HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-16, Page 13GB police to :prosecute violators 9f dog byia.; By MRS. E. K.EQWN and family of Sarnia visited Willi Cpl. Neil •'n h s •c- Alrs. Arae !Jolt en Sunday. `WA A WMS April meeting hof 18SJ, A len .cetrt tea was ld . e 1 CJtamberl,rr a i porters that each and every post Mr. Dennis Finan .and friend WMS Fourteen members two: vi- ,served', office hex holder, in Grand Bend of Sarnia spout the weekendl. with The April meeting of the sitars were present far and vi- E persons' items had received a copy of the intuit- 101 r. and Mrs. .[;rle Finan. Woman s Missionary Society was. meeting of the WA and WMS o l eipai by-law governing the con- The Lambton County Library held in the schoolroom of the : Tilursday afternoon at the l u le ; engaged.as principal of the .Gran - trot of dogs, and that following helm their periodic exchange at church. on Tuesday evening with i at Airs. iron Squire -ton Public School for the school this notice, .any violations from the local library on Thursday MrAirs.s, .A. Matins, s. Ross Arc -i Mrs, Ray Parkinson Wasterm commencing: next Septenl• here on will result in proseeu- morning. The new books will be Falls and Mrs. G. Dunn in charge of the WA. The theme of her, tions. available during library hours charge of the worship service the meeting was "hove ,your 1 AIr. and Afrs. 'A23lne Pullen on. Friday evening- and program, A duet was sung neighbor." The devotional: per;iad vlsiLed an Sunday with Mr, and Air. William Love has.been by Airs. Larne Hicks and Mrs, was.taken by Airs. (sett. Squire, ! Mrs.Frank Gunning, Exeter. Seek confined fa his llama for the past Kenneth kkollgins with Shoran I1irs, Parkinson and Mrs. B. AJr, and Airs. G. J, Zavitz of week suffering from .a severe .Lightfoot as piano accompanist !.l)riffielcl• ! Calgary were Friday guests of t f,( attack of the. flu. I The topic,.from the study book, i During the business, it was de Mi•.�and Mrs. Harry Klahre, Mr. or Mrs. W. E. Melirny arrived was New Canadians imigrating' tided to bring in articles for the Zavitz is .a brother of Mrs, to Canada and was dealt with fish pond at the May 'meeting for Klahre, The Grand Bend Cancer cam l under the headings: Whatrt is the the coining bazaar. Each mein -1 AIr. and Mrs. Warren Brack,. home an Friday after spending the Last few tit ei'ks jr!n k torula. paign is well under way nutlet alis, D. Stantor each n will. be guest i church's 'responsibilityan regarding �idrnbent isto . erywaistline one cent a spar Zion, visited recently with . Mr. !. the direction .of airs, James these newecnt rs and What isne h Dalton. She asks the local rest- speaker at the TWS meeting .on our respons''aidity? oral donation for May meeting., Alrs. Bert Duffield. dents to .co-operate with the can JApril Mrs. M Elliott r sicicd for The buying committee May for the 11 l M H d vassers. Message 'frprt1 Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN. News from Wha.len By MRS. .l�b . QUIR.E. Mrs. Laverne Marley has :been. tic t , evening, �,i i'. am rs. owar 11orieY Mrs. O. Wassmann is a patient the 'business.� The presided J orts were' WA are to see about floor cover• and fainilY of hazel Park, Michi- TlieY are Mrs. Audrey llutehdn- in South Huron hospital, given by the. secretaries. Mrs, ing for the church aisles .and gars, were weekend visitors of son, •Mrs. Helen Sturdevanl, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird G. Dunn read a letter outlining report. Mrs, Milne Pullen lav- Mr. and Mrs. 14 m, Morley Sr. Miss Thelma Waldron, Mrs, El- visited over the weekend. with the supplies needed. Mrs. F. I cured with a vocal solo, Airs. Hazelwood and Mr, and. sie blathers, Mrs. J. Pearsio, -their daughter, Mrs. Carl Van- Wilson read a clipping on Chris-' Mrs. Gordon Johnson was inlAlrs. E. Taylor and family, Lon- Alrs. H. Denamy, Mrs. Corrine iter and Ali. Vannei, in London. Sian citizenship,. Ap g ' don were Sunday guests with the chair for the WAIS. Mrs. `blr. and Atis, A1ion Neil. Arsenauet, Mrs. Dolly Goldrich, airs, L. flerornetl.e is Hary re -The hostesses were ll'i's. A. Wm, MorleSr., and Alts, Al- ,� Mr. Murray Desjardine. siding at the.home oC Ur. and smith, Mrs. E. Nilson and Mrs. ton Neil assisted in the worship Plan for WMS Sunday Mrs, Douglas Gill. P, Noels, During the period of service. t Cancer research is being car- - Aril meeting of the WA Airs. Arnold flavelle celebrated daylight saving the meetings Mrs. Hamilton 1'ioclgins asked ried out in 7 of the 10 Canadian April her birthday on Sunday, having Will begin at 8.30, to he relieved as vice-president t provinces. Most of the money and WMS was held Thursday as guests Mrs. Sim Dewey and and Mrs. Alton Neil, was ap for its support is provided