HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-16, Page 17Plan for sale of rummage • • The hostess prize was won: by Mrs, Frances Conlin Ci1eY, f act, Sas1x., .ar+d sir 4rattd• Th. `Tlnrie ,Aglvpt»4te, .Apt it 16, # 8+119 17 Mrs, ))avid Fletu'y, Mrs. Frances P. Conlin, Of ! chrJdr�en. A CIanCJabo a institute The body rested at the hgme , Cefehrates bfrthda A'lonxesville, the former MargareGl • Y .,. Ifu- elects Mfr. J. H. l a ton called to �i ?sat R Ann Riley. of St. Marys .tried in ler :her son witdt :the Alurdy f�► Ells brother, Mr. W. . k?akan, In } blrs, t'Jtaa51l t'aater will cele iSt. Joseph.'s Ilgspital, l�ondoP gn(??erai nonce, l.ucait, rn etrar a Forrn auxiliary e e �$ n e W e X e 1 e `,Ili ,birthday .at clic London on. Monday, 1 cu ov 1tralr: her 8. lhtrrsrlay, APx1J 9 ,aG .cite age u.[ until Saturday when. [seri.atltGr ..__ . t e ►tame of her sun -lit l:tw and, dauign- 84 coats Kell canductsd Requiem. ki. h hfr' olid Mrs •Giant Latiitter r. L� Plans for the.spring rurnmae y in g u moron h Ill's. Allan Hill was hostess Ales Maalntash presides) for the sex, d1lr. and Jrs, Jaynes. Ilalll i17 Peter's - :of Sarnia and Mr, and l r ''' p.. " �u f. ' •f it b1r. Conlin dre'd in Se comber;' ass Vit. titer s Churlh, Bid- Delaware visit- i t Q bale {a. b . )told .►it, the Le tan for the A rdt meeting of Clande• eiectian, lir the village nn Frida), AprGeorge Naves of l lairs. G. R. Smith, raf the DM.. )kill, Satw'stlie April e25e were p f± 0 19,11 and illus. Conlin continued t dulph with three grapclsons, r c a a th boye Woitte►r's Insk►tute. Mrs. Past president is Mrs.Arnold 17 when she will be at Monte t etc with M . AI. R nrr and .13e lr.talrzecl eats the April .meekin�, ofpr , d 1! xs Arr aJ 1 ka Jit c ret the h n , .a i logy, John and Caul (.oniric as pertinent of Welfare, Tr:Inntah Arnold k3lake presides). Roll cell 'Make: resident, Mrs. Norman friends in the afternoon. ate .t 1laotes t tar b s. n n a i e .over the ayeel*end, b o o the Lathes Auxiliary to South ig Pvine till ill health caused her to , aJ oY, l Leinae G was .n th. -,.'net a rum er .f the ladles fro on esda fk r was answer.etJ by my biggest Haicfy, eke -president, Mrs. l lilts. (atter was the farmer Mr, Karl 'O'Neil held "a s4C Huron Hospital fu y a e storageproblem." F,11 e e t living alone and she took ; adlgtnin� cemetery, David pestle secretarytreasur. Cara Ce'ri'se ('ultktleclick, horst 1•cessful farm sale en Wednesday. i the '"limon .area recently .,and .ex+ noon, g ant uip lesrdettce tvil.h :her son and Dre+in for .churfh larged the functions of e.-L,adie h eoninittee was It was .deckled to drop the er, Jllrs. Andy Carter, clrstriet April 17, 1874 oil the point f x 1r, the Ladies .(rive of St, James P A telephone i n v family. in January sire went to hegotrations have been .cant• }sandwiches,Au.xilrarY .to the iounty Home, contact all residents sprig project far the 4.H Club director, Mrs, Arnold Blake; owned M wasstlJrvary l there 1t n i stay , ' h u r s .t, waved named • to c Simpson.. , . , with her daughter. She hurl ' pleted for the purchase of a one n fee end . re further me in f ds to 1;10103 ° nd the n,of the sale.and girls far this ,asan, An rnvrta- branch directors, Mrs, D. Mac- by Air. Arthur 5imp5ai. „ )tee doughnuts and coffee, a we ►, A u •her et b to remind hissuedto •• Fa an . Mrs.• emarried there an i)e n in the hospital far five .manual (Sonata) model pipe well atronizech on April .20 at 2:30 p.m. at the" t1'ab there will be a pickup the tion has been the ale - sewing e, GordonG n Katon and She mar i d p Gillivray WN.l to be guests at the Mrs, Alex Macintosh. , cember 22, 1897. weeks. organ for St. Jetties church, Mrs. Paul Poole of Lucan and Heron County Mame to oranlzti d::y before. v" She is survived h one son,here. Mrs. Smiley Tomes, visited on on a larger scale. All ladies ot: Caned - airs. Arthur Fraser aser .reported May meeting lo be ':held in Clan- Conveners of standing cant-' Following their