HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-05-13, Page 1wpitleawvilliteglicrielleffiewjemme
is Ina easwaaa 11 more roes*.
moesto summer a sambas !the eye and the:
•v h W pearl/tan ample apace:
•c sf the
Ig olark, w melodious and
the miss mut wiaklam
'e ag.i&o.st face.
When mernuC e*hrla her Imagers of light,
This swivels rapists awake• his lay,
W bale tee blackbird declares te the ears e1
the sight
Dark esosarch, 1h7 •cePtre u pees nag small
More deco la the groes of the upland and
And scruffier the warmth of the merry
ou■beiares; has a kindlier laic,
Tb*_■wdt fiyug breeze
As it •weeps through the forest sod rip-
ples the •trNms.
Jobe 1J i1 their beauty those ■tnogstesp-
All flushingwith health oo the oak sod
the thorn.
Dark brow'd meloneholy! ►.goes to the
&a music Rod laughter come forth with
the morn.
The Deveroo descends with a song cm his
- And sweet are his lyrics of psthoe and
As he bounds through those sentinel rocks
at his side,
To join his soft voice with the roll of the
Proud castle of Duff! hail majestic do -
Thy smoke curia up with rsluctuq 1
Al if it departed in sorrow or pain
Prom this Gower sponged, steam glad-
dee'd, Iwautifui scene.
T6l1 6UILLINDfit
t• asv
he obtai.ed ter on laded eecuTtty, sod thea
difference it to believed anises from the risk
which is felt, ,wing to the want or short
duration of tee lease of part of house po-
party being occesIoaally unlet. Let the
English landlords then, if they want t, ad-
vance the value of their property or to
raise mousy en the easiest tams. take •
Lion from the calory Scotch, and forthwith
establish a general register of deed., ad'
graot leases to their teoaets.-Sceles-
Night R.ptiisg.-le your reply to my
enloirtes shout the cause of night ripening
of Wheat after Barley. you appear to me
scarcely to do justice to the imporlssce of
Om subject. If it had m.rely been m• ewe
held which had been aehjecl to this it might
have been set down to the exbausttos of
the sot!, or soma other local taus, ; but
when this blight is shown to be so general
es to eause the farmers m an impart' sg•
ncultural district to abandon the growth of
Barley because of lig injurious effect. 00
the •uceeedi■g crop of Wheat, it becomes
more important to determine whether this
injury does ant extend over a much larger
part of the ktogdoi* than is generally im-
agined. 1 had hoped that the hats bit of
boertino at the ted of my tom
High musical spurns inhabit. (hoes groves, on Wheat was excusable ; the facts 1
And daily discourse from the tree or the
thought worthy of notice were -first, that
tower, ' by the use ore mghi-mod I toeld grow
\\'hast at'`'" 01 affect'" bewitchingly Wbeat oar the same land year after year ;
roves,and secondly, that by the use of gravel 1
Crying "May is approaching with splen. mould ripen it 10 days or *fortnight •nossr
dour sed power than 1 could have done without it. T. G.
The son's Loma( smile and the might of del [The lines to which yen refer are so am-
de+I b.guou•, apart from their eoctezt, that we
Are weaving earth's carpet surpaasingl)] I did not suppose thein to imply blame. But
bright, re citing to the source whence they are
'Wham n. h folds of green nil; be twills d' quoted, we find that they are used is senl-
with blue.`dint! pato,* ; sod we have, therefore. no
Aad frpg'd round with tames of °rasp I
hesitation in expressing our regret that
aid shoe, i they were publule- in connection with
. the little bot of nutmeg" of which you
Duff Castle! proud palace, so wealthy is i /pHk ] .
A recent mail from Australia brought to
a gentleman in Glasgow two letters, accom-
psoied by a note from a sister reaisleot there,
introducing the writer as an ietimatt friend,
and stating him to be one of the most influ-
ential and enterprising men in that country.
Tbe first letter is dated the 18th of July,
and its contents are as follows:-
. Dear Sir, -1 have to apologise for im-
posing such a troublesome task on you, but
this course was recommended to me, some
tune ago, by your late lameuted brother-in-
law, who was my most intimate friend for
the long period of sixteen rears. It will
ive you an ide1 of the friendship that ex -
aT lit silk N leis matt.
low her to go so logs voyage, weal haviag
a very extesaive as well as coo--
siderabk property recite taut per-
sooal superintendence, 1 could not areom-
paay her. It may give you an idea of the
extent of my business to know that I pay
£1000 yearly rent for the premises I occu-
' I enclose a bill for —, for the imme-
diate use of my father. 'fell him he must
work oo more, and 1 shell stud him yearly
a sum sufficient to keep him comfortable.
Cause him to give my respects to my rela-
tires. They have had„good ground to
blame for apparent neglect, but 1 bare
never beard from them since I left home,
exceptiog baring received a box with any
elopes, which was forwarded to me in
18-. I frequeutly left home afterwards,
but. being far up the country, the mimeo -
ger to whom the letters were intrusted had, 1
Luted between as, when I tell you that your presume, destroyed them for the sake of
sister and iter husband were my unwearied
assistants m tending my beloved wife during
a long and dangerous illness, and that to
their kind and efficient assistance We were
mainly indebted, under Divine Providence
for her recovery. I have stated tht' to
show you that we are tried friends; and now
bet me state the nature of the service 1 so-
licit at your bands, assuring you, on the
word of a man, that if ever at any time it
lies in my power to serve you or yours, it
shall be done.
