HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-23, Page 19GB plans special meeting to co'nsider water system • Oraild Bend COUPC11. 'piens to hold a Special meeting iter this Menth tb• consider the village's Water supply problem, eneetilig Menage nigbi, Made tentative arrenge.Mmite• to ineet with. representeavee -of the Oeterie- Water BeaMireee Com- IlliselPri and. the international Water Supply Co., Louden, on April to discuss methodof establishing an adequate supply, ' Reeve ,lim Dalton said the proposed London.pipeline., a pos. sable source, May not be COn- streeted for at least five Y.eerse end the costs mild not be !entree:11y determined. Coenell., .he saki, felt it should consider a teskirilling: program In determine if wile with suffe cieut capacity can be located, School budget dowe Public school budget far 19,59 Is down one and one-helf milts, council learned Monday night. The requisition was high last year heeettee •of alterations which had to he made to the building, 9 -The decreoee in school. levy scouts enio-y doesn't mean lexes,will. be, less, • " , however, An anticipated increase in• Lamblen County's: levy ineY log, r.6 101%A., ft ran offset the .sehool eleerea$0. .1.0.111 1.We y -‘42.1 Pup" .Counell again agreed to pro- - - -• vide the Chamber 'of Commerce. During the past two weeks the with a grant equal to one mers emphasis at the Cub Pack meet - revenue to help finance „promo- ings has been on badge work, Each Cub has neesed' at least tion for the. summer resort. The grant will Intel about $1,400. •orte. or two -of the tests for the CounciiStipulated that goo of 'first or reeeend star. The remain - the. grant be spent: on the eon- der of the meetings. were de- struetion of .a highway advertie-! voted to games. ing sign south nf the resort, and M the Scout Troop meeting $500 toward brochures for tour- last Wednesday stretcher drill ists. The balance of the grant was carried out under the in, isle he used for the information "striietion of Mr, Eart Deters, bureau. , iThe meeting also included sig - A delegation from the Chamber :nailing practice, games and drill, Eric -Marey, interviewed -c0414- eU abotit the grant. Pie Chamber was given Per- miseion to add direction sios, pointing to the legation orthe mformatlen bureau, on .the three Village Approach, sign. PUC was inetelleted. to proceed with the ereetion of three street lights an the •Gill road. Building permits. were issued to Cleyton. Walton, for renovatiOn 14egvl,ng,rilme1e ell'oes Uniform - to, hie Donut :Shope Mri, a"Qr"a "allahle' bode for an addition to her dairy her, and to Roy Solt*, for an n• t ; dditigo to his reeidenee. 'instaute boo, °weed by a. Thedford man, elects data. Council requester -I- that Ati sdd be removed from the elver, .... tot cleric was instrected to Mrs, William. Love was re notify William Love,Herold .0000 president of Grand Send K im and Maurice. Rainford ye' Women's Institute at the annual .gerding proposedwork being meeting on Thursday, done on sidewalks by the village vice_presidents are Tos, in front.of their proinevties;c1 wood am sod Mrs. Alex Raw. ReeVe Dalton presided and altten; secretary treasurer, Jos, councilors were present. badge, and Acting TreeLeader JohOod.„ his First Class badge. All Scouts and Cuhs .and others interested, are reminded that en StindaY, April .:go, they are to • Peradeto, the •Grand Bend Vetted Church for a Si,. George flay service', MI those participating are to .assenthle et the -Colonial Hotel at 1.