HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-16, Page 16Pap 14 Thor Thres,4401vocitit ,Apell. 16, 19.5,.
BROTHERS ADMIRE BRIDE -John and Randy Becker, seven and six years old, of
Dashwood, are obviously impressed by the beautiful wedding gown of their sister,
Barbara, now Mrs, Leslie W. Bucholtz, Kitchener, The prizewinning picture was taken
by Mrs. Clare Deichert, Zurich, just before Barbara's wedding on October 11 last
year. Barbara and the boys are children of Hay Reeve V. L. Becker and Mrs. Becker.
Only two more snapshot winners will be chosen before the contest ends on April 30.
Weekly winners get $2,00; monthly $5.00 and the grand winner, $10,00.
Elizabeth Mickle
wed on Saturday
In a pink and white setting in
Hensall United Church on Sat-
urday, April 11 Florence Eliza-
beth Mickle, daughter of Mr, and
'Mrs. Ernest Laird Mickle, Hen-
sall, became the bride of Waller
Ross MacMillan, Toronto, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malcolm
MacMillan, London.
Rev. Charles D. Daniel per-
form& the 4 o'clock ceremony
assisted by Rev. R. A. Brook,
Traditional wedding music was
provided by the organist, Mr.
Ivor Drake, London, and Mr.
Albert Oultrom, London was
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a floor -
length gown of. peau de soie
styled with fitted* Empire waist-
line, sabrina neckline and long
pointed sleeves. The back was
emphasized by a trapeze chapel
train floating from a round neck-
band of peau de sole roses and
Petals. A similar bandeau ' of
rose petals held her finger tip
veil and she carried a colonial
easoade of pink sweetheart roses,
feathered carnations and steph-
Mrs, Walter Murray, Toronto
was matron of honor and brides-
maids were Mrs. Charles Mc-
Gregor, Toronto, Misses Sharon
and Sandra MacMillan, sisters of
the groom, London. They were
'gowned identically in cocktail-
jength dresses of turquoise faille
taffeta, fashioned on princess
lines with round necklines and
push-up sleeves. They carried
colonial cascades of pink roses,
feathered and palm chrysanthe-
Mums. 'Miss Ann Mickle, sister
of the bride as junior brides -
Maid was similarly gowned in
lighter shade of turquoise and
tarried identical flowers.
Groomsman w a s Leonard
Quick Jr., London with Charles
Elliott, David Smith, Charlet Mc-
Gregor, Toronto and William
Mickle, brother of the bride, as
At a reception for 100 guests
at Armstrong's Exeter the bride's
Mother received -in a mid -blue
Chantilly lace and silk organza
gown With hat to match, white
'accessories and pink rose cor-
sage. Assisting her the groom's
Mother wore a silk organza and
lace gown in .honey beige, small
Petalled hat and corsage of
Orange Delight roses.
For. a wedding trip to Florida
the bride chose a navy blue wool
tuft, blue flowered petalled hat
with navy accessoriet. She wore
* mink coat and gardenia cor-
Sage, ,
011 their return the couple will
takt illi residence in Tomtit°.
The bride les a graduate Of the
University Of Western Ontario
and Victeria Hotpital School of
Shows pictures
of church camp
Mr. George Layton Was hos-
WA for the April Meeting of
Main Street MiSsitni Circle on
Monday evening, . Mrs. ft. Hiltz
'hewed pictures Of the nye Oaks
CAMP, Sitttated On the pictur,
Might Brand River, neer Petit,
and told Of some 6f the work
accoMplished there.
MOWS Belling was in charge
Pi the Woks*•assisted by Grade
IteXelilie Ind Phyllis Merkley,
IM Mrt. W. Marshall reed a
OfOry:, •
tt wk decided to deflate it
UK ter imide the front eti-
trefide of the thuith, which Is
tAitig redecorated,
Election, cancer, 4-H
Elimville WI topics
The 4-H Homemaking club
girls were guests of the Elim-
ville Women's Institute at the
April meeting last Wednesday
which was preceded by a pot
luck supper served a,t 7 p.m.
