The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-07, Page 16E"'..'""•• ° '' , " :' ' '' - • .
'Pas 16 may 7,, 1959
and district news
Phone 104 Lucan
.Party celebrates
47th birthday
Mr. Fred Armitage of Alice
St. was guest of honor at his 87th
birthday party helki at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Arnold
Morley and Mr. Morley, Luean.
Ur. Armitage who .had been
visiting in Owen Sound just re-
turned on Saturday in time for
the birthday celebration.
Guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
Laverne Allison and family,
Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Graham, London. Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Wilcox, Owen Sound, Mr.
And Mrs. Norman Keyes, Wind-
sor, Mrs. Peggy Graham, Wier -
ton, and 1\Ir. and Mrs. Wes Hick-
son, Luean.
Mr. Armitage, a retired farm-
er, has lived alone in his Alice
St. home since the death of Mils.
Armitage in February 1957. He
has five daughters and one son,
some of whom live in Lucan.
Surprise birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Zimmer-
man and three children of Kitch-
ener were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. M. G. Smith. During
the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Laclde and two children and
Miss Joyce Holinger o V)Tater-
loo, sprang a surprise birthday
party,on Mrs. Smith by landing
in with a turkey dinner and
birthday cake.
YPU president resigns
The Lucan -Clandeboye YPU
met in the Lucan school room
last Sunday evening with Nancy
Scott in the chair. The resigna-
tion of Sandra Williams, as presi-
dent, was regretfully accepted.
Terry Culbert, vice-president,
becomes the new president, with
the nominating committee to
appoint a new vice-president.
At the next meeting on May 17,
at Clandeboye, the members of
the YPU will attend the church
anniversary evening service fol-
lowed by a fireside and refresh;
ments. The special speaker, the
Rev. W, J. Moore, will be a guest
of the Young People.
With Mrs. Murray Hodgins at
the piano, Keith Frost led in a
ping -song.
Harold Frost as group con-
vener led in a missionary wor-
ship service. He was assisted by
Marjorie Sovereign and Keith
Continuing "Faiths of World
Study," the subject was, "What
is united about our church?"
Buzz groups were led by Mrs.
George. Paul, VMS afternoon
vice-president; Mr. Wilbert Stan-
ley, representing the session, and
Mr. Alex Young, representing
the committee of stewards. Fol-
lowing the reports of the buzz
groups, the Rev, Edgar Roulston
made comments.
Executive meeting
At an executive WA meeting
in the school room last Wednes-
day, tentative dates were set for
the Blossom Tea, May 23, and
Parsonage Tea, June 10. The
president, Mrs. Murray Hodgins,
was in charge.
Meeting of committee of stewards
At a meeting of the committee
of stewards last Monday night,
a music committee and a janitor
committee were named to seeure
a new organist and a new janitor
for the church.
After the Sunday service the
28 canvassers for the Middlesex
Presbytery Capital Fund were
given the lists of names on
whom to call.
The major project of this fund
will be a tJ.C. residence on the
University of Western Ontario
campus. The Lucan eampaign,
which began on Monday, will last
two weeks.
Pentecostal Holiness Church
The Women's Thursday prayer'
meeting was held at the home
of Mrs. Rufus Thompson with
Mrs. Meine Eizenga in charge,
and Mrs. J. A. Graham taking
the Bible study,
Correspondent: Miss Lino Abbott
Wins music
The six Lucan girls who com-
peted in the eleventh annual Ox-
ford County Mune Festival held
in the Woodstock Presbyterian
hurch breught honor is their
teacher, Miss Bette Leake, their
school and their parents.
Not only did Alarsha and Jo-
Anne Ribson, for the second con-
ectItive year, capture first place
in their duet but 11 -year-old Jo-
Anne, with a mark of 87 won the
;Sentinel -Review $25 scholarship.
! In 12 years and under solo,
!Janet Kehl and Jo -Anne tied for
third place, with a mark of 84.