' I wish you to go to Edingburgh, anti en-
quire at the porters stand, at —, for Du-
g■tJ--, a street porter, who is my father.
He was wont to be much employed by—,
and by—, and you will he sure to hear of
him at some of those places. Should he or
my mother tie alive, desire them to write to
me immediately; and should they be in need-
ful circumstance, let them either draw on
me at sight, to the amount of en the
bank of Australasia, or apply to some re-
spectable party for a sum oo a loan, until I
remit them money, which will be done the
moment I learn they still sortire. if they
are able and willing to come here, Irl them
take their passage nut, and I shall defray
the expense immediately on their arrival.
s.I also left three sisters, and one broth-
er, Dogald at home. If any of them sur -
vire, and feel disposed to coma here, they
will succeed much better in any department
of industry than they can at borne. Let
them either come at once, and I will pay all
And rich to thy hills so commuting/1y I eO, Dairy rewesI.- r ofy satisy my
heti. podeet
Sweet Denron! blue waters! hail crystal-! duty maoagemtst, 1 .n .1 first of all inform
line firiod. i hies that the study of brewls is not my
Few spots under Heaven with thy lir, I department --rely serga.noance vitt eows
b•rimy ay vie: beg:nuing with their pr. duce in the 'Purr,
The genius of :sate, with • ■!omber!ess eye. aid ending with confectionary on the table
Provides r er thy woodlands and gardens Ne,erthelese, for his special information,
en fair, 1 hart duly informed myself that they have
And out to the favours which fall from bac, fed during the Rioter with an rgeral
too aka. q•iantity of chopped bay tied Swedes boded,
Acknowledge their owner's munificent and that the four have supplied 60 quarts
dare! , of milk a .by. 20 of which were the produce
Joys A osa.oi, Temp. Agent. of the one cow to full milk the others are
• Abercbirder. ; to calls in July• The milk. is laid by for
the use of the family before it is scalded ;
tie six of them out of the 17 are very young
ehildree, consuming each • quart of milk a
day, so that my calculating farmer, who
baa the keen meat of a canny Bcooahmsa
shout him, and
"Conceals himeel as weed's he vas
We take the following articles from the
Gardeners' ('hreicl. and Agricsfta/wi
Gazette:— Fee critical diueetioe,
CORBut keeks lhro every other man
Trawler a lead -I-1 1* CORRESPONDENCE have twee a good
deal interested by your remarks at p• 183, \k sherpeoed sly inspection.'
on the iserease en the vales of land to be may easily satisfy himself as to the geanti-
expected from the removal of toe Mien!. t7 used in the household, this rest consists
ties at preee't wending its transfer. Tais ing nearly entirely of the domestic breath
is•sebjeetol peeuiar interest to Landow- of the esublirhmeot. But a lhvooshirs
ever., and were they le corset their ever- the scalded milk is invariably preferred by
roe to the iwprovei1ent of the remora farmers and labourers, who coconuts it in
dugrseeful Sete of tho taw to Eoglatd, large quantities; and unless my correspon•
1 feel eertsin that they would dente mon dusts palate takes the precedence rf hie
rest boen81 i0 the increased hci:,tise and purse, he must quietly submit to the skill
vast paving of expense with wbreb the ted Judgements of his better half, who no
doubt well knows what the is about. and
that she .must in that case sacrifice at leant
two pounds of butter • week, to satisfy a
isrmei s "physical capacity.' 1 will so far
meps.e% hie feelings as to srb■utute the
word •' purchaser” for "farmer," which was
true to .pare the aatipatby of gentler
blood, though perhaps by so doiog, to
avoid • wasp's nest 1 plunge into a bernet's.
I hope I have now satisfied the misgivings
of ms worthy friend of figure', and that
when he has slowed hie exe.11eat partner
the addition of • little moreeepenence, pub
Meeting tbeiefrom bis own amnbot of pre-
jabe, and discontent on the *core of the
blue milk, he will find that maluphc•tioa by
tree will be his produet.-Saorald H.
Taste of the Swedes entered %ear.. -Milk.
-1 observed in a late Number of your Jour•
nal as article beaded, " Taste of Swedes re.
moved from the Milk; and as lean inform
of property would be ■tteeded,
sod sdeanee• obtained oo its steamy, than
they will ever realise from the imposition.
.f a duty on iso», wb.aber fixed or Decor•
d.eg to a eliding -teak. And it weld'
have the valuable »c.mmendatioo besides
of beteg obtained without 'sowing the
feelings or pockets o1 any other clue of the
mommn.ity. The remarks quoted from
Mr. Steward gives very just view of the
disadvantages attending the present eye.
tem in England ; but i am .urprrs.d Ibas
one who is so coo verosat with the subject
should have thought it necessary to go t.