by the afternoon, son of Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. Personal items , pointed to fill in far remainder, Canadian Cancer Society. Mr. Lloyd Morgan will be the :,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r,11„11110,1,11111,1,11,111101„1,,,,,,,,,11,,,,t1111n1,,,111111,11„111111n11,1111111,,,1110111,1,,,. WA president, Mrs. henry De- David Gibson and son and Miss vine presided for the WA portion Valerie Bavelle of London. speaker on Sunday morning at of the meeting with the theme Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott spent the anniversary service of the "The Hope of a Warless World.” a few days last week with Mrs. Woman's Association. Special Support Our Mips. Douglas Gill, president, Seatt's mother, Mrs. Wnh Pat- music will be provided for the conducted the WMS meeting terson, and her grandson, Mi•. service. ^ C when plans were made for WAIS Donald Scott, Airs Scott and son Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, Own Factory! Sunday, May 3 with Mrs. Colin visited with Mrs, Patterson over Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins McKeon, the former' Beatrice the weekend. , and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laramie • MBuy Green, as speaker. Plans were rHarrys. arry 'Bossenberry was attended the Masonic banquet in also made for the CGIT ban- confined to her bed for a few St. Marys on Friday night, quet, May 6, days last week suffering from "FiL and Mrs. J. Andrew and Aylmer Products MI, pleurisy. family of Camp Borden were The C15'1, held 'its monthlyMrs` Mary Rav•elie •and Miss weekend visitors. with Mr, and. Doris 'Ravelle visited for a few Mrs, George Hicks. • meeting at St. Damien Catholic days last week with friends and Air. George Baynham visited SCI�1lL� ,�„r1'0�:r�/ `'fil.D. School on Monday evening with relatives in Kitchener, over the weekend 'with Mrs, E. the President Mrs. 'lames Dal- Mr, and Mrs. Gordon r'ollocic Carruthers in London, PHONE 192 ton presiding. The director, Rev. of Detroit visited .with Mr's. Mrs. Elmer Pickering and. Emma Brenner and other friends Leonard of Shipka were ,Sunday "�te„11nnn 111111nn11n10 1111,0,10111111111,11101011110111,1111111111,u11u111Rimumn1111n111111m ,1111m111110 1, Fr, IV, G. Smith opened i the meeting. in the Bend over the weekend, visitors with Mr,. and Airs. Wil - Plans were made for the lay- Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lovie and Liam haddock. ing of kneeling pads by mem- Miss Sheila Lovie and .friend , Miss Wilda Pollock of Kitchen- bers of the congregation. visited with Air. r.m'ie's uncle' er was a weekend guest with Mrs, M. Colin and Mrs. J. and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E..Keown her sister, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Dalton were named as delegates . on Sunday.Hicks. for the Diocesan convention l0 Mr, W. E. atclliny made a. Miss Agnes Anderson and be held in Sarnia, May 18 and business trip to Toronto last Mrs. George Hicks are confined 19. weak. to their respective homes owing Rev, Father W, G. Smith in- Mrs, Wilfred Bavelte returned to illness, Mrs. Hicks' sister, stalled the new slate of officers, lionte on Sunday evening after Mrs, Alex Wells, of Londesboro spending the past week with her is spending a few days with her. President is Mrs. Marcel Col- sister. in Chicago. I • lez; vice-presidents, Mrs. Marty Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Baker 1 Burke, Mrs, John Van Haaren, , visited on Sunday .with Mr. and! Davy• Jones is the popular Mrs. John Kelders; secretary, !Mrs. Isaac Statham and Harry name of sailors for an evil sea Mrs, Elmer Zimmer; treasurer, of East. Williams, spirit or the devil generally. Mrs. Arthur Allemand. several games of hinge were.nnm11unnnu1111,11mun11nn1111,11n11u111 o11,nn1111111u1111n11n,11u111111111111111n1111n11u1111un1011nnn1111,. played following the meeting. Personal items I Several ladies of St. Johns' -by - the -Lake Anglian Guild attend- ed in a body with St. Paul's , Anglican Guild in Thedford on Thursday "evening, and viewed the films shown and explained! by Rev, Webster of his missions up in the Arctic among the Eski- mos and Indians. AIr. and Mrs Jack Riddoch EXETER FOR A BETTER CROP PLANT COOP SEED Tiern.an'$ Hardware Dashwood Phone 8 SEE US FOR - • PLUMBING - HEATING - ELECTRICAL WORK • OIL BURNER SERVICE & INSTALLATIONS • FUEL AND CEMENT YIIIII111l11 u m 1I, nn, nn 10,,1, u, !1111111111„1111111„1,,,11,,111„11,,,1011,,,,,,,,,11„11,11,111n 11101 nun,,,,,,,,,111111111„ why an automatic electric water heater is best for your home! ' SAFETY 1 SAFE—a modern automatic electric water heater is safe because it is electric ! There are no fumes—arid the elements are completely covered. A modern