HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-21, Page 8et Pogo 8 The, Timos-Advoptc, May 21, 1959 Reiatives fete couple . at Biddulph gathering By MRS. M. H. ELSTON 1 were presented with gifts, which About 30 relatives of the Pym 1 they ePened- family gathered at the home of; Personal items ' Mr- and Mrs, Sam Skinner nal Weekend visitors with Mr. and Friday evening to honor Ur. and; mrs, Chris Fischer were Mr. and Mrs. John Pym, of Thames Mrs. Alvin Fischer and boys, Road, who were recently mar-. mr. and Mrs. William Fischer ried. I and baby Cathy, Mr. and Mrs The evening was spent in i Bay Fischer, Catherine and galnes and a ''''Innerens 'reading , Wayne, also Mrs, Kenon Fischer was given by Mrs. James Kirk -.and , and her mother, Mrs. Black, •0 land. Mrs, FollowingLloyd Fischer and boys this, an address was Lo read by Mr. Howard Pym,T 41-'' visited for the past week with Elimville and the wedded couple , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake, of i, • • London. Miss Bernadette Gregus, of , The story in London, spent the weekend with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sainsbury s°111.31:.Sr4ent. Gregus, of London, spent Monday with his uncle and By MRS. HEBER DAVIS aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek. r '' . . . .. - . Also Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gregus Woman's Association meets and family, of Chatham, and Mr. Mrs. Earl Atkinson gave her and Mrs. 'Tenn Gregus visited on home on Tuesday afternoon for Monday with them. the May meeting of the WA, The. Mr. and Mrs. John Rolko Jr., president, Mrs. H. Davis, was in also Frank Rolko, all • charge of devotions assisted by spent the weekend holiday with Mrs, Harvey Latta, Mrs. Tom their parents, Mr. and rs. John Kooy and Mrs. Lorne Weiberg. Rolko. A moment's silence was ob- Mrs. Roy Harrison, the former eerved in memory of the late Barbara Lewis, who was a pati - Mrs. James Turner. ent four and one-half months in Final plans for the June 10 Victoria Hospital, is improved tea and bazaar were made. and able to be home, and baby The ladies were reminded of Debra is doing fine. the Perth Deanery WA at Lis- Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford towel on Friday, June. 5. corn- and John attended Woodham an- rnencing witb holy communion at 10 o'clock. niversary on Sunday and were Mrs. Tom Kooy invited the guests afterwards of . Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. ladies to her home for the June meeting. Mr, P. Dymond, rec- 111r. and Mrs. George McFalls tor, closed the meeting and in- and Joyce spent Sunday with Mr. vited the ladies to the rectory and Mrs. Nelson Squire, of Far - for the July meeting, qunar. Celebrates eighty-fifth birthday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tindall, Mrs, Fred Davis celebrated of London, called on Mr. and her eighty-fifth birthday quietly irs, Ross McFalls on Mondayondon, eyening. et the home of her son, Heber Davis, on Friday. Her brother, Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George McFalls Mr. Henry Hodgins, and Mrs, Hodgins, Lucan, and sister, Mrs, were Mr, Ern Hicks and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. Woodham, Priscilla Mack, also Mr. and were among the many friends Mrs. Hugh Davis, Michael and who called to see her. Heather. The WA of St. Patrick's Church remembered her with a Mr. andMrs. Harvey Eagleson living and family, of Greenway, spent gift. She is the only Sunday evening with Mr. and charter member. Mrs. Charles Atkinson. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. lee visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jaid. Mrs uBlanche Glaves and ce, of Woodstock, and Fred Guilfoyle, Simcoe, on Sun- Mary Alice, of Hickson. day. David Latta spent Sundweekend ay with Miss Janet Blair sp.ent last his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, farwith her cousmy, Miss A Earl Atkinson. Ellen Gray, of Milan, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta, Mich. Mrs. Ellen Flanagan, of Lon - Carol Ann and Kenny spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Harry don, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair and family. Noels, Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Abbott and Mrs. Mervin Elston and family son Bill were weekend guests attended the tenth wedding anni- with Mr, and Mrs. MurrayAb-versary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dougall, Hensall, on bott. Miss Joan :Barker spent the Saturday evening. holidayLast weekend visitors with Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Ro- . and