The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-16, Page 19PRESENTATION TO SCOUTMASTERS -Huron District Co.mmissioner Glen Lodge, of
Goderich, right, presents Gilwell wood badges to Ben Cooke, ass't district commission,
er, and Scoutmaster Bill Humphrey, both of Centralia, during the father and SOD
banquet on the station 'Thursday night. The two Men successfully passed an extensive
leadership course to win the badges. `-RCAF Photo
Two leaders, three Scouts
honored at Centralia fete
Two• Scout leaders who have
devoted "extra time and effort
in order to become better
Scouters;" a young man who is
a "credit to his family, school,
community and church;" and
three boys who passed tests with
flying colors were honored' at
the annual father and son ban-
quet of the.First Centralia RCAF
group of Scouts and -Cubs Thurs-
Glen. Lodge, commissioner for
Huron district, presented the Gil -
well wood badge to ass't District
commissioner Ben Cooke and to
Scoutmaster Bill Humphrey.
"Scouters too have tests to
pass," said Lodge. "As a rule
they don't get much in the way
of a reward. "The Gilwell Wood
Badge requires three • sets of
tests, a week at: ,camp and then
Mx months of practical applica-
tion. These men have. given all
this extra time 'and effort, just
to be able to do a better job as
Scoutmaster Cliff Seigle pre-
sented the First Class Scout
Badge to Scout Kenneth Leather -
"Kenneth has lived up to all
aspects of Scouting in general
for two years," said Seigle, "He
was a patrol leader for two
years but stepped down this year
so that another Scout could get
the experience, late has coni-
pleted his Bronze. Arrowhead.
and has attended numerous
summer and weekend. camps."
Scouts Kenneth Miles, Robert
Turner and Peter Piroth were
all presented. with religion and
life awards by Padre E. W. S.
"These badges demanded a
certain amount of training in
subjects of religion," the Pro-
testant Padre said. "The Girl.
Guides had been taking this
course for six weeks when the
Scouts asked to be included,
These three boyt attended. three
or four lectures but in spite of
the .fact that I marked them par-
ticulerly hard they did. excel-
The religion. and life award is
Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor.
Mr, Lawrence Wein, ,A.W.C.M.
10:00 a.m.-Sunday School • -
11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship
The service will be conducted
and the sermon will be preach-
ed by the Rev. S. E, Lewis,
M.A., B,D„ of Collier Street
Church, Barrie.
Anthem by the choir.
Duret by Kathryn and Marilyn
Sacrament of Baptism will be
observed at this •service,
7;00 p.m.-F,vening Worship
Sermon Subject; !IS. Tower
A Warm Welcome
Ts Extended To All
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev, W, F. Krotz, Minister
Mrd. Ken McCrae, Organist
Sunday, April 10
10:00 a.m. "The True
Resources of Life"
11;05 a.m.-Sunday School
7:30 p.m. -"The Broken
9:45 a.m.-Sunday School
11:00,-Morning Worship
7;30 p.m. -Youth Service
Wed., •8 pan. -Prayer Meeting
Fri., 8 p,m. -- Christ Ambassa•
Hearty Welcome To All
"I came not to callthe right-
eous but sinners to repentance."
-St. Luke 5:32
Pastor: Evang. L. Winn -Butler
The. United "Church
of Canada
Rev. Robert S. Hiltii, B.Ao
Organist:: Mrs, A, Willard
10;45 a,rn.-Church School
Classes .for 511 ages.
11;1 A,m,-•-Mornifig Worship
Sermon: "What is the Christ-
ian Stewardship Programme of
the Hgron Presbytery?"
Come And Worship With 1dh
"Teach hila Thy Truth a3 i.erd"
10;30 5,111. •SundSy 'School
I rit.-Worship'
Frtdtert• Stanley Bauder, Exeter
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D.
O"rq inisf: Mrs. S. G. Klatt
10:00 a.m.-Sunday School .