(1:45 4..m. (Daylight A 400, )Sing foia:0 "his reorytd, "NoW, when 1Rap fingers you will come out of t end be very heppy eVereething e Vecier, otia.nd e'P Herbert Pillel asaIstanti Mrs. REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT gdward Gill; district director, 'Mrs, Baroid %Yelper; alternate, , S ,,,,,,,,,s, torsMrs. C. Teyfor, Mrs. Tie hroy plant closes Mrs.,Vera Ridley; branch diree, ffl,Ji Webb and mrs. 13, Desjardinet Pianists, C, Reeves and .9 Stand* committee conveners, In reorganiza ion plans ated the sudden ""e`' Mr. and Mrs. William Harper Tuesday evening at the menet,. . o t 1?,en the of her daughter and son-in-law, A manse meeting was held last citizenship, Mrs, Elgin Webh; weather, but the trend of the ' Mrs. M Mason . . Topics from WOOdhaill Minister describes trip lay mom ARTHUR IVNIP1.11 — R or Thames oat roup The April meeting of .the $-M Wiled to Toronto alter CIO was held on ThursditY eve- twa /Os tw,tfil thee and „granelefre nthwithe elr dittech basemen10 ! Lnit:eave'll. Warren were Sunday visitors The vett to worship and worship so, Douglas wayoe, romrno, WiAtthr•Marnd"Adtrsi‘'.irYsinJeeanctk Pg:rytiarj , 4,resr,e gR'xagen Iroci gReeigHod t idooYthealirtehr9MspgeniPdinIigena"Ifieln Sun cif Wiedsor were weekend gueste Rey. If. C. Wilson. A poem Was with her parents, Mr. ;44 Mrs. cwilottrIke.10. and Mrs. Thomas road bY Mrs. Almer Passnthre, Lloyd liallantyne. The truest speaker for the eve- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Etheringe Mr. and leirs, Arthur Rundle ping was Rev. Calvin Feltner ton returned, home reeentlY 'frent matlocAdgdpagthIL.fumnerr.almoilftoitilie for' ecfredSioght welroyttogativ,e latinrmigplyi.rinogf winter re tnaeftt.eer having spent thoF afternoon. die, in St. Marys, on FrldaY end interesting talk and showed ap)Itemeaerrinyeenrsiace,eaemivpi4nniatledminoese, pictures on a recent trip to t in thij�iy Hill don ne mieissTneernanetyn Goanrdsinuenrdaoyf who has taught Mr the pat two awed by Mrs. Abner Passmere ingj coming year. Mr. Dennis Wyatt, in the ministry, He was Mtn- avnisduedmr‘‘,,ithanmamAir,sin,cwryietitchldr Yegrs et Wocelhern, is going to and Edwin Mille th k d summer Khoo! at University of on behalf a the 3-M Club. Sta9les' Western Ontario, London. Thp Titits-AcivPotOt Aprii 231 959 NO 10 Persil.* .items Miss Gwen .of Kirkton holidayed With_ IDebereh Jacques tea Week. Mr. end. Mrs. Don Wilson and Mrs. Hugh Berry visited with MArs,gRamege Hwoadsgeernijoa,ened. Mr. and sarinde Mr. and Mrs. Len Harris end Charlotte Nesbitt visited or 4 Seeding is in fidi swing; the Mrs. Almer Passmore were in fmel;,dasErnestla s t Barris witthsrreniaa.lid filigree of the evening. • Sunday School end cluireh friends in London on TuesdaY. ground IA I..vorkIng IIP line and Birthday Party the hum a the tractor' is to be yrs. Clara Hackney of Exeter services will be held Sunday ,,on. heard in the air. The weather is Daylight Saving Time. Mission somewhat colder end no doubt day who celebrated her 80th birth - _morning the church hoor, when the farmers were using was guest of honor at the home on Tuesday of last week n .d wt duringbe le on Sunder horses they would have a rem- °47Clirrotym.tamrtoy panessTrnuensrdeaye.aualis tenor of the realise and buy' 11 was decided to paint the ex - Woodham WMS was hod jage dean: emveemninhe:is of her family sat new drapes and a rug for the down. to a turkey dinner on Tues. study, snirjh.decuert4s,dwariny inn tmheenlebleitirrseliprebsaesnet: e troll., Sarnia, Mitchell, London Mrs. Fred Doup, president, pre- and the surrounding distriet. Guests were present from De. Geerge Wilson gave reports of e Mrs. Hackney received many w Mrs, Fred Doand Mrs. t gifts, the Perth Presbyterial Wonlan'a 1 "r"nal