HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-21, Page 1177, 'Summitall up and you'll agree — C1as5.i • Th. Timis Ad.voc,,tti May ,I1,. 1959 Eli' It I5: are es FOR SALE— - . R S t ALE-- FOR SALE— 1REAL ESTATE— !SERVICES— ( LOST— .l ternery; pillows; quilts; drapes; PIONEER, SEED CORN is test- 1951 DODGE SEDAN, good con-. ed for seed strength in cold, wet dition, Apply John Batten, Elim - foil at a temperature of 48 de- ville, phone .Kirkton 25-r-23. grees. Pioneer corn is backed 21;28* by a replanting agreement. Pio-- neer gives free seed corn if you, SANILAC SEED BEANS must disc up and replant for any I Eligible for Registration reason. Order strong germinal-, 90 Per Pound ing Pioneer now. See Keith They lv r Lovell, BR 2 Kipper., Ont., phone . were World Champions at -iensadl .678-R-22. 14:21:28c Royal Winter Fair and yielded 46 bushels Ilei acre. 18 WEANER PIGS -- Apply Bob Denomme, phone Exeter 638-J. 21c OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- Head- quarters for Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines. We .can save you money! Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 27tfc CENTRALIA Enjoy country living—modern, almost new 2. bedroom home, large living room : and dining room, bath and ret room; hot water heating; lovely lot across from Huron Park; low down payment. EXETER — Duplex—apartments renting for $60.00 each. Tenants CASH REGISTER used, Nation -Pay hydra. Large lot 308 x al, completely rebuilt. A good baths, .oil heat; $3,5 down. To buy or sell contact Canada'sBOB ALLAN, BRUCEFIELD buy for $135.00. Apply Larry's CNational Magazine 14:21e Supertest, phone 968 Exeter, 21e MACLEAN'S Special Subscription Offer 60 Issues -- $4.50 Half the Newsstand Priced CANADIAN HOMES & GARDENS 48 Issues $7.00 CHATELAINE 50 Issues — $4.00 Save time, save postage—let us renew your subscriptions, THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE Phone 770 FAST!' FAST! Film service. "Silk Finish" and glossy prints at their best, Russell Electric, Exeter. 30:7:1.4:21c DO NOT GROW dandelions in your lawn. We now have Weed- Killthat will kill nearly all the weeds but willnot injure the clover. The lawn should be sprayed very soon as the dande•. liens will be in bloom, then they will mature and spread seed.' Phone 266, L. V. Hogarth. 14:21c ELECTRIC RANG E, Moffat, high oven, good condition, Phone' 356 Exeter. 21c GUITAR, Jumbo arch top, with '52 CHEV—Rebuilt raptor, good electric pickup and case, good rubber, car kept in good condi- condition. Phone 1184 Exeter. tion. Phone 5 Crediton.21nc 21* ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS-- BARDAWILL — Mr. and Mrs, Edward Bardawill, Simcoe St., , Exeter, announce the birth of a son, Itandel] Bradley, at South Huron Hospital, May 14 —a brother for Connie„ Carson, Rickey and. Chris, BELL — Mr, and Mrs. George W. Bell, Columbia Dr., RCAF Centralia, are pleased to an-, nounce the birth of a son, James Wallace, at South Hur-, on Hospital, May 18. CUNNINGTON. — Mr, and Mrs. Howard Cunnington, RR 3 Ex- eler, announce the birth of a son, David Leroy, at South Huron Hospital, May 17. FINLAYSON — Laird and. Ruby Finlayson, nee Parsons, RR 3 Kippen, announce the birth or a daughter, Sharon Marie, at, South Huron Hospital, May 12. KOPP—Jim and Etta (Brintnell) Kopp, 138 Victoria St„ Exeter,' announce the birth of a son,1 Steven ,lames, at South Huron! Hospital, May 14—a brother for i Karen, Gail and Debbie. KOWATSCH—Mr. and Mrs. Karl; Kowatsch, Simcoe St„ Exeter, announce the birth of a daugh- ter, Rosemary Joann, at South; Huron Hospital, May 15, LUNNEY—Mr. and Mrs. Frank i Lunney, Centralia, announces the birth of a daughter, Calhe-1 Elizabeth, at South Hur- on Hospital, May 16. MILLER—Mr. and Mrs. James B. Miller, RCAF Centralia, an- nounce the birth of a son, Robert Kenneth, at South Hur- on. Hospital, May 14—a brother for Gordon, Billy, Patty, Mike and Charles. THOMAS—Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Thomas, of Grand Bend, an- nounce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, May 20 —a brother. for Dehorrah and Barbara Anne. WINDSOR — Mr. and Mrs. Max Windsor, RR 1 