11:00 a.m -Morning Worship
Sermon Subject.: "l4ow Two
Men Behaved le Church"
Nursery for children up to six
Pastor: Iver ilodenham
9:45 a,m, Bible School
11.00 a.m.-Mornint. Worship
7:30 p,m,-13vening Service
Wed., 8 p.rn., - Bible Studjr and
Prayer Service
K. L. Zorn, Pastor, Phone 65
10:00 a.m.-Sunday School
11:00 a.m.-Worship Service
Sermon: "God's Formula For
Welcome In His Name
a badge with the Greek letters
alpha and omega signifying the
beginning and the end sur-
rdunded by a circle which sym-
bolizes eternity.
L, T. Syme, chairman of the
group committee; introduced the
head table guests: Commanding
Officer G/C A. G. Kenyon, W/C
E. K. McFa.11's, mayor of Huron
Park, and Di.str•ict Commissioner
Lodge and officers of the va-
rious group committees includ-
ing W. Warburton vice-chairman;
C. Taylor, secretary; Mrs. For-
ster, treasurer; W. S. Barker
and P. S. Kinch, public relations;
Mrs. McMenamon, mothers's
auxiliary; B. W. Cooke, quarter-
.Lucan and district news.
The 'Tlt+t 11•A0Mi Catsr Aprft 1.01, IffS, O 1.0 ,.
d.r. "andUra, S. B. Hodgins lied Stocks last Sunday, lnciud;'
and, fgniily, of .Guelph, well ed Mr, and Mrs. Itobert Setfried.
Sunday guests .of Mr. and Mrs. and, Mr. and Mrs, Matt •Seifriedf e.
Murray Hodgins and family. all of Harriston, alsp Mr. AIM
.111i',s, „Alagc Cudlhert's group of Mrs ,Steve lseliyk, of Sarnta
Coursey School Euchre Procletnatiens Pasted :yo • ' , • bet Guild, catered to Mi and Mrs. T, .S'. • :fill; of
Mrs. Lawrence Hodgins and 1'roclamatians, re a liquor the Lions Club dinner last Mort- 1Ngadskock, called on LucRe.
Mrs, Charles Grose were hos-
osChurch license for the village ot.luean,
day .evening. Mrs, Clarence. Has. ,friends last Sunday, �;\ .
sasses for the nine -table .euchre; , have been rpoted arouzid;" Ab,e Ott, took ;over for Mrd CtilOert;, Larry Lewis, small son' N' t .
at the Coursey School last Fyiclay f�V 1,1 1es village. voting wili be held ax who, owing to the funeral of her and A'fr.s. Cecil Lewis, what i azul
night. April 22 in the village council mother•in law, could riot be hts Grade i ilccorddon ax pnina
High score prizes went to Mrs,
chambers, ' aa
J. l.. Fisher and Atr. 'font Lour. An kiln present.tion in. St. Thorilas, passid with
say, Second score prizes were Flowers on the Altar at Holy Personal items Miss Helen Hardy, daughter honors.
won by Mrs. George Miller and : Triniky Church In :the morning Mr. Harold Hunter, of Detreit, of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence HardY,
Mrs, Doug Elden wet i patient 4:
Mr. Allan Ryan. The lone hand : w.eye in loving memory of the is spending a few days with' his last Tuesday entered training el of St. Joseph's i;fospilal .>ior twi
prizes went to ;'firs, Charlesi 'Casey. •*; Southstsuron �isspital, nxst1'. .deysolest.! aim` but is ably tiro
late Y4dlliam I . Abbott and Mrs. mother, Airs. john
gagger and Mr. Evan Hodgins Alonzo Abbott. Mrs. Bob Qolemari, ,"•arid.;, W.'s,` - J .4 „ 1 a , '..,;
Birthday Party i Three members of the new William Dickins, of gleam;° 'and .�il1,1,1,e� 1,1It,1ljie l,,,,,1,M,111ii,jel,1l,Hef,e„f,,, r„i1,1H„i„N!,!4,,,,,,,,,,,i,tlN,,,,,!• ._ g,,,,e,ne,e,,1r, +`+-�
' Servers' Guild, F'eter ?rest, Mrs, Richard Dielcins and Mrs. t1
Mis. Eva Hensonlast celebrated ?al 1,gan and Gary McFalls Frank .Coates, Of Exeter,' were i I
her birthday last. Sunday with ; (crucifert assisted the rector in Friday guest p! -I r,, led Mrs; € e , SAWN HURON JUNIOR FARMERS
guests Mr. John Menson, Lucan, the baptism of Therese Blonde", Frank Dickins,- .of Aii'sa. Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Tames Taylor,: daughter 01 Cpl. and Mrs, A. F.
