HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-23, Page 14age 14 The Times.Advocate, April 23, 1959 1 Miss Elia Jones buy. t 1s In Brantfow•o /lile�'C iisave a 1&!la Pearl Jones, JOS llahy wood Cres(ent, 'l'oronto, daub!! When you rcaelt out for that 'tarns of Social and Personal Interest ,in and Around Exeter d, " Town Topics �,.. cheap seed P By D, C, BEWS, M.D. the victim's respiratory system.' the manual resuscitation nie- in The •Blue Rtr11 This .method permits .the rescuer (hods. Someone in your family lies to be aware at all times of what For one thing, obstruction ,ot !close to death because of strati- is being accomplished, of whe- the air passage by the tongue is gulation—either from drowning,; thea an obstruction is prevent- the most common cause of fail- ain obstruction in the throat or ing air from reaching the lungs, ure in any form of artificial fame other cause. He has stop. and to what degree the victim's res p r r a t i a n. Mouth-to-mouth ped breathing and you are the chest is expanding and relaxing,' breathing is the only technique only person on hard. ' How the mouth-to-mouth me- which allows the rescuer to be Could you save Ms life? (hod works: stationed at the victim's head • What would you do? Apply 1 -.- Place; the victim on his for constant checking of the air artificial respiration? Which me-, back with his arms by his sides, `passage and to be aware of nod? , and kneel close to his left ear. whether it is open or not. No one really knows 'how he Quickly loosen his collar and. Any obstruction a a can be detect- or she will act in an emergency. belt, ed on a breath -to -breath basis But much, will depend on the 2 — Turn the victim's head and can be treated immediately knowledge and training behind and .clear his mouth and throat , by correction of the jaw position the decisions. of foreign bodies • •ith your or by clearing the throat. With Almost everyone bas some fingers or a piece of cloth, i none of the manual methods can 1+nowlEctge of artificial respire- . 3 -- Pull the head up and in- • the rescuer be completely sure e tion — either from Scouts or sert the left thumb (which may the air passage is open. , Co. In Stm•altorcl, she was a Guides, or from First Aid class- be wrapped for protection) be- Also less energy is required in member of St. John's United e$ in the Company, or from tween his teeth, grasp the lower the mouth-to-mouth method and Church and sang in the choir. reading, or seeing films. jaw bone and hold it forcibly the. rescuer can maintain mouth-, After twenty years, Miss Jones One method which is receiving forward and upward so that it; to -mouth breathing for an hour left for Toronto, where she re - wide publicity these clays is juts out. This is the most int.' or more without fatigue even sided for the past ten years. At mouth-to-mouth resuscitation portant step since it effectively � though the victim is twice his the time of her death, she was because it has demonstrated prevents the tongue from ob.,' size. certain advantages over other strutting air passing through to In some cases the idea of Cburcii member of Glenmount United more well-known methods. the lungs. mouth-to-mouth breathing might The funeral Monday afternoon It's based on the fact that 4 — Maintain support of lower be distasteful, but not if the vie- y everyone carries an ideal built- pp was held from the R. C. Drone in inhalator in his own respira-jaw as described and close the, vim were a relative or friend as funeral home, conducted by Rev. victim's nose with your right. is often the case, i H. J. Snell. The bearers were tory apparatus—ideal because it hand. Pesuscitafion by m 0 u 1 h - to 11 u .f u s Kestle, Bert Bissett, has the same characteristics of mouth is simple and effectiveW. 