HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-14, Page 8P• liPt-7.?4r7.:'''Ti '77\ 477:0=4771=7 4
• May 14, 1959 Nigel
and district news
Mrs- Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGrepor, phone 56
at services.
Christian Family Day was ob-
served RI the united Church
Sunday morning with Sunday
School scholars assisting with the
service. Rev, Chas. D. Daniel
delivered an .appropriate mes-
sage and was in charge of the fence with a rope which broke
causing the tree to fall the wrong
baptismal service. way failing on to telephone
Babies baptized were Bradley wires, which broke the fall, It
John Buchanan, son of Mr. and landed on top of Mr, McFar-
Mrs. Keith Buchanan; Cameron lane's car parked a few feet
James McArthur, sae of F/O away.
Ralph McArthur and Mrs. Mc• The 1953 model was badly
:Arthur, Centralia; Deana Ruth damaged with the roof smashed
Reaburn, daughter of Mr. and in.
Mrs. Robert Reabern; Barbara
Ann Smith, daughter of Mr. and
Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Staffa VVI
Mrs. Grant Smith; Douglas John
e Smith; David Edward
Traquair, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Tree falls on .ca.r„
smashes in roof
Jelm McFarlane, Clinton, was
cutting down a large maple tree
with a chain saw Friday eve-
ning in front of Wilmer Fer-
guson's residence on Richmond
St. south.
The tree was tied, to the back
Arthur Traquair, Woodstock: picks slate
Stephen Patrick Venner, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Venner. Miss Vera Hambley was re
Receiving the rites of baptism
at Chiselhurst United Church
were Marilyn Elaine Brintnell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Brintnell and Floyd John Up -
shall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Upsh all.
Euchre winners
receive prizes
Mrs. Inez McEwen, noble
grand, presided at the meeting
of Amber Rebekah Lodge No.
349, on Wednesday evening. An
invitation was received from
Monktori Star Lodge to attend
its meeting on May 22,
Plans were completed to attend
the 50th. anniversary of the
Goderich Lodge on Wednesday, Sorsdahl, Mrs, L. Miller; citizen -
May 13. All members are to ship and education, Mrs. Cecil
have the proceeds from the bed Bowman, Mrs. Sam Norris; his -
spread tickets handed in by the torical research, Mrs. W. Glen -
second meeting in June. A dele. ville and Mrs. R. Smale; home
gate will attend the Park Board economics and health, Mrs. Car -
meeting on May 20. Euchre was ter Kerslake, Mrs. R. MacDon-
enjoyed following the meeting. aid; resolutions, Mrs. T. Laing.
The ladies' first prize was won Mrs. R. Smale and Mrs. R.
by Mrs. W. Kennedy, and the Sadler favored with two selec-
gent-' prize by Wilbert Buchanan. tions.
Mrs. Glenn Bell, vice -grand,
presented the prizes for the
marathon euchre: Ladies' first,
Mrs. Lorne Chapman; ladies'
second, Mrs. Ken MacLean; con -
elation, Mrs. Lindsay Eyre;
gents' first prize, Howard Lem -
mon; second, William Kyle;
consolation, A. Orr.
Personal items
elected president of Staffa
Women's Institute at the annual! Mr. James Dougall, who under -
meeting held in the hall last' wentsurgery in Clinton General i
Wednesday. Mrs. Tom Laing ! Hospital last week, was able to
presided for the election, and I return to his home Monday.
Mrs. Ross &male acted. as secre- •
Hensall men
split $1,000
iNtVAm:neeting followed.
Kippen ladies
study Hawaii
The May Meeting of KippenWMS. and "'A was. held last
Thursday evening in the 'Sunday
School rooms. with 1\lrs. Ralph
Turner and Miss 'Irene Turner .as.
Mrs. Eldon Jarrott conducted
the worslup•errnd during
Mrs. E. Kyle read the Scripture.
After a short cancer film was
presented, Mrs. Consitt presided
for the remainder of the meeting.
he president mentioned that
anyone having old nylons could
bring them to the June 'meeting
to go in the bale.
Miss Gwenneth Hendrick fav-
ored with a recitation, and Mrs.
John Sinclair read a chapter on
"The Hawaiian Islands," from
the study book.
