HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-30, Page 15Thi Time;R•Allkpeter .April 30, 959 '419, 1 Take, a 'new. look' at these wonderful bargain..:... ! FOR SALE-- l FOR. SALE— I REAL ESTATE,— OFFICE EQUIPMENT-- Head- quarters eadquarters for Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines. We can save you money! Exeter Times. Advocate, phone 770, 2711c UPRIGHT PIANO with bench, in good .condition. Phone AC 8-6683. 2tfc 1053 DODGE SEDAN It belongs to my son-in-law, has new paint and tires. John Kats, 103 .Simeoe St., phone 093-W. 23:30* GARY SEED OATS, grown from registered seeds, 200 bus. Apply to Steve Base, RR 1 Clandeboye; plume AC 8-6230 Centralia. 23:30* FAST! FAST! Film service, "Silk Finish" and glossy prints al their best. Russell Electric, Exeter. 30;7;14:21c 2 GIRL'S COATS, geed condi- tion, sizes 10 and 12. May he seen at Brady Cleaners. 30e PICKUP TRUCK, ad ton Chev, platform 7 x 12. Safas Peterson, RR, 1 Clandeboye, phone Lucan 240-R-12. 30c 12 TON LONG BOX, 1958 Chev, John McCann, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, ])hone Dashwood 162-R-11 after 6 p.m. 30c 150 PULLETS, Newhampshire, laying quite well, priced reason. able. L. V. Hogarth, phone Ex. eter 266. 30c LARGE TRICYCLE, Sunshine, good as new. Phone Exeter 492, 30c 7 GRASS HEIFERS, about 700 lbs., Hereford and Durham. Ap- ply Gordon Prance, Winchelsea, phone Kirkton 92-r-22. 30* SEED CORN backed by replant- ing agreement. Pioneer gives you free seed corn if you must disc up and replant for any reason, Order strong germinat- ing Pioneer now. See Keith Lovell, R.R 2 Kipper, or phone Hensall 678.R.12.. 30:7:14:21:28c PIONEER. SEED CORN is test- ed for seed strength in cold, wet soil at a temperature of 48 de- grees. For hybrids with plenty of hustle and big yields, plant Pioneer this spring. Keith Lovell, RR 2 Kippen, Ont., phone Hen- sall 678-R-12. 30:7:14:21:28c TURNIPS — Make us an offer; :Hereford bulls, fully accredited. Whitney Coates, phone 39-R-3 Kirkton. 30* CULTIVATOR, Cockshutt, pull type' heet and bean; also rotary hoe. Phone. Kirkton 54-R•1.1., 30* GIRL'S BICYCLE and boy's bi- cycle. John Kats, 153 Simcoe St, phone 993-W. Please call after 6 p.m. 30* E. L. CHAFFS And Sons OFFER. ' Used Machinery 50 Cockshutt diesel tractor, live PTO, belt pulley and power steering, used 3 seasons, just like new; 20 Cockshutt tractor, adjustable front enol, live hy- draulic and 3 -point hitch, in A-1 condition and repainted; used 4 - bar John. Deere side delivery rake, like new; No. 3 Cockshutt hay loader, all -steel, A-1. condi- tion; set of all -steel .half tracks, side adjustable, used 6 weeks, just like new. See these and a full line of Cockshutt tractors and machinery. Order your Cock- shutt parts now. Also 1954 Chev coach, radio and heater, in A-1 condition; 1948 Chev Sedan. E. L. CHAFFE & SONS Your Cockshutt Farm Dealer No, 4 Hwy. and Crediton Road Phone AC 8-6641 AXM.INSTER. RUG, 6' 9" x 9', excellent condition, $30.00. Phone 59-M Exeter after 6 p.m, 30tfnc Holstein Cows & Heifers One 2.year-old Registered Hol- stein heifer; 4 grade heifers, close to farrowing; 7 milk cows; 20 heifers due between now and October. SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. Phone. Lucan Office 63 Residence 110 30c Canada's National Magazine MACLEAN'S Special Subscription. Offer 60 Issues —x$4,50 Half the Newsstand Price! CANADIAN HOMES & GARDENS 48 Issues * $7.00 CHATELAINE 50 Issues $4,00 Save time, save postage ---let us renew your subscriptions, Ti -IE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE Phone 770 KEEP COOL with a 1958 Mar - tont air conditioner,.1 toil, used 1 month; 1958 Maxwell 18" Whirled, Deluxe lawn iiieWer,. new; used Beatty clothes dryer,. 3 years old, in good shape. These niiits to be sold at greatly re- &teed prices, Roy Campbell, 151iohc Hensall 98, in evenings. 