HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-21, Page 16Pape -16 The TimesAdvocate, .May 21, 149 Minister at Wyoming accepts Centralia call The Rev. Duncan M, Guest, Who has been the minister of Wyoming United Church for the past 19 years, has accepted a call to Centralia church. Mr. Guest has been chairman o the Lambton Presbytery for two terms and registrar of the London Conference for almost 10 years. He and Mrs. Guest will move to Centralia at the end of June. WMS meets "The Fellowship of the Sent, and we are all Sent" was the theme of the worship service for the May meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society. Mrs, Ross McFalls was the leader and was assisted by Mrs. George McFalls and Mrs. A. McFalls. A solo was sung by Mrs. Ross McFalls. Mrs. M, Elliott presided for the business. Plans were out- lined for the missionary bale to be packed in July, The hostesses were Mrs. M. Elliott and Mrs. G. Hepburn. Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth 'Hod- gins were in London on Friday night attending the St, Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing grad- uation exercises in Thames Hall. Their niece, Marietta Mitchell, of West Lorne, was among the graduates. Mrs. W. Palmer of St. Catha- rines was a weekend guest - •ith her parents, Mr,. and Mrs. George Hepburn. Miss Elsie White and Miss Mary Lewis of Sudbury, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Osborne of To- ronto, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Os- borne. Doctor's wife dies at home Mrs. Mary Victoria Hyndman, widow of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman, died suddenly at her residence, Huron Street, Exeter, on Monday, May 18. Over the weekend, Mrs, Hynd- man had as her guest a niece, Miss Mary Case, of Toronto, who had returned to her home earlier that day. The deceased was the former Victoria Johnston, of Ailsa Craig, who trained as a nurse at the Victoria School of Nursing and did nursing in Exeter previous to her marriage to Dr, Hynd- man, who predeceased her in; t926. For several summers Mrs. 4lyndman ran a handicraft store.' at Grand Bend and later at Bright, Many articles sold were her own needlework. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. J. W. Johnston, London; two sisters, Mrs. H. Allison Dean, Portland, Ore., Mrs. Wil- liam Lyon, San Francisco; three brophers, Bruce H. Johnston, of Montreal. Stewart N. A. Johns- ton, London, and Ivor H. Johns- ton, Toronto. The funeral service will be held at the Hopper -Hockey fune- ral home at 2 p.m. today (Thurs- day) conducted by Rev. Bren de Vries with interment in Ex- eter cemetery, Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Thompson dur- ing the weekend were Mr. ane! Airs.' J. S. Thompson, Listowel, Mr. Hiram. Winger and Mr. Chester Winger of Glencoe and Mr. and Mrs. Don Heaman of London. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Foley and fancily and Miss Wreaths Shot - dice of Windsor spent the week- end with the latter's another, Mrs. M. Sholdice. Miss May Noels of Aylmer,. accompanied by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Al- bert Coulter, Judy and Gail, of Springfield, visited on Sunday with the former's son, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Noels and family. Miss Ada Mitchell, R.N., of Montpelier, Ohio, was, a week- end visitor with her sister, Mr. and Mrs, K, Hodgins and family. Mr. Barney simmer visited oyer the holiday weekend with relatives in Montreal, He made the trip by plane. Mr. Stuart Richardson of Belle- ville, Mr. Les Richardson and three children of Toronto were Saturday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. William Haddock, Miss Odeyne Clarke of Brant- ford visited over the weekend with her parents, Rev. J. T. and Mrs. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs, John Thompson visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Corinan in St. Paul',s, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paisley, David and Jeanette, Mr, 14lartin Her- zog, all of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Chester Dunn, Exeter, Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Dunn, Hurondale, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Laramie, Bob and Jean. Mrs. Paul Pavkeje fractured her ankle when she slipped and fell in her home. Report on Thames Road By MRS, WILLIAM ROHDE Mission Band annual tea evening guests with Mr, and Nearly 100 mothers and child- Mrs. Arnold Wasnidge of Ailsa ren of the Mission Band from Craig. Elimville and Thames Road Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner gathered in the church basement and Marilyn attended Woodham for the May meeting and the an- Sunday School anniversary and nual tea. Mrs. Donald Kernick spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. gave the call to worship. Mrs. William Rohde welcomed the ladies and children. The worship service was given by Mrs. Donald Kernick, Joyce Mauer, Janet Rowe, Marilyn Gardiner and Susan Allen and Bill Jeffery, followed by the Mission Band Purpose. Larry Ballantyne and Ronald Clarke took the offering. Mrs. H. C. Wilson introduced Mrs. Harold Snell of Exeter who gave an interesting talk. The program included a vocal duet by Brenda and Dale Skin- ner, accompanied by Mrs. Ross Skinner; a piano duet by Kathy Hern and Sandra Walters of Elimville; a vocal duet by Sharon Passmore and. Dianne Stone; readings by David Pass- more, Floyd Duncan, Douglas Rohde, Marlene Webber and Margaret Kernick. Personal items