Five men, four of them from
Hensall, split a $1,000 •cash prize
given away at a "Five Grand"
dinner sponsored by Mocha
Temple Shriners in London
Thursday night.
Name on the ticket, was Bill
Mickle, liensall, hut four others
contributed toward it and shared
the prize. They were Jack Drys-
dale, George Beer and Stuart
Bell, of Hensel', and Jack Clare,
Tickets for the event were $25
each and holders were eligibleto win a $5,000 grand prize.
Persona( items
Miss Betty Moir. of London,
was a weekend visitor with her
aunt, Mrs, Elsie Case, and sister,
Miss Wendy Case.
Mrs, R. E. Shaddick spent the
weekend in Toronto with her sis-
ter, Miss E. Churchill.
Vice-presidents are Mrs. R,1 Tuckersmith man
Worden and Mrs. Carter Kers-
lake; secretary -treasurer, Mrs.
John Miller; assistant, Mrs.
Gerald Agar; district director,
Mrs. G. Agar; assistant, Mrs, O. Wednesday when he suffered a
Reed; branch directors, Mrs, J, heart attack while mowing the
Wallace, Mrs. J. Templeman, lawn at his Tuckersmith farm
Mrs. J, Drake, and Mrs. Lloyd home.
Miller; press reporter, Mrs. John .A. native of Holland, he brought
Drake; public relations, Mrs, .T. his family to Canada eight years
Templeman; piansts, Mrs. R. go and has lived most of that
Reed; assistant, Mrs. L. Sorsdahl. time in this area. Up until De -
Secretaries are: Canadian in- cember, when he suffered his
dustries and agriculture, Mrs. L. first heart attack, he was em-
ployed at the Mickle poultry
farm, 'Hensel!,
He was a member of Bethel
Reformed Church, Exeter, and
served on the building commit-
tee when it was erected several
years ago.
The family lives on the farm
of Lou. Clark, RR 2 Kippen.
Surviving are his wife, Antje
Roessink, and six children,
were Mrs. R. Smale. ry, Albert, Bill; Annie, Elly and
victim of attack
Everet Vanderworp, 50, father
of six children, died suddenly
Mr. and Mrs. Dort Avery, of
Sarnia, were weekend visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flynn and
Joyce, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Mr. Sam Rollins, accompanied
by his mother, Mrs. Rollins, of
Landon, were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flynn and
Sgt. John Beer, Mrs. Beer,
David and Johnny, of Springfield,
were weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Beer.
Weekend guests with Mr. and
Mrs. George Armstrong were
Miss Mary Buchanan, Toronto,
Mrs. Merlin Love, and Mrs. John
Buchanan, of London.
Mission Society
studies Mexico
Mrs. E. Rowe presented the
study on Mexico at the May
meeting of the WMS of the United
church in the church school.
Mrs. Drake, Mrs. Miller and Dick, all at home. One child
Mrs. Sorsdahl.
Mrs. Aldwinkle left on Thurs-
day for Ottawa, where she will
visit with relatives.
Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Reid conducted by Rev. R. Van Far -
and Allan spent Sunday with rela- owe. Interment will be in Ex -
fives in Tiverton, eter cemetery.
died a year and a half ago.
There are a number of brothers
and sisters in Holland.
Funeral service will be held
Friday at 2 p.m. in the Bon.
thron Funeral Home, Henna,
Cromarty comments
CGIT make coasters I Mr. Will McLachlan. of Bruce -
At the fourth meeting of the I field, visited on Wecinesday with Mr. Andrew McLachlan.
Cromarty CGIT held last Tues-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl,
day, the girls worked on their i Alice and Connie, with Mr, and
project — the making of coasters'Mrs. John Chessell in Mitchell.
— under the supervision of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Beckier,
W. Nairn. Zurieh, visited on Thursday with
Mrs. G. Laing led in a sing- their daughter, Mrs. Donald
song. Joyce Kerslake acted as Scott.
secretary, and Mildred Howse as Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner, at
treasurer. Rostock with her parents, Mr.