Mrs, Chris Fischer were Mr. bert Tindall, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smyth, of ar,d1i.y,Irs. Harold Fischer and r“" 1 Midland, spent the weekend with ' Mr' rad Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs., Heber Davis. Mr. Stanlake and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Vargo and Mr. Frank Smyth, Centralia, visited and Mrs. Joe Mordush and Frank with them on Monday. Mr. Cliff Ings visited with Mr. all of London. Hugh Carroll over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs, Ross McFalls Mrs. Karl Weiburg held a 1 and David, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh quilting at her home on Friday' Davis and family, also Mr. and night for the girls of St, Pat -1 Mrs' Art Hern and boys spent rick's Church and some of thel last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. members of the Guild. Two crib' Orville Langford. quilts were completed. Last Sunday visitors with Mrs. •Jessie Lewis were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hodgins and family, of A staid gentleman, honorary, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd judge at a horse show, was up -1 Johnson and family, ofAilsa set by the dress of some of the; Craig. • girls. "Just look at that young : Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith person with the poodle cut, the , and fa mily visited last Sunday cigarette and the blue jeans," he, with the latter's parents. Mr. decried to a bystander. "Is it aand Mrs. Earl Campbell, Exeter. boy or a girl?" Mrs. Jack Coates entertained "It's a girl. She's my daugh- at her home last Saturday after - ter." ; noon in honor of her son Ken - "Oh, forgive me, sir," apolo- 1 neth's second birthday. Guests gized the old fellow. "I never, included Carol, Brian and Roger dreamed you were her father." Dougall. of Hensall. One of the "I'm not," snapped the by -1 main attractions was the birth- stander. "I'm her mother." I day cake. • SERVICE makes a difference You can buy TV, radio or any of our famous -name electrical appliances with the assurance you have, a team of service experts ready to fix you up should something go wrong, Pat Skinner and Bob Russell are trained, qualified men with many years of experience behind them. They're your gUarantee of complete satisfaction when you buy from us, RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER Foe „SALES WITH SERVICE EXETtA. PHONE 109 ...C10.b meets at Whalen BY MRS.. FRANK SQUIRE Kirkton4. beef and calf club met on Friday .evening at the farm of Mr. Freeman and An- drew Arksey. .instructions were given on feed- ing beef cattle, followed by judg- irg a class of Shorthorn cows. They also had a livestock .cituz. vims and WA Twelve members were present OA Thursday evening for the. May meeting ,of the 'WMS and WA held in the -Sunday School rooms of the church. Mrs. Alton Neil was in charge of the \VMS. Mr. Ray Parkin- son, Mrs. Laverne Morley, Mrs. Alton Nell and Atm Ray Parkin- son took part in the devotional period. • • During the business a letter was read asking for old .cotton material which will be sent to Korea for dressings. This and a collection for buying gauze will be handed in at the September meeting, Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins favoured with a reading. Mrs, Bert Duffield was leader for the WA. The theme. of the devotional was "Humility" tak- Credic EvB church I I observes anniversary Anniversary services were eon - dieted in the Evangelical United Brethren church with Rev. L. A. Dorsch Of Milverton as guest speaker assisted by Rev. W. Krotz oi Dashwood at the eve- ning service, Special music was rendered by the choir. Rev. G. R. Strome is attend- ing conference in Waterloo this week. There wilt be no service in this church on Sunday, WA convenes The WA,of the :United Church met on Thursday afternoon in. the Sunday school rooms. Mrs. R. Hill had .charge of the worship period and; Mrs. Lorne Preszcator took the study book. Rev, R. L. Hiltz conducted a discussion on racial problems. Mrs, Sam King and Mrs, Elsner Lawson were hostesses. Personal items Mrs. Lena Cook of Camlachie, visited with Mrs. Albert Wolfe and friends a few days this week, en. by.Mrs. Gordon Johnson, Mrs, This week in William French and. Mrs. Cleve Pullman. Mrs. Milne Pullen gave Winchelsea a reading, Fifty cent articles are to be handed. in at the next meeting for a touch and take table, also articles for the fish pond for the bazaar coming up. Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Harry Klahre and family spent the holiday weekend at Niagara Falls and Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs, Hank Broeze, John, Dianne and Jo -Anne, of Varna, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, William. French. Mr. and Airs, William Munroe, Michael, Elizabeth and Mary, of Cobourg, were weekend holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ron Squire, Mr, and Mrs. William Morley Sr. and Mr. and Mrs, William Morley Jr. and family were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins, Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr. attended a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner, Centralia, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Pym, Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins visited Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire, Pros- pect. Mr. Mack Mills returned home Sunday evening, travelling by plane from Falding, Sask. where he attended on. Thursday, the funeral of his mother, the late Mrs. Arthur Mills. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith; of Belmont, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Melville Gun- ning. Mrs, Milne Pullen and Mrs. Bert Duffield, Mrs. Cecil Squire and Mrs. Melville Gunning at- tended a horticulture meeting at Kirkton on Monday. • I3 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace allan- tyne and Howard, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. James O'Shea and family of Granton were Thurs- day evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Grose, of Devizes, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hodgson, Mrs. Ruth Neil, Mrs. Muriel Shorthill and Miss Cora Nutty - comb, of London, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Massive reserves of iron and oil guarantee Canada's future as an industrial nation. By MRS. WILLIAM WALTERS . Personal items Mrs. Nelson Clarke celebrated her birthday on Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wil- liam Walters and had as her guests Mrs. W. J. Beer, Mr. Maurice Quance, Mr. Heber Snell and Miss May Skinner of Exeter and Mrs. Harold Rowe, Janet and Dennis of Thames Road, Mr. Fred Walters, Mt, William Walters and Mr. Philip Hern spent the weekend at Qhesley Lake. Mrs. John Wicks, Lori and Michael of Stratford, Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Cowan of London spent the weekend with Mrs. Fred Walters, Sandra and Judy. Miss Kathleen Horne, of Lon- don, spent the weekend at her home. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited with her daughters, Mrs. How- ards Johns and Mrs. Eric Cars- cadden on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walter at, tended the dog show in Stratford on Monday, their dog winning i first prize n his class, Mrs. Harold Clarke is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. • Miss Jean Gilfillan, of London, spent the ,holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dinney and family of. Exeter ,spent Sun- day with Mr. Albert GaISPI, and attended service in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Oren Graceof Dearborn, Mich, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Welling- ton Heist. Mr. Leonard Wing •of Klima'.naugh, Mich. visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Smith on Sun' day. F,•L Robert Palmer and Mrs. Palmer and girls spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Em- mery Fahrner this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner and Reggie, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Haugh and family spent :the holi- day weekend at North Bay with Mr, and Mrs. Lambie and fam- ily. Mrs. O. W. Brawn returned home to Caseville, Mieh, after spending a few weeks with her brother, Mr. Albert Morlock and friends. Mr, and Mrs. Hugo Schenk, Mrs. Earl Lippert and babe spent a few days at Ancaster last week with Mr, and Mrs. Ed Schenk and family. Mr. and Mrs. Relied lilliborn and Miss Nola Feist motored to Chicago, Miss' Nola remaining for a week, Mr, and Airs, Charles Hoff- ma.n. and Joyce, of Bluevale, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Morlock on Sunday attending the anniversary services. Miss Maleeda Schenk, of Exe- ter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Finkbeiner, Miss Ella Morlock is in St. Marys Hospital at the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minn., under- going surgery. Donald and Ted Dale, of Bramp- ton, spent Sunday with Mr. Francis Clark who returned with themfor a week, Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacPher- son and :Roger, of Arkona, visit- ed with Mr. and. Mrs, Wilmar Wein on Sunday. Mrs. .1. Woodall underwent surgery and