Mrs. Kenneth Hern, leader of
the club, gave a report of the
latest project "The Cereal Shelf"
and Doris Brock gave a demon-
stration "'Featuring Wheat as
Flour". Miss Margaret Brock
was presented with a gift by Mrs.
Harold Bell on behalf of the In-
stitute for successfully complet-
ing six projects.
Mr. Ray Mills, chairman of
the district cancer campaign,
spoke on that theme and the
members voted to canvass for
cancer funds and canvassers
were named.
In the election of officers Mrs.
Philip Hern was named president
for 1959-60. Mrs. Delmer Skin-
ner is the past president.
Vice-presidents are Mrs, Har-
old Taylor and Mrs. Ross Skin-
ner; secretary -treasurer, Mrs.
Charles Stephen; assistant, Miss
Ruth Skinner; district director,
Mrs. Harold Hunter; alternate,
Mrs. Franklin Skinner; directors,
Mrs. Judson Dykeman, Mrs.
Warren Brock, Mrs, John Cow-
ard and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan.
Mrs. Harold Bell, public rela-
tions representative, was in
charge of a short program which
included tap dancing by Brenda
Skinner and Carol Ann Bell; two
duets by Doris and Doreen Brock
accompanied by their sister,
Margaret; and a humorous read-
ing by Miss Ruth Skinner.
Mrs. Delmer Skinner presided
for the business. Mrs. Harold
Hunter gave a report of the dis-
trict executive meeting held in
gensall. The Institute catered for
the School Board area meeting at
Winchelsea school on Thurgday
evening, April 9. Mrs. Charles
Stephen had her life membership
Guild contributes
to Norway house
Twenty-two members of the
Ladies' Guild of Trivitt Me-
morial church met 'at the home
of Mrs. R. R. Middleton in Hen-
sel] on Thursday evening.
A Silver collection was taken
as4' a donation for Norway House
which was recently burned,
Plans were completed kr cater-
ing to the Rebekah banquet on
Wednesday evening,
The May meeting will be held
in the parish hall.
transferred from Kirkton to
Annual reports were given.
Mrs. Verne. Pincomhe gave the
emergency fund report; Mrs.
Colin Gilfillan, agriculture and
Canadian industries; Mrs. Harry
Coates, citizenship and educa-
tion; Mrs. Theron Creery, histor-
ical research and current events;
Mrs. Ross Skinner, home eco -
atomics and health; Mrs. James
Earl, auditors report.
Kinettes appoint
district delegates
At the business meeting of
Exeter Kinette Club held at the
home of Mrs. Gordon Baynhani
on Monday evening Mrs. Les
Parker and Mrs, Baynharn Were
'nan1ed voting delegates for the
district, conventiOn In Detroit the
Weekend of May 16,
President Mrs. Ray FraYne ap,
pointed Mrs. Ralph 0 en uner,
Mrs. Irvine ArmttrOfig and Mts.
Les Parker as a nominating torri-"
ffiitted 10 bring in a gate of Of,
firers for ifiso-SO.
Xinettes wilt be attending the
1tensatl interclub on Friday night,
May 1, The draw was won by
Mrs. Art,Clarke who was tender-
ed s baby shower after tiro
Ilestesses Were Mrs, Sheldon
W8111 and Mts, Clare Roffrnan
with Mr.4. 'C1 Wait attittiq,
. I
1 A T , i ••.1
1 - I H :
:. ..1.9y. MRS, .,1. M. S, :
In a release yesterday from
home economics department of
fresh fruits and vegetables ba-
nanas were sail to be "good
and good for us." Moreover one
medium six-inch banana eon -
tains only 88 calories so that,
in the midst of so much concern
about weight control, the banana
is seen in a new light.
A recipe is given for Banana
Split Salad which tempt$ the
appetite with its attractive ap-
pearance or as your teen-ager
would say "it's the most."
Banana Split Salad
1 banana
tp. fresh lemon juice
1 run fresh grapefruit sections
1:4 cup seeded grape halves
4 fresh orange. sections
whipped cream or mayonnaise
Peel banana and split in half,
lengthwise. Sprinkle with lemon
juice. Place on bed of lettuce.