30:7e HOLSTEIN COW. duty: May 7, Carrying third rani~, bred Oxford irnit. Harold Pr'i(lhani, nits 1: Cromarty, phone Kirkton 1044. S E W IN G MACHINE, Singer HOUSES—New houses located in electric portable, with zig-zag,; Exeter, 2 .or 3 bedrooms, land - embroiderers, monograms, blind scoped, mortgage arranged. Also hems ete., under guarantee, full low cost homes for rent or sale. balance $30.00 or take up pay- After small down payment let ments of $6 monthly. Please your rent he payment on your reply to Box. No. "JS", Exeter own home. Apply Art Whilsmith, Times -Advocate. 30:7* contractor, Exeter, phone 386-M, 10:9Ifc BOAT, 16' outboard cruiser, 35 h•.p. electric Evinrude, and trailer. Joe Pavkeje, phone. AC 8-6297. 30:7:14* ALDRIN FERT.I.LIZER FOR TURNIPS also 20" GRANULAR & 20'-' LIQUID ALDRIN BORAX ALSO IN STOCK Would appreciate orders for Aldrin fertilizer two days in ad- vance as fertilizer will be .mixed only on order, READ FERTILIZERS LTD. • Exeter 30;7* V.A. CASE TRACTOR; 9.ft. John Deere double disc; Massey 2. furrow plow; 250.ft, 1 -inch pias= tic pipe; convertible baby bug- gy; commode; play pen; book case writing desk. Apply G. Coulson, RR 1. Cromarty. 30* TABLE POTATOES., No. 2, 75. lb. hag, $1:00; No. 1 table pota- toes; No, 1 large potatoes for restaurants and french fries; also feed potatoes, T. L. Soud- •ant, RR 2 Grand. Bend, phone 44-11-2 Grand Bend, 4:30tfc SOWS, Lacombe and York, to farrow in late June; also young Lacombe ,hogs. Emerson Pen - hale, phone 92-11-7 Kirkton. 30:7* 500 BALES HAY—Emerson Pen• hale, phone 92-11-7 Kirkton. 30:7* Clearance of Used Appliances * RANGES * RANGETTES * REFRIGERATORS * WASHERS All reconditioned. and in good shape. A wide range of prices. RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phoile 109 Exeter RASPBERRY PLANTS, Colum- bia (non -suckering), for immed- iate planting; also a few straw- berry plants. Apply to • Mrs. Emalie Carter, highway south of Exeter, mornings only. Phone 322-J-12. 23:30* BALED HAY — Apply Don Par- sons, RR 1 Hensall, phone 673- R-33 Iiensall. 23:30* FOR RENT - 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, furnish- ed and heated, With 4 -piece bath and separate entrance. Avail- able now. No pets, please. Apply evenings at 169 :William St., or phone 400-W. ' 1.2*tfc APARTMENT, at Shipka, 5 utiles east of Grand Bend,' hot and cold water, 2 bedrooms, kitcheh, liv- ing room and basement, all conveniences. Apply to Albert Gaiser, mornings or evenings, phone 6-,T Crediton. .16:23:30c SMALL APARTMENT, kitchen and sunporch downstairs, bed. - room and bath upstairs, partly furnished, suitable for a work- ing couple. Also cook stove, coal. or wood, for sale. Apply Box "D.L,", Tinges -Advocate. 4:23tfc APARTMENT, ground, floor, fur- nished, newly decorated, sepa- rate entrance, suitable for one or two, central location, Apply Box ':G", "rimes -Advocate. 30* APARTMENT, upper, farm house on edge of town, 4 rooms and 2 -piece bath. .Available im. mediately. Phone 356 Exeter. 9:16:23:300 UPPER APARTMENT, 'furnish- ed,.private entrance. 109 Huron St., Exeter. 30* HOUSE and buildings, 6 acres of land, main road, immediate possession. Apply in person. Harold Cudmore, RR 1 Hensall. 30* APARTMENT, cozy, h .r i. g h 1, heated, furnished; suitable for two; private entrance, Phone 61- R. 30c WANTED TO RENT - 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE in Exeter, required before June 15 or im- mediate possession. Phone 391 Exeter. 30* EMPLOYMENT WANTED-- , ODD JOBS, carpentering, paint- ing etc, Phone Centralia AC 8• 6687. 1:5tfC BOY, age .nearly 16, would like permanent Job in or near Ex- eter, Willing to learn, Apply to Box "LV", Times -Advocate. 301ic REAL ESTATE GRASS FARM,-- 100 ae es with two springs. About 15 acres of bush, Lot 31, Con. 11 Blddulph. Contact W, S, 'O'Neil, phone 29.7 Granton. 3:261fe TN IIENSALTJ Lot aid 8.rooni brick cottage, newly decorated, also barn; both In good atate of repair. Apply Wesley "Vender. llensell. MI* W C. Pearc e REALTOR GENEtAL, INSURANCE 86 Anne St, Exeter Phone 435 3 -BED, 2 -storey house, 3 -piece bath, coal furnace. FRAME DUPLEX, oil furnace, bathrooms, COSY COTTAGE, is Clandeboye, garage, garden. 3 -BEDROOM reel brick house, oil burning furnace, 3 -piece bath, garage, in Centralia. 