Right behind them were Carole
!Davis with 83 and Marsha Rib -
'son with 82.
, In 11 years and under solo,
two beginners also did splendid-
IY. Ann George 82 and Louise
Cochrane 81,
Legion binge
The news of the Lucan Legion
Auxiliary bingo games seems to
be spreading abroad, for among
'last Thursday's winners were
players from Granton, Clande-
boyet Exeter, Ailsa Craig and
Crediton but Mrs. Pat Crudge
Lucan, with another two wins,
is still holding her own.
Share the Wealth $5.00 was
split between Mrs. Orville Dixon
of Ailsa Craig and Mrs. Paul
Poole of Lucan. The consecutive
bingo was won by Mrs. Schroeder
of Crediton, Mrs. Pat Crudge,
Mrs. Arthur Hodgins of Clande-
boye and Mrs. D, Thirwall of
Ailsa Craig.
The jackpot consolation prize
of $5.00 wentto Mrs. H. W. Adair
of Ailsa Craig, Other winners in-
cluded Cpl. and Mrs. Maurice
Davidson of Exeter, Mr. Arthur
Harlton, Granton, C. D. Nixon,
Exeter, Mrs. Clarence Young,
Mrs. William Mathers, Mrs. A.
E. Reilly, Mr. Louis Lemieux,
Mr. Les Leuphe, all of Lucan,
Ladies Guild
There was a good attendance
out for the April meeting of the
Anglican Ladies' Guild, in the
parish hall last Monday evening.
The president, Mrs. Kay Egan
chaired the meeting and Mrs.
Erwin Scott presided at the pia-
During the business session it
was voted that the Guild be
again responsible for the paying
of the church taxes.
Mrs. Allan Ryan and Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins volunteered to
represent the Guild at the May
Cancer Dressing.
The date of June 24 was set
for the strawberry supper in the
churth basement.
A Mother's Day bake sale was
planned for Saturday, May 9 in
the parish hall, with Mrs. Er-
win Scott as convener, and Mrs.
F. W. Hovey, Mrs. Charles Hag -
gar, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins, Mrs.
Herman Young and Mrs. George
Hodgins as assistants.
Liberals choose candidate
Dr. John Paul, 41 year old Uni-
versity of Western Ontario pro-
fessor of psychology, last Tues-
day night was chosen Liberal
candidate for North Middlesex.
Dr. Lloyd Hall, Lucan veterina-
rian, and A. E. (Pete) Smith,
London Township councillor, who
were nominated declined to
I Personal items
I Mr. and Mrs. William Little-
john, formerly of Mitchell, have
rented Mr. James Freeman's
apartment, on Princess St.
VP meeting
In the absence of Mr. :lack
Eizenga last Friday night, Mrs.
Eizenga was in charge of the
devotions and A Bible quiz,
.Accompanied by Misses Velma
she also entertained with a trio.
Anglican Church
The traditional Rogational Pro.'
eession last Sunday morning was
held at Holy Trinity Church,
HarveY Poole, as crucifer, was
followed around the outside of
the church by the junior choir,
Senior choir, servers, the rector
And congregation, The Litany,
which was begun in the church,
was continued outside. During
the service., seeds, representing
the 1959 crop, wore blessed.
Flowers in the thence! were in
loving memory of the late Mr.
joseph Beaton.
Barbara Lynn Read, infant,
daughter t)f Mrs. Joan Read and
the late Charles Anthony Bead,
WAS baptized on Sunday, April
19, at the Church of the Asten.
Sion, in Don Mills, by the reetor,
the Itv G. R. Thempson,
She wort the haptianial dress
frf her god-mothet, Miss Heather
Ann Hately, daughter of the
former ht e Jessie. Read, of
**roma! items
:Last Tuesday Mrs. James
Avery entertained in honor of
her hushand's birthday. Guests
*ere pitted, from Nilestown,
Lanibetlio Claddeboye and Lucan,
Mrs, W. Douglas
Grantor' resident
Mrs. William Douglas, 7n, of
Grantondied in St. 1 ..
