HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-14, Page 13Tha T.imes'AcIvoc.etat May 14, 1959 Watch the fireworks when you 'sellebrai .. r Announcements BIRTH$ No CHARGE CARDS QF THANKS ....., 75t+ ENGAGEMENTS ,,.......,.,75e IN MEMORIAMs $1,eo, (Four•Ilne verse) Extra verses, each 25e �- aIRTHS--- AYER -- Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ayre, Grand Bend, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Mary Evelyn, at South Huron Hospital, May 7. CAMPBELL — Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Campbell, Exeter, an- nounce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hospital, May 8—a sister for Gary, Margaret, Elizabeth and Bonnie Lou. KESTLE—Mr. and Mrs, John R. Kestle, Toronto, are happy to announce the birth of their son, John Richard Welsh, on Friday, May 8, 1959, a brother for Susan anct Janice and a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle, iiIcGINNIS—Bob and Marie Mc- Innis (nee Cutbush), Zevethe, Germany, are happy to an- nounce the birth of a son, Ronald Neil, May 6. Ji UIRHEAD—Cpl. and Mrs. W. Muirhead, of RCAF Centralia, announce the birth of a son, William Edward Stanley, at South Huron hospital, May 8 --a brother for. Adele, Penny, Wendy and David. POWE — Mr. and Mrs. Elsner Powe, Centralia, announce the birth of a son, Alan Edson, at South Huron Hospital, May 8 —a brother for Elaine and Marie. UNDERHILL — Arr. and Mrs. Michael Underhill, of Grand Bend announce the birth of a daughter, Nina. Lenora, at South Huron Hospital, May 7— a sister. for Marian and Terry.' WEIN—Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Wein, RR 6 .Parkhill, announce the birth of a daughter, Sharon Marie, at South Huron Hos- pital, May 9 — a sister for. Garry and Cheryl Ann. WUERTH — Hilda and Reg Wuerth,, London, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Carol Lucilia, at St. Joseph's Hospital, May In — a sister for Susan, and a grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Wuerth, ENGAGEMEPiTS— Mr, and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan, Winchelsea, wish to announce the engagement of their dough. ter, Donna. Collene, to Mr, Har vey George Smith, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, RR 1 Crediton; the marriage to take place on Saturday, June 6 1959, at 1:00 p.m., in Elimvill United Church. 14* FOR SALE— FOR SALE— . 1 REAL ESTATE— OFFICE U PA T — 1 R I:EN Head- quarters for Royal, typewriters, Victor adding machines. We .can save you. money; Exeter Times - Advocate, phone 770, 27tfc FAST; FAST' Film -service, ".Silk Finish" and glossy prints at their best. Russell Electric, Exeter. 30:7:14:21c Canada's National Magazine MACLEAN'S Special Subscription Offer 60 Issues — $4,50, Half the Newsstand Price! CANADIAN HOMES & - GARDENS 48 Issues -- $7.00 CHATELAINE 50 Issues-- $4:00. Save time, save postage—let us renew your subscriptions. THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE ?hone 770 SANILAC SEED BEANS Eligible for Registration 9t` Per Pound They were World Champions at Royal Winter Fair and yielded 46 bushels per acre, BOB ALLAN, BRUCEFIELD 14;21.e OAT STRAW, 200 bales, Phone 41-R-1 Grand Bend. 14c '52 CHEV, rebuilt motor, good condition. Phone 5 Crediton, 14* MAN'S SPORT COAT, wine, size 42, new condition, May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 14* USED REFRIGERATOR, Frigid- aire; Wingham cook stove, ex- tension table, 6 chrome chairs, Apply Elgin Roweliffe, RR 1 Hensall, 14c HAIRDRYER, Sunbeam Hood, still under guarantee. $20 or closest offer. Phone 566-W Ex- eter, 14c LIVING ROOM SUITE, '2 -piece, greyish blue, nearly new. Phone Dashwood 162-R-6. 