Mr. John Tookey, Mrs. Jack Box and family were Wednesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Almer Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hume and family spent the weekend with relatives in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Borland spent the weekend with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Willard, of Mount Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller chivaried Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dougall of Exeter on. Saturday evening in honor of their tenth wedding anniversary which is this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. Brazier and Mr. and Mrs, Morrison Cas- well of Brantford, spent the holi- day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Mr, and Mrs. Almer. Passmore, David, Dennis, Darlene and Dale were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jones of Exeter. Mr. Coursey Brown and Misses Jean and Edna Coward are painting the exterior of the manse. Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, Susan and. Joan were Sunday 111111111/11111111111111111111111111111111111111I,III,II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11,11111111111111111111111111¢ f 1 HURON COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE E 1ESSION N � The Huron County Council will convene in the I Court House, Goderich, on. Monday, June 8th, 1959, at 10:00 A.M. D.S.T. for the June session. All communications and accounts to be in the hands, of the Clerk not later than Friday, May 29th., 1959. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer. County of :Huron, Goderich, Ont. !11111111111111111111!!1IIIIIIII1111l•Ilttlll llf!l1III III 111,1111111M1111111111111! 11l1111M11111 t1111111,1111111M11111 I!!!11!MI 1� Always on tap to do repair work promptly Rely en us to steer Op your !lumbing problems fest, Drains, pipes, faucets Wherever the trouble is, we lix it so it stays fixed! Our men get right to work .. • to do the rob rightl JAKE'S PLUMBING & HEATING Main $f,r Exefar ,Phone 46 Clarence Fletcher, Rev. H. C, and Ars. Wilson, Mrs. William Rohde and -Calvin spent part of Sunday and Mon- day at Tobermory. Mr. and Mrs. Allan. Wanner of Sarnia, Mrs. Russell Wanner of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. John Pym were guests on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pym. In last week's news it should have read: Mr.. and Mrs. Wil- liam Harper and Wilma, Crom- arty, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Gale of Mitchell, Mrs. Clara Hackney, Miss Pat Beaver of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Belt and Doug- las of Hensel!, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Ballantyne, Lorne and Larry were Wednesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hackney. Mr. Donald Ballantyne of To- ronto spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne. Scottish farmer entertained Mr. Frank Farquharson, of Angus County, Scotland, one of four delegates of the Junior Far- mers exchange from Scotland, has been visiting Mr. Barry Jef- frey. Messrs. Ray Cann, Barry Jef- frey and Frank Farquharson were Friday eve guests with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dawson. On Saturday night they were guests with Bob Down. Sunday night Frank showed films of his farm in Scotland and Bob Down showed films on his trip to Mex- ico. On Monday they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rundle, who showed Frank different points of interest. He arrived in Canada on May 2 and is leaving on July 21, South End Service Used Car Buys '55 CHEVROLET SEDAN Excellent condition. ra- dio, windshield washers, whitewall tires. '56 METEOR TUDOR Tutone, an exceptionally clean. car! '55 MONARCH SEDAN Clean, tutone in color., '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN Better than new, 33,0.00 miles. '53 MONARCH SEDAN Tutone, radio, rear seat speaker, completely pow. er " equipped, excellent condition, was driven by an old man! '53 CHEVROLET HARDTOP Red and white, new tires, completely recondition- ed, '51 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL SEDAN — She's loaded with extras! '38 OLDS SEDAN Runs good! Only $65.00. Wanted l Good European, Cars COME IN AND TEST. DRIVE THE ALL NEW '59 Mercury And See The Difference! South End Service Ruse arid Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER Elirnvihe garden club chooses new officers Y MROS. WINNER BRS. S ER . 'rhe first meeting of the Will- ing Workers 4-11 Garden Club was held at the. home of the leader, Mrs. Norman Jaques, last Saturday. President elected was Ruth Miller; vice-president, Frances Skinner; secretary, Barbara Hero; press reporter, Joanne Miners. The discussion included A gen. eral outline of the project, the importance, care and planning of a vegetable garden and the planting and care of flower gar- dens. The next meeting will be held. on Saturday, May 23. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch, of Petawawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Cooper and visited relatives in the com- munity. Mr. and Mrs. Rein Westdorp visited. on Sunday with Mr. and Airs. O. Koopman and family of Exeter, Miss Sharon Player, of Pete, wawa, visited over the holiday weekend with Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Skinner and .family, Mrs. Philip Murch. and Mrs. Thos. Bell were Monday eve- .ning guests with Mr,. and Mrs, Harold Bell. Mr. Nelson Cl.outhier and Miss Elizabeth Fulcher, of London„ visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Mr. Elgin Skinner, of New 'To- ronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner. Mr. William Routly returned home after spending a few days attending the School of Road Superintendents, Toronto, Misses Grace Johns and Mary Skinner ,of London, spent the weekend at their respective homes. Miss Grace Routly, Yof Lo do n spent the weekend with friends in Port litrron. I Mr. and Mics. William Routly. , and Anna visited on Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Ernest Vodden a[ Woodham and attended the Wood- ham Sunday School anniversary, Mr. and Airs, George Levis and Linda, of Clinton, visited on Sunday evening with Mr, and 'Mrs. William Routly, Mr. and Mrs, Rein Westdorp, Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley at- tended the trousseau tea .of Miss Marie Johns on Saturday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods and Bob spent the weekend with Mr, Lewis Woods of Stokes Bay. Sunday visitors with Mrs, Thomas Bell were Mr, and Mrs. Curtis McAllister and family of Sudbury, Mrs, Harry Webber, Wooclham, Mrs. Leonard Schenk and family and Mrs. Sam Miller New Inspector for high schools Donald W. Scott, principal of. Stratford Collegiate Institute,. will become district secondary school inspector for this are. beginning July 1. He will be in charge of a new inspectorate including the coun- ties of Huron, Middlesex, Elgin and Bruce. An honor graduate of UWO, Mr. Scott was appointed princi- pal of Stratford Collegiate in 1919. .He came to Stratford from Fort Frances. of Dashwood.. Rev. Charles Daniels, I-Iensall, will be the guest minister for the dedication service for the of- ficial opening of the newly -dec- orated auditorium. of Elimville church on Sunday morning at 10 ,a,m, Famed Sambro Island light- house, facing the entrance to Halifax,harbor, was erected in 1769. Police donate $100 to Lions Scout house Al the Lions Club slip- per. Exeter.. per meeting at Armstrong's Res- taurant Thursday evening PC Cecil Gibbons presented the club with a $100 donation toward the addition to the Exeter Boy Scout house sponsored by the Lions club. The donation was part of the proceeds of a recent draw con- ducted by the Provincial Police officers of 'Huron County in con- junction with the Goderich Lions. President Ed. Brady thanked the donors, The club will sponsor a paper drive on June 1? and a special request is being made for the paper to be rolled. A ear wash was also proposed, the date to be set, Tom. McMillan announced that plans are under way for a father and daughter banquet. Arrangements are also being made for holding a three.ring circusi in Exeter on July 8 on the recreation grounds. A zone rally will be held at Zurich on May 27 and the dis- trict rally is to be held at Wind- sor starting May 31, Delegates to the convention are Ed Brady, Ken Hockey, Andy Snelgrove, W. G. Cochrane and R. C. Dinney;. alternates, E. D. Bell and Larry Snider, A new slate of officers for the ensuing. year was presented by the nominating committee, to be voted on at the next regular meeting, In 1958, Canadian canal routes through artificial channels total- ed 157.42 statute miles and those through rivers and lakes 2,68e miles, says Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica. MALCOLM THE MILKMAN GOLLY, COWS ARE WONDERFUL!,.. GIVING US WHOLESOME, DELICIOUS, NUTRITOUS MILK AND WHAT DO THEY GET FROM US? GRASS! A by EXETER DAIRY, ASPARA6U5,ANYONE LETTUCE? CELERY? WATER CRESS ? Our producers treat their cows like the bovine aristrocrats they are. That's why they give the finest milk in the world . , . rich in vital food values and. flavor, a real treat all around the' clock! EXETER DAIRY Phan* 331 Charlie MacNaughton Works .For Huron A RESPECTED VOICE FOR HURON FARMER In just one sitting,. Charlie MacNaughton has established himself as an effective speaker on behalf of agriculture. His efforts on the agriculture committee have led to important benefits to farmers, ON AGRICULTURE BRIEFS -- On being criticized in the House for commending the Farmers' Union delegation for presenta- tions made Io the Agriculture Committee, the Huron MPP re- plied; "wear is good in this brief or any other brief, I propose to support bath inside and outside the House and 1 can assure the Hon. member that certain of these suggestions and recom- mendations have already been implemented and I am confident that those that merit attention and consideration will receive it in due course." --Hansard Page 1392 RE-ELECT ON GASOLINE TAX -- "1 believe thatthe matter of hastening rebates of gasoline tax to -farmers could well be con- siclered and implemented at the earliest possible time." —.Hansard Page 1392 ON FARM ECONOMY— "The farmer finds himself faced with costs of the goods and ser- vices .he must buy increasing at a considerably faster pace than the prices obtainable for what he produces for sale. Whether compulsory marketing plans will effectively provide the answer to this serious situation is, to a very considerable extent, yet 10 he seen, Nevertheless it must he admitted that the farmer is faced with the necessity of de. veloping some means of combat- ing matters collectively over which individually he has little or no control," Hansard, Page 489 ACTION' Charlie MacNaughton moved. in the standing committee on agriculture that the Government undertake to provide compensation For loss of livestock through rabies. This program was adopted by the Government on Much 19, 1959. • MacNaughton, Charles 5. Progressive Conservative Thursday, June 11 i r