HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-07, Page 13• Remember .mother:4elther about 17: The 7imes-A0VOCete1 May 7, 7959 Page 73 classified FOR som,g, FOR SALE— I REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE,—. WANTED— I HELP WANTED, TENDERS— JN HENSALL — Let and .8 -room OFFICE EQUIPMENT — Head- SEWING MACHINE, Singe quarters for Royal typewriters, electric portable, with zig-Zag, Victor adding machines. We can embroiderers, monograms, blind nave you money! Exeter Times- hems eta., under guarantee, full Advocate, Phone 770, 27t1c balance $36.00 or take up pay- ments of $6 monthly. Pleas UPRIGHT PIANO with bench, in 'replY to Box. No. "JS", Exete good condition. Phone AC 8-6683. Times -Advocate. 30:7 2tic DEEP FREEZE, upright, Quick ; brick cottage newly decorated , also barn; both in good stale of ' repair. Apply Wesley Venner, Ilensall, 30:7* r HOUSES—New houses located in * Exeter, 2 or 3 bedrooms, land- scaped, mortgage arranged. Also ' low cost homes for rent or sale. s After small down payment, Jet at, their besL Russell Pqlectric, or best offer, Mrs, Normllockey FAST! FAST! Film service. freeze, apartment size., _2 year 0 your .rent be payment on your Exeter. -30:714:21e 7:14c "Silk Finish" and glossy prints old, will hold up to 150 lbs., $10 PIONEER SEED CORN is test- BOAT, 16' outboard cruiser, 35 ecl for seed strength in cold, wet h.p. electric Evinrude„ and eon at a temperature of 48 de- trailer, Joe Pavkeje, phone AC grees. For hybrids with plenty 8-6297. 30:7:14* of hustle and big yields, plant Pioneer this spring. Keith Lovell, RR, 2 Kippen, Ont., phone Hen- sel! 678-R12. 30:7:14:21:28c E, L. CHAFFE And Sons. OFFER , • Used Machinery iso Cockshutt diesel tractor, live PTO, belt pulley and power steering, used 3 seasons, just like new; 20 Cockshutt tractor, adjustable front end, live hy- 30:7* draulie and 3 -point hitch, in A-1 condition and repainted; used 4- TABLE POTATOES, No, 2, 75 bar John Deere side delivery ib, bag, $1.00; No. 1 table pota- rake, like new; No, 3 Cockshutt ,toes; No. 1 large -potatoes for hay loader, all -steel, Al condi- restaurants and french fries; tion; set of all -steel half tracks, also feed potatoes. T. L. Soud side adjustable, used 6 weeks, ant, RR 2 Grand Bend, phone just like new. See these and a 44-R-2 Grand Bend, • 4:30tfc full line of Cocks'outt tractors and machinery. Order your Cock- shutt parts now. Also 1954 Chev coach, radio and heater, in A-1 condition; 1948 Chev Sedan. E. L, CHAFFE 4 SONS 'Your Cockshutt Farm Dealer No. 4 Hwy. and Crediton Road Phone AC 8.6641 ALDRIN FERTILIZER FOR TURNIPS also 201, GRANULAR & , 20el- LIQUID ALDRIN BORAX ALSO IN STOCK Would appreciate orders for Aldrin fertilizer two days in ad- vance as fertilizer will be mixed only on order. READ FERTILIZERS LTD. Exeter 7c Canada's National Magazine MACLEAN'S Special Subscription Offer 60 Issues — $4.50 Half the Newsstand Price! CANADIAN HOMES & GARDENS 48 Issues — $7,00 CHATELAINE '50 Issues — $4,00 Sive time, save postage—let us renew your subscriptions. THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE Phone 770 SURG MILKER Parts available from: Harvey Ratz, Shipka Howard Pym, RR, 1 Centralia LOVELL H. McGUIRE Surge Service Dealer New and Used Milkers Call -Wingham 593, Clinton HU 2-7207 7;14:21:28* SOWS, Lacombe and York, to farrow in late June; also young Lacombe hogs. Emerson Pen - hale, phone 92-R-7 .Kirkton. 30:7* DOUBLE BED, all walnut, with springs and spring -filled matt- ress, good condition. Phone 873- W. 7c 17" TELEVISION, Crosley, with base, $70. Phone 35-r-10 Dash- wood. 7c OUTBOARD MOTORS, 12 h.p, and 81/2 h.p., cheap ,for cash; fibreglass covered boat, 14 foot; 1948 Dodge coach, excellent con- dition, Harvey Hunt, 219 Algon- quin Dr., ,RCAF Centralia, phone AC 8-6622. 