Ailsa. Craig, announce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital. May 15—a brother for Kevin and ninth grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Keller. Dashwood. WILLIAMS—Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Williams, formerly Phyllis Gib- son, wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Phyllis, at St. Joseph's, Hospital, Lon- don, May 13. DEATHS— RUNDLE—Suddenly at the resi- dence of his son, William Rundle, Woodham, Wednesday, May 20, 1959, Bert A. Rundle, in his eighty-fourth year. Rest- ing at the Marriott funeral. home, St, Marys, until Satur- day, May 23, where funeral service will take place. at 2 p.m. Interment in Kirkton Union. Cemetery. 21c CARDS OF THANKS -- We wish to thank those who visited us in hospital, for gifts, cards and flowers, Special thanks to Di'. Gans and nurses. —Mrs. Elmer Powe and Alan, 21c I wish to sincerely thank my relatives and friends for the many cards, treats, flowers and visits which 1 received during my recentstay in Victoria Hos- pital and during my convales- cence at home.—Mrs, Ron Heim- - rich, 21* I wish to express my apprecia- tion and thanks to all those who tent Cards, :flowers, .letters and treats and who visited me while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospitaf, London. Special thanks to friends and neighbours and Exeter Legion.—Mrs. Maude Me - Donald, 20* I wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives and friends who visited and sent cards, flowers and treats to me while 1was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Specialthanks to Dr. Goddard. Dr, Oakes and the nurses of Clinton Public Ilospit- al.—Jim Dougall, 21* 1 wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciationto all Who sent flowers, cards and gifts and to all who visitecl me while a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London. .Special. thanks to the nurses on. Sixth E. for their kWh -tea -1W. L'1ndonfield. 21* Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie wishes to thank her relatives and friends who remembered her with visits, cards, gifts and flowers while 111, Special thanks to Rev. C. Daniel, flower c(itnilii(fee of the Hensall ttnit('d Church, De... • C. Goddard and nursing staff of Clinton Public libspital and stey 104„hboltre. CARDS OF THANKS— The fancily of the late Mrs. Helen McEwen wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and floral tributes during their recent bereavement of their mother. Special thanks to Rev. C. Daniel, I;he staff of South Huron Hospital, Dr. J. C. God- dard, the pallbearers and all others who assisted in any way. We wish to say a sincere thanks to our friends for the many cards, thoughtful gifts and kind messages sent to us at the time of the birth of our daugh- ter.—Bill and Fern Dougall. 21* The family of. the late Evert Vandeworp wishes to express sincere thanks and appreciation for all the acts of sympathy, cards, memorial Bibles, and beautiful floral. tributes received during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Rev. Van Farowe, pallbearers, neighbours and Bonthron Fune- ral Horne in Hensall. 21* Mrs. Edgar Fansonwishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered her with cards, calls and other ways while a patient in South. Huron Hospital and since corning home. 21* IN MEMORIAM— CORBETT—ln loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, . Nathaniel Corbett, who passed away four years ago, May 21, 1955. God took him home, it was His will, But in our hearts we love him still; His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away, We often sit and think of him When we are all alone, For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own. —Lovingly remembered by Eva, Doug, Hilda, Russ and fami- lies. 21* CORBETT-1n loving memory of a ' dear husband and father, Nathaniel Corbett, who passed away four years ago, May 21, 1955. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near, —Lov.in g1y remembered by wife and son Litton. JONES — In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grand- mother, Orca Jones, who pass- ed away one year ago, May 24, 1958. God saw you getting weary, He did what He thought best, He put His arms around you And whispered "Come and Rest" ' The Golden Gate stood open, One year ago today. With goodbyes left unspoken. You gently slipped away, —Lovingly remembered and sad- ly missed by the family. 