HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-05-07, Page 3tI Hay. seeks settlement ...r;.d.'. ., 1, i:oii, �,i.h;e, .:>::.nw I �11111111S1ISI11114t11.IL/11111111S 111111lSIIIQUI pII,SIIIIIIQIIU IIII„ IIIIgAS111411 Lia II IIII{I[IQIAAp11111t11,ll.ltlllll/11111}Illlq settler.1-01torf:rom on Ducharrne dramt Discussion on drains .consumed the major part of the Hay .coun- cll meeting Monday -night, Joe Ducharme and Joe Miller Presented their views on the pro• posed Ducharme drain, the'pe- tition for which was overthrown at the last meeting to remove it from the municipal drain ca Gory. Council .agreed to meet owners on the Site Tuesday night in an effort to find a settlement. Work on three municipal 1r progress. drains nonowi p_ aiess was out- lined to council by 1't. Ai. E. En• gel, of the office of C. P. Cor, bett, OLS, Lucan.. These drains include the one on -the road west of Drysdale be- tween Stanley and Hay from the Bluewater west; another one �`!illlllllt 4t111111111.11I III11,11111111111i1, 111 t111t,1111:Ii111 11111 Mile and one-quarter south of 1 that; and the third on conces- fcion one, :lot 24, Rowell -fie prop- ; .erty, Council agreed to continue to place calcium chloride .on the roads, which will probably be done this month. Fees of $20 were paid to the Huron County Municipal Associ- ation. Council authorized a $600 re- duction in the assessment of NormanI Gasc so who reported rted that buildings dings had been re- moved from his property, lot 7, Vauthier survey, in 1958. Bylaw was passed to impose a special tilt drainage rate upon Lloyd Lovell's land, lots 28 and 29, for a principal of $400 repay- able epayable over a 10 -year period. 11111,11111,11,11111111111111111111,IIII II1111111111111111111111Ii Ifs Beautify Your Home With Mur9','a I Stone ADD S5$$$ TP THE, VALUE OF YOUR HOME with M r 1 S!one Guaranteed for 20 years by the World's Largest - Manufacturer of Pre -Cut Stone, Applied directly over any 'surface, frame, block, stucco or siding 1 .. no foundation necessary. We also have. Aluminum Storm and Screen Windows and Doors.. FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION PRESTO .CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Genera! Contractor's .371 Front Street, Stratford PHONE STRATFORD 3165 or EXETER 770 i,11111111111111111111111,1,1„1111,1,1111111111111,IIIt11t11111,1111111141]1,,,,,111I11,IIIItt111„1111111111111111111111„1t111Iltl11,4\ ,ttttltl„111111111111l,t,i,1,11,11,11111,111111,1,,,,11,111,1,1,1111,tl,ttll„t4lt,itt,lllt,,,I,IIIc1111111„111111,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i3cirgains IN BUILDING SUPPLIES Steel Roofing PEDDLER Stable Equipment Qualified Men To Build YOUR NEW SHED OR BARN Call And Get Our Prices! Lock -Fust Fencing . 8 and 9 Wire Pull Chin Hog Fence t , Barb Tiro And Steel Posts SPEC!AL CASH DISCOUNTS ON CASH SALkS 5 ft Us Today! Scott Elevator Ltd, PHONE 63 William Street LUCAN 1111111,111111„11111111„11,,,,,,1111:11111:,11111111111111:,,1,:,„1,11,11111:1„f4,t„1l„1111ss11: 111111,,,,, t lllllllll 11111111 .......rinsley Sy MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD Persona! items Mr, and Mrs. George Wrest and children spent Saturday eve, ning with Mr. and Airs. Elmer Shepherd. Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Trevethick spent Friday evening with friends in ..urich, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd, of London, spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr, and Mrs. DougLewis Lewis and hi cdre s l i visited e with Mr. and Mrs. George Prest Sunday eve- ning. Mr, and Mrs. Art Lightfoot ghtfogt and grandson visited with Mr, and Mrs. George Mercer Satur- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mawson and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mawson and family, Park- hill, spent. Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Don Suther- land. Mr. and Mrs. Max Allison visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Dano Lewis on Sunday. ' Mrs. Earl Dixon and Mrs. Roy Hamilton; of Lucan, called on Mr. and Mrs. William Cook of Granton an Thursday afternoon. Terry and Glen Dixon, young sons of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Dixon, returned to their home at Sault Ste Marie after holidaying with their grandparents. Mrs.