14c Shop, 363 Main St. 140 1 HAVE a dealershipfor Meyers ors r I S Sprayers, for orchards or Weed - Kill. Also for all insecticides and fungicides; Weed -Kill of all l k ods; Aldrin for maggots in turnips, and Simazine, the new prenierge spray for corn. I have on hand .a supply of the :new English Weed -Kill for seedling alfalfa or canning peas. Phone 20e, L. V. 1-togarth, 14:21:28c SURGE MILKER Parts available from; Harvey Rata, Shipka Howard Pym, RR 1 Centralia LOVELL H. McGUIRE Surge Service Dealer New and Used Milkers Call Winghani 593, Clinton HU 2-7207 7:14:21;28* BOAT, 16' outboard cruiser, 35 h.p. e l ectric Evinrude, and trailer. Joe Pavkeje, phone AC 8.6297. 30:7:14* FOR RENT - 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, furnish- ed and heated, with 4 -piece bath and separate entrance. Avail- able now, No pets, please. Apply evenings at 169 William St., or phone 400-W, 12*tfe APARTMENT, ground floor, partly furnished, newly decorat- ed, separate entrance, suitable for one or two, central location. Apply Box "G", Times -Advocate. 7:14c APARTMENT, cozy, b r 1 g h t, heated, .furnished; suitable for two; private entrance. Phone 61.- R, 14* 3 -ROOM COTTAGE, central lo- cation, suitable for elderly per- son. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St, East. 14c CABIN, in Southcott Pines, Grand Bend, close to lake, by month or season. Apply Box' "S", TAKE ADVANTAGE of special Times -Advocate. 7:14c prices on dayold heavy breed cockerels. Prompt shipment day - 'T U R N I P PLANTER, 2 -row, old and some started dual pur- Phone Zurich 91•r•3 r i i Preferred Location in Exeter Building Lot Three blocks from heart of busi- ness section, 3 blocks from schools, on east side of town. Size (85 x 90), ideal for modern ranch style house. Good neigh- bors, good drainage, .good ser- vices. Owner must sell because he's buying hduse. Quick deal for $1,200, Phone 11 Exeter. 7tfn FARMS S0 ACRES.— Of which 20 acres are muck land suitable for market gardening; modern house with good outbuildings, Priced at $9,000. 148 ACRES — Located close to Exeter on paved road. Good 4- bedrom house with modern kit- chen and conveniences. Two barns and lots of water. Price $19,000 with terms. * * * 3 -BEDROOM insul brick house, in Exeter. Owner will trade on 100 acre farm. located. near Ex- eter, preferably north or west. All proposals will be considered. HELP WANTED FEMALE --I MISCELLANEOUS --- Junior Stenographer FOR EXETER BUSINESS. OFFICE Apply in writing to, 130X LMX, THE TIMES -ADVOCATE 26ctfc GIRLS for summer employment needed for Chuckwagon Coffee Shop, Grand Bend, Telephone 23 daytime or 75 evenings—Mr. L. Blue. 7:14c LADY CLERK Typing experience helpful but not necessary. Apply BANK OF MONTREAL Exeter 7:14c NEW HOMES IN EXETER HELP WANTED - 3 -BEDROOM BRICK—Full price CARETAKER for Coven Presby - $8 100 with $1,700 down, balance $59.00 per month including prin- cipal, interest and taxes. JOHN BURKE Representing L Cosby, London 534 Main St., Exeter Phone 863 • 4:9:1623:7c BABY CHICKS— Harold Dignan, 3 miles west pof' pose pullets and cockerels, Some Hensall, 5114-6:18c Ames pullets, also Leghorns. Order June -July broilers now. APARTMENT, 3 -bedroom, cent- Bray Hatchery, Eric Carscadden, ral location. Apply Bill's Barber! Exeter, ,phone 246 -VV. 140n FRESH COWS, vaccinated — 2 Holstein heifers, 2 second calf Holstein cows, Jersey cow and ;Jersey -Holstein cross -bred cow. Apply George Poortinga, High- way 83, 6 miles east of Exeter. :14C FREEZER, in new condition. Phone Exeter 568-R. 14c - CLIPPER, SEED BEANS—Grown from registered seed. John Hall, Mt. Carmel, phone 1.62-r-1 Dash- wpod. 14c eFORAGE HARVESTER, McKee, and 20 -ft. rack, painted, 3 years old, in excellent condition. Ap- ply Box "L", Times -Advocate. 14* DEATHS— HEDDEN—At his late residence, Crumlin, Ont„ on Monday, May 4. 