HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-04-29, Page 2HU ' W 3LGN AL.
,le+ 7 e ( 1I rbcs
seepoi Mime, cited I Mregree
last a aeieeeh illeope,.Ibly tough-
, in.
iii ye rat. Mils f r'e:Meow of ea
ri wt rtkpareogiseg sense ally M
.ytr"IL alit r lthattsaste r.
eke, Moo, to frail that the soy
= -gt Olin idea ellem all eased. They
:tTe1: 11MilltioholdbOtiag seder the
agog. east ogre ter rjuurtl got ever the
se le +so •steed into t cutter. The
b dI►(l echo tt of Ilona a 156 yards from the
IAA* eir isitlsead arra all were saved.
'1'h oditit a 'same he a single woman or
rhe rout of permits who perished
!N - 1, s, as is areal is each cases
tint - c .rnhig in the `our of need.
Butters. were all t►u
be ftkr.' d avoidable. 1e or are -
Mad toot whoa the urea were or -
to t .. the pedJk-hoz bouts out, the
pf t+• ;'.vr.te nets rusted is, and could
foo, oat. Capt. Wright,' on the
l.utd'Nth res that 'then the funnel
teoi site side it carved away the stu-
d sooliieaos boat capsized. Of die
pt roans who were saved, 116 made
rs`e;,e ie the three boats which sue-
d:±1btgetting clear of the wreck.
„Are_.¢ed are the names of the military
.,,. :,eatoa, Licata. G. W. Robin-
emu .l. '1 }loath, Ensign Nyland, Ensign
rrd r,, Essig° R.nssell, and Cornet
- I»4:' .
"Iles folbwm; are the names of the na-
val nrfi: e,7 loot :—
'lr. alts coalmoad, roaster eemmandi.R;
! •, '.1'. Brodie, master; Mr. R. D. Speer,
a -"owl master, Mr. J. O. D. Davies,
thte4insster, Mr. W. Whyham, ehief en-
' looter; !Ir. C. W. Hare, master's penis-
emir+got: \Ir. Jmmei M'Clymont, assistant en-
iOneer; Ole. Dselj imeisteet sugiaeer; Mr.
•' . itsrris,beets ram; Mr. Janes Robert'
err seer.
;se:er seas destr,vctine more sodden or
nor, coa;•lete. Witbis Gfteeo minute.
,fit r the vessel struck, the bow broke .Bert
. T. Five minutes more elapsed, and the
1.1'; ofthe vessel went is two, crossways,
e!•s:t. the cneioe-room. The stern
rear: of the ieeselemmediately Barged, "GI- several friends upon this subject; and by was
kJ, 3n.1 went down. The only hope of the glad to state that they were all of the same
tin -rivers ley in the mein topmast and main opiniou as himself—that the course to he
- ;nail yard, which still shoved above we- taken was to endeavour to elicit from the
:here were some fragments of tbe fore- Goverment what they meant to do. It
. castle deck still floating about; there were was their °pillion that \Ir Villiers should
w few soars, and driftwood. About forty-
five people clung to the yard, and, after re-
mainio; there until two o'clock the follow -
,o afternuo., were picked off by the Lion -
cu, schooner which was providentially at
hood. Captain Wright asserts, that of the
IYJ persona, more or hese who were cling 'House with the intention of ehcttn the confidence in the new Government. It
to call upon the evernmeut for an etplau-
atioa of their priuciples. At der same tune,
those with whom he had "tithed, 1.11 well es.
himself, had no desire whatever to infer say
factwom opposition to die Government by
attempting to stop the sup;.f:es, nr to delay
iweares which were requited iu carrvn+g
oa the basiuess et the country, provided the
Govsraeat made some atai+.uteut of their
ieteatirms. The commercial, the agricul-
tural, and the general interests of lbs couu-
try absolutely required that Parliament
should know at the earliest period whether
the Adusiabtration of Lord Derby meant
to carry out the policy of Free•lrade, or to
attempt to reverse it. There bail been
some meditation that they did mtend to
reverse it. %lr, Christopher had sail in
his address to tbe Lincolnshire ckrtors,
that his conviction was that Lord Derby
was siaetrely desirous to reverse a pokey
which had beeuso injurious to the country
Now, be (Lord John Kuaarll) trusted that
the policy of Free -trade wooli be continu-
ed, becalm he was confident that, so far
from having been injurious, as Mr.. Christo-
pher thought, to the interest+ of the coun-
try, it bad been hi„ h!y beueticisl 10 them.
