HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-21, Page 12„rap: IX
lalt ItIlleaAdVOcale, May 1, 1
District brides choose May for rites
Margaret Kathleen Neil, daugh-
4er of Mr. and airs. Cecil Neil,
4.411Can, and ,Glen. John Prout,
on of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Trout, RR 1 Centralia were
Itlited. in marciage ia a double
zing ceremony performed by the
Rev. E. J. Roulston in Lucan
UniteL church parsonage on Sat-
itrdaY, May 16 at 7.30 p.m.
For her wedding the bride
avore a street -length gown of
avhite nylon lace over taffeta
Vvith a matching jacket. .A cora-
net of sequins held her finger-
tip veil of French illusion and
he carried a cascade of red
roses, white mums and ivy.
-,aHer only attendant was her
tister, Miss Mary Neil, London,
in a street -length dress of pink
organza with pink accessories
!And a cascade of white mums,
pink rose buds and ivy.
James Prout, RR 1 Centralia,
was best man for his brother.
A reception was held at the
home at the bride when her
mother received in dark blue
crepe with red rose corsage and
the groom's mother assisted, in
figured silk and corsage of pink
. For travelling in the United
States the bride changed to a
blue crystal tweed suit with
black and white accessories and
mauve orchid corsage.
Mr. and Mrs. Prout will make
their home in Lucan.
A honeymoon in Northern On-
tario and Quebec followed the
marriage of Rena Helene Mur-
ray, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Cecil Murray, Exeter, to Donald
George Morphy, Woodham, son
of Dr. and Mrs. George P. Mor-
phy, Toronto, on Saturday, May
16 at 2 p.m,
Rev. R. S. Hiltz performed
the ceremony in Main Street
[Aided Church decorated with
blue mums, white snapdragons,
blue candles and fern. Mrs. A.
Willard, organist of the church,
played traditional wedding music
and accompanied the soloist,
Miss Ruth Howe, Cromarty,
cousin of the bride, who sang
"Because” and "Oh Blessed
Wedding Day."
Given in marriage by her
father the bride chose a floor -
length gown of hand -clipped Chan-
tilly lace over bridal satin. The
molded lace bodice featured lily.
point sleeves and a sabrina neck-
line enhanced with seed pearls
a'nd iridescent sequins. The bil-
lowing skirt was of nylon tulle
with back overlay of tiered Chan-
tilly lace ruffles. A tiara of
pearls and sequins held her
finger-tip silk illusion veil and
she carried red roses and white
stephanotis and trailing ivy.
Miss Norma Keller, Barrie,
was maid of honor and brides-
maids were Miss Alice Howe,
Stratford, cousin of the bride,
and Miss Louise Blommaert,
Exeter. They were gowned alike
In sea foam crystal charm styled.
with harem skirts. They carried
light blue porns, white roses and
John Morphy, Toronto, was
best man for his brother and
ushers were Nelson Morphy and
Wayne Mackie, both of Toronto.
A reception was held for 80
guests at Armstrong's Restau-
rant. The mother of the bride
received in powder blue lace
over taffeta and Mrs. Morphy
chose a gown of dusty rose.
For travelling the bride don-
ned a brown and beige dress with
matching duster and hat and
white accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. Morphy will re-
side in Woodham.
Guests were present from
backache I
...tired out!
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When they are troubled by backache,
that tired out feeling or disturbed rest,
many, many women turn to Dodd's
Kidney Pills. These conditions can be
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you, too, try Dorld'al
Barrie, Toronto, Xirkton, 'Wood-
ham, London, Detroit, South
Lyon, Mich, Stratford, Ingersoll,
St. Marys, Cromarty and Zurich.
Wilson -Baker
Wanda May Baker, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker
Sr., Hensall, became the bride
of Adam Wilson, son or Mr. and
Mrs. George Wilson Sr., in a
ceremony performed by Rev.
Charles D. Daniel in the United
Church manse, Hensall, an Sat-
urday, May 16, at 12 o'clock
The bride chose a gown of
nylon net over taffeta with laee
bodice and lace insert. A lace
jacket featured lily point sleeves.
A headdress of net scalloped
with silk braid and sprinkled
with sequins held her illusion
net veil and she carried a white
Bible crested with red roses.