marriage the. r s yr e deboye United church Sundayrte incl. J 1 rl,h, Mc(Iillivxay dotvnshi . Persondl items Sunday .evening with the Paton the district are asked to attend; various article's, in need al the rnrttees. agriculture .and Caned )rice) in l.usan, (landeltiy p ere cut readyfor School xoom, A white elephant r.s t't i� rimed in ble- one daughter, Mrs, William (Rex•' bliss Mary Jane Hall of the family. this meeting and show an inter- . hospital, p ion industries, Mrs. an Htll, •A I a a e. Iey fF meet lie n I.ho 1 Mrs. Ernie Lewis held .a quilt -est in the senior citizens. sewing and arrangements were sale will be held at this meet- M1 Gillivray lar years then opened ba ,ondan, three teaching staff.oi Brantford Sc p e Citizenship Neil;p and education, .lis. t,3 ing and members .are asked towhen} irtlttvav brothers. John Riley, l;ondan; of the Blind is At home here ing bee for the Ladies Guild ,of' Mrs. F. G. Thompson, -Clinton,, di�cussed for distributionof .I. s1i Rea historical research, a sertice station l sewing. bring donations, plants, bulbs, Illus. Rimer( Williams; home 4 was. 5S pare'l in 1930. Mr. Carter ,lamps Riley, St. Marys; Thomas with the flu, St. James Church an Tuesday. las .arranging the meeting. 'l'he May meeting will be a so- sewing and baking to be auc• economieand health, Mrs. { died in 1915. dal meeting when Hensall ladies tinned off, � David Henry; resolutions, Mrs.!. Carter arter has one sem, Allan, will provide the program and Reports from the various con- ,lames Hall; public relations, 'in Lansing, Mich, and one (laugh - lunch. It is also klospital Day. veners, auditors and treasurer- Mrs, Ernest Lewis; auditors, ter (Gladys) Mrs. Hall; 13 grand- "heregional meeting gas held showed an excellent pro ressMrs. pr Scott and Mrs, •e chiand 35 great n 1 4 rch' 1- in Tillsonburg the dayfollow- for the branch for the year, Hodgips; pianists, Ars, Albert rh'en. She has two sisters, Mrs. ingthe meeting and president T.he retiring president, airs. Rosser, Mrs, James Paton and Allan ()ohm, Shakespeare and Mrs. E. 1). Bell and Mrs. Fred Arnold Blake, was presented Mrs. Alan Hill, !Mrs. Albert Faheringtnn, 1',xeter. Dobbs attended, with a gift in appreciation of leer services during the past ouuuoauuuu,ria,unuuuunmtamu,qum,o,nonan,naa,1111uu„tn„un,,,u,un,umumu,un,nauv,, two years. Mrs. Rae .Hodgins, convener of the m - ng c nominating officer, presented the slate of Get Your Car Ready For officers for1959 and 1960 Mrs. Happenings in Message from Greenway Mr. and Ars. Harold Dettloff of Detroit spent the weekend with Mrs. Albert Pollock, Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Whiting of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Whiting. A Schneider supper will be held in the Sunday School. rooms of the United Church Tuesday eve- ning, April 2.1. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gardner of Mallon visited on Monday with Mrs. J, Gardner and attended the funeral of Mrs. -Earl Gard- ner's grandmother, Mrs. Reeler, at Mt, Carmel. Miss Karen Brophey of Lan- ker and family spent Tuesday don spent the weekend with her evening with Mr. and Mra. Fred parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophcy. Mrs. Milton Woodburn spent a couple of days in London with her mother, Mrs. Robert Dixon, who underwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Mrs. Fred Thomson is spend- ing this week with 111r, and Mrs. Norman McNaughton of Strat- ford. Miss Ruth G. Hooper is prac- tice teaching at Plugtown School for the next two weeks, Mrs. T, Waugh of London spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. .Leonard Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard '1'hac• The story in Zion Sy MRS. JUD, DYKEMAN r!'