daughter Suzanne and Miss Nirsr Lyle Idevingtoneandafam ]y,
Variet yConcert
)Tatty Garver, all 01 London.aand Blandel, of Albert St, Mrs, ington andd family, and Mr and
also 11' dr, :Irvin Bunn, of Birz•. Charles and Miss Barbara
11 phoneKenny acted. Youngas proxies far the were Sunday guests of Mr, and
The highlight of the eclabia g0dparens, Mas Vivien Shar Mrs. John Campbell, of Londgti-�
tion was a. .lengthy call man. and Miss Gwenneth Blonde', I e EXETER ARENA.GYMNASIUM 4
from London, England from Mrs.: The second ba Among the many^ 1'.ueanr'tes,
Henson's sister, Mrs. Edna ptisan was that down wiU, th . •flu ,are•the two '�
Hanna, who talked with every . of 1Vlichael Alan Scott, son of Eizenga famil e . - q T Q +�
one present. Mr•. and Mrs. Man Scott, of. Friday*.
A rill 1 / i7„70.iii.
Persow itemsy1!ater St., whose godparents Mrs. U. F. Stanley, who has - y. p 1 •
Twenty-one members of the were Mr, and Mrs, Don Downs.beena patient in S:t: ;TAsepil's' -
Downs ty-ofane y, mfrembers
London, season with ladies willlbct Aphe ndertwentfoa the • past• peek,
` Y• The Men's Club close the a successful .gpera- Daises To ;CARO QSiins Orchestra Follows .� ; ,;
' tion .last Monday morning. I
were dinner guests. of Mr, and '
James ieCor-
Mrs, Don Downs last Sunday: Mr,and Mrs. ,ams A
Mr, and Mrs, James Downs and. AY PA mack, of LeedoOn, were{Weekend",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I,,,,,i,111,e„,1n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I11,II1I,1/11,11,1111,1n,1l,1o,1en,11111„,1„,1I,1neulnnnnl,1,111nu,ne,
.guests of lir. ,and Airs, Robert de, 111RP„I,IIIII ,Alli I,llll111,,,1,1p„I„IIII U/11,1111U,1,11,,,1/11I II„p11/,111,11141111, I,11e,1,1P1,I111I,1un11,,,e/„Iy.
son, Robert Downs, Mr. and 'Twenty members of the AYPA Cou Klin, i
Mrs, John Downs, Tommy and of St. Mark's Church, London, g
Jane, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Ben- were guests of the Lucan-Clande-
nington and Paul, Mr, and. Mrs, boye AYPA .at a dinner meeting
Herbert Jeffrey and Gary; Mr. in the church basement Sunday •
and Mrs. William Taylor and evening. April Tea'"'
Donna and. Mr, and Mrs. Merrill. While preparations for the din- Pw
Edwards. ncr were being completed, Mr. -- well-known Toronto alderman discuss the i a
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins Press took the visitors on a tour. • ' • ° problems facing the, Ontario electorate
and baby, of Exeter, have re- of the church and parish hall. . QaZClar• '
turned home after spending a Rev. J. W. Langford, owing ' . Clinton Legion Hall ^-.
few days with Mr, and Mrs, to an evening service at St, SATURDAY, APRIL 10
Cecil Hodgins, of Lucan. Mark's, was unable to be pies TUESDA.Y, APRIL 21
Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Mullins, ent at the dinner, but arrived 2:30 to 5:00p.m,
of London,were Monday guests later. He brought greetings from i 8 00 p.m.
of Mr. and`Mrs Henry Hodgins, the Middlesex Deanery AYPA, LIBRARY BASEMENT 1
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stanley, and spoke on "Group Dy -
of Denfield, were Sunday guests. namies." Baking, aprons, fancy work, This is your opportunity to meet and to hear
Mrs. Fred Kerr, of Exeter, A short business session was country ,Store, parcel : post • Harry Strang,. your Liberal candidate in Huron,
was a Sunday guest with. Mr. held, when, plans were made for sale. { -
and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert and. fan- corporate communion April. 26, HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION
ily last week. to be followed by breakfast. ADMJSS10N 2a • - .,
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins Pentecostal Holiness Church . Beecher Menzies, Pres,- Geo. Diechert Tress.
