HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-23, Page 16,Poos 16 Tho Times -Advocate, April 23, 196/ West McGillivray WI chooses. new officers The annual meeting of West McGillivray Women's Institute was held in the town halt. The Slate of officers prepared bY Airs. Thomas. Kooy and. Airs. Fraser Dixon was presented by .A1rs. Keay. Mrs. Andrew Erskine. conducted the installation of of- ficers. President is Mrs. Wesley Lew- is; vice-presidents. Mrs. Thomas Kooy and Mrs, Garnet Hodgins; honorary president, Mrs. Beat- rice Dixon; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Parry Thompson, assistant, Bliss. Joseph Carey; directors. Airs. Melvin Allison, Mrs. Art Lightfoot; district director, Mrs. Laverne Allison. Standing committee conveners: home economics and health, Mrs. Les Morley; historical research, Mrs.. Fraser Dixon; citizenship and education. Mrs. Garnet Hod- gins; agriculture and Canadian industry, Mrs. Laverne Allison; resolutions, Mrs. Karl Picker- ing; public relations, Mrs. Les Shaddock; publicity. Mrs. Hiram Dixon, Mrs. Garnet Hodgins; social welfare, Mrs. A. D. Steeper, Mrs. Fraser Dixon, Mrs, A. Erskine, Mrs. Fred Fen- ton, Mrs. William Luther; pian- ists, Mrs. Earl Dixon, Mrs. Fred Fenton; auditors. Mrs. Melvin Allison. Mrs. A. D. Steeper. Roll call was answered by payment of fees and a short cut cooking hint. Invitations were received from Clandeboye In- stitute to their meeting an May 13 at 8:30 p.m. and from Clover- dale to their extension course.at the Parkhill tnited Church April 22 and 23. Arrangements were made for the May 21. meeting at 8:30 p.m. D.S.T. in West McGillivray Hall when Mrs. George Wilson will show her world tour films. Reports of standing commit- tees indicated a successful year. Tlie program included the :mot- to: "The way to a Juan's heart is through his stomach," pre- pared by Mrs. Reg Wilson and given by Mrs. Fred Fenton; seripture reading by Mrs. Fred Fenton and a demonstration of three unbakecl .cookie recipes by Mrs, Parry Thompson. Musi.c topic for sorority Mrs. A. E. Holley. Grand Bend, was guest speaker at the meet- ing of Alpha Pi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held at the home of Mrs. M. C. Fletcher on Tuesday evening. Mrs. }folic)" spoke on "Abso- lute Music" outlining the growth of music into its various forms and illustrating her talk with pia- no selections, Mrs. Holley was in- troduced by Mrs, Cliff Russell and thanked by Airs. Allan Gascho. A donation of $10 was voted to the Canadian Cancer Society Eighteen members will attend the Founders Day banquet and ritual of jewels in London on Thursday, April 30. The Beta Sigma Phi convention is to be held in Windsor, the weekend of May 22-23-24. Plans were discussed for the annual Mother's Day tea to be held in James Street church, May 6. Mrs. R. W. Read was installed as Chapter vice-president being unable to be present at the reg- ular installation. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Ted Jones, Mrs. Ross Tuckey and Mrs, Herman Dett- mer. Give them a good start . On Exeter Dairy Milk There's nothing like milk to give babies a good start in life. That's because milk is so rich in vital food values for health and growth . . So easy for Baby to digest. We deliver fresh, wholesome milk to your door daily, Enjoy it often . . . it's a re- freshing taste treat any time! • EXETER DAIRY „ DELIVERY HANKSCRAFT BOTTLE WARMERS $3.45 JOI-INSON'S BABY POWDER, Special 2 for $1.29 JOHNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO, Special .. 2 for $1.29 INFANTOL, liquid vitamin supplement for children $6,25, $3.50, $2,25, $1.29 ELECTRIC VAPORIZERS .... . $0,95, $6.95, $3,95 BARRIERE PROTECTIVE SKIN CREAM $1.25 EVENFLO BOTTLE UNITS 390 AQUA SEAL BABY PANTS ...... ...... 39 PLAYTEX BABY PANTS ..... ........ 790 to $1.9a UNTLEY DRUG STORE EXETER Phone So •New group aids h ome Mrs. C. S. AlacNaugbton was named honorary president of the newly fOrmed Women's Auxiliary to. Huron County Home at the meeting on Monday afternoon at the Home, Clinton. Mrs. F. G. Thompson was elect- ed president. The full slate of officers has not been named so far. Mrs. MacNaughton was seem- panied by Mrs. J. G. Dunlon, Mrs. Fred Dobbs, Mrs. H. L. Sturgis and Mrs. IL 11. ellOweb to the meeting. The ladies were shown through the building and ways in which the new organize - tion can assist the Home, espe- vially when it is enlarged, were discussed. Study minister for immigrants At the meeting of Caven Wom- an's Missionary Society held in the church. schoolroom last Thurs- day evening the topic on "People of Canada" was taken by Mrs. Alvin