HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-14, Page 15AIR FORCE MODELS DRESS—The fashion show in Ex-
eter Legion Hall Thursday night showed what the well-
caressed woman in uniform wears this year. From left to
right, F/0 J. E. Chapman wears the khaki dress uniform;
AWL Susan Anderson wearing the blue dress uniform;
F/O Madelaine Theriault wears the summer working
dress; F/L Elizabeth Bell models the officers' mess kit.
Beside her is Mrs. J. M. Gibson, the commentator, and
F/0 Mariette Gelinas wears her nurses' uniform on duty.
—RCAF Photo
G.iri Guides
plant tulips
At the meeting of the local
Association to Guides and Brown-
ies Last Tuesday :it was voted
to buy 200 tulip bulbs for fall
planting oft the Scout property
in commemoration of the golden
jubilee of the movement in Can-
It was decided to go ahead
with plans for catering 'l+o the
District Scout Rally to be held
in Exeter in the fall.
Mrs. Sheldon Wein reported on
the Brownie uniforms that had
been turned in to her. Mrs. Wein
conducts a Brownie uniform ex-
It was voted to pay the camp
assessment of $1:5 and the ex-
penses :for the Brownie and Guide
leaders who attended the lead-
ers' training course at Kitchener.
Parents of Guides will be ask-
ed to drive td the Guide Field
day held at Camp Keewaydin,
May 23,
P'resident Mrs. J. W. Corbett
conducted the meeting, Mrs,
W. C. Johnston acted as secre-
tary and Mrs, Ralph , Guettner,
as treasurer.
WI annual
The District Annual of South
Huron Women's Institutes is be-
ing held in Grand Bend United
Church on Thursday, May 21 in
morning and afternoon sessions.
Mrs. Greer Hislop, Stratford,
Provincial Board Director, and
Mrs. Harvey Wales, Komoka,
chairman of the London Area,
will be the guest speakers and
Mrs. Hislop willconduct the
election of officers.
Dinner will be served in the
Groups entertain
babies, mothers
After the meeting of the WA.
and WMS of Main Street United
church on Thursday afternoon
niembers of the Baby Band and
their mothers were entertained.
Mrs. Ralph Sweitzer conducted
a short program after which a
social time was enjoyed.
At the regular meeting plans
were made for the evening of
Tuesday, May, 19 when Dr. 11
H. Savage of Pontiac, Mich. will
preach at 8 p.m, in the church.
Mrs. Glen McKnight conducted
the devotional, With the theme
"Walking with 'God." She was
assisted by Mrs. Percy Merle -
ley, Mrs, R. E. Russell and Mrs,
B, W. Tuckey,
Misses Shirley Wurm and Shin.
ley Merkley .favored with a duet,
Minister's Wife
speaks to WA
At the May meeting, of Tames
Street Woman's Association held
'.Thursday afternoon Mrs. H, J.
Snell was the speaker choosing
as her theme Our Places in the
"Mothers must be practicing
Christians" slid Mrs. Snell, She
stressed three attributes which
all women in the. home should
cultivate; .love, cheerfulness and
a well established. faith a
spoke of a Mother's 'task as "i#
great trust."
Mrs, IL H. Cowen led in the
devotional aseisted. by Mrs,
.[rivers, Mrs It, E. Pooley and
Miss Verne Coates sang a dutt
accompanied by Mrs, Snell,
lairs, Palley lave a report 'cif
the .Iltiron. Presbyterial meeting
held at Mdncrietf United church,
A rtiscussiee M nilly One wont.
en's organization in the church
was it feature et the program.
During the business for which
tsresident Mrs, Wllliarte .hes nick
pre=sided lilAns W1 fe finalited .rot"'
the Blessoln ``ea and 'hake Melt
nestleyr tbty
letirtt, group ori Wed.
Seven Brownies of the 1st Exe-
ter Pack assisted Miss Joanne
Hosie, St. Marys, in passing her
Gold Cord Challenge on Satur-
day in Exeter, Joanne took Linda
Blanchard, Mary Coehranc, Deb-
bie Johnston, Brenda Dinney,
Elizabeth Eilerington, Elizabeth
Snell and Pamela. Ersman on a
hike, cooking their meals and
rendering first aicl as part of her
* * *
Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Brown Owl
of. the 1st Jack and Mrs. Joe
Wooden, Tawny Owl have re-
cently passed their warrant
* • •
Guides from the Oriole, Canary
and Swallow Patrols passed sev-
eral tests at the Guide meeting
Thursday evening,
Captain. Mrs. C. R. Tomlinson
told the girls about the Cainp-
cook-out; at Camp Keewaydin to
be held May 23. There were 24
Guides present,
The next meeting will he a
sports night in place of the reg-
ular meeting.