7:14* ELECTRIC R A N,G E, Moffat, high oven, good condition. Phone 356 Exeter. 7c KEEP COOL with. a 1958 Mar - 'coni air conditioner, 1 ton, used YORK HOG — Ross Love, Ship - 1 month; :1958 Maxwell 18** ka, phone Dashwood 165-R-12. Whirlcut Deluxe lawn mower, ,new; used Beatty clothes dryer, 3 years old, in good shape. These units to be sold at greatly re- duced prices. Roy Campbell, phone Hensall 98, in evenings. 30:7c BEATTY PUMP, suitable for use with a windmill; also 3 large range shelters on skids, with shingled roof. Edwin Miller, RR, 3 Exeter, phone Kirkton 44- R,-2. 7* GLADIOLI BULBS, jumbo; dwarf phlox and dahlia bulbs Baileys Florist, phone 276. 7c 2 TRUCKS, 1946 International K7. Apply Tuckey Beverages. 7c For Sale AT 111 COLUMBIA DRIVE, RCAF CENTRALIA Frigidaire Imperial Washer and Dryer . $350.00 McClary Deluxe Frig., 9 eu. ft.. holds 37 lbs, frozen food -----------------195.00 McClary Automatic Stove, apartment size150.00 General Electric Washing Machine 35.00 T.V., Hallicrafter 21" 100.00 Plymouth car, 33,000 miles, coupe, good tires, clean motor . . 195.00 Purebred Black Labrador Dog, 3 years old, spayed 35.00 Tear Drop Trailer 200.00 Four Tents, 9 x 9 ft. , 12.50 6 x 6 ft. 5,00 4 x 6 ft. 3.50 Wall tent, 6 X 6 ft. 3.50 One Coleman Stove 5,00 6 Air Mattresses (For alt 8) . 8.00 4 Air Pillows (For all 4) ., 2.00 Studio Couch 5.00 Small Ice Box 1.00 20 RANGE SHELTERS — Apply (Men Swartzentruber, itrt 3 Zur- ich, phone Dashwood 26-R-17. 7* REFRIGERATOR, Philips, $65; kitchen enamel cupboard, $4. Phone 120.3 after 6 p.ni. 7c ENSILAGE—A good quantity of corn silage ensilage, Phone 164- R-1 Dashwood, TWIN POSTER, BEDS, 1 pair, walnut, complete with springs and spring -filled mattresses, in good condition; used kitchen suite (buffet, (able and 4 ehairs), natural finish, Apply Dinney tirriittire, phone 20 Exeter, 7c 12 SPRINGERS, *Holstein. Apply Edwin Miller, Tut 3 Exeter, phne Kirkton 44-R-2, -f(Y-ET. ELEVATOR, Ring Wyse, Used 2 seasons. Apply John Miners, RR 2 Exeter. 7:14* SEED CORN backed by replant - big agreement. Pioneer gives you fret seed eorri if you Must die, Up and teplan ant for y reaon. Order streng germinat- ing Pioneer new, 8to KAM Lod, 2 Kippett, Or phOtie Hens all 6/84-12. 36:/;14:212k 7c 2 TRICYCLES, used. John Kats, bicycle repairs, 103 Sirncoe St., phone 993-W Exeter. 7* SPECIAL 13'",, discount on cool dacron and cotton mesh during the month of May only, See your Spencer dealer. Mrs. Pearl Bayn- ham, phone 171-W Hensall. 7c 500 BALES HAY—Emerson Pen - hale, phone 92-R-7 Kirkton. 30:7* FOR RENT - 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, furnish- ed and heated, with 4 -piece bath and separate entrance. Avail- able now. No pets, please. Apply evenings at 169 William St., or phone 400-W. 12*tfc APARTMENT, ground floor, partly furnished, newly decorat- ed, separate entrance, suitable for one or two, central location. Apply Box "G", Times -Advocate. 7c APARTMENT, upper, farm house on edge of town, 4 rooms and 2 -piece bath. Available im• mediately. Phone 356 Exeter. 7c HOUSE and buildings, 6 acres of land, main road, immediate possession. Apply in person. Harold Cuclmore, RR 1 Hensall, 7c APARTMENT, cozy, brigh t, heated, furnished; suitable for two; private entrance. Phone 61- R. 7* APAR,TMENT, 1 bedroom, on ground floor, suitable for 1 or 2 persons. Phone 863 Exeter. 7c SMALL COTTAGE, unfurnished. Phone 276 Exeter, 7c 3 -ROOM COTTAGE, central lo- cation, suitable for elderly per- son. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. East, CABIN, in Southcott Pines, Grand Bend, close to lake, by month or seasen. Apply Box "S", Ti m es -Ad voca te. 7:14e WANTED TO RENT— APARTMENT, partly furnished, for young eouple, by July 1. Phone 451 :Kxeler. 