1959, 'Samuel, beloved husband of Florence May (Kydd) Hedden, in his eightieth year. Dear father of Mrs. Lawrence McDonald (Ruby), of London; Mrs. Lorston Urqu- hart (Geraldine), of Thorndalc, Ont., John, of Hyde Park, Gerald, of Crumlin; 9 grand- children and 5 great-grand- children. Brother of Mrs. Mil- ton Bissett (Lillie), of Brant- ford, Ont.; William J. Hedden, of Belmont, Manitoba, and Alonzo Hedden, of Lucan, Ont, Rested in the Geo. E. Logan and Sons funeral chapel, 371 Dundas St., where service was held Wednesday, May 6, at 2:30 p.m. Interment in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, 14c CARDS OF THANKS --- The family of the late Mrs. Martha Baker King wishes to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for all the acts of sympathy, cards and beautiful ' floral tributes received during their recent bereavement, Spec- ial thanks to Rev. Krotz, pall- bearers, Ladies Aid and the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home. 14c Mrs. Percy Noels and Ruth Anne wish to thank those who visited them in hospital and for cards and gifts received. Special thanks to Dr. Gans and nurses, 14c We wish, to express our . sin- cere thanks to our relatives, neighbours and friends who se kindly remembered us with cards, treats, gifts and visits while patients in South Huron Hospital, Special.. thanks to hos- pital staff, and Dr, Gans, and also to those who assisted in any way before entering the hospital and since returning home. — Mr. Ernest Hicks and Mrs. Priscilla Mack, 14* I wish to express my apprecia- tion and thanks to all those who sent cards, flowers, letters and treats and who visited me while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Special thanks to Rev, T. J. Pitt, — Clarence Parke. 1:4c We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to our friends and. relatives who so kindly remem berc.1 Alma with cards, treats and visits while she was a pa- tient in St. Josephs Hospital and since returning home, --John and 'Alma McAllister.. 14* I would like to express niy sincere thanks to you for gout kindness while 1 was a,pnttietlt . is Hospital, London, In St. Joseph's I•losl , Special thanks.to, Dr. Goddard (Hensall), Dr. Crilisoli and Dr. Wilson, and to the Sisters, nurses and staff of St, Joseph's Hos- pital. Mrs, Sim Roobol, lien - Sall. 146 IN MEMORIAM—, GLENN—In loving meiitor'y of a dear mother who passed away January 19, 1958, arida dear father who Massed away May PIONEER. SEED CORN is test- ed for seed strength in cold, wet soil at a temperature of 48 de- grees. Pioneer corn is backed by a replanting agreement. Pio- neer gives free seed corn if you must disc up and replant for any reason. Order strong germinat- ing Pioneer nqw. See Keith Lovell, RR 2 Kippen, Ont., phone Hensall 678-R-22. 14:21:28c CHINA CABINET, $13.00; Singer sewing machine, drop head treddle, in good condition, $7.00. Phone • 224-J Exeter. 14* DINING ROOM SUITE, oak, table and 5 chairs, buffet and china cabinet, Reasonable, Phone AC 8-6667. 14c SHAFTS & PLANK—Two 16' line shafts and pulleys; 50 2x12x12 hemlock plank. Wes Watson, phone 616-r-21 Ailsa Craig. 14* COUNTER SCALES, computing, in. good condition; capacity 30 lbs.; $25.00 C. M. Green, Credi- ton, phone 17-W. 14* PIGS. 9 to 12 weeks old. Apply Ken Fisher, RR, 3 Exeter, after 6 p.m., 33/ miles east of Exeter. 14* '53 DODGE SEDAN, overdrive, radio, new rubber. Apply Lloyd Smith, Woodham, phone Kirkton 139-11-10, 14* PO NOT GROW dandelions in your lawn. We, now have Weed - Kill that will kill nearly all the weeds but will not, injure the clover. The lawn should be snrayed very soon as the dande- lions will be in bloom, Then thev will mature anti spread seed. Phone 266, L. V, Hogarth. 