` Jim Trevethick left on Monday to spend a week with friends in Kitchener. Mr. Gerald Hamilton, of Lu - can, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood. Mr. Andy McKenzie. of Strath - ray, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Mercer. Miss Joan Pickering and friend of Blenheim spent Sunday with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Don Sutherland, Purchases Crediton residence Earl Heist, Stephen, has pur- chased from Charles Stimore, the residence in Crediton Eget formerly owned by the late Rollie Motz. M. Jr Geiser was the realtor. Announcemen. fs RATES Births No Charge Marriages and Deaths 750 (Marriages and deaths ere reported, Without charge in news columns. This charge applies only to listing under Announcements,) Cards of Thanks, Engegemen In Memoriams (4 -line verse) Extra ,verses, each BIRTHS— is BARKER Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brown Barker, , n e Copeman,a n , granddaughter of h . and Mrs. Wes Hodgins, Lucan, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Debbie Aiay, at Victoria Hospital, London, May 2. DENRbCHE — Sgt. and Mrs. E. H. Denroche, the former Doris Mitchell, announce the birth of a son, Barry Robert, at Saskatoon, Sask., April 29 —a brother for Debby Louise and Jimmie. FISCHER Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fischer, Biddulph, announce the birth of a son at St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, May • 3—a brother for Tommy and Danny. FULLER — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fuller, Carling St., Exeter, announce.the birth of a daugh- ter at South Huron Hospital, May 3—a sister for Laura and Gail. • HACKNEY—Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Hackney, 'Exeter, wish to announce the birth• of a daughter, Janine Marie, at Victoria Hospital, London, May 4—a sister for Jimmy and 'Melanie Ann. HERN — Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hern, Granton' RR 1, are hap- py to announce the birth of their son, Donald Ross, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, May 4—a brother for Judy Mae. HILLIER — John Hillier wishes 'to announce the birth of his baby brother.. Steven Layne, in Victoria Hospital, London, April 23. His mother was the former Carol McMurtrie of Kippen. 75,E 41.00 250 BIRTHS._ I. !HOPPER — Mr. and Mrs. r DoeHopper, Grand Bend, announcethebirth ofa daughter, Lynne, at S outh uron Hospital, May 4. JENNINGS F/0 and Mrs. 0, Peter Jennings, RCAF Cen- tralia, are proud to announce the birth of a daughter, Ar- lene Louise, at South Huron Hospital, April 28—a sister for Lynda Jane. KIRK Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kirk announce the birth of a daughter, Linda Louise, at Kingston General Hospital, AIav NOELS -- Mr, and Mrs. Percy Noels, Crediton RR 1, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter at South Huron Hospital, May 2—a sister for Dalton Marlene and Dwight. PARSONS — Mr, and Mrs, Be Parsons, P.R. 3 Exeter, an nounce the birth of a son, Lar ry Alan, at South Huron Hos- pital, May 1—a new playmate for David and Judy. ROWCLIFFE — Jim and Anna Rowcliffe, London, are happy to announce the arrival of their son. William John, at Victoria Hospital, L o n d o n, April 29—a new playmate for Peter, Paul, Katherine and Jean. REID—Mr. and Mrs. A. James Reid, Wellington St., Exeter, announce the birth of a son, Alan Edward, at South Huron Hospital, May 5. SIMPSON—Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson. RCAF Centralia. an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Leslie Jean, at South Huron Hospital, May 5. VANNESTE — Mr. and Mrs, Marcel Vanneste, RR 2 Kip - pen, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Linda Mary Madeleine, at South Huron Hospital, April 29, Happenings In 0 Biddulpl •y 'WRNS, M. ,H, ELSTON Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Chris Fischer were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fischer and Wayne,. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Mprdush and Frannie, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Gable and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Varga, all of Londoli. ir, and Mrs. Charles Tindall, of London, visited Sunday eve. ning, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McF Its a., 1 n A r. and Mrs. Chris Fischer and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fischer visited Saturday evening with 11fr. and Mrs, Amiel Fischer of Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Isaac, of London, called on Mr, and Mrs. Chris Fischer on Sunday. Tommy and Danny Fischer, sons of Mr. and hire. Lloyd , Fischer, are spending a few days' with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Chris Fischer while their mother is in St. Joseph's Hos- pital with a new baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston spent Sunday in Mitchell with their cousins, Mr. and. -Mrs, Har- vey Godbolt. , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair and girls accompanied by Mrs, Lil- y lian Blair, Exeter, spent Sunday - afternoon with Mr. and Mrs,' Arthur Robinson, London. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair and family were guests on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. Don Blair, Lon- don. Mr. Roy Motz and grand -1 daughters, Marie and • Marilyn, Order modern lightitig wILLERT—W02 and Mrs. Ivan J. Willert, RCAF Centralia, sannounce the birth of a son, for Grand Bendstreet installation of new fluorescent lighting for main street was approved by Grand Bend Council Monday night. Council instructed the PUC to install 23 fluorescent fixtures on main street to replace the mer- cury vapor lights which will be moved to Highway No. 21. John Hood, of the PUC, discussed the prod ct with council. Payment will' be absorbed in the PUC .rates over. a period of 30 years.' David Santon, chief lifeguard Art: ori. display at Centralia tea A display of paintings and other works of art was a feature of the spring teasponsored on Saturday by the ,^.CAF Protest- ant .Chapel Guild at J. A. D. McCurdy school. Paintings by Clare Bice, curat- or of the London .art gallery, by W/C Jans.es Dunn and by members of the painting class at Huron Park instructed by Mrs. A. L. Ashton were shown. There was also a display of ceramics under the direction • of Mrs. J. M. Gibson, Exeter, and a variety table of handicrafts including needle point, smocking and other crafts. A display of children's fa- shions sponsored by MacMillans and convened by Mrs. Keith Fallis was an attractive part of the .afternoon. Dancing around a maypole, the children displayed their summer dresses, hats, gloves and accessories. Tea was poured by Mrs. A. G. Kenyon, Mrs. A.. L. Ashton and Mrs. W. E. Gilbert. The event was 'opened by Cb A. G. Kenyon and Mrs. S. J. Grandin.was the. convener. MOW TO LIVE WELL CANADA'S manufacturing industry began to grow significantly about 80 years ago when the people de- • cided that more of their needs should be provided from Canadian factories. Today manufacturing is the most important ele- • , anent in the Canadian economy. It provides nearly half of all employment; it pays high taxes; and it is the greatest contributor to our national production, . - Manufacturing will continue to provide Canadians with the world's second highest standard of living if the people of Canada will Buy Canadian, THE STEIL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAI OANANOOUE HAMILTON BRANTFORO TORONTO for 1959, discussed beach facili- ties and made' several recorn- mendations to council. Application of L. W. Gaynor, of New Brunswick, for the posi- tion of lifeguard, was accented. The clerk was authorized to have the.fire service zoning map properly framed. A motion was made not to permit the erection of archery concessions in the village. C. W. Walters, Thamesville, later met with council to request permis- sion to erect a canvass canopy over the open portion of his lot. Council discussed this matter and the operation of Mr. Walter's archery gallery, and it was de. cided to reserve further discus- sion until the property had been inspected. Prospects indicate an increase in taxes despite a two -mill drop in the public school budget. Lambton county rate is expected to be up several mills. The village rate will be set Monday night, May 18. . Financial report was read by Clerk Murray A. DesJardins. Building permits, based on plans submitted were granted. to Norman Turnbull, for an addition to the cottage •of Mrs. Harley; Percy Allen, for a residential cottage 24 x 20 on lot 286; for an addition to the building on lot 196, plan 24, and to Roy Flear to put a new front on his bake shop. Reeve J. H. • Dalton presided. Town topics• Mrs. Jack Waldron and daugh- ter, Cathy, of Grand Bend, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mabel Hockey. Wallace (Bud) Fisl er, who has been employed 'tvith A & H Superior Store', left this week for Port Credit, where he will again be employed with the CNA, Mr. and Mrs. G: A. Hawkins left Monday for Montreal where they will board the Empress of Britain for an extended visit to England and the continent. They will visit in England, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzer- land and France. While there they will spend a couple of weeks., with Mrs. Hawkin's son, Wing Commander E. •L, Howey at the headquarters of the Canad- ian Airforce under Nato, at Ramstein, Germany. Mrs. Jack. Robertson and Ann, of Galt, spent the tveekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. Mrs. Evelyn Broderick con- tinues quit€ ill at her home. Her daughter, Mrs. Truman Mac- Pherson, St. Thomas, is spend- ing some time with her. Mr. and Mrs. Hedley May, lair. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert, Mr. and Mrs. 