7* EMPLOYMENT WANTED— ODD JOBS, carpentering, paint- ing etc. Phone Centralia AC 8- 6687, 1:511c REAL ESTATE— GRASS rAT1114 —100 acres with two springs. About 15 acres Of buth, Lot 31, Ceti. 11 ticidulph, Contact W. S. O'Neil, phone 28-7 dratiten, 3:26tfe PtAsTEAtto CO'.rTAGE, 2 lid - room, 14 -ft. built-in kitchen( Cup- boards, good closet spate, fufnaee, utility tenni with taut). dry tubs; tile, hardwood Item's; 3 -piece bath, het water On tap; in geed State of repairs; ideal IcleatiOn, Amity Fred 'latter, 255' Carling St.$ Exeter, ph0116 224- 1;14* own home. Apply Art Whilsmith, contractor, Exeter, phone 386-M. 10:9tfc W. C. Pearce REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 86 Anne St. Exeter Phone 435 3 -BED, 2 -storey house, 3 -piece bath, coal furnace. FRAME DUPLEX, oil furnace; bathrooms. COSY COTTAGE, in Clandeboye, garage, garden. 3 -BEDROOM red brick house, oil burning furnace, 3 -piece bath, garage, in Centralia. 2 PASTURE FARMS We have a good choice in farms, 40 acres to 200 acres. EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 FRED COLE, Phone 544-R RUSSELL BRODERICK Phone 1187-W 2:19c Houses EXETER — Large home, good condition, suitable for duplex, hot water heating, ideal for an income and a home; $5;000 down. EXETER—One year old, 2 bed- rooms, living room, bath, kit- chen, dinette, full basement; $3,000 down. EXETER — 3 - bedroom house, modernized, good condition, good lot, close to business section, full basement, oil heat, low down payment. GRAND BEND -3 -bedroom win- terized cottage, river front lot, kitchen, bath, living room-, $2,000 down—reasonably priced. Business Properties RESORT TOWN — Restaurant— good location, completely equip- ped, modern building, seating capacity 48. This is a good busi- ness with a low, low down pay- ment, SERVICE STATION — Good gal- lonage, popular make gasoline, well located. For information on • Farms • Business Properties • Homes contact: M. J. Gaiser Real Estate Phone Exeter 24 SALESMAN: SAM HENDRICK Phone 711 C. V. Pickard . EXETER We have clients wishing to purchase Exeter homes. If you wish to sell, see us. We are offering the following and other properties: APARTMENT HOUSE, Exeter, with central oil heating. This property requires renovating but can be purchased at very low price, on easy terms. 3 -BEDROOM BRICK, good Ex- eter location, nice living rooms, bath up and down, sun porch; high, dry basement; new oil burning furnace. Terms. MEDIUM sized 11/2 storey brick —1 bedroom down, 2 up; full bath up and down; new roof; central Exeter location; close to schools. Price $7,500 on easy terms. CENTRALIA — Comfortable 2 - bedroom cottage; good base- ment; oil burning furnace; par- ticularly nice lot. This property is in best of condition. Price 56,500.00—terms. To buy or sell, see C. V. PICKARD, Realtor, and General Insurance, 394 Main St., Exeter, phone 165 and 628. 6:5tfc FARMS 100 ACRES — Good 4 -bedroom house and L-shaped barn. Land is well drained and is :located on paved road; Ph miles to school and. church. Price is $16,000 and terms can be ar- ranged. 50 ACRES -- Of which 20 acres are muck land suitable for market gardening; modern house with good outbuildings. Priced at $9,000, 148 ACRES — Located close to Exeter 6n paved road. Good 4- bedrom house with modern kit- chen and conveniences, Twe barns and lots of water, Price $19,000 with terms. * * * 3-13EDR.00M insul brie!: house, in Exeter. Owner will , trade en 100 acre farm located near Ex- el,er, preferably north or west. All proposals will be. considered. NEW HOMES IN EXETER a-13E1)1100M BITICK—Full mite $8,100 with $1,100 down, balance $59.00 per month including prin. eipal, interest, and taxes, JOHN 'BURKE Representing L Cosby, Linden 534 Main St,, Exeter Pherte 862 4;1:16:23:4c PreferredLocation in Exeter Building Lot Three blocks from heart of busi- ness section. 