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The. Time; -Advocate, .sprit 16, 1959
Ins.titute Dashwc..od
chooses new 0ttcers
Mrs. Leonard Schenk was
elected. president of Dashwood
Women's institute at the annual
meeting last Tuesday. Past pres-
Ident is Mgrs. Arontd Kuntz.
Vice-presidents are Mrs. Ervin
Rader and Mrs. Letta Taylor;
secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Charles
Buell; assistant, 'Airs. Milfred
Merner; district director, Mrs.
Arnold Kuntz; alternate, Mrs.
.Carl Oestricher; public relations
representative and press report -,Grace r and Mrs Carnet 'ii'il-
i fainted in Stephen on ;the •Goshen
. Line prior .to retiring to Mt.
Carmel. He died 17 years ago.
Forty-six grandchildren, tat
great-grandchildren and 1 i re
great - great - grandchildren also
Those attending the Weiberg-
Bauer wedding at Waterloo on
Saturday were the groom's par -
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg
and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Devine, Mr. henry Weiberg,.
lti'r. and Mrs. Adolph Keller and
er, Mrs. Ervin Rader: directors, 1ert. 111Mr.
and Mrs. Aaron Reste-
Becker, and Mfrs. T. H. Hoff- malar and Leland, Miss Donna
:'Aran; pianist, Mrs. Ken McCrae; et.. Glen and Darlene, Mr, and
auditors, Mrs. Arthur Allemand'
rsRudolph Miller.
and Mrs. Addian Tiernan;
Conveners of standing commit -I Ladies Aid
tees: Citizenship and education, The Ladies Aid of Zion. Luther -
Mrs. Wallace Becker; agricul ! ah Church held their quarterly
ture and Canadian industries, . missionary league meeting.
Mrs, Emil Becker: historical re- i Pastor K. Zorn took for his
search and current events, Mrs, , topic a filmstrip, ' The World
Ken McCrae; home economics' Tour of our Missions". The Sal -
and health, Mrs. J. M. Tiernan. 1'Aron sisters favoured with a mus-
Mrs. Ervin Rader, past presi- ical number.
dent, conducted the election and' The rally will be held in this
Installation of officers. Mrs.; church Wednesday, May 6, A
Stewart Wolfe presented the slate i mother and daughter banquet
for the nominating committee. !will be held Monday, 'Afay 11, A
The program was arranged by membership drive will be
the historical research commit -1 launched during May and June.
tee with Mrs. Milfred Merner] Closing devotions with the theme
presiding. Treasures from the
attic were on display including a
cook book over 100 years old;
coffee grinder, wool winder and
a barber's bottle. 'Surprise birthday dinner
The motto, "A wise nation 1 Mrs. Milfred Merner was guest.
Preserves its records" was dis of honor at a surprise birthday
cussed by Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan. ! steak dinner at the Dawn Res -
Mrs. John Rader, Mrs. Emil•
1 Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rad -
"Ye are the light of the world,
were held with Mrs. Leonard
Schenk convening the group in
taarint, firm' Bend. ;Saturday
evening,, arranged by her bus,
'Other guests- inebtd:ed Mr. arid:
Mrs. Kart 'Bask, Detroit• Mr.
and Mrs. Elliot Iiartliff, Clinton,
Mr. ,and Mrs. Arnold Merner,.
Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Addi•
son Tiernan,
WSWS treeing
'The ladies of the Evangelical
UB Church held their W'SWS
April meeting with the •executive
in charge.
The theme was Easter and
Mrs. Letts Taylor was convener.
Mrs. J. 111. Tiernan, Il1rs, Gordon
Bender, and Mrs. Howard.
Klumpp gave readings.
Mrs. Qestreicher presided for
the business. It was decided in
offer an invitation for next year's
.convention. Each group is to
bring a suggested project to the
next meeting.