Combine grapefruit and grapes
and spoon over tops of split ba-
nana. Garnish with fresh fruit
sections. Serve with whipped
cream or in 44,' onnaist. Tlii
makes one servIng. . Any •fresh
fruit in season IP ay be substi-
tuted for grapefruit and grapes.
Another recipe is for Banana
Sweetheart Cakes which are iced
with lemon -butter froSting,
Banana Sweetheart Ceices
1 package -white cake mix
11 cups mashed bananas
1/2 tp. vanilla
Mix cake mix according to
.directions an the package re-
placing liquid with mashed ba-
nanas. Blend in vanilla. Bake
in 16 well -greased, lightly -floured
-cake pans or molds for 20 min -
ides in a moderate oven (350
degrees). Cool in pans 10 rain.
Turn out onto wire rack to finish
cooling. Frost with lemon -butter
icing. (When \directions call for
liquid and eggs reduce liquid to
Li cup and add only 1 cup ba-
nana. Add eggs as specified.)
Lemon -Butter F rosting
'2 cup butter or margarine
V cups sifted confectioner's
3 -thl. milk or light cream
District club leaders
attend training school
A 4-H Home Garden Club Lead-
ership Training School for 35
leaders and assistant leaders
from the south and middle of
Huron county was conducted in
Clinton on Friday by Mrs. Shir-
ley McAllister, home economist
for •the county.
The program which corn -
New captain
for Guides
Patrol Leader -
We are glad to have our new
Guide captain Mrs, C. R, Tomlin -
500; Centralia, with us, We would
also like to welcome our new
recruits: Sharon Love, Phyllis
Madge, Joy Seldon and Terri
The camp forms have arrived
and everyone is looking forward
to going to Camp Keewaydin.
All the Guides are busy as
bees getting ready to pass tests.
Spring is here and we will
soon be going on hikes so be
,,,,, 11111.11101/.1111111111111111110111111111.1111/111111111111111MIMIIIIMMIMIMMIIIIIII fffffffff II, fffff 11111111111f11,
Frozen, Foods
Good nutrition tip! Always
serve the FRESHER peas...
Exeter Frozen Foods
Below are 'a few of the many quality AYLMER Fruits
and Vegetables available from us. at, low quantity
prices. See our PRICE GUIDE for many others.
AYLMER STRAWBERRIES, 15 -oz, .... 12 pkgs. $4.35
AYLMER RASPBERRIES, 15 -oz. 12 pkgs, $4.20
AYLMER FANCY PEAS, 12 -oz. . .. 12 pkgs. $2.39
AYLMER MIXED VEGETABLES, 10 -oz. 12 pkgs. $2.79
AYLMER WAXED BEANS, 10 -oz. 12 for $3.15
"Eat Better For Less"
Exeter Frozen Foods
010.01000m Isill00140m011001,t0101f1010 ttlif Jilitifiii1 f iltillit101111,1101111111110M111111,1110111101
t4117 run Mk'
and NNFr vW:
Powerful% h.p. motor
paper dust bag • light • quiet
vinyl swiverhose • 'clip -on tools
.• • - guaranteed
Complete with 7 -piece
set of cleaning toolS
tAir(PS OAIDINAL WAS 19111.95
eve NOtztt ,`Afit
tigILAN watt
Ste live tlentottstration at our siere at aact
111440142 FOR 10 DAY HOME TRIAL
Dinney Furnitute
menced in the morning featured
a flower arrangement demonstra-
tion, pointers on garden culture
and landscaping 'home surround-
ings. AL the afternoon session
each leader was given flower
and vegetable seeds for each club
District leaders and their as-
sistants in attendance were:
Dashwood, Mrs, Syd Baker,
Mrs. Arnold Kuntz; Grand Bend,
Mrs. Don Hendrick, Mrs, Nola
Taylor; Crediton, Mrs. Lorne
Hodge, Mrs. Art Attfield; Elim-
ville, Miss Ruth Skinner, Mrs,
Norman Jaques; Kippen, Mrs.
