HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-07, Page 5C.„.. . ESTAIKISHER 1909 kutheree Women Meet The regular ineeting of the United Lutheran Church Women of SL Peter's Lutheran. Church Was held last Tuesday. The topic "Phoebe the Dee- conness" was presented by Mrs. Kalbfleisch, describing the typical work and life a a dee- conness. Personal items Mrs. Nancy Koehler has left for Toronto where she intends to spend the next, five or six weeks. Mrs, Albert Clausius enter- tained 10 children 'to a birthday party for her six-year-old daugh- ter, Cheryl, Miss Virginia Deichert, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with her family and relatives here. Mr, Jim Wilds, of Fenelon Falls, who was recently trans- fiered to that place from Bank of Montreal, spent the weekend in town. Mrs, Ivan Kalbfleisch has re- turned from spending a few days with her daughter in Lon- don, Mr, Clarence Parke, of Gosh- en Line North, who has been a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital for several months, was able to be brought home the past week and is recuperating here. Mrs. Henry Clausius is getting along nicely after her operation at Clinton Hospital. Mrs. Gideon Koehler suffered a fractured wrist several days ago when she fell at her home, Mr. and Mrs. Butepm of Staf- fa, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Will Davidson during the past week. Mr. Ed, Deichert, of Bank of Montreal staff, at Sarnia, was a weekend visitor with his parents and other friends. Misses Susie Bedard and Dianne Thiel, who hold positions in London, spent the weekend with their parents here. Mrs. Mary 'Brenner and daughter, Mrs. Cook, of Kitch- ener, have returned to Zurich to reside, Mrs. Brenner suffered a serious accident near Kitchener more than a year ago. HE ORRESPONPENT, MRS, .C.HESTER SMITH St. Peter's host to rail y About 150 ministers and dele- gates attended the annual .Stin- day School convention held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church here on Sunday. Rev. Pelton Glebe opened the convention and Bev. A, Deters, of Tavistock, deliv- ered the sermon at the evening service. Rev. Fisher was litur- gist for the service. Personal items At a special meeting the trus- tees passed a motion that Zurich would become an incorporated village. It is hoped by the trus- tees all arrangements will be completed before the end of the year so a reeve and extra coun- cillors can he chosen at the reg- ular nomination. meeting. Donna, the five - year - old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hu- bert Schilbe, who, has been quite ill at her home the past week, is recovering. Mr, and Mrs, .Ed Kraft, of Dashwood, were in town on Sat- urday. Miss Marlene Wagner, of Pub- lic school teaching staff at Kitch- ener, was visiting over Sunday with her parents„ Mr. and Mrs. Len Wagner. Miss Grace Fish- er, of Kitchener, was also a guest, Miss Arlene Haberer, of Lon- don, and Mr, Arnold Meyers, of Port Huron, Michigan, enjoyed the weekend with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Ha berer. Miss Gloria Deitz, of London, was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. Deitz. Mrs. Kenneth Breakey is re- cuperating at her parents' home in Clinton after being confined to Clinton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. Elligsen and family, of Brodhagen, were Sun- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Pepper and family, Dr. Hauser, of Waterloo Col- lege, conducted services at St, Peter's Lutheran Church on Sun- day morning and delivered an impressive sermon, 10111 lllll fffff 11111011111111111113111111111,11111111111111111111111011M111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111b TENDER For Laundry Equipment HURON COUNTY HOME, CLINTON, ONTARIO Tenders for the supply of laundry equipment for the new addition to the Huron County Horne, Clinton, Ontario, will be received by the under -signed until 4:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 26, 1959. Tenders are to be in sealed envelope, clearly mark- ed "Tender for Laundry Equipment". All details and specifications may be secured from the under -signed. Lowest or any tender, or part thereof, not neces- sarily accepted: JOHN G. BERRY, SEC.-TREAS. Huron County Home Committee Court House, Goderich, Ontario If11.11t111P11111111ifiliillitfitottf symi 11911W11111111111111 /111111 lllll 11111111111111,11111/1111 lllll 1111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111mmillintlIM11111111111114 Only 3 Days Left In Westlake's Furniture Sale Ends Sat., May 9 10,00 There's Still Some First -Class Bargains Waiting For You! Don't Miss This Opportunity! Valuable Door Prixes'Orawn for a 10 pan. Safurday . . Westlake Furniture PHONE 04 imuntoinimmthimuitimitimultiliwinufmommitliviritoitfiti.6,ffitiumatukuhutou, ZURICH In hospital Mr. Joseph Swartzentruber and Mr. John Bader, of Goshen Line South, are patients in St. Joseph's Hospital at London. Mr. Swartzentruber suffered a fractured hip on Friday when be fell in the barn. Mrs,- Allan Gascho and Mrs. Ward Fritz have returned from attending the convention of the Women's Society of World Serv- ice at Pembroke. The ladies also