HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-30, Page 2PM 2 The TimesAdvocate, April 30, 1959
RECEIVE AWARDS—Elroy DesJardine, Zurich, and Ray
Shoebottoni Centralia. were presented with five-year but-
tons by Harold .Free, Seaforth, right, •representative of
Supertest petroleum company, for their service .to the
firm. Some 75 dealers from the district attended the
spring sales meeting at Snell Bros Ltd., town, Thursday
LocaI dogs P!aint ov.er buget Proposes fund'
win again 'sparks council debate
Local dogs once again became —
top winners in Montreal this Couneillor George Rether's ob. ; inspect the drain problems.
week as they drew the spot- jections to the lack of pianning -I've gone every time ve been
To mark the visit of Her Ma-
jesty Queen Elizabeth IL the
the Queen of Canada, who will
officiate at the opening of the
St. Lawrence Seaway in which
4. light in the Ladies Kennel Club in setting the town s tax rate asked, replied the councillor. -Ontario has invested about
dog shows held on April 25 and touched off an edgy debate at I Taylor: "I figure it witt take 4,13arter °f. thePremier cost,
by Mrs. B. England of Crecliton. night. !looking at. It's about the same "Iler Majesty's permission will
what -we've Veen .k.rost, PrePoses the following:.
26. All of these dogs were bred couneirs special meeting PridaY I $5,000 to do
Champions of the Saturday ile complained no ;committee amount lat work as last year." ; be sought to name a scholarship
show were: meetings were. held ba discuss' Rether asked it setting the fund after herself. the fund to be
Kkauna's Aldibaran ( best of budgets for the different depart- budget was a matter of keeping named "The Queen Elizabeth 11
breed; Kaukauna's Beau Brom- ments and he objected to being the budget down or looking after Ontario Scholarship Fund." in
eau (best of shawl; Kaukauna's asked to approve the year's esti-
Burgundy ( winner bitch and. hest mates after having only 20 Min -
of winners), owned by Joan utes to consider them.
Layton of Montreal. "Are we following a plan or a
Champions of the Sunday show system. in our work or are we
Rether: "Are we keeping pace
were: doing things justbecause Joe with our needs?"
Kaukauna's Aldibarn (best of Blow says it needs to be done M K en z i e: "We're w a y
breed); Kaukauna's Beau Brom- this year?" he asked.
eau ( bc.st of show ); Kaukauna's Mayor R. E. P'ooley, Reeve "end."
Annilynis (winner bitch and best Bill McKenzie and Councillor Pooley: "Our job is to keep
within the requirements of the
people in aNy one year.' He was
pleased that the mill rate re-
mained at the same level be-
cause •some municipalities in the
area had .had to bump their
taxes as much as ]2
Councillor Simmons: "I go
along with your thinkin g,
George, but we're younger and
we can earn money to pay taxes
but you've got to remember that
there are a lot of people in this
town on fixed incomes."
Rether suggested a proper re-
pair or construction schedule of
drains and roads could. reduce
rather than increase costs.
Clerk C. V. Pickard pointed
out that 'the biggest portion of
the town's budget—about 70 per
cent—is made up of uncontroll-
able expenses such as education,
county and debenture costs. He
felt the average council. distri-
butes the amount remaining
over the other departments, try-
ing to keep the tax rate at a
reasonable level, "You have to
keep road and drain expendi-
tures down unless' you. want to
bounce. the mill rate away up."
Mayor Pooley felt all of the
town's major problems were be-
ing looked after.
Rether: "We have a particu-
lar m'ohlem with drainage in
the centre of town. What are we
doing about it?"
Pooley; "I agree our commit-
tees could meet oftener but we
have used this same approach
to the budget. in past years and
we find we end up in fair shape.
