HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-30, Page 16t,... Pie.. 1 . April • 30 195 IL...I.ucar... and district news Phone 104 Lucan It ...... :... . . • Hear fieldman at ladies' night It was Ladies' Night at the dosing meeting of the Anglican Men's Culb in the Parish Hall, last Monday evening. Mr. Jack Steacy chaired the meeting and the Rev. J. P. Prest led in the devotions, with Mr. Ken Clarke At the piano. The guest speaker was Mr. Don Middleton, who has been with the Federation of Agricul- ture for the, past three years. Mr.' Middleton spoke on what the farm holds for the average farmer. A question period fol- Iowed his address of which many availed themselves. Mr. F. W. Hovey moved a vote of thanks. Other numbers on the pro- gram included dances by Judy Haskell and one of her pupils, Margaret Cooper and solos by Tommy Hardy who provided his own accompaniment on his gui- tar.. Correspondent:. Miss Lina .Abbott Voters favor Present farewell liquor store Area farmer i dies irk Oras .i Joseph Beaton, 76, a Bidduiph t retired farmer, was killed in a ear accident near Bannock while• going ay, • home from St Marys, last >'rrd Mrs. Beatson. suffered two' broken legs and was taken tv' Stratford hospital. By a strange co -incidence Mr. Beatson's broth- er, John, died at :his wheel about four years ago at about the salve. spot. It is thought Mr. Beatson, who was in poor health, suffered. A heart attack. He lay at rest in the C. Hask- ett and Son funeral home until for Dobbs family 3:30 p.m. Monday, April 27, when' 111r. and Mrs. Omar Dobbs and In a special plebiscite last' Mrs. Walter Dobbs were guests Wednesday, April 22, the village of honor at a farewell presenta- of Lucan a roved establishment • tion in the Lucan Community of a government liquor store in the village. Of the 550 listed names (and seven sworn in), 486 votes were cast including the 17 in advance poll on Saturday. April 18. Four ballots were spoiled; 327 voted "yes" and 155 "no". A 60 per- cent "yes" vote was necessary to carry the question. The Liquor License Board of Ontario ordered the ballot after the receipt of a petition bearing the signatures of one-quarter of the qualified electors. The peti- tion was initiated by the business men• of the village. Personal items Canvassers for the Cancer Drive have been busy all week covering the village, v1/It1111111„ti llplul 11lf 111,Iff 1111111111111111„11,11111,1111111111/1l„II.III/II IT 1111/11111111111111111111,n1111,1111n1111111,. Lucan Dry Goods, Big Spring Sale ENDS MAY 2 DON'T MISS THE LAST 3 DAYS OF BIG BARGAINS SMIHUII1IIIIII111111111111MUH11111111t11111111111111111111IUMU11,11It IMMI1O1 MIIII11f1t11111„ lltllllllln l ll l ltll„It• ``,n1111Nt1111111f1n,1tfllil,„111W1„1„11111111,11WfIOMH 1IMUHUa MUUMMUM timet MMf,llM 1 1 She'll Appreciate FLOWERS on her Special Day Remember your mother even far away by wiring her flow- ers on her special day. We have Potted Mums, Hyd- rangeas and all kinds of cut flowers, Reder's Florist PHONE 761 Free Delivery EXETER �pllllli11i11111111Iii1t11tltu1l11iif II i11/1111 1111111111itltilllllllllll 11 l lll,11111111111111,11111111111111t1111111111111t1111,111111„ t 11111111111„1111111„11111111„11111111„„.11„11111„,1111111„,1,„„„111111,„„,11„„ ull lII11/1111111111111111111WIt„1I111, 1 1 `57 DODGE "REGENT” SEDAN Tutone blue, V8 engine, push-button trans- mission. Reduced from $2,350 to $1945. '57 `s ifs Dobbs For Dodge DODGE TUDOR SUBURBAN Tutone, red and black, radio, push-button automatic transmission. Regular $2,350, REDUCED TO .. $2495 '56 MERCURY "MONTEREY” TUDOR HARDTOP — V8 engine, automatic trans- mission, radio, power windows, a sharp tutone! Regular $2,250, REDUCED TO $2,150 '54 BUICK HARDTOP Jet black, radio, automatic transmission, completely overhauled $1,095 '50DODGE "REGENT” SEDAN With radio, spotlight, like new >,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $ 595 DESOTO TUDOR .. .. $ 395 DODGE "REGENT” SEDAN Black $ 295 TRACTOR—'46 COCKSHUT' "30” Four speed transmission, live power take- off, good tfres, only $ 400 I '50. '49 e And Drive The New '59 S.IMCA Exeter Motor Sales mow 200 NfGHTS '62'W' olr. 7694M lt.ted Do%bsy hop. ?iirwir/,rarrllrrrrm,nornrrmnrrlTltvrlrllrrtr mmrrrnlorlrnrrtr„rrnvrrrrlrrrurrrrl„rr„r+mmoy„rrrirrrra Memorial Centre last Frida; evening, prior to their moving to Exeter, having sold their farms to Mr. Jinn Mugford and Mr. Frank T.00ncier, During an evening of dancing, Airs. Jack Dickins read an ad- dress and Don Maguire, Harvey 1 Latta, Kermit Thompson, Lorne Barker, Gerry Van Derhook and Earl Greenlee made the presen- tations. Mr, and Mrs. Omar Dobbs were presented with two lamps, two step-up tables, a coffee table and cash. Mrs. Walter Dobbs was presented with a $96 credit slip for a table and the balance in cash. Legion bingo There was a good attendance at the Legion Auxiliary bingo in the Legion Hall last Thursday evening, Though the jackpot was nearly won it was still elusive. The 85 consolation prize was split between Mrs. Omar Cun- ningham and Mr. Louis Lemi- eux, both of whom won another bingo each, Mrs. William Math- ers won the share -the -wealth. The consecutive bingo went to Mrs. Bud Cooper, Mrs. Pat Crudge and Mrs, Jim Murphy, Other winners were Mrs, G, Couples, Mrs. John Smibert (2), Mrs. F. W. Hovey, Mrs. Clarence Young, Mr. Taylor, Exeter (2), and Miss Muriel Carling, Former resident • board president At the 72nd annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican'Church of Canada, held in London last week, Mrs. A. C. Calder formerly of Water St., Lucan, was re-elected for the llth term, as „president of the Huron Diocesan Board on Thurs- day which date happened to coin- cide with her birthday. Two red roses were presented to her as a double congratula- tion by Mrs. W. P. Fazackerley, of Windsor, the vice-president. Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, presi- dent, Mrs. Harold Hodgins, Mrs. Wes Atkinson and`Mrs. Joe Beat- on, of the senior branch of Holy Trinity WA and Mrs. Charles .Corbett, president, Mrs. Norman Hardy, Mrs, Roscoe Hodgins and Mrs. Jack Elson, of the evening branch attended the meeting. Joint birthday Mr. Al Bromwich and his Iwo - year -old daughter, Elizabeth, celebrated their birthdays last Saturday. The former had his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bromwich of London as his evening dinner guests, while Elizabeth had some little people in for an afternoon 'party. Cancer Dressing meeting The April cancer dressing meeting was held in the United Church schoolroom last Thurs-• day evening. Nearly all village organizations had representa- tives present. Sixty-two dozen bandages were made, Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ribson are happy to announce the birth of a new granddaughter, born at Belleville Hospital, April 23, to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Hamilton. At Oxford County musical fes- tival held at Woodstock on Mon- day, Marsha and Jo -Ann Ribson won first' in the duet class with. a „.lark of 84. Carole Davis came third in a sdlo for 13 years and under with a mark of 82. Mrs. Laura Blake, of Ailsa Craig, was a weekend guest with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Banting. Mr. Frank Hardy and Mr. Wilmer Sett left for Batavia last Friday to attend the races. After 15 years service in the Lucan Post Office, Mrs. A. E. Reilly has retired, Mr. Harold Brooke, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Cole- man of London were Weekend guests of Mrs. Thomas Brooke, who has been sick with the flu, Mr, and Mrs: Harry McNaugh- ton and fhr•ee sons were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett, • Mr. and, Mrs. Al Bromwich and fani'ily were Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bromwich of London, the occasion being the former couple's wedding anni- versary, manimiounoweednimmmilumminiseuni the Rev. 3, P. Prest conducted funeral services. Interment was in St. ;Tames Cemetery, Clande boye. Pallbearers were Messrs, Joe Bryan, James Bryan, Jack Bry- an, Clare Bryan, Derwin. Beat- son and Thomas Casey, Air. Beatson is survived by his wife, the former Ida Atkixson, and one sister, Mrs. Charles Foster, of Granton, also a num, ber of nieces and nephews in the Granton district. Mr, Beatson was a member of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan. Church Activities United Church The April meeting of the \VMS was held in the church. schoolroom last Thursday after- noon, with the president, Mrs. Sheridan. Revington in the chair and Mrs. E. R. Pitt's group in charge of program and refresh- ments. A short devotional program was led by thepresident, a's- sisted by Mrs. Wilbert Stanley and Mrs, George Paul. During the business session plans were made for attending the sectional meeting at Lieury, June 6, A report was made on the two quilts quilted and a third quilt presented to the branch, was tied by Mrs. George Young Sr. Mrs. George Paul invited the members to her cottage for a work meeting in May. Pentecostal Holiness Church The ladies' Thursday prayer meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Anderton with. Mrs. Meine Eizenga in charge and .Mrs. J, A. Graham taking _the Bible study. Young Peoples' meeting Owing to the moving of Mr. Jack Eizenga last Friday the Young peoples'.meeting was held Thursday ,night. Rev. Fred. Thomson .led in the singing. Mr. Carmon Hardy of Thorndale was the guest speak- er, speaking on "Christian Serv- ice.” Anglican Church • The AYPA heldtheir first corporate communion this year at 8 a.m. last Sunday followed by breakfast at the Thome of the secretary, Loreen Hodgins. Flans are being completed for the celebration of a traditional. Rogation Service next Sunday with the singing of the litany in, a processional around the church. Weather permitting the proces- sion will be led by the two choirs followed by the congregation. Should the weather be wet the choirs will process -inside the church. Personal items Mrs. Jim. Tubb and family of Mitchellspent• last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins. Mrs. Ira Carling and Miss Muriel Carling spent last .Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. E. \Val - pole of Kincardine, bringing home Miss Sherry Walpole to spend a few days in Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Benny Saulnier were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Cooper. of London. Mrs. Anna Olmstead of Sagi- naw is making an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Frank Hardy and Mr, Hardy. Mrs. Calvin Haskett, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Mrs. H. B. Langford and Miss Rose Rev- ington last Monday night attend- ed the E 7c p l o r e r Fellowship Counsel meeting at the Empress Ave. United Church, London. Mrs. Hodgins had charge of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs.' W. Homey of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mrs. John Carey. Rev. J. P, Prest took his mother to St. Joseph's Hospital last Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Don Young and family of Blyth were Sunday visitors with Mr, and. Mrs, Alex Young, • Mr, and. Mrs. Dave Egan Sr. and Mrs. Kay Egan last Sunday attended the christening birthday party of Mary Christine Egan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Egan Jr,, of London. Leslie Carling, of London, spent last weekend with her grand - mailer, Mrs. Ira Carling,, Please Turn To Page 17 MOTHERS LOOK YOUR BEST Yes, be at your best when Mother's Day' arrives. Make your appoint ii t today for a Cold Wave, hair styling or cutting. You'll be glad you did! Joyce s Beauty Salon PHONE ,9 Si Main Eftool' LUCAN iddufph C..WL elects officers • �'sventy•six :members pf .the Catholic Women's League of St. Patrick's :church, Biddtllph, tact in the schoolroom of SS NO, 5 Riddulph last Sunday for its an- nual meeting and electionof. Qf- ficers. President is Mrs. William rtc- Ilhargey , •vice-president, Mrs. Alphonse Ker:ckhaert; secretary, Mrs. James Derwan Jr.; treasur-. Pr, Mrs. Wilfred Stocks; dele- gates to the Sarnia convention May 18, Mrs, William Mellfar- gey and Mrs. Wilfrid Stocks, students attend Medway formal Many Lucan students 'attended the Student Council's annual for- mal in the Medway High School last Friday evening, Glenn Brick- fin's orchestra provided„ the dancemusic which featured sev- eral novelty contest dances,• Students were received by the council president, Perry Hill, president-elect, Miss Patricia 'Kline, principal W. E, Kieser and Mrs. Kieser, vice-principal D. M. Hoople and Mrs. Hoople, and chairman of the board, C. F. Chambers and Mrs, Cham - hers. One of the highlights of the evening was the choosing of Mariene Caverhill, of Ilderton, as queen. This year the teaching staff was asked to choose a girl from Bach of the three grade 13 classes. The students then voted on the three girls. The runners- up were Sandra Jack and Shirley McIntyre. Wedding anniversary Mr, and Mrs, Henry Hodgins of Princess St. celebrated their. 53rd wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Harry Carroll and Mr. Carroll last Sunday. Other guests at the family gathering included Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott and family of RR 1 Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins and family of London. Former Lucan man •weds A surprise announcement of the recent marriage of-Marelda Metzler of Long Beach and George Strasser, son• of Mr. and Mrs. George Strasser Sr. of Lu- can, was made by the bride to the members of her Six thirty Club when they were guests at a dinner last week at the home of the newly-weds in Long Beach. Scout outing Last Saturday morning, 14 Scouts including' three leaders, Jule Desjardine John Conlin and Keith Frost, left for an overnight camp on the river flats on the farm of Mrs. Walter Dobbs, Regardless of the cool night, allreport a good time, playing games, flag raid, and singing songs around a. camp fire. They arrived. Home •' `ate, Sunday after- noon. . Save 92on this 17 cu. ft, deluxe WkWLFREEZEE.. IDEAL GIFT FOR MOTHER'S - DAY MAY 10 New '59 Model with Advanced Design Freezing System, "All - Over'.” Prime Freezing Surfaces, Safety `Burst -Open" Door, Counter Balanced Top, 567- pound capacity, Regular List Price is $449.95. 22 CU. FT. MODEL FREEZER, Regular $529,95, Snelgrove'a price, $379.00 Your old vacuum cleaner is Worth $20.00 0 on the purchase of this new '59 RCA Whirlpool Bambi Cleaners Mont will zip through her cleaning with this amazing machine! Low, light, but has full horse- power .motor, adjustable suction! ONLY $89.98 LESS YOUR TRADE-IN PHONE 18 ELGROVE'S "City Prices Next Door Service" • 'EXETER WHAT GANI DO FOR YOU? Your bank manager is easy to meet —and a good man to talk things over with. Not,just because he knows • • a lot about banking, but because he can be counted on to apply that knowledge and experience to your particular need. To him, banking is more than dollars and cents, more than figures in a ledger.•To him, banking•is the opportunity to work with people— through.bank services to help with your problems,,,our hopes and plans. That is what he has been trained `to do, That is what, he likes to do. You'll find he's a good man to know. THE CHARTERED BANKS SSERV•ING YOUR COMMUNITY