Sublet Baptized
Two babies were baptized in
Zion Lutheran Church op Sun-
day z -n: 11I
dPastor K. L
ay by
cliael Elgin Keller, infant son of
Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Keller, with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson, of
Crediton, sponsors, and Larry
Nicholas Stire, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs, Harold ar'tire, with Mr.
and Mrs. Gerd Muller, of Lon.
don, sponsors.
Personal items
Miss Ellen Gilbert, of Strat-
ford, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Eurni-
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Reste-
mayer and family were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs, Ervin
Rader and family.
Miss Anne Taylor, of London,
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Letta Taylor,
Messrs, Carl and Robert Wein,
of Sudbury, and Miss Erma Wein
of Clinton, spent the weekend
with Mrs. Herb Wein and atl.end-
Readings were given by
Merner and Airs. Claire Irwin. 1,1611,111111111161111111116611,/I1t6Ji1111U1,It111,661u61 ,1161„11,111,,,,IIIAUI11161„16,1,1,11116,111111, 11161,1111,+y
The. roll call was answered by!
naming an event in Canadian'
President Mrs, Arnold Kuntz
conducted the business. Mrs.
.Charles Snell was named to look
after the fair exhibit, The secre-
tary was given permission to,
look for a filing cabinet to keep :
valuable records and institute;
Mrs. Rader reported on the
district executive meeting held in i
Hensel. last Tuesday. Annual re-'
ports were given by the secre-;
tary and committee conveners.
Martin C. Laub
active in church
Martin Cart Laub died sudden-!
lv following a heart attack at'.
his residence, Exeter, Wednes
day, April 8, in his Seth year.
Besides his wife, the former `
Rose Rader, he is survived by t
Cour brothers and four sisters:
Daniel, John and Betty, of Rob- ;
lnsdale; Minnesota; Paul, of Mil -i
waukee, Wisconsin; Ernest and•i
Erma, of Alexandria, Virginia;
Mrs. Adolph Fischer, of Pulaski, i
Wisconsin; and Martha, of Ro- 1
chaster, New York, '
• Mr, Laub was a member of
Zion Lutheran Church, Dash-
wood He was president of the;
Stratford zone of the Lutheran
Stenographer -Bookkeeper
Applications in writing will be accepted by the
undersigned until Saturday, April 18, 1959.
State age, education, qualifications and refer-
ences; • 5 -day week; good working conditions;
starting salary, $1600.00 per annum; interviews
can be arranged.
For further details, contact;
John G. Berry, Sec.-Treas.
Huron County Home 'Committee,
Court House, Goderich, Ont.
Laymen's League and a member q1,1661111111,661,6111111r1111111111111111111111111111111„r1,1111111111,111116,1116661661t1116,11111111111111111611611116
of the education committee of 1,ununnnn6u11116,un1uuuuuunulenuuluulu,6uun1,11111,11,„,111u1111uunn,uuuu6unnnnn6unn1n2
Zion Lutheran Church.
The body rested at the Hoff-
man funeral home until Satur-
day noon, then at Zion Lutheran;
Church, where services were,
held at 2 p.m. Rev. K. L. Zorn
officiated with interment in the
Lutheran Bronson Line Ceme
tery. •
Bearers were: Norman Wal -
,per, Ervin Rader, Chester Ma-
whinney, Lloyd Willert, Albert '
Rader and Carl Wein.
Mrs. !, Regier
dies in London
Mrs. Elizabeth Regier, widow!
of the late John Regier, of Mt.
Carmel, died at St. Mary's Hos-,
pital, London, Thursday, April
9, in her 92nd year.
Surviving are two daughters,'
Mrs. Josephine Dietrich, of Lon-
don; Mrs. Theophiel Denomme,
of Detroit; four sons, Albert and
Joseph, of Stephen Township;,
Peter, of Kitchener; Charles. of
McGillivray; one sister, Mrs.
Josephine Oxendine, of San Fran-
The body rested at the Hoff-
man funeral home until 10 a.m.
Monday when services were held.