21* HUNTER - DUVAR In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Ed, who passed away May 19, 1957, No just today, but every day. In silence we remember, —Always ,relneinbered by his and Edward. wife Peg, daughters Lillian and Linda, sons Ivan, Guy and Edward. 21* MESSNER—In loving memory of our dear father who passed away one year ago, May 25, 1958. We sit and think of you each each'. day, And to think of how you died, To think you never said good-bye Before you closed your eyes. We watched you suffer, we heard you sigh, 13ut all we could do was just stand by. i .But; God looked on and Ile knew best, And took you home to Eternal Rest. -Lovingly cement eyed by daughters, Sons -in • law, . and grandchildren, 21* SWEITZER-1n loving memory of a Wife, Mother and aunt, Edith Sweitzer, who passed away one year ago, May 24, 1958. GM SSW you getting weary, He did what He tliought best; i- e put bis arms around you Arid whispered come and rest, The golden gates stood opera One year ago today, With goodbyes left unspoken You gently slipped away'. , l ver remembered by husband, Children, :Meets and grand. Children. 21* SMALL BUILDING, well-built of allclew material, approximately 100 square feet; price $100.00 or best offer, W, Morley, phone 226 Exeter. 21* TABLE POTATOES, No, 2, 75 - lb. bag, $1.00; No. 1 table pota- toes; No. 1 large potatoes for restaurants and french fries; also feed potatoes. T. L. Soud- ant, RR 2 Grand Bend, phone. 44-R-2 Grand Bend. 4:30tfc REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator .12 eu. ft.; also Ingersoll washing machine; both in good condition. Apply J. Gosar, 512 William St., Exeter, 21* CORN PICKER, Case, 1 -row; g- row Case planter; 2 -row culti- vator; 3 -furrow Massey plough, pull. type; Maxwell wash',lg ma- chine; all in good condition. Glen Rose, Seaforth, phone 652- 11-13. 20* REFRIGERATOR, Norge, 9 cu. ft., $150.00 or best offer. Apply 314 Main St., Apartment 3. 21* MAN RE SPREADER, rubber tire; power International cream separator; both in good working condition. Apply Joe Amos, phone 619-r-12 Ailsa Craig. 21e SANILAC BEANS, grownfrom certified seed. Apply Gerald O'Rourke, phone • 39-r-12 Dash- wood, Ont. 21c ENNIS PIANO, medium size, mahogany finish, with bench, in new condition, fully guaranteed, $98.00. W. Martin, Exeter South, phone 43. 21* VOLKSWAGEN, '58 cusom, with radio and windshield washers, perfect condition. Contact Cpl, Soon, RCAF Station Clinton, Basic Training, phone HU 2-3411. 21* SEWING MACHINE, Singer, elec- tric portable, with zig-zag, em- broiderers, monograms, blind hens, etc., under guarantee, full balance $36.00 or take up pay- ments of $6.00 monthly. Please reply to Box No, "JS", Exeter Times -Advocate. 21:28* 1952 MONARCH SEDAN, auto- matic, A-1 shape; will trade on cattle. .Apply Fred Darling, phone 978, Darling's TGA Exeter. 21c KEN LOCKE is now wrecking 20 post war cars at RR 1 Credi- ton, a mile south-west of the airport. Plenty of good engines, transmissions, tires and batteries available. Phone AC 8-6279. 21* I HAVE a, dealership for. Meyers Sprayers, for orchards or. Weed - Kill. Also for all insecticides and fungicides; Weed-Killof all kinds; Aldrin for maggots in turnips, and Simazine, the new premerge spray for corn. I have on hand a supply of the new English Weed -Kral for seedling alfalfa or canning peas. Phone 266, L. V. Hogarth. 14:21:28c SURGE MILKER Parts available from: Harvey Ratz, Shipka Howard Pym, RR 1 Centralia LOVELL H. McGUIRE Surge Service Dealer New and Used Milkers Call Wingham 593, Clinton HU 2-7207 7:14:21:28* FOR RENT— APARTMENT, ground floor, partly furnished, newly decorat- ed, separate entrance, suitable for one or two, central location. Apply Box "G", Times -Advocate. 7:14:21c TURNIP PLANTER, 2 -.row, Phone Zurich 91-r-3 or apply Harold Dignan, 3 miles west of Hensall. 5:14-6:18* APARTMENT, in Hensall, down- stairs, with garage, hot and cold water. Apply t o Mrs. W. C. Hooper or phone 518 Exeter, 14:21c 6 -ROOM. HOUSE, on highway, close to Grand Bend. Phone 38- r-11 Grand Bend, after 6 p,nt. 21.c COUNTRY HOME, la.& storey, brick, 4 bedrooms, 2 miles north- west of Kirkton, third farm north of St. Marys road. Apply Arlow Copeland, Kirkton, phone 126-R- 17. 21* APARTMENT, Traquair, lower, furnished, 4 :rooms, self contain- ed, private entrance, heat and hot water supplied; w or king couple preferred. Available June 1. Apply in person at 59 John St. E. 2.1 c UP P E R APARTMENT, farm house, edge of town, 4 rooms and 2 -piece bath. Available int- mediately. Phone 356 Exeter,. 21C REAL ESTATE— BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms, in the village of Kirkton, large corner lot, hydro, garage and furniture, The property of the late David Hazlewood, priced reasonable, Apply Mrs. Charles Paul, phone 69•R•2 Rirkton, MODERN' BUNGALOW, ranch style, 1/ years old. This home Lias large living and dining area, kitchen, utility room and 2 bed - Items and is located at 468 Ed - Ward SL, Exeter•, Contact. COI, bots R:CAh' Sta.tinii Clinton Ratio Training, phone HU 24411. M, J, Gaiser Real Estate Phone Exeter 24, or SAM HENDRICK, Salesman Phone Exeter 711 21c GRASS FARM — 100 acres with two springs. About 15 acres of bush. Lot 31, Con. 11 Biddulph. Contact W. S. O'Neil, phone 28.7 Granton. 3:26tfe C. V. Pickard EXETER We have clients wishing to purchase Exeter homes. If you wish to sell, see us, We are offering the following and other properties: APARTMENT HOUSE, Exeter, with central oil heating. This property requires renovating but can be purchased at very low price, on easy terms, LARGE one -storey brick house, good Exeter location, beautifully treed lot, This will make a corn - Portable home for large family or a good duplex. Terms. CENTRALIA — Comfortable 2- bedroom cottage; good base- ment; oil burning furnace; par- ticularly nice lot. This property is in best of condition. Price $6,500.00—terms. To buy or sell, see C. V. PICKARD, Realtor, and General Insurance, 394 Main St., Exeter, phone 165 and 628. 6:5tfc SLIT DOESN'T FIT? Altera-! CAMEO BROOCH, _. .. Main Street, tions, double breasted sits made Exeter, large size, oval shape, singles. Spurrell, 87 Dundas, .cream background, valued as London. HU 7.6081, 5:14tfnc keepsake. Finder please leave at The Times-Ativoet. Z1* SEPTIC TANKS pumped, im- mediate service. Butler Bros.,' Lucan, phone 130-W or 108. 4:2tfe 1UGHEST CASH PRICES for sick, down or disabled horses and cows. Dead stock at value. Call promptly; 7 -day week ser- vice. Call Ed. Andrews, Collect, 851.1;-11 Seaforth. 3:5.8-27* WHITEWASHING—Anyone wish- ing to have their barns or hen- houses whitewashed, call Bill Watson, phone 37-R-19 Dashwood, Also grain or corn spraying. 5:21tfe EMPLOYMENT WANTED- ODD JOBS, carpentering, paint- ing etc, Phone Centralia AC 8- 6687. 1:5tfc HELP WANTED FEMALE Junior Stenographer FOR EXETER BUSINESS OFFICE Apply in writing to BOX LMX, THE TIMES -ADVOCATE . 26ctfc Waitress Apply in person. RETHER'S RESTAURANT 25 -ACRE FARM, suitable for 21c market gardening, insul-brick, 3 - piece bath, modern kitchen, GIRL, 18-35 years. Apply only if built-in cupboards, 4 bedrooms. interested inlearning florist Corner farm, south quarter of business. Must live in. :Hills Lot 6, Conc. 15, Stephen Town- Flowers, 872 William St., London ship. Priced for quick sale. Phone Dashwood 161-r-6. 14:21:28c W. C. Pearce REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 86 Anne St. Exeter Phone 435 3 -BED, 2 -storey house, 3 -piece bath, coal furnace. 3 -BEDROOM red brick house, oil burning furnace, 3 -piece bath, garage, in Centralia. NEW 3 -bedroom one -floor house with allconveniences, oil fur- nace, attached garage. BRICK HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, with conveniences, gar a g e, good terms. FIRST CLASS village general store, good turnover, attached dwelling. We have a good choice in farms, 40 acres to 200 acres. EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 FRED COLE, Phone 544-R RUSSELL BRODERICK Phone 1187-W 2:19c HELP Experienced Waitress Wanted Good Wages if qualified. Uniform supplied. Sundays off. Holidays with pay, BABY CHICKS— THE SEASON'S advancing, have you booked your June -July broil- ers? Prompt shipment dayold and some started dual purpose pullets and .cockerels, Some Ames pullets, also Leghorns. Specials on dayold heavy breed cockerels. Bray Hatchery, Eric Carseadden, Exeter, phone 246- W. 21 en. MISCELLANEOUS— IT WOULD BE wise if you are thinking of spraying your grain, or part of it, to let your custom sprayer know right away so that be can arrange to do your work atthe right time and do a good job of It. Your custom sprayer, t L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, phone 266. 14:21c EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE EXETER 2:19tfne TENDERS— TENDERS FOR COAL South. Huron District High School Board invites tenders for Coal for the schoolbuilding on Gidley Street, Exeter. The twoLivingston Ogston Stokers will require 160 tons of 11/4 x t/a oil treated stoker coal. Tenders shouldquote price per ton delivered at the school as required, and should include an analysis. Please address tenders to the Secretary of the Board, E. D. Howey, Exeter, Ontario, by May 30, 1959. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 14:21c PAINTING Three rooms in Exeter Public 21c School during the summer holi- days. Particulars may be secur- Exeter Most, Modern Restaurant SERVICES— WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Breeding Service All Breeds of Cattle Member owned and controlled Cost Low - Efficiency High Use of the best of bulls Disease controlled, Safety For service or more informa- tion phone— FOR LONG DISTANCE CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 Between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. week days 6:00 and 8;00,P.M. Saturday evenings Calls received an Saturday evening will be serviced on Sun- day morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, DO NOT call until Monday morning. BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING WHY GROW wormy apples when for a few cents you can have clean fruit? They must be spray- ed at the right time. Phone 266, L. V. Hogarth. 14:21c FAST, EXPERT SERVICE ON * TV, Radio and Appliances * Electric Wiring * Oil Burners EXETER ELECTRIC Phone 723 30:7:14:21c WASHING' MACHINES repaired on Weekends. Apply Paul Sass, 66 William SL, Exeter, phone 354•W, 21:28;4:11:18„ Custoin BULLDOZING A. EXCAVATING with D-7 Caterpillar GLENN HEAMAN' RB; 3 Parkhill: Phone o211-11.2 14;21:28:4e BACKHOE WORK Cellars, Septic Tanks eft, Small Irrigation Ponds Reasonable Rates Fast Service ' 7 PHONE SEAFOh'Tli 4 7 14:21* PHONE 777 21c WANTED— Stenographers & Typists Required for Department, of National Defence, Centralia, On- secretary. Lowest or any tender tario. Stenographer Salary 51950 • not; necessarily accepted, to $2730. Typist Salary $1860 to $2640 per annum, based on edu- cation and experience. Send ap- plication forms to the Ciluil .Service Commission, 388 Dundas Street, London, before May 30, SCHOOLHOUSE )959. 21c Tenders are called for the de- molition and complete removal of the schoolhouse, foundation and woodshed known as the No. 6 school of the Hay Township School Area, situated on Lot No. 8, Con. 9, Hay (Babylon Line). Removal of buildings to be done within one year from date of WANTED— acceptance of tender and remov- al of foundation and cement DINING ROOM SUITE, used, in steps, etc. to be within two good condition, Apply Box 33, months after the removal of the Times -Advocate. 14:21* building. A "harked cheque" for $125,00 must accompany ten - 32 HEAD CATTLE for summer der as guarantee that the terms grassing, Phone Lucan 240-R-12, of this tender are complied with, Seim Peterson, RR 1 C1and - or deposit will be forfeited. Y Tender not to include any desks. When completed, the site must meet with the approval of the Board. No tender neeessarily aecept- ed from the secretary -treasurer. Tenders should be in writing and submitted by May 30. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted, W. H. HODGSON, Secretary -Treasurer 14.:21c SS 10 STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA The undersigned will receive tenders for above school until June 23, 1959, to build a cement block furnace room with chim- ney and install a forced air. oil fired furnace complete with duct work throughout school. The con- tractor is to complete the work by August 25, 1959. For particu- lars and specifications contact Syd Baker, RR 3 Dashwood. Lowest or aoy tender not neces- sarily accepted. WILMAR WEIN, Secretary-Trea surer, Box 181, Crediton, Ont. 21:28:4c McGillivray Township School. Area SCHOOL BUS TENDER The undersigned will receive "marked" tenders until 12 o'clock noon, May 27th, 1959, to supply and operate five buses, 50 -passenger, to transport school children to the new central school in. McGillivray. Routes will be approximately 25 miles. Township map with proposed sketch routes at the home of the DAVID HENRY, Secretary RR 1 Clandeboye, Ont. 21c PERSONAL -- WHY FEEL OLD? Feel years younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40, Only 690. At all druggists. NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James George Rannie ed. All tenders to be in the hands Notice is hereby given that all of the Secretary by June 6th, Creditors and Others having 1959, at 6.00 p.nl. claims against the estate of H, W, BRAKENSHIRE, Jantes. George Rennie, late of theVillai;e bf Zurich, in the Segretary Treasurer, ray Township School Area County of Huron, and Province Zurich, Ontario. oor' abouf Ortotariot, l:etired, who died on the 27t11 day of January, 1959, are required to forward their claitns duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of May, 1959, Arid notice is further given that, after the said date the Execu- tors Will proceed to distribute the' estate having regard only Io the ,claims of which they thens shall have notice.. Dated at 'Exeter, Ontario. this 4th day of May, A.I). 1959. W.a BA, Cochran , B Exeter, Ontario, Exeeutbts" Solicitor. 7:14:216i tables; kitchen stools 'couch; v 21:28c AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL SATURDAY, MAY 23 at 1;00 p.m. D.S,T, Beattyelectric washing Ma- chine; McClary 'cook stove; or- gan; rollaway bed; bed, springs and inatthtsa; dressers, bitten; settee and chair; odd chairs: kitchen table and theirs. small i►` 2 rugs, 12' x 10', and 12' 1 9' liioleum; scatter mats; stops; odd dishes;irror; haal II llhenmirror; utensils; wall tn tures; erokinole board; toilet set; stepladder; lawn mower; garden tools; wood, and numer- ous other article:,. TERMS: ('ash. MRS, FJ:,ORENCE A. FE14:3E, 1e Proprietress ED CORBETT, Auctioneer ONTARIO AUCTION SALE .OF BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION PROPERTY' SALE NO. 1,02211 Eight -room two-storey brick cont- htnPd rP.PldPnrP and lunch rnom 311' x 44', frame chicken house 14' x 2r.', located at Pt. Lot 2t,. Concession Smith Boundary, Town- ship of Hay. approximately 8 miles westerly from Exeter on the north side of Highway No, 51. Auction Sale will he held on the property at 2:311 P.M, D.S.T., on Wednesday. May 271h, 1515. TERMS: Cash nr Certified Cheque, 'together with a Certified cheque for 5140.00 Performance bond at time of sale. Further Informal ion may he oh- tained, f rom the Department of Highways. Dist riet Office. 5F1 Huron Street. Stratford, Onra.rto, Telephone 438n, OR The Auctioneer, Mr. A. Walper. Dashwood; Ontarin, Telephone Dash- wood 115. Sale. subjectt to a reser%a hid. DEPARTMENT OF 14TGHVl'AT.S ONTARIO, 14:21c ' AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Furniture and Machine Shop Equipment of Stock and Bolts and Drills willinthe be sold by public auction VILLAGE OF CREDITON North Street, on SATURDAY, MAY 30 at 1:30 p.m. Sharp Radio, Philco TV set, 21 -inch; s m a 11 refrigerator; rangette; electric iron; electric clock; tri - light; electric fan; 8 -day clock; 4 beds; 3 springs; 2 mattresses; 2 dressers; 3 wash stands; 3 chest of drawers; sofa bed; drop, side couch; 4 small table; 2 mir- rors; side board; 3 cedar chests;, 2 trunks; card table; rocking chair; 8 chairs; medicine cabi- et with mirror; piano bench; new white galvanized sink; feather tick; ironing board; crokinole board; pillows; quilts; picture frames; lot of dishes, pots and pans; Wilton rug, 9 x 12; toilet set; antique coffee grinder; gar- den tools; hammers and saws; kitchen table and 4 chairs;; heti, room ,suite; springs a d matt- resses; day bed; large green rocket small .uphol, stered rocker; 2 bedroom ropk- ers; living room table; OW lamp; 3 -burner gas stove; copper tea kettle; dishes and kitchen utensils; antique bread dough container; many :other items. Selling will start sharp at 1:30, TERMS: Cash. ALBERT MORLOC.K, Prop. WM. H. SMITH, .Auctioneer Crediton 21:28g Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects & Misc. Items On the premises, in the VILLAGE OF KIRKTON The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 19511 at 1:30 p.m, Dining room extension table; 6 dining room chair's; buffet; 3 oak rocking chairs; kitchen table and chairs; utility table; audio couch; chest of drawers; piano and bench, like new; Hot Point 4 -burner electric stove, like new; General Electric 6 cu. ft. re• frigerator; ,Kelvinator 9 cu. ft, refrigerator; Electrohome mantle radio; 2 electric heaters; G.E. electric iron and tea kettle; Maxwell electric washer; hall mirror with rack; 3 mirrors, various sizes; bedroom chairs; couch; 3 lamps; toilet set; Con- goleum hall rug, 3 x 6; tapestry rug, 9 x 12; hall tree; library table; verandah mats; various end tables; kitchen range; kit- chen cabinet; small utility table; Connor electric washer, like new; dining room table, 5 match- ing chairs; Singer drop head sewing .machine; 2 complete bed- rooms suites with springs and mattress; single hed with springs and mattress; steel bed, springs and mattress; dressers and stands; commodes; rug, 8 x 10; pictures; carpet sweeper; cu- shions; copper boiler; 2 large laundry tubs; cellar table; kit- chen utensils; glassware; silver- ware; mops; brooms; set of stove casters; lawn mower; step ladder; garden tools; carpenter and mason tools; forks; shovels; many other miscellaneous items. Due to large sale, selling will start sharp on time, TERMS: Cash. No Reserve. MRS. WM. MIDDLETON, - MRS. CLARENCE ROUTLEY, Executors for the estate the late Thomas Washburn GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 21:28e onlran,uuuuumnnunnnm,w„n, m,,,o,,,,,,,,,,, nuunnnunl,nun,nnlmm11nnln,mm11nnn11111M BUILDING LOTS EAST OR WEST SIDE OF TOWN $600 to $1,000 for Good Size Lot Some of these lots may be purchased with $300 down and balance on monthly payments. Buy now while lots are available and use the lot as part of your down payment when you decide to build your new home. JOHN BURKE PHONE 863 MAIN ST., EXETER 4,11„1111111111111111,,1111„11n11111111t111,„,t,n1,,,,1,,,,1,n1„m,n11111111111,1„1,1,11111111t1111111nt1t111n11t1nn11n, Business Directory 61e4i6 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ontario President Alex J, Rohde Ric 3 Mitchell Vice•President Milton McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Directors E. Clayton Colgtthoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Cram arty , Timothy B. Toohey RR 3 Lucan Agents Harry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mttehell Solicitor W, G. Cochrane Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter ALAN POWRIE AUCTIONEER Fergus RR 1, 'Ontario Phone 201w2, Fergus A COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Graduate of the Reisch School of Auctiofieering, Mason City, 1 .a, U.S.A, G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF GHiROFRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY i"tsr Appointnietit .Phone 606 W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensall Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:30 EXETER PHONE 14 • DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons PHONE 36 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except. Wednesday For Appointment Phone 355 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC, Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 ALViN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, Courteous and efficient service at all tiines. - "Service That Satisfies” PHONE 119 DASHWOOD BELL & LAUGHTON BARkPSTERS,SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER b. FELL, C.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, LL.B. luttch Office Tu(iseley `( Y Afternoon EXETER4 PHONE •