3 ' blocks from schools, on east side of town. Size (85 x 90), ideal for modern ranch style house. Good neigh- bors, good drainage, good ser vices. Owner must sell because he's buying house. Quick deal for $1,200. Phone 11 Exeter. 7tfn seRvIcgs— WAT,S R1.00 CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. H phon- ing long distance, simply ask for-- CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 If it is a local call use our regu- lar number— CLINTON HU 2-3441 For service or more informa- tion, call between: - 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. week days 6:00 and 8:00 P.M, Saturday] evening. For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. The quality is high and the cost low, 1.2:31tfc FARMERS wishing their cattle sprayed for lice, phone Bill Wat- son, Dashwood 37-r-19. 12:4tfc ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners and polishers. Sales and service. R. E. Ruttam, Goderich, phone 1154. 16:23:3017* SEPTIC TANKS pumped, im- mediate service. Butler. Bros., Lucan, phone 130-W or 108. 4:2tfc FAST, EXPERT SERVICE ON * TV, Radio and Appliances * Electric Wiring * Oil Burners EXETER ELECTRIC Phone 723 30:7:14:21c HIGHEST CASH PRICES for sick, down or disabled horses and cows. Dead stock at value. Call promptly; 7 -day week ser- vice, Call, Ed Andrews, Collect, 851-R-1.1 Seaforth, 3:5.8.27* WASHING MACHINES repaired on weekends. Apply Paul Sass, 66 William St., Exeter, phone 354-W. 0 23:30:7:14:21* WILL CTJT GRASS .— Available nights, any home in town, Phone 344-J Exeter. HELP WANTED FEMALE— Junior Stenographer FOR EXETER BUSINESS OFFICE Apply in writing to BOX' LMX, THE TIMES -ADVOCATE 26cifc GIR.LS for summer employment needed for Chuckwagon Coffee Shop, Grand Bend. Telephone 23 daytime or 75 evenings—Mr. L. Blue. 7:14c LADY CLERK Typing experience helpful but not necessary, Apply BANK OF MONTREAL Exeter 7:14c FEMALE for waitress and ear hop duty, full or part time. Ap- ply Parkway Drive -In Restaur- ant„ RR 2 Grand Bend. 7c •• LADY for coinpanion for a middle-aged woman in exchange tor room and board in Exeter. Phone 799 Exeter. HELP WANTED MALE— FARM HELP -- Require single man; experience preferred; year round employment. Apply to Gerald Regier, phone 89-r-9 Zur- ich, 30:7* MAN to sell men's clothing in Exeter store; must be able to accept responsibility. Apply Wal - per's Men's Wear, Exeter. 7e TRUCK DRTVER—Apply in per- son to Guenther Tuckey Trans - pert. 7c MAN required for general work in feed mill, Apply Exeter Dist- rict Co-op. it BABY CHICKS— REQUEST pricelist of good buys on Bray dayold heavy breed cockerels. Immediate shipment dayold and some started dual purpose pullets and cockerels, Some Arne8 pullets also Leg' horns. ItrdJ 's time te o er une- July broilers. Erie Carscadden, Bray Hatehery, Exeter, phone phone 2411-W, 7en PERSONAL— WH Y PEEL ()LW reg yearS younger, OWN: Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40, Only 86d. At druggists. I:14;216 •ains ATTENTION FARMERS —Alt CLEANING STAFF, male or fe- QNCE$S1ON PRIVILEGES types of good poultry wanted. Ingle, Lyric Theatre, Exeter. Picked up and weighed at the Phone Roger Cantin, AC 8-6923 farm. No grade except for culls.! or apply in person at theatre at Give us .a try. Call Leslie Hood,night, 7c p ne e 663-R-4 Collect. 23:30:7;14c LOST, HAVE ROOM for 2 pasaengers BUDQIE, yellow and light green. from Exeter to -London daily Reward, Phone Exeter 245-W. except Saturday, at 7 a.m. Phone Bensall 668-R-33. 30:7*i TENDERS— PISTON TYPE PUMP for shal- low well pressure system. Apply J. P. DeJong, RB. 1 Crediton, phone AC 1-6252. 7* SPINET PIANO used, walnut or mahogany finish. Must be excel- lent tone, good condition. Phone 356 Exeter. 