There were 11 girls in atten- and Mrs. Henry Eggert.
dance. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton
and lamMrs. John Houghton and son
ily, Mitchell, Mr. and
The meeting of the YPS was John, Mildmay, Mr. and Mrs.
held in the Sunday School room Reg Stagg and Ricky, Exeter,
on Sunday evening with Al Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp and Aud-
roorn on Thursday afternoon, Sorsdahl presiding. The Scripture r„,,, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken
She illustrated her talk with; lesson was read by David Scott,
Rolph and family, Mitchell, and
and Mildred Howe led in prayer, Mr. Frank Stagg, with Mrs. M.
Miss Brenda Kerslake had her
tonsils removed in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, on Friday,
With Mrs. Sadie Scott were Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Scott, Muriel,
Gerry and Ronnie, Mr. And Mrs.
T. Colquhoun and Irene, Mrs.'
Eva Colquhoun and Jean, and
Miss Viola Miller, all of Staffa,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Ina,
Dorothy, Anna, Agnes and Frail-
ces, and Mr. and Mrs, Duncan
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Hunkire
Belmore, Mr. and Mrs, J. C,
CA the Official Board the group assisting, Mrs. Scott also gave a Cornish And boys, Seaforth, Mr,
along with the Evening Auxiliary brief report of the Synodical Alvin Worden and family, Mrs.
meeting which was held in Cliff Miller and Bonnie, and Mr.
Mrs, C. D. Daniel led in the
devotional using t h e theme
"'Brotherhood." She was assist-
ed by Mrs. Albert Alexander,
Mrs. Laird Mickle favored with
piano solo.
President Mrs. George Arm -
The secretary and treasurer's
reports was react by Alice Sors-
Mr. Lloyd Sorsdahl led the Bible
study. The service on Sunday
was conducted by Mr. Howard
Kerr, of Teronto.
strong, who conducted the busi- WMS
teas, paid tribute to the late
Mrs, T. Laing was hostess for
Mrs, Annie Blatchford who was
are active member of the or- , the May meeting of the Woman's
anization. Missionary Society. Mrs. William
The group accepted an invita- Harper presided and conducted
tin to St. Paul's Anglican the worship period.
church, Friday, May 22. The Mrs. T. L. Scott. had charge
bale for overseas relief will be of the study lesson, with Mrs.
eked June 2, At the request Houghton and Mrs. Grace Scott
Miss Marie Jarrott, nurse -in.
training at Stratford General
Hospital, spent the weekend with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Jarrott, returning to her duties
on Tuesday.
Members of the Legion Branch
entertained the Legion Ladies'
Auxiliary to a social evening in
the Legion Hall on Friday and
were entertained bY Mr. Jim
Millman of London svho provided
selections on the piano, humor-
ous jokes and many other nem-
bers. A. buffet luncheon was
Exchange vows
will cater for a banquet for the
choir and Sunday School teach.
ers. Mrs, Rowe, Mrs. Armstrong
and Mrs. Mickle were appointed
a committee to represent the
The Baby Band party will be Scott
held June 10. Mrs. W. Dining Mothers' Dtiv visitors
is the superintendent. Conveners •
for the party are Mrs. W. B. With Mr. arid Mrs. Frank
Cross and Mrs. R. M. Peck. Allen were Mr, and Mrs. Anthony
Goderieh. and rs. D. ad1cr, taxia,
Mrs, Grace Scott read an and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrill.
interesting article written by Mrs. ton, with Mr, and Mrs. William
Dickson, of Ferenosa, Current Hamilton,
events were given by Mrs. Sadie Mr, and Mrs, L Sorsdahl, Alice
and Conriie, with Mr. and Mrs.
John Chessell.
Mr, and Mrs, X. McKellar
with Mr, and Mrs. W, N. }Mining,
Zurich prepares
for incorporation
Chairman Lloyd O'Brien said
this week the Zurich trustee
board hopes to keep expenses te
minimum this year in prepare.
Rots for indoeporation,
"We are trying to lay low and
tot do anything Major until We
find out hose much incorporation
*ill Cost," he said,
The board hopes to Meet With
Its solicitor, E, Bell, QC,
teeter, as soon As pessible to
Ilisetas the incorpdratiere
The trustees, who ntet MoriclaY,
Ipproved purchase of two new
15 KVA, transformers for the
It als d 'disci to eontinue
Allen and family, Stratford; Mr.
and Mrs. Eldon Allen and family,
Mr. And Mrs, Alf Ross and fain.
ilY, Staffa, and Mr, and Mrs.