Aloir assisted by Mrs. E. L. Johnston. Mrs. David Millar, Mrs, Ross Oke and Mrs. Wil- liam Siliery. It was noted in the discussion that .most of the success .stories of the church are written in term s of increased membership but not so with 'the "Channel- ling Churches", the so-called non Anglo-Saxonchurches, which minister to the new immigrants from Europe and Asia, including Hungarians, Ukranians, Italians and Chinese. Their job is to minister the gospel in the lan- guage of these people until Eng- lish is understood and to help them to become integrated in the life of the Canadian church - A questionnaire on the pro- gram was answered by the m embers. Reports were given by the ladies who attended the annual meeting of Hamilton and London synodical al Goderich last week when over 300 delegates gather- ed for three days. Devotional exercises were taken by Mrs. Clifford Ersman. Mrs. Sillery presided for the meeting. Hostesses were Mrs. J. Sanders, Mrs, J. A. Wilson and Mrs. William Hatter, st ....... 11111111$1111,1111,.11,11 ............. I ..... 111!111111111, Girl Guide Corner By LINDA JOHNSTON The regular meeting of the 1st Exeter Girl Guide Company was held last Thursday with 22 pres- ent. We hope that Lieut. Pearce will be with us next meeting since she has been 111. While in the horseshoe forma- tion we were congratulated by Captain on how nice we looked. The Oriole Patrol was assigned to choose . a game after Patrol Corners. All Guides in their second class and a few in their first class went out and practised Scout'S Pace around the block. All came back in gond condition except for Mary Killeen, who tripped over a branch, scratched her hand, and stepped into a mud hole practically up to her knee. Campfire ended with the Guide prayer and singing of taps. 'Court of Honour followed the meeting. CWL honor guard for Mrs. F. Conlin Mrs. Francis Conlin, Moores- ville, died in St. JosePh's Hos- pital, London, on Thursday, April 9, in her eighty-fifth year. Requiem high mass was cele- brated Saturday, April 11 at St. Peter's Chureh. Biddulph, with burial in the adjoining cemetery. Members of the Catholic Wo- men's League formed a guard of honor at the entrance to the church and at the graveside, Pallbearers were James Riley Jr„ William. Thompson, Charles Cronyn, Thomas Kooy, Clement Boland and Joseph Dietrich. Prior to her marriage to Francis Conlin, Who predeceased her in September, 1951, she was the former Margaret Ann Riley of St. Marys. She is survived by one son, •Joseph of McGillivray townshin and one daughter, Ber- nice (Mrs. William Regan), of London; four grandsons and two granddaughters and three bro. thus, .Tames of St. Marys, John of Ldndon and Thomas of Na komis, SaSk. She Was a member of the Cathode Women's League. .Con- fraternity of the Blessed Sacra - meet and the Propagation of the Faith, LIZ ON TV TA Celtinthist LIZ Toticrietie was interviewed on 1116 CBC day - lime TV silo*, PM Party, by Gerelie Tapp Friday afternoon 10 Toronte, Mr. Totiehette is writing a Magazine article about the en- tertainer who has a number of relatives in this area, Modern •.Beauty..Salon 429 Main St. Pti�ne 119 LATEST STYLING PERMANENTS HMP, 111,11ATMtNTS Shirfoy•dea Nat ffendersok'Potte TOY HOLDER MAKES TIDY TOTS—This colorful 'rooster toy .holder made of yellow fabric -backed vinyl plastic with red plastic tape trim for .eye, beak and comb wUl encour- age Junior to put his toys to bed, N FANCIES Toys 'sleep' Is picking up after Junior's playtime part of your everyday routine? If. so, now's the time to mend your ways—and junior's! ' A dash of child pyschology and your sewing machine may Prove your allies in training Junior to be tidy. Simply make an enchanting rooster -shaped thy holder and convince your offspring that toys need their rest too—and wouldn't he like to put them to bed him- self? Constructed along the lines of a shoebag, toy holder may be hung on the hack of a -crib or on a wall. Place it low and Junior will find it fun to slip toys into holder's pockets. Make your "rooster" toy hold- er of sturdy, fabric -backed vinyl plastic, with a beady triangular eye. a beak and comb, all trim- med with plastic tape. Choose child -enchanting colors, such as a gay yellow for rooster's body, and a bright red for pockets and head trim. To make this rooster, cut yellow fabric in a fat "L" Measurements suggested a r e 211/2" across the bottom, and 14" along the top of rooster's head, Height along side with beak is 25"; height on right side from lower edge to tail is 13". For top row, cut strip of fabric 36 inches long and about 4 inches wide. Measure .into three