Frankfort and Hamburgb to illustrate the
helmets of a different systra, when be
must have been aware that be had only
to eros the Tweed to find the plan of re.
&Motion be so properly eulogises in full
mad ben.6e,s1 operation• it is • fact, of
which you soatberea ss.m enseeountably
tgoor•mt, that. for early a60 years, Scot -
Med has enjoyed the benefit of n most ex- you of a more effectual method, or rather
e..ivs and complete regisereof all deeds or sive, i have oaken the !thefts of ad-
coon.eted wish land or ctber real property; dressing this note to you, wbieb you ere at
and that when, by to.pectioa of this regi■- liberty to make loch um of u you nom
ter, it is found teat the property, whether think proper. Take care in feeding your
land er bouses, is anioeumbered, the pro- cows with Turnip■, always to feed immed.-
peister bra no ddficalty in obtaining ad- awry apm they are milked, ail before,
versese o1 its ',scanty, et the same rate of giving them nothing but boy slier tbey ars
Sk per coot, at wh.ch Yr 8t.ward says he milked. 1( this practice la followed, the
has bees 'seared it can be had at Frank- milk will sever tasty of Turnip. -luau,
fort. Not being • lawyer 1 am usable to Bali,..
espial, teeh.seally er misat.t7 she mods Newcastle t'1r6.-A soatement has lip•
to which soeh traosacttens a» effected• 1 red to a LOClsb News r on the au-
thority take the hberty however of referring roar rim of the Newcastle pa -T rte Par•
ytlr readers to a short article to the sub -
leer's Club, which tenor fail to astonishr-
)est, COntsiPed in the supplement to the
•' Penal Cyclopedia," under the tittle "Rs_ agriculturists in this age of improvement.gtotratiol(Reotlaad,)" re which, it la nice- It was affirmed by more the nes peon
l_ l
the postage, as I never received any an-
'fbe gentleman who received these let-
tere lost no time in proceeding to Edina
burgh, and colied on a friend there, well ac-
quainted with the town, to whom he ext!ain-
ed the nature of his mission. That friend
lid for many years known the idehtical
street porter.
Ile was a staid old highlander, who af-
servin; in a Ilighlaad regiment, bad been
discharged at the terminatirq of the war,
unwounded and unpensioned. 'Since then
ix led been employed .as a street porter.
and was re.peete:l by all in the neighbour-
hood where he was stationed, as an tenter,
nba;ing, and industrious man. On inquiry
at that station, it was found that the infirmi-
ties of old age hail rendered him unfit for
his vocation, anti that he was now a pauper
in tete workhouse. Ilere the old man was
found, hale and hearty, and has ing reeognis-
ed an old employer in one of the sisiten,
the setran seemed delighted beyond meas-
pm r e1er.wtt.es• to say teed or A wetly home balm;
bees selected for
the old man in the vicinity of rEdisb*egb. be
Palierh was removed from the work -house, the m-
' Oich ay; rraay a tine, mailer. L g"- elates of which as he left. hada him fam-
ine about attorneys' chambers on message., swell with • heavy mart. Ile was takes to a
( was ofteu iu the way wheel witoes..es were bith, and dressed in n,w, comfortable
to clothing, the keeper of the baths rrfusin-•
t�E osssDy lied ass of a.m
meet ,shahs Provisoes /��
PaWitaaa us (.a*allA^•rwei
evenings of the I3t► and •alt► ek- tie Rev.
I'rotess.,r 1.elm, taetorld ,a the iYechenici
Institute, I ureato, oe the a leanest► and
Preemie.. of Canada" The alienee was
large .ed respectable. and letKWv delt,b i..I
with the iatersatmr 4.tad.. '16 bettor. r
sant-the pnpulotwa of C :nada at the
lilac of its serrerlvv to sliritsi, is 17eti,
lettuces 44:4110 to 1,9'Lia, radwive if
ladians. Is 1 7 ;1, the elide popu.ntins ' f
1 pper Camel. 1153 under :,U,Ilo) is 1.,11.
it was 71.000. acrnrdinz to the statesnei t
of the Board of �tati+tics. Ilenrr it 'u
only fora 1tars it ran be said to have be -
gun to grow, if su much. By Felt th
tapidalion reached 151,0b7, *early slre•blsi
is 13 years: i 11:31, it wits 3'20.G'!4--
double. pith Polls! ever to 1850 sten r.
was 791.000, it war. more than ttu howl
its number is 1" 11:.ner fire limes is Ihzn.