5 — Take a deep breath, place, and is easily .learned, It has re- Maurice Quante, Cecil Rowe, your mouth firmly over the vie- 3, Hern, and James Smith. in- vived many victims unrespons- torment was in the Exeter vim's mouth, and blow force-ive to other methods. This does fully in adults, gently in child- ren, and lightly in infants. ter cit the 1a,e ;tlr and illi' . s., Thomas Jones, of Exeter, and. cheapest package of grass seed The Exeter Timis -Advocate .Is always pleased to publtoh these items, sister of Mrs. F. 1i. Rice (Vera.), for the lawn this year, .r.cmem-, We and our readers are interested In you and your friends, Phond 770• Brantford, died hriday. April 17, ber that fewer than 20 grasses of in St. Josephs Hospital, Brant- ' 500 spec ies in rho world are a,y ford, where she had been a, Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Caialett, Mrs. W. Hackenberg and Mr, suitable for eastern Canadian .. patient for six ill for She had !Kitchener, visited on Sunday and Mrs, Eric Jack and Ronnie been seriously ill fora year, !lawn purposes. with Mr. and Mrs. Don Gravett of London visited with Mrs. Miss Jones was born near; The reminder is issued by J. and mark. Martha Smith and. Mrs. Jean Exeter, and when the family 1{. Boyce of Forage Crop Divi -i Ar. and Mrs. Sheldon Moffatt, Jordan on Sruhday.. moved to town, she was em -'sign of the Canada Department l h • .c:as a salesladywith Mrs, of Agriculture who deplores the Orono, and daughter, Jean, of Mrs. William Eileringtan and. l lob e go; Teterboro visited. over the week- Miss Gladys ,Kestle visited in Ada Yeo (later Mrs. MA Down), tendency to far the !cheapest e h vert A:tr. and Alrs, W. ll. Gael zh orhy 11'ed hesdav where she served for almost fif- seed. He says the saving of ae t d h ! �aking years.She was a member few cents at the sowing sea e Stone and attended the funeral home witlh them lttibbie 1 inner ofteen James Street Church and can lead to the loss of many of the late W. L. Kerslake, At- who has been visiting with lis inchoirfor a number dollars in renovation costs ata tending the funeral front Lpndon grandparents, Alr, and Mrs, W. sang the »_were Mr•, and Airs. Cecil Stew- E]lerington, of years. later date. In January, 1939, Bliss Jones Recommended f a r easternl art, Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Mei:- Miss Norma Pearing of Sarnia lawns are Kentuck btu . grass ner, Miss Gertrude Stewart and visited over the weekend with went to Stratford, where she wasb e gr a, s miss Maude Glenn. Dearing, employed by the J. A. Duggan (both commercial and illerion), her aunt, Miss 14ler,le ro;igh-stalked blue grass, creep- � Mrs, R. E. Jackson under- ing red fescue, Chewing fescue event eye surgery at Victoria and some of the bent grasses, Hospital, London, .on • Wednes- notably colonial. Reputable seed day. firms sell mixtures of these dur- 111r. and Airs. Olmstead and able species and Mr, Boyce Dale, St. Thomas, visited with estimates that by paying per Mrs. Jean Jordan on Sunday at haps an average of $10 more to the home. of Mrs. Martha Smith. seed a lawn with good seed, Miss Rena Murray and Mr. later considerable cost is saved in- Don Morphy, of London, spent later maintenance and renova- tion. He also . rges good soil prepar- ation and fertilization, Letter from Kirkton By MRS HAROLD DAVIS P. A. Morrison dies in hospital A private funeral service was held at the Marriott funeral home, St. Marys, on Thursday, April 16, for the late Preston A. Morrison, of Kirkton, who died in St. Marys Hospital after a lengthy illness. The service was conducted by Rev. T. Elliott, of the Kirkton United Church. Mr. Morrison was the son of Mr. Russell Morrison and Mrs, Verda (Moore) Morrison. Mr. Morrison was born in Kirkton on October 23, 1922, and lived there all. his life. In 1954, he married the former Bessie McCurdy, who survives him along with his parents and two brothers, Ray, of St, Marys, and Reg, of Kirk - 6 — Watch the victim's chest and when it rises, take your mouth off his mouth and let him exhale passively by the elastic recoil of his lungs and chest. Should air enter the stomach— you can tell by watching to see if the stomach wall rises—force it out by pressing on the stom- ach with your hand. Repeat in- flations about 12 to 20 times a minute until the patient begins to breathe naturally, or until a doctor decides that further ef- forts will be useless. Mouth-to-mouth breathing has certain advantages over any of Demerit system to help drivers "The point system being in- troduced in Ontario is the great- est safety factor ever invented," claims