Friends shower
Patricia Sillery
Miss Patricia Sillery, bride -
elect of Saturday has been hon-
ored on several ocacsions last
On Tuesday evening Mrs. Mur-
ray Neil and Mrs. Carl Turner
entertained 30 friends and rela-
tives for a miscellaneous shower
for Pat. Rena. Murray gave a
reading and games and contests
were enjoyed. Gifts were pre-
sented in baskets.
Thursday evening neighbors
presented Pat with a floor lamp
at the home of Mrs. Garnet
Hicks with Mrs, Frank Lostell
as co -hostess. Piano, selections -
Were given by Mary Ann Lostell
and Sandra Prout and a reading
by Mrs. Victor Jeffery.
Friday afternoon employees of
Tuckey Beverages presented Pat
with a floor polisher and on Fri-
day evening a miscellaneous
shower was held by the Mission
Circle girls of James Street
church at the home of Mrs.
Harold Patterson.
Exchange Vows
At Mount Carmel
In a ceremony ill Our Lady
r 1
of - Mount Caine church of
Saturday, May 9 at 10 a.m.,
Tilly Arts, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Arts, RR 2 Crediton,
and Gary Manders, son of. 'Mr.
and Mrs. Anton ifander5, RR 1
Lucan, exchanged marriage
vows before Father .belly.
The bride, given in niarriage
by her father, wore a floor-
length gown of nylon and lace
over taffeta and carried red
.ler sister, Miss Ann Arts, of
London, was her attendant and
wore a blue lace ;town over tar -
feta and carried blue anti white
ted :Madders, London, was his
brother's best man and Peel
Dietrich, Motint Carmel, played
traditional wedding music,
A wedding reception was held
in Crediton Com inunity Hall
where the bride's mother recely-
ed in a blue silk gown with white
accessories And the groom's
mother also chose blue silk.
Per travelling to Niegare Falls
the bride changed to a blue
printed silk dress With beige
duster and 'pink aceetsorie8.
'the couple will inAke their
hoiii in Kenioka
The ltappiiieeS of ;Visor lite tie,
pends, linen the duality of your
Groups host
to mothers
Following the tradition of Beta
Sigma Phi to honor mothers with
a tea the members of Alpha Pi
Chapter entertained their moth-
ers last Wednesday afternoon in
the ,reception room. of James
Street 'United church,
The sponsor . of the Chapter,
Mrs. M. C. .Fletcher, was the
speaker telling about the art of
china painting and displaying
several pieces of her own Nandi-
work. She was introduced by
Mrs. William Schlegel and thank-
ed by Mrs. William King,
Guests were received by Mrs.
Clara. Wellington. and .a welcome
extended by vice-president Mrs,
R. M. Read 'who also • paid, a
tribute to mothers. Mothers were
introduced by their daughters
and ' presented with a Special
Mother's Day copy of ideals.
Brenda Dinney favored with a
solo and with verse speaking.
Mrs. Read presented past pres-
ident Mrs. John Goman 'with a
jewelled gavel as a retiring pres-
A. cup of tea was served for
which Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs.
Wellington poured. The Woman's
Federation of the church catered.
South End. Service
Used Car
Excellent condition, ra-
dio, windshield washers,
whitewall tires.
Tutone, an exceptionally
clean car!
Clean, tutone in color.
Better than new, 33,000
Tutone, radio, rear seat
speaker, Completely pow-
er equipped, excellent,
condition, was driven by
an old man!
Red and white, new tires,
completely recondition,
SEDAN — She's loaded
with extras!
RtLns good! Only $65,00.
Wanted ! !
Good European Cars
'59 Mercury
And See The Difference
South End
Rush end Chuck Steel!
The first oil well in the U,S.
was built in Titusville, Pa., in
Surnrner fqshion festiva!
Continued From I'age U
a No. ,6 khaki dress tuiiterm cut
on same lines as the airwoman's
blue dress uniform, F/0 Marlette
Gelinas, a nurse in .the medical
branch of the RCAF:, wore the
white uniform .a nurse wears on
duty, AM. Susan 'Wolin modelled
the No. 5 blue working dress
featuring slacks and Eisenhower
jacket. This outfit ie worn for
outdoor duty on cold days and
when engaged in strenuous work
where a skirt would be out of
F/L Betty Bell wore the offi-
rers mess kit worn at all formal
functions in the mess. The short
jacket, known as a pea, jacket,
is made of molten cloth which
feels like moleskin. Beneath the
jacket is worn a white nylon
blouse with black velvet tie.