Murray Christie and faintly.
Mr, end Mrs. Donald Wallace
and sons, Kenneth and Xeith of
Carlingford, with M. and Mrs,
George Wallace,
Legion Bingo winners Saturday
night were: Mrs. Powell, Godc,
rich; Mrs, Fleischautt, Zurith
(2); Carol Xerr, Mrs. M. Sangt.
ter, Miet Hanriah: Murray (tied);
Mr. B. Forteatet, Zurich; Mts.
Bruch, Clinton; Mrs. Bedard,
Mrs. Richert (tied); Mrs. A.
Reletiett; Mrs, T. C. COatee;
Mrs. W, J. Catireeeil; Mrs. Ray
Fisher, Zurich; Met. N. Baird;
Mrs. Powell, GOderich; Mt. Des
liability iiistirande coverage On pont; Share the Wealth, Mt.
the fair groundt and hall Powell, Goderithi, wile received
Personal Reins
Mr. and Mrs, Garfield Kincaid
and son Tem, of Prescott, visited
on Tuesday With Mrs, Grace Stott
and Mr. Andrew McLachlan, and
with Mr, and Mrs. Carter Kers.
lake and other Me/1d5 in this
community. Mrs. Kincaid is the
former 'Verde Gardiner, daughter
of Mr. And Mrs. Robert Gardiner.
Mr, and Mts. Gordon Kerslake
and family, of St. Mary, word
Sunday visitors with Mt. and
Mr. John Wallace.
Mr.. Wilmer Ilowatt and Mrs.
James Howatt and family of
Londesboro, visited (ril Saturday
with IVIts, David Gardiner'.
Mr, And Mrs, jaek gado&
and Debbie, of Mitchell, Visited
trit Sunday With Mr, and Mrs,
3arnes Ramsey,
Mere Se**
in London chapel
In First St. Andrew's United
Church chapel, in London, May
9, at 2 p.m., Elizabeth A. Donald,
of London, exchanged* wedding
vows with D. Eric MacMillan,
RR 2, London, before Rev, D. A,
MacMillan, father of the groom.
Holy communion service renewed
the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Blosdale,
and the groom's parents are Rev.
and Mrs. D. A. MacMillan, all
of London.
The bride chose a cream bro-
caded dress with chapel train,
and carried flesh colored Johanna
Hill roses and a prayer book.
Her attendants were Mrs. Carl
Longmuer, of Centralia, as
matron of honor, and Mrs. Rob-
ert L. Spear, of Winnipeg, Man.,
as bridesmaid, They were gowned
alike in green peau de soie with
matching accessories, both carry-
ing Johanna Hill roses.
Mr. Norris MacMillan attend-
ed his brother, and the ushers
were Mr. Richard Blosdale,
brother of the bride, and Mr, John
The organist, Mr, Calennac-
conipanied the soloist, Miss
Eunice MacDonald, immediately
preceding the ceremony, who sang
"The Wedding Hymn," and dur-
ing the signing of the register,
"The Lord's Prayer."
A reception followed at the
Latin Quarter, London, and
guests from a distance included
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Little,
of San Diego, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Spears, of Winnipeg.
Man.; Mrs. Mary Schwab; of
Bermuda, and others from To-
ronto. Brantford, Ancaster, Zur-
ich. Falconbridge and Kenora.
For travelling, the bride wore
a turquoise suit with brown and
white accessories.
Fallowing a three-week honey-
moon to Vancouver. B.C. and
Edmonton, the couple will wel-
come their friends at their home
in London.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passmore,
of London, visited this week with
the former's mother, Mrs. Pearl
Passmore and Norma also with
Mrs. Passmore's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Bell,
Mrs C. Payne
flies to England
Mrs, Carl Payne left Crumlin
Airport last Wednesday and flew
to London, England, where she
will spend two weeks with her
two sisters and other relatives.
It is 13 years since Mrs. Payne
came to Canada and this is the
first visit home.
Mrs. Payne is on the staff of
Scott Memorial Hospital, • Sea -
Jack Traquair, Hensel', won a
550 cash prize in a draw con-
ducted recently by the Orange
lodge, Exeter.
