HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-28, Page 2The Tim.s4dvocatte, May 28, 1459 WiN PRIZES FOR POSTERS—Grand Bend PUC officials presented prizes Friday night —to students who drew best posters depictingelectrical living. The winners are seen abve with commission officials. Back row from left, PUC Chairman William Love, Reeve James Dalton, Richard Upson, Diane Hood, PUC Sup't Jack Hood; front, Diane Young, Charles Doyle and Scott Duncan, —VanGoozen , Announce new ( Issue new Kinsmen hear ;;.district serviceschool trustees � phone book .A new commercial service for: Members of Exeter Public this district, Superior Mainte-; To bring telephone users in School Board handle a $90,000 a ranee, has been announced this week. Two former BC men, Lloyd .:" Ioffman. and William Boyko, Plan to provide similar services here and in Hanover under the same name. Mr. Hoffman, who will be in charge of: this area, has pur- chased the Simmons home in Ri- verview Heights. The firm will specialize in maintenance of floors, walls, ceilings and windows of com- mercial and residential build- ings. C•LANDEBOYE WI treats neighbors Members of West McGillivray Women's Institute were guests of Clandeboye WI at the May meeting held in Clandeboye United Church. Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Lucan, was •guest speaker for the occa- sion and showedslides of a re- cent motor trip to the Pacific coast .returning by way of the States. A white elephant sale was held this district up-to-date with many I new and changed listings, the 1959 Bell Telephone directory for •Exeter and other district centres is now being distributed. 9 Because of the many changes listed in the new book, W. W. Haysom, Bell manager here, suggests that customers discard their said books as soon as the new ones become effective, June ' 7, The telephone company has customer service in mind in ask- ing that the old books be thrown out. '"Past experience has shown that wrong numbers and unneces- . sary calls to `information' re- sult if customers don't discard their old books," he said. Mr. Haysom pointed out that one good way to avoid confusion was for telephone users to bring their' personal number books up to date before placing calls to frequently -used numbers, To fa-! cilitate the use of personal num• - ber books, 33ell Telephone has an ample supply of indexed blue books available free of charge at the business office here. The 1959 directory has the same front cover sketch as last year — an artist's conception of the Alma College in St. Thomas. Besides serving London, St. Thomas and Exeter the directory with Mrs. Omar Cunningham as also lists the telephone numbers auctioneer. A. contest was won of 39 other centres in this area. by Mrs. Wilfred Dixon. Roll call was answered by giving hints for of house lint President Mrs. Norman Hardy presided and conducted the bu- ainess. Five dollars was don *ted to the musical festival at Lucan. Mrs. E. Lewis, Mrs. Har- dy and, branch director, Mrs. Arnold Blake, were named to at -1 tend the District Annual in I1-' Hoatesaes were Mrs. Alan Hill, ! derton may 28. Mrs. E. Lewis, Mrs. Karl O'Neil. The June meeting will be held' en Wednesday, June 10 at 8:30 at the home of Mrs. David Henry. • CHURCH NEWS The Clandeboye United Church and St. James Church will have early morning services during the summer at 9,45 a.m starting' on June 7. At St. Janes Church, which is under restoration, the dedi- cation service set for Sunday. May 31 has been postponed till A later date. Keats organ fac- tory are installing a new elec- tric pipe organ. Church services are being held in the church as usual each. Sunday. Personal' items the care p s, Mrs.; Emily Totnes and son 1 Tom attended the wedding of the .atter.'s cousin, Miss Ann Tomes who exchanged vows with Harvey Lionel Hicks in St. Marys Anglican church, Hamil- ton on Saturday, May 23, The reception was held at the Glen- dale Golf Club, Hamilton. Mrs. Tomes and. Tom spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Tarries and Mr. and Mrs, Jim Roberts in Hamilton. Mr, Charlie Edginton is at the Heywood Nursing Home in Exe- ter. Clare Paton is improving in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. Mac McNaughton suffered !mother heart attack and is at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William 'Wal.kom in London. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunning- ham and. Joe were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harper and family, St. Paul's, on Sun. day. Mita Ann. McKenzie, RN, of Chatham, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Hen- dee and on Sunday visited in Belmont., Mrs. 13..Tomes received word Orem her son the Rev, Stanley Tomes that he arrived in Kenora on Saturday afternoon. Mrs, Fred Simpson is improv- FAST mprov FAIT RELIEF FOR TIRED FEET Council in caucus - Coptinued From Page 1 business Should be open to public scrutiny. Too much secret dis- cussion by 'councils raises sus• picion but there are undoubtedly times when the public interest demands that public business be not conducted in. public. To deal with Duch problems, the use of the caucus is a solution which has certain advantages even over a closed special meeting of coun- cil, A caucus is not to he con- fused with a council committee." Monday's meeting arose from questioning by Councillors Sim- mons, Fisher and Rether of the police committee's acceptance of the constable's resignation. Mayor Pooley, who is chairman of the police committee, refused to divulge details to council mem- bers in anopen session and it was agreed to hold another meeting. The mayor did incidate that Constable Aitken. who has been on probation since January, was given the alternative of taking another probationary period or of resigning. He also indicated the constable was "not fitting in." Monday night council also gave the PUCpermission to install two new fire on the new six-inch water main it is building on Simcoe St. ing and spent the weekend here, Mrs. Karl O'Neil. and Mrs. Allan Hill visited on Monday evening Mrs Eslie Hodgson who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital since February. year "business' and look after public buildings, valued at over a •quarter' of a million dollars, it was revealed at Exeter Kins- men Thursday night. Members of the board, who were guests of the club at its dinner meeting, served as a panel for an informal discussion. They answered 'a myriad of questions from club members dealing with costs, teachers, salaries, curriculi, school books, examinations etc. Chairman W. G. Seldon stated the board was proud. of its school and its teaching staff, stating it was one of the best in the area. He was supported in this by other members of the board. Members include Robert South- cott, Ross Tuckey, Ray Frayne, Reg Beavers and .Andrew Johns- ton. The club heard reports from its delegates to the district con- vention in Detroit, President Gord Baynham was in the chain. Town topics Mrs. Allan. Fraser returned home on Sunday from St. Jo- seph's Hospital where she has been a patient for three weeks. Mr. Harvey Pfaff underwent an appendectomy operation in 'Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday. Mrs. Eunice Stone visited last week with. her daughter, Mrs. Roy Bell and family, Hensall. Mr, and Mrs. Whitney Coates and Wilma visited' in Mt. Cle- a mens, Mich. over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Doher- ty and family. Denise Doherty ' appeared in a ballet dance revue on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwick and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher and attended the Fisher -Johns wedding in. James St. United church on Saturday. Mr. William Pearce and daugh- ters, Mrs. A, Schwalm and Mrs. W. Geiser were in St. Thomas Tuesday attending the funeral of Mrs. S. M. Pearce of Fingal. Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Melanson and Sandra are visiting with Mrs. Melanson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Art Clarke and Brent visited for several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Graham (the former Doris 'Weber), Mon- treal, Quebec. Mrs. Robert Tinney of Andrew St. is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurm, 18 Gidie.y Sthave sold their home to Cpl. Wray and Mrs. Easton, RCAF Centralia. They have re- cently returned to Canada after four years in France. They have two daughters, 15 years and 11 years. Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Laing, Andrew St. have sold their home to Mr, and Mrs. Don Southcott. Mr, and Mrs. Laing plan to build a new home adjacent to Laing's Service. A d1 E! Mg WEED' BiG SAVING ON THIS POWERFUI,—BRAND NEW AT PINNEY'S iihehe / /:tr111at raMa..nrA' ..41Me.r,, MODEL 805.15 Powerful le ll,p, motor paper dust bag • light • quiet vinyl swivel hose • elip•on tools guaranteed Complete with 7 -piece set of cleaning tools cur t Rue, NOW wild /WONG MO 40,t%N9 niWrwflen;at ear i1/3>e2 a i'o a of C r4,100t Tee live demo, r PHONE V011:10 DAY HOME 1'RrrAL Dinney Furniture PHONE '20' OMEMRR Rescue operation retrieves pigeon Thanks to the alertness of Har- old. Sissons, driver for A 8w l Su- perior Food Market, and the co- operation of the Bell Telephone Qonhpany, , a valuable homing pigeon has found its way home. Mr. Sissons, who was deliver- ing groceries to the home of Mrs. M. C. Fletcher, Victoria St., no- ticed the bird hovering around, on 'the ground as though it were in pain. After telling Mrs. Flet- cher about it, he went to pick it up and the pigeon flew to a rest- ing spot under the eve of the Fleteher home. Mrs. Fletcher called the Bell Telephone company and. Dick McFalls came over with an ex- tension ladder to reach some J0 feet up the side of the :house. John 13. Lambden, owner of the bird. appeared and rescued the frightened pigeon. Mr. Lambden told Mrs. Flet- cher that the pigeon was an ex - 'pensive bird and thanked her, Harold Sisson and the Bell Te- lephone for their assistance. Dick McFalls, Bell Telephone driver, said that it was the sec- ond time that he has been called out to retrieve pigeons. Sat Message from Greenway Ladies sell plants The May meeting of the WMS and WA of the United Church was held at the home, of Mrs, Elton Curls with. Mrs. .1. Gero• mette in charge of the worship taking as her theme "Christian- ity's Second Chance", She was assisted by Mrs, L. Curts and Mrs. A. Pollock, Fifteen ladies answered the roll with a rooted plant and a plant sale followed. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Bryden Tay- lor when the ladies are asked 1,0 bring used nylon stockings. These are sent in the bale overseas, where the threads are used.. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waun, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Ritchie of Sarnia and Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Doan and Cynthia of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts, Mr, and. Mrs. Manfor•d Bel.li.ng, of Michigan, visited on Sunday with Mr. Henry Belling and Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Bropbey. Anniversary services of Green- way United: Church Sunday School will be held on Sunday at 2.45 p.m, Mrs. A. E. Holley will be guest speaker. Miss Jeanette Steeper, of Sand Hill, spent last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Steeper. Miss Ruby Pollock, of Hamil- ton, visited the past weekend with her brother, Mr. Harold Pol- lock. Mrs. Glen Woodburn and San- , dra; of Preston, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil Smith - Mr. And rnith.-Mr•...and Mrs..Donald McPher- son and son, of •Hamilton, visit- ed last Sunday evening with his father Mr Walter 'McPherson Mr. 'and Mrs. Ross Pollock and fancily of Chatham. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollock and family IMPROVE CIRCULATION! of 'London spent last; weekend EASE TENSION! with a ,• with 'Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pol. lock. •• Mr, Dawson Woodburn, of Ham- ilton, spent last weekend at his home, Glenn Brophey, of London, spent last week with his grand parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. ,Lloyd Broph ey. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gardner and family, of Mallon, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. Gardner. Miss Marion Woodburn and Mr.. Ken Larmer, of Burketon, spent the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodge and Jeanette, of Detroit, spent last weelockkend. with Mrs. Albert Pol- HONOR STANDING,—Murray A. Desjardins, municipal elerk al Gr and B .e n d, received "B" honors in the clerks and treas- urers extension course, given by Queen's University this winter for the. first time, The course was presented in co-operation with the Department of Muni- cipal Affairs, Toronto. Of 200 who enrolled, less than 100 com- pleted the training, BRINSLEY Woman