Its growth during the last half century or sem/
ebony by staintu•al wenn lobate heel w
a ratio ahem I., ice teat of llet Gee dares.
wanted, and, being one whose word eou Iry atah.t,ral mitts no H 1115 5 swu that I a -
be depended on, I was often employed is to believe that 'ba feeble, scant-rloth.d
P pauper who had entered,, was lbw same per-
nolo \\'e.l, LAM_ as a whole. Lae i .. .
that way master.' sen wlio came out a sturdy,
sign your name on
old lii;;hlanJ .rowing ('x tl»• last forty tears at r:
equal t. that' (Ohio, 1li.•isi�ad, and Illus .
ronja.n. J; for the last teesty ata rah. sero -
what over theirs. I'v way of illu•ar:.tii
xis, and myname was aye wntteD L nue for hes use, tee Ilome and (:ore d,strictn were sel.•rtr •1
1 y
thankfully received, and were jauntily .,.,t of I pprr rano... and their rn'e r•Y'
o' the clerks' toaster.' uwa by another person at L' e•''I er growth shows to exceed that of the W.'.t•
Here was another strange coincidence. plunged in poverty -thus proving that you rein �tamts. 1,,diana endtsin. now amu;
The reader knows the effect described by moot deeeend low indeed, ere you r. acL the laii .n nl 1' 7I times rot it i; wan to Is'
bottom of tl:e scaly. while the How Ilistriet tram: 515 nn r " ti
the writer of the letters, as Loring Leeu I•he old man is now happy anti comforts- times its number of inhabitants
produced on bim by the recognition of his b1c in his new home, paining strength apJ which wai is tLpl you 2 4: in 1850. 1 It';
father's well known mark, or, as be express- vigor every day; and is already beginning to 9yg• ,
ed it, "a nuuk n j fris urr,a." Still more think seriously of underfkking the long rcy- Coineident.w:th this rapid :r..wth is re -
perplexed and puzzled, the party determin- age to meet bis beloved and dutiful .^n, un- pulati'n, a eorresponling adna.e i as lee
ed to probe the matter to the bottom; and
der who, auaj+ices bis daughter and her Wing place in it a quantities u(Iand un:1• r
flintily will shortly be on their way to lualapi I eabtitation, agricultural pnulueta, si+ s.
having procured from Duosald the name nobs and affluence•
bee., and in the value of land, t Lich waw:"•
and address of a daughter who lived in
Edinburgh, they proceeded at once thither.
After ascending • rickety wooden %fait,
they found to a wretched attic the person
they sought, with her husband and half a
dozen el ildren, ragged and dirty. ' She re-
plied in the affirmative, when asked whether
she was a daughter of Dugald, now a pau-
per in the workhouse; and, while • blush
of shame spread over her countenance, said
that he hadn't been Zoog there, and would
remain there .only uulil they bad the means
of keeping him, which she hoped would "oe
The following questions were then ask-
" «•Rat nraisbee of .etaldren had your
father and mother',"
" There were three daughters and one
"'\What was the sop's Dame 1"
" Dugald."
Ilere was exactly the same answer the
father had given, and there seemed no rea-
son for pursuing the inquiry farther, when
one of the quertsta, looking the woman fully
in the face, mill," Are you quite sure you
never had any other brother r'
The countenance of the poor woman was
now Gushed, her bosom bested co.vuloive-
ly, a tear stole down her check, while, in
faltering accents, she replied," Yes, there
were eller brothers, but they are deal long,
long ago; they died in boyh000d -
"And did they die at home r'
!' Alas! no. They died in a far distant
" And how did they go in boyhood to a
distant country 1"
expense, or write to me, and I shall for- may your age tel' "'There was a eirenmstance connected
And how did you gentleman. It was shortly afterwards a.-
tbese cases, Debate' pertained, however, that the habil-.oents
' Oicb, 1 had just a mark o' my own, you whirl bad been thrown aside as unlit
baa by en re sdily and
' IIow long bare you been here Duesl.''
was asked.
'-ifall a year, master; was the reply.
Iiow do you like to live herd'
Oich• just midllin.' I'm hale and clean:
but oich I wad rather be on my old beat,
' -1h, but you're an old minnow, Duo Id,
and unable to work for y arself. What
Pre n the Ottawa Ciders.
IustrateJ by statistical rrtti a. .t r+:4'-
parrisun of assessed valor. in the State •: •
New York and l'Pper Canada, reapceturc-
Iv, for 1919, brought not the fact IMt, sn! -
posing the principle of the val,wation 1. w
Sir :-In my last I puomixd you a foxsame, our nei bb u'rs of the Empire-`lta a
remarks on Emigration -a subject whe h i have, with a population over four times our*
consider to be of vast importance to the -N Y. City inrinded. The growth 0 -
future prosperity of this Colony, possessing the rnuntry wan next illnstnted by the tun-
as it does, the means of affording a happy- trotit presents now to the publi.bed dis-
hoine to thousands- What, 1 ask is it, cription of traveller+ romparltively repent.
that Iasi made the United States, but the What they described is. wilderness, is f+lle
surplus labour of Great Britain ! Labour with towns and ,:'ages-rnaw of Item
is the legitimate source of wealth of every handsome, and not a few of them lar•e- s^ I
country; no country can prosper without wealthy. The crow hors number of them
it, ther¢fore I consider it of importance to -amen. them Toro, t,.1'amiltrn, Dundee,
Canada. The Government should adopt
Relation]. London, Guelph, Beherilh•,
every possible means to direct the emi-
grants to these Provinces whn are now
deity finding, their way to tbe States, io
my opinion, the best system the govern-
ment can pursue to remedy this, is to send
home agents, who will die eminate thrnu;;h-
odt England, Ireland and Scotland, such
it,formation as will enable the emigrar,tto de -
ward the requisite foods. Should you find The verse reared himself erect, stick
my dear parents alive, tell tbcat that I bare the tad of hu staff on the
ground, as if it
a wife and foot children. That I bare had been tate butt of his musket, and repii-
tieyer bent my knee at the tbeotse of ghee, ed,. a gruff, proud, firm tone,Eighty-
but I hare prayed for my parents, and tbat
tom years past master:
my children hare been taught to prayevery • 1s your wi'e still a..ve. Dcgald?'
eresaiog anti moreuig for their grandmother Co, no,mastgr; my wife's dead twenty
and grand -father. Hush—.'