14•:21c 40 -FT, ELEVA'T'OR,'king Wyse, used 2 seasons. Apply John Miters, lilt 3 Exeter., 7:101 DEEP FREEZE, upright, Quick -I freeze, apartment size, 2 years old, will hold un to 150 lbs., $1.00 or best offer, Mrs. Norm Hockey, = 7:14c TABLE POTATOES, No. 2, 75- lb. bal. $1,00: No. 1 table 'Pota- toes; Nn. 1 large, netatocs for restaurants and french fries; also feed potatoes. T. L, Soud- ant, RR 2 Grand, l3end, phone 44.11.2 Grand Bend. 4:30tfc OUTBOARD MOTORS. 1.2 h.n. nod Ali h.p., ehcan for cash; fihreelass covered boat• 14 foot; 1948 Doke' enaelir c'xerltenf con- dlitine. Harvey 1 -lent, 219 Alcnn- nuin hr„ RCAF Centralia, plrnne AC 8.6622, 7,i4 12, 1958, Although we smile and make no fuss, No one Misses 'thele More .than its, And when old Utiles We oft re- tell, It's then, file Miss iherii Sliest of alf. ,.L()vinglv T C' n1 a (1i 11, r e 'Sly Helen, Bill arid Mona and their tariiifies, 14* APARTMENT, in Hensall, down- stairs, with garage, hot and cold water, Apply t o Mrs. W. C. Hooper or phone 518 Exeter. 14:21c REAL ESTATE— GRASS FARM — 100 acres with two springs. About 15 acres of bush. Lot 31, Con. 11 Biddulph. Contact W. S. O'Neil, phone 28-7 Granton. 3: 26tfc HOUSES—New houses located in Exeter, 2 or 3 bedrooms. land- scaped, mortgage arranged, Also low cost homes for rent or sale. After small down payment let your rent be payment on your own home. Apply Art Whilsmith, contractor, Exeter, phone 386-1MJ. 10:9tfc W. C. Pearce REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 86 Anne St. Exeter ,Phone 435 3 -BED, 2 -storey house, 3 -piece bath, coal furnace. 3 -BEDROOM red brick house, oil burning furnace, 3 -piece bath, garage, in Centralia. NEW 3 -bedroom one -floor house with all conveniences, oil fur- nace, attached garage. BRICK HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, with conveniences, g a r a g e, good terms. FIRST CLASS village general store, good turnover, attached dwelling. We have a good choice in far'ms', 40 acres to 200 acres, EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 FRED COLE, Phone 544-R RUSSELL BRODERICIK, Phone 1187-W 2:10c C. V. Pickard EXETER We have clients wishing to purchase Exeter homes. If you wish to sell, see us. We are offering the following and other properties: APARTMENT HOUSE, Exeter, with central oil heating, This property requires renovating but can be purchasedat very low price, on easy terms. LARGE one -storey brick house, good Exeter :location, beautifully treed lot. This will make a com- fortable home for large family or a good. duplex. Terms, CENTRALIA =- Comfortable 2- bedroom eottage; good base- ment; oil burning furnace; par- tieula.r'ly nice lot. This property is in best of condition. Price $6,500,00—terms. 7'o buy or sell, see C. V. PICKARD, Realtor, and General Insurance, 394. Main St., Exeter, phone 165 and 628. 6:5tfc 25 -ACRE FARM, suitable ler market gardening,. insul-brick, 3- piece bath, modern kitchen, built-in cupboards,4 bedrooms. Corner farm, south quarter of Lot 6, Cone, 15, Stephen Town- ship. Priced for quick sale. Phone Dashwood 161.r-6, 14:21:29e 1311C.K COTTAGE, 3 -bedroom, 3'piee0 bath, oil furnace,. corder Sanders and Carling Streets. No, 104. Apply on, the, pi emeses, MAY 19' of 20. G. E, I41t;Taggar•t. 14* PERSONAL— WI-IY FEEL OLD? Feel years younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. Only 69e. At all druggists. SERVICES— WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Supply artificial breeding service fpr alt breeds of cattle. if phon- ing long distance, simply ask for— CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 If it is a local call use our regu- lar number•— CLINTON HU 2-3441 For service or more informa- tion, call between: - 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. week days 6:00 and 8:00 P.M. Saturday evening. For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do hot call until Monday morning. The quality is high and the cost low. 12:31tf c FARMERS wishing their cattle sprayed for lice, phone Bill Wat- son, Dashwood 37-r.