HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-23, Page 12Pape: '12 The 'Titnes.Advecata, April 23, 1959 Federal expert states cattle prospects good Is. a good showring dairy cow Type Mature Equivalent; tecessarily a good milker? Rating Milk tlbs.) Fat (lbs.) That. question has heen hand- Excellent 17,710 651) red around. a lot in the last few Very food 13.055 527 '4?,ars by both breeders and cos- Good Plus 12,521 468 roiercial dairymen. Some farmers Good11.722 437 cdeim it's unsafe to buy a cow I"air 11.176. 416 nowadays unless you can look Poor 11,533 430 up her or the dams milking The most frequent defective rdeords; others believe type can charaeters noted in Holstein - still be used as the main yard. ;tick in buying replacement Fresian cows were high pelvis, cows. Here's some more grist sickled legs, toeing out of rear for the mill. feet, and low thuds. ?A type -production study on The OA(' also reports that a 9,469 cows made by the Holstein.; Fresian Association proves there studY of 1.547 Guernsey cows is: a good relationship between showed that heavy shoulders t30 t'pe and milk and butter fat of rows), high pelvis (25°• i, low thuds (2> production, says the OA(' dairy ), sickled legs department. The table below i30 i, and short front udders Shows it: ; (30", are the most ,frequent un- desirable characters. Weak fore attachment of the udder, low Egg marketing rear attachment of the udder, • close teats and low pins were Continued From Page 11 present in 16 to 20^.- of the cows start in building a program for inspected. producers in the province. `Resolutions coming before the r% M A 'a.u. C' t k • meeting called for a complete p'C% McKerchorr� s {�� al`s study of marketing plans under . the farm products marketing act for top P Hco-op post WINS OAC DAIRY AWARD—Johannus "ans" Brand, 22, for the marketing of eggs and RR 1 Exeter, has been declared the winner of the H. H. pqultry in Ontario; an increaseRobert Dlai:ereher, Seaforth Dean Memorial award for the highest proficiency standing in duty on eviscerated chicken district farmer, has heen elect in practical work at the 1959 dairy school held this spring coming into the country from ed president of the United. Dairy 'U.S.A. front approximately three I at OAC. A butter machine operator at Middlesex Cream- to five cents a pound; a study of , and Poultry Co -Operative Limit- iY:•,.�r cries- Ltd., London, Hans came to Canada with his family floor prices and their effect on ed, following the resignation of in 1953. They purchased the Stephen township farm of the poultry industry; and iquote-' George cCaguee, of Harriston• Wellington Haist, a mile northeast of Crediton, in April, gation of egg prices being quoted Mr. :hlcCague, who has been to the public by Toronto daily ;president since the inception of 1957, and keep 3G lnilkin� COWS, —7-A photo press and a request to the CBC : the i'DPC in 1958, sold his farm ' to; issue egg prices after live- i recently, but will continue to stack prices on its daily market work in the interests of Ontario' e vital a vantages reports. ' agriculture as a member of the :Officers elected for the cont- i new commission appointed by irCg year included Melburn 1 the Frost administration to . . In two-man operations Greenwood, 'Mitchell, and Allani study all aspects of farm VJedow, Hanover. marketing, ,,,,I,1111,111111,,,111111II„I1,11„I„I„II,I,II„I,,,,,,,,1,1II,,,,,,,1,,,,111,,,,,,,,,I,n,,,,I,I,l,,,,,I,II,,,O,,,,,,l,lllll 1111,,,. Barley Contracts & SEED GRAIN See our special contract on Malting Barley before you sign. Fertilizer sup- plied. REGISTERED & COMMERCIAL NO, 1 SEED OATS Different Varieties — Also Barley, Pees, etc. Scott's Elevator Ltd. Office 63, Res. 110 Lucan '41111111111111111,1141 41,4111lin„1,111,1111,11111111111111,11I11111,1141,111III,I„nn,U 1111,1111❑111,1,IIIII11111111;1111111111l C ERS! SEASON LONGS WEED CONTROL from planting to harvest his 5l 50 azi Kills weeds before they compete with tender young corn plants. �RDER NOW from your loco! farm supply dealer in 5 Ib. bogs rand 50 Ib, drums, *trrtde Mort: 0) Oely Che,n.eal CNde,opbn. 