and Don were Sunday visitors (illcluae5 tea) s James Bissett, Secretary
of Mr, and Mrs. Ron Barker, of Last week was a red letter •
Belmont. week in the Pentecostal holiness AuspicesExeter' Chapter 3i,11,11,,,lII,N111111III1„/4III,H,11M11l,1,1,1111,1,11,111,1111,,111,11111111HIIIIH1/011111„1g111q„IIIIIUII,1I1110OU1111/ .
Church, Besides hhe regularES�'.
01J,.J ,,IIfl1/I11,1111~1 tttttttttttttt 0 ttttttt //11/001/100/111111001/111 tttttt I t 1 ttt HIM ttttt 1410,11111 ttt I ttt 1 ttttt i tttttt I tt I tt I ttt IN,
Wednesday evening service,
taken by Rev. Fred Thomson,
meeting, at Mrs. Clarence Frost's
the women's Thursday prayer
in charge of Mrs. Mcine Eizenga
and Mrs. J. A. Graham, and the
two Sunday services, with Mrs.
Ed Butler accompanying her
The Public Is invited To Hear
This week in
Mr, and Mrs, Frec1' Walters
own solo on the acordion n
the '.morning, and Mr. Kenneth
master and camping;J. M. Ben- were in Chatham •on Saturday at McClay, n of London,,. whp sang,.
the dogshow,' accompanied by his guitar, in
Hing, L. C. Lapeer, J. M An• tending
anny, R. L. Freeman, projects; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith the evening, there were two bigevents.
E. A. Dempster, training; W E. and Harvey of Crediton,and Miss On Friday night, several car
Hickey, J. Owens, H. J, Tasker, Donna Gilfillan of Exeter were loads of young people were
transportation. guests on Friday evening with guests of the Pentecostal Holi-
Also at the head table were Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan, Hess Church, Exeter. With Mr.
honorary chairmen, Padre E. W. ! Mr. and Airs, Leonard Cowan ,Tack' Eizenga in charge, they
S. Gilbert and Father J,•' S. F.weekend
Two new Scouters were intro-
duced to the large gathering. ones aaonny visited on. Sunday slae acgouipanied on her accor
They ,were Darryl Fleming and with Air. and Mrs.�yard Day cidori, trio numbers. by •Mrs, Jack
•RobelLLA.ttrtland, . man and ;family. of Kippen.,, -- Ej.zen a. :and' Misses°`' -Velma
' Scout leaders are Cliff Saigle, Mrs. Alma Dobson and Bob- Birtc.h and Lorraine Graham.
John Brock, George Bonner, Bill hind visited Sunday evening with ; During the service, Mrs. Eizen-
Huniphrey and Don Wooden. Misses Dora and Beatrice Del- ga 'played. the organ and Miss
Cub leaders are Chuck. Tomlin- bridge. i Birtch the piano together. Rev,
son, Bud Tomlinson, Norm Kel- Mr. Harold Clarke has solcl his Fred Thomson, as speaker, spoke
ly, Ed Duffy, Pete Kendrick, palomino horse to Dr. Taylor. of on "Our Love For Jesus."
Pete Whetstone, Dick Knights. Ottawa. i The other week's highlight was
Following the dinner, which Mr. and \Mrs. Beverley Mor- the'five-car trip to Chatham on
was served by members of the gan and boys of Thames Road 'Saturday to the District Sunday
mother's auxiliary and other vo- visited on Sunday with Mr. and. School Convention. Owing to the
lunteers. Scoutmaster Bill Hun,• Mrs. Newton Clarke, l distance traveled. and the large
phrey with an assist from Cub Mr. and Mrs. Gnrdon Ford I attendance, Lucan won the
Leader Pete Kendrick led the visited on Saturday evenine with Pentecostal.. Holiness Sunday
boys. and their dads in a rousing Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd. of School ha.nner. for the .second
singsong. • 4Vnodham•" ; time in•a. year. This i3 a 'record
1t there' .is a sudden rash of • Mr, and Mrs, Douglas ,Steehens ,iii convention history,
visil.ed on Sunday at Dashwood United Church
with Mr. and Mrs, William. Bier-
o[ London spent the put 00 a program, including a
Mr. andel Mrs, Fred. Walters• . solo by Donna Thomson, two
Mr, and Mrs. William Walters solos by Mrs. Ed Butler, which.