John Sinclair, Mrs. Ross Chap-
man; Hurondale, Mrs. Alvin
Moir, Mrs, Harry Dougall; Sea.
forth. district, Mrs, W. L. Whyte,
Mrs. J. Broadfoot; ,McKillop,
Mrs. Jean Keys, Mrs. Ruth Pap-
Auxiliary hears
minister's wife
Members of the Afternoon
Auxiliary of the VMS of •James
Street United church listened to
an Easter address by Mrs. R.
Van Farowe on Thursday.
"We cannot have peace un-
less we have it in the heart and
to obtain it we should count our
blessings, study contentment,
work at something useful and
keep the heart windows open to-
ward Heaven that the light of
Jesus may shine in" said the
speaker. "Moreover" she con-
tinued "Love stands et the heart
oliffel..14e and Jesus died to give us
Mrs. M. Hannigan led in the
worship period and Mrs. Mar-
garet Fletcher favored with an
appropriate solo.
President Mrs. H. J. Snell con-
ducted the business. A brief re -
Port of the F'resbyterial held in
Goderich on March 20 was given
by Mrs. H. Powe. A cup of Ica
was served after the meeting.
Beauty Salon
429 Main St, Phone 349
Shirley Coo
Pearl Henderson, Pron,
1 tbl. fresh lemon Juice
tniy pnieti or salt
2 tp, vanilla
Mix butter until •fluffy. firad-
ually add sugar, ,m1.1% and lemon.
juke. Blend in vanilla., Frost
top S of cakes.
Here is a recipe for unbaked
rookies which are so popular to
augment a plate of assorted
cookies. This xeeip s recom-
mended, by Mrs. Murray May- of
Ptu.and Nut AO
1 cup. milk
2 cups white sugar
2 tbl. butter or margarine
IA cups _clumped 'pitted dates
,.cup chopped. nuts.
Combine, .supr, Milk, and but-
.Cook s1ow1y stirring con-
stantly until .mixture -Praia a :soft
ball in cold water,. BeMoYe .frOM
h eat, add dates and nasStir
instil mixture thickens. Form in-
to two rolls la inches in diam-
e ttr. 'Wrap in damp cloth,
until firm. slice 14 inch thiek,
makes 50,
Freel Maris Fraser's
new milk reciPes,
Write today'
empty FARmeele far
409 Buren $treit,Tsrento
Sellebrate with Savings!
' •
IL: Pyjamas
Values to $55.00
Valued at
3.95 & 2.95
2.95 & 2.2.9
.. • ,••••.:.":•• ,•••
49c & 39c
NYLON Nylon - Crepe -,Cotton
Sale Special
„ • ^
Grandrne're •
Reg. $5.95 NOW $3.49
•tat;::::f ' ' •
Reg. $7.95 NOW. $4.95
Values to $2.95
..• :.''
.. 4 agtatirnan=Margreign Mr.. 0,..r.= '..:.:
:t.. .
Half Sizes 161/2 - 241/2
Values' -to $23.95
Special Clearance
Many other sale
items -
On the Parisienne Scene
High fashion •
experts finally
$8.95 Values
Come in often
Wonderful news .. at last fashion eiperts are unanimous
iri their choice of the most glamorous creation of the„yeari,
the most exciting now took hi ages , , the 1959
Pon tied PatitiennelDatirig Twin -Grilles are the focal. point
of this boauty-the lines are crisp, clean; fresh as a dafy
The rear deck is sculptured out to give a hiwer, sleeker
loek, Glass area goes up and down and all around -lets
you watch all the had tittning as you sweep by, Interiors?
FaintlouST Petaled takes fine itlaterialS, dyes them all the
t tilers t:If .Stittittior ittrisetritites and matches them
111 the melt ejtelting color trinta and tonthinationa of the
year, tiow marvellous to show your lieW sprng outfit jfl
fit iflleriOrs like! theae. And just to show you les a wotriatt's
world, try (hiving thiscat Its effortiesSyOu float itiOnto
it flick Of,the wrist and you're round the corner, A totith
of your toe and you stop itimothly, steadily, surely, The
PariSientie matches your' love of hi/till, Ratters your
fashion: Attlee, ptiite the Pontist Parisiettite Mon: It 46eA
thote tor yea thee hithcltecl new hats, e.it.se.•