7c PASTURE for a few one -year- old cattle. Phone Granton 72-R-7, 7* NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the .Estate of James Norman•Cowan, deceased, Ail persons having claims against the estate of James Norman Cowan, late of the Township of Hay, in the county of Huron, Accountant, who died on or about the 3rd day of De camber 1957, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 9th day of May next after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administratrix, Exeter - Ontario, 23:30:7c In the Estate Of Annie Blatchford, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Blatchford, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of t Huron, Widow, who died on or i about the 13th day of April 1959, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 16th day of May next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario, 30:7:14c In the Estate of James George Rennie Notice is hereby given that all Creditors and Others having claims against the estate of James George Rannie, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, Retired, who died on or about the 27th day of January, 1959, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of May, 1959. And notice is further given that after the said date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall. have notice. Dated at *Exeter, Ontario, this 4th day of May, A.D. 1959. W. G. Cochrane, B.A. ' Exeter, Ontario, Executors' Solicitor. 7:14:21c HELP WANTED— CARETAKER for Caven Presby- terian Church. Apply Art Whit - smith, phone 386-M Exeter. 16: 23tfc COOK GENERAL For London home. Two adults and one child. Private room and bathroom. ' Experience preferred but not essential if willing to learn. High wages. References required.-W:ite Box "A.B.", Exeter imes- Advocate. 23:30:7c NOW is the time to secure a good Avon territory, and be pre- pared for big Spring selling season. Openings in Exeter, Kirk - ton, Centralia Village and sur- rounding 'district. Write Miss V. M. Mosher, Box 86, Owen Sound, Ontario, stating telephone num- ber. 30:7:15* BOOKKEEPER, with Recounting experience preferred, male or female. Apply in person, Middle- ton' ancl Genttner. 7c JANITOR.CARETAKER The McGillivray Township School Area Board will receive applications up until 12 o'clock noon, May 26, 1959, for a janitor - caretaker and maintenance man for the new 8 -room school in McGillivray 'Township. Please apply stating exper- ience, qualifications and salary expected to David Henry, Secre- tary, Clandeboye, Ontario, 7:14c Employment And Claims Officers $2010 - $3360 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION Omicrieh, Ontario Poster or information and An- pheation forms at Natienal Employment Service and Post Offices. Apply to the Civil Ser- vice CeininisSiOri, 25 Si. Clair Avenue tast, Termite 7, BE- FORE. MAV' 16, 1956, /t GRAIN STORAGE UxSE70, Grain St' Tenders orieangdeWWafArnernhEo11,01: at. Hensall, Ontario, for W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd., Blenheim, Ontario. Sealed tenders, plainly marked on the outside as to contents, will he received by the under- signed until 5:00 p,m., Thurs- day, May 14, 1959. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the under- signed upon receipt of a certi- fied cheque made payable to the Architect in the amount of 325.00. This depdsit will be returned when plans and specifications are returned to the Architect in good condition. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FREDERICK W. H. DAWES, Architect, M.R.A.I.C. Chatham, Ontario, P.O, Box 178 7c LIGHT INDUSTRIAL FUEL. OIL Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon. May 26, 1959, for supplying light industrial fuel oil for one year to the McGillivary Township Area Central School. Price per gallon to he included in tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DAVID HENRY, Secretary Clandeboye, Ontario 7:14c TENDER OPENING NO. 26 stZ stho-'4.52, ONTARIO For Sale CORDWOOD AND USED BUILDING MATERIALS ONTARIO HOSPITAL. SITE, GODERICH, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- ERS will. be received in the of- fice of the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto 2, On- tario, until 4 p.m., E. D. Time, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 3959 for the Purchase and Removal of all or any part thereof of approximately 100 cords of mix- ed Elm and Basswood, used concrete blocks, timbers, win- dow frames and sash, and gal- vanized sheet roofing from the site of the proposed Ontario Hospital at Goclerich, Ontario. Tender form and tender enve- lope may be obtained on ap- plication to Mr. C. Bedard, Superintendent of Construction, Department of Public Works, at the proposed. Ontario Hospital Site, Goderich, Ontario. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. April 22nd, 1959. J. D. Millar, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario, 7c CANADA SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "TENDER FOR FEDERAL BUILDING GODERICH, ONT.", will be received in the office of the Secretary, until 3:00 pan, (E.D,S.T.), WEDNESDAY„TUNE 17, 1959 Plans and specification can be seen and forms of tender ob- tained at the offices of the Chief Architect, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Ontario, the District Architect, 385 Wage Street, Toronto, Ont., and can he seer: at the Post Offices at Kitchener, London and Goderich, Ontario. To be considered each tender must be accompanied by one of the alternative securities called for in the tender documents. Tenders must be made on the printed .forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set firth therein. The Department, through the Chief Architect's effice, or through the undersigned, or through the office of the. District Architect at Toronto, Ont., will supply blue -prints and specifieli- tion of the work on deposit of AVM nt: $150.00 in 'the form of a certified hank„ cheque or money - order payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada, The deposit will be released Olt e - turn of the blue -prints And spetifitation in good odition within a month from the date of reception of tenders. If net re- turned within that period the deposit will he forfeited. the lowest of any tender hot necessarily accepted, 110S0.111, -P Chief of Administrative Services, and Secretary. bepartment ot Publie Works, Ottawa, April 20, 1050. 711 'Tenders for concession privi- leges on the fair grounds at the twilight meet on Wednesday, June 3, will be received by the undersigned on or before May 18. Highest. or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. C. ALLISON, Secretary Exeter Turf Club 7:14c Main St. United Church FRANK TAYLOR Auctionegt CHURCH SHED 30:le Tenders will be received by and pans; sap pails; coppor boiler; hand corn planter; large 1 garden tractor with plow, har- rows, disc, cultivator, scuffler; horse seuffler; cutter; 4 water ' fountains; 14 bundles of rooftugt new; roll of chicken wire; forks; shovels; hoe. hand cultivator; rake; potato fork; stythe; Swrd- ish saw; cross -cut saw; 2 hand saws; small oil heater; Atpie sprayer; electric heater; AAP' ladder; tub bench; long ladder: wheelbarrow, fence puller; hapd cattle clipper; small Astral frig, good; many other articles, • the undersigned up to 6 p.m., May 9, for the purchase of this 30 x 60 cement block shed. Shed must be removed from premises, clean to foundation. Highest 'or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. R. ROSS TUCKEY, Exeter, Ontario The Grey -Bruce -Huron Aberdeen Angus Breeders' Association ANNUAL SPRING SALE in the OWEN SOUND COLISEUM THURSDAY, MAY 21. et 1:30 p,m. Ten sires and 22 females hays 30:7c been