The bride's attendant was Mrs.
Robert Baker Jr., Hensall, gown-
ed in ice blue erystalette with
shirred bodice trimmed with
rhinestones, and matching bolero.
She carried a nosegay of pink
roses and maidenhair fern.
Groomsman was Robert Baker
Jr., a brother of the bride.
A reception was held in the
New Commercial Hotel, liensall,
whe the bride's mother receiv-
ed in an afternoon dress in blue
and grey taffeta with white ac-
cessories and the groom's mo-
ther chose pale blue with navy
ar ' shite accessories.
For travelling to Niagara Falls
and Buffalo the bride changed to
an aqua wool tailored suit with
navy blue accessories and pink
The couple will reside on the
groora's farm, RR 1 Brucefield.
McIntosh -Klein,
A double ring marriage cere-
mony was celebrated Saturday,
May 2, in SL Paul's Anglican
Church, Kirkton, when the RON, ,
Peter Dymond united in matri-
mony Annie Eileen Klein and
Robert James McIntosh. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Knox, Kirkton dis-
trier, and the groom is the son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hector
McIntosh, of Lucan.
The bride was gowned in a
street -length dress of dicer blue
Beauty Salon
429 Main St. Phone 349
Shirley Coe
Pearl Hendersen, Prop.
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Beauty Bar
Specializing in
Come in—let Jean be your
hair stylist.
including Wednesday after-
noon, Friday evenings and
Saturday. Closed Tuesday ex-
cept by appointment.
Phone 522
lace over organza, with corsage
of pink rose buds.
Her only attendant was her
daughter, Miss Elizabeth Klein,
whn chose an ice blue satin dress
with pink carnation corsage.
John McIntosh was groomsman
for his brother and Francis
Klein was usher.
Mrs. Harold. Davis played tra-
ditional wedding music and ac-
eomparilect the soloist, Miss H.
Wilkinson, of Hamilton.
For a honeymoon trip to Win-
nipeg and Chicagothe bride
changed to a mauve suit with
matching accessories, fur stole
and mauve •orchid corsage.
The couple will make their
home on Alice St., Lucan.
Rev. Harold J. Snell officiat-
ed in James Street United
Church at the marriage of Pat-
ricia Mae SiUery to Emil Wil-
fred Hendrick, Toronto, Baskets
of white gladioli and blue iris
decorated the church for the
event on Saturday, May 16, at
12 o'clock noon.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Edward SillerY,
and the groom. is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Hendrick, all
of Exeter,
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther, the bride chose for her
wedding a floor -length gown of
hand -clipped Chantilly lace over
bridal satin. Long lily point
sleeves and a sabrina neckline
enhanced with pearls And ill-
deseent sequins were features
the molded lace bodiee. The bila
lowing skirt was of nylon. tulle
with back overlay of row on
row -of Chantilly ruffles. A tiara
of pearls and sequins held her
fingertip silk illusion veil. She
carried a cascade .of white car-
nations, stephanotis and ivy trail-
Wearing ballerina-leagth frocks
of white nylon embossed with
small blue flowers styled with
full skirts, puff sleeves and
princess waistline, her attend-
ants were her sister, Mrs. Calvi
Wein, Exeter, as matron of
honor, and Mrs. Don Davey,
Exeter, as bridesmaid. The jun-
lot: bridesmaid, Miss Helen Hen-
drick, sister of the groom, was
gowned in an all -blue dress in
similar style to the other at-
tendants. They carried cascades
ef 'white baby mums, blue- corn-
flowers and ivy trailers, Susan
Davey was flower girl and Peter
Hendrick, ringbearer, The flower
girl wore white nylon over blue
and- carried .a small basket of
white baby mums and corn-
John Hendrick, Exeter,. was
hest man for his hrother and
ushers were Douglas Sillery,
hrother of the bride, and Elgin
Hendrick, brother of the groorn,
The bride's mother chose a
two-piece - navy ensemble with
navy and white accessories, and
the groom's mother wore a Coro-
nado blue satin sheath with white
—Please Turn To Page 13
1, K-77
It's the better kind
of dry cleaning that
gets out more dirt!