Hospital. London an Thursday.
April 3. She lay at rest in the
C. Haskett and Son funeral
home, Lucan, until 2 p.m. Sat-
urday, May 2 when the Rev. J.
H. Vardy of the Granton United
Church conducted funeral serv-
ices. Interment was in Zion cern.
et ery.
Pallbearers were John Doug-
las, Bill Douglas, Alvin Harness,
Harold Harness, Isaac Dann and
Gerald Dann.
She is survived by one sister,
Mrs. Charlotte Dann of London
and one brother, Garnet Har-
ness of Granton.
Mrs. Douglas, the former Cora
May Harness, was the daughter
of Isaac and Margaret Harness.
She had lived in Granton for
over 30 years. Mr. Douglas, a
blacksmith, died last November.
Attend WA annual
Airs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs,
Murray Hadgins, Mrs, H. B.
Langford, Mrs. Erle Young, Mrs.
A. E. Reilly and Mrs. John Park
attended the UC Woman's Auxil-
iary annual in the Robinson 1JC,
London last Thursday.
Mrs. Revington was elected
Leadership Education convener
and also reported on visiting and
Christian Fellowship:
Friends shower
Margaret Neil
Mrs, Will Haskett and Mrs.
Clarence Haskett were co -host-
esses at a miscellaneous shower
last Thursday evening held at
the home of the former. The
guest of honor, was bride -elect
Miss Margaret Neil whose mar-
riage to Mr. Glen Prout, Exeter,
will take place in the United
Church parsonage May 15. Over
60 friends and neighbors of Miss
Neil were present.
During the evening a life-saver
contest was held and young peo-
ple entertained with musical
numbers: Larry Lewis, accor-
dion, Tommy Hardy, solos with
guitar accompaniment, Nancy
Haskett, Joan Nagle and Jean
Marie Lankin, piano instrumen-
70$h birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett
and family last Sunday attended
a family gathering held at the
home of Mrs. Haskett's sister,
Mrs. John Dunleavy of London,
in honor of their father, Mr, H.
Ritchie's 70th birthday.
More Lucan News
On Page 17
Take Note
Bring this ad and a new
player to the
Legion Bingo
MAY 7 OR 14
and each will receive a
litilitittlittiottioutoottititt nom to motto tottottot tiottoottionottortifilitt iiii i !moot itinottittillitliiinO
$1 On
• JEWELLERY by "CORO" .............. ,„., •
• HANDBAGS, for Summer imported
straws and white plastics ,
• NYLON HOSIERY 67c, pr, $1.25
First Quality .. ......
• SLEEVELESS :BLOUSES, new shiprnent,
$1n white and colors, drip-dry . •98
• CELANESE PANTIES 39c, 3 pr. $1.00
• COTTON ih SLIPS, shadow panel ° 99c
• SUMMER, DRESSES .. $5.98, 2 for $11.00
• NOVELTY APRONS, fancy trims .„,„„„... 98c
• PYJAMAS & GOWNS —.a...0,—. $298
• LINEN TEA TOWELS, 22" X :32" 49c
• GLOVES, eliamoi86tit *loll $1.59 and $1.98
79c and 98c
• SCAVES, prihted, square
'Downing„ 71,
western banker
Clarence Downing, 71, died in
Lethbridge Hospital May 1 after
a lengthy illness. Funeral serv-
ices and interment were at Leth-
lie is survived by his. wife
Ruth, his 99 -year-old father, Mr.
William Downing, a Alief St.,
Lucan. and one brother, Harvey
Downing of Ashburn, Georgia,
Son of Mr. William Ddwning
and the late Mrst Dowmng, he
was born in Alvinston, coming
, to Lucan at an early age, where
be attended the Liman Public
and High School.