cut up neckerchiefs the fault.
can be attributed to magician
Robert Perry who astounded his The !VMS is planning another
wide-eyed audience with this COMING EVENTS._ quilting to be, held in the school
trick as a finale -to his magic loom today, Thursday.
act. Limp wands, coiling ropes, PUBLIC SPEAKING and spelling Workmen are busy this week
wooden eggs and cards for care- contest for the district schools' completely renovating the par -
less snufflers entranced the to be held in Crediton. Commun. i sonage bathroom.
youngsters. ity Hall on Monday, April 20, I
The committee in charge of 8:00 p.m. sharp, under auspices
this father and son banquet was of Women's Institute. 16c
composed of. W. Warburton, N. SPRING TEA - May 2, RCAF: B QWN'E/ S
Kelly, E.
H' Dempster and `V Protestant Chapel • Guild will •
hold. a spring tea at the Me- Drive-In•Theatre
Cury School. The highlights will
be a children's' fashion show
and a display of hobbies: Every-
one invited. 16c
tea«. , x "`t?,,..;. o :
Letter from
it ton
The Ladies' Guild and WA met
on Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Maurice Blackler.
Mrs. Alex Irvine was in charge
of the WA meeting. Scripture
CHRISTIAN passage was read by Mrs. Sisson.
REFORMED CHURCH Study book was given by Mrs.
H. Davis.
Rev. A. G. Van Eck, Minister Hostesses were Mr's, P. Dy -
9:45 a.m.-Morning Worship mond, Mrs. Burns Blackler,
(Dutch) Mrs. William Blackler and host -
2;15 p.m, Afternoon Worship ass.
In both services serving of the
Lord's Supper.
The minister in charge,
3:30,-Sunday School
nvangelicai United ' Brethren
Rai'. G. R. Strome, Pastor
10:00 e.m. -Worship"
"Courtesy in the Congregation"
1.1:15 aan,-Church School
Monday - "Youth Fellowship
Rev, R. Van Perewet Minister
2:00 pan. f- Afternoon 'Worship
and the Lord's Supper
3:30 p.n1,-Sunday School
Trivitt Memorial, Exeter
Rev, Breit de Vries, Rector.
Robert tanler6n, Organist'
Sunday, Apt'ih 10, 1!h50
it:30 4,1i1,-41tti,V Com►riunion
11:00 a.iiilitoi`ning, P'raye'r
Sunday School andel Nursery
t:0o p.r1s.-r)JVetSsbllg
and tea organized
Women's Legue, RCAF Station
Ceptralia, this Saturday . Anril
18, 7:30 p.m., J. A, D. McCurdy
School, 16c
MUSICAL NIGHT at the Thames
Road United Church by the Us -
borne schools, on Friday, Anril
24, 1959, at 8:00 n,m', Silver
collection. Proceeds for the Crin-
pled Children. 16:23"
7, 8:30 p.m,, Exeter Legion Hall.
Personal items THE MEMBERS of the Inde -
Mrs. M. Gregory has returned pendent Order of Oddfellows and
to her home in the village. the Rebekah Lodges will hold
Mr, and Mrs. Miller McCurdy )•heir annual church service in
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis Maui Strep! United Church, EN'
visited •Saturday with Mr. and met. 0n Su rlav, April .26, �t
Mrs. At•t, Julian of Utica, Midi,. 11;15 a.m, DST.
1G:23r Children under 11 in cars Free
gan, G(, II11u 11u,11,1 1411111111,1171111111111111111Il 11 llipliu11101i1 11111111IIIf8,1011,1111111111t0„1111i11,1i1111u 111111111111IIIN
Mr. Roy McNaughton of Cane
is staying a few clays with Mr,
and Mrs, Albert Bickel".