equal sections, and mark with transparent tape. Never use pins when sewing with plastic, as the pins will leave holes which may tear. Use transparent tae to mark head of rooster into thirds. Match tape markers. and stitch strip to rooster. Stitch ends down. Fold pockets so middle ont measures four inches across. and the two and pockets measure five inches across. Stitch ori fold lines. The two bottom rows have five pockets• each, and the bottom row is bigger and deeper than the other to neconthindate large teddy bears. Follow same tech- nivue for other pockets. When stitching on plastic, re- . .................................................................................... in rooster member to use a fine needle and light tension on your sewing machine. Baste and. mark with transparent tape. The eyes, beak and comb are cut from the red plastic, and t• t tit h d t ti 1 mf s ia gil -s c e o le ac1 o the rooster, A double thickness of fabric -backed vinyl will help edging. This bag might be made keep the comb and beak from Of fabric, but plastic enables going limp. you to keep it clean with a sudsy Plastic tape makes a neat sponge. ..... mum., ......... ........ III ...... .......... 11,110,11 ...... R.0.1).ekahs enjoy fete On the occasion of the official visit of DIV Mrs, William Chain- bers,, 011010n, 75 inemberS of Bride of loran Rebekah Lodge No. 338 partook a turkey banquet 10 Trivitt Memorial parish hall last Wednesday evening. Several 116elcatts from, other lodges .also attended. Tlie ladies .adjourned to the lodge rooms for a program and business meeting. Mrs. Howard. Ferguson of London favored with solos accompanied on th6 piano by her daughter, gliza- bell. Tap dancing numbers were given by three Russell sisters of Itusseldale. During the business period it was announced that the annual Ouch service would be held for nehekehS -4nd Oddfellows on Sunday, April 2G At 11;15 DST in Main Street church.. Federation sees :et .Acquainted _pectals Mmitect TWO Only Y -Go -By Beauty Bar (Now Under New Management) KIDDY CUTS 500 KIDDY PID PERMS $4.00 TEEN-AGE CUTS 654 4 PERMS $5,00 Titin, Bleahing, Cutting, Styling Phone 522 Exeter Mexican photos At the April bleating of the Woman's Federation fit ;Tames Street United Church on Mon- day evening Robert Down shew- vd pictures and displayed souve- nirs of his recent trip to Mexico. George Godbolt introduced the devotional period with a piano sok). It was Jed by Mrs. Douglas Insley assisted by Mrs, Arnold Lindenfield and Mrs, Robert Southcott. Larry Johnston favored with two trumpet solos and George GodbOlt sang a solo accompa- nied by himself on the auWharP. President AIM Harry Cole conducted the business. It was voted to cater to the Sorority tea in May. A letter from the group's pray- er partner, Miss Willa Kernen, missionary of Korea suggested several projects the group might undertake such as adopting an orphan, buying an accordion for church MUSIC or establishing a bursary to put a girl through school for three years. it was decided to discuss INS project in the groups and • decide next meeting. For BABY! rr,".Xer See Hopper -Hockey for the best in baby furniture. You'll like our assortment of attractive playpens4 cribs, high chairs and bunk beds. NEW! BABY CARRIAGES AND STREET CARTS Hopper -Hockey • FURNITURE Phone 99 Exeter .%/1111M111111111t1111111tIMII ...... MIIIIII.Mtli11111111111111111111111/1.1911111101111111111111111ffill ........ . I ..... 11111110.• Sellebration Continues! Slacks 3,95 Blouses One.Third Off GirlsCoal Size 12, neg. qi195 „ ...•. . . .. First Quality Nylons 51 GAUGE; 15 DENIER 5 Suits 99,95 Dresses $9.95 • Many Other $9.95 • Pair' Bargains „.. Rw ki C 11 4, LADIESWEAR 1 1NE STOCK THEM ALL! Famous Names for Babies You'll find our shelves full of famous -name baby supplies, Make, us your headquarters for 'ir Playtex Z.B.T. Rexall * Gerber's * Farmer's Wife * Jellinson!s * Mennen Pablum 'Lr Borden's Frosst * Evenflow * Hankscraft Andrew Johnston Your Rexall Druggist PHONE 447 EXETER Protect Your Precious Furs! Let BRADY Clean, Glaze and Store them Regular, expert cleaning and glazing increases the beauty and lengthens the life of your furs. Entrust theth to us. Our better care includes storage in Bonded'Vaults In Exeter where furs are insured against loss or damage. When you need them again they'll be clean as a snowflake, glossy, sott looking their beautiful best,. Furs are an investment They deserve the best. Phone today for our bonded messenger Let us store. ALL your off season garments Low .SfOrtig. ;2% Of YOUP Fele Evelueflen Brady .Cleaners •& LAIUNDETERIA LTD:, • Phone 106 .1koter