them, en, was the is.+ne. It won, there-
fore, of the first importance that Minister`
should be called upon, to state the principles
in this rrspect, upon which they meant to
carry on the Government. li they were
about to restore protection, Irl it be known
it once. 'There were a number of re?ores
in circulation as to their intentions 0*, other
point. It was said, for etample, that they
meant to confine their views at present to
measus of an tuternat character, to mea-
sures of social improvement, to legal reform
and to leave the subject of protection out
of the question—at 'riot at present. Ile
did not know bow this might be; hilt he was
satisfied that anv such policy could have no
other but injurious effects neon the county. I rco to accept a particular post is the Gor-
It would also be unprecedented, he ventur-'
ed to think, after the eircumsta'ices be bel imminent, previous to the general election;
taentioued at the commencement of his ad- and the reasons on which that refusal was
dress. Having made these observations, based were fully appreciated. Still the
tbe quration arose. es it appeared to Lim,
be bad said before, he had consulted with public erre not prepared to acquiesce u
what course ought now to be adopted. As his self -elected eaelusion Loon' power. He
was not permitted to refuse his services to
the country, at a moment whom they might
be of most essential value. It was felt
that his presence io the Cabinet was neces-
sary—his name was one of those pillars on
not bring on his motion, of wi.ich he had whieb public confidence in the Govern -
given notice: that no abstract resolution on ment, had pre -determined to recline. The
the subject of Free -trade should be propos- polio al instincts of the Reform party
al, but ihot their proceed nos should be to him as emphatically THE DIAN
confined to salting a question upon the (int pointed
opportunity- allowed by the forms of the wanted to complete the measure of public
d to the drift wood when be got away, views of -her Majesty's Government. When was in these circumstances, and under
nearly every man might hare been saved, those views had been ascertained, and when these auspices, that 1fr. Camero0 was
one of the ship's boats dome her duty. they !-new what they had to contend for, be led to the Councils of his sovereign. But
Toto this boat the assistant suer had thought another meeting swum be held,
away er and landed about fifteen miles from to consider what further steps should be neon which souelt to force htato the
To the. County of Huron a member of the
(;overument comes back for re-election.
The Electors are now called epos to saynin
whether they repose confidet the Gov-
ernment as it a ah
coostituled. It was a
Reform party, who are now is power, that
the for the people e right of cos-
lirmiug Of rejecting the appeiatmeat of
those esecutiTe officers whom the Gorer-
uor Grueral nominates, as heads of the ve-
nous Departments of the puplic service.—
By this means the head of the people iD
r isibk in the creation of the Cabinet : sot
everta coininstioa is Teetered on by the
bead of the Coverament before public
upiuioo has plainly pointed out the individ-
ual who can reader greatest service to his
country, is the high station to which the
suffrages of the people are ready to ekeale
hum. N'e are forcibly retaioded of thin'
fact by the premed case of the honorable
NEitroLr Ca)iRo", who tow returns to
his rousti'ueot.' for the expression of their
approval of his cooduet, and of their coe-
tidcace in the Goseunent. We all re-
member the positive refusal of Mr. Caae-
wit.. ci'bt men. They Mame lately p led as united action was desirable and esseutial notwithstanding the pressure of public opi-
clic vessel. The fact appears to here been the Liberal party. !Cabinet, whether be desired it or oot, Mr.
that the poor creatures wbo were eliogiog Tbe noble Lord then est down, his oh- Cameron dui not forego his resents xr.
the e drift wood, had been carried by the servation appearin; to meet with uawim-
vwell in the direction of point Danger. ous concurrence; and ; pies, nor aceept office on terms that be had
There they ;ot .otaiidad among the ace- Mr Villiers immediately rose. Iie said' previously rejected. New overtures were
weed, which at this, poiot of the coast is he concurred most cordially airt. od entirely iu made to him, and those he did not feel him
thick and of immense length.—faaetaiu the suggestions thrown out by Lord John txlf at liberty to rreject; Cor a public mat p
W's opinion is, that bad sot the anis- ltttseell. Ile would not propose the reso-
' Fan•-sor•n•on carried off the boat, or even lulions which he had placed upon the notice not at dowries own master. If the pop11-
14l the boat polled hack to the scene oldie book of the 'louse; but would rooform most tat opioioto assigns him to a particular post,
disaster. after landing the medical gentle- willingly to the course of first ascertaining be is bound to obey the can op patriottsta,
coffee the thirties god tGm kdretry 1
aieetj•aioa oat of orrery. hesdr'od of yea --
Yoe will got say that this, the praao..i
Worts' of Cauda, Agvicda.re, shall be
the oe1 ways d which Gorerameat shell
take ao tare. You will sot pronounce wire-
less of aiachievosa, the attempt to direct
emigration to Ibex shores; kmuwmg, es you
do, that the wwlti, sod atrsagtb, aid baths -
race, sad happiness of yoaog country, de-
pend in a great degree, oa the facilities
whish are held out to settlers ea the mil-
lions of acres of forest lands that sow lie
in jangle and in waste. Aod yea know
that unless these facilities are held out to
Earopeas emigragts, they minuet be its-
d.eed to come to Canada. 'To effect this
desirable end, Ma principal object wit8. the
Government of which Mr. Cameron is a
Already has at considered and matured
plans fur the setelemeat of the public lands,
by offering them at reasonable rates, open-
isg lesdisg roads through them, and is alio
teat k,calities bolding out the advastagee
of free grants to a limited amount. As a
member of that Government which is
pledged to the settlement of the Clergy
Reserves questioa, by devoting the leads
to secular purposes, Mr Cameron comes
back to you. As the representative of a
ministry which is pledged to a polity of
progressive Reform in accordance with the
*dewing state of population and istelli-
geme.. Mr. Cameros comes before yon,
the electors of Heron, for as espressioe of
your adherence to your owe cherished prin-
ciples --of those priecipks is behalf of
whieb yoe gave se clear and decisive an
elm mien at the late election. And under
these eircumstasees we kaow that every
true liberal in these limited Counties, stands
prepared to give a cordial welcome and sup-
port to the Hoa. MALCOLM Cirastost.