Mr, John Berry hat returned
Mine from St, Marys Memorial
Hospital. after being a patient
there for, several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock of
London spent the weekend with
Mr, and Mrs, J. McIiMrca,
Mrs Eric T•Tumphreye and
Helen, Mr. Tom .Brock and Mr,
Mrs. J. Mc'teal
and >a , Sharon
and' Glen, attended a 211th wed-
ding celebration Saturday night
for Mr. and Airs. Russell Brock
Of •Chiselhurst.
Clinton, Ontario
Featuring the Largest Wide
Screen in Huron County
One dollar admits a carload
„Good Day
For Hanging"
Fred MacMurray , Maggie Hayes
PLUS -- 3 Stooge Comedy
(One Cartoon)
Two Shows Nightly
Rain or Clear,
First Shnw at Dttsk
District official
confers degree
Woe, Master ,'tack 1VOi`ris of
Craig (Age, Ailsa Craig, accom-
panied by his officers and sot -
oral members paid a fraternal
Visit to Lt"banon Forest Lodge,
A,11' to A.M., Monday evening
and conferred the Werk of the
tecand. degree. Past 11,11,Cx.l1l.
Bill Cann rongrarulaterl ,he vi-
sitees on their splendid woi1t, A
fourth degree followed,
M ti ee r�Annual
Arrrlstrong's Restaurant, Exeter
Monday, April 21
700 o'clock, b.S.T,
The special sneaker will be -
DR, WM. SHA1.PI , of Heck Sallat sriuf i
Dinner Tickets $1.00 Available at file Restaui'3t't
l 1. GLI± NN HAYS, Q.C. MPS, J. R. ` IMI,
Prt cant. tOctftive SeCI'etallsf,'
Mt. Carrs.'...:•.
-Hall- `
Fri,, A pril 17
8:30 p.m,
Lunch will be served.
Everyone • Welcome -
For Mr. and. Mrs.
Fri,, April 24
Good Music
Ladies Please Bring Lunch
Everyone Welcome
io mita,Irfl,iel'1frr1'IIMIIIIrfil Olirolitiiimiortmififorfor
' 4
"The Perfect
* Teny Curtis
* Janet Leigh
In Love
and War
* Robert Wagner
* Dana Winters
* Cerner Wilde
* Jean Wallace
Huron Beef Producers
Annual Meeting..
Tuesday, April 21
8:30 p.m.
Production & Marketing Branch., .Livestock Division
Topic: Sale of beef by government rail grade.
01111111 D,1011111,1111,1O,i0011,11„1„111 N 1I, I,111„,11,0 ullnmunmu,umuunnnnumwgmouultuft
miff 811111„10111111,1111,111,11,,1,111,11,11„11,11,11,1111110111111110101,0„1/11111111111001,IO,O,1r„11,1;r
pens -T his Fridayl
Friday A Saturday, April 17 and 10
„Enchanted -Island!,
Two Shows Nightly Rein or Clear .
First Show at Dusk - Bring the Family
Children 'Under 12 in Cars Free
a e Sale.
Ladies Auxiliary, South Huron
Furfliture Auction.
Exeter Legion Hall
1 Furniture Auction 1.00 to 2.00 p.m.
el a ci
e Town-wide'-wide'pickup commencing ng at 1 .in:: en Friday, . - p
or. !elephant' 167-W.
Clothing' Furniture, Dishes, Rocks, Toys etc.
This advertisement donated by W. G. Cochran`.
1„I,1u11i 411,1111n1Iu1, u41,n,1n,I n III n III 1,101,I 0.,1„i,1u,11110,1101nnlllf,1n110ngtt tIt lidgI0111( 1,
with check-up and a cheque
Ex -Ser: 'canvass TONIGHT.
Supporf the Organizations' Working' "fat' the Canter Sociality in your area:
HENSALL-Xinswnen Club
ZURICH -Lions Club
CREbITON-Wometili inset to f1,
ENTRALIA-.Riy S'hoebtsttom
KIRICTCNAilan Eveieigh
USBbRNE-Women's Institute
STFPHIi N-=Faldast'+irtion