HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-28, Page 3.. ., s- • • ss",--,,' '' •-•,:w• • --'s7S:SS4-"Ss.'"•,".-i.S.S.s., sSs.,SS'SSS.,SSSSSS,'s",=SSSn:,SS'.'S'„:'::Z,,:-ss,ss,—'-; -: * . T cgmmonts oboyt ,._„istrict •cancer drive ... N N ,„...: ,, _•,, .... . , ,, — Cromarty . . . -.. ."- - . BIRTHS— !ANGAGEMENTS,. I CARDS OF THANKS— y MRS. KEN 14c1(.01,1,4R BARKER—Mr. and Mrs- jame$ The engagement IS announced Mrs. J. W. Johnston and family •••:'•••••; ,,, . •:•••':; ....................... ... Barker, nee Davis. Saintsbury, of Marilyn Jean Ryan, daughter ' wish to express their sincere ap- yps are proud to announce the of Mr Joseph Ryan, of parls.! preciation for the lovely floral , birth a their daughter at Vic. hill, and the, less Airs, Byes, I tributes, messages of sympathy I YPS met for their (llosing toria Hospital, London, lllay 23 to Vincent Thomas Thompson, I and other kindnesses extended to meeting of the season on Sunday a, sister for Joan and Gery i son of Mr. and Mrs. William ' diem chsring the bereavement of evening in the school room of. Mrs. Johnston's daughter, ,Mrs IL K. Hyndrnan. '.2Pc lesson. 2 I Presided, a d r ad the Scripture . n e Members of the Case family : Rev. S. Kerr had charge of the from 'Toronto wish to express Bible study • their heartfelt thanks for thd e Marian Ritchie 44dliasY . Y i in Our Lady of MountCarmel Thompson, of .Ailsa Craig. The DATEMA Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Datema, 1 Hensall, an wedding will take place on Sat - RR . nounce the birth of a daughter, tirdaY. June 20, 1359, at 10 a.m. : ' Anita julia, at South Httron H -t • Ghureh, Mount Carmel, Ontario. Miss theAlioe Sorsdahl Margerita, Mathilcla and Ralph.! 28c many acts of kindness extende, .Lei LUI and $. Clarence Verity to them, by friends and relatives : ' The Marian Ritchie Evening , Mr. Mr • GAISER — Mel and Mary Fran ' Gaer, RR 2 Dashwood, wish 1 g e recentsa bereave. A, uxiliarY. held their_ May..in.eet- I Pickard of Exeter, Ontario, take duel th cl h to announce the arrival of ' pleasure in announcing the ....- H d H, miner, staffs, with Mrs. Miller; K. ing at the home Of Ms. Joan 280 ss ment of their aunt, Mrs, their d ght K II CI 1 tt au er, e y ler o e, , gagement of their elder daugh. Yn man. d presiding. ter,Marguerite Jeanne, to. Mr. To all the kind friends an at St, Joseph's Hospital, May! vss: The Scripture lesson was read ! Curt Puls, of Hamilton, neighbours who contributed to I:1—a sister for Joanne and I — by Airs. Miller. Seventeen mem- John. Ontario, son of Mr. and Mrs, the very lovel,y hest of silver , Curt Pills, of Hamburg, Ger- Presented to us, we thank you I bers answered the roll call. HAM:WORTH — Mr. and Mrs. many: the marriage, to take very much. Also many thanks to The topic was given by Mrs. John W. Handforth, Grand : place on Saturday, July 4, 1959, all those who helped us rebuild S. McCurdy, entitled "Whit • , tend, aimourice the birth of a ' at 12 noon, in J ames Street our house, — Sincerely, Fergus Sunday" and Mrs. Calder Mc -1 g daughter, Betty Ann, at South United Church. ETurnbull. Kaihad charge of the study Ontario. and Hilda 8';' Huron Hospital, May 22, , RODGERT — Ross and Kathleen: • friends, relatives and neighbours . book. 28c We wish to thank our many. Personal: items Hod ert (ne Ma ) RR 1 CARDS OF THANKS -- for flowers, cards and visits 1 Weekend visitors with Miss Woodham, announce the birth I GM received while was a patient • Olive Speare were Mr. and Mrs . wish to express my sincere at St. Joseph's Hospital ,London,1 R, .Speare, r, LloydTushing of a daughter, Diane Florence, thanks to relatives friends andand neighbors forletters, cards, —John Rader. 28c , while convalescing at home, ham, Mrs, Frank Speare, Bever- ly and Barry, all or Toronto, and at South Huron Hospital, May 21, flowers and treats; also to those I wish to express my ap Pr e ci a- tMrs. E. McDonald, of Mitchell. eter, announce the birth of a,' in Seaforth Hospital. Special s an"cltMr. Clive McDonald and family,: JOKY --Don and ne sery, Ex.' who visited rne while a patient tion and thanks to all whoe me cards, flowers, letter 3 " Mitchell, were Sunday visitors! daughter at South Huron Hos- thanks to Dr. Gorwill and nurs- who visited me while I 'was a with Miss Speare. , pital, May 26, i ing staff; also to those who re- patient in South Huron Hospital. , Mr. Frank Stagg is a patient i0! membered my family, — Mrs. KESTLE — Mr. and Mrs. David Archie Parsons. 