The following letter is dated the 1st Au-
Dear Sir, -Since I wrote you a fort-
night naso, a very strange incident has oc-
curred. A neighbour of your Sister's who
knew we were friends, called on ber with a
bill, to which my father had affixed his ' Yes mester; be first enlisted in my own
as witness. Your cuter brought me t ecarriage of the box had to he prepaid, and
regiment, but he is now in the Am. -vita° I was then a little girl in service, and bad
bill, when 1"
orae r'eeogni ed the well- rice brio de. Ile was well when I beard M borrow my wages from my mistress before
the were due for that purpose.'
stewed : " TM real titles of all t
:tattle property is Scotland a» preserved
in • ',tritium and indexed collection in the
Riagi.ter Hoose of Fdmborgh. When pro-
perty is offered for sale or mortgage, a
search, generally forme part of the tales
name rot iuspectioo to the parties treating
ler It. This n s e.rti8cae by the props
Dicer, dtsenbing.'hl motored decrier/eta
regardiag that partieuler piece of lend.
which havo beta recorded during 40 Team,
Yoe thee see that there is so seed to go to
Frenkf.rt for the lessee' bet that you cos
Obtain mseb eearor your own doors the
Is.ellt d a complete motive already motors
ed and it fell operation : and whet ie N
meow importance, one whish has been foiled
by expsri.see to .newer the very objects
which are now d.wdoveted .a Bnglasd ; and
it won d he well wan Mr. Steward to ap-
pty to a &etch lawyer for an explanwios
of the system sow s. forest is Scottie.
Woes cleats', 1 would advert to another
malts is which the 15565 of the Booth
prettiest in dealing with land ie .*bibtsd
est that w is the 'devotee* lee(do*talty
doritrisig from tee *intern of gv.atis( heft
w , 1. redeem' the tate at wheb
can be obtaued os the eec5nty of laved. • it
k well knew, that to Seethed forme am
ie Winne.111 years' dentine,
slits tree Neve eemm.tlt7 sa17 let
(bSS year le you- New whew a pieties
le M WWI �_��y silhat es laodsd or Amass
h. aM M a m•t4r of esuee s
' 1 mad according es
t1 Mrd or Ma +• 4 wan a.d
-Mtl}e'rlr O., le let for a letter aid t, tag.. , i:
.1*,., poled, b w1hsatee the sum qtly Ca_sa.ta,e--A r is the maitre'
dal" Ia m wpm µ sari Owe re" N 0101elet of Moo at.wit to flit 7aa*t afiest nv to •i omit
totosiN to damati Is la /he ib.eltAlt t�slhe City et Oarttale. -1t le .1Mawate d
'plus b_KMpi that rate)) of sabres* at fEl�iit lamer wilt seeept two ientetime.
litiosse ere *papa gen vie •
he.*eOv wbsed Ai dss*►RT, grab mnrdef■ rel;(oa to fright. feels
rally est-►aMpe edit. Omen what i1 malt taiq he ghost,
pronto% at tee meeting, " that the ay.rsge
produce of the Wheat-growia, land in Nor
thumberland, did ant exceed 19 or 90 bosh.
par acre!" Rarely theee must hemmer unto
lake here; the " Borth .011517 a" system bas
bees gs erelly corrrhrsd as worthy of Imi-
tation. Soothers. eoald live on these
terms with their miff iend.. Bete* teak
ing ane farther remarks, it may be u well
we wait for additional iaformatioe es this Mos
portant subject, which it a to be hoped
taunt :Stell:�(ant Northumberland tenet
will glvs.-Dreiaiwg 7711, h
year ago'
Brockriile, Kingsten--was revved -Vv.' •
present population and tied of rather peri-
ods being given. Fv'mples of the rim n±
property io some of th:so lawns were like-
wise given. In its trade, the grnw.h u:
Upper Canada is, as is prove.) by the coma
parison of the exports and imports 0(the
different periods, Tote equal to its adysse••
ride as to lis new borne. Do the Statca.p"s- m other respects, -treat progress 1a• also
seas any greater advantages than Canada/ bectrmade in regard to the cruse*wr.cesof
life, ca was manifested by n cenn'ari«.a e'
means of conveyance -steamboats; sed
roads at different period.; with the inerts.•
of postal arrangements and the falieities af-
forded by cicitne telegraphs. By a enure
and less taxed t m neighboring e- parison of statistical retires, it was shore
public. • that in proportion to pop.n.,ts+•o ow teerease
This 'count y at presort ie. ,actually in from ima•oination is nue- r.,1-4 treater thee
want of surplus labour. 'lie usual rate that of the United Stawis, wiu' a with a p•o-
of wares is too high to enable the fanner
$ pulation fifteen limn more, reeetres an ems
to improve his land advantageously to him- mi inn. only ten owes Git ,_Ina
self, the average, rate being about .£3 5s tionrto pnputntinn, nor iaercaw for e
per month and board. which n £39 per ration between 1�^•0 and 1850 Mi begot
annani,--in many parts of • the 1 pprr Pio- five times that of the isiited Mates.
