HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-30, Page 17JAMEa STREET ,�. T D �Ut�C U wH Ni. E. N ,Rev. H. J, Sndi, Paster Mr. Lawrence' Vein, A.W.C.M. 10:45 a•m,-Tho scholars of the Sunday School will assemble. 11;00 a.m.—Morning Worship Tl:JE SUNDAY SCHOOL ANN1VERSARY The service will be conducted. by the superintendent, 'Carfrey Cann. The sermon will be preached by the minister, Rev, H J. Snell. The ;hillier ho r i r .e 'i ' w> sing e. tl 1 anthems, • A• Warm Wele.lme 1s—Extended. To All t; ZION. CHURCH' Evangelical...United ,Br„ethren Rev. G,. R Strome' Paistorl 10:00 a.m.—Worship ° k "God And your- job". 11;15 a.m.-:—Church School Thursday WSWS PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE ' 9:45 a.m, — Missionary Day in Sunday School 11:00 a.in—Communion Service 7:30 p.m. --Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m, --Prayer Service Fri„ 8 p.m,. — Christ Ambassa- dor's: A Gideon film will be shown. Hearty Welcome To All " they forsook all and' fol- lowed hint," • --St, :Luke 5:11B Pastor: Evang. L. Winn•Butler BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bodenham 9:45 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—Mornims Worship Sermon Subject: "Let not sin therefore reign in your 'mortal bodies" 7:30 p.m,—Evening Service Sermon Subject:";, "Measuring up toGod's :Standards" THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m,—Worship Pastor: Stanley Sauder, Exeter THE ANGLICAN'. CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, May 3, 1959 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11:00 a.m,—HolyCommunion Nursery, Sunday School Evensong Withdrawn' 'far, the months of May, June,;>J`uly .and August, - • CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HU�t H Rev, Samuel Karr, B.A., BAD, Minister Organist: Mra, 5, G, :Klatt 0:00 a.in.--Sunday School 10:00 arm.—Morning Worship Sacrament of the Lord's :Sup- per Dedication of new choir gowns. Nu�ser'y for children up to six years. Note change of hour for Sunday School service and worship. Tues., lliay 5, 8 p.m. — Circle l h at e cur meeting t church. Mon., 4 pan. •-- Children of the Church meeting in the Sunday School room. MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Robert 5. Hiltz, B.A„ Th.D. Organist; Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a,m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship :Rural Life Sunday „ Sermon: "The Parable of the Soils"—St, Mark 4:1-25. Nursery class for 4 and 5 years during sermon. Come and Worship with us, ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOC K. L,. Zorn,' Pastor, Phone 65 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service Sermon: "What Is True Wor- ship?" You Are Welcome CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Morning Worship (Dutch) 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon Worship (English) 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School • Ascension Day, May 7 8;00 p.m.—Evening Worship (Dutch) The Minister is in charge. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10:00 a,m,—The Dedication Ser- vice for the new improve- ments, 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30• p.m,—Evening Service THE BErHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister .2:00 p.m.—Worship and Sermon ,3:3o:.p:1m:•—Sunday School • Go to Church on Sunday! 11 u11111111 u,t 111111111111111 I IIIlullilifln u111111u In111111 n11 a 11 ,, , II uupnnn 11 lllu0i1111111,11 qu,11111111111P111I • Thirsk Evangelistic Party WITH Jack Ward CORNET SOLOIST - ,dor, One Night Only • Legion Hal Satu,rclay, May 2 8:00 p.m. Tri -County Youth For Christ ,p111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l11,In1,1111111,1111111111111111111111111111,• ,,,111111,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,111111111111111IlIlIlIlIll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.. Let's. G 9m?i!!g f 7 lu water Danceland opening its iecond seasOtf lin FRID MAY 14' to 1,30 MUSIC" SUPPLIED BY'.IESJARDiNE'S ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock 'n •Roll, Square Dancing OPENING SPECIAL !} r.` 2 •Deor'Prizes --•w' Brownie Sjarflaeh Ciamera, Electric Clock, ADMISSIQN,' 0 . J0IN. THE 'CROWDS f4ilIItYI11yY1'IilyllTfrr1111111YYlYI I1rlYltlll'filii rlil(If1Yi111rtr11111 U11tII1Y111111rr11 i111r10rlrriih 111YYiYVYYiitr(I iiYYrr111Yllll, Lucan personals Continued .FroReport cancer canvass — .Front Page 16 . Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Mcll;atls, of 51;. Thomas, were guests of at C 1ancebO a s1 access the tatter's sister, Mrs. Bob e ■ e�rll ye u Coleman, Jast Sunday. The canvassers for this rtes who is staying with lfarolcl Lynn,. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eizenga thecancer drive have met with an agcideni lase week, Wet for and family moved to London lasewhile pulping turnips at the Friday but will continue their finished and reported a success barn. His first finger next the attendance at the Pentecostal ful one. thumb on the right hand wascut. Holiness Church where Mrs,were Mrs,' Those helped who liewas S Eizenga is pianist and Mr. Fizen- 'lames Hall, Miss Beth McRann, rushed to Dr. George's .. go is president of the Your office, who removed him to St.s People. • g' Mrs. Rupert Williams, Nlrs, Carl Joseph's liaspital where it was p O'Neil, Miss .Helen JCestle, Mrs. dressed. lie was able to return Mr. Rod Smith of Thompson, George Hindnlarsh, Mrs. Alex home later. Mna, spent last weekendwith his Maeintnsh, Mrs. Omar Cunning- it is improving but is still in brother, Mr. M. A. Smith and ham, Mrs. Charlie�Cronyn, Mrs. a east. Mrs. Smith. Charles Rollins, Mrs. Wilfred Ili. J. H. Skating, of Winnipeg, Dixon and Mrs. Andy 'Thompson• was a Friday guest of Mr. and CHURCH NEWS Golden wedding Mrs. H. B, Langford, The Iraciitional Si Rues for Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Windsor Stanley 'Tines was read at the Andrew Street, quietly cele• and Mrs. John Casey returned regular afternoon service at St, their wilding wedding an on Sunday from a few days' visit in Cass City, the guest of Mrs. Ralph Loney who returned to Lucanwith them fora 'sit visit. , Letter from Brinsley Thal TimSs•Advocate, April 30, 19$9 Ps.. 1? with. Mr. .and. Mrs„ Rayburn end.at his tattler's fano,, Steeper. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rock .0.44T Mr. Jack Morgan, Guelph, children, of, London, $pent title By MRS CECIL ELLWOOD who is attending University of weekend with Mr, and z4rs. 1iaY Western Ontario spent the week- burn Steeper. „ - N:Ir11111.1in1ll.l titin„Ar11l,UTA411R1.11,11,4EIInp41,111A 11,I,rnpr„n„r111eO1„11!l„pl,ll,,lUq,1,1,1I,IIIIIIII,�II{��,��,�� Mr. and Mrs. Educe Dixon visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Pres; on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton Nf spent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banling of Lucan. Darlene and Paul Ryan, .tip( London, spent a few days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Schenk, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood visited. with Mr. and Mrs, Eldon ..,, Young Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Schenk spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Vernon of Sarnia. j{ brated 1 M s. Don Sutherlan,,ImlulluUpnlr11111Ull,IIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111nllnlllllllllu11111u1111Iu1null,nllUl1111111111g11n1„I1r111,1U11 • James, lite home church of Nlr. niversary on Tuesda. Friends attendedndthe funeral of at cousin '.Comes. 'l'he spring ordination is c• alled during the afternoon and at Blenheim on Wednesday, set for May 18 at All Saints evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer a, been Church, London, and has The family were home on Sun• visited announced by the Rt, Rev. d George N. Luxton, Bishop of day' ret of e Huron. A• ttend Guide training One Cent Sale May 4 to May 9 Cole's Drug Store Joey Jiodgins spent last week- end in London the guest of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strasser, and accompa- nied them 4o their "cottage at Port Franks on Sunday. Regardless of numerous radio and TV reminders, a, number of .Lucanjtes forgot to put their • clocks on last Sunday and missed out on church services. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunleavy and family, of London, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cal- vin Haskett and family,. The Lucan•Clandeboye Explor- ers are holding their annual coat -hanger drive next Satur- day, Mr, and. Mrs, Don Downs and Mrs, Irene Coursey were Sun- day guests of Mrs. Ada Walker of London. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hedden, of Brantford, spent last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. M. *Hed- den. Mr, and .Mrs, Sheridan Reving• ton, Mr. and Mrs, Wes Reving- ton, Mr. and Mrs. John Park, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Lankin, and Jean Marie of Lucan and Dr. and. Mrs. Len Lobsinger and Marie of Sarnia enjoyed a fam- ily get-to-gether at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Art McLean of London last, Sunday. Mr. R. Gagnon, of Willowdale, is spending a few weeks with Rev. and Mrs. Fred Thomson and family. RCAF Protestant Chapel Guild Spring Tea ART EXHIBITION CHILDREN'S FASHION SHOW Sat., May 2 3:00 p.m. J. A. D. McCurdy School RCAF STN. CENTRALIA Admission 50¢ BROWNIE'S Drive -In Theatre Clinton, Ontario THURSDAY & FRIDAY April 30 and May 1 —„DOUBLE FEATURE — If ''Senior Prom * Jill Corey * Louis Prime "The Whole . Truth” * Keeley Smith * Stewart Grainger * Donna Reed (One Cartoon) SATURDAY & MONDAY May 2 and 4 --; DOUBLE BILL "Ride Lonesome (Color) Randolph Scott -- Karen Steele 1i 'The Case Against Brooklyn' Darren McGavin—Maggie Hayes (One Cartoon) PLUS -3 Stooge Comedy TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY May 5 and 6 "Run Silent Run Deep II • * Clark Gable * Burt Lancaster (Two Cartoons) The C.landeboye United Church Brown Owl Mrs. Thomas Kerr, l'awney Owl Mrs, Joseph Woo- den, Brown Owl, Mrs. James Wilson, Tawny Owl. Mrs. Eimer Jones of Exeter, Captains Mrs, has set Sunday May 7 at 8 p.m for their 94th anniversary serv- lce When the Rev. W, J. Moore of.