Requiem Mass was sung at the
Church of Our Lady, Mt. Car-
incl, with interment in Mt. Car- i
Anel Cemetery. Father ,I. Kelly
Bearers were: Donald Den-;
chime, Charles Dietrich, Leo and
Lee Regier, Jack Ford and Bill
Realer. •
Flower bearers, Paul and Joe
Regier, Don Wayne, Pat and
Glenn O'Rourke.
Mrs. Regier and her husband
Rural Power
Weather Permitting
Sunday, April 19
from 1 P.M. to 4 P.M.
Effecting all customers South of Grand Bend 1-tydro
Station, including Grand Bend Village, This inter-
ruption is necessary for construction at Grand Bend
station, Your co-operation will be appreciated.
K. J. Lampman,
Manager Exeter Area
Ontario Hydro
* nbs.
o t'-
., o i
ec i
t 3
cases i n
1 some a.
o. ssi
l n n
l 8 lroD0 a Ina! to build linea behind the
Comm s :o
tree •
Exeter f'UC, at
meeting, suggested.
Jinn of a. joint tree -planting. com-
mittee., comprised of rep resen-
tatives front council and PUC.
lantingseme ,
last week's "Due to the number of trees
withthe a s
- removed and s tii33p-
the foriva
on -
kiere is the proposal presented
to council by PUC sup'! Hugh D.
Davis ..
"Many of the trees removed
(this winter) were a hazard to
the public as well as.to the lines
of .our utility. However, their re-
moval is gradually depleting the
trees in our town.
••,661E6nl,tl„lBCtftitt I,1tniiittitittnittlttntnttnnittintittnittttr11116111d1tlit111111initttrunt,111111titnitti 1,i
I theiruncle, the
the funeral of n a _i.
late Martin Laub.
Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Eeklin.
of Hamilton, spent the weekend.
with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and
family spent Sunday at Waterloo
with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klumpp
and Brad attended the home
show at the exhibition grounds,
Toronto, last Monday.
BOOST local industry
tion tl on-
tinue to die off, the dommission
passed a motion that a joint
tree planting committee, coin -
prising the PLC and town coun-
cil, be formed to make plans to
replace trees removed...
"The commission is well aware
that the 'trees are under :the ju-
risdiction of the town council
However., it feels that, if proper
locations could be agreed upon,
it would alleviate triiniping :en-
"1, ,personally would like to
la t the trees planted i
vate property side of the side-
wa11i. 1 feet quite certain that,
if the property owners were ap-
proached, they would have no
to theplantingnear
their lot line. This would elimi-
nate trimmin gfor lines and
would certainly Increase the ef-
fectiveness of our street lights.
I understand that most of the
houses being erected. are 30 feet
from their property line, giving
sufficient width for spreading
tat the older trees will c
elimtli!111„1I tut M1,111t mtltitt1111t11/6t61t61i1/14111111,t11111U111itn Iti,1,11,11111116111111111111,/, 116616 111 mitt,
BUY Aylmer
'1 f1
Acrylic Latex Paint
all Satin
,''ic :!r? Vii; i%!i;.
oore paints
SINCE iset
.. !t rr j f
I r/
tt err
Double quick relief of pain, 12's 390
Bufferin CO'S -
SAVE $1,39
Cleans your breath as it deans your teeth
Vs oz. 630 Save 740
Colgate DENTAL CREAM l33/4 -oz, $1.09
For upset stomach, acid indigestion, 4 -oz. 690
ENO Fruit Salt s -oz
Glorifies your hair 11/2 -oz. 390
Halo Shampoo
IDA Brand Heavy Grade
Mineral Oil
Chafe -guard's baby's skin
6 7-9 DZ,
Save 290
Save 80¢
16 -oz. 550 Save 270
iia -oz. $1.10
4. -oz. 430 Save 450
J & J Baby Powder 1z1/z-oz. 89c
Kills germs in mouth end throat instantly! 3 -os. 33¢ Save 560
Listerine 14-0Z,
Cleans, disinfects,
1z -oz.