28c Special thanks o Dr, Fletcher Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- Kestle. Clandeboye, wish to an- and nursing staff, — Mrs. •Ella forth, .having undergone surgery ! ter, Jennie, at St. Joseph's our relatives, friends and neigh- We wish to extend our sincere ' A plastic demonstration was Hospital, London, May 23 — a bours who kindly remembered thanks and• appreciation to the held at thehome of Mrs. Mervin Dow on Wednesday evening, : sister for Helen, Sharon, Tom- Roy in so many ways during his many relatives, 1 r i e n d s and my and Nancy. Miss Polly Dalrymple returned long illness. Sincere thanks and neighbours for the beautiful flor- sge on Thursday. nounce the birth of a daugh- We wish to express thanks to Murch, GINGERICH — Mr. and Mrs. ' appreciation for the many acts Wallace Gingerich, RR 2 Zur- okindness,beautiful floral tri. d messages of sympathy ich, announce the birth of a butes an I during our recent sad bereave - daughter, Dawn Darlene, atsil : „ent. Special thanks to Rev. S. South Huron Hospital, May 21. Kerr, Rev, G. Vais, Dr, J. God- SNTDER—Mr. and Mrs, 'Vernon dard, the staff of South Huron Snyder, Dashwood, announce Hospital, the pallbearers, Bon - the birth of a son at South : thron Funeral. Home and all who Huron Hospital, May 22. : assisted in any way.—Mrs. Roy wARBURTON—Hill and Dorothy . Bell and family, 28* Warburton are delighted to an-; We would like to thank all nounce the birth of a daugh.those that have so kindly sent ter, Mary Louise, at South cards and letters to Karl since Huron Hospital, May 25 — a "ming from the hospital at sister for Billy and Susan, Tillsonburg. Also very special thanks for the prayers and get- ANNOUNCEMENTS-- well wishes. — Mr .and Mrs, John Zuzmich Trarl and Harold Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting, Jo wedding anniversary by holding We wish to express our sincere "Open House" at the home of thanks to relatives and friends their daughter, Mrs. Harold Cob- who visited, sent cards, flowers leigh, Concession 15, of London and treats to Marion while a pa Township. one-half mile west of , tient in St. Joseph's I-Iospital and No. 4 Highway, on Saturday,: since returning home. Special June 6, 1959. They will be thanks to Dr. Ecker, Dr. Allen, pleased to receive their relatives; Dr. Schram, all the nurses and and friends from 7:30 to 10 in: to all who helped in any way at the evening, home. — Marion and Harold 28c . Clarke. 28* . Lucan, will celebrate their golden Brownsville, Ont284 ,Mr*' $*:";es-s,••••SS:SOSSOS:';•%0:44s'ist.k-se:••S*S.,:c;s4t* MEN WHO THIYK OF TOMORROW PRACTICE MODERATION TODAY the j-iouse of Seagram DISTILLERS SINCE 1857 It's . TAKE IT TEST IT Time! Come In And Drive The LARK! This Week's Spdcials 56 DODGE SEDAN—ix cylinder, radio, a gbod one! 55 STUDEBAKER SPORTS COUPE — nylirid.er, overdrive, in top condition! • 'M PONTIAC TUDOR — tutor% in color. Graham Arthur Motors sfud.b,k. ate nd tervite. NONE Mt EXETER al tributes, cards and expres- sions of sympathy extended to Still we have so many memories us during the sudden passing of Of the one we loved so much.' our husband and father. Special Her memory is our keepsake, thanks to Rev, T. J, Pitt, the With which we'll never part; I organist and quartet, Bonthron God has her in His keeping, Fun e r al Home, pallbearers, We have her in our hearts, flower bearers and those who —Lovingly remembered by the assisted in any way during our sad bereavement. — Mrs. Minnie Hayter and _family. 28o, IN MEMORIAM— ATKINSON — In loving memory of our dear mother, Jane At- kinson, who passed away May 27, 1957. Though her smile is gone for- ever, And her hand we cannot touch, family. 23c WILLERT —1n loving memory of Harry Willert, who passed away one year ago, May 28, 1958. Gons from us but leaving mem ories Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. —Ever remembered by the fam- ily, 28s may exceed $4100 con,Hbutions to the Exeter 1 tient or patient's familYto sup - and district campaign for the 1 ply dressings to all who need Canadian Cancer Society are ex- them; to visit when a friendly petted to exceed $4.100 this 1 cell might be of some benefit year, Chairman Ray tills an -1 (small gifts are often taken and aounced at a unit meeting in the i simple forms of occupational library basement Tuesday night.: therapy provided); to provide Treasurer K. W. McLaughlin transportation to clinics of the ' is: eltioPbo:drtti :ecltat s$3$1)t,38tia1911.8trloe ewceioitPhmt seotherit nodate .: eon. ii ROnestaeraiorchCaFnocuerndaTtrieoant;metont 4aonnd ' sor one cell by a VON or pub - It was also reltealed that lic health nurse to determine need beyond the family's /inns, nearly $200 had been contributed to the Society through rnemeri- cial resources and in eases of extreme need ether services are am cards, available. Mr. Mills. who IS vice-presi- dent of the unit, presided for A. nominating committee of Tuesday's meetingin the ab- I Airs. R. E. Pooley, Mrs. R. Van sum of President Lloyd Ford. t Farnwe and Mrs. Arthur Rundle Mrs, 5. G. Dunlop, chairman 1 was appointed to bring in a slate of the women's service commit- i of officers at the next meeting in tee, stated that members of the i September. Fred Dobbs spoke briefly as gLroonucloonh. had visited the clinic at.