hurt in' accident By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD Mr, and Mrs. Karl Pickering were involved in an accident Saturday when the truck, which Airs. Pickering was driving; col- lided with .another light truck driven by Bruce McIntyre, of London, at the junction of High- way 4 and concession 11, Lon- don Township. Mrs. Pickering received a neck wound which bled freely and also facial cuts. Her hus- band, who escaped injury, .ap- plied pressure to stem the flow of blood until an ambulance ar- rived and she was rushed to St. Joseph's .Hospital, Mrs. Pickering is in fair con- dition. Personal items Mrs. Ralph. Robinson and Mrs. Charlie Robinson, of Ailsa Craig, visited with Mrs. William Dar- ling Tuesday, Miss Winnie Keogh, of Ottawa, arrived home on Monday to spend a few holidays with ber parents,.111r. and Mrs. Ancly Keogh. Tuesday evening guests with. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Young .and. Linda, also Mr. and Airs. Otto Darling and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Keay spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDonald of Lucan. ..Mr.- and. • Mrs. William Fenton and ehiddren . and'"Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Fenton. spent Sunday with friends in Sarnia. The • WI''of.. avicGillivrap ,:held their melting• Wednesday eve- ning when Mrs. George Wilson of St. Marys showed slides of her trip to Ceylon. Niagara Cyclo , assage Free Home Trial, Call Bill & Ruth Gainer RR 2 Crediton Phone $9r2 m;Itl,t111111111111111A111111111111111/u1tIm1111111111111tt 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t1111t1111111111111111111111,/111, H ea ■ HON, ROBERT acauI�y- Brilliant Young Minister in the Frost Cabinet who has been appointed Head of the now Deportment of Energy Resources, and Charlie MacNaughton Your PC Candidate who has proven his ability to speak effectively for Huron riding. Monday, Jure 1 8:30 p1hi. GODERICH McKAY HALL Everyone Welcome! h Myst osi by Hutwot PC .AgOtitifititt '',itrifititlAPI CiffAntFttrrnrh3Ci'AAMiniunfYin'ii'u'i1iulifil'ithfitinuiiirntitfilittfflnrrrlfitifiAlligriiiliftif Anniversary at Saintsbury By MRS. HE.BER .PAYI.S The 8ith anniversary service of St. Patrick's church was held on Sunday with a capacity con- gregation. Rev. P. Dymond, rector, was in charge of service with Mrs. LTC om I ooy, pianist and Miss Joyce McDonald, 14uean, soloist. Visitors for the day were: With Mr, and Mrs. Earl Atkin• son, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis and Larry, Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maguire, Leroy and Dennis, With Mr. and Mrs, Maurine McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy and .Clayton, With Mr. and. Mrs, Harvey Lat- ta, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Latta, London. With Ma', and Mrs. Jack Dick- ins, Mrs. W, J. Dickins, Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels, Mona and Donald, Springfield; With Mr. and Mrs, Herman At- kinson, Mr, and Mrs. George At- kinson; With Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Davis, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Elston, Wendy and David, Centralia; With Mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis, Mrs, Richard Dickins and Mrs, L. Hodgins, Exeter, .Mr's. Ada Walker, London, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young and Jeffery, Lucan; With Mr, and Mrs, Ron Car- roll, Mr, and Mrs. Cliff lugs, London and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll and Wayne. Personal items • Correction — In last week's edition Mrs. Fred. Davis' age was given as 85. It should have been 88. Mrs, Earl Atkinson held a birth- day party on Thursday in honor of her husband's birthday. Their family, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Latta, Carol, Kenny and David, Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire, Le- roy and Dennis were. guests. The ladies of St, Patrick's congregation met in the parish hall Tuesday morning for the annual cleaning bee. Mr. and Mrs, Murray Abbott visited with their aunt, Mrs. Fred Davis, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Carroll left on Sunday evening for Montreal for a week's holiday. . Mrs. Harry Carroll spent sev- eral days this past week visit- ing with Mrs. Alvin