.!!!!!!.. s::,.,..... Mission Band Zion West Sunshine Mission Band held their April meeting Monday at 4 o'clock in the• base- ment of the church: F'aul Baker and LeRoy Hern had charge of the meeting. Sheila Hern gave a reading. Mrs. Clifton Jaques gave a chapter of the study hook and airs. Tom Hern cohducted the worship service. Lunch was served by Marvis Towle and Emily .Dykeman. Personal items Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykem•an were Mr. and Mrs. Orland Schwartzen- truber, Zurich, Mr. Gerald Dear- ing, Exeter and Jane and Roth Dyk.eman, Wingham. Nellie Bilstra entertained 10 girls at her 11th birthday party on Saturday afternoon' at her home. Mrs. Lloyd Cushman, Michael and Steven, Exeter, were. Satur- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykema.n and family. Mrs. Berton Morgan, St. Marys visited with Mrs. Norman Brock on Friday, Mrs. Harry Bern visited liter. and Mrs. Lloyd .Lynn, Clan.de- boye last Wednesday. Mr,. and Mrs, Ephriam Hern were visitors of Mrs. Carroll, Sunday. Mrs. Bass Hern, who was in Detroit visiting, has returned home. , n ;,y v S leN 4 n to t t y. News budget from Baseline Sy MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR WMS meeting Mrs. David Spence was host- ess to the monthly .meeting of Cooper's Woman's Missionary Society held on Thursday. Mrs. Tom Coward and. Miss Florence Jameson had charge of the meeting. Rev. J. R. Wareham of Wood- ham was the guest speaker for the afternoon and presented a message of Easter, Mrs. 1461 - land gave a talk on stewardship, Miss Kate lamieson, on tempe- rance and Florence Jameson, a reading on Easter. Personal items Frank Ball spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Berry. Mr. and Mrs, John Steele, St. Catharines, spent. , the Weekend with Mrs, Steele's, sister, l'ti.rs. A, Dewar and Archie. Mrs. Fred Doupe, . Mrs. Wil- fred Wilson, Mrs, Ira McCurdy, Mrs. A. Dewar and. MrS. Cope- land attended the Perth Presby- tery resbytery WA annual meeting at the United Church, F'ullarton on Fri- day. Mias Noreen Walkom visited with her mother at R.usseldale on Sunday. Mr. andel Mrs. Percy Nickson of Listowel were ;guests. with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baker on 'Susi day. Y -fro -By Beauty Bar UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT The -Go-By :Beauty Bit, op• posits the, Post, Office, which has been closed for several days, will reopen Monday tender new nianagenient, Phone S22 Far Appointment Pattison, St. Marys. Mrs, W. Hopkins of Mitchell, Mrs, Lottie Jones of Rannoch spent the weekend with Mr. and! Mrs. William Jones. Mrs, Aivada .Hopkins is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. Al Dame of Chatham, Mr. Clifford Cobleigh and Miss Muriel Whiteworth of Lucan spent Saturday evening' with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Lang- ford, Mr. and Mrs. ,Tack Pickell and David of. St. Marys spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Par- kinson, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Young of St. Marys were Wednesday eve- ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Mossey. SPRING ! Let Our Expert Mechanics Look After Front -End Alignment and Wheel Balance Hunter-Duvar 61, Sons Limited PHONE 38 EXETER 41111111,1,,,, t„1,at„Ica„Ia,t111lltll❑�II111111111111111 ❑�11Ill lla 1111111111II111� 1,1„la,� Why Should You Give Your Blood? Come To Our Third \it ANNIVERSARY\\11* '. gi ttrrl711It r'PIM MI°TfTrl71iiti"^tii'J'R''ri IC t utiig Fifteen Big, Days -April 16 to May 2 Cotton Denim Jeans Girls' and Boys' Sanforized Cotton Denim Jeans. Double stitched seams. Wide elastic waist baud, Two front pockets. Sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, 6X. Navy blue, tan. Pair 98` Rayon Briefs STUDY THESE QUESTIONS FREE RED CROSS BLOOD 1, Whet is the Blood Transfusion Service? A. A service operpLed by the Canadian Red Cross Society to supply whole blood and blood products .free of charge to any patient in all hospitals in the areas served. All blood is pro- vided by volunteer donors. 2. What will the free Blood Transfusion Service mean to me? A, Whenever you, or a member of your family needs blood or blood products, you 'i.l]. receive the blood free of charge, with no obligation for re- placement. 