2 PASTURE FARMS We have a good choice in farms, 40 acres to 200 acres, EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 FRED COLE, Phone 544.11 RUSSELL BRODERICK Phone 1187-W • 2:10e Houses EXETER -- Large home, good condition, suitable for' duplex, hot water heating, ideal for an income and a home; $5,000 down, EXETER—One year old, 2 bed- rooms, living room, bath, kit. chen, dinette, full basement; $3,000 down. EXETER — 3 - bedroom house, modernized, good condition, good lot, close to business section, full basement, oil heat, low down payment. - GRAND BEND -3 -bedroom win- t.erized cottage, river front lot, kitchen, hath, living room, $2,000 down—reasonably priced. Business Properties RESORT TOWN — Restaurant— good location, completely equip- ped,' modernbuilding, seating capacity 48. This is a good busi- ness with a low, low down pay- ment. SERVICE STATION — Good gal- lonage, popular make gasoline, well located. For information on • Farms • Business Properties • Homes contact: M. J. Geiser Real Estate Phone Exeter 24 SALESMAN: SAM HENDRICK Phone 711 C. V. Pickard EXETER • We have clients wishing to purchase Exeter homes. If you wish to sell, see us. We are offering the following and other properties: APARTMENT HOUSE, Exeter, with central. oil heating. This property requires renovating but can be purchased at very low price, on easy terms. 3 -BEDROOM BRICK, good Ex• eter location, nice living rooms, bath up and down, sun porch; high, dry basement; new oil burning furnace. Terms. MEDIUM sized 11/2 storey brick —1 bedroom down, 2 up; full bath up and down; new roof; central Exeter location; close to schools. Price $7,500 on easy terms. CENTRALIA — Comfortable 2 - bedroom cottage;' good base- ment; oil burning furnace; par- ticularly nice lot. This property is in best of condition. Price $6,500.00—terms. To buy or sell, see C, V, PICKARD, ,Realtor, and General insurance, 394 Main St., Exeter, phone 165 and 628. • 6:Stfc FARMS 100 ACRES — Good 4 -bedroom house and L-shaped barn. Land is well drained and is located. on paved road; 1% miles to school and church. Price is $16,000 and • terms can be ar- ranged. 50 ACRES — Of which 20 acres are muck land suitable for market gardening: ]modern house with good outbuildings. Priced at $9,000. 148 ACRES --- Located close to Exeter on paved road. Good 4• bedrom house with modesn kit. chen and conveniences. Two barns and lots of water, Price $1,0,000 with terms. 3 -BEDROOM instil brick house, in Exeter. Owner will trade on 100 acre farm located near Ex- eter, preferably north or west, Alt proposals will he considered, NEW HOMES IN EXETER 3.13E1t11.0OM MOCK—Full price $8,100 with $1,100 clown, balance 850.00 per month including prin• eipal, interest and taxes. JOHN BURKE Representing L Cosby, London 534 Main St., Exeter Pilone 863 LOST -- BO'Y'S BCYCLE, green in color, wire carrying basket a'ttached, decorated. handle grills. Centaet Andrew Dixon, phone 513.4 Ex- eter* SERVICES— WATG RLOO .CATTLE BREEPIND ASSOCIATIOIV "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phon- ing long .distance, simply ask, for— CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 If it is a local call use our regu- lar number— CLINTON HU 2-3441 For service or more informa- lion, call between:-- 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. week days 6:00 and 8:00 P.M. Saturday evening. For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. The quality is high and the cost low, 12:31tfe FARMERS wishing their cattle sprayed for lice, phone Bill Wat- son, Dashwood 37-r-19. 12:4tfc ELECTROLLTX vacuum cleaners and polishers. Sales and service. R. E. Ruttam, Goderich, phone 1154. . 16:23:30:7* CUSTOM PROCESSING •Curing and Smoking Service For Lockers & Home Freezers EXETER FROZEN FOODS _ Phone 70 2:26t.fn SEPTIC TANKS pumped, im- mediate service. Butler Bros., Loran, phone -130-W or 108. 