Carl Laybourn, director of safety promotion with the On- tario Department of Transport. ton. He was a member of "It is introduced," he told Kirkton United Church. delegates to the Ontario Fedor•a- Interment was in Kirkton Union tion of Agriculture's second in - Cemetery. Pallbearers were surance conference in Toronto, Leon Paul, Ross Francis, Lloyd "not to take away the licences of Knight, George Hamilton, Lloyd poor drivers, but to encourage Cowdrey and Harold Davis. all drivers to drive more care - Flower bearers were Reg fully." Stagg, Murray Pridham, Harold Mr, Labourn addressed de]e- Levy, Ross Joliffe, Alex Garten- - gates from county federations' burg, John Moore, Russell Mc-. insurance committees at a lunch - Cullum, Norris Webb, Harry ; On held in Toronto. Squire, Reg Paul, Gerald Paul and Allen McDougall. Personal items Mrs. Lorne Marshall is a pa- tient in St. Marys Memorial Hos- pital at time of writing. Mr. and. Mrs. R.evill Pearson, of Collingwood, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. George Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, of Lon- don. spent the weekend with Mrs. Lavina Copeland and Miss Ethel Copeland. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Denham and family were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Vance, Norma, Murray, Floyd, Shirley arid Jim of Dexter, and Mrs. William Denham of St. Marys who is remaining for a week or two. Air. and Mrs. William Hard- ing, of St. Marys, were Sunday guests ' of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Switzer• run,nYuu,n,n,n,,,,,n,nn,uunn,mn,n nnnn,n, m. 1 Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week. Larry Snider Motors s,innnninl,nl„ a ,,,,,n,,n,mmnnnn,,,,m, • Canada's productive forests are chiefly composed of evergreens. co'oPQS E E D 4// is e mona �r (diamonds, BUY HER 11.16/Cua t IAMOND FROM lack Smith CREDIT JEWELLER Phone 510 Exeter 2 Free Tickets TO LYRIC THEATRE, EXETER FOR THE 'Best News Tip Of The Week' When you learn of an incident which would make a good news story or picture—a serious accident, a spectacular feat, a human interest or humorous .oc- curance—phone us at 770 Exeter (Nights 11) imed- lately. You don't need to have all the details --just give us the 'tip', we'll do the rest. Each week, The T -A will award the person who sends us the best tip with 2 Free Tickets to the Lyric Theatre which may be used for any regular perform ance, HELP US GIVE YOU ALL THE LOCAL NEWS .. 1 The Times -Advocate PHONE 770 EXETER the weekend in Toronto with Dr, and Mrs. G. P. Morphy. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Rowe, ,Janet and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn BROTHER DIES IN CRASH Fisher, Yvonne and Glenda visit- Ccmetery, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCarthy, ed Sunday with Mr. and M. not mean, however, that other Boy Bond Market, h. Anmos Warwick in Port :Huron. toe, are ineffective. They: of the DutchRCAF Centralia, were called to Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Kirk ar- too, have demonstrated their' Harry de Vries, an employee St. Thomas owing to the death rived home Friday after spend - usefulness in saving lives. The of The Exeter Times -Advocate, of the fornier's brother, Joseph ing two weeks with their daug- Holger- Nielsen or arm -lift roe- has been off duty for several Leroy McCarthy, .aged 26, who ter and son-in-law, Air, and Mrs. thod will continue to be taught days owing to a severe sprain who was killed in a car crash on Ross Cowan in Chatham, New in our First Aid classes as re- he suffered in the right foot, Monday. The funeral service Jersey and a week in Kingston commended by St. John Ambu-; the result of a fall at the of- was held from the Sifton funeral at the home of their son, Mr, lance Association, i flee, home Wednesday afternoon. and Mrs. Donald Kirk. Serve 125 atC I.T. On Satur.clay afternoon the. members of James Street HCIT entertained their mothers .and friends at a Spring tea in the p g drawing rooms of .the .church. Guests were received by the senior leaders, Mrs. Lloyd Cush- mao, Mrs. E. C,. Harvey. and Airs, Allan Westcott, and the junior leaders. The rooms were decorated with daffodils and spring flowers and tea was served at small tables by two girls at tach table, A hake sale convened by Bar- bara Hodgson was well patron- ized. • Over 135 attended the tea, There are 45 mertmbers in the CGI'!'