-19. 1.2:4tfc SEPTIC TANKS pumped, im- mediate service. Butler Bros., Lucan, phone 130-W or 108. 4:2tfc FAST, EXPERT SERVICE ON * TV, Radio and Appliances * Electric Wiring * Oil Burners EXETER ELECTRIC Phone 723 30;7:14:21c HIGHEST .. CASH PRICES for sick, down or disabled horses and cows. Dead stock ,at value. Call promptly;/ 7 -day week ser- vice. Call Ed Andrews, Collect, 851-R-11 Seaforth. • 3:5-8-27* Custom BULLDOZING & EXCAVATING with D-7 Caterpillar GLENN HEAMAN RR 3 Parkhill Phone 629-R-2 14:21:28:4c WASHING MACHINES repaired on weekends. Apply Paul Sass, 66 William St,, Exeter, phone $54-W. 2:30:7:14:21* BACKHOE WORK Cellars, Septic '1'snks etc. Small Irrigation Ponds Reasonable Rates — Fast Service PHONE SEAFORTH 477 14:21* SUIT DOESN'T FIT? Altera- tions, double breasted suits made singles. Spurrell, 87 Dundas, London. 1117 7-6081. 5:14tfn0' WHY GROW wormy apples when for, a few cents you can have clear .fruit? They must be spray- ed at the right time. Phone 266, L., V. Hogarth; 14:21e tenon Church. Apply Art Whit - smith, phone 386-M Exeter. i6:23tfc NOW is the time to secure a good Avon territory, and be pre- pardd for big Spring selling season. Openings in Exeter, Kirk - ton, Centralia Village and sur- rounding district. Write Miss V. M. Mosher, Box 86, Owen Sound, Ontario, stating telephone num- ber. 30:7:15* JANITOR -CARETAKER The McGillivray Township School Area Board will receive applications up until 12 o'clock noon, May 26, 1959, for a janitor - caretaker andmaintenance man for the new 8-roomschool in McGillivray Township. Please apply stating exper- ience, qualifications and salary expected to David Henry, Secre- tary, Clandeboye, Ontario. 7:14c EMPLOYMENT WANTED— ODD JOBS, carpentering, paint- ing etc. Phone Centralia AC 8- 6687. 1:5tfc WANTED— ATTENTION FARMERS — All types of good poultry wanted. Picked up and weighed at the farm. No grade except for culls. Give us a try. Call Leslie Hood, phone Mitchell 663-R-4 Collect. 23:30:7:14c COMMODE CHAIR, in good con- dition. Phone 176-W-2 Exeter. 14c NAVAL OFFICER wishes to sub -let furnished house or apart- ment in the Exeter area, June 2 to August 10. Four children. —Gordon L. Ribey, Underwood, Please write Lt. (P) 111. S. C. Ont„ President; T. Stewart McCall, HMCS "Prevost", 19 Cooper, Markdale, Ont., Secre- Becker St., London. 14* tary. 4:11c IT WOULD BE.wise wse if yon. are thinking of spraying your grain, or part of It, to let your custom sprayer know right away o that he can arrange to do your work at the right time and do a goad Joh of it. Your .custom sprayer, L. V. Hogarth, Exeter,. phone 266, 14:21c TENDERS -- LIGHT INDUSTRIAL FUEL .011- • Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon, May 26, 1959, for supplying light industrial fuel oil for one year to the McGillivary Township Area Central School. Price per gallon to be included in lender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DAVID HENRY, Secretary Clandeboye, Ontario 7:14c CONCESSION PRIVILEGES Tenders for concession privi- leges on the fair grounds at the twilight meet on Wednesday, ,June 3, will be received by the undersigned onor before May 18. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. C. ALLISON, Secretary Exeter Turf Club 7:14c TENDERS FOR COAL South Huron District High School Boardinvites tenders for Coal for the school building on Gidley Street, Exeter, The two Livingston. Stokers will require 160 tons of ltfa x oil treated stoker coal. Tenders should quote price per ton delivered at the school as required, and should include an analysis, Please address tenders to the Secretary of the Board, E. D. Howey, Exeter, Ontario, by May 30, 1959. Lowest or any tender not '.ecessarily accepted. 