itims Missionary Society held in Strafe' Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin Mrs,s ford,,WilfredAreadiwngiisownos given by i and Margaret were guests on I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy !McLaren of emnden. Miss Nancy Passmore is spend, ing two weeks with her cousins, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Moir of Gorrie. Nell and Laurel Deas have re. education, Mrs, Emeey Deejer- By W, H. A, THOMAS ; proving the two remaining plants times is "warm weather", dine; home economies, Mrs. The announcement that Cana- they turned out approximately wees meeting Raymond English; historical re- than canners Ltd. factory in the same quantity of Preeltiction The April meetin of th search, Mrs, Margaret Palter- sixaibroy is to bcidle Tor um from the two factories as they ceme as a disturbing surprise to many People. When 4 was decided by the company that. picking beans I RI • • • vie; agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Les Adems; re. solutions, Mrs. Hugh Mnrenz; Pres eoPorter, Mrs. Carman would not he canned in is 1 Canadian grown fruit and vege. Leyte. i was requested by growers to tehles whenever R is economi- The motto '11, is better to light make inquiries About theearly possible to do so. future a candle than to grumble at the prospects for ,Lhe Strathroy fan- One ni the reasons the Strath. dark," was taken h7' ides. .1. ;tory, This 1 did about One year roy plant is to be closed Ole ar Commerce, led by Presidenti The ScoUts were privileged to have as guests at their April 15 MacGregor and Mrs, C. Tavener.!ago. 1 was assured by the head year is that the sewage disposal A trio camposed of Mrs. E. Des- . offiee. officials that Strathroy facilities for the factory are not nicotine Col, N. Chamberlain, MisThelma Small of St. jardipe, eon; 104 1, Mts. Caiman• Lo- had formerly turned out from eight factories. The company stales emphati- cally that its policy is to nroeess NOW OPEN OPP of Grand Bend and Mr, G. Mansell Mason fevMrs. Mae Holt and Mrs. was considered to be one of their saliSfaelory. They have dis, s aired with a better operations and was slated cussed with theThomas is visiting with her is - c, Myers, superintendent of the Strathroy town ter Mrs. Norris Webb and Nor - number. Aldon Theatre Pinery Park, A film for exponsion rather than .con- officials possible remethee fen' "Temegam,1 Annual reports were given. A ttraction. this trouble. The toes of tine in - Range". was shewn and MI. committee .was appointed to i IL was expected at that time duslry to Strathroy and' ,,it Roy MeNaughton, of Cane, is hi these days working with BARBER SHOP Myers gave an interesting talk make plans for digtrict. that the preceesing of picking would he very semen's and every IsY • an the Prevention and fighting nf 21 11 forest fires, Other events Or tee 4 0 0 he ield in Grand beans would be resumed' in 1959, effort should he made bv all con- his bees. "' . s. Max IurnImill and Rumors have been circulating cerned to save it if possible, prloIth,ing.Josoerne13.1ornmaert is lin- evening included games, a log" Mrs. W. Love were named to for mime time that there is a carrying race and map worl . plant flowers at the cemetery very large inventory of 'canned ; e. ': . -- - ' . ' .. e'e ... — - • - Mr, and grs. to Rixon, MarY Last Friday and Saturday the fence, peas on hand and a‘eutting back; The story in Jane and Robert of London were GRAND BEND Scoutmaster and 12 scouts at. of pea acreage would not have; Operated by Wayne TterVey PlnerY tended an overnight camp in the Park. In spite of cold, tiler, while the camp Describes NZ plop closing for this season WAS been surprising, but the com, I' al'ntsbury S u n d a y visitors with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. Mr. and Mrs. ,Intin Tipping of Exeter, graduate .of Wind. wet wea quite unexpected. sor Barber School. wee being pitched, the spirits of to TWS I raised the matter in parlia-i Yspent Sunday evening the boys were high and no per- group hMQrs, and lvfrs. Al By MRS, HEBER DAVIS trent by way of a question as re- '5,. , . .,, .. -, .....,-; • ...