4:2tfc FAST, EXPERT SERVICE ON * TV, Radio and Appliances * Electric Wiring * Oil Burners EXETER ELECTRIC Phone 723 30:7:14;21e • HIGHEST CASH PRICES for sick, down or disabled horses and cows. Dead stock at value. Call promptly; 7 -day week ser- vice. Call Ed Andrews, Collect, 851-11-11. Seaforth. 3;5.8-27* CUSTOM CAPONIZING and de - beaking. Carl Oestricher, Dash- wood, phone 57-R-23. 3:12-4:30* BICYCLES — Sales and service. John Kats, 103 Simcoe St.., phone 993-W. Please call after 6 p.m. 23:30* WASHING MACHINES repaired on weekends. Apply Paul Sass, 66 William St., Exeter, phone 354-W. 23:30:7;14:21* HELP WANTED FEMALE— Junior Stenographer FOR EXETER BUSINESS OFFICE Apply in writing to BOX LMX, THE TIMES -ADVOCATE 2Getfc Vlaitress Wanted SUNDAYS OFF UNIFORMS SUPPLIED The Burkley Phone 777 Exeter WOMAN, middle-aged, as house- keeper for a middle-aged man. A good home rather than wages. Apply Edgar Mawhinney, Ex- eter. 30" BABY SITTER to care for Iwo children, to live in, weekends free, Apply P.Q. Box 328. Lu - can. an* KELP WANTED MALE- 1'1AN to sell men's clothing in Exeter store; must be able. 10 accept responsibility. Write to Box 6, Exeter Times -Advocate. 30c FARM HELP -- Require single man; experience preferred; year round. employment. Apply to Gerald .Regie:r, phone 89-r-9Zul- ich, 30:7* BABY CHICKS -- BE PREPARED for coming markets, order Brar 3nne-July broilers how. .Prompt shipment dayold and ;some started dual purpose pullets and cnckereis. Some AntesOutlets, also Leg. horns, Special prices dayold heavy breed cockerels. Remits( pri0elist, Eric Carscadclen, Bray Hatohery, Exeter, .'phone 246-W. 300 NOTICES— ATTENTION to all interested in weed spraying. A school will be held lo the Agricultural Rooms. Clinton, May • i, at 8:30 pal). Plan to attend. Any irirluirics, 30e contact 14, Y, Hogarth, Exeter. TENDERS,. AUCTION SALES Main St. United Church CHURCH SHED. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 13 Slay 0, for the purchase of this 30 x•60 cement block shed. Shed must he removed from premises. clean to foundation Highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. R. ROSS T1.7CKI'1'X, Exeter, Ontario 30:70 Township of Stephen 1,000 BAGS CEMENT Tenders are being called for about 1,000 hags of cement to be delivered when township calls for it. Tenders to be delivered to undersigned by noon, May 5, 1959. JAMES MAWHINNEY, Clerk 23:30c Township of Usborne SPRAYING ROADSIDES Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3 P.M., Saturday, May 9, 1959, for spraying roadsides in Township of Ushorne. Township to supply material and price submitted to be per mile for one side of road only, Work to he done under (he direction of road superintend- ent. Lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. J. ROUTLY, Road. Superintendent, Township of Usborne, RR 3 Exeter, Ont. 30c Township of Usborne SUPPLYING WEED SPRAY Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3 P.M., Saturday, May 9, 1959, to sup. ply 125 gallons of 80 ounce Arline weed, spray or equivalent to Township of Usborne. Mater- ial. to be delivered to Township Garage at Elimville not later than May 24, 1959. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. J. ROUTLY, Road Superintendent, Township of Usborne, RR 3 Exeter, Ont. • 30c EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE EXETER 2:19tfnc WANTED— ATTENTION FARMERS — All types of good poultry wanted. Picked up .and weighed at the farm. No grade except for culls. Give us a try. Cal]. Leslie Hood, phone Mitchell 663-11-4 Collect. 23:30:7:14c HAVE ROOM Inc 2 passengers from Exeter to London daily except Saturday, at 7 a.m. Phone Hensall 668-11-33. 30:7* NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of , James Norman Cowan, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of James Norman Cowan, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Accountant, who died on or about the 3rd day of De- cember 1957, are required to file particulars of same with Bell. & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 9th day of May next after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the .Adlninistratrix, Exeter - Ontario. 