14:21c PAINTING Three rooms in Exeter Public School during the summer holi- days, Particulars may be secur- ed from the secretary -treasurer. Tenders should be in writing and submitted, by May 30. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. W. H. HODGSON, Secretary -Treasurer 14:21c AUCTION SALES The Grey -Bruce -Huron Aberdeen Angus Breeders' Association ANNUAL SPRING SALE in the OWEN SOUND COLISEUM THURSDAY, MAY 21. at 1:30 p.m. Ten sires and 22 females have been consigned. The auctioneer is Duncan Brown of Shedden; DINING ROOM SUITE, used, in good condition, Apply Box 33, Times -Advocate. 14:21* CARS FOR WRECKING—Prices according to salvage value. Call l Exeter 790 or AC 8-6279. 14* COLLIE PUPS, long haired, 6 to 10 weeks old. Will take com- plete litters. Phone 9-R-10 Kirk - ton, evenings. 14* NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Annie Blatchford, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Blatchford, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 13th day of April 1959,. are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 16th day of May next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. • Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 30:7:14c In the Estate of James George Ronnie Notice is hereby given that all Creditors and Others having claims against the estate of Janes George Rannie, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, Retired, who died on or about the 27th day of January, 1959, are required to .forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 23rd clay of May, 1959. And notice is further given that after the said date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shalt have notice. Dated at Exeter, Ontario, this 4th day of May, A.D. 1959. W. G. Cochrane, B.A. Exeter, Ontario, Executors' Solicitor: :14:21e HELP WANTED MALE— DIXON VAN LINES Limited i d are Opening up a new warehouse and terminal in Exeter, Ont. One or two nien, residentsof EQUIPMENT FOR RENT — Exeter, will be required for general warehouse and furniture moving duties. Preference will he shown to applicants with pre- vious experience but this is not a necessity, Only those who possess first &ass references Heed apply. Apply ln' writing to Dixon Van Luys Ltniited 125 Talbot St,, London, Ont, 14e Floor Sanders Flour Edgers, Floor, Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS -HARDWARE Ex1TETt; 3:1'9tfne .ONTARIO AUCTION SALE OF BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION T'ROPFIRTF RALE NO. I.-n22s Eight -room two-storey brick com- bined residence and lunch room x •10'. frame chicken house in* x 20', located at Pt. Lot. 20, Concession Routh Boundary, Town- ship of Hay. approximately 5 miles westerly from Exeter nn the north side of Highway No, 50. Auction Sale will ha held on the property at 2:30 P.I., D.S.'r., on Wednesday, May 27th, 1955. TERMS: rash nr Certified Cheque, together with a certified Cheque for 5100•n6 performance bond at time. sale. Further information may be nh- lained f rom the Department, of Highways, Diet r i c f Office, 551 Huron Stt•eel, Stratford, tlntarin, Telephone OM OR The Auctioneer, Mr. A. Wolper, .17ashwnod, Ontario, Telephone Dash- wood 110. Sale subject. to A. t'e'el'VP hid, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWATS ONTA RIO. 14:21c AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items Several Antiques in the' VILLAGE OF CREDITON on Main Street, SATURDAY, MAY 16 At 1:30 p.m. 3 iron beds, springs and matt- resses; wooden bed; 