Mead's IS cc
Tri -Vi -Sol
APRIL 16 - 23
Support Local
2 -oz. 430
Save $1.08
Save $1.16.
EXETER Phone 50
e1 •
de a
thenewer v
� us
1 s in p
o e
meds hut in others the .expense
would be too great, I would like.
to point out that .in Westminster
Township, ,near the city. At Lon-
don, five per cent of their new
linea hale been constructed at
the rear of .Die homes in the new
subdivision, but on the average,
in the area surrounding Louden,
about S3 per cent of the lines are
back lot construction. This would
seem to indicate that the in- per
cent construction of lines at ithe
rear of the homes is a .consider-
ably way off.
•".0 the wartime housing dis-
'•r6u1 ntU6aI1111„11611p116,6m 111111111,11, 11116611, 111 nunWM,In,66,m.661666„/"NP„1.,,164,I66ll ll #$
trict 111 our .own town 'we have
no wires on the Street, '`Phis' area
is quite rUceiv treed, yet all of
these trees are onti private pro-
perty. This would seem to indi-
cate that, If ,after a period of IQ
years, 1» tine Planted a tree on
their boulevard, then they must.
r' o
prefer them ,an the private pr.,.
perty side of the walks.
"Our office has been in .con
tact with the Davey Tree Expert
Company which recommended
species such .as Crimson King
Maple-, prway Mample or the
schwedieri Maple. These three
are very hardy and de not grow
more than 40 to 60 feet in height.
They have no crotches like most
of the maples :and do no split as
"Trees At this type In ,the five
to six-foot: variety are :approxi,-
n3atelY $4.QQ to 0.00. ,each hut.
probably ould be in urc �asee
much morea
heaply g
quantity, ” The latter part cit.
April is recommended for plant.
ing trees.
Real Tartan
Sabre Slim
For The Best Fit You've ;Ever Scent.
You must try .a pair of our new Sabre
man -tailored slims. Tailored of finest
imported Italian light weight wool. New
waist band and special covered zipper.
Thirty different tartans available, in
sizes 8 to 20.
CHILDREN'S JEANS in washable plaid at ..,,.....,,.... $2.95
Girls' Sport Jackets
Water. repellant Holland suedes, chino
cottons andneat wool plaids. The ideal
jacket . to wear with your new Sabre
slims. Sizes 10 to 20.
9.95 to 12.95
New Low Prices
on Lady Anne and Grandmer•
Banlon Sweaters
Short Sleeve Pullovers ,... $4.95
Long Sleeve Pullovers .... $5.95
Cardigans $6.95
Curtains & Draperies
Choose from beautifully patterned florals, scenics, small
Provincials, geometries and moderns. We will custom -tailor
your new drapes if you wish. Priced from 98¢ to $2.25 per yd,
Visit our drapery department for a complete line of fibre
glass, fortlsans, dacrons, nylons etc. in tailored curtains or
by the yard. Also a full range of drapery hardware, track,
hooks, rods, window shades and venetian blinds.
't'satj tea
We Salute Aylmer
We join with the community. in extending apprecia-
tion to Canadian Canners Ltd. on the re -opening of
Brancli..No. 100, May it prosper many years..
(� x �Iq�S x r L F m > ,e,?"imc w(�[t,�roiYW���yd•Y'Ls 'C IZ nA r�+w. P•..,E
'5. w �«�Fi: Sry� nu;.u�n. . ,v..... riL::r.+. nn. .J nrtM+i•'AI.M... iK+'.'lf�%l:hA�n .i.G>T rvIX� .n .r.. n
F. A. May & Son
?yy.�nfa..a. r.,ltxi.�:sskTltlbc .....
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Chevrolet hat the go -power you need for to-
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Visit your Chevrolet dealer and arrange to
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Snell Bros. Limited
Gliavrai'et 01ds6164 Chev trucks
High toad clearance 8nd Fuli Col! Suspensloh
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