. COMPLETE Locker e r & Home Freezer Service * Custom Slaughtering * Cutting and Wrapping * Quick Freezing * Custom Curing and Smoking * Complete Line of Frozen Foods Exeter Frozen Foods PHONE 70 MAIN STREET CUTTHROAT JACK the Giant Killer is still moaning about too many cars around .. . ONLY 21 SOLD LAST WEEK Come to Exeter or Zurich —Make us cm offer LARGEST INVENTORY IN HURON COUNTY -- WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD '58 Chev Yeoman 4 -door Station Wagon ONLY, 42395 '57 Plymouth 2 -Door Whitewalls, wheel discs, 2 -tone ONLY $1895 '57 Plymouth 2 -Door 8-cyl., window washers, a sharpie ONLY. $189 5 '57 Buick Hardtop ., 2 -door, automatic, whitewalls, wheel discs ONLY $2395 '57 Chev 2 -Door Deluxe, whitewalls, washers ONLY $179 5 '56 Pontiac Hardtop Star Chief, hydramatic, radio, chrome skirts, leather interior I� I� ONLY $229 5 '56 Ford Crown. Victoria Automatic, radio, whitewalls, sharp ONLY $229 5 '56 Buick Hardtop Super 4 -door, radio, hydramatic, power steering and brakes, executive car ONLY $229 5 • '57 PONTIAC PATHFINDER Deluxe 2 -door, 2 -tone, whitewalls, only 21,000 miles. '57 PONTIAC LA_ URENT' qN Hardtop, V-8 automatic drive, radio, whitewalls. '57 DODGE 2 -DOOR HARDTOP Automatic drive, 8-cyl., whitewalls, a sharp car $1,995 '56 METEOR RIDEAU SEDAN Automatic, custom radio, just like new. '56 CHEVROLET 2 -DOOR 150 Series, 'sharp car ...,$1,695 '58 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Only 10,000 miles, new car war- ranty, only $1,495 '57 BUICK CENTURY SEDAN 4 -door, full power, owned by a member of the clergy. '55 OLDS 88 4 -DOOR SEDAN Radio, whitewalls, very sharp $1,795 '55 PLYMOUTH HARDTOP 2 -door, automatic, radio, white- walls, 2 -tone $1,395 '55 OLDS 88 SEDAN Radio, power brake, power steer- ing. What are we offered? '55 FORD STATION WAGON Customline ' model with white- walls $1,695 '55 BUICK SPECIAL HARDTOP Dynallow, radio, custom trim, whitewalls $1,495 '54 METEOR RIDEAU HARDTOP Automatic, radio, rear speaker, very sharp. '54 PON rIAC CHIEFTAIN SEDAN Custom built radio , $795 '56 BUICK 2 -DOOR HARDTOP Finished in black with red leather,, all the extras, like new. '56 PONTIAC A local car, DELUXE SEDAN new car warranty $1,695 '53 MONARCH HARDTOP Radio, whitewalls, a sharp car $995 '53 CHEVROLET HARDTOP 2 -door, equipped with new motor, only $895 '53 DODGE STATION WAGON In excellent condition, only 50,000 miles $1,095 '53 BUICK SEDAN Radio, automatic, very sharp, $995 '53 FORD COACH New paint, excellent shape .. $795 '53 CHEV BEL AIR SEDAN With Powerglide, radio, 2 -tone etc. '53 CHEV 150 SEDAN An economy car, only $595. 15 '52 Models 10 '51 Models 22 '49's & 'SD's TAKE YOUR PICK ALL' MAKES 5395 195 595 MAKE AN OFFER Ur UP UP JACK'S 'AXE' SPECIALS 55 PIy'th $1395 2 -Door Hardtop, Automatic, Radio 54 Pontiac $795 Smart Laurentian, Radio 55 Chev $1195 Deluxe 4 -Door Sedan 53 Chev $798 2 -Door Hardtop, New Motor PEARSON MOTORS Phone 78 Zurich LTD. ' Phone 608 Exeter or '56 OIds 88 Super 4 -door hardtop,radio, hydra- matic, whitewalls ONLY, $229 5 '56 Ford Tudor Customline, smart 2 -tone ONLY, $1395 '56 Pontiac Station Wagon Pathfinder Deluxe Model ONLY $179 5 '56 Buick Century Convertible Power steering, power brakes, ` radio, Dynaflow Y PRICE IT AND YOU OWN IT TRUCKS '58 yOLKSWAGEN VAN Just like new $1,595 '57 DODGE 3 -TON 14 -foot racks, V-8 motor, 27,000 or- iginal miles, lists new over $5,000, our price .................•....,,,....,.,$2,495 '56 DODGE 2 -TON With 12 -foot van, like new $1,895 '56 DODGE 1 -TON PICKUP 28,000 miles. '55 CHEVROLET 1/2 -TON PICKUP (2) Sharp trucks. This model is scarce. '53 GMC 1/2 -TON PICKUP 'With stock racks $750 Runs like PANEL S2 CH ike new. Make its an offer, . '49 DODGE .4 -TON DUMP 5 -speed transmission, big motor, ex- cellent shape .... , $695 '36 CHEVRO'.ET 11/ -TON Positively like new. '45 DODGE 3,TON t6 -foot hoists, rack, etc.. $395 152 CHEV Vi -TON PICKUP 54,000 original miles ........ $675