consigned. The auctioneer is Duncan Brown of Shedden; Gordon L. Riney, Underwood, EQUIPMENT FOR RENT— Ont., President; T. Stewart Cooper, Markdale, Ont., Secre- tary. 4:11a Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum, Cleaners, Tools, Etc, BEAVERS HARDWARE EXETER 2:19tinc AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Misc, Items For Mrs, Ed Hughes 11/4 Miles East of Crediton and 2 Miles South, Con. 4, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1959 2 beds, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers; davenport set with 2 chairs; pillows; china cabinet; dishes; oil painting; 2 dresser lamps; organ and stool; 2 corner shelves; wall shelf set; 2 small tables; round extension table; kitchen table; 5 oak chairs with leather seats; 9 kitchen chairs; high chair; side board; kitchen cupboard; 2 buffets; 4 pair cur- tains; Singer sewing machine, good; 3 Lino. rugs; rocking chair; 2 large mirrors; 2 floor lamps; daybed, full size; small daybed; ironing board; good iron; toaster; tin churn; glass churn; butter howl; bake board; 8 dozen quart jars; some pots Huron Hereford Association ANNUAL SPRING SALE FAIR GROUNDS, CLINTON TUESDAY, MAY 12 1:30 p.m. 14 bulls, 23 females. Polled and horned. Many bulls are. AR tested, eligible for 33% grant, others at 20t. 76 Culture, like custard, curdles when it's overdone, IMPROVE CIRCULATION! EASE TENSION! with t Niagara Cyclo Massage Free Home Trial, Cal! Bill fak Ruth Gaiser RR 2 Dashwood Phone 59ir2 oununnuMmi llllllllllll nomunun ttttttttttttttt mint tttt minummuulinunnufiumMunimililflitilailiri BUILDING LOTS .1 EAST OR WEST SIDE OF TOWN $600 to $1,000 for Good Size Lot Some of these lots may be purchased with $300 down and balance on monthly payments. Buy now while lots are available and use the lot as part of your down payment when you decide to build . your new home. 3 JOHN BURKE Representing L, Cosby • a PHONE 863 MAIN ST., EXETER I ,tflimminttanitunimmmt ttttt nummimullnunnimuntinufinfinilutiunnflinimmintunnimminnak, Business Directory BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER, D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER PHONE 4 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY Hear', Office — Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Bolide R.B. 3 Mitchell Vice -President Milton McCurdy R.R. 1 Kirkton Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney R.R. 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner 11..R, 1 Crom arty Timothy B. Toohey R.R. 3 Lucan Agents Harry* Coates R.R. 1 Centralia Clayton. Harris Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Exeter Secretary.Trea surer Arthur Eraser Exeter ALAN POWRIE AUCTIONEER • Fergus, R.R. 1, Ontario Phone 20114, Fergus A COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Graduatof the Reisch School of Auctioneering, Mason City, Iowa, U.S.A. DR. J. W, CORBETT L.D.S., bENtAL SURGEON 114 Main Street South Phn.271 Exeter dosed Wednesday Afternoons W. S. O'NEIL & SON AUCTIONEERS LIVESTOCK GENERAL FARM SALES AND REAL ESTATE For sale dates PHONE 287 GRANTON COLLECT W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensel!. Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:30 EXETER PHONE 14 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL. suRoeoN L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon* PHONE 36 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekdar Except Wednesday Fer Appointment Phone 351 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC. Ann $t., Exeter Phone SO4 ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER Far your sale, large or small. courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service Thet Satisfies" PHONE 119 DASHWOOD G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY ilOr Appointment ?lime 6611