' a mai to safety, the majority of those persons the policy of the Government, and (lieu
nigh: have been picked off the seaweed. It
,only remains for us to mention here, that
(`&,1a• -i Salmond, who appears to have
done his duty after the vessel struck, has
not survived the calamity.—When last seen
olive, he was swimming from the stern -post
of the ship, which bad just gone down, to a
portion of the fore -castle -deck, which was
floating about twenty yards from the main
Lois of the wreck; srstnetbino, struck 6iin
on the back of the bead, Dad he never rose
The Baa,Aftire Journal.
SlT L'S. _
On Thursday ; meeting of liberal mem-
bers of Parliament was held at Lord John
Remel•s residence in Cbesham-plate. AI-
tthousrh the meeting was called fqr 12, the
proceedings did not enmmeace until 1
o'clock A great number of person.' as-
sembled m front of the noble Lord's re-
araetice to See the mensbers arrive. The
attendaace was very nur'jterow. 168 mem-
bers beiag present.
The Morning Chronicle gives the
loll:twisg report of the proceedings: -
Lord Jobe Russell commenced bo refer-
ring to the circumstances under which be
r had requested the supporters of the late
aatkihninistration to meet kin. IIe alluded
o the acceptance of nallce by the Earl of
thy, whose administration was composed
esf gehtleine& whose views and proceedings
`Were in favour of a protective!icy, and
of a duty on the. importation of corm Ile
.-referred to what had tikes place in
j,' - *id. He had himself come into office ie
Mat year, in seecesaiou to the late Sir It.
Net, and spoo his doing so, Sir R. Peel,
alkalised .Farm biro. very properly as be for ught
to stick the principles spin which he meant
11e eondeet the affairs of the country. Sir
A shod had predkeasly established a freer
trade is the.Atele of corn than before ex-
alted, elides this ground the right bouoir-
FIs t bad a irtiOt to cash mom him
John) to state etly whether he
ideate 10 tan/ out lbs sae policy. Seth
ie tree was perfectly fair, sod to 'Veer -
same with P°rlieme.lary practice; ad be
osis bad so hesitating ie ase.riag
casco that hem ( to
net that, y. Voider these ei eni-
d14q „ a less Adarieeetr atiou haven rm-
cwitly tlime Mkwer. he roar -rived that
mese re s oeld sow be takes; and
,that view herbed written to \ir. D'It
di, the Cbsasceffer if the Esecheq,rer.
,mg hone whether, it woe the iwteetien of
t:nvers:Mee to oohs any statement
c`dosday rest with regard to the priori-
pea whirls they intseded to proceed.
' sedum' dieeday, baeswu h was oh -
dot could
i • that osy bier The Chao-
:'i°" tk Maley).r I e wail es Iris ie
T 't "Sett til i1 won toot the lame-
wheat to MMM soy seek
Yoaby. !..mn°.e.-
ird with Mil e •7
' '' 1 tem pttirosdd' testate
• ,0 41'"'• Sit J.Meb Graham
'' .. s } _lir
taking such steps upon it as might be deem-
ed necessary ata subsequent meeting.
