? 29. March 110, February 53, Awn./ .1/ Cortootaag Josacer. Bee). Parson. E•q t Robert Moderwili, E q. Ftebert Gibbone. Fe.q. t farrev Bram req. Rubert Gibbon', E.q.) co'srt Moderwee, Eeq- Joluo Lorgworth, Esq. ) John Lonsworth, Esq. ) J•mes McSfehon, Esq. Robert Nloderwell. E -q Robert Gibbon', Eyre $ Floni. Parson., Feq• Jacob Seegmilier, Esq. embert Mnderwell. Esq. 4,,,bert Ma.terwoll, E -q. t ienj. Patient, Esq. rooms. Christie. F.'q. Nome/. Cheri's, E q. Moms" Chriette, kleq. rooms. Chelsea. Eel. Ismer Gordon. Em. t r'eter Grint. FAQ . ester Oren?, Eget. Ironer Onset. E.g. 'Rebut Rol 1, lewq. Titer Grant, req. aVessiuder 011ce.11, Jam.* Rsulun. F.eq, 5110- Haserlinn, Sefig. Ws, uh.ib. Kim P C. L. Vanr,gmoad: Esq. J. P. Counties of tono.aq, rano wave peal or Chmeng. 1is peed to rota Aortae.. Forthwith, Forthwith, Tb 0. paid in 7 day. 7 February. 1814, Forthwith, I'd April nest. To bie paod an la 8*Ylh ,Ows woof. Is 8 Joys' Huron, Perth a©d Bruce, he Wows "mad mar masa J.atiers. ainsifT, Treanor -ere Treasurer, Toww•T‘In T• l'owish•p Tree earer. Creasesere Petb memo% Treasurer, Forthwith to Cone'y Troasnlyi, Il 1:1,4 It K 8. hernisiod-Plaintie cansoutied for cosi,. flutto;see.l. Round to keep Cie penes for ore yea" ThOrno• sod 4d.ehot Rshtjiy &mod le heir be Imatte tor '.5 yeas. &end to keep the roe* t, itobthaa lIfr. GorInn bwrg o11104 *no 40 one Memo, did sot rip the Cobtictieb. etd eovo. • • - 1.tettleil ey the p,r. im-Defeitdbeit to per ICeve • p!siirgoi r4Ins ey.opo,tor pa, 'slot paid. Certified to be it True Copy of the Returns tit• Convictions made by the Jiptieee within the United ("Aunties of HIlISIb, Perth end flnroe frown the January to the April Sense:nut. 1E14... DAN LIM RC, Clerk, of the I Ate,: • Oboe of the Clerk of the Peace. Onderich, 22nd April. IR& si•ovier" WitItloWildowew 1111692tvqrlitssiort,