-.; St„ Marys, menent ill effects were reported, The TWS Group of the 'United . ended up with a wrenched knee. the president, Mrs. Clark Ken. tPouttehde onMirniasgter23o0f2 o'll'rallcalensaall'idd Sunday Service worded as follows: e Boly Communion was held in was closed on Wednesday and • . *have had the flie The school HOURS . , although "Skip" Peete tried to Church held ite regular monthly' — A number of the Woodhamites 0 to 12 1 to 6 imitate a enountein goat, and meeting on Fru_lay evening with commerce, Open Fri. and Sat. Nitee Patrol Leader Gerald Stoddart, by hard work and perseverance, Closed Wedoesdags qualified for his Queen's Scout • •• . " JAME; STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, H. „/, Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A,W.C.M. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "All That She Had" Anthem by the choir. Solo: Iris Harvey 7:00 p,m,--Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "The Lost Son" A Warm Welcome Is Extended To Alt Ladies' choir practice after tile morning service, (Alt services' on D.S.T.) CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DAstiwoop Rov. W, F, Kroft, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, April 26 (Daylight Saving Time) 10;00 tem. 'Basle Values of Life 11:05 atm.—Sunda' School 7:30 p.m.—"Beauty for Ashes" PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE - S:45 am.—Sunclay Sehool 11;00 a.m.—Worship Service 7;30 pen,--Evangelietic Serviee Wed., 8 p.m. — Prayer Service Fri., 7:45 p.m. — Christ Ambas- sador's service in the "Huron County Home. "Seek Ye the Lord while He may be found, Call ye upon Him while He is near."—Isaiah 55:6 Neter; Fyn, L, Winn -Rutter BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Paster: Ivor BodenheM g;45 a,m,—Bible Shot 11:00 e.m,—Mornine Worship Sermon Subject: "Lest Houe Lim Revealed" 7:30 p,m,—Evening Serviee Guest Speaker; ReV. Don Sin- clair of the Wingliant Baptist Church. \Vette I pan.— Bible Study and Pt'ayer Seeviee THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Mit Thy Truth 0 Lard" 10:30 een.—Sueday School 11:SG A.t.'-Worship PaSter; Stinky Sautleir, titafar tHE BE rHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MMM STREET CHURCH Nay, R. Van rtirawa, Minister 1:00 Pein, Worship Mid Settnee (10glish) e "A Strong Man" 8;1% pen,—Sunday Shool CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ray. SAm011 Kerr, LA., B.D. Minister Organist: Mrs. S. G. Klatt 10;00 aer,—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject; "The Synod in Session" Nursery for children up to six years. ' 7:30 p.m.—Preparatory Service The session will meet at the close of the preparatory ser- vice. MAIN STREET The United Church of Canade Minister: Rev, Robert S. Hilts, B.A„ Organist; Mrs, A. Willard 10;00 a.m.—Church School 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship "What is your Friendship Worth?" We welcome members of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows and Rebekahs to our ser. viee. Come and worship with us. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOr K. L. Zbrn, Pastor, Phone 45 (Daylight Saving Time) 10:00 a,m.