Mr Cobden, for whom call was made,
briefly said that he approved of the course
proposed by the noble Lord. Any prr- i mint for his energies. Ile world not
ceeding with regard to the new Adnunis- ,rase his time in sluggish inactivity ; and
tration ought, in his view, to be simply di-
rected to the object of ascertaining theirjlx scorned to accept a salary which be felt
iotehtions with reference to the mainten- he should not earn. These scruples were
aaee or otherwise of the- policy of Free- , honorable alike to the man and the states -
and forego any menial scruples be may
hare on the subject. Mr. Cameros bad
refused the acceptance of an office, which
he felt would not afford adequate employ -
etereseit impetses of the pie heart.—
Wboever Deeks history in our Statute
hook of this period, will God the real state
of the case left untold; the beat part cut
set by the arm of a power that stood above
the people ; and all that remains is but re-
gimes., .f a compromise between the peo-
ple and their tuceasc.d oppressors. That
is all tbe Statute book of Upper Canada,
coat/using the Legislation of half a century,
from the promulgation of the Constitutional
Ast of 1791. ens lomat. Who can esti-
mate the effect of thee system of repression
oo the energies of the people, oo their pro-
gress i0 material power, wealth tad moral
advancement 1 And who shall say how
long the effects of dwarfing and stunting
a aatioe's in(ascy, shall survive its emanci-
pation and defy the utmost exertion of its
recuperative powers! Those things are
beyond estimate. The obgarcbal system
has been destroyed by the ntroduction of
Resposible Government; but partisans of
the obsolete system survive, who will carry
with them their notate and repulsive no-
tices to the grave. These men are scarce-
ly lees daegerolas now, will power in their
bards (may they sever regaia it) than in the
hay -day of their reign, before the iastitu-
tioas of their preference had been supplant-
ed, is deference to the demand of an ea-
Iigbtesed putkc opinion. Every one
knows how valueless the best institutions
may be rendered, who° they ars not ad-
miaiatered is the spirit in which they were
co.cieved. In France, at this moment the
name of Republic survives, but what is
there of the substance aid the spirit 1 All
the world knows that Louis Napoleo0 is in
fact, the most intolerable, died oppressive
of living despots. In Canada, we have
not rushed, as the French did, tato Repub-
licaaism; but have we not far more liberty
than that ill -stared nation possesses! But
'here, as there, our isentutio°s can be pre-
served only, iu a condition to be practical-
ly valuable, so long as they are admiaister-
sd ie the spirit in which they were origiaa-
ted. And who are most likely so to ad-
minister them—those who devoted years of
their life to this establishment, or the sir -
riving partisans of tbe defunct oligarchy,
wbo were ever the sworn enemas of real
Reprerestative Institutions1 The spirit
of oligarchy still lives. . It is not as opi-
nion or a theory, but a• moral essence, a
latent despotism. It regards not the peo-
ple as the source of power. IIs dreams
are of social castes—privileged orders—a
State Church resting like a night -mare o0
lbe masses, sad established only for the
t:caporal benefit of the privileged few. Of
this class are the Cayleys and the J. II.
Camerons. This party has brought to the
verge of political ruin, all who have en-
tered to ally themselves with it. This we
are glad to find, some of them are tiodiag
out. We have it from a0 uudoubted
source that the orane men of Upper Cana-
da have resolved no longer to be led by the
nose, by the Family Compact. 'They are
resolved that if the alliance is any longer
to centime between them, the Compact
men must follow not lead. We under-
stand that it was u pursuance of this reso-
lution, that Mr. Gowan was induced to con-
nect himself with the Patriot, at Tut onto,
which u hereafter to speak, not the views
of the Family Compaet, but those of the.
Orangemen, who hare determined to effect
their own emancipation, and to repudiate
net alliance that has brought on them moth-
isg but discredit. We learn further,
through a private but reliable source, that
the Compact, which h•ssCayley fit Co.,for
its tail", have " kicked up a ternble row:"
threateoed war to the knife, against the
refractOey orangemeo, and issued a circu-
lar announcing a new Compat paper,
which, if we remember rightly, was to make
its appearance is 'Toronto about a week
ago. In that circular, of which we have
seen a copy, it is insiomted that the
Patriot las ceased to be the advocate of
"the Institutions of our fathers," since it
became the accredited organ of the Orange-
men, with Mr. Gowan for its editor! And
the Compact men. of wham Cayky is per-
mitted to be the tail, are to write down the
Patriot, because the Orangemen will no
longer bear the opprobrium of a connec-
tive which has done them incalculable in-
jury ! 'fbe Orangemen are right in this
movement ; in shaking off the control of
the Compact, tail and all, and resolving to
deed or fall on their own merits. It will
sot surprise many to find that the Compact
is thus deserted and left alone to find its
level, before it effected the final and ulti-
mate rine of its political associates. Fossil
Cayky, or the Compact aid,. of the ques-
tion, ie likely soon to become the
i.ast Rose of swmrner,
Left blooming does
All r4 lenity companions."
Not faded" but gone."
Ma. CAYLEr8 mulatoV TO ENG-
Mr. Cayley left Toronto es the lath
omit„ by ib. steamer Admiral for Rochester,
ss reeve for Elegised.
It a tenet', reasoned in Toreson, that
Me miasma. at this Lowe. ire far as the pub
ite are network, te of a two fold character.