Perhaps the procedure is a little
wrong but the answers are the
the requirements of the town, this fund will be placed$500,000.
special Lund, in
toNTneKtetinaztielias"iyhoeu seirleeins ea "
that the.auwseillabjd aadministration of
Exeter has." which we propose to set up a
committee of the, presidents of
Ontario universities. They will
from time to time determine, in
the light of the needs of a devel-
oping Ontario both materially
and from, the human side, where
the emphasis should be placed.
of winners), .owned... by Mrs. Ross Taylor lgoraus4 defende
Ruth Sisson of Montreal. ' the council's method of .opera -
At the Satu rday and Sunda> We ‘..e been .0 ng s
shows, champi Aldiharan way for seven years -and it's
Row) took first place. in the worked hut wonderfully well,"
working group, ' stated 'Councillor Taylor.
A champion parade was held Budget estimates, prepared bY
on Sunday and three Kaukauna's .Clerk V. V. Pickard, were re -
" ' • d i it I I
) champions participated. They viewed and approved by the 11 -
were Kaukauna's Aldibaran, name committee which met at
Kaukauna's Beau Bromeau and 7.30. Other members of council,
Kaukauna's Alladin. ; including ouncillor Rether, join-
ed the committee at 9 p.m, for
a special meeting of the whole
Councillor nether aired his ob-
jections after the estimates were
outlined again by Clerk Pickard
and the finance committee's
recommendation presented.
Despite mass surveys and new "I object to the whole thing,"
treatment, the tuberculosis prob- he slated. "Iias there been any
lem is still far from being lick- consultations with the various
ed, Dr. William Sharpe of Beck committees? Have the commit-
, sanitorium, London, told mem- lees themselves discussed the
; bers of the Huron TB Associa- budget?"
tion at its annual meeting here Clerk Pickard said he ;had eon -
Monday night. suited some of the committee
"We can't afford to relax chairmen but none of the corn -
about this because TB will not mittees, as a whole, had discus-
• relax," he said. :sect their estimates with him,
• "TB causes more deaths than Rether: 'Have the drains or
ART DISPLAY AT SPRING TEA—Novel feature of the
spring tea to be sponsored Saturday by the RCAF Pro-
testant Chapel Guild at McCurdy school, RCAF Centralia,
will be the display of paintings by Clare Bice, curator of
London art gallery. Also shown will be the work of the
Centralia amateur art group. Viewing paintings above are
Mrs. A. L. Ashton, art instructor, S,.1 W. E. Gilbert, pro-
testant padre, and Mrs. S. J. Grgndin, convenor of the
tea. —RCAF Photo
all other infectious dtitiparks committees made any
se oin
Pooley: "The chairman said
1 enza."
! bined if you leave out influ- plans?"
; their figures were OK."
The doctor indicated x-rays Rether: "I'm a member of
were no longer sufficient to con- . both committees and we've never
. trot the disease and that skin ! had a meetincr "
1 must now be used more ' ',Don't get me wrong," he testing
con -
universally. 'There is going to ; tinued." "The budget appears
be mass TB skin testing in your, to have been worked out care -
county and in the counties , folly and Mr. Pickard has. done
1 around you in the near future." a good job. But- I think the corn-
( 'There is a big pool of TB ' mittees are lax if they don't
looked for yearly," he said. and make plans for the corning
Twenty-five TB patients are ; year."
'being admittedto Canadian sani- The drains committee, for ex-
, toria every day, 10 of these in ample, should determine what
Ontario, he stated. work must be done this year
Dr, Sharpe quoted numerous and how much it will cost before
figures, however, to show the
"the budget is set, he stated.
great strides made in fighting Taylor (chairman of drains):
the disease. In 1938, 20 percent That's where you're wrong.
of those infected died; now less You can't prepare estimates be -
than five percent do. cause who's going to tell you
what it's goiog to cost? We figure
present ; till which has to be' meet to discuss their programs
Among school children,
the we will do about the same a -
Crowds enjoy concerts • percentage of those infected
mount of work as we did last
has dropped from 41 per cent to year and that's why we have the
five per cent in 15 years. same budget." (The estimate
• "Early recognition of T13 cases for drains was $5,000.)
in Usborn ep en
before they spread infection to
others has brought about these
Usborne township schools un- Usborne School area, described improvements," .he said.
der Music Supervisor Lawrence the program as a fine display of I H. A. McDermitt, Fordwich,
talent and an opportunity for was • elected president of the
Wein • held a festival of MUSiC arents and ratepayers to see ; Huron group, succeeding H. G.