—Sunday School 11:00 aen,—Worship Serviee 7;30 p.m,—L,L,L. Rally Service Speaker: Rev. P. Effete., Lan- don All Are Welcome CHRISTIAN, REFORMED CHURCH ReV, A. G. Van Eek, Minister 9;45 a,m.—Morning 'Worship (English) Rev, G. ,1, Ifoytetria, Clinton 2:15 p,me—Afternoon Worship math) Rev. G. J. Hoytenia, canton 3:30 p,m.—Sunday Shoot nY OHna' SL Patrick s church Sunday, TbursdaY Owing in the Illness of nedy presiding, The devotionalperiod Lion which would confirm or deny j4fl 10 with 'Rev. P Dymond the teacher Mr Dennis Wyett d 4 P was e rumors that. the eurtailment. of ree.tor in charge. Wil. and Mrs. William Bundle, • , , . by Mrs. Robert Jennison, s a " operations at the Collodion Can -1 The flowers on the altar were Shirley and Gerald Brintnell .at - and by Mrs. Donald Hendrick and Mrs. Ernie Grose. ners vegetable canning plant at placed there by the family of tended n , • the Stewart-McNaughte wedding held in Stratford on Saturday afternoon. 3 ts partot a (.0mpanY , the late James !turner, The guest .speaker, Mrs. David plan to replace Canadian pro - Stanton, was introduced by Mrs, duction with imported unlabelled Personal Items William Jewer, She 'spoke and canned vegetables?" i Mr. Cliff Ings and Mr. Alvin showed slides on her native The minister replied that lie Calla London, spent. Sunday at country, New Zealand. Mrs. had confirmed the renert that' the home of Mr' Hugh Carroll, Lawrence Mason thanked Mrs. the factory was to be closed .for 1 Mrs. Hugh Carroll who was a Stanton. 1059, but he was not in a position Patient in the nursing home in The president then took the to answer the last part of the Luean for the past few months chair for the business part of question because he did not was moved to Mason Villa pri- the minister and to cater 10 the -ban- 'were in the 1 Vete hospital, London, on Satur- meeting. It was decided to know wiritplans p purchase a typewriter for the quet for the graduating class in the local -school in June. 1-1°st- esses were Mrs, E, McDroy and Mrs. Payne. Rev. A. E. Holley will address the Soy Scouts and Cubs at the mind of the comPanY, I . also reported• the 'curtail• - trent of operations at this 'fac- tory to the minister of agricul- ture. Be promised In make in- quiries and do 'everything he could to keep the factory in ape - ration. and Mrs, 14. Davis. morning service next Sunday, I had two phone conversations April 26 in the United Church.• with the officials of the company /Mrs. J. Turner 3, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott, Muriel and Wesley, were Sun- day evening guests with Mr, and Mrs. Ron Carroll, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Tindall were Sunday guests with Mr. Orpha ,Club disbands for summer..at Hamilton. I told them of the . The Orpha Club held its feet rumors being circulated that they meeting of the season on Tues- were closing these Canadian SC 00 teacher day evening at the home of Mrs, Plants and importing their sup- Mrs. James Turner, Saints - 'given of the work done through teem also of (lie reports being James Gregg, A report wag plies of canned goods. I told bury, died in South Huron Hos- pitat on Wedeesday, April 15, in past year, the articles sent circulated of the number of . , year, thenet eignty-tnire to ,Lambton County Children's plants they were closing all Aid aed the material op hand across the country: six of the'? She wee the former Emma to begin work in the fall, eight plants in Lincoln County, TlYan, daughter of the late Mr. The .euchre. party and display three nut of five plants in North. and