During intermission, tea and
cookies were served, convened
by Airs, W. Seldon, with Mrs.
Jack Pryde as co•convener•
Dress,up fashions
For dress -up occasions, Diane
Oke paraded a pale blue organdy
dress trimmed with pink flowers.
This fragile -appearing dress was
actually a "wash and wear" and
will stand a lot of active wearing.
Mrs. hldrid Simmons wore a
full -skirted afternoon dress in a
new black and white waffle
weave, A dramatic black patent
belt emphasized the waistline. A
white hat and white jewellery
completed her costume,
A wedding party was modelled
in which Mrs. Coward wore her
own wedding gown of white Chan-
tilly lace and nylan net over
satin. 'Her sister, Miss Caroline
Simpson, as bridesmaid, wore
blue chiffon over taffeta with
large picture hat of matching
material, and her shoes covered
to match. The mother of the
bride wore a blue flowered chif-
fon with batu neckline, bib collar
and soft flowing skirt. A blue
flowered hat with the wide look
added to the ensemble.
For night wear, Peggy Mc-
L44gh1in modelled ;in Arobossect.
cotton house Foot over blue
printed combed cotton baby doll,
pyjamas. Martha Cochrane ,chose
a duster of 100 per cent pink
nylon embossed with Tosca,
trimmed with nylon lace, and
fully lined with nylon, Her baby
doll pyjamas were in pink nylon
tricot trimmed with embroidery
and lace.
Others who modelled were Mrs.
Les Parker, Miss Matilda Giret,
Airs. Jint Wilson, Mrs, Graham
Mason, Mrs. Pearl li'enderson,
Mrs. Gerald Dawson, Mise Lois
T'inney, Barbara Stanlake, Gare!
Hogarth, Cathy Simmons and
Nancy Strang.
The make-up and cosmetics
used by the models were by
courtesy of Mrs. William McLean
and Mrs. Lloyd Cushman. Make-
up this season follows the key-
note "of feminity and muted
calors give a fresh appearance.
Nail polish conies in, pale .porce-
lain yellows, mauves, pinks, also
apricot and peach colors which
take nicely to the beige And
white colors worn so muchthis
At the close of the show a bake
sale was announced. The, sale
was convened by Mrs. Norman
Stanlake and Mrs. Fred Sim.
' rs. Art Whilsmith, Mrs. An-
drew Johnston, Mrs, John Burke
and Mrs. Milton Laing were the
over-all committee of the event,
A lace tablecloth which was
given to the Circle by Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Bridges, now stationed
in. Germany with the RCAF, but
former members of Coven
church, was sold by silent auc-
tion. Mrs. C. J. Ersman won the
Overheard in the company cof-
fee bar:
"Gee, I'd better get back to the
office, or I'll be late for quitting
'Ms 1im.s.Advecatst Mi y IR 1959 Pies Fwd
•#dinettes buy hospital cart
he purchase of a cart for use cart of their awn through :South
in South 4Iuron Hospital, a $23 Huron Hospital channels for the
donation to the Cancer Fund and purpose of selling confections,
the election of officers foatured ei;,.rettes, toilet articles, station*
the business Meeting of the ery and sundry articles to the •
.Dinette club at the iaome of .the hospital patients. The Kinett.ea
president, Mrs, Ray Frayne on have been .doing this for same
Monday .evening, time hut used a hospital cart.
The group ,plans to .purchase a Mrs. Don Robertson was :elect
ed president for the 7$ tt,6U Rin-
ette year, Vice-president iia Mrs,
Calvin Wein; secretary, Mrs. Lete
Sherman; treasurer, Mrs. ;John
Burke, and registrar, Mrs. Gor-
don Baynliani, Mrs. Les Parket
and Mrs. Irvine Armstrong prey
rented the slate of officers. •
threesladies tie
in cake contest
The Woman's Auxiliary of
Trivitt Memorial chant held a
successful lea and bake sale in'.Assisting the hostess were 'Mrs,
the Central hotel dining room on Armstrong, Mrs. Bud Prescatoz
Saturday .afternoen, and Mrs. Parker,
A feature he
was "I'"I'
bean guessingof tconteske sal. Threea LeeThe Sherdrawman.was won by
ladies tied to within three of
the correct number. The tie was
broken by .a draw and the win- To heroine "Contented" you
Der was Mrs. Albert Fahner who need a poor memory and no
won and 'angel food cake, imagination.
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'tight now, three out 6f every four birds on a pre-
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Next time you order feed for your f=locks, be sure
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