He' began his husiness .career
in the Merchant Bank, Lucan,
i and later moved to Mildmay and
Alvinston. in January 1911, short-
, ly before his mother's -death he
was made manager of a Mani-
toha branch of the Bank of Mon-
treal. While manager at Moose -
jaw he was made bank inspec-
tor of both western and Ontario
banks. Finding the work too
strenuous he accepted the man-
agership of t h e Lethbridge
Explorer news
The Luean - Clandeboye Explo-
rers met in the United Church
school room la'st Monday eve-
ning, for their 9th expedition. '
The meeting opened with
games, in charge of Counsellor
Kae Haskell, who also led in the
worship service and told the Cu-
ban story, "Bow Cannon Found
Her Head." Dianne Cooper read
the scripture lesson and Cathie
Mathers lit the candle.
Counsellor Rose Revington was
in full charge of the star cere-
mony for achievement and at
least 75";, attendance at church,
Sunday School and Explorer
Judy Coughlin, Daisy Cobleigh,
Cathie Mathers and Dianne Coo-
per received their second red
star for attendance and memori-
zation of the first verse of two
hymns; Louise Cochrane, Cheryl
Thompson and Patricia Cobleigh
won their second blue star for
attendance and outstanding gen-
eral improvement. Barbara Park
andMargaret Cobleigh received
their first geld star for attend-
ance participation in worship
service, games and songs.
viscussions ,120a7:11: zctilltoeol Canada ber„ ilAkaernsd'
1 •
25. Mrs. James 'Freeman, Mr.
R. Rummell And thepresi-
b g i 11,1 $
dent, Mrs. -Calvin ifaskett vol -
1, 1unteered toform a committee to
make the necessary arrange-
ments for the former,
Mrs. Sheridan Revington and.
Mrs. G. H. George were named
3,atanyonini7n:ettlinngg.committee to bring
in a slate of new -.officers for 1,11e
Rev, Fred Thomson volunteer-
ed to dress a _doll in _dollar bills.
for the Home and :Sehool project
jattuitA, T4raadned and Fair,"
urging 5.
l3tackspoke toIbMrs. Art eon caneer
Mrs. James Freeman and Mrs.
Charles Skolly volunteered to
represent the Home and :School
A four question panel discus-
sion high -lighted the April meet-
ing of the Nome and School As-
sociation, last Tuesday night in
the school auditorium.
The questions were: What can
the Honie and School do for the
home, the school and the com-
munity? Where does the Home
and School fail in interesting
parents? What types of program
are most effective and how can
fathers be ptirsoaded to attend
the. meetings, are meeting too
long, should refreshments be
Following the panel the mem-
hers were divided into groups for
an interesting buzz session. Mem-
bers of the panel included .the
Rev. Fred Thomson, Mr. E, A.
Masurinjohn„ Mrs, Dave Park,
and Mrs. Jack Bison with tkIrs,
R. M. E, Engel as moderator.
In spite of teeming rain there
was a good attendance, with Mr.
Jule Desjardine's room winning
the .attendance cup. 10 place of
the usual opening, Mrs. Art
Black read the "Beatitudes For
Tea clams."
During the businesssession it
was decided to hold the milk
Foundation ,demonstration„ May
Personal .14ms
111r. and Mrs. .IYAMOS. Freem0
and family, spent last weekend
in•WOodstoCk, the Pegs of Mr
and Mrs, A. I% Freeman. and
at the May cancer tf.ressing meet!,
Mr, Desjardine spoke :on de-
linnuent ehildren, maintaining
much of the Mame was due to
lack of interest of parents in
their .children's 4c(tNjfies, He
spoke of the school track meet
scheduled for June 19 and made
a Special plea for parents to
attend and encourage Their !ebil''
Principal Wesley Clow cleared
up some misunderstanding about
children entering the school on
wet days,
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Grand Bend (Sub -Agency): Open Mon., Wed, & Fri.
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Dashwood (Sub -Agency): Open Mon„ Wed. & Fri.
Hensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager
Lucan Branch: JACK STEACY, Manager
Zurich Branch: . JOHN BANNISTER, Manager
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