23:30:7c In the Estate, of Annie Blatchford, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Blatchford, late of the Village o.f Hensall, in the County of Buren, Widow, who died on or about the lath day of April 1959, are required to file particulars or Baine with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 161h day of May next, after which. date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 30;7:14c HELP WANTED-- CARETAt{E1t, for Caven Presby- terian Church. Apply Art Whit smith, phone 386-M Exeter. "16:231fe COOK GENERAL For London home. Two adults and one child. .Private roost and bathroom. Experience preferred but not essential if willing to learn. high wages. Referenerr required. W:ire Box "A.B,"', Exeter Times - Advocate. 23:80:7c NOW is the time to secure a geed Avon territory, and be pre- pared for big Spring selling season. Openings in Exeter and surrounding district. 'Write Miss V. n 8 M. Mosher, Pox. N . 86, Owen Sound, Ontario, si0ling telephone number. 30:7:15* Pulp is made front wood. AUCTION SALE Of Reap Estate and Household Effects. In the VILI,AOE W HENSALL SA.'l'1,f;i)A1', MAY 2 Of. 3. MO .P.11,, :Il.5:d'. The . estate of the late ]firs. Annie l;latchfnrd. F S:rATFI -Consists of Int near the business section of the town upon which is situated a 2 - storey. ri-rnnm frame house cover- ed with asphalt shingles; hydro and half basement. 'Germs: 10% day of sale. balance in 30 days, Sold subject to reserve unrsr,Houn ]',i F :r -TR 2 - burner electric at nye; Quebee heater; organ; gramaphnne. r,adin; dresser: hells; instep: daybed: set - 1Pe and chair; kitchen table: round table: small tables: sewing machine: sideboard: etrnhnarrls; melting chairs: odd chairs; clocks: lamps; fernery: rug, 10' x 32'; scatter mats; ettshinns; dishes: kitchen utensils; lawn mower: stepladder: 2 cord r, wood: 2 tnn of enol, and numerous articles.. TEn..NIS (`ash. MRS. MABI c'1 HUDSON. 1': GLEN, Flxeeutnrs ECl ('fP.RET'r, Aunt inneer FARM Srt1,D Clearing FARM AUCTION Of Shorthorn & Hereford Cattle, Pigs, Tractor Implements & Truck For Ain. EDWARD 4'HAAIBEF.S, Lnt ;, r:nnnession 5, 'STEPHEN TOWNS}1.IP iL Allies West and 11:, Allies South of Crediton, W'I:RA END )', MA')' e nt 7:00 pm. 3)8'i' C.ITTr4':: 3 registered dual pur- pose Shorthorn cows. 1 due in une, 2 fresh: 2 reg. Shnrt,hnrn cows with calves at foot; ',Dur- ham rows with valves: Hereford cow with calf: 'Durham heifer, fresh: third calf Durham row. due Sept. 1P; roan heifer, fresh, bred Al arch 5: hlaek and white rote, fresh;' 5 fat Durham heifer's, weighing 500, ihs.; l)nrimm row, fresh 2 months; 3 yearling Dur- ham heifers; 3 yearling Durham suet's: 5 yearling cross - bred: Young re,;'. Shorthorn hull whose half brother sold fnr 11,tlt,0, MOS: 2 sows with litters. 111C1.rI1'r:ny: W4 AfeCnrntiek- •Deering t r a c t s r, PTt7 pulley, lights, exrelient eonditinn. Cnek- sMltt 2 -furrow Iraetor plough; 25 - plate Int. disc'; 3-seetinn spring 1noth cultivator; harrows; Cock- shutt 7 -ft. power mower, real good: dump rake: Int, hay load- er; int. tractor manure spreader nn rubber: 1I-14 hoe seed drill: 1i -H hinder; Frost & Wood 2 -row horse rulfiva.tnr; John Deere 5 -ft. hinder, excellent mnrlit ion: wagon a.nd box; sleighs; 2 -wheeled rub- he.ing on r tlreA wagand rack; walk - plough. AITSC1.11 I r':orR: Dirt scraper: emery; nil barrels; (litter: gat- vsnizeri •stater trough; woven wire fence atretehers; fanning mill; platform scales; int. No. 2 nream separator; quantity of Inm- her; pig troughs; brooder house, 12' x 13'; serap iron; :ramesway nil brander stove, 300 vane eity; t..i-horse electrle motor: and many miter useful articles found at a clearing farm sale. FE1iD: Ton bushels nary oats; quantity of haled hay, Some household effects. TRUCK: 1930 Int. P. ton with racks and loading shale, a -ply tires, excellent condition through- out. TF,11.11R: ('ash. Auctioneers: HUGH FTLSON & TONI TtORSON Fhone Ildertnn Collect ..3n Community .AUCTION SALE Train Street, TOWN OF EXETER at Frank Taylor's Yard FRIDAY, MAY 1 Clothes ironer, nearly new; small