Piety, that bs lees ambassador with pri-
vate dwp.loh.e from Jobs, by Devise per-
miesiM. Lard R atop el Toronto, to the
(luta Chorehdigesters* a Rnglaad, solicit
tae emir kind sesets is is labial( of the
Mete peed Clergy of Cased*. Aod .seend•
y, fist he le dd.(atsd by a lbw eetitluat.d,
sett styled T,steetMtste 1. Toren.. re-
.p.stMy to passel their eempiemesef te
leer old G1rthlmaad Meade M boon t d to
We were somewhat amused last
evening at seeirg a printed no-
tice, addressed to the " Electors
•of Huron, Perth and Bruce," sign-
ed by James Watson, Esq., pur-
porting to be an Address on be-
half of George Brown, Jr., Esq.,
as the Tory Candidate for these
United Counties, at the ap-
proaching election. George is
represented therei n as a very
"nice young man " — '• one of
yeurselvea," 8c. We willingly
admit that George is a " nice
yotaig man," but nevertheless a
Church and State Tory. The
mouth -piece of the Canada Com-
pany, and Strachan Faction.—
We are perfectly aware that his
views on the ClergyReserve and
Rectory questions, will give in-
finite satisfaction to John Toron-
to, and the most rabid Tory in
the Province. But George must
bear in mind that the coming
electio;i turns on principles, and
that the Hon. Malcolm Cameron
is the exponent of those princi-
ples, which are civil and reli-
gious liberty to all mankind.—
Think you George that the yeo-
mtnry of these United Counties
will forget these principles at the
polls, and voteTur you, because
you are a " nice young man ?''—
No, no, 'twont do Mr. Brown ! !
trade. That was the first question in the man. Tate public demanded his services,
present circumstances of the country. It •
was most important in relation to the corn- I but not at the sacrifice of his honor and
mercisl and agricultural interests that some consistency. It demanded of him no sacri-
defiuite action should be taken; that unser-1 lice cf the honorable scruples which had
tainty and doubt should be removed as eta- made him tear himself from the allurements
ly as possible, for they had already beton of ower but it did demand the removal
to produce their natural effects; and. haying) P +
such views, lee recommenaed a united. ae- i of the cause of those scruples which he bad
lion. I hitherto justifiably pleaded in defence of
i his declination to accept office. The pub-
DEATIi OF SCJ11 W AN BERG THE lic opinion was obeyed. 'The obstacles
IER OF .Slit'"1'RL1. — were removed. To have plead scruples
Prince Felix Lewis John Frederic in accepting a post, whish public opasioe
Schwartsenherg died of app'•plezy, at V,.
I .t to ! n
year. of Ate are. a was bora oneA eJ1 of savored of affrrtattoe The plea would
(ctuber. 1800, end was a .ophew 04 the not have bern accepted ass warrant forre-
relebratrd Prince tiehwerttenhert, w' o, .n (;sing ; and the reproach of captiousness
I s 13 ted 1814. commanded she awed ems.. n P D
against Napoleon. The immense, emitter or impracticability. would justly have been
nl the 1. -roily wore iubented by h'. em"em"Marled at him. '1: up
here was but one coe
sonar on alundav, tee 2nd 1n h y •
had marked out for him, would mow have
brother John Frit tififfited himself eh of
ly to diel, site'. 1. 1823 he wee 8eerrtsry before him—he dare not refuse the call of
to the Amon Legume at et. Peter._
bnr2h abin that capacity sheltered Prince
Trnubetrkni who wet concerned in the fa-
lsest. eonsponry which swum, the sec.'
r'nn or the present Caar to 11.e throes.
The amha.esdor was absent at the time, and
schwatzgpbere.ae acting head of the ea
baa.y. reoi.ted all domande of 1►. Russian
authorities for the ourrender of the fueius).
Finally. the h..u.e was rorronn•Ied, and
Tuubet.k••t gam. himself up: bot his tested
r,,1 his !reelect* wee obliged to Mem
Rn.eta sq e'n.squ••ace. li,dbegneotly he
went to I. •n to. where be e.1 tlneat.hed
Wessel( by •edueieg and running a
way with a la ly ..f bsgh rank; he wee proms.
rete* for less exploit is Foe hind, ar.d se the
demurr..ad roots rf th• snit were nom
pail ►e w.sdeetared an outlaw. Afterward.
at Nailer, weave be wet *yeral years sin•
b.esuj"r. he sou v goal's a•+tonous for hie
career of gallantry, and is .died in tae in -
14111140. s. Lave 'offered the bsa"esln el the
hand° of the enraged hu.eand. This ern -
hooey he 'vivgned o. )1.rrh 911, 1140. as w.•
bstaeq w *rye u der Mer.hd R•d.rtbv ,n
Northers Italy. F.w.11y. on November !l.