'Ip IYYn0111I1,lu tntI1111111411n1 iYln11,I1111nIlnllll II1111 nnOYIII11111tnI1111Y1lllulIIIhilt OI11Inlu,llO IIIOY11Y, Cann's Mill Ltd. PHONE 735 EXETER Oaf 1111 ITO01000aIYIYn11 M oVOtY'YOIilen IYYYYMO (,OOYY 011o nttlitth OOOtiYYYY1Ooiaro o 'Orible1Ohlt Exeter Dist. Co'op PHONE 2e/ 6ESIDI CNR STATION �YYiY1Pl'IflitO't1YYY'Ytit'f1UYOTlh'I'rOIOYYi'Yltt IYYYYI tl'YlO nYn'1'Otl"IhYYYY11n1OY1'Itl l l tOYYI'ItYOYYYYYOYYi OgfiOYiltfl i'tYYtYtI'YI'tli' By A. C. ROBINSON acres of crop land. He will own Ontario Dept of Agriculture ; between 150 and 200 acres. Be will keep close to the equal of • What is this family sized farm 50 cows. 1 -lis farm capital ran- i people talk about so much? Ob- ges from $29,000 to wellover viously it is not the 100 acre $40,000, In 8 different types of farm with 50 to 60 tillable acres farming the operator had from that has been so common in 357 to 555 days of work going on .on his farm in one year. many parts of Ontario. Already Generally speaking these were the average size of farm ope- bigger than one manfarms al- t rated by owners is 141.4 acres in though we, in Ontario have not this province. reached the complete two man ( steady average increase in farm In Ontario we have shown a farming in this study as yet. f The talk about increased size size. It has grown from 104.6 ' of business, use of large amounts acres in 1901, to 118.9 in 1931 Co of capital, vertical integration 141.4, today. in .its many forms and other me- { Have we reached the Opti- thods of attaining increased net mum? It is to be doubled that income is not always successful on the individual :farm. A signi- we have and it is most likely j ficant numbr of instances are that farm acreage will change coming to our attention where upward during the next fifty; operators have combined units ! years. of land or increased the size of ; With 141.4 acres per farm we operation on the home farm and will not have the economic unit are worse off financially than which Professor Mosher of the before. I University of Illinois writes when The conclusion one must draw he describes what should be the ; is that it takes well organized in- optimum size for the modern ' dividuals, in the best productive !family farm. Mosher states that i years of their farming lifetime, the two man farm shows advant-I to hand the (a) financing neces- ages in the use of land, labor sary to a large farm business and capital. I and (b) the work and worry After forty years of farm ac. „load it imposes. count records the Illinois peo-I In corporate urban business ple have found that two man 1 the young man is integrated in farms utilize land, labor and ca- i the business gradually. Only al- pital more effectively than one, ter five tp ten or often twenty man farms. Costs are high on , years of service is he allowed to one man farms. Farms with i make decisions affecting the fi- more than 2 men become more nancial structure, the income difficult to supervise particular- and expense side of the business. 1y as regards hired labor. i Modern farm organization and Professor Mosher has five goals' financing force money making in mind: decisions upon the thirty year 1 old individual, which are several 1 Economy of operation.p from times greater. than the ones his 2. Continuity of ownership generation to generation. father ever had to make. 3. Children reared in so-called''—.—, middle class families. • 4. Community development. 5. Political control of local agricultural matters by local taxpayers. Ontario farm management study In Ontario (375 records) Dr. H. W. Caldwell and J. H. Clark are finding that the efficient farmer is farming just over 100 FOR A BETTER CROP PLANT CO.OP 'SEED Deep in high protein pasture up to 3 weeks ahead of schedulel New, active AERO UREA* helps you grow lush, nutritious grass pasture ... get your animals grazing profitably up to 3 weeks ahead of the normal time. Acro Urea is a 45% nitrogen fcrtilizer,•prilled for easy handling. Top dressed in spring, it releases immediately available nitrogen to get the pasture off to a quick start—with higher protein content. Pasture k your cheapest feed, So let Aero Urea get your animals grazing sooner . , . they make profitable weight gains and bigger milk cheques ... while y°bu is save on feeding costs! r� AFRO t� n UREA Ask your fertilizer dealer for Aero Urea, 4,t. M. Reed, ,C' ALIVA114Y''x 'CYANAMID CIO CANADA LIMit- t6 1479 Back drive for Army By J. CARL. HEMINGWWAYY Huron, County Federation. of Agriculture directors met in the agricultural board rooms April 15 with president Winston Shap - ton presiding. The attendance was particularly good, which, is .appreciated, Envoy Newman of the Salva- tion Army spoke briefly on the work of the army in the county. He expressed the highest ap- preciation for the canvass under- taken by the township federa- tions of agriculture last year. He pointed out that .all moneys col- lected by canvasses conducted holders be arrtnged as they by organizations must be spent on welfare work only. Two thirds, at least, must be spent in the area in which it is col- lected. 