• T'arkhill will be the guest preacher. The pastor, the Rev. Charles Tomlinson and Mrs. E. .T. Roulston will conduct the Charles Amos, RCAF Centralia, service. Guest' soloist will - be and Division Commissioner Lau - Miss Mary Vernon, Parkhill. Personal items.. with Mr. and Mrs. Wat- ret on Sunday. Mr„ and Mrs. Eddie Dixon, Terry and Glen left on Friday for their home at Sault Ste Marie after spending some time with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Isaac and Danny spent Saturday evening COMING EVENTS— recta Seigner attended the Hu- SENIOR CITIZENS meeting will ronia Area Grader Training at will be held. Tuesday, May 5. Mr. and 1411's, Clifford Cunning- St. Andrew's First Presbyterian Ladies please bring sandwiches ham, now of Mount Br'ydges, re - church, Kitchener, on Saturday. or cookies.• 30c ceived a belated wedding gift, a 1111111n11n,n11llnllgnp„I,m,,,,,n11II,In,IIIn111111,nulllqull,lun 1,luu11111111i. hostess chair from the members of St. James Church and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynn visited with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Brock and family on Sunday at Zion. Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett of Lucan were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Abner. Hendrie, Mon- day afternoon. .. Mr. Gordon Bishee .anc.i. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cunningham of Ingersoll were .guests of Mrs,. Omar Cunningham last week. Nlr. Alfred .Kilmer who had been a patient at the Pineha.ven Nursing Home in Lucan Was re- moved to the home of Mrs. M. McDonald in Ailsa Craig. Mr's. Will Lewis • of 'London, visited this week in the village with her sister and brother-in- law, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wain- wright, and spent her birthday with Mr, and Mrs. Orville Rol- lings• here on Monday. • Miss Betty 1vlclntyre had Miss. Marjorie Mills of Byron as' her guest for the weekend at, the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Karl O'Neil. - Mrs. Karl. O'Neil. and Mrs. Cecil Carter called on Mrs. Es - lie Hodgson who is a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, on Wed- nesday. New telephone booth A new dial telephone booth is being planned at the Hall's ser- vice Station in the village.. The foundation is now being laid, It willbe ready when, the dial sys- tem is in use in. June. Accident George Whetter, a young chap LYRIC THEATRE THURS., FRI. & SAT, "Snowfire” * Molly McGowan * Don McGowan "Littlest Hobo II starring London, The German Dog Come and see these two big Walt Disney productions and be sure to bring your kids. Starlite Drive -In Theatre 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road 5 Miles East of Grand Bei -1d FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 1 and 2 „The Restless Years" * John Saxon * Sandra Dee ull ll mmullnplj mo00010101iiiiiml1nnlml,nlnhmn It Oomu nl Fashion Festival Thursday, May 7 8:30 p.m. Exeter Legion Haia Tee Bake Sale Silent Auction on lace Tablecloth ADMISSION 50 Sponsored by Coven Presbyterian Cerro 1ntin inidinlnotinrnlif ..YnilnNlliiil'fiYilYYY1 fief inii1ul6iiifiVOIYi(llViilffii1?Menhir fil t,' t 1l inttami Pick a special gift for MOTHER... Choose from •beautiful. BULOVA and GRUEN WATCHES .. , . exquisite CHINAWARE sparkling COS- TUME JEWELLERY and. CORO JEWELLERY we invite you to browse around. S. B. TAYLOR ."A Good Place To Do Your Shopping" MAIN STREET EXETER MOTHER'S DAY For Every $8.50 or $10 Permanent You Will Receive - A 14 -Oz. Can Of Spray -Net Free! Be sure you're in on this splendid value. Make you. appointment today! Hi -Line Beauty Salon Marg Coward, Prop. ;77 - PHONE AC 8-6661 EXETER ; Both side and rear door lociding! Walk right in the big double side doors, only 13 inches from the curb -or load through the rear too . • . and there is one hundred and seventy cubic feet of payload space! More goods, faster loading, less time for making deliveries .. that's how Volks- wagen actually saves you money on every delivery or service call. Curb -line safety vision, extreme manoeuvrability, European precision craftsmanship: amazing reliability, extremely low mair+<,rl tena.nce and operating costs.'* Allthisl PLUS efficient service and a central 5 -million dollar Spare Parts Depot -.:,M THAT IS VOLKSWAGEN! You are in business to make a,' profit; therefore see your Volkswagen. denier,. VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD. Golden Mile, Toronto 16, Qaatltriio HunterDuvar & Sons Ltd. PHONE 38 MAiN STREET