.4 the ranee you, after N iad•schgra•t had
.ct,.gui.lied every trete of bh.rty at Vt-
pea. and w* na the peat of marebie, to
renew the procurer t. Nan'.ry. Bcheart-
eenbe•( wet. made Prase Unwept of the
1t.wpire. wh'cb Peet M died netd ha dm-
** .—N. 1'. T. rhea..
public o,,inion--'or that opisino is as ready
to eosikma,where fault exists,as to applaud,
wi,-re praise is deserved. It was under
the orerpoweriag presaure of these eircurn-
staorrs, that \ir. Canteens her alae a mem-
her of Lord Elgin's Adrniuistratino, and it
is because her has yielded to that pressure,
that be i. now hefure the Electors of He-
ron, that tbry may retily a choice whieb
was made to the na:ae sad oa behalf of the
entire Colons party. \Viten a member of
the t:o,erhmrot appears before a cmashie-
easy, ander
astils-ewey,ander such ctrcumstariee, his re-elec-
tine is Areal), assured ; sad if tooted arise
is such • rase, emery Reformer in Hurea
would owe a a+kala duly to len party --lo
the Goverermed, tad to the eonatry, to se-
cure the Teton of him, who bad bees
noamatrd to one of the highest intros that
can be committed to Was, by the weam-
mous sslfragea of his party.
it ie ant merely or priseipoly es Pmei-
drat of the Elm -eine Commit, that RI,.
Cameros emus back to you, the Electors
of 1lu•on. Ile roam to yeses the minis-
ter to oto.. charge are mnanutted the
great iaterests this mordent eeustry—
aha interests of Acmtrut.Tran aid Emc-
ee a mos".
fn-eeamtos. iI. comes to you s. the Re-
premetetiv. of the mit pnpular Genre -
rum that Canada ever saw. He encore
to you as the nnminr' of the great Refer*
party, where seated segrag a have relied
boon to eke envies n( his sovereign, mad his
eeeewtry. It is a thrr ,spouse, yew hen
le ledge him. 1'se will' int, throagb Wm.
strikes Mew at that preiboi.a ouch.
while it le the meat hwwdraltle 4 f ether* ere -
were than dial . he theaw&d postale of
Fjglieh Proatectwa coewy, jadleMa.ty
p.aded a Canada world .fact tram the Ca-
ssdreas a eatveseet sheet 1e favour of the
Derby Admlustrati„a and Preterites, lied
at the ewes time ..sur° t0 the Conserva-
tives Im Canelo es arrival of the good old
rimes of ab. Compact, whet sone but gm -
clones of tea genuine shawl, were p..it•
ted to enjoy Gover.oso°t favours.
dselersd it to be his sole halm at Gert
«to had fault"! but of this taw by teed by
Attempt the other acts of the Costed them
constituted, they feed the Hereat d W
Wert licenses at the sane ass tie lel year,
namely, £15 including the Imperial rico.
The Inspectors of "hoaxes of Fable.; eater -
lowliest" who, it will be remembered, are
elected by the same parties tbat elest the
It is notorious that Mr. Csytoy sock sod Councillors tbemelves; were instructs d
heel to the High Church party in Canada, to examine the Tavares and sec whether
who* chid star is to compel the Tarte*, they had the accommodations, hc.,'viewed
Chastise Doa.alsatioas to costribdte to' by the By -Laws of Council. Seven houses
tea sippers seal mstntenases of toe Clergy
of one favoured sect, and Oita befog a fact
isdiepotabte, we ask emphatically where is
the few coastsiuescy who would not Seel
disgraced oa baring such • mss es their
repreeestative 1 We aro coogdent that
Mures Penh •ad Bruce will waver brook
sucb degradation.
were reported as being to fall opera:ice e
'Taverns. The Inspectors after specially
notifying the keepers of these houses tan
time of their intention, held tAree dilates
meetings for the purpose of granting cer-
tificates to such parties as might desire
haeasea, aseordiag to the statute, sot nes
of these parties applied for such certificate
although all were openly selling liquors es
The town inspectors having thus dose
everything in their power, considered it
their duty to report the above facts to Mr.
Widder the county Inspector and issuer
of licenses; who, finding else matter thus
formally brought before Lim, considered
it his duty to report the Tavern -keepers to
the Mayor, and request their couvicti s
according to the statute, for selling liquors
without • license. After being duly sum-
moned these parties appeared io Court o0
Wednesday past, before Ire Lewis, Esq.,
Mayor, and Robert \loderwell, Beajswin
Parsons, Robert Gibbons ad Harvey
Brace, Esquires, four Justices of the Peace.
John Stracban, Esq., appeared as Cv':ucil
for the seven Tavern -keepers "as a body"
he entered a loug protest against \lr.
'Lewis as Mayor, Mr. 'Moderated as a J.P.,
and Mr. Widder as a fit and proper pasta
to lodge the iuformation and prosecute in
the matter. These objeetioos haring been
over -ruled by the Bench, Mr. Strachan ten
the part of his clients, decied the charges
made against them, and pet the cal"rmant
to the proof of each case. This 'denial of
so notorious a fact took Mr. Wid ,er and
every one else by surprise, as the T: von- .
keepers in cheer valor had aside it their
boast for weeks that they would sell b, cors
and defy the Council or say ooc else to
punish them under existing eireametasces;
but it appear', that,hke Bos Acnes when
it came to the point their "coinage oozed out
at the point( of their fingers;" and th•• v looped
thus to shirk the question and escape the
penalty which they k.ew they had isesrr-d.