3. How does' Red Cross obtain the blood? A. From voluntary donors. Blood can- not, be manufat':tured, it must come from people. 4. Why should I be a donor? A. Nothing you'll ever do ... no time pou'll ever spend .. can be more richly rewarding than the few nein•. ides you'll spend in giving blood, There is also the added assurance that, if everyone gives, there will be blood in the bank when you, or a member of your family, needs it. 5. Is donating blood painful? A, No. There k no discontteri exper- perienced in giving blood donations. Every phase of the programme is under professional supervision. Spec. 'ally trained nurses will take your donation. AND ANSWERS ON THE TRANSFUSION SERVICE 6. How long will it take to give my done. tion? A. Approximately 30 minutes, including time for testing, registration, rest and refreshments: The actual giving of blood takes only 4 to 5 minutes, 7. Who can give? A. Anyone in average health between the ages of. 18 and 65 years, and who has not had jaundice. 8. How can you tell whether I can spare the blood? • A. A simple test is given every donor by a Red Cross technician. 9. Are there any diet restrictions? A, No -you may eat anything you like before donating. 10. How much do 1 give? A, Three-quarters of a pint -oily twentieth of the average body con- tent. one - 11. How often may I give? A, Every three months. You are °-not apt to be called more often than twice a year. 12. Do donors receive any recognition? A. A persoitial intlentification card in- dicating his blood group will be mailed to each donor after the clinic. Button awards are presented to doctors for 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 donations. Please be prepared to give your answer when the canvasser calls Exeter Canvass ® Monday April 20 5.30 to 8.00 p.m. DISTRICT CANVASS, INCLUDING DASHWOOD AND GRAND BEND, ALSO UNDER WAY • Registrations May Also Be Made At Snell Bros Lt'cL, Exeter First Clinic Exeter Legion Hall TUESDAY, APRIL 28 b. W. TUCKEY, General Chairman Rayon Brief, Trim- med rib cuff band, Elastic waist band. Colors - White and Pink. Sizes Small,. Mediun, and Large. Pair 350 3 pair Si Banlon. Sizes 14 to 20 Pullovers 3.98 Banlon Sizes 14 to 20 Cardig'ns 4.98 Nylon 'I'ricote Slip Sizes 32 to 50 1.98 Crepe Slips Sizes 32, 34, 36 38, 46, 42 1.98 Cotton Slips $1.98 SIZES 32-50 Persian Writing Pads Linen .:Finish 2-27` Waste Baskets Get one for 25c every room Vacuum Flasks Pint size, fits standard lunch boxes, keeps liquids hot or cold. Each 83c Men's Jeans Sizes 30, 32, 34 36, 38, 40 2.98 Boys' Jeans CHARCOAL AND NAVY Sizes 7 to 12 1.98 MARSHAL STRIPE Sizes 8 to 18 .......... 2.98 WITH ELASTIC BAND Sizes 7 to 12 2.59 Ladies' Purses Wide Assortment $1.98 and *2.98 Chix & Baby's Own Gauze Diapers EXTRA SPECIAL $3.39 DOZ, Fancy Imported. Cup 61, Saucer EACH 69c REG. 98c Snapon Clothes Pegs 3 DOZ. 25c 6 DOZ. 45c Handy Mandy Potcleaner 1Oc Alarm Clocks $1.99 EACH Plastic Drapes $1.89 and $2.69 ALWAYS FRESH Peanuts Spanish or Blanched, 15` Log Cabin Chocolates 790 lb. Brazil Nut. Fudge 490 lb. Toffee 470 lit. Assorted Candy, Plastic Container .. 290 Clearing Glenwood Prints 36" WIDE AT 37c YD. Holiday prints Table Cloths 50 BY 50 89C EACH Ladies' Nylon Hosiery 60 GUAGE 49c PAIR Ankle Sox Sizes 6, 61/21, 7, 71/2, 8, 8i4 - 23c 5 PAIRS 1.00 Super Value Bobbie Sox SIZES BYa. TO 101/x 3 PR, 99 UTILITY Plastic Pails Unbreakable PI as tic Pails with strong metal handles, plastic grips, two,gallon capacity. Your choice of colors. Each 85c •Lids 39c 60 WATT inside Frosted Bulbs 17c EAGW 6 FOR 98c Welcome AYLMER, We take pleasure in welcoming the reopening of Canadian Canners Ltd. in Exeter, We feel sure it will add to the pros• perity of our neighbors in "Canada's lest 1?arnlland," OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Greene's Vciriety "THE FRIENDLY STORE" MAIN ST. Quality Goody At The Right Prim EXETER