2 dr•esters and stands; 3 rocking chairs; round extension table and 6 chairs; cabinet; writing desk; small table; card table; kitchen table and chairs; kitchen cabi- net; glass cupboard Duo Therm oil burner; eoat and wood stove; wardrobe; httreau; eldck; alu- minum tea kettle; brass jardin- ere; pictures; dishes and silver- ware; trays; mirrors; pots and pans; aluminum kettles; pint and quart jars; galvanized tubs; large milk can; crocks and jugs; quilt frames with self - supports ; elf -supports; large trunks; step- ladder; scythe; lawn mower; wheelbarrow; oil drum; garden tools; 2 rugs; hooked rugs; table linen; chenille hed spread; fea- ther pillows; quilts; fire extin guisher; 2 truck wheels, tires, 8 ply, and tubes, 16 1( 650, and many other articles, TERMS: Cash. The estate of the latet .Y i1 aiy Wein. WyM. H. SI111111. Auctio'neer Crediton • 14c 1-IEREFORD BALI:-- Lambton efBreeders' Annual Her oxd Iii d s n al r A -Spring Sale, Wednesday. May .. 2 0, on farm of Lyle Cundlck, Wat- ford, i mile east of junction 7 and 79 highways, Sale 1:30 p.m. DST. 14* Community AUCTION SALE in Frank Taylor's Yard, TOWN OF EXETER SATURDAY, MAY 16 Fireplace, all complete"; couch; ice box; oil stove, nearly new; coal stove; Wood stove; beds, springs, mattresses; dressers; commode; chairs; tables; ches- terfield suites; carpets; rugs; new venetian blinds; lawn mow- er; trunks; cabinet radio; card table; floor polisher; garbage pail; electric iron; kitchen chairs; bed lamps; dishes and cooking utensils of all kinds; metal cash box; antique vases; '2 -burner rangette; washing ma- chine, in good shape; old Eng- lish oak dining room suite; buf- fet; oblong table; charm cabi- net; 6 chairs, good condition; chrome kitchen table, red arbor- ite; heavy duty rangette. This is a community sale. Bring anything you have for sale. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 14e Clearing FARM AUCTION Of 100 -Acre Farm Allis Chalmers Implements and Tractor M -H Self. Propelled Combine Truck, Pigs, Sheep Some Miscellaneous and Household Items for MR, GORDON K. TREHARNE Lot 5, Concession 10, LOBO TOWNSHIP, ' 11/2 Miles North of Poplar Hill SATURDAY, MAY 16 FARM: 100 acres of good land, excellent location, modern home, good barns. To be sold by auc- tion, subject to reserve bid, if not sold previously to sale day. PIGS & SHEEP: Registered Landrace sow (imported in dam), just bred; 2 Landrace sows, with litters; 2 Land„*ace sows, due sale day; 2 Landrace sows, bred 6 weeks; Registered Land - race hoar; 6 chunks; 9 Suffolk ewes, with lamb; Suffolk ram. All sheeps are purebred, but no papers, MACHINERY: W.D. 45 Allis- Chalmers tractor, excellent con- dition, new tires, like new; 3 - furrow Allis-Chalmers mounted plough; Allis-Chalmers mounted cultivator; Allis-Chalmers rear - mounted 7' mower; Allis-Chal- mers rear -mounted 2 -row corn p l a n t e r; Allis-Chalmers side rake; Allis-Chalmers corn pick- er; 8-11. Bissell double disc; 13 - run Cockshutt fertilizer disc drill; M -H self-propelled combine with pick-up, excellent condi- tion, 5 years old; 3 -section spring tooth harrows; 4 -section drag harrows; grain elevator; 10 -.ft. power hinder; rubber -tired wagon; steel wagon; 2 -furrow plow; rotary hoe; cultipacker; New Idea manure spreader, on rubber, new. TRUCK: 1950 ?a -ton Fargo, low mileage, excellent condition, 8 -ply new tires; 1fveStock :1'aek. wit]) roof, for i5 -tan truck. �'IISC,Ez,I,AN,F�QIwI,S: E 1 e drill; set of seal.es; woven 'wlr�l fence .stretcher; ,electric Blip, 201outfit; - pers; tattoo Duff t, 1 �3 h.p electric motor; sickle grinder; hay fork .and rope; tools, forks, chains, shovels: quantity of tile many other useful items 10104 ata clearing farm sale. Ititahen set; buffet, table, 4 chairs; sewing