voce wages were as 6i,h r r+. to mss per T.erinre second was deeded to the growth
day the past season during harvest lime.- of Upper Canada iu its highest interest-,
Agate, look at the necessity bf eneour- those of a► iatellectnal and spsritoal char -
tieing the emigrant. with a prospect anter. In 1612 Canada bad firs newa-
before us of baring the trot elle' - papers. all then to the Lower Province.
stye works in 1ladroa•Ie rid Canal. Now i1 cannot ,bare much uoacr two beta-• ,
that have ever been constructed in this dred.
country ; how can them le! carried on J:*ease me from trespas.in. on your ratio
without labour 1 such great works would able sptlee so much -the subjectbeiee mj
with their removal not thought creditable.
and they hare never beta alluded to u the
family since." • -
" Wba: Darnel did these brothers bear 1"
" The name of the oldest was Duncan,
the second, Hatch : the first was banished
for a_pote "theft ; the latter, who had been
his companion, and who laced him dearly,
fell into a similar snare, and left us, assur-
iitg us we would hear of him and his broth-
' What number of children bad you, Du- cr when they had recovered their toot
galehonour. r las, alas, poor fellow . be bas
not lived to redeem his pledge.'
And did you never hear aught of him
since his departu a r
Never, except once. Ile wrote after
his at rival there for his ciothes,wbich were
seat to him a,7 a vessel from Leith. '1'hc
Not so much. Lands are cheaper here,
the agriculturist can. at all times obtain a
fairTemoneration for prodikr, anti find a
ready market at ail times; having the
benefit of similar institutions as at home
than the Ile -
-Just four, master. Three daughters
and one son.'
' Is your son alive yet, and'ds you know
where be is. Pigall!'
known mark of my father, the 'knowledge of
from him last. three mouths ago.and I bore
his being alive has thrown me into such a to hear from him soon again. master.'
state of excitement, that I don't knew when , , rad what is the name of year snnr
I shall be myself agar. I :elide instant en- lir own name, Pun ld, master'
qairy an to bow the bill had been brought ' Ilad you no other soul'
to this part of the world, and found it had r `OOe master.'
coins in reit posstssios of a person who had Ilere was a puzzle. it seemed unlikely
been in the country about nine months, and
who resided at —, about a dozes miles
distant from my horse. Along with your
bisteraod my wife, I immediately drove out
to him, and he told me that, in April, 1850,
the old•man was in perfect health, and that
he had promised to make enquiries regard-
ing Inc. Ile Gad sot done so or be must
have found me, for I am well known many
miles round. Had be kept his promise to
my poor old father be might long ago have
been enjoying a little of what i ran well
spare, and rest his weary limbs from further
toil. This man gave me to understand that
my mother was dead, het, in the course of
Ila of our family, and S
Vssnoaa-arta) faeuh•spivo►aes their
*setae at a very c•seidera►I. eapencs-
sem. " make do" with • very tndifiereot lir
Iles, sed where, for want of a little know-
ledge and lose industry, go wrtbest. 1t is
se gaily mailer,bewever, to be at all tiers*
e spplbd with ,Mega►, awl *bet withart•
much expose.. The rtes of on* hostel of
seise Mete, wertb twenty five eeut., whirls
any fernier sae rains without costs will maim
Wet dye to ma g*Iloas of vinegar, equal
Ii lbs be.t made of eider or tie*. Geste
OM beet& heels/ first washed them, and
poem est rye joie* le a chimes pew, or le
away MAN were which a little (ngewesty
Mm melee . aid pat the Nqutw iel.M sm•
if be•sstr asset the Wt' wstb R*trso. avid
O 11 ie the ti t, 1st or 16 her N will
be At fop p ps y. r11deiesit.
Tea A Tries i.aatUu ?v'p•—
m. Weir - -- etesived to Tharaday
'flit readers will recollect that his box
was alluded to'by the writer of the better
at the only communication he had ever re-
ceived from boner, and n0 farther doubt
could be entertiwed that this woman was
his sister. The question Yeas therefore put
to her-' And if your brother Ilugh was
now alive, bad redeemed his honour, was
that a vigorous old man should hare forgot- highly respected in a distant quarter of the
ten any of his own offspring, yet as the world, and wished you and your family to
reader is aware, the party who believed go there and•live with him, would you got'
to be kis (amber was not tbe son alluded to ' 1 would go 10 ties end of the earth to
meet my dear, my beloved brother:' the
by old Dulral- After some consideration, poor woman exclaimed, end sank back ex-
it appeared probable that be might have haunted nn a chair. Itearn
r vel
been a foster -son; and the gnestinn was put rd around her while her husband sprang
to the veteran, whistle r his wife had ever to support her, and raised her head nn • his
nursed any children but her own. breast ; sobs came to her relief, and the
whole party joined is the luxury of shedding
'Oh, yes; she nursed one fine boy mss abondanee of Grateful lean.