enjoyed a lour of Ottawa, Mr, AL Sauder has started work on his new home located next to Lutheran Church. Teachers wed . in Zurich rites In a quiet double ring cere- mony in the Evangelical UB church, Zurich, on Friday eve- ning, May 1 at, 7 p.m. Donna Catherine Desch, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pesch, and Donald. Leroy O'Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs, Leroy O'Brien, all of Zurich exchanged marriage vows before Rev. A. Amacher, The bride chose a street -length gown of white brocade with scoop neckline, three - quarter length sleeves, Her elbow -length veil was held by a sequin and pearl embroidered headdress and she carried white feathered carna- tions and red .roses. Her only attendant was Miss Judy Willert, Zurich, who was gowned in a street -length dress of blue crystalette and match- ing headdress, She. carried a bouquet of shasta daisies. Groomsman for his brother was William O'Brien, Toronto. A reception was held in the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, The bride and groom are gra- duates of Toronto and London Teachers' colleges respectively. The bride teaches at USS 9 Hay and Stanley and the groom at SS 12 Hay. Mr, and Mrs. O'Brien will re- side in Zurich, Lutheran Ladies Aid The May meeting of Lutheran Ladies Aid was well attended with Mrs. Bert Klopp as chair - lady for the devotions. Miss Ruth Haberer favored with a piano solo. Mrs, A. Finkbeiner was in charge of the business. Mrs. J. Turkheim reported on the dinner served at the Sunday School teachers convention on Sunday, May 3. Some of the profits real- ized will he given to the junior choir to help with the cost of the new gowns. An invitation was extended to all ladies to attend the meeting of the Women's Institute on Thursday, May 14 in the town hall. Zion Lutheran c h u r c h, Stratford have invited all the la- dies of the church to attend its centennial in June. , Mrs. Ray Fisher gave a report of the work that has been com- pleted at the parsonage. Personal items Mr. Quimby Hess, of Peter- boro, was visiting his mother, Mrs. Marie Hess. Mrs. Elizzie Hey spent a few days at her cottage at Grand Bend. Mrand Mrs. Herbert Kraft, of Detroit, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Rudy Stade on Satur- day. Mrs. Nora Feiertag and friends, of Detroit, visited around town with relatives and friends. To achieve success one must make an attempt, Former GB resident anniversary speaker By MRS. g. KEPWN M the Morning service in Grand Bend United Church the Woman's Missionary Society had charge of the serviee, being their annual missionary Sunday. „Mrs. Douglas GUI, president, Jed in the service, and, the WMS mem- bers took their places in the choir. The guest speaker was Mrs. C. D. IVIcKeen of Harrow who also spoke at the WMS serv- ice at Greenway church in the afternoon, Mrs. IVIelCcen was the. former Beatrice Green and was well known in the district, hay - big spent her childhood days here, the sister of Messrs. Bur- ton and Henry Green, Mrs. Mc - Keen also taught in the local school and in SS No. 10 school. After the service Mr, and Mrs. Burton Green entertained at a family re -union d i n n e r, the guests being Dr. and Mrs. Me Keen and their sons Douglas and Jimmy and daughter Mary of Harrow, Mr. and Mrs, John Tay- lor and family of Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs, H. Hoggarth and family of London, and Mr. and Mrs. H. ,Joyce and son of Detroit. Dr. and Mrs. McKeen also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green later in the day. Put 'OUT' In Scouting With the adoption of Daylight Saving Time, the Cubs and Scouts are starting to put the "Out" in ScOUTing, Scout meet- ings are now being held out of doors when the weather per- mits, and map reading, track- ing, compass work and pioneer- ing are being carried out. On Sunday, April 26 the an- nual St, George's Day church parade was held, The troop and, pack paraded from the Colonial Hotel to the United Church where the service was conducted by Rev, A. E. Holley, The Scouts were privileged to have as a guest at the service the Blue Water Region Field Commis- sioner, Mr. Robert Taylor of Hanover. On Tuesday, April 26 the 1st Thedford Cub Pack turned out in full force as guests at a "Hobo" night held by Grand Bend Cubs. After games and a fashion contest were carried out, refreshments were served hobo style—eating out of soup cans, etc. Some of the costumes were most ingenious, and a good time was spent by all, 1 No Scout meeting was beld last week due to Skipper (Mr. !1,4) Petite being on military duty, 'Gay Girls' club elects officers On e Grand Bend Gay Gais held their first 4-H I Meeting of the Garden Club project at the home of Mrs. Nola Taylor. ; Election of officers was held. I President is Miss Alma Hodgins; secretary, Miss Alma Hendrik, tend press reporter, Miss Eleanor Taylor. The roll call was answered with the name of a new flower which each girl would like to grow in her garden. Pamphlets were distributed, and a discussion on these and on the requirements of the course, was led by the leaders, Mrs, Don- ald Hendrick and Mrs. Nola Taylor. Personal items Miss Beulah Holt of