W. J. 'Doc'
Installation and Repairs
Phone 208W
Kippen ,comments
'Ir % .and Itirs. Garnet :Shipman
and family, and Mrs. M. Fink-
beiner visited :Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold ,Jones.
Sundae guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. It. Cooper included Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Harkness and fam-
Uy, Parkhill, Mr, and, Mrs.
Jim 'Campbell and daughters, of
Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs, Don Cooper
and son, of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parker, of
Chatham, spent the weekend with
their daughter and eon -in-law,
Mi-. and Mrs. Leonard. Lovell and
Mr. Keith Lovell spent the
'weekend in Chatham with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bissett, 01
London, visited a day last week
with Mr, .and Mrs. W. L. Melt's.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchin-
son, of St. Thomas, were week-
end visitors,
Mothers' Day service at St.
Andrew's United Chnreh was well
attended, and the choir was made'
un of mothers of the congrega-
tion, The minister, Bev. D. A.
MacMillan, administered -beetle:
mal rites to Jill Charlene, &ugh -
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
McLellan; Christine Clara, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mc-
Gregor, of Hensall, and Deborah
Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Consitt. The story, "The
Little Colt," was told by Miss
Sl.aron McBride, and a duet was
given by Kenneth and Grant
Thank You
I would like to express my
sincere appreciation to the
members of the Kinsmen,
Legion, Chamber of COM-
meree and all others whe Sc
generously assisted in clean-
ing Up the debris left by the
tornado which struck our
We are alSo grateful for
Many other kind acts of aS-
SiStance Which. We have re-
14Urondale Dairy
Mr. and Mrs.. F. W. Rowntree.,
o Weston, were weekend guests
of Mr, and Mrs. N., Long.
Sunday, May 17, the annual
YPS anniversary morning serv-
ice, will have as guest speake,r,
Rev. E. J. Roulston, ex -president
of London Conference. and on
Sunday, May 24, at the conclu-
sion of service, a reception sm.
ice for new members from the
communicants class.
1-g•GIQN .A105 DAMP :FV.10 -
At the May meeting .of the
flensall Branch of the Canadian
Legion held in the Legion Hall
last Wednesday and chaired by
the president William Bnown,
$10J00 was voted to the Tubercle
lar Veteran's Summer -Camp
WMS gon.ducts
friendshiP night
President Mrs. Ken Elder pre-
sidei. for -.the May ineeting,of the
Evening Auxiliary, held in the
ehurch schoolroom of the tinned
,Church Monday evening. Mrs. H.
Keys was'in charge of the devo-
tional with "Brotherhood" the
theme. She was assisted by Mrs.
J. Corniel and Mrs. E. -Chip-
An invitation to attend a social
evening in St. Paul's Anglican
Church Friday, May 22,. was.
Mrs. Donald Joynt was in
charge of the program. It was
"friendship night," and slides
were sham in charge of Rev.
O. D. Daniel. Mrs. Joynt con-
ducted discussion on ways and
The Leal Association of GUid4
ingheld a successful paper drive;
on Saturday. Approximateiy
en tons of paper Was colleeled:
by the .Giri Guides.
'Trucks used in the drive- were
those of Tom Lay.ender. Barry
Hoy and Hyde's 'tractor and trail-
er. ,..General Coach Works ,of
Cartacta. Ltd :took the papers. 41,-
LondOn grads,
means to interest ,newcomers 111,
the community.
Hostesses were Mrs. Spencer
And Mrs, Wes Richardson,.
Loans $1.50.to $2,500. or more.
Take up to 30 months
to repay on a wide
selection of loan plans.
Fast, courteous service,
Seven Exeter Customers proved
last week that Jack Pearson
did murder prices on the cars
they bought.
Jack says: "We will continue to slash prices. We dare you to, make us
an offer. We won't be undersold by anyone!"
What h e yr• u g t to trade?
'59 CHEVROLET IMPALA Hardtop, equipped
with automatic drive, radio, whVewalls,
2-tone,inew car warranty $700 off list price
'58 CHEVROLET YEOMON, 4 -door Station
Wagon Only $2,395
'58 CHEV ESTATE WAGON, radio, whitewalls
'57 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2 -door, whitewalls,
windshield washers 51,895
'57 BUICK 2 -door hardtop, equipped with
automatic drive, whitewalls, wheel discs
Only $2,395
'57 PLYMOUTH 2 -door, 8-cyl., window wash-
ers, a sharp car Only $1,895
automatic drive, radio, whitewalls,
'57 BUICK CENTURY 4 -door sedan, full
power, owned by a member of the clergy.