After he had proved one of _ the cases t
the aatisfactios of tie bench, Mr. Widder
applied for an adjourviment in order to pre-
pare himself With more etidemce, wLi u was
granted ; and the Comet met agar on
Thursday, the same Ma;utrates beteg e•,
the Bench as on the previous day. Tbc
six.rernaining cases were then gone i --to and
all proved against the Tavenr-.c• • o-rs,
(how could it be otherwise I) and they were
fined in Got posmds and costs, each, k. their
offence. They have siuce gores notice
appeal to tbe Quarto Sessious in July sad
entered into--tliiVrequired recooniz..eees ;
but, what good they expect to gain 1 :.n
this appeal is more than we can possibly
see ; for, while we admit that we think the
license too high, we firmly believe that the
Couocil.bave legal power to name the sum,
WE last week copied a short article
from tbe Globe, on the prostituttioe of the
Press, with reference to the Loyalists
publication of a one -aided story, about a
paltry five pound note of Malcolm Camer-
on's; well might the Globe exclaim,
-What if it were all true, out upon tbede-
grading supposition that it is the duty of
the Press to rake in such filthy waters"
and that when the press descends thus
low, it becomes a nuisance, and not a bles-
sing." \Ve say, well might the Globe
make these remarks; but, what will our
metropolitan contemporary think when we
inform Lila that the Editor and Publisher
of that Iligh Church Organ—that 'fory
trumpet—that "widely circulated Journal"
as its" Quebec correspoodent !" (who lives
in the Township of Ashfield, in the District
of Huron ! !) calla it, viz., the Boron Loy-
alist ; we again say, what will the tilos."(
or the readers of the Loyalist, ay, when
we tell them that its Editor and Publisher
last week stepped from his Editorial
throne, to do a little of the dirtiest work
of the veriest t»rnrrsor, infamer! will they
not ay, that no puddle is dirty enough for
him to dabble is, or slimy enough for to
injure bim, and tbat no party, political or
otherwise, can hope to prosper or exist,
while its "organ" is under the manapement
of men of such vixen aad malignant or
grovelliag propensities. But we shall take
every thing in its order.
Some of our Readers are aware of the
merits of the matter in dispute betwixt the
Corporation' and the Tavern -keepers, which
has kept our little town in a state of the
greatest excitement during the last week;
but as those at a distance cantrot be fatly
acquainted with all the circumstances, we
shall give a short and plain statement of the
whole matter, and trust that we shall he
excused if we begin attbe begianiag. •
At the general election of councillors
i. January last, Mr. Lewis and Mr. 'AP Ma-
hon were elected by a majority of one.—
Amongst their supporters was William
Robertson, (Gaoler). Their election was
protested against, and legal proceedings
instituted to unseat them on the ground
that Robertson's vote was a bad one. On
the resignation of Mr. Watson, and while
the first suit was still in abeyance, Mr.
Horace Horton .was elected in his stead,
by exactly the same parties who returned
Lewis and M'Mahon, Chia election was pro-
and that the Tavern -keeper did sot tett
tested against, and the same proceedings the proper course to remedy the evil of
instituted to unseat him as those takea which they eomplai°; that they cssnnt
•Dosaibly expect to run so openly in the fere
against Lewis and McMahon, and on pre -
cicely of statutes with impunity, sad that
the same grounds, namely, that
Robertson's rote was bad. This is all that i therefore they will ultimately have to pay
we know officially of 'the matter, we say the costs of the trials k addition to tact.
offs iall y, because we have seem the writs fines and licenses. Some occurrences io ene
smmrnoning the parties to appear before of the trials struck us u somewhat simgv-
nae nr more of the supreme Judges, and lar, and certainly looked like a preeooeert-
siow cause why they should not be unseat. ed attempt to defeat the course of justice.
ed or removed from the Council. Vere Three witnesses had been subpernaed in the
case referred to, one of them refused to !
sworn unless by such of the Magistrates
he should select, and otherwise iseul,t.: •
Bench in such a manner as to he commit-
Ate Aa'd,cos paper narrates the follow.
tog .weedote. •• At the battle of Mutat
Cerek the MveeraeM were d..arud, bait
tier Jehe Harvey. who wail se .eaecomad
tat the `,.torts Nese* serreeily escaped botag
.0.t. As A.w.eees narrow, woe joss
yeoMeteig dewily One set bee eemmswdl.g
41444, whoa a word work adds the
dee-tork. wi•b tele ta,...-°fee—'Deet
o.el that Rreerh otiesr he it pev..er.g
the .esddl&a of Wed.' dee Jabs was r'id,ag
woos thei.m►eteats si %1$ro( to ss..,
the s ,,•lir•. The dInee wbe',reek .nide
O. rat era Chao. twee. .std the mese t-
eesatdad so Om great *wod.by wbab
• side yl'Ita ec bee eese the t. .
v:.346,t9+prwg a(• is ,smiled,
'Tice history of the fall and decline of the
" Great Conservative party," furnishes an
instructive leases to the statesman sad the
politician. The haughty oligarchy that
so long siierukd the Province of Canada,
is mow fast sicking to its legitimate keel.