1t was felt that at: county level, the federation couldn't conduct such a canvass but it was re- commended that the townships take on this job. Perhaps the Huron County Crop Report BY D. H. MILES Seeding operations are going ahead rapidly in all parts of the county. Land is working fairly easily, Cool weather is retarding growth of wheat and pastures. FROM FROZEN SEMEN Born to AI,—a calf—first, in the second generation of ani- mals produced from frozen se- men in the Morden dairy cattle breeding project. FEED itei._� /CLEAN/ (AUTOMATICALLY WITH tiaie�eND BARN CLEANER • SILO UNLOADER AND 3 TYPES OF BUNK FEEDERS LAYOUT- INSTALLATION • SERVICE Product of Badger Northland, Inc. HAROLD ROW & SONS Distributor RRI Belmont See Your Local Dealer ' For. Demonstration R.- B. WILLIAMS 44r9 Kirkton RR 1 Exeter ladies committee avotlld be able might he of assistance in gather Mrs. Vera Greig, pewly-elect, to do the canvassing, ing local material for the pro -1 ed ehaifman of Ontario Farm Ia discussing the TV farm :gram. ! Foi'um, stated that a .banquet .program the meeting agreed to The annual warship set'vice was being arranged for the par. purchase four shares, the same. program was discussed sued R. ticipants on TV I'arnl Forum in a last year. It was suggested committee was set up to _al appreciation- of their work and that a meeting of the share- range the details. 1 a donation was granted. W. G. THOMPSON • HENSALL ' and Sons limited, Phone 32 CLOVER & GRASS SEEDS WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF ALFALFA, RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, YELLOW AND WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, WHITE DUTCH AND LADINO CLOVERS, BROME GRASS, ETC. CONTRACTING For Registered Rodney and Garry Seed Oats — Also Malting Barley SEED GRAINS All varieties available in Registered No. 1 ,Certified No. 1 and Commercial No. 1 Treated "and Packed in Jute OAT VARIETIES — Garry, Rodney, Clintland, Registered and Commercial Brant and Monfcalm Barley High quality seeds will be in short supply this spring. To be sure of your requirements ORDER NOW! FERTILIZER We'II Deliver To Your Farm! 1. We are contracting for malting barley. 2. Registered seed oats. Have Your Seeds Cleaned and Treated At Our Modern Cleaning Plant. Your seed can be delivered and cleaned without being bagged. Phone us and arrange a date to clean and treat your requirements. SEED BEANS Registered No. 1 and Commercial No. 1—Sanilac, Michelite and Clipper W. G. Thompson & Sons LIMITED Phone '32; Nights 194 or 42 Hensall 41111111111.111111110 Why' take a chance? OW HA GRASS the top quality seed sold by your dependable local dialer A FORMULA TO FIT YOUR FARM . • * New mixtures for 1959 based on recommendations by OAC and other leading agricultural authorities using such outstanding new varieties as Climax Timothy, Vernal Alfalfa, La Salle Red Clover and Lincoln Brame. FORMUL4 ,P4iIS,. reaeratr Realoes Term :114tureh /ores!e'une o!n 11-1 g' C and ALFALF BROME A VERNAL OR ARpINCOLN 25 FESrtmCUE CLIMA$ 16 LA CU (Alta.) X 11 %VH1E ' OVERR 4 4 4a,• rr;-1,n % 100 lure 11Txtnre C. No. 41 Jones, MacNaughton SEEDS LTD. SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY BUY FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALER You can buy the best quality seeds and mixtures from your local dealer at more economical prices than from direct selling agencies ... and you can be sure that what you buy is of the highest standard. So why take a chance? Buy from the dealer in your community you know you can tryst. HENSALL Hensall District Co.op E. L. Muckle and Son KIPPEN N. Dickert BRUCEFIELD Pattef'son's ,. ZURICH Stade .& Wcido EXETER FULLARTON Cann's Mill Ltd. , Lorne Harmer Exeter District Co-op DUBLIN - CLINTON William Stapleton C. 1, Livermore Wettlaufor Feed Mill Henry Charlesworth VA RNA CENTRALIA . Varna Feed Mill Celtttralia Farmers` Supply John Aldingfon LUCAN Scott's Elevator Jones, MacNaughton SEEDS LTD CREDITON Phone 3 W 1 EXETER Phone 664 LONDON !Motto CE 2421511