'Douglas: May, Miss Marion May, Mr. Dwayne Tinney, Mr. and Mrs, J. M Southcott attend- ed tatebaptisni of the former's grandson, Richard Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray May, Byron, in First St. Andrew's Uni, ted Church, London, by Modera- tor of the United Church, Rev. S. McQueen on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Balkwi�11 returned .Monday after spending fire weeks in Florida. Mr. Bev. Lindenfield is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, Mrs. Thomas Pryde has ac- cepted a teaching position at the .L A, D. •McCurdy. School, RCAF Station Centralia, for the coming yak. She is presently on the staff at Clinton public school. Mr, and Mrs, William Suther. land, Montreal, are visiting with M'r, and Mrs. G. J. Dow. Mr, Simon Greb has. returned home after spending the winter \ lir Florida Kenton Harry, at South Huron Hospital, April 30—a brother for Ivan Jr. and Sheila. ENGAGEMENTS— Mr, and Mrs, Cooper Forrest, Kirkton, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Gladys Anne, to Mr. Charles Emil Dittmer, Monkton. The marriage to take place May 16. 7* Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thomson, Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan Eloise, to Mr. Paul Ronald Ferris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Ferris, Shelburne. The wed- ding will take place at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 30, at James Street United Church, Exeter. 7* IN MEMORIAM— KIPFER—In loving 'memory of Miss Edith Kipfer, who passed away one year ago, May 10, 1958. We little knew when we woke ' that morn ' The sorrow the day would bring, For the call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear, God gave us strength to fight it And courage to bear the blow, But what it meant to lose, her No one will ever know. —Lovingly remembered by sister Mrs. Lesunie Desjardine, Ex- eter and niece Mrs. Gerald Mason, Dashwood. 7* Phone 102 for HARVEY'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE Illlllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1.111111111111, Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week, Exeter Motor Sales ,IIIlll I1ttt 1111tH lllltIll,llt,111111111111,1Atllt't,,,,lt'' 1111 1 The Times-Ado+oatts, May 7, 959 peg. Brackenberry of Elkton, Mich., land of Thames :Road Were ire,. spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs ' cent visitors with thie l,atte ,'A. sister, Mrs. Jessie Lewaa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ` Pause, Sam Skinner, Mrs. John McAllister, who was a hospital patient in London for nearly ;three weeks, came home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, John Erebus and daughter, Bernadette, of London, spent Sunday afternoon with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Spacelr. Mrs. Jessie Lewis spent Sat- urday with her daughter, Airs. Roy Harrison, who is still in Victoria Hospital but is improv- ing favorably. Y Mr. and hlrS. Ed. Willard (the , former Annie Connor) of Harrill- ton, also Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Bor. St, Marys, Mr, .and Mxa, Pero, Hodgins and family, : Grantan • and Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Thacker, Woodham visited .,at the home of Mr..and lair,s; :Orville Langford ell, Sunday on' the oc, rasion of Airs. Langfordl's moth, er, Mrs. Fred k'attison?a 'broth, day. Mrs. Jack Blair, Mj•.f. Bob Blair, Mrs. Allan Elston, Mr$, Wes Atkinson, Mrs. Torn Kooy, Mrs, Heber Davis b at vs a 11i ' .arid r., s Harry Carroll y rq have ;assisted, Mrs. Charles Weiberg guilt• ing a Sunburst” quilt, ,1111111111111111111111111A1t11 l 11 1111 l 1111 11 11111! 11,11/III 11114 llilll I) 1111111 I II I I II Ilss11111I11111III IIIIIIII III1111IA11i1111111111,IA{,` Warrn Air Hcating And Air Conditioning New Installations and Alterations LENNOX & ANTHES IMPERIAL FURNACES OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Lindenfiekds Ltd. Associate Member, National Warm Air ideating end*. Air Conditioning Association +41 f PHONE 181 E?CETI:R taullllll1/111111111111111111111111111111111111,111,1111111,IIIss1111111111111,111111,11tl11111111111111141, a ll att1t1111111IIOasstaa4 Clean out your closets! Winter Gar STOR nt Guaranteed Protecti Against Moths, Fire, Theft BONDED VAULT IN EXETER LOW STORAGE RATE ONLY 2% OF YOUR FAIR EVALUATION Call Today For FREE Pickup Service Other BRADY Services _:_ Expert Fur Clearning Glazing 4. Drapes, Curtains, Slip Covers Expertly Dry Cleaned + Rug and Carpet Cleaning • 1 r. Miracle Sanitone 'Soft Set' Finis) .in the United States end Canada Cleaners L. Laundoteria Ltd, PHONE 106 Exeter . MALCOLM THE MILKMAN ,, 'CAUSE HE SPILLED MILK ALL OVER. CLOTHES! by EXETER DAIRY YOU SPILLED MILK? DELICIOUS HEALTHFUL MILK? ((( YAKITY YAKITY , r YAK! --.,.„ft”,. ,It ,,,r, You need every refreshingof papwastel drop for good health and lots Anyone would et 'u upset! Milk is much to precious to o to pip! Let us deliver a fresh supply to your doer deilyl' EXETER DAIRY Pliant 331