—makes colors and
patterns bright as newt
Draperies spring back to
their original beauty
and brilliance when
"winter -film" is gone!
Citizenship topic
for mission group
A talk on Christian citizenship
and the hope for world peace
was given by Rev. H. J. Snell
at the May meeting of the WAIS
Afternoon Auxiliary of James
Street church on Thursday after-
eHed (dared that "our freedom
as citizens has been given to is
through the blood of the people
who have gone before us. We
need freedom from want, and
fear, freedom of the press, free-
dom of our religion, of assembly
and trial by jury."
He said a Christian should
try to see justice done to every
person and should hope for
world peace but knows it has to
be won. "He should avoid the
fatalistic drift .of this day and
age and be peacemaker, he
The theme of the meeting'was
"Discovering Neighborhood" and
the worship service was taken
by Mrs. Percy P'assmore, Mrs,
L. Taylor and Miss P. Keyes.
Mrs. T. C. Coates sang two solos.
A quilting and packing of a
bale will be held Tuesday after-
noon, May 19.
airs. H. Powe reporting for
UN explained the nature of the
Chinese communes formed in
August 1958, nine years after the
OES guests
Mrs. Joseph Stf,ford, WM, of
Regal -Chapter, Blyth, and Mrs.
Howard Ranson,. WM, of Shining.
Star Chapter, Mitchell,. with theirofficers,
officers, performed the opening
and closing drills at the regular
meeting of the 'Exeter Chapter
No. 202,. Order .of the Nastern
Star, last Wednesday evening for
which worthy Matron Mrs. lgut
McKinley presided.
.The district .church service will
be held June '1, in New 5t. James
Chi -Intl, London,
After the meeting a talent
table, in. .charge .of Mrs. Emerson
Kyle, was -conducted,
Area teachers
choose officers
Mrs. Ralph Batten was named
President of The Exeter unit,of
the Federated Women Teachers'
Association of Ontario, at the
unit meeting held in the Exeter
— P'lease Turn To Page 13
Communist party took over in
The Baby Band and mothers
will be entertained at the next
meeting, June 11.
Just like milk -
butter belongs
on your
family table!
Centralia CVVI,
names officers
At the May meeting the mem-
hers of the Catholie women's
League, RCAF Centralia, .elont-
ed their new executive for the
.corning year.
President for 1949-60 is airs.
L. Howard; vice•presidents, airs.
P. Kinch„ Mrs, J. X. Carroll
and Mrs. R, Dempster; secre-
tary, mrs, C. Legroa; IrgaSigtri
airs. Ma AnellnY,'
The annual London dilepittyl
CgtVerITIPIT was held this year
in Sarnia MaY 16 and 17. Mrs.
Howard. and .11rs. Cinch sttended
the convention as xletegates. from
Centralia Parish •Cotuteil.
In June the Catholic Woolen's
League will hold its annual so-
cial- .ev.ening. initial plans for
this event lore discuSsed.
Mrs, L. 'Howard pv a Nil
report sif the year's work,
MODEL 8054
Powerful %h.p. motor
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Bedspreads and blate;
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On the Parisienne Scene
High fashion
experts finally
Wonderful new a : : : at last fashion experts are unanimous
in their choice of the most glamorous creation of the year.
It's the most exciting new look in ages . . the 1059
Pontiac Parisienne! Daring Twin•Grilles are the fotali pn int
of this beauty—the linet are crisp, clean? fresh as a daisy.
The rear deck is sculptured out to give a lower; sleeker
look. Glass area goes up and down and ali arotincl—letS
yOUl watch all the heads turning as you sweep by. Interiors?
ratulous1 Pontiac takes fine materials, tly-e4 them all the
colors of a summer sunset—mixes and matches them
In the most exciting color trims and combinations of the
year. How marvellous to show your new spring outfit off
ins interiors like these., And just to show you it's a womares
World, try driving this tar, It's effortlessyou float along,
A flick of the
wrist and you're routed the corner.
of your the and you stop smoothly, steadily, surely. The
Parisienne matches your !eve Of luxury, flatters your
fashion setae, Drive the Pontiac, Parisitruie soon., It does
Metre for you than a hundred new hats, 0,100.0
A touch
Is yrs
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