Rether: "Are we following a
plan or systein or are we doing
things just because Joe Blow
says he wants it done this year?"
Taylor: ';We're following a
plan according to the tax rate,
in Thames Road church Friday how their educational dollar I Hays, QC, Goderich, who was as far as I'm concerned. We
night. Over 250 boys and girls was being spent, Rev. H. C. Wil -1 chairman for the banquet at figure we have so much money
participated. ' son, pastor of the church, also Armstrong's restaurant. to spend and we divide it among
A -crowd of parents and in- voicedappreciation fo,r the eve- Elgin McKinley, Zurich, and ;
systematically from there."
the departments and try to do it
' ning's program. C. I. Stewart, Seaforth, are vice- l
. I "We've done it that way for
eresteci Irienus A silver collection was taken
and listened to a variety of for the crippled children's fund.
choruses, solos, duets, accordion
solos and massed choir selec- Pack EUB church
tions. ; Calvary NUB Church, Crediton,
Solos were given by Douglas was filled to capacity — includ-
McBride, SS 4 bsborne, John in g chairs in the aisles — for the
seven years and it's worked out
Mrs. J. B. Russell, Seaforth,
wonderfully well."
remains secretary -treasurer of
Rether: "We're being asked to
the 'association. , set a tax rate here and I for
Judge F. Fingland, Goderich, one have had only 20 minutes to
is honorary president and H. C. ; discuss it "
Xingma., SS 5, and Sharon Hod- annual Stephen township schools' Lawson. Clinton, honorary trea-I i N , avor Pooley suggested Coun-
gina.,,. ss 12; accordion solos by musical concert; Monday evening.
.Barbara Hern. SS 7. and Francis • A crowd estimated at 700 heard
Johns, SS 2; duets, Sharon Pass- over 200 pupils sing en masse,
'more and Billy Jeffery, SS 10; . Individually and in small groups.
Anne Johns and Margaret Johns, . They were also entertained by in-
surer. Dr. R. M. Aldis, Gocie-icillor Rether might take the ad -
rich, is the OTA representative. 1 vice of others who have been on
Directors include: W. H. Pol-1 council for a number of years.
len, Exeter; Raye Paterson and , He also said councillors had been
Elgin Rowcliffe, Jinni]; Mrs.i given a copy -of last year's bud -
SS 2; Barbara Hern and Dor..! strumental music. Letta Taylor, Dashwood; Mrs.: get several weeks ago. The
othy Dickey, SS 7; double duet, ' Among the highlights of the Margaret Whyte, Seaforth; Mrs. : mayor i ndicated, too, that it
Shirley Reynolds and Margaret, evening were three- and four-; Ken McRae, Clinton; Gordon !was the members' responsibility
Hyde, Ron Parsons and Ken ; part choruses hy Dashwood and . Knight, Brussels; F. E. Madill i to see that the committees meet.
Oke, SS 1. 1 Crediton pupils as well as a and W. B. Cruickshank, Wing- 1 Rether: "I've asked for a
massed rendition of "How Great , ham; C h a r 1 e s St. Michael, , meeting on several occasions."
In addition to massed chorus- ,
as by all the pupils, there were ii Blyth. I Taylor: "I've been out every
Thou Art."
choruses by grades 1, 2 and 3 The program was conducted hy i This year's Christmas seal! night this week. I can't gd out
of all the schools, choruses by !Lawrence Wein and Douglas Gill, campaign set a new record for 1 any more."
grades 4 and 5 of all the schools, : the township's music teachers. returns. Total sale in the county The rnaycr •asked if Rether
girls chorus from SS 3; boys ; had gone with the committee to
—Please turn to Page 3 amounted to $12,500.
c horus. action song by the jun- I
iors of SS 6 and choruses by
grades 7 anti 8 of all schools.
These were interspersed by reci-
tations by Dianne Stone, SS in:
Linda Westcott, SS 4; choral
readings by SS 1 and SS 5.
Mr. Wein introduced the num-,
Harry Dougall, chairman of
Phone 102
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