ter." The reason why the old man had denied
' And what was hi. name. Dugall' hili son wan now apparent. The dishonest
\\"illi.- *Got laddie; be stops abourt the deed with which his name had been aasnciat-
IIigh Street, and often comes to see me, tel had been condemned the n„"id morality
and brings me aye some sneesbia when be of the stern old Hi¢blander. Ilenee also
the shyness with which tl a subject had been
our conversation. I found that he kites lit- con„*, master.'
a -prowled by b•is +las.ghter. 1Kt7
a I still :edit a in tee Cbia was ,till more perplexing and Ines- On the afternoon of the tame day, the
pleasing hope that my dear mother may al- tricable, and it beim: wow apparent (here seine parties wailed nom on the old man •: nne_hal( of our whale inhabitants, in w
so be alive. mnet be some mistake on the part of the amt, without ad,erting to its fnrmrr denial short period of fire rrsn. By reGrcnre
' I trust dear sir, that you will allow on Australian letter writer, old 1)nugald was of having had wch a ■onb told' him that to tl,c 1s. fli.h peeve it wlt be acro tdit
WPM or hal bete any vet *"^ was stilt _lin in a .i_._...liar- en bnn+ne societies are establith•d to
delay to take place in making the regulate asked whether there the saw wane te
Colors -
inquiries at tete places named in my last bet- other porter time.
ter, and you will have no difficulty in finding Felliaborgh dswreg bell
my father. And oh, my dear sir, if say pa- ' No, I've kaon» every man and rsnther'►
rests am alive, break the matter to them s„n ragagod r street torten in Edinburgh
rlry gently, for they are rely aged, aid for thirty -fire years past, and never knew
imdd51.7,. of tbair tong flee' o migit be tee of the same same but myself. master.
Meese thaw (hey tan bear. if you thank 'And are you perfectly sure that you
seed them on never hada set named lieltfsr
lhrm ask to eland the roTage. J r • the oM maw rapidly
out to me at Dice. Let them my with Ja- • No, lair -acre he eft nisi has bort his kayo at _ thnwir
ode of old, a It is ennwgin, nor nos is yet lied 46r0ly;' Hugh wan mei father, name. J a would be ll rlsi*lat or weeta• lot was M prevent beim. it was Nut
of ghee, hit he has pr*hal for b1►h•iw .
■vis m son * the heeds of two Mrewte- Inc has an *gainer mired les* to the peewee% of this Hewn derh sed If" t+oi,, t� t'
aline we ell Ks mad ere bum ort we die: I lie called air Dtsudald, ad 1 1 amiable waft, tan, end fswor rhil.lrew herr
here hot
Tell theses that flee will have *ntMng to de ' a,y or n Dame. as►•rtinn n( ('wr.'s)a, that this was uvisrtt!pd ' of 1,ned .Icahn RigMssl, tbd Mr
erre sew rnavMced tint been (slithl awry _vtrwrg owl morning to fort, Yes" pi.(. an.l Nes vas ht Ctrs thou wAuld witlwlvttp Hat do L�Oal.
enjoy themselves, and lbed e.Tbed' TM party •toss a,idake,aed,gieiwg the pay for their grandfather sad graml.wnthrr. mode of happy and prear, rows settlers. I e.l. 11 the lenitive* awltltntIv
ted with their ad r►.idrro.Tbn era be vole - " Then their provers bets boon 15,,r4, v Tbe toiMwawg adv srobw Lecture, copied I vu rver, enrreet, the east j„.