frig, nearly new; oil stove, good as new; cupboard; rocking chair; new mattress; 2 wash tubs and stand; 4 chairs; fruit jars; tri -lamp; 2 trunks;1 table; 2 glass doors; toaster;1 frying pan: large office desk; new wheel for Dodge truck; desk! and cook case; 3 odd .chairs; 21 wicker chairs; felt mattress;; dawn mower; few dishes; 2; chesterfield suites; office desk;' oak and tile fire place for elec- tric or gas; small display .cabi-� net with lights: 2 east enamel- I el zincs; couch; roam divider, 6' x .4'; tool boxes; steel ver-' anada gate; ice box; hot plate; flower boxes; chemical toilet; bird house; corner bracket; kit- chen stool; 6 kitchen chairs; mirror; 5 -ft, stepladder; 5 kit- chen chairs. This is a community sale. Bring in anything you have to sell. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 300 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Misc. Items For Mrs. Ed Hughes PA Miles East of Crediton and 2 Miles South, Con. 4, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1959 2 beds, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers; .davenport set with 2 chairs; pillows;, china cabinet; dishes; oil painting; 2 dresser lamps; organ and stool; 2 corner shelves; wall shelf set; 2 small tables; round extension tablet, kitchen table; 5 oak chairs with leather seats; 9 kitchen chairs;; high .chair; side board; kitchen cupboard: '2 buffets; 4 pair .cur; tains; Singer sewing machine, good; 3 Lino. rugs; rocking chair; 2 large mirrors; 2 floor lamps; daybed, full size; small daybed; ironing board; good iron; toaster; tin churn; glass' churn; butter bowl; bake board; 8 dozen quart jars; some pots • and pans; sap pails; coppep boiler; hand corn planter; large garden tractor with plow, har■ rows, disc, cultivator, scuffler; horse scuffler; cutter; 4 water fountains; 14 bundles of roofing, new; roll of chicken wire; forks, shovels; hoe; handcultivator; rake; potato fork; scythe; Swed ish saw; cross -cut saw; 2 hand saws; small oil heater Acme sprayer; electric heater; step. ladder; tub bench; long ladder: wheelbarrow, fence puller; hand - cattle clipper; small Astral frig, good; many other articles. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 30;70 Business Directory BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, R.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER PHONE 4 USBORNE & HiBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office -- Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde R.R. 3 Mitchell Vice -President Milton McCurdy R.R. 1 Kirkton Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney R.R. 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner` R.R. 1 Crom arty' Timothy B. Toohey R.R. 3 Lucan Agents Harry Coates R.R. 1 Centralia' Clayton Harris Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchell) Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Exeter Secretary•Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter ALAN POWRIE AUCTIONEER Fergus, R.R. 1, Ontario Phone 201w2, Fergus A COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Graduate of the Reisch School of Auct:ioneering, Mason City, lowa, U.S.A. DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons W. S. O'NEIL & SON • AUCTIONEERS LIVESTOCK GENERAL FARM SALES AND REAL ESTATE For sale dates PHONE 287 GRANTON COLLECT W, G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensel( Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:00 0, EXETER PHONE 14 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons PHONE 36 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 358 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or shall, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" PHONE 119 DASHWOOD G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY For Appointment Phone 608. Choose here from. many watt ideas for Mom. She Likes Gifts For Her Kitchen Casseroles Lazy Susans Tiered Plates Carafes Cups & Saucers Pyrex Dishes China Gifts See Our B g Display TIIAOUAIR HA R D_W A E CU/AIL/TY A r Ftq 7 PRICES EXETER PI -ION E 27