Mrs. Prancix TIYAii, horn on held in the Legion hall was a timberland County, as well as in- the CourSey line south of LL)O4O. 81.1.CCeStiv and an amount dividual plants in other locations She was a teacher before her proximately $35.00 was realized. hot. in Ontario and also in mileage and carne to Saints - The club disbanded In meet again. British ColttInhte• bury as a bride in 1911 and since hi September at the home of The company officials admit that Lime has resided on Con, 5 that .plants are being closed. BidduiPb. Miss Mary Yea.Her husband died in Personal items This IS beingdone for purposes 1957. Mr, end Mrs, Kenneth Flear, of London, spent the weekend at their parents' homes, Mr. and Mrs. Erie linen and Air. and Mrs. Roy Flear. They accompa- nied Mrs. Finan and Mrs. Clark Kennedy and son Jimmie to Port Huron on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin .Ramsden .daught.er of Toronto visited with Mrs. Pamsden's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edward GUI over the Weekend ot economy in operetion. They She was an active member of say that in these days of modern St. Patrick's church, a leacher transportation, distance is not in the Sunday School and a so important as it was in the former president nt the .WA. days of horse transportationt She is survived by one daugh. when Him factories were first ter, (Gladyt) Mrs. Clarence eStablished. Farm products can Davis; two grandchildren; two nheessTogv.ed,much further for pro-, sisters, (Ida) Mrs. W. Cerra'', ' ;Parkhill, and (LiXSie) Mrs. Gil - The company policy is to rne- bc,rt Carter, Saskatcliewan. chanize more fully a few of the The funeral service was held existing plants and operate them at the C, Haskett, and Son Noe, for three shifts a day. This will ram hole, Leman, on Saturday, have the effect of cutting clown April 18, with interment in St. the capital ens& of equipment by tomes cemetery, ci mr' a" lea' Alaa8ell Mason bt Imre hours or Pauline Mason, in Londo the visited with their daughter, Miss "thing canning seei pallbearers were Mews. Ern. son. th t I d n over nse ttnring The more units an mdivi et -son Hamilton, Toronto, Murray Hamilton, Aliso Craig, Matinee . , Mr. Wayne TurV0, of 1-tensall Machine !urns out, the less will he the unit cost of production by McDonald, Gote Wetnerstraunli that machine. ., a , arry arra an c er Lite Alden Theatre buildin for- nierly necupiect by Mr. James Dentimine,. Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Tleird vis- ited with Mr, and Mrs, Gerald O'Rourke at Dashweod en Times - day. During the weekend Mk. and Mrs, Baird had as guests Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Morrison and Mr, and Mrs. Sar, ..Mkinatin of Atwood and Mr, and Mrs, Wil - Rani 13aird and soh and Mr. Del. hot Mason of LendOn. ZION, CHURCH Mr. and Mrs, Within Sturde• . vent, and deughlers entertained United Se4thein ter a birthday dinner MI SMICIAY cREDITON Mr. and Mrs, tIligon Whiling aid (Wily of relehrat. "" St"'"( Paster bit -fluky, 10;00 .4,rit—Worship Mrs. i)onald Wilson Of flileaga "Sympathy in the Chureh" Visited with hor Mater, Alm 11:15 a.m.-Church School Harry Bessenberry, Mr Bowe. Celina of Adinittietrotime berry and .femile 011 pewee, Eridaye--Boye id Ghee Fellow- 1 -ler perents. Mr. and Mt$. M Ship Russell of Who'll atompaiiied her ta visit With the Boysenberry THE ANGLICAN Mr. and Mi'. A. Kerslake anti CHURCH OF CANADA daughtor ban of London visited Trivitt Meniortet, Ri g With Mr. afid Aire, Clerk *h. nqdst and family on Sutiday, • Otto/. -iron de Vela', gado Daylight Saving 'will be, .eb. obsbeert aniti;o6, 609ehho served hogilitlIng this fleet week - April 2, AM eliding Sep.. Sandity, April 26, 1050 tembor 21, In Ma villtio of Grand COMMUniOn 0600, and allregideritg are rt. 11:00 cmoNkMejoilitg Pl4gytt r/tteated tie ett •treeoielhigly, • Nutlet% SUMO -86661 ;00 natt.