Its previous aseedemey was wholly, and at
all times factitious. We assert it broadly,
at no time did that axesdency rest oa the
power of pnblie opinion. Eves when it
seemed to eonound such a support, N nwed
the deceptive appearance to a fraudulent
system of representation. The Family
Compaet rolled the Provisee, sot is een-
segeeece of their being upheld by public
spines, bet is spite of that opi iO.. 'I be
schemed Govsrsawst was digareW--+t
was adasumkar.d by taey. Public
.plaice mss i 0000atity : the mer of tb•
people a miesom.r. The one had so ink -
este as the choice or the coatiamaan of
the g.versm..t—the ether bad so mesas
melba/ itself practically telt. its kg*'
tate orgaa was the Cemmo.'e Howse 4
Assembly; hot that Hose had little power
horsed that ,wee --o( itself it
amid !am so laws, goal .J1 its efforts se
that rwe.w.. were ...trelised by a ear -
raptly ebeses mss elective Gismbor.—
Over the Keewatin Geserarsast• that u-
ps ed the pepuder will, p.wm►d an coo -
Wei. For half a teetery there ousted &o
legislative msehisery, by the mows of
whish the miler well otedd be (mpreaed
ea the Sweet* honk. There was o esti-
eerie segsttrs 1 the plebes mist!; a
,tegbaria f eat the elect welliesisee, *WI
s tea 11s1►te' a 's
know that the parties appeared in Court by
their agents, and we know that they have
heard nothing more officially on the subject.
It is reported, we believe through Mr.
Strachan, the council for the apellant+, that ted to (sol for five days for eomtea;pt.—
it bas been decided by .Tudge (turns that The next wit.eai took tbe (.Mph to "tell
the truth the whole truth &c.,' and whet.
asked a question by the ,Mayor u ebai-u Fan
of the Beach, he cooly told them it wits
none of their busiocss, and that they migit
of the Collector's Roll of the previous find it out the best way they eodd, 1*.-
for which contempt be got locked for
year; and we may mention here, that if Z
such is tbe cause of their ejection from the
Council (supposing that they are ultimately
ejected from it) there is not a legal coun-
cillor in the 'Town for neither of the Re-
Lewis-nd M'Mabon were illegally elected,
not on -account of bad vote., but because
the returning officer at tbe election had
not been provided with a certified copy
the space of ten days. The third bite.- -
in the same case did not make his appear-
ance when repeatedly called, nor nisei
was brought into Coati by a teirettrhk
turning tamers haul such certifier) tial! armed with a warrant from the Mayor.—
but to ret` 1e' it is also reported, and wt' There was one witness in Geri the other
believe from the same sourc.,thet Ilorton's eases, apparently a ysaag m•in whom' ,re
electron has been decided by Judge 1)raper
to be illegal on account of PoberL+oo's
being a bad vote. But this is neither more
nor less then mere h, array, none of the
usual "finishers of the few," mussily, the
Sheriff, the Limy$r, or time Bailiff, have
served either of the respondents with
entire of mob jedgmenta, either officially
or otherwise. h is true that they have
bees told in a somewhat hew-brstmg mta-
ocr that if they dare to art as Couseilors
now, they will do so "at then peril; ' these
gentlemen are however quite willing to drwe
this peril, from the firm conviction that,
whatever the doeisio■ of dare Jsdgcs may
be when it dew emit*, their lett is the
Council in the meantime are perf edy
legal ; and ea fear °et of the sin. other
!)oencdlorw .re of the melte opleioa, they
have the+ be.m easbled to (tree 'r& gamrtr s"
mad hare eerier many ditheeltisa, tiler tin
carried oe ale bseirir+s of
Tow& hitt*►
fttoteriby te -all m..y" tbe i sol pttir4i
le Hese, via, I, be
would seriously advise, if it should ever Le
has torten* to be salved as a witsees ages.,
to be careful loner he shawl meth °a e`
dent rep.rtaate t0 tel "the Meek truer *s
he did that day, or he will steed ie oar
jeopardy of beteg t"vn,shrd is seeks • e
as to tarnish as otherwise bleaelese sitar
ter for lie. '
Wilde os for port d the maggot, bet*
es lige tbbg ea whieb we tent r Merit
from main,* few remedw. we do a yr .4
ooh r.iarloara . kat us pebble Jessen'
ever aosieea ter the pdfs daises of eeisg dee laws
«mereisles tad sed inap e1ii fwmi-
ti deltas*
whole s'hisee tl all Skink r
wVis a'thMle *nit
hemmer wtk Mg NM *WIMP pnMr•eht-
anti .,.,ad +* tit
elf err ►!1111111
*rsir Mjr4e• th-
- are
- • ; •. ' -a s sin *a ,it ire Pies el teed 444 6 1rfe