'56 BUICK SUPER 4 -door hardtop, automatic,
power steering & brakes, executive driven $2,295
'56 FORD CROWN VICTORIA, automatic,
radio, whitewalls, sharp $2,295
'56 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF Hardtop, hydra-
matic, radio, chrome fender skirts, full lea-
ther interior $2,295
'56 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan, can't be told
from new. New 'car warranty Only $1,695
'55 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN, custom radio,
2 -tone, whitawalls $1,395
'56 BUICK CENTURY Convertible, power
steering, power brakes, radio, Dynafiow 52,295
'56 METEOR RIDEAU Sedan, autoniatic, cus-
tom eacho, lust like new.
'56 CHEV 2 -door, 150 series, sharp car 51,695
'56 PONTIAC Station Wagon, Pathfinder De-
luxe Model $1,795
'56 FORD CUSTOMLINE 2 -door, smart 2-tOne $1,895
'56 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 4 -door hardtop,
radio, hydramatic drive, whitewalls 52,295
'55 MERCURY MONTEREY, Alocidot sedan,
automatic, wheel dists, a sharp car, only$1,275
'55 PLYMOUTH 2;door hardtop, automatic,
radio, whitewalls, 2 -tone $1,495
'.55 OLDS 88 Sedan, radio, power steering,
pewee brakes. What are we offerein
'55 FORD STATION WAGON, Custornline
model, whitawalls $1,695
'55 BUICK SPECIAL hardtop, Dynaflow,
custoM trim, whitewalls $1,495
'54 METEOR RIDEAU Hardtop, automatic,
radio, rear speaker, very sharp.
'53 MONARCH Hardtop, radio, whitewalls, a
sharp car
$ 995
'53 CHEVROLET 2 -door hardtop, equipped
with new motor , ..Only $ 895
'53 FORD.Coach, new paint, excelle'n't shaPe $ 795
'53 CHEV BEL AIR Sedan, with powerglide,
radio, 2 -tone, etc.
'53 CHEV 150 Sedan, an economy car Only $ 593
'52 CADILLAC Convertible, the pride of the
fleet. Make us an offer.
'52 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan, radio, auto-
matic drive. Name your own price.
'52 DODGE Deluxe Sedan, refinished in black,
like new $ 693
Six other '52 Chevrolets and Pontiacs. No reasonable
offer refused.
f51 CHEV Coach Only $ 295
'51 CHEV FLEETLINE 4-dcor, like newOnly $ 495
'51 BUICK ROADMASTER Sedan, equipped
with new motor and radio $ 695
Nine '51 Plymouths, Chevrolete,...Pontiacs and Dodges'
from $295,
3—'50 FORD 2 -doors, all mechanically good, $295 ea,
'50 DODGE Sedan, only 40,000 miles $ 295
'50 CHEV Station Wagon, the only one in
captivity , Only $ 593
'50 FORD 2 -door, with all-new tires $ 395
'30 MERCURY Sedan, radio, excellent trans-
portation $ 195
'50 FORD COACHES (3) at $295 each, •
'49 AUSTIN Soda,. in nice shape „ , , .... Oniy $ 99
GMC 1/2 -Ton Pickup, locally owned, like new
'57 FORD 1/2 -ton, wideside, like new . ... .,.,... $1,595
'56 DODGE Iii -ton pickup
'56 DODGE 2 -ton with 12-ftvan, like nev,P. •
Only 'SS CHEVROLET 1/2 -ton pickup „„... 51,895
'53 GMC 1/2 -fon pickup, with stock rack .„,„„ $ 750
'49 DODGE 4 -ton &Ant, 5 -speed transmission,
big motor, excellent shape $ 695
'47 STUDEBAKER 1 -ton, in good shape $ 250
'36 CHEVROLET 11/2 -ton truck, positively like news
otors Ltd.
Phone 78 Zurich Phone 408litetele