• chairman of District No. 9 of quest of the clinic, doctor, pa - the Canadian. Cancer Society. She reported that the commit -1 Lee is prepared, upon the re - home on Wednesday from Sea - forth Hospital where she had been a patient for several months. Sir. and Mrs. Harold Carey are: daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and spending a few days with their Mrs L, E. Abbiss, of George- town. Mr. and :sirs.* George Wallace , visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Miller, Staffa, Mrs. Stella Martin, Exeter, is visiting with her daughter and , Hamilton. :Mrs. Gerald Carey and lilss Olive Speare spent a few days! with friends in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Caldwell, Bruceficld, visited on Sunday! with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing. I Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaigi had as their guests over the! weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dunn, of Regina, Saskatchewan, who are on a motor trip to New- foundland, and were accompanied, by Mrs. Ennan, of Winnipeg. Misses Alice Sorsdahl, Alice: Walker and Muriel Scott and Hugh Scott, attended a 'Young, People's banquet at Atwood on Friday night, s. rran1 SZSZSESESE, liStSrags3144:0010- . . . . MEET THE ONE THAT MAKES DRIVING FUN THE KY STUDEBAKER Built in Canada by Canadians „ssia,s, 4•4/!"*.• • - wks•s_i_efIX- Here's 14M feet of pure pleasure. Parks proudly (and easily!) in the poshest places, has a personality all its Own. Livelier, lovelier, lower in cost—seats 6 in comfort —gives marathon mileage on regular gas. Available in V8 or 6 cylinder models. An exciting combination of sense and sophistication. Drive it and see. GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS •••ssis,Si "Lucky Dollar" SPECIALS! THURSDAY, R!DAY, SATURDAY May 28, 29 and 30 Jen) Margerine Bologna Oranges Wieners Bananas SY, THE P!ECE 3 DOZEN Lr, FtiR 89c 29 $1,00 39c 10c AND 3 LES Le, Breakfast Sausages Refrigerator Vegetables EXETER LUCKY DOLLAR "Hank Nyhins, Prop. 'PHONE. 107 TimasAdvaeato, May 211, 195 Pop 3 1rho BANK of NOVA SCOTIA. LIKE To .00RROW 11.4(:)Ner TO MY MY QMPRA.F17 PLFASe"- Gel moneyforik every useful purpose through SC ED and right at the height of the IMMIPMCIANV season REDUCEDe e eggi'd right at the height of the season.. 18" PowerPacked LAWN -MASTER cosstet. ,t,„;•se'slettks ‘k. ER .50 Clinton, or Power Pre - ducts 2 -cycle Engine, Moists.)re- proof, Dualoroof Inton, Ael- iustoble Cutting Heights,' Con- venient Rear -Side Clipping Discharge, Close t r 1 M. Won't scalp. tilyton Searing Rubber - Med Wheels GUARANTEED .for 5full leen, from dDte of purchase, against !manufacturing defects. MIN M MI 1 4 = CYCLE 1 RY IR! NM NMI MIS Super -size, suptr-power, recoil start 'LAWN -ROSTER" Remote throttlo control OUT LAWN PROBLEMS DOWN TO SIZE! —special purchase, drastically reduced— WANT YOUR GRASS CUT IN A HURRY7 why waste time on undersized, undcrpewered nIDWers? No need to send. a boy out on a man's errand, When you an make short work of lawn -groom- ing with his Big Job , . and it's yours at a ter- rifically low price. Loaded with features you'd expect in mowers selling up to $25 higher in price. Built like a heavy -draught workhorse for severe service and perfect mowing on rough or smooth ground. Whistles through tall grass and weeds. Extra capacity gives you leisure time for the more important things in life — such as, going after the wily trout or knocking a conple of strokes off your golf score. Mae quantity is limited so may suerest Your early action ? ,—equipped with full 23/4 h.p. Briggs -Stratton engine Ifeavy duly r body reinforced sleet housing; two-tone glamour styling. Oversize 80 seml•pneumatte rubber ftme,. easy on the lawn, Convenient Recoil Start and Flinger,* Throttle Control for easter handling. 3 QuIck-set Cutting Height Adlustmente. Hardened steel balanced cutting bade. 'Trims tight to trees and sidewalks. Offset Wheels for easter handling) toe seelPIIM on terraces. Leaf Muleher included. GUARANTEED for 1 foil wee front Me of purchase against defects ht workmen* ship and material. CAMINO TIRE AS 0C1 4 t 436 Main St 'Exeter ?Koine 411 Milton R. Reblitot