Windsor, Mr. Jack Holt and daughters, Orene and Karen, of North Bosanquet, visited with Mrs. Mae Holt on Sunday. The TWS group of the United Church have postponed their regular monthly meeting to the fourth Friday of this month, May 22 on account of the hon. day weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Colin Love, of Shipka, visited with Mrs. Love's mother, Mrs, Mary Gill, on Sun- day, Mr. Harold Webb is this week opening up a cabinet and wood working shop on the same prop- erty as his dwelling on No. Bi highway across from the Church of God. Mr, Melvin Pearls() last week purchased the property on No. 21. highway, formerly owned and occupied by Mr, and Mrs. Mel- vin Gowdy. Mr. and Mrs. Peariso will be carrying on the same line of business which Mr, and Mrs. Gowdy have been doing, that of .,novelty and gift shop, along with the lunch counter business. Mr, and Mrs, Clark Kennedy attended the wedding of Miss Janice Imanse to Mr. Abraham (Bram) De Vries in the Dutch Reformed Church in London on Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, who have been spending the past months in Florida returned home last week. Mr. William Bendle is this week attending the Anglican Synod of Huron Diocese in Lon - te.to.extegii..eeetA.,;•..e.......ee,..........Jie,....eeeene:,,e don. Message from Blake By ELIZABETH FINLAY Mr. Hugh McBride, of London, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mc- Bride. Mr,s, Edgie Farrel, Fred Herd and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Albert Haist of Kincardine, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Harold Fin- lay and family. Mr, Clarence Parke has re- turned home from SL Joseph's Hospital, London, after under- going an operation. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Diechert, of. Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs, Wesley McBride, of Varna, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Bride and Johnny. Mr. Archie Mustard, of Sar- nia, spent the weekend with his wife and boys. Miss Elizabeth Finlay visited with Mrs. L. Wells, of Exeter, on Friday. Our Services Are The BEST! Wheel Alignment and Body Work And It's An Done At athers Bros. PHONE 421 EXETER Your library. ,..,Centinued froxn PAge-4 al problems of today. "Farm production and marketing have beett carried on so independently of each other that farm economy has been weakened," he said. "It will be necessary to coop - Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Burnette. Debbie and Dougie, of Detroit. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Staniake. Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Proetor and Mrs. George Proctor, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison of Preston were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Present and Mrs. H. Smith. Mrs. Ida Eccleston returned last week' after spending the winter months in California. I Mrs. Anna Hanna returned on Friday to spend the summer here after spending the fall and winter months in Windsor. Her daughters, Mrs. George William- son and Michael of Windsor ae. cornpanied Mrs. Hanna and re- turned home with Mr. William- son on Sunday. Grand Bend's main street was busy on Su'nday with several of the booths open for business. The street was lined with cars and a steady stream were seen going from the highway to the lake and out again, The Thnts-Advocefe, May 7, 1959 Page 5 'Mayor E. C. Fisher, Onderielit* Warden Jewett, and other menP hers of :the county library corn inittee spoke briefly. Mrs. Eck;;Pier welcomed representatives from, Oxford, County, WaterloOk*,' Lfambion and Bruce. !W. More than 75 attended the evev, ming meeting. A person can't. hope for sti$4" cess --he has to "hop" for it 'XV! MII.00 l MIWIMIIIIIMMIttlnelM111111111111111111MUMUMM111.191111111111111111111M110#01M119= *;11: crate with vertical integration and with business groups to get things done and progress in. telligently,' he opined. Mrs. Eckmier in her report said that the bookmobile had travelled 7,841 miles in 1958 and the circulation was 51,684, an increase of 1.495 over the prev- bus year. She reported 5,000 books were exchanged every three or four months. Casual and Sport .Sh.oes Summer Comfort for Men and Boys Desert Boots Colors: Black, Brown, Grey, Tan, WSite WUERTH'S PHONE 252 EXETER 011111111101111111011111111111,1111111111111111111111111MilitM1111/1111111111111,1111111 lllll 10. 4 'le iSZSISESZSESEMS*SPAPPIPOLig MEET THE ONE THAT MAKES DRIVING FUN THE KBY STUDEBAKER Built in Canada by Canadians Here's 14112 feet of pure pleasure. Parks proudly (and easily!) in the poshest places, has a personality all its own. Livelier, lovelier, lower in cost—seats 6 in comfort —gives marathon mileage on regular gas. Available in VR or 6 cylinder models. An exciting combination of sense and sophistication. Drive it and see GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS RIGIDAIR VERY Special Prices For MOTHER'S DAY 'Sheer Look' Appliances For the 'QUEEN' Of the Kitchen! Come out to Zurich — Ask Gerry for a Super Duper Deal on your Special Gift For Mother! GINGERICH'S Frigidaire Sales & Service PHONE 34 ZURICH 1:1RIVE A LITTLE PUIttHER 4 6 4 SAVE A WHOLE LOT mow