d (n leen Gnus t nvitwl F / 1l ld of 1 sweet would be erifko*t it
11417 13#.:''=3 And the 17'G/wrist grenade his tepee the
1,4-18 131,121 argument. that as the new parlianest leas
1'459 1net yet ,,co. there is no sods person as a
1S5I ,;,,,'''';'3„1„,',,,`.1.nireri..•r '.T I'a(liarornt, To take the
1551 206 383 last objection first, we beg to refer the
( demist to lith \-ictnria, chap. '27, sec-
Tntal, 1,296,963 lion 23. He will there find that after the
More then a million of those are eek- Returning (Wirer shall hove aaeertaiaed
ini7 • home Iwre. carrying with them all the fatal cumber of votes polled for ay
their property or its egtralent inrush, which candidate. Ire shall declare "the pecans sr
in the agregate must be a large sum. it persona whn shall have a majority of the
will be teen that since . a population fatal trawler of vr�--(s fart, by 115
has Bowed to Ow States nnodwrine almost way, drwrviue the in atteetinn- of Ike
weever for hent] --es being duly ekdestl
• \1I•:\113E11 or ,\1E\1BER5 to repro*
ens such enemy, city." :tee. Tse Ptotl.r
e, ennfer the richt and anahority beksw(ierg It
ter of the world where b. was much re.- aid the object of rmiGrntion to the Colon I a mrmher of the Legidative Awe -in sty it
petted, that he had remitted the mein., to its• If thaw sneirtiea were aware of the mlf. the proton so elected as above 1' Wm*,
have bim removed from the workhouse. and
advantage. Iv hick; Canada pnsapsaea there amt legally a Member of )issriiaaatsf.-
ktpt comfortable dewing life. The veteran , it on ,hitt bet they would tie a these at- i'l'be raw imwsght Pirated I tbe ('ttle,i
looked grave. Al tear trickled down hiacberrt (r■tine In aen.lin_ emigrants here. thin- i is not in point to the preheat; pet wet tk
and he er+tfnireed. "'Thank Go 5 i thank dreJs of ships are ■an'atly enmirig to 4lire- that it enn he faith show* Irtt er-
4°41 '%'b•dd to 1learrn his tuin'r'! bee in ballast from all parts of Great 1fella 'gainst the position Islam by Y
timber had lived too see leis happy day ! (.►,stain, wbieh forms the grew bridge to I Alderman Salomon,' es a_ _J_t_ew�.,r�i�t :-
And where in m71001" tlr• rnuntry, amt at ell ors en.trea $ cheap s efwse 1 to like tet talk Pr`.er I.e
"}1r it tit the wppr..ite vile of the mtalk of IrewVt. As
I bare raid herons, 1 British Parliament for Ito mewbt
globe;' w*. the answer ;" and never Mere it only requires me gov.rnseeot to take the I Mr. S.Inman entered the llnatn,1
cost at least 5') per cent. more if metas only
a .
are met adopted to get au ami;est _ tt„Zottrebealiqrat wrvnt.
•Chex improvements would afford immedi - . - --- OTTAWA.
ate employment, and be the memo of en- !! Aylmer, 19th April, 1952.
abling the emigrant to purchase land, which _
the government should give the actual set- Frau, ibp •Herald.
ter at a nominal value. Supposing, for THE II.UI:ON ELI•:CTION•
argument sake, that 50,000 emigrants were -
to come out nest season they would ling The Gide, and Colonist -a rather
with there in property and money at. kart I strsni a onion -are is a towering rags, Ira
£:r each, which would at Dore conch the cause Mr. Cameron has g. ;be to Uu-oar for
country to the extent
of £250,000, be- re-election. They are bete seting in per -
sides the great advantage it would Itt in • (enc[ bannuoy in denounciu(, is uutueasurel
commercial point of view, in consuming terms the :.Iwirtry forsascttooing a viola-
B1itish manufactures. The second year 1 tion of fin, law, in penaittisg Mr. Cainrrrn
the same number wnuld add half a million to stray such a tong distance from the Beat
of wealth to the trade of the Provinces. -
grant Government. They declare that one that who seeks our slowest is not worth and a trick.
110 per annum t 1{ow is+the, money spent? 'Cee G1J,c grou'tds Isis opposition on the
--in purchasing dutible articles and so ad- wrath section of clwp. 65, 7tIs \'ictoeia.
ding to the receour of the countr7 which says,-- ,
Tbe following slah,Grs, taken from the .. NO HI;l1IlEPs shall aro rcsigs amt
New York Courier, will give some idea vacate his scat, during the sermon of tary►‘
of the tide of emigration to the States. Parliament nest after his election, before
1 will quote the Courier's own words.-
ords — the expiration of the first fifteen Jays of the
"'fle following is 115 substance of the said session, and that NO M EM BEV.
number of pasxngere whn shipped from the wIaw election shall be cootcsted, shall be
port of London alone, the last twenty eonteste•I, shall so resign aril rnr..lr ire
yearn, viz : seal, until after such contest shall bare been
From 1`43'2 to 15415 incInsive, say 498.1•!3 decided:'
a srnlirsg the ♦nsmhy. sad there toe) voted- The ¢speak." did Bat
ase aeitgs small lath, Pvppwre
shall he vented earefalty and tenderly by old man a thea fit st'rrri nae n( +mud tiie nW rw•n m a anlerlrtl tens, "and en the C r.ss ssewr y e•vr µ ranMl f. _r-,� e.�
noir long lost son and his affectionate wife. beim, when a wedde g Iia valet- •lir s.wae earth a benratlaeael the atd,a...snewt or 1pyrer email.
win rsV (�'r
and he ureide' POI les *ver hart rtes taste 1;d sbnv* Os. fie has in bis rn,s be fees/ well worths 01 1 end will , to net tett eytnr' tit,ar
who *deed esiesvesrsd to orad veli We them. ; t `a•'
M her "al in an.wer dad wow 1 bee) 'Awn- •t neve M;oZ to the mail', naw.l the Net +^' � h r•' hot h.
M dMw bar M' !lame to 1Ktliw ror,oe sed M write, {logo t' was the rtply. s4*.tly bnppy nwd grateful
that CaasiM most yet he •gnat ad flow '. Ilm (rtes, Teresa R
brs"ll them nut. 1 mold wet. bowel' t"aI- ' layer, *mater•