machine; trilit,S lamp; bridge lamp; sealers, etc, TERMS: Cash. Sale a.t 1:00 p.m. Auctioneers: HUGH FILSON & TOM ROBSON "The Farmer's Auctioneers" Phone I]derton Collect • Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractor, Farm Implements, Thresher & Misc. items On the Premises, Lot 10, Con. S.E. Boundary, USBORNE TOWNSHIP, first farm south of Kirkton, The undersigned auctioneer IS instructed to sell by public aur tion .on WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1959 Commencing at 1:00 p.m. Sharp Massey -Harris twin power 103 junior standard tractor, in guar* anleed condition; Red River Special thresher, 28x46, on steel, in good condition; John Deere 17 -plate double disc grain and fertilizer drill, on rubber, in brand new condition; McDeering binder, 7 -ft. cut; John Deere lever harrows, 8-11., like new; M -H 2 -furrow plow; Cockshutt 30 -plate double disc; 5 -section diamond harrows, like new; Cockshutt 10 -inch grinder; 100• 11. drive belt; wagon and rack; fanning mill; brooder; incubat- or; coal and wood range, like new; 1,000 -ft. new lumber; 3 chicken shelters; electric range; shovels; forks; chains; table, chairs and other household items. No reserve, as the farm is sold, TERMS: Cash. JOHN PODOLAN, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 14e AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL SATURDAY, MAY 23 at 1:00 p.m. D.S.T. Beatty electric washing ma. chine; McClary cook stove; or- gan; rollaway bed; bed, springs and mattress; dressers; bureau; settee and chair; odd chairs; kitchen table and chairs; small tables; kitchen stool; couch; fernery; pillows; quilts; drapes; 2 rugs, 12' x 10', and 12' x 9' liioleum: scatter mats; lamps; odd dishes; kitchen utensils; wall mirror; hall mirror; pie - tures; crokinole board; toilet set.; stepladder; lawn mower; garden tools; wood, and numer- ous other articles. TERMS: Cash, MRS, FLORENCE A. FEE, 1 Proprietress ED CORBETT, Auctioneer ' 14:21s Business Directory BELL &LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS $, NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER PHONE 4 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Heau Office -- Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde R.R. 3 Mitchell Vice -President Milton McCurdy R.R. 1 Kirkton Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney R.R. 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1 Crom arty Timothy B. Toohey R.R. 3 Lucan Agents Harry Coates R..R. 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchell Soliciter W. G. Cochrane Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter ALAN POWRIE AUCTIONEER Fergus, R.R. 1, Ontario Phone 201w2, Fergus A COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Graduate of the keiseh Sehool of Auetioneering, Mason 'City, Iowa, DR. J. W. CORBETT L,D.S„ DENTAL SURGEON 814; Main Street South. Phone 2t3 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons a W. S. O'NEIL & SON AUCTIONEERS LIVESTOCK GENERAL FARM SALES AND REAL ESTATE For sale dates PHONE 287 GRANTOR/ COLLECT \ W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensall Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:30 EXETER PHONE 1( DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D,S., D.D.S. Main Street tExetelf Closed Wednesday Afternoons PHONE 36 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone SS ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC, Ann 51., Exeter Phone SM ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER P'or your sale, large or snail, courteous and efficient service at all times, "Service That Satisfies° PHONE 119 , DASHWOOD G. A. WEBii, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC bRUGLESS THERAPY For Appointment Phone 6015