automatic electric water heater works quietly, dependably, efficiently. • CLEAN ---a modern automatic electric water heater—makes no sooty film .. needs no flues. It can be installed anywhere ... in the bathroom, kitchen, or laundry centre. ECONOMY CLEANLINESS 3 ECONOMICAL—a modern automatic elec- tric water heater works efficiently—no heat is wasted -you get loads of hot water for all your household heeds for dust a few cents a day, . An automatic electric water heater on special Hydro flat; rates will give you safe, clean, eco- nomical service day in and day out, live better... ELECIAICALLY Aa�„ wodotA. tl Exet�r Public Utilities Pfloftit For Complete Information COntnct„ Main Street •••,`:d:;fit:# r•"•.':•'...•::'.' .. .. ......... .. size Mother, as the family minister of health and welfare, knows the value of vitamins. She also knows that they cost money, So she has an eagle eye for the large economy size in vitamins, and many other things, when she shops. This way she keeps the family budget in line, The Minister of Health and Welfare at Ottawa has a budget foo. He uses it to pay for various important services, Among these are Family Allowances and Old Age Benefits. Money for Elie Minister of Health and Welfare's budget conies through the Minister of Finance. This is true of other departments also. It's no secret how the Minister of Finance obtains this money. He gets R largely in taxes from millions of Canadians like you. it he spends more than he gets from you, he roust turn around and borrow from you the amount he has overspent ... or else create rice) money. The creation of new money is one factor that leads to :inflation • - when the dollar buys less and less. So, as a thrifty Canadian, you ate wise to ask government only for those servite5 you are willing to pay for .. with taxes, personally, you try to tray as you go, to live within j'our income. It is important thatgovernment try to de the same thing, You want to lire well noir' rind to realize all your ambitions for the best possible fultcre. 7'hal future iii tied up with a sound dollar -- a dollar whose putchasirmg power you dem depend on. A SOUND DOLLAR MEANS A BETTER LIFE F'OIEt YOU THE FIG`i '1' XGAIttST 1t'trtrl'tloN NEST 5 YOUR h4h'Ii+1 St100611 t15�i A PUtitle tt VIGr MESSAGE ROM tat tin INSURANdt COMPANII"S 15 CANADA Mr. and Mrs. Wm, 'Smith, Mr, Th. Thintetr,Achtocets,; ,April 16,' 1959 P.Ea -and Mrs. Arthu'r Smith and fam. ily, k;elmont .and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Noyes and family, Niles -W. and: Mrs Grafton Squire .also Air. and l 'rs« .Igward Afttr, town, visited an Sunday with and family also Mr. and. Mrs. ley of Hazellark, dchigan and Air. and Mrs. Melville Gunning Icon :Square were Fr'daY might th.elr !gunnies ,spent Saturda,! and Muriel. guests of At.r; and Mrs, Wnt, Mot- evening with i r, and Mrs. Bldg' Mr. and. Mrs, William French ley ar, sea Brock, Cbiselburst. This was guests Mr. anad Mrs, Win. Morley Sr. a surprise .party in honor of Mr, and. fa.ntanily were Suliday Mrs. W: . 1M'larieY Jr., and Mrs. Brock's 5tii~ Avcdsligo,. of Aft,. and Mrs, . id J./ Mr.and,AZr m Mr. and Mrs, William French ;anniversary. Zion. 1 e BRAND NEW GOODYEAR TIRES only end your recoppabre Pre p►u, 50c for mounting MARATHON size 6.70 x 15 (fits most pre -1957 cars) 6.00 x 16 (fits older model cars) 1 Guaranteed Goodyear quality inside and out • The finest tire in the low price field GOOD/NEAR SUPER -CUSHION only $1 295 and your rec,ropable tire size 6.70 x 1 b tube -type blackwall • Husky triple -tempered 3-T cord body for long life • Quality Guaranteed LOOK! Lowest price ever for GOOD/ 'EAR only and your recappable tire size 6.70 x 15 tube -type blackwall NYLON • Outstanding value at this price • Triple -tough 3-T Nyloe cord for maximum strength and safety • Rugged tread provides non-skid mileage • Quality guaranteed by Goodyear • Fits most pre -1957 cars South End Service '58 METEOR FORDOR SEDAN—VS engine, automatic, tutone, radio, full chrome discs, whitewall tires, only 9,000 actual miles. • '55 PONTIAC SEDAN—tutone, in excellent condition! '55 CHEVROLET SEDAN—tutone, an exceptionally clean car! '54 FORD TUDOR—she's really sharp! '54 PLYMOUTH SEDAN—this one's clean as a whip and ?atone.. '52 STUDEBAKER TUDOR—she's '52 STUDEBAKER -- overdrive clean. (cheap). '52 DODGE SEDAN—here's a real '32 CHEVROLET SEDAN — with buy! radio. '51 FORD 4 -TON PICKUP—ex. '50 FORD SEDAN — with over. cellent condition! drive. IN STOCK -NEW 1959 METEOR TUDOR -blue ice metallic and whiter in colour with whitewall tires—for immediate delivery! WANTED: GOOD USED '50-'51 AUSTINS "Keep. The, Home Fires Burning" Boost Your Factory And Community BUY AYLMER PRODUCTSI PHONE 1211 South End Service RtisA lint thuck -Snell