—Evelifitnitt, Mtellanilininti hat Ithllhid 10 better foteet rivanAgeplein. Davis, ea! alit. For example, the enmpeny elaeed six of its eight raeinries tO tilleOhl county but hy im. ra.11111/~110.1.11.P.Olmni7g.mgalignmegglagettgamger000n Let's Go Dancing at BLUEWATER DANCELAND opening its 54Ceild SIMS011 Of/ Friday, May 1 niOal4 svpp1Ief by 1,EsJAtztitNE- britHESTRA Dancing 10 Ii30 OPENING $PECIALt DO tt PRIZES Starflaalt dame* 2-.Eleefeir4 Clock Adrielation 150 10114 YHE VIOW0S LYRIC THEATRE THURs,, FRI, A SAT, "Maracaibo" * Carnal Wilds * Jean Wallace MON,, TUS, & WED. "This Happy Feeling" * bebby ReYnOtch * Cliff .furgeni COMING- SOON The Whole I "Snow Fire" Truth" Monday, April 27 700 o't lD.S.T.ock, * Molly MeGewitt otaWart Geithigie eeo benne Read * bah McGaWart (Otte Callan) The special speakor will be—. Dit. WM. SHARPt, of Aeck Soatotititti test Hobo" Y" Shews Nb,hPh Dioner 1.10ets Available at the Restaurot itain be•ooe sofitartiti suhthozi tot LtLL 1_ T thooLliratitiviSibeli PcOaarki It to H. MANN HAYS, 4,C. n Presidetit, ExOcutive SeetetUY. MRS, RUSS121 tti • WITNESSES AT ASSEMBLY Thirty • ministers from the Exeter congregation will attend the three-day .Tehovali's ,Witnees assembly in Sarnia this weekend. according lo Gordon Smith, local minister, The assembly will train ministers with advanced scrip- tural information to teach' publicly. BROWNIE'S Drive -In Theatre Clinton, Ontario Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huren County FRIDAY ONLY, APRIL 24 — DOUBLE BILL - "Life Begins At Mark Oornon—Dorothy Johnston I arawa Beach Head" Kerwin Mathews — Julie Aclants (One Cartoon) tit SATURDAY and MONDAY April 25 and 27 — DOUBLE RILL "Apache Territory (Ceder) Rory Calhoun — harbara Bates. "Ghost of the China Sea tr David Brian — Lynn Berney PLUS -3 Stooge- CoMadY (One Cartoon) DANCE Mt. Carmel Hall Fri., April 24 * Spot Dances To the Music of the KOOld QUINS ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome Starlite Drive -In Theatr• 8,5 Miles West of No, 4 Highway en Crediton Read 5 Miles East of Grand SIMI/ FRIDAY & SATURDAY April 24 and 25 "3.10 To Yuma * Glenn Ferd * Van Heflin •••••••••••••*.•••••,......e.••••••••••••••••••,....• ff 2 Shows Nightly—Rein er Clio?. First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Car* Free „ ...... /111.11.111111111111/11,111111111111M19111101111101111111111.1111.111111/11111/11111,1114mMMIlk ..... 4.111.11111,1111111ffinte • ODDFELLOWS AND REBEKAH LODGES 2. Will Hold Their Annual CHURCH SERVICE MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Sunday, April 26 at 11;15 cm. Daylight Saving Time Ladies Auxiliary, South Hurn Hospital umrnage Sale 1 end Furniture Auction SATURDAY, APRIL 25 1 P M. Exeter Legion Hall • Furniture Auction 1,00 to 2.00 p.m. • town -wide pickup on Friday, commencing at 1 p.m. or telephone 167•W, .ClotMng, Furniture, Dishes, Books, Toys etc. I . This advertisement donated by Sell $1, Laughten i ellM0111111,11.1kIlillifft1111MIIIIMI11111111111111011111110ifillit11111111111111111111111111#11Wiffill11111111111101111111101 1 TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "The Man Inside" Jack Palance Anita Ekberg (One Cartoon) Apr)! 21 and 20 THURSDAY and FRIDAY April eft and May 1 DOUBLE BILL "Senior Prom" Jill Corey 'Prim Ksioisy ,Smith Anifued Meeting and DINNER HURON COUNTY TB ASSOCIATION Armstrongs Rettaurant, Exeter