Carroll, Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson• visited with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hodgins, "Lucan, Sunday eve- ning. Mrs, Earl Atkinson, Mrs. Ron Carroll, Mrs. Hugh Davis, Mrs. Heber Davis and Mrs. Maurice McDonald attended the blossom BRUCE Refrigeration ik Heating COMMERCIAL REGISTRATION Domestic.' SALES & SERVICE Grand Bend Main St. Phone 224 Get cur motes tuna -up far !mist perforrnant=e and real fuel savings Your motor will be, its peek of efficiency after our scientific tune-up. Larry Snider Mdtrs PHONE 624 EXETER 'Legion auxiliary plans activities At the May meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to. the Legion M o n d a y night, arrangements were completed for the Guides and Brownies. mother and daugh- ter banquet to beheld on Wed- nesday evening. This organiza- tion is sponsored by the AuBil- fary Town topics Mr. and Mrs. Willian'. fa. tarns" ford, Carola Ann axed BBontrie _ 1 Simcoe spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dtrnsford yid Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Gent - trier. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Bissett rvisited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hill near London and attended the United Church service at Oakridge Acres. - Plans were made - to Rater to an rt,,nulnFnn,, , I mnn t I,,111n11n,nl,nnnu11uu,' a wedding. dinner Saturday, May 1 30.Garie The auxiliary was informed 1. • g . that their tender for the booth,'_ at the Exeter races to be held eter Turf June 3 was accepted by the Ex .Sunday And: e Club, Instead of holding a regular ilk meeting in June the auxiliary i Evening Service ; members will go to Westminster Hospital in London to visit with the. v e t e r a n s and distribute books, cigarettes. and other gifts. tea at Lucan United church Sat- urday, Gary Harker is spending a few days with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, B, Tindall and Joan with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Barker. Open this Sunday, Werines day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week. Graham Arthur Moto rs ,,,1n,ll,non,nonl111111mlunpull,Itn,11,111111111111'4 nn,lmututunnnunw limit III iumit1anittiniti lminumuunnussum1tutait,tunial tinu1itult 11111, Notice to Rural Hydro Custorners Biddulph Blanshard TOWNSHIPS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Ontario hydro collection agent for rural bilis will. be W. G. DANN DANN'S GENERAL STORE, GRANTON Former Agent Was W. N. Gunning 41111 t1,11111111M11111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111,11111111111111111 m 11111,111111 1111111111„Amt11111111111InnnnlflIIA, . Ordinary mowers clump, skip—leave messy clippings: New Taro cuts evenly, cleans up other clippings as well. Proved est Mn the "X” test Wind -Tunnel Whirlwind out mows thein a/// Daring "X" Test proves new Whirlwind rotary will outeut any other. Wind -tunnel under the housing creates powerful vacuum 40 freeze every blade of grass upright for a sharper, crisper cut. See this revolutionary new Whirlwind today. r • Ends clumping • Bags clippings • No scalping '99.95 • Easy terms • No extras • Trims closet Complete with bog, chute and leaf mulch'r (19" Whirlwind —. Only $10,00 Down) Beavers Hardware Phone 86 Exeter When should you buy Life Insurance? The best lime is when yotr are young because then minuet premiums are low. 13ut tiffany young married men face a dilemma. They decide to postpone the purchase of life insurance till their family situation creates a greater need, However, they and later that premiunit arc higher and in The meantime, they tun the 'risk of being uitinsuralile, 14rrc's e. sound formulafor meeting the {itahlcm, Tt"fi Matinfactlirers Life's "Security Graph plus 0,I,B,"—Security Graph helps avoid costly postponements by setting up ti plan for buying iasuralica according to future needs and ability ' to pay. 6,1,f3, is a new policy rider that enables the buyer of a, new policy to purchaser :mora insurance et regular rales at specific dates in the future s regardless of changes of health or occupation. Talk to the Men from Manufacturers Life abed this ntw'sccurity formula today, rte the Man front Manufacturers A. E, Pym lir pt eseit tet me EXETER. Tel: 671•M MANUFACTURERSv LIFE 'F A.,.�MDAN1 4