is as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs, Orville Clea, of Gimli, Manitoba ,called on Mr. and Mrs. ,T, Finkbeiner last week. Mr. Harold Aniy, of Hamilton, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hern a.nd son, of Acton, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Schenk, Mrs. Allen Mitchell and daugh- ter, of Harriston, spent the week- end with her husband and Mr. and Mrs. Art Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swartz and Mrs, I. Dietz a Detroit, Mr, M ...... ..... iiiiiii mommIMMIMMIMPHIMt ttttt MIMI lllllll llllll IMIMIMIMIM1 llllll Warm Air Heating And Air Conditioning New Installations and Alterations LENNOX & ANTHES IMPERIAL. FURNACES OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Lindenfields Ltd. Associate Member, National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association PHONE 181 EXETER llllllllll lll 0 llllllllllllllll lllllll 111111011111111t1111111101111101110111111 llllll I llllllllllll llll It lllll mommommimoimma‘ 41011011101110111WOMNIIIIIPIN Only 3 Days Left IN OUR BIG, BIG Pre -Summer A MAY 21-22-23 Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! THERE ARE STILL MANY CHOICE ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM! THIS 15 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO CLOTHE YOUNGSTERS AT A TERRIFIC SAVINGSI VISIT THE BARGAIN TABLE YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID( PHOP4F acMILLAN'S Op air 'Ti tt.tii, Siittotioy*. EMIR Comments .atiout Kippen By MRS. NORMAN t.ONG, Mrs. 4. Cooper dies Mrs. Ross Love received word of the death of Mrs. Jim cooper, of Tugaske, Saskatchewan, who. died on April 28, She was the former Mary Mur- ray, a former resident of Tuckersmith Township. She is survived by her hus- band, two sons, John and Robert, one danghter,. Anne, and a sister, Miss Anne Murray, of Gorrie. Personal items Mrs. Etta Eyre and Mrs. Char - lick, of Sarnia, also Mr, and Mrs, Fergus Wright and family, of Brampton, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eyre and family. Dr, and Mrs. William Sproat and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson, of Windsor, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Allan Johnson and family .during the weekend, Miss Eileen McLean, of Lon- don, spent the weekend at, her home. Miss Marion Turner .spent the weekend in London visiting friends. . Mr, and Mrs. .Grant Love, of —Please Turn To Page 13 and Mrs. Albert Ryall of Lon- don visited with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Schwartz on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Prance visited in Zurich on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, William Hay. Mrs. Garnet Miners spent Saturday with her sister in Lon- don, IM I MMM M I ll lll MIMMAMMMMMAIMMUMMIMOMMIMMMAMMR!!!!!!!WOMMHAMMMMMM!!!!!!!!”!M ALF ANDRUS — OiI Burners — Misting! Plumbing! Shoot Metal Work 403 ANDREW ST!! EXETER PHONE 719 Lost the spring in your step? Take Super Plenamins BE VITAMIN SURE TAKE 711 SUPER PLENAMINS 4,0410. ofPfrm'inte CANADA'S LARGEST SELLING VITAGIN-MINERAL PRODUCT 1".%."144ii rri: 0. 7 it 95 One daily tablet giver you all the vitamins normally naidid . . . 1 vitamins, 12 minerals, NATIONALLY ATIVOINSIO AT OUR 7cx4-111 OkUL STORE Andrew Johnston PHONE 447 DRUGS EXETER VOTE Harry Your Liberal Candidate IN HURON A Liberal Government In Ontario Will: Provide a system of direct cash grants of $300 annually to each qualified university student who must live away from home while pursuing his higher education; Make possible a massive highway construction scheme that would pro. vide roads now designated as being required and do it under a new financing structure that would segregate the highway budget; Undertake a complete reform of the Ontario Municipal Act which, would have a one objective a progressive removal of education taxation from real property; Create a new department of marketing primarily concerned with the distribution of farm products; • Extend the existing Ontario hospital insurance scheme to cover the care . of chronically 111 nd convalescents in hospitals and nursing homes and to cover out patient care; Provide provincial machinery to make possible a portable pension scheme. This will allow for the transfer of a worker's pension from employer to employer, Harry Strang, as a municipal clerk and successful farmer, is fully qttali, field to press for a solution of the many problems facing municipalities today. He knows the problems of the farmer i of